s the activities buzz around us; back to school, hurricane season and so many other issues, we want to encourage you to keep a peaceful mindset, daily; this helps to overcome being pulled under by life’s pressures. The Bible says, “For everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under the heaven” (Eccl. 3:1). There’s a lot that is going on today that we may never understand; however, one thing that is sure, only the peace of God can “guard our hearts and minds” from living in fear. The struggles we go through sometimes feel as if there’s no way out. We feel like we are all alone and then we learn about others who are also going through struggles and take courage. We are not saying courage comes from an “it could be worse” mentality, sometimes, there’s solace knowing others overcome, so we can. We also find strength knowing that in times of trouble people bond together. Rebuilding, especially after some form of devastations is hardly something we think about or plan for routinely, but, the seasons have changed lately, so let us be vigilant, and watch and be ready to help one another and to get our souls ready. There are developing issues drawing closer and closer to our “sanctuary,” and though many of us know God, many still don’t know Him and some only know about Him. With all that’s going on around us; a time of “this” happening and “that” happening, it’s time to pray; fervently and effectively. And while we are busy fortifying these earthly buildings, only a foundation built on God will last. Remember, we are a nation with Christian fundamentals, so let’s get back to the foundation and work on building stronger communities; this starts with our homes, which by extension will affect our churches and our schools. We don’t have to struggle alone. We have an advocate. His name is Jesus the Christ, and He will intervene and make intercession for us. All we need to do is ask. (Matt. 7:7) To a person that doesn’t know Him, get to know Him. Now is an acceptable time. (John 3:16.) Dear readers, may you be blessed as you read the stories that are enclosed in this issue of the magazine and keep the faith.
Karen E. Chin
MANAGING EDITOR Karen E. Chin CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Ravella Melville CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ewart (Junior) Forde Hyacinth Rose (Pastor) Karlene Stewart Krystyna Chin Ralph F. Wilson (Dr.) Teneisha Johnson Special contribution Andreas Viklund EK Jasmine FOCUS ON THE FAMILY GIS Leonard Ravenhill Mia Bodden Schvartz Mike Everett Maria Cecilia Abat Padua Stanley Popovich Torrance and Elsa Bobb (Pastors) Sean McDowell Shana Schutte GRAPHIC PRODUCTION IDEAS SALES DEPARTMENT Email: Christian Lifestyle Magazine Building D4, Suite 5, Countryside Shopping Village Savannah, Grand Cayman CAYMAN ISLANDS +(345) 926 2507 or +(345) 946 1737 E: To contact the editor If you have questions, wish to comment, or participate, or be a contributor; please contact The Editor, c/o Christian Lifestyle Magazine, Box 1217 KY1-1108 Grand Cayman, CAYMAN ISLANDS BWI. Send email to Website
C o n t e n t s 5 Ways to replinish a burned-out soul
In giving you receive
where are the men of god?
Starting Family Devotions 6 Morning Rush Hour 10 A Balanced Relationship
12-16 Teen Vibez
• What do Christians Mean by Being ‘Saved?’ • When Friendships Fail • Tempted to Go Back
Let’s talk about trash baby… Let’s talk about you and me 18 Food for Strengthening Bones 20 How Can I Be More Patient? 26 Managing Persistent Fears, Anxieties, and Stresses
28 30
32 34 35
Half-Healing at the Pool of Bethesda It’s Just a Thought: Making Something of Your Life LOVE and MARRIAGE - The Design of God I Don’t Want to Have Fibromyalgia The Weight Loss Battle 911. What’s Your Emergency?
40 42 43 44
PUZZLE Wordsearch Something To Think About Puzzles Answers
Psalm 22:27 The whole earth will acknowledge the Lord and return to him. All the families of the nations will bow down before him. 4
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
addy is busy. Mommy is busy too! Kids have their own ways and friends that they think they can comfortably tell their secrets to rather than confiding in their parents. What is going on? In the very beginning, God is the author of the family. He ordained it and He is in the business of keeping the family together. I believe that to make this happen,
each family should have family devotions. We started our family devotions when our eldest son, Ted was 3 years old. It’s not that easy to start but my husband and I were committed that we will keep our devotions no matter what is happening around us. Ted is now 9 years old and we can positively verbalize that our devotions have done so much for Ted and for the whole family in keeping our faith in God and loving each other as well. Let us make a habit of building an altar inside our house by starting family devotions. Here are some tips that have helped us in starting and keeping our family time with God.
1. Choose a day to which every family member will be committed. It is very essential that Mom and Dad agree on that scheduled day so everyone will be looking forward for that devotion and will not have any other commitment with anybody else. We chose on a Tuesday night because that is the only time that we are not really busy. Sometimes, we have it on our family day, which is Saturday morning.
2. Be open to your children about the purpose of the family devotions then focus on it.
Additional Tips:
How to do the family devotion? Here are some additional tips during family devotion: 1. Be creative with your family devotion. You don’t need to be in living room; sometimes you can do it in bedroom or sometimes before eating time. As long as everyone can focus, the place is not an issue. 2. Prepare the bible, pen or sometimes some instruments to use during praise and worship. 3. Assign somebody to do the prayer and praise. My son at age 8, learnt how to play guitar so we encourage him to lead one praise and one worship. It turned out to be interesting on his side because he was really leading. 4. Be sure you have thanksgiving time as well. This portion will persuade the members of the family to open up and share their daily blessings. 5. Make the sharing time simple. 6. Always end in praying for one another then close the devotion in prayer as well
Discuss with you children what family devotion is. Let them know that this will help you to be closer to God as you all learn about His love as well as growing together as a family.
discussed and where they can try to find some solutions which leads to prayer. In our family, my husband is the one who sees the problems, and because guys are in most times, in my opinion, the logical persons, my husband always has the method of solving it and he is always ready to lay it down. Of course, all I can do is just say “Amen” and agree in prayer as well.
3. Directly help the whole family to be involved in the devotion.
5. Last but not least; collaborate on your ultimate purpose.
Dad, we don’t need for you to always lead; instead, encourage other family members to get involved. Sometimes, my son is the one leading the praise and worship, my husband will do the opening and we also have testimony time. We also take turns in sharing the gospel. If everybody is engaged in doing something for the devotion time, you will feel the excitement in the air.
Remember, family devotions time is the time you spend together to know Christ in spirit and in truth thus directing the family to God. It is also your way of keeping the family together and growing together as a family.
4. Make it a time for intimacy by personalizing it! Family devotion also is an avenue of a personal (sometimes serious) chatting time for each member of the family. This is also the moment where the concern of everyone will be heard and
“A family that prays together stays together.” Let us bring our family together by way of holding family devotions. I do believe that if we do that, we can boldly declare what Joshua said in Joshua 24:15 (this verse is our family night declaration): “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”.
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
Morning Rush Hour By PASTOR Hyacinth Rose
may not be rush hour every morning in your house as it is in my house. But if your mornings are even half as stressful as mine are, the family must face life at an accelerated pace those first few waking hours of each day as they prepare to face a new day. Facing a new day is something each family must do daily, and the smoother the better, but the degree of tranquility we achieve depends on our own approach and preparation. We as families can do much to cut down the anxiety levels and the rushing around. If it is important to us that our families leave in a peaceful environment, and in a calm frame of mind- then we will work harder to give them that chance. The chances of their performing well are very much enhanced if they have clear minds and are bolstered by an orderly life. Organising the day begins with putting things in place the night before. Each family member has to do his part to make this assignment possible. Children can gather their homework and school things together before going to bed. Adults can take a few moments to plan out the day and make a list of things to be done in order of priority. Mothers can make the morning less stressful by making lunches and putting them in the refrigerator. She can plan the 6
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meals for the coming day and thaw out meats and season them. Families can be encouraged to lay out clothes to be worn the next morning. On waking, family members should be involved in keeping their areas neat and tidy. Children also should assist in making their beds, as well as helping to keep the family living space spic and span. If all help, the stress level on no one person will be very great. It is important that the family has a few quiet minutes together in prayer and devotion. Each day will be much better if we put first things first and spend time and emphasis getting the spiritual aspects of our lives in good shape. God will help us if we ask Him for His help. Keep a positive attitude and help to maintain it so that the atmosphere will be pleasant and healthy. Do not be afraid to omit the trivia and unimportant details, which tend to clutter our minds and add to the stress of the mornings. Stick to the routine and aim for a set hour to eat and leave the house. Get everyone’s cooperation as you cut down the morning rush. Try not to yell, “Hurry up everyone!” or “Let’s go. You’re going to be late.” Whenever my family hears those words, everyone gets upset. Whatever happens, stay calm and do your best to be pleasant. God bless you as you try to cut down the high pressure mornings and confidently face your day.
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
5 Ways to Replenish a BurnedOut Soul
replenish | re-PLEN-ish (v): To fill up again; to restore or make complete again As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. —Psalm 42:1 (ESV)
urnout—it’s real, and it can have major consequences. It can leave you empty, discouraged and exhausted, with little energy left for God. Sounds familiar? Maybe it’s time to replenish. Start here.
1. Get away Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while. —Mark 6:31, NASB You don’t have to use vacation days or 8
drive far away to take a break with God. You can pick a place close by to relax and simply enjoy His presence. Here are some ideas: a community park, a pool, a hammock or rocking chair, a quiet corner of an ice cream or coffee shop, a book store or library, or a spot by the water. You might even bring some music or a journal. If you like to be active, try going on a hike or bike ride, kayaking, taking a oneperson picnic, gardening or painting.
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
Getting away doesn’t have to mean a change in your physical location, as long as you’re getting away from daily stresses to spend time with God.
2. Be still Be still, and know that I am God. — Psalm 46:10a, NASB Taking time to “be still” may be harder today than ever. So much screams for our attention in this fast-paced, digital world. In the Bible, the prophet Elijah
God often speaks to us in a still, small voice. Other times, He sends a meaningful message through a person or experience at the right moment. Yet, worry, stress and a growing “to-do” list can clutter our minds and keep us from listening.
4. Meditate But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. —Psalm 1:2, ESV
heard God in the form of a “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12). If we don’t intentionally take time to turn down life’s noise and be still, we could miss God’s quiet message to our hearts. Part of being still means taking a break from the demands of work, school and other activities and focusing on God. If you aren’t intentionally setting aside one day a week to rest and worship, now is a good time to start.
3. Listen A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel. —Proverbs 1:5, NASB
There are so many thoughts crowding our minds that it can be hard to focus. We’re pulled in every direction, with this person or that thing demanding our attention. But then we come to a verse like Psalm 1:2, which tells us to meditate on God’s Word. How exactly do you do that? And with such a hectic schedule?
5. Be present But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” —Luke 10:41-42, ESV Find yourself going through the motions or so frazzled that you can’t really enjoy a special moment? As the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10 reveals, we can’t afford to be so busy or distracted that we fail to hear God’s voice, experience His presence, or honor His goodness. Sourced from the Internet
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
A Balanced Relatio Why Interdependence is Better than Being Too By Karlene Stewart
“A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” This quote is intended to mean that a woman can live her life just fine without the need for a man. It is a feminist slogan that was mentioned by feminist activist Gloria Steinem, but first used in 1970 by a distinguished English actor, politician and journalist, named Irina Dunn. She had paraphrased a philosopher who said: “Man needs God like a fish needs a bicycle.”
No need for a man When you repeat the words, you clearly hear the sarcasm and you will note the word “needs”. It makes sense that it is regarded feminist, as it is a notion often held by highly successful, career-oriented women, that they have no need for a man. Recently I was speaking with someone who asked about a colleague she wondered if I knew. In the conversation, she mentioned the girl was “too independent” to settle down and get married. She said it with a tone of pride, as if it was something positive, great and worth admiring. Feminism Interestingly enough, in January of this year, the Jewish Journal printed an enlightening article on this subject matter. The article explains the view of the feminist movement, that in years past women depended on men for their incomes, but now women can earn a living on their own, so men are not that necessary. The article further explained that feminism has taught
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young women that their goal should be ‘independence’ and that ‘dependence’ on anyone, especially a man, was considered a weakness. What is even worse, is the view that a man is not needed even to be a father. The article revealed that there are studies that allude to lesbians being better at raising children, and that single mothers are superior parents to single fathers. I find a grave irony here. Children can never be conceived without the joining of a man and a woman. No two women or two men have ever conceived a child. The Bible is very clear on this family dynamic, as we see in Psalms 127:3: “Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. Children are an heritage of the Lord”.
Isolation can make you sick Going back to the idea that women can earn their own income now, so men are not as necessary, is a view I find to be very shallow. As a woman who is married and a parent, I know settling down with a man goes beyond just earning an income. The companionship is important and so is family life. In fact, the University of Minnesota published an article in which they cited that health risks have resulted from being alone or isolated in one’s life. The University referred to a Dan Buettner’s Blue Zones research which found that committing to a life partner can add 3 years to life expectancy. Moreover, loneliness has often led to depression, increase in sickness, and high blood pressure.
onship Independent
Interdependence While some level of independence is good, in that it shows responsibility and self-worth, being overly selfsufficient has its own set of challenges. Psychology Today explains that what is needed is healthy dependence in the form of interdependence. This is where two people, both strong individuals, are involved with each other, but without sacrificing themselves or compromising their values. What they have is a balanced relationship. They lean on and confide in others, but they also function independently when needed. As a result, they experience greater optimism about the future, and are more emotionally balanced and satisfied with life. I am married and in a relationship and it’s a beautiful thing. Recently we went on our family vacation in the Bahamas, to which we both contributed financially. While there, we took turns going on rides with the kids while the other stayed with the bags, phones and other valuables. We depended on each other, just as we do in other areas of our life, and none of it has prevented me from having a thriving career where I earn my own income. It’s a beautiful union and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
What do Christians mean by being
teen vibez
‘saved?’ By Andreas Viklund
HE BIBLE says that if you repent of your sins and receive Jesus Christ into your life as Lord and Savior, you will be saved from eternal punishment in Hell when you die.
It is possible to know whether you have eternal life. The Bible says in 1 John 5:13, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” You are to repent of your sins (feel regret or remorse for them) and receive Jesus Christ into your life as Lord and Savior to be saved from the torment of Hell.
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
Don’t you think that is wonderful news? If you are one of those people who would jump at the opportunity to have eternal life, the Bible has good news for you. When it comes to eternal life, God makes no distinction between the famous and the unknown, the rich and the poor, the unselfish hero and the repentant murderer. It is not for us to know the hearts of others. But there is an indication that Death Row murderer Karla Faye Tucker gave her life to Christ before she was executed in February 1998. There is no indication that German dictator Adolf Hitler did. There is an indication that cowboy Roy Rogers and airplane pioneers the Wright brothers did, but not those revolutionaries Joseph Stalin or Karl Marx did. But we cannot be certain.
People will not go to Heaven because of their good deeds or to Hell because of their sins. And this is a good thing, because if people went to Hell because of their sins, everyone would go there. So God has made a way of escape for us. Instead of relying on good works to get us saved, God relies on our acceptance or rejection of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord of our life.
How to be saved How do people become “saved” and “born again” Christians? How can you receive eternal life so that you will be sure to go to be with God when you die? A widely distributed Christian tract says the following is what the Bible requires.
Admit that you are a sinner.
The Bible says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
verbal indication that you acknowledge that Jesus died for your sins and you are willing to follow Him as your Lord and Savior. “Dear Father in Heaven, I realize that I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins [wrongdoings]. I am willing to turn from my sins and lead the life you want me to lead. I now ask Jesus Christ to come into my heart and I receive Him into my life as my personal Savior. I am willing, by God’s grace, to follow and obey Christ as the Lord of my life. Please forgive me for my sins and save me.”
What next? Show your faith in Jesus right now. Start by letting another Christian know you are saved. Or even just let us know if you are not sure whether anyone close to you is a born-again Christian. We suggest that you get a Bible and read it regularly to get to know Jesus Christ better.
Know that God has already provided for your salvation. “For God so loved the world that he gave his
• Talk to God in prayer every day. • Tell others about Christ. • Join a Bible-believing church and get baptized. Worship with, and join other Christians in serving Christ in a church that truly believes the Bible and honors and preaches about Christ.
Know that you cannot save yourself.
As a born-again Christian you will avoid the terror of what the Bible describes as the alternative to spending eternity in Heaven — the everlasting torment of Hell.
only begotten Son [Jesus Christ] that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us” (Titus 3:5).
Repent of your sins.
“Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3).
Ask Jesus Christ to save you.
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13) and “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
Proclaim Jesus before others.
“If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness: and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9, 10).
You can be joyously “saved” and “born again” and receive eternal life right NOW, as millions of people worldwide have, when you receive Jesus Christ as your Savior. Born-again Christians overwhelmingly look at their salvation as the most exciting event in their lives. What saves you is not any good works you do, but God’s grace through your faith in Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). Decide right now to repent of your sin (be sorry for the sins you have committed and resolve to turn from them), and put your faith in Jesus Christ to save you. Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead to bring us into a right relationship with God (Romans 4:24-25). Often, preachers get people to say a “sinner’s prayer” like the one below. But prayers like this do not save you — they are simply a
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
When friendships
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Not all friends are forever, so what do you do when you’re drifting apart? If you flip through the first 15 chapters of the book of Acts, you see a tight partnership with Paul and Barnabas. They travel and preach together, they do miracles and get beaten up together. Their lives are pretty intertwined. You’d definitely say they are close friends. But in chapter 15:39, we see Paul and Barnabas disagree so strongly and sharply, they have to split up and head in different directions. Friendships fail and fade for a number of different reasons. In this article, I’ll look at a few of them.
Differences of opinion All through the book of Acts, Barnabas is known as the ‘encourager’. When it came to giving people second chances, he was always generous. Paul, on the other hand, found it harder to work with people who had already let him down. And when Barnabas wanted to include John Mark, who Paul didn’t think much of, Paul wasn’t able to agree. The two friends had such different ideas about it that they couldn’t work together. Different opinions don’t have to end a friendship, but sometimes they might send friends in opposite directions. What can you do if it happens to you? Work out if it’s more important to stick by your opinion, or work with the 14
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relationship. If you and your friend agree to disagree, do it in a gracious and generous way. Don’t destroy your friend because they think differently.
Natural changes As we grow up, our priorities shift. A typical teenage pattern is to have a best friend who you do everything with. If that person finds a girlfriend or boyfriend before you do, all of a sudden they might not have time for you anymore! And if they get married, you can feel like you’ve lost your friend. It’s no-one’s fault. It’s a natural change that happens to everyone as they grow up. Of course, that doesn’t mean you might not feel it strongly. But if you can understand the process, and give your friends permission to shift, you’ll be happier.
Personality differences When I met Becky at university, we ‘clicked’ immediately. Our friendship was fantastic for about two years, and then things started to drop off. I felt like I was chasing to see her all the time and eventually, I just gave up. I think it came down to a personality difference. I value being on time, spending time and being available. She valued gifts and words of friendship. Her personality allowed her to really enjoy the people she was with at the time. Mine prefers loyalty to old friends and keeping commitments.
If this happens to you, try to understand the differences and let it go. I expected Becky to be like me but she wasn’t. If it happens that we get back in touch, that would be nice, but in the meantime, there are so many other great people out there.
Just because In eighth grade at boarding school, I was friends with Grace. One day, she just took a huge dislike to me but never told me why. She refused to speak to me or look at me, ignoring me completely at meals, in our dorm room and in class. After a while, I decided that she could be as ridiculous as she liked, but that I would still be pleasant to her. So every time I passed her in the hall, I said ‘hi Grace’. I smiled at her pleasantly. I asked her to pass things at meals, and I was as conciliatory as I could be. She ignored me successfully for about two months. And then one afternoon, she found her way down to my piano practice room, knocked on the door and said, “I’m really sorry. I just decided I didn’t like you one day and I was unfair and mean to you. But you kept being nice to me, even when I was being horrible. I felt bad and I needed to apologize.” If it happens to you, keep being godly, generous and kind, even if you don’t feel like it. Even if you don’t see the results of your behavior, your friend will still see what kind of Christian person you are.
People change You hear people say a lot “real friends don’t judge. They are happy for whatever makes the other person happy.” That’s true – but only to a certain extent. Friends are friends because they have something in common. But if one person changes or follows a different route in life, it is hard for a friendship to continue in the same way. Maybe you know of friends who are changing and making decisions that you don’t think are right: sleeping around, drinking a whole lot, smoking pot or doing other drugs. Maybe you’re the one who is making different decisions. If you change, even in good ways, you may expect your friendships to change too. Young people who become Christians and start living differently often find that their relationships are altered because of it. This is an area for wisdom and prayer. You can’t control your friends. You can’t make them do what you would do. However, try not to give up on people. If you really can’t continue in the friendship in the same way it may help to express why – honestly and with love - to your friend. Perhaps you could have a different type of friendship. Of course, sometimes you do need to stick it out. A friend who goes through a trauma, or who has depression, or who has long-standing emotional difficulties is going to need a lot of long term support, even and especially if they do some unwise things that you don’t like.
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
Tempted to go back? Why giving up on Jesus and returning to your old ways is a bad idea. by Mike Everett
former inmate in Florida was injured while trying to sneak back into prison. Sylvester Jiles suffered severe cuts from barbed wire while trying to climb a 12-foot fence at the Brevard County Detention Center. Jiles had only recently been released from prison for manslaughter. He feared that family members of his victim would retaliate against him, so he tried to sneak back into prison. This seems like an inconceivable thing to do: doesn’t it! Now this story reminds me of the book of Hebrews (of course!?). Hebrews is written to Christians who are tempted to give up on Jesus and go back to life without Jesus. Have you ever felt like doing this, felt like leaving Jesus behind? It can be pretty common when you are finding the Christian life pretty hard, to be tempted to chuck it all in. But the book of Hebrews says to anyone in this situation to think again. For, to turn away from Jesus is even more inconceivable than wanting to go back to prison. To leave Jesus is to go back to a life of slavery to the law, slavery to sin and slavery to the fear of death. Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory, the exact representation of his being. Jesus is our perfect Prophet, merciful, faithful, great and eternal High Priest, supreme King, kind Shepherd and sacrifice of atonement all rolled up into One. The covenant 16
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He brings in is full of love, life, redemption and forgiveness. It would be completely foolish to turn your back on such a great salvation and such a great Saviour. Here’s some more advice from the book of Hebrews: · Instead of drawing away from God, draw near to God (Heb. 3:12; 4:16; 7:19; 10:22). · Don’t drift away from God; fix your thought on Jesus and hold on firmly ‘til the end (Heb. 2:1; 3:1, 6, 14; 5:14). · Don’t be lazy about this, but make every effort to enter your eternal rest (Heb. 4:11; 6:12). · Don’t throw away your confidence, but hold unswervingly to your hope (Heb. 10:23, 35). · Don’t give up hanging out with other Christians, but keep meeting together with them and keep on encouraging them (Heb. 3:13; 10:24-25). · Don’t grow weary or lose heart, but run with perseverance and with your eyes firmly fixed on Jesus so that you don’t miss out on God’s grace (Heb. 10:36; 12:1-3). · If you are finding the Christian life tough going, make sure you take the time to read Hebrews. Yes, the Christian life can be hard, but it is so worth it. Don’t give up on Jesus. Don’t sneak back into prison.
Let’s talk about trash baby… Let’s talk about you and me By Tenisha Johnson
message to graduates from Woody Allen that was published in the New York Times back in 1979 stated, “More than at any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroad. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly.” I however firmly believe that there is another path, one that can lead to an enduring place for humankind within the natural systems that sustain us, but only if we understand that the rest of the living world matters. Then and only then armed with that knowledge, can we then actually do what it takes to halt our destructive ways, and going forward, treat nature with the proper respect. The notion of “ownership” whether land, air, or sea, has become quite popular and in some legal cases very necessary. It seems a very human thing to do, to own and defend territory and property. Even women were considered property back in the day. Hmm…. Let me not even get into that! While we may have created this belief that the world “belongs” to us, I think it’s important to note that there is no other species above mankind and that we should have a sense of awareness of the consequences of our actions and
note that it could work against our ultimate survival. We need to care not only about the present, but also future generations, and even the fate of other forms of life. I was inspired by a quote from Patriarch Bartholomew I, spiritual leader of the world’s 250 million Orthodox Christians. He said, “For humans to cause species to become extinct and to destroy the biological diversity of God’s creation, for humans to degrade the integrity of the earth by causing changes in its climate, by stripping the earth of its natural forests, or destroying its wetlands, for humans to contaminate the earth’s waters, its land, its air and its life with poisonous substances, these are sins.” Wow! Speaking of ownership, the Cayman Islands has made a deliberate decision to stay under the U.K.’s wing and as we know the United Kingdom has a constitutional and legal responsibility for its overseas territories. God bless her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs, and successors. Please help us to bear true allegiance to her and her family according to law. The Queen is also very involved in the environment, and The Queen Elizabeth II National Trust was formed in 1977, and by 2006
more than 2,300 landowners had registered covenants to protect their land. These sites, covering more than 76,000 hectares, maybe bush, wetlands, historic sites or unique landscapes. How cool is that! With seven billion people to feed on a planet that stubbornly remains the same size, we seriously need to avoid waste. And that’s what we have decided to tackle right here in the Cayman Islands. The Good Samaritan Food Bank is the first organization in the Cayman Islands to mitigate island-wide hunger, malnutrition, and poverty by providing access to good, healthy food through gathering and distributing food donations to non-profit organizations and various food counters serving the critical needs of the community. The Food Bank was founded by two local businessmen: Woody Foster and Reginald “Choppy” Delapenha, along with the valuable but humble consultative support of experienced food bank operator, Rev. Charles Boucher. I believe they have undertaken a worthy cause; however, they can’tdo it alone-they need you! So please visit www.caymanfoodbank. com to learn how you or your company can make a difference today!
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
food for strengthening bones
Yogurt and Cheese Not a milk drinker? A cup of yogurt has at least as much calcium as an 8-ounce cup of milk. And one ounce of Swiss cheese has nearly as much. Even if you’re lactose intolerant, there are now plenty of dairy products that are lactose-reduced or lactose-free. Removing lactose from milk and dairy foods does not affect the calcium content.
Got Milk? Calcium is the cornerstone of strong bones. Adults up to age 50 need 1,000 milligrams per day. Beginning at
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age 51, women need 1,200 milligrams every day, and when men hit 71, they need to hit that mark, too. The pop star of calcium sources is undoubtedly milk. A single 8-ounce cup of milk, whether skim, low-fat, or whole, has 300 milligrams of calcium.
Strong Bones: Yours to Keep Our bones remain strong throughout young adulthood. As we hit middle age, they slowly begin to thin out. In women, this process accelerates after menopause, but there are ways to put on the brakes. One of the best lines of defense is your diet -- eating
Milk and dairy products are not the only ways to get calcium. Another excellent source is sardines. All those little fish bones have just what you need to build bone mass in your own body. Eating 3 ounces of canned sardines delivers a little more calcium than a cup of milk.
not need them. If you’re already getting enough calcium from food, taking more in pill form won’t contribute to bone health. Experts say there’s little benefit in getting more than 2,000 milligrams of calcium per day, and too much can lead to kidney stones. For the best absorption, take no more than 500 milligrams at one time. Some calcium supplements, such as calcium carbonate, are better absorbed if taken with meals; however, calcium citrate can be taken anytime.
Soy Foods
the right foods can give you the maximum peak bone mass and boost your bone density at any age.
You might be surprised to learn that calcium is plentiful in many vegetables. Go for greens such as bok choy, Chinese cabbage, and kale. The traditional soul food favorites, collard and turnip greens, offer a lot of calcium, too. One cup of chopped, cooked turnip greens has about 200 milligrams of calcium.
Fortified Foods If dairy products, sardines, and leafy greens leave you cold, consider eating fortified foods. These are products that do not naturally contain calcium but have been enhanced with varying amounts of the essential mineral. Breakfast foods are a great start -- fortified orange juice has up to 240 milligrams of calcium, and fortified cereals deliver up to 1,000 milligrams per cup. Check the nutritional label for the exact amount.
Calcium Supplements Supplements are an easy way to boost your calcium intake, but some reports suggest you may
Half a cup of tofu contains 258 milligrams of calcium, but calcium is not the only mineral that gives bones a leg up. New research suggests plant-based chemicals called isoflavones strengthen bone density as well. Isoflavones are plentiful in soy foods, such as tofu, and appear to have an estrogenlike effect on the body. This may make soy useful in warding off bone disease in postmenopausal women.
Salmon Salmon and other types of fatty fish offer an array of boneboosting nutrients. They contain calcium as well as vitamin D, which assists in calcium absorption. They’re also high in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil supplements have been shown to reduce bone loss in elderly women and may prevent osteoporosis.
Nuts and Seeds Nuts and seeds can bolster bone health in several ways. Almonds, pistachios, and sunflower seeds are all high in calcium. Walnuts and flaxseeds are packed with omega-3
fatty acids. Peanuts and almonds contain potassium, which protects against the loss of calcium in urine. Nuts also contain protein and other nutrients that play a supportive role in building strong bones. Hold the Salt Salt is a major culprit in depriving the body of calcium. The more salt you eat, the more calcium gets carried away by urine. Sticking to a low-salt diet can help you keep more calcium to strengthen your bones.
Sunshine OK, sunshine is not a food. But the body produces vitamin D in response to sunlight. Without vitamin D, our bodies cannot properly absorb the calcium in foods. Cloudy weather, a northern latitude, and darker skin can interfere. So some people may choose a vitamin D supplement. The recommended dietary intake is 600 IU a day for most adults, jumping to 800 IU above age 70.
Weight-Bearing Exercise To get the most out of your boneboosting diet, you’ll want to do regular weight-bearing exercise. This includes any activity that uses the weight of your body or outside weights to stress the bones and muscles. The result is that your body lays down more bone material, and your bones become denser. Brisk walking, dancing, tennis, and yoga have all been shown to benefit your bones. Sourced from the Internet
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
How Can I Be More Patient? Devotions on the fruit of the Spirit by Amber Penney
ith so ma ny m o der n conveniences it’s a wonder any of us have any patience. Being able to microwave a frozen meal in five minutes, get to the mall in fifteen, and watch someone solve all their problems in a halfhour sitcom doesn’t really help us develop the ability to wait or endure. Rather, it encourages us to demand what we want when we want it. But God desires something different for us.
Waiting on God I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will wait for him.” The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him. (Lamentations 3:24-25) 20
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
When I turned 16, I wanted a car so badly. I just knew that would make me completely happy. I didn’t have any money saved, so I looked to my parents for help. And when they couldn’t give me what I wanted, I asked God. I knew he could work things out if he wanted to. But he didn’t—at least not in the way I hoped. “It’s not fair,” I complained. “All my friends have cars. Why can’t I?” Looking back, I see I was so focused on what I thought I needed that I was often unable to enjoy all the good things God had given me. I never stopped to think that God was in control of
Cont’d on P. 41
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
cover story
Philanthropies, [Cayman] historians, are just some of the words that describe
hristian Lifestyle Magazine sits down recently with Maureen and Maxine Bodden, and while this is a special mention, we think if ever a historian needs to find some names of some of Cayman’s old landmarks, they cannot go wrong with getting information from the Bodden sisters. They are active businesswomen, Triple C School Alumni and active members of the Church of God Chapel, and recipients of the Certificate and Badge of Honour for their services to the people of the Cayman Islands.
In talking with them, we learned that some of the Cayman Islands iconic streets and buildings have changed and also some of the islands’ core values. We couldn’t help but 22
notice the sisters’ passion about these islands blends in with their everyday lifestyle.
The Bodden lines The late Capt. Theophilus (Theo) R. Bodden, OBE and Mrs. Valda (nee Merren) has left a legacy in their children that are grounded in the businesses they have established and are still carrying on. In addition to Maxine and Maureen that are in the public’s eyes, there is Pansy, an older sister, and Attlee, the brother. Faith in God was installed in the children at a very early age by their parents’ firm belief.
The formative years Capt. Theo, an avid seaman, travelled the Caribbean and North America and when he would come back to the island to spend time with the family, would take notice of what services were lacking on the island. Upon
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, entrepreneurs, committed Christians e Mses. Maxine and Maureen Bodden. his return, he decided to create the family business to help bring those missing services to the Cayman Islands. Capt. Theo started by bringing in propane, gas ranges and caskets, creating Home Supplies (now Home Gas) some sixty years ago. He later branched out to provide other missing services, creating the other local businesses we know today; Vampt Motors/Service Center, Budget RentA-Car, Bodden Shipping Agency and Bodden Funeral Home, making him a well-respected local businessman and pioneer for the Cayman Islands. Ms. Valda, his wife, was also a very savvy business woman so when he was running deliveries, she helped run the operations to grow the businesses. The children were also involved in the general operations. As Ms. Maureen puts it, “Coming home from school, whether there was homework or not, they had to do their chores and then help in the
business,” which was followed by a cheerful agreement from Ms. Maxine, as she says, “Hard work doesn’t kill anyone. It equips you.”
Family values “Teaching children to love, show respect and to give thanks should be taught to them very early, as it will help to form their lives,” said Ms. Maureen. She also said those were some core values their parents taught to them as children that have stayed with them through their adulthood, and they still practice. She also added, “Values such as caring for other people. Sharing what you have with others and spending time with people.” Adding her part to the family values, Ms. Maxine said, “In the last fifteen to twenty years, the Cayman Islands has seen a lot of changes.” Growing up here and seeing how
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different things have become, she attributes who she and the rest of her siblings are, today, are due to their strong Christian upbringing. Seeing these Christian values in their nieces, nephew and great-niece is a testament to the Christian values passed along from their parents and family members. Though the Cayman Islands has changed and moved away from some of those core values, the sisters believe that we can recapture our roots. Ms. Maureen added that “Recapturing some of the values starts with being a people person. Being a people person means you have to love people. You have to spend at least a minute to ask someone how their day is going and then listen.” She added that “Back in the day, families used to do many things together; such as going to church, visiting each other and working together. But nowadays, most people are doing things on their own and spend much less time as a family unit. And that is not as healthy as doing things together.”
a career. You must remember that when you choose a job, a mate or any pathway in life, you are making decisions that can alter and or enhance your life, so pray for God’s guidance to help you carry out the right choices for your future.”
Business: Some words of wisdom The sisters shared that persons aspiring to go into business should not look at a business from the outside and think it is an easy road to success. Talk with people who are in business to understand what it entails from behind the scenes. Try to figure out whether the path before you is the best one for your skill set and your future.
Stay active As businesswomen, they believe that to be successful business owners you should remain involved in your business and stay connected to your employees. “Staying involved and being present also keeps employees connected with your family values.” Said Maxine.
The story behind the Bodden Christmas Wonderland “When ‘Daddy’” as the ladies referred to Captain Theo, “came back from the sea, he brought a Norfolk pine tree to mark his coming off the seas. He had it planted in the front of the yard. The then gardener, who was from Jamaica, asked if he could put lights on it, and seeing the excitement of the children, the gardener got the go-ahead.” And so, the gentleman started adding more lights. Years later Maureen and Maxine added a Christmas tree on the front porch, while other people were putting their trees in their houses. Each year, more lights and decorations get added and so it has blossomed into what it is today. Many people from near and far come each year to enjoy the bright lights. “We plan on continuing to let the Bodden Christmas Wonderland be part of the Christmas enjoyment for the people of the island and visitors.” Said, Maureen and Maxine.
A word for young people Having nurtured and fostered many children over the years, the sisters have these words of wisdom. “Find a path that you enjoy and work hard at it. You have to make a future with something you are talented with and that inspires you and makes you happy.” And remember that, “A successful person is a happy person, not necessarily a person with money. Be careful of your choices when you are seeking a job or 24
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The sisters also emphatically endorse that a successful business must have its foundation in God. Establish this very early in your life and your business and you will succeed.
In giving, you receive One thing that remains consistent in everything the family does professionally or personally is to strive towards giving back. “We have always tried to give back to our community without expecting anything in return; we do it from the heart. This way of life has always served us, and we feel blessed by what God has given us in return. No matter what your role in the company is, or what your financial position is, we all have something to give and we encourage others to do so from the heart and give thanks, each day.
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Managing Your Persistent Fears, Anxieties, and Stresses By: Stanley Popovich
Everybody deals with anxiety and depression; however, some people have a difficult time in managing it. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their most persistent fears and everyday anxieties. When facing a current or upcoming task that overwhelms you with a lot of anxiety, the first thing you can do is to divide the task into a series of smaller steps. Completing these smaller tasks one at a time will make the stress more manageable and increases your chances of success. Sometimes we get stressed out when everything happens all at once. When this happens, a person should take a deep breath and try to find something 26
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to do for a few minutes to get their mind off of the problem. A person could get some fresh air, listen to some music, or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things. A person should visualize a red stop sign in their mind when they encounter a fear-provoking thought. When the negative thought comes, a person should think of a red stop sign that serves as a reminder, to stop focusing on that thought and to think of something else. A person can then try to think of something positive to replace the negative thought. Another technique that is very helpful is to have a small notebook of positive statements that make you feel good. Whenever you come across an affirmation that
makes you feel good, write it down in a small notebook that you can carry around with you in your pocket. Whenever you feel depressed or frustrated, open up your small notebook and read those statements. Doing this will help to manage your negative thinking. Learn to take it one day at a time. Instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week, try to focus on today. Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your problems. You never know when the answers you are looking for will come to your doorstep. We may be ninety-nine percent correct in predicting the future, but all it takes is for that one percent to make a world of difference. Take advantage of the help that is available around you. If possible, talk to a professional who can help you manage your depression and anxieties. They will be able to provide you with additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. By talking to a professional, a person will be helping themselves in the long run because they will become better able to deal with their problems in the future. Remember that it never hurts to ask for help. Dealing with our persistent fears is not easy. Remember that all
you can do is to do your best each day, hope for the best, and take things in stride. Patience, persistence, education, and being committed in trying to solve your problem will go a long way in fixing your problems. Stanley Popovich is the author of “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods”.
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christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
Half-Healing at the Pool of Bethesda A short story based on John 5:1-18 by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
mong the crowds of afflicted A people that Jesus sees this day in Jerusalem, the man that Jesus
fixes his eyes upon is a loser, a cripple, and a seriously sinful man -- not an ideal candidate for a miracle. This man (I’ll call him Amasai) has been an invalid for 38 years -- the greatest part of his life. If anything defines him, it is his paralysis. His legs have been paralyzed so long that they are thin, withered, atrophied. There was no strength in them at all. Some invalids became beggars so they can eke out a living. Others engage in some trade, if they have the strength and manual dexterity to do so. But Amasai spends his days lying on a mat beside the public pool -- waiting, useless, depressed. In the morning, someone carries him to the pool. In the evening, someone carries him home. The Pool of Bethesda is just north of the temple walls. It consists of two pools fed by springs and runoff. The southern pool is shallow enough to wade in. Around the sides of the pool are tall columns that support a porch to make it bearable during the long, hot days. Pilgrims to Jerusalem come to the pool to perform ablutions, acts of ceremonial cleansing. But most of the people at the pool this day are invalids -- blind, lame, paralyzed. They gather because of a legend that an angel will sometimes stir up the waters. The first invalid who can get into the waters after they
are stirred up will be healed -- so the story goes. But there are scores, sometimes hundreds of the sick and lame waiting for such an occurrence. Many are regulars, each in his or her own spot -- many in the shade somewhat back from the edge of the pool. On the irregular occasions when the water bubbles up, there is a mad rush to get in. Amasai is never first, not even close. Because he is crippled, he needs help to move -- and there is no one to help him. No friend to intervene and get him into the waters. So, though he comes day after day, Amasai is never healed. On this particular day, as part of a divine appointment, Jesus leaves the temple and strides down to the Pool of Bethesda. He has been there before, but today he is looking for someone, the one his
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Father will point out to him. He approaches Amasai, dressed in rags, lying on his mat, trying to fill out his days. No one recognizes Jesus -- though he is well-known in Jerusalem by this time. So Jesus goes over to Amasai, squats down so he is closer to the crippled man’s eye-level, and asks him a question: “Do you want to get well?” What a foolish question! Of course, a sick man wants to be healed! But Jesus asks it anyway. There are people, you know, whose lives are so focused on their illness or their problem, that though they say they want to be freed from it, the attention they get, the pity they receive from others, conspire within them so that they really don’t want to get well after all. By this question, Jesus is seeking
to engage Amasai in conversation. He is probing to see if Amasai has faith for healing. But it’s pretty clear that faith isn’t really there. “Sir,” Amasai says to Jesus, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.” Oh, woe is me! This is my sad story. The reason I’m not healed isn’t my fault. Nobody will help me. It’s their fault. Jesus looks deep into Amasai’s soul. He doesn’t see great worth. He doesn’t see a man facing his illness with courage. He doesn’t even see a basically good person. Rather, Jesus sees an evil, chronic sin that is at the root of his illness. Amasai is a miserable, old, selfish sinner, who has no future, no hope -- except for Jesus. Jesus looks at him and then straightens up to his full height, and with a voice full of the authority of God says: “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk!” And all-of-a-sudden -- the Bible says, “immediately” -- he is cured. Where Amasai has been weak and withered, suddenly he can feel strength flood into his body, into his legs. And he stands up! Then bends down to pick up the mat he has lain upon for so many years, tucks it under his arm, and begins to walk.
deserve it at all. People are mobbing Amasai. As he tries to get out of the courtyard, some strict Jews, probably Pharisees, stop him. “It’s the Sabbath day,” they cackle. “You’re not allowed to carry anything -much less a bed -- on God’s holy day. It’s against God’s Law!” Amasai is taken aback. He reverts to his time-tested pattern and shifts the blame from himself to his Healer. “The man who healed me told me to pick up my mat and carry it.” “Who is this?” they demand. “What is his name?” “I don’t know,” says Amasai. Later that day, or perhaps the next, Amasai goes to the temple to give thanks for his healing. Jesus is there, teaching under the covered Porch of Solomon that surrounds the temple grounds. Jesus spots Amasai, pauses his teaching, and comes over to him. Now Jesus says something so unexpected that it troubles people to this very day: “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.”
All around him people become aware that something has happened. There is a stir, and the people who can move, rush towards him.
Stop sinning? It almost sounds like his paralysis is some kind of punishment. How could that be? God is a loving God. He would never do that! But a number of times in the Bible, we find instances where God does just that. Is all sickness a result of sin? No. Some sickness has nothing to do with sin. But sin is at the root of Amasai’s life.
Jesus backs up. He isn’t there to draw attention to himself. He is there to heal a man who doesn’t
“Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” What could be worse than being crippled for
38-years? I’ll tell you: missing out on eternal life forever! Sin eventuates in eternal death, make no mistake about it. What is the man’s sin? Lying, slander, cheating, some sexual sin, bitterness, unforgiveness, terminal selfishness? We’re not told, but it must have been so serious that Jesus needed to speak to him about it. He is only half-healed. Now his soul must be healed or his sinsickness will destroy him. We aren’t told how he replies to Jesus. But we know he hurries off to tell the “sabbath police” that it is Jesus who has healed him and told him to carry his pallet on the Sabbath day. Has he repented? I don’t think so. Instead he tattles on Jesus. Gets Jesus in trouble and shifts the blame from himself. It’s Jesus’ fault, not mine. So where does that leave us? What do we learn from this sad story that began with such promise? First, Jesus heals people who don’t deserve to be healed. He operates on love and grace -- on favor that is neither earned nor deserved. Jesus blesses you wonderfully -- by no goodness of your own. Praise the Lord! Second, a complete healing requires a healing of your soul -and that requires repentance from your sin. Does Amasai repent sometime later on? I don’t know. I hope so. I know he goes to the temple and is religious. But does he repent, receive God’s forgiveness, and find a healing for his soul? I hope so, dear reader, both for him and for you.
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
In Honor of Dr. Torrance and Rev. Elsa Bobb
Making Something of Your life (Pt.1)
y wife’s excitement seemed to radiate from her seat beside me, as we made our final descent unto the runway in Grand Cayman. I too felt a sense of joy tempered by restraint as I looked forward to the many possibilities of the weekend. It had been at least fifteen years since my first attempt to come to the Cayman Islands had failed. However when I received the invitation to come and celebrate the 50th anniversary of Reverends Torrance and Elsa Bobb, and witness the renewing of their wedding vows, I determined to be there. After all, these were the people whose marriage and ministry have shaped my life. Next to the word of God, no two people have influenced me greater with their words than Pastor Torrance and Elsa Bobb. My respect for them is great and is shared by many others who have had the honor to be served by their ministry. My only regret has been in not living up to the fullest potential of what they have instilled in me, not just by their walk; but by their example. In 2007 and after battling with what I thought was a common cold, I received the news that both my kidneys had failed and I was going to have to go on dialysis. This was not the first time my life had come to a halt, but this was a most inconvenient time. I was leading a Non-Governmental Organization, two ministries, and a business at the crucial point of its existence. I was travelling extensively, enjoying the fruit of frequent flyer status and healthy honorariums and speaking fees.
My life was definitely on the upward swing and I walked with the confidence of a man whose future is assured and whose prospects were beyond his wildest dreams. I was surrounded by those who I believed loved me, indeed love me still, and hailed as irreplaceable by many around the world. I spent as much time apologizing for not being able to make foreign trips and opportunities as I did actually ministering, it seemed. The entire time I was walking in the power of the word spoken to me by both halves of the Bobb-marriage & ministry dynamic. I was born at a most difficult time to a broken family. Somehow my mother found it through the haze of a trying marriage to dedicate me to the Lord. Her offering was that I be a preacher or a medical doctor. For this to come through, she was indeed asking God for the intervention of two of his truest servants in my life, Torrance and Elsa Bobb. By the time they found me, my parents’ marriage was over and I was a homeless young 30
man on the run from his father in the streets of Princess Town, Trinidad.
My father who often dabbled in or practiced the dark arts, would pay the price with his sanity. It would also cause him his favorite son, who died at nine eight years old. Somehow in his twisted logic I was blamed for my brother’s death; his way of coping with not being there for his two small boys when we needed him most. The responsibility for the death of a child when only ten, is too much for any child to bare, and I was no different. Yet my father on his road to insanity, hounded and haunted me as a hungry hunter after prey. I needed a healing touch from a father’s hand. My sister Denise and I have not had the benefit of healthy father figures in our lives. To us, Pastor Bobb was a man sent by God. On the run and tormented in the mind by both demonic forces and unkind people, I fled to Pastor Bobb in great despair. I expected the same emotional reaction to my story as I had received from many other adults; instead what I got was compassion, and a word to stand on that formed the foundation of my life.
It’s Just a Thought
2Ti 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. I must have confessed that word hundreds of times in those early days. It was my first exposure to the spiritual gift of the “word of wisdom” which I would discover is the dominant gift of Pastor Bobb. Its twin gift, “the word of knowledge” rests mightily in Sister Bobb. I am grateful to the Heavenly Father that he has honored me with a strong presence of these gifts in my own life. But back then I was unaware of such spiritual things. I only knew I had an encounter with the first man I ever met, whose life had the creditability that gave him the right to speak into the life of others. I obeyed him, and in doing so submitted myself to the Lord. I went on the strength of that encounter for eleven years under their leadership. I did not imagine that the best was yet to come. Sister Bobb was waiting in the wings to spiritually set and send my life into the seventh heavens. (To be continued) Ewart (Junior) Forde
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
The Design of God By Dr. Torrance and Rev. Elsa Bobb
enerally speaking, the person who conceives a thing and designs or makes it, has a good knowledge regarding the purpose and performance of that thing or function. When we think about marriage, it is often thought about as the long-term projection of this love. To properly understand and appreciate love and marriage, we should look at the origination of it. Regarding love, the scripture says that God is love. The idea of true love comes from God Himself. The feeling and capacity to love a person of the opposite sex comes from the very way in which we were designed by God, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. When there is true love, there is the desire for that love to go on “forever.” The individuals concerned so enjoy the relationship that they do not want it to be interrupted. Note the words of a popular song of yesteryear: “When I fall in love, it will be forever.” So, since we want love to last, what should we do to make this a reality? Also, why is it that so many who were madly in love want to get out of the relationship?
If we want love to last and consequently marriage, we need to follow the principles of the Designer of love and marriage as given by Him and as outlined in the Bible. To be sure, God is the one who said, “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18).
Many of these initial meetings are done by direct introductions by friends and associates and, of course, now by the Internet. The more people have in common, the more interests that they share, the more principles on which they agree, the greater the chances there are of having a meaningful, lasting relationship.
Since God made the woman to complete the man, it stands to reason that the man also completes the woman. Furthermore, the true completion of the union of the man and the woman results in the procreation of the race.
We should realise then, that we can expect to find the person we will be attracted to, based on our associations. We can also expect shared interests and principles in people who frequent certain places and are involved in certain groups or gatherings.
The biological makeup of man and woman and the completion of this union form the basis for the continuance of the human family, and without this ingenious design, none of us would have existed.
In short, by virtue of an individual’s interests or activities, one can have a general idea as to whether or not one will be comfortable with that individual in an ongoing relationship.
In most Western societies, there is a process that leads to marriage. There is a meeting of the individuals, followed by dating, then courtship and consequently marriage.
Remember, if you are unmarried, it is more than likely your spouse will come from one of your associations or contacts. You should, therefore, be careful in your associations or contacts, as you would want to be comfortable in sharing your life with someone with the principles and lifestyle espoused by that association or group.
Much of our premarital discussion will assume this sequence of events. Many relationships begin as a result of meetings and associations, whether it is direct interaction, casual introductions, or intermittent, or regular interaction, in college, work, church, or other
Excerpt from the book Love Courtship and Marriage. Copyright ©2017.
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
FIBROMYALGIA! BY Mia Bodden Schvartz
ollow me down the rabbit hole! Let’s see if you will take some time and perhaps understand.
I don’t want to have fibromyalgia! Please no! It’s a pain in the “donkey”! It’s a hodgepodge wastepaper basket diagnosis with no cure. So, I don’t want it! I don’t want it! I don’t want it! Diagnose me with something else that’s curable, that’s fixable, that’s credible, that people take seriously! I don’t want it. Anyhow this cannot be fibromyalgia! Fibromyalgia cannot be this bad. Can it? If this is all Fibromyalgia, then shame on you! Shame on you doctors! Shame on you pharmaceuticals! Shame on you scientists! Shame on you; family, friends, employers, coworkers, peers of any-sort and nay-sayers alike, those of you who have no compassion or empathy. 32
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Me, whose resolve to overcome is unparalleled to most, whose determination is fierce and seemingly unquenchable, yet here I am, drained! No. no, no, no! This cannot be fibromyalgia. I am sick of doctors that think “it is ‘just’ fibromyalgia!” I am sick of doctors who don’t believe fibromyalgia is even real. But wait, I don’t have a clogged artery, broken limb, non-functioning organ, so why should any doctor take me serious? Unfortunately, just like most fibromyalgia suffers, I also have other medical conditions to contend with as well. The chicken or the egg medical questions are endless. Let me ask you a question. Do you know what it is to feel such constant non-relenting pain, that it leaves you totally drained? Pain that leaves you utterly hopeless for reprieve? Most of us have had sicknesses, perhaps even just a bad flu. How do you think you would tolerate it, if it never ended? If it
went on for days, weeks, months and years?
between the ages of 20 to 50 years, but the incidence rises with age so that by age 80, approximately 8% of adults meet the American College of Rheumatology classification of fibromyalgia.
Sometimes I wonder if it’s just a bad word; one I’m not supposed to say. Or maybe it’s a hip word one that everyone else is saying. FIBROMYALGIA! There! I said it.
· People with fibromyalgia may
be more sensitive to pain than people without fibromyalgia. This is called abnormal pain perception processing.
No, somebody has surely made a mistake. This can’t be fibromyalgia. How can something so bad be ignored and discredited for so long? Let me fill you in a bit. Most mornings my hands are stiff, swollen and in pain. Some mornings my feet hurt to step off the bed, some mornings I don’t notice my feet because of other aches, issues and pains. Bladder irritated, back pains, inflammation in various joints, headaches, fatigue, stiff neck, irritable bowels, fever, chills, hot flashes, rashes, dermatitis, blisters, swollen painful ankles, bleeding from places that shouldn’t bleed, dizzy, itching, ear ache, double vision, vertigo, chest pains and this was just in the last week. Hmm, did I forget something? What did they say it’s called? Do my loved ones realize that I’ve thought it better at times to just be dead? How about that for something no one wants to say. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not the least bit suicidal. I’ve got so much to live for and I really don’t want to die just yet. Understand that I know this ordeal is only a part of my life, which is otherwise so immensely blessed and though I’m prepared to meet my Lord and Savior, that will be in His timing not my own. But yes, at times my heart breaks, I don’t think that I can bare anymore pain or some other issue. Or I think about my husband how he suffers, right alongside me. He suffers in a different way, but suffers non-the-less and how unfair is that. So, I strive harder, push myself harder, to be of use, to pull my share. Perhaps it’s a catch 22 but I don’t know any other way. Did you see me this past week? With a white glove on one hand? I was ok answering “why are you wearing a glove” at first, but then I got tired and tried
· More hospitalizations. If you
have fibromyalgia you are twice as likely to be hospitalized as someone without fibromyalgia.
· Lower quality of life. Women
to hide it or found a short answer or a funny quip like “I’m imitating MJ”. So it is with sufferers of fibromyalgia; we get tired of the looks, the questions, of the not understanding, of the same advice we heard and tried countless times. So mostly we put a smile on our face and try to pretend that everything is OK but chances are, it is not. Know this, fat people, skinny people, fit or unfit, fibromyalgia does not discriminate. Let me now share with you some informative statistics from various Fibromyalgia websites. · On average, it takes five years
of medical doctors’ ping pong before a person is diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
· Fibromyalgia is one of the
most common chronic pain conditions.
· The disorder affects an
estimated 10 million people in the U.S. and an estimated 3-6% of the world population.
with fibromyalgia have low quality-of-life. If you’re a woman with fibromyalgia you may have 40% less physical function and 67% less mental health.
· Higher rates of major
depression. Adults with fibromyalgia are more than 3 times more likely to have major depression than adults without fibromyalgia. Screening and treatment for depression is extremely important.
· Higher death rates from suicide
and injuries. Death rates from suicide and injuries are higher among fibromyalgia patients, but overall mortality among adults with fibromyalgia is similar to the general population.
· Higher rates of other rheumatic
conditions. Fibromyalgia often co-occurs with other types of arthritis such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and ankylosing spondylitis.
· While it is most prevalent in
I hope you do understand at least a bit more and will open your eyes and heart but not necessarily mouth, and be kind to fibromyalgia suffers. Please do approach with love!
· The disorder is often seen in fibromyalgia.htm
women —75-90 percent of the people who have FM are women —it also occurs in men and children of all ethnic groups. families, among siblings or mothers and their children.
· The diagnosis is usually made
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
The Weight Loss Battle W
eight loss is a battle many of us face. Many people jump on board with the latest diet trend or exercise routine, but the key is understanding the impact on your body. A major contributor to weight gain is consuming excess calories. According to WebMD, understanding good and bad calories will help people lose weight and keep it off. Proper weight loss comes down to making healthy choices. Some foods serve very little purpose other than tasting good. Here are 10 foods that you should avoid if you are serious about shedding pounds.
1.White bread
Kicking off the list is white bread. Many people indulge in toast, rolls or sandwiches without realizing that white bread is packed with sugar and offers no nutritional value. White bread is only a filler food that makes people feel hungry a short time after consumption. My Diet suggests substituting white bread with wholegrain bread or opting to use wholegrain tortillas or lettuce for wraps and sandwiches.
2.Low-fat foods
You read that right: Low-fat foods are actually not a healthier choice. An article in Cosmopolitan indicates that foods that are labeled low-fat have added sugar to compensate for flavor loss. Once the body processes the sugar, it is stored as fat. Additionally, people have a tendency to overeat low-fat foods because they assume that they can eat more of a “healthy” option.
3.Fried foods
Fried foods are a killer for your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Sometimes people assume if the food item itself is healthy, it will remain healthy through the cooking process. This is simply untrue. Rather than lose the healthy properties of food, opt to broil or bake your foods.
Most juices contain an obscene amount of sugar. Rather than purchasing juice, you should squeeze your own. Even then, be aware of the natural sugars in fruit. Limit fresh fruit and opt for water.
5.Microwave popcorn
Popcorn can be a healthy snack option. However, according to an article published on MSN, the chemicals in the microwave bag can actually cause thyroid problems. Not to mention the enormous amounts of added salt and butter. A better solution is making fresh popcorn on the stove and skipping the butter.
6.Salad dressing
Nothing ruins the healthy properties of salad faster than salad dressing. Because the greens are low-calorie and healthy, many people assume that they can double down on the dressing. However, most salad dressings have a ton of sugar and worthless calories. A better option is to make an oil-based dressing that still tastes great, but doesn’t include so much sugar.
7.Sugar-free foods
An article on MSN warns against buying into the sugar-free food craze. While the calories may be fewer, the substitute sweeteners can raise your insulin levels.
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
8.Candy bars
Candy bars are an easy snack to grab on the go. However, those little nuggets are filled with sugar and meaningless calories. They will not fill you up, and you will be seeking out other foods within a few hours. Opt for a healthy alternative such as fresh fruit or yogurt.
coffee 9.High-calorie drinks Coffee itself can be a beneficial drink that temporarily boosts your metabolism and helps you burn fat. However, when you start adding your favorite ingredients like sugar or cream, then you quickly have an unhealthy drink. If you love coffee and want to keep it in your diet as you try to lose weight, then stick to regular black coffee.
Who doesn’t love a slice of hot pizza? EcoWatch describes how fast food pizzas are especially unhealthy because they contain processed meat and highly refined flour. There are a ton of calories in a single slice, but pizza lacks the nutritional value to keep you going. If you have a craving for it, opt to make your own pizza with healthier ingredients. Don’t let these foods stop you from losing weight. Spread the message. Share with your friends.
911. What’s Your Emergency? By EK Jasmine If you have never had an emergency, you’ll never fully understand the importance of the numbers 911. There’s just something comforting to know that there’s a response; a voice on the other end of the line, and even more reassuring, an answer when the simple words, “what’s your emergency?” comes through. It’s also heartening to know that the operator has the capability of ringing you back if you get disconnected and they can locate you too. That’s astounding isn’t it! Now, imagine if a basic machine, with human operators, is capable of doing all that, how much more can the brainprogrammer; God, do. Remember, He is the ‘Orchestrator’ of this universe.
The number 911 is a universal number for emergencies, but it is limited to the country it is programmed to. Meaning, if you dial 911 in one country, an operator in another country wouldn’t be able to pick up that call. However, the Creator, God Almighty, He’s able to pick up a 911 emergency, no matter where you are, even before the caller knows he has an emergency. Rest assured that no matter what’s your emergency, God our Father is never too busy. He never gets the lines crossed. He never misses a call or sends assistance to the wrong address. He knows us all by name. He knows exactly what our emergency is, even without hearing what our symptoms are. Not even the greatest specialist is capable of doing that.
So, the next time you have an emergency, don’t be afraid to trust the Operator on the other end. God answers all emergencies! Look up Psalm 91, verses 1-11; all the lines are good! “In my distress, I cried to the Lord, and He answered me,” (Psalm 120:1). So, what’s your emergency? 1-minute prayer: Father God, Your Word said, “When I call You will answer.” When I need a refuge, You are there. Thank You for Your daily benefits of protection. In Jesus’ name. Amen Excerpt from Our Daily Benefits. Copyright 2017© Karen E. Chin
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
Summer Reading Rewarded
ust over 40 students aged 6 to 17, racked up some 560 hours reading more than 500 books in this year’s Cayman Islands Public Library Service (CIPLS) Summer Reading Challenge. “It is important that we recognise the efforts of the Public Library Service to get our young people to spend more time reading, an activity that enriches every sphere of their lives. In today’s digital world it is equally important that we recognise the efforts of students who are willing to take the time to stop and read a book”, Mr. Suckoo remarked.
social scene
The most prolific readers in each age group were: • Aged 6-9; Darius Whittaker – Bodden • Aged 10-14; Courdene Thomas • Aged 15-17; Dante Thompson A number of younger bookworms who signed up for the programme were also recognised. This year’s programme focused on fairy tales and fables. Describing the educational properties of the genre, Public Library Service Deputy Director, Paul Robinson, who organised the reading challenge observed, “Fairy tales and fables develop children’s imagination and teach them right from wrong. They also teach us how to handle problems by making us think about what would we do in that situation? From this, young people can learn in real life how to overcome adversity and do the right thing!” To facilitate the process for chil36
dren and their parents, the Public Library Service posted an introductory booklet on their Facebook page and website. This document included a suggested reading list available from Libraries and selected from the chosen genre, as well as a reading log in which students could tally their hours. The programme ran from early July to 26 August when the participants were required to submit their logs to the Library. Director of the Cayman Islands Public Library Service (CIPLS), Ramona Melody, expressed her gratitude to the teachers, parents, library staff, and sponsors Rotary Central and Maples Fiduciary Services for helping to make the annual event a success each year. “The importance of reading, and the use of libraries, is crucial in a child’s educational development and the CIPLS is extremely proud to be playing a part in the education equation,” Ms. Melody adds. The Summer Reading Challenge began in 2012 to encourage children to read a minimum number of age-appropriate books, for a minimum number of days and minutes during the summer. Library membership and a reading log were the only other requirements. The programme which has been a regular part of the library calendar for some years aims to combat any regression in young people’s abilities during the long summer break. At the end of the summer, the Library sends a letter to school principals advising them of students who completed the challenge. (GIS)
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
Be Real Event
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
Where Are the Men of God? By Leonard Ravenhill
Tucked away in my heart is a stirring conviction; I share it with you. When Godgiven, Heaven-sent revival does come, it will undo in weeks the damage that blasphemous modernism has taken years to build. By the gale of the Spirit, the deceptive doctors of divinity will see swept away “the house which they built upon the sand” of human interpretations of the Bible.
he head of humanity is sick and the heart faint. Hell enlarges her mouth for the spoil which the filthy modernists have prepared as they have bartered the blood of Christ for “a mess of pottage” (so-called “higher criticism”). With swollen heads and shrunken hearts, they will look at their folly. Arm of the Lord, awake! Put on strength! This is the hour for revival. This is the hour of doom. Where are the men of God?
Prophets may have miracles, but they must have a message. In their own way, the bewildered worldlings are saying, “Is there any word from the Lord?” They know there is no intelligent word from any other source. Because God cannot lie, therefore Joel 2 and Malachi 3 will be fulfilled: “The Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple” (Malachi 3:1). What comfort there! This moment, drought; the next, deliverance. Ten minutes before
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
John the Baptist arrived, no one knew that he was there. As it was, so I am sure it will be. God will get some man’s ear and heart and will. Men, hidden in secret at this very moment, will utter soon, in the Spirit’s might, the burning truths that this people must hear. Their words will burn as molten metal. With long patience, God awaits. Have we no modern Moses? Can we suffer this generation to perish in the slave camp of moral bondage—and sit idly by,
doing nothing about it? Are we to be mesmerized spectators, while Lucifer, with millions chained to his infernal chariot, sweeps many souls down the “broad way” to everlasting darkness? We need to rediscover the secret of those blessed men of whom the Word says [in Hebrews 11:33], they “subdued kingdoms, [and] stopped the mouths of lions” — (that “lion” who goes about today “seeking whom he may devour”). For this day of doom our pale, pathetic, paralyzed Protestantism needs God-filled and God-guided men. Wanted: prophets of God! Taken by permission from Why Revival Tarries, ©1959 Leonard Ravenhill. Published by Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved. Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, King James Version.
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
5 15
18 21
20 23
32 39
40 44
10 17
25 27
41 45
42 46
47 51
58 64 67 70
Unless otherwise mentioned, scriptures are taken from NIV
ACROSS 1 The fear of the LORD ___ length to life (Prov 10:27) 5 When they had ___ three or three and a half miles (John 6:19) 10 Bring me a heifer, a goat and ___ ___ (1,3) (Gen 15:9) 14 and an hundred sheep, beside ___, and roebucks (1 Kings 4:23) KJV 16 This is the ___ of those who trust in themselves (Ps 49:13) 17 before me was a ___ horse! Its rider was named Death (Rev 6:8) 18 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the ___ on my holy hill (Joel 2:1) 19 David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a ____ (Romans 11:9) 20 his house is to be made a ___ of rubble (Ezra 6:11) 21 the woman said, The serpent ___ me, and I did eat (Gen 3:13) KJV 23 “You ___ ___ one of his disciples, are you?” (3,3) (John 18:17) 25 from my own ___ and from my father’s family (Gen 24:40) 26 saw what took place, they beat their ___ and went away (Luke 23:48) 27 Jacob ___ out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is (Gen 28:16) (KJV) 30 they shall even fall into the mouth of the ____ (Nahum 3:12) 31 David went to ___, to Ahimelech the priest (1 Sam 21:1) 32 you as a father ___ with his own children (1 Thess 2:11) 34 the ___ forest has been cut down (Zech 11:2) 38 And ____ begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (Gen 6:10) 40 the vine is ___ up and the fig tree is withered (Joel 1:12) 42 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the ____ (Matt 10:8) 43 snake (Isa 30:6) 45 ___ ___ seizes him by the heel; a snare holds him (1,4) (Job 18:9) 47 member of the first family of the Bible 48 The city was kept under ___ until the eleventh year of (II Ki 25:2) 50 steered by a very small ___ wherever the pilot wants to go (James 3:4) 52 Who would approach him with ___ ___? (1,6) (Job 41:13) 55 They left ____ Jaakan and camped at Hor (Num 33:32) 56 a papyrus basket for him and ___ it with tar and pitch (Ex 2:3) 57 Christ is the ___ of a new covenant (Heb 9:15) 61 John to the seven churches which are in ____ (Rev 1:4) 62 whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ____ (Eccles 3:14) KJV 64 like wax before the fire, like water rushing down a ___ (Mic 1:4) 65 is alive again; and was____, and is found (Luke 15:32) 66 the people shall go out and gather a certain ____ every day (Exodus 16:4) 67 ____ the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’ (Matt 25:6) 68 to let the oppressed go ____ (Isaiah 58:6) 69 he took his eldest son that should have reigned in his ___ (2 Kings 3:27) KJV 70 Then the high priest ____ his clothes (Mark 14:63)
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
DOWN 1 husband of Jezebel (IKing 19:1) 2 reared up for himself a pillar, which is in the king’s ___ (2 Sam 18:18) (KJV) 3 catch them in their net, and gather them in their ____ (Hab 1:15) 4 he slung it and ___ the Philistine on the forehead (1 Sam 17:49) 6 Jesus ___ withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:16) 7 they did not expose your sin to ___ off your captivity (Lam 2:14) 8 eighth letter of Greek alphabet 9 words that I have put in your mouth will not ___ from your mouth (Isa 59:21) 10 Then he ___ to James, then to all the apostles (1 Cor 15:7) 11 The winter is past; the ___ are over and gone (Song 2:11) 12 You are to ___ it as an inheritance for yourselves (Ezek 47:22) 13 so does the church that ___ at their house (1 Cor 16:19) 15 When I ___ at them, they scarcely believed it (Job 29:24) 22 And they ___ their asses with the corn (Gen 42:26) KJV 24 a ___ like a measuring rod and was told, “Go and measure (Rev 11:1) 26 took unto them certain lewd fellows of the ___sort (Acts 17:5) KJV 27 a prophetess, ___, the daughter of Phanuel,(Luke 2:36) 28 The boar out of the ___ doth waste it (Ps 80:13) KJV 29 nor change it, a good for ___ ___ (1,3) (Lev 27:10) 30 She gave herself as a prostitute to all the ____ of the Assyrians (Ezek 23:7) 33 The king got up in ___ ___ (1,4) (Est 7:7) 35 Share with God’s people who are in ___ (Rom 12:13) 36 You are my God; ___ your servant who trusts in you (Ps 86:2) 37 Edom southward were Kabzeel, and ____, and Jagur (Jos 15:21) 39 Do not ___ to go with them, for I have sent them (Acts 10:20) 41 Where is the man who has ___ to do such a thing? (Est 7:5) 44 In your majesty ___ forth victoriously (Ps 45:4) 46 The Lord will ___ men for all such sins (1 Thess 4:6) 49 The ___ who direct the affairs of the church (1 Tim 5:17) 51 Lydia, a ___ in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira (Acts 16:14) 52 they made an idol in the form of ___ ___ (1,4) (Acts 7:41) 53 gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of ___ (2 Peter 2:15) KJV 54 In that day will I ____ up the tabernacle of David (Amos 9:11) 55 the brothers sent Paul and Silas away to ___ (Acts 17:10) 57 your hands ___ out violence on the earth ( Ps 58:2) 58 he ___ his clothes and put on sackcloth (2 Kings 19:1) 59 I have set before thee an ____ door, and no man can shut it (Rev 3:8) 60 thou mayest give him ____ from the days of adversity (Ps 94:13) 63 went to the wine ___ to draw fifty measures (Haggai 2:16) Answers on Page 44
How Can I Be More Patient? Cont’d from P.20 the situation and he knew what was best for me. And I certainly never considered that he might have some lessons to teach me, like how to be content.
“I’m sorry I’m so late, Jessica,” Katie apologized. “I … “
It’s not easy to wait on God. When we’re waiting for him to work in the heart of an unsaved friend or heal the terminal illness of a close family member, we may begin to wonder if he’s even listening to our cries for help. But even when it doesn’t feel like it, God is “good to those whose hope is in him.” He will always do what is best for us, so we can trust him with every situation, whether it be waiting for a boyfriend or for a college acceptance letter. And he actually has a purpose in forcing us to wait. God wants to bring us to a point of surrender, a place where we’re willing to say, “No matter what happens, I trust you.” He wants to be, as the verse says, our “portion” so that in any situation we can say, “God, you are all I need.”
Jessica normally wouldn’t talk to her friend so harshly. But she’d had about all she could stand. It seemed like Katie was always late.
What About You? 1. Think of a time when you’ve had to wait for something. What made it difficult? Try to name two good things that came out of waiting. 2. Next time you have to wait for something, look for ways to make the most of it. For example, if you’re waiting in a long line at a store, use the time to pray for those requests you never seem to get around to. 3. Ask God to show you how to be content in the midst of waiting.
Waiting on Others Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. (James 1:19). Jessica looked down at her watch and sighed. She’d been waiting for Katie for almost 30 minutes. The two girls had planned to get together to work on their group history project. I told her I had a lot to do tonight, Jessica recalled. I can’t believe she’s so late. Fifteen more minutes passed and Jessica’s irritation grew with each second. By the time Katie showed up, Jessica was ready to explode.
“I told you I had stuff I had to do later,” Jessica interrupted. “Now I’m never going to get everything done!”
“My parents got in this huge fight,” Katie explained as the tears began to flow. “And my dad said he was leaving. I just didn’t feel like I could leave my mom by herself. So I waited until my sister got home.” Jessica felt horrible. If only she had taken James’ advice in the Scripture passage above. He had good reason for telling us to be “slow to speak.” Speaking can get in the way of listening, and that’s often what we need to do before we jump to conclusions. Before speaking, Jessica should have also reminded herself of her own faults. When we come face to face with our many imperfections, we see how little room we have to criticize others.
What About You? 1. What are some things other people do that can cause you to lose your temper? Make a list of ways you can “slow down” your anger in these situations. 2. Read the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Matthew 18:21-35). How has God been patient with you? How can that change the way you view others? 3. Ask God to help you see your own sin so you can be patient with others.
Waiting for the Future I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed . …Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons … (Romans 8:18-19)
For many, becoming a Christian is often followed by feelings of great excitement. They may experience lots of love and encouragement from other believers and feel like they’re already tasting heaven. But eventually, reality sets in. When it’s time to choose between what’s comfortable and what will cause them to stick out from the crowd, they begin to see that living the Christian life is far from easy. They may even begin to question whether it’s worth it. I remember when a good friend was struggling with this question. She said she was tired of always doing the right thing. She felt like she was missing out on a lot of fun she saw other people having. So she gave up trying to live for God. I think it was fun for her at first—going to the parties and finally feeling like a part of the group. But even that wasn’t enough to settle the restlessness that caused her discontentment in the first place. Her problem was that she’d begun to view the Christian life as a set of rules rather than a satisfying relationship. Hard times will come, times that make us question our devotion to Christ. When that happens, one of the best things we can do is remind ourselves of the future. God’s not going to let us struggle forever. And as these verses promise, what he has in store for us will be well worth the wait. It will also be worth the sacrifice of things that might seem more appealing at the moment.
What About You? 1. Recall a time when you wanted to give up on something but didn’t. What kept you going? 2. Read Hebrews 12:1-3. What does it mean to “fix your eyes on Jesus”? Make a list of things that take your eyes away from Jesus. How can you learn to avoid them? 3. Ask God to help you focus on his promise for the future—eternity in heaven, free from any struggles—so that you can persevere today.
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
Find the words below reading forward, backward, up, down, diagonally, always in a straight line. MATT 14:1-15
After you ямБnd all the hidden words the left over letters spell out a Bible verse reading from the top left to th bottom right.
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Answers on Page 44
Cycle of Evil There was once a king who was so cruel and unjust that his subjects yearned for his death or dethronement. However, one day he surprised them all by announcing that he had decided to turn over a new leaf. “No more cruelty, no more injustice,” he promised, and he was as good as his word. He became known as the ‘Gentle Monarch’. Months after his transformation one of his ministers plucked up enough courage to ask him what had brought about his change of heart. And the king answered, “As I was galloping through my forests I caught sight of a fox being chased by a hound. The fox escaped into his hole but not before the hound had bitten into its leg and lamed it for life. Later I rode into a village and saw the same hound there. It was barking at a man. Even as I watched, the man picked up a huge stone and flung it
at the dog, breaking its leg. The man had not gone far when he was kicked by a horse. His knee was shattered and he fell to the ground, disabled for life. The horse began to run but it fell into a hole and broke its leg. Reflecting on all that had happened, I thought: ‘Evil begets evil. If I continue in my evil ways, I will surely be overtaken by evil’. So I decided to change”. The minister went away convinced that the time was ripe to overthrow the king and seize the throne. Immersed in thought, he did not see the steps in front of him and fell, breaking his neck. Moral: Cycle of Deeds always gives us back what we give to others. If we do good to others, our good will happen, if we do bad to others, our turn will also come.
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
All Nations United Pentecostal Church (UPC)
Instructions: Solve the 16x16 Sudoku so the numbers 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 4x4 box.
23A Woodlake Drive George Town Grand Cayman Tel: (345) 949 9533
Puzzle and wordsearch answers
christian lifestyle >> Issue No. 5 - 2017
Be prepared, we are.
Don’t be caught empty-handed when illness or disaster strikes – having the right documentation can save your life! Even when URGENT medical care is needed, immigration authorities still require the proper documentation. Without it, most countries will refuse admission. Always have travel documents for yourself and your family in order – it can be critical to saving precious lives. Here are some tips: • Ensure that you have the correct and valid travel documents such as a passport and visa to enter the US, UK, Jamaica or any other likely destination; • Check the expiration date of your passport and visa(s) – you should have at least six months left before the expiration date; • For queries relating to your visa and or passport requirements and/or renewal please contact the Passport Office directly at (345) 949-8344 option 6. • Ensure that your health insurance premiums are paid and current.
Cayman Islands Health Services Authority 95 Hospital Road, Grand Cayman | Tel: (345) 949-8600 | Email: |