Clockwork Service Guide

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specialists in hospitality

WE’RE PASSIONATE ABOUT... Uniquely Brilliant Hospitality Marketing We’re a world-class team of marketers, developers, designers and analysts. We guide our clients through the complex and ever-changing world of marketing, delivering exceptional, measurable results that achieve their business goals. Having worked with hotels, spas and hospitality businesses for over 25 years, we offer unique insight into what works. Sometimes this can be one thing, but more often than not it’s a careful recipe of many. This guide details everything we do – our services, expertise and marketing tools.


Design & Build Website Workshop

Logo Design

Logo Tweak

Creating Websites

Content Creation

pp. 12 - 15

Brand Creation

Designing Brands p. 8



Design for Print Brand Bible

Bringing Brands to Life pp. 9 - 10

MOT Packages

Sitemap Testing

Website Analytics pp. 16 - 20

Google Analytics

Content Tone of Voice Guide



Email Marketing

Gift Vouchers

Brilliance Suite pp. 31 - 36

Success Workshop Strategy & Delivery

Revenue Strategy

Strategic Thinking pp. 21 - 25

Profiling & Data



Social Media

Content Marketing

Direct Mail

Hands-on Marketing pp. 26 - 30

Email Marketing

Search Marketing

Online Advertising

Social Brilliance

Website Content System

“Since asking Clockwork to renew our website and handle our online marketing we have seen our business go from strength to strength. Our turnover has doubled thanks to their honest advice.� Sally Fox, Kilcamb Lodge,Scotland

“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Jeff Bezos, Founder, Amazon Great brands build emotional connections. Emotions create memories. Memories create stories. Positive memories and stories drive passion, loyalty, advocacy and revenue. At Clockwork Marketing we create brand identities and we carefully manage them, ensuring you stand out from the crowd.




Designing brands

BRAND CREATION Through a series of workshops, surveys and research, we’ll work with you and your team to understand everything we can about your brand. Where do you sit in the market now? Where would you like to sit? How would you like to connect? We’ll help you to define your brand characteristics and develop your brand essence. And then we’ll translate it into something tangible and utterly compelling. • Naming conventions • Logo development • Typeface

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consistently. Artwork files will be supplied, along with all the references you’ll need.

LOGO DESIGN Sometimes a logo is all that’s required. Perhaps your naming convention has changed, or you’d like to enhance your main brand with a connected sub-brand. Our talented designers will create ideas in monochrome, before adding splashes of colour.

• Colour palettes • Photography style

• Logo development

• Print finishes

• Colour palette

• Creative concepts

• Typeface

• Tone of voice

• Collateral concepts

• Style guide and artwork files

• Artwork files

During the creative process visual concepts will be supplied for your initial feedback. It’s an iterative process; so these will be in monochrome to begin, with splashes of colour, tone and texture added later. Highly experimental, we’ll work with you to test different colour palettes, fonts and effects. Gradually the final concept will be fine-tuned and perfected, until it’s completely you. Once you’ve approved your brand identity, we’ll package it up into a handy guide to help you communicate your company’s brand effectively and

LOGO TWEAK Taking your existing logo, we can help you bring it bang up-to-date, tweaking layout, font and colours to ensure it’s taking your brand in the right direction. • Colour palette • Typeface • Artwork files


Your guests may not consciously notice it, but it will feel like something is wrong if your style is erratic. We can help you to maintain a consistent style, ensuring your marketing communications are always exceptional. Our designers and copywriters can provide tools for your in-house team, or we can become Brand Guardians – developing, copywriting and designing anything you need.

BRAND BIBLE Your Style Guide or Brand Bible can be shared with all those involved in developing your communications, as well as your wider team as part of induction or refresher training. It will contain guidance on how to apply your brand, as well as information about your brand’s value proposition and qualities. Based on your requirements, it may exist online, or as a hardcopy. • The inspiration for the brand • Typeface • Colour palettes • Logo size and placement

TONE OF VOICE GUIDE This guide will define the key messages for your brand, providing a detailed directory of vocabulary that is ‘typically you’. The guide will demonstrate how your tone is to be used and will become the ‘go-to’ guide for your team. It will include individual words, sentence structures and straplines for every area of your business – from spa to restaurant, rooms to location, and more. Using the guide, your team will be able to reiterate the right messages over and over again, regardless of the creator, or the communication tool – whether it’s snappy advertising copy, webfriendly content, social media or printed literature. Doing so will ensure you are employing a single, authentic tone.

• Icons or other imagery • Tone of voice (summary)

• A go-to guide for your team

• Web-specific elements

• Individual words

• Paper stock and finishes

• Sentence structures

• Photography style

• Straplines


Staying brilliant


No more bland...

DESIGN FOR PRINT We can take ideas and transform them into a compelling design concept – taking care of everything from copywriting to design, proofing and print . Whether it’s a complete suite of branded literature, or a single brochure, we apply the same creative thinking and enthusiasm to every single project. We have a detailed understanding of the print process – from quotes, quantities and sizes, to paper stock and delivery. We can even offer advice on how to keep your costs down with innovative and versatile print solutions.

CONTENT Beautiful brochure, glossy magazine or eye-catching postcard? No matter how beautiful your design, if your content isn’t up to scratch, you’ll quickly lose the attention of your audience. Our highly experienced copywriters are specialists in hospitality and skilled in crafting attention-grabbing content to help you stand out from the crowd. We’ll take the time to understand your customers and goals to produce creative, engaging and conversionboosting content to ensure that your printed campaigns hit the mark!

t our Ask abou ctive cost-effe design & ng copywriti s bundle !

PHOTOGRAPHY PHOBIA? We can manage photoshoots and lifestyle photography for you! Please ask us for more details.

“What is the cost of a poor website? Speaking from experience, it could be as significant as halving your turnover.” Michelle Sims, Senior Creative, Clockwork Marketing Your website is your business’ most powerful marketing tool. It can be the start, or the end, of a customer’s journey with you. We design great beginnings. Websites that delight and compel from the outset, inviting visitors to become absorbed in your world. Beneath great design is a great user experience. Specialising in hospitality marketing, we know what makes websites convert. Our hospitality websites are designed to drive direct bookings, ensuring guests can find everything they need to book right there, on your website. 90% of our clients are hospitality businesses…imagine being able to benchmark your website against similar properties. We make this possible!




Be technically brilliant

CREATING WEBSITES WEBSITE WORKSHOP This half-day workshop is for business owners, general managers, marketing staff, HODs (e.g. weddings, events, spa, restaurant) and anyone who comes into regular contact with guests. Data gleaned from Google Analytics and insights about the business are presented to help delegates make informed decisions about their goals, objectives and personas to inform a detailed website brief.

writers can take this off your hands, transforming even the most basic information into fully-fledged, optimised web copy.

• Half-day facilitated workshop • Data insights from marketing analysts • Hands-on team-based activities • Discuss objectives and SWOT • Identifying personas • Sitemap review

WEBSITE CONTENT We can prepare optimised content for your entire website, creating accurate, engaging copy that helps you really shine. We’ll start by helping you organise your website’s content so that it’s logical and comprehensive. Then we’ll create search-friendly content that not only wins rankings, but also engages. Ultimately, by improving the reader experience we can increase booking conversions. Our experienced travel

WEBSITE DESIGN AND BUILD We live and breathe hotel websites. By combining cutting-edge creativity with conversion-boosting elements, smart navigation with search-friendly design, and engaging content with leading functionality, we can create a website that truly works hard for your property. Your website will meet all the latest website optimisation standards in order to maximise search engine performance. Our bespoke Content Management System (CMS) means your website content and images can be easily updated with no technical knowledge required…brilliant! This will allow your website to grow and adapt.


ESSENTIALS WEBSITE This website is perfect for smaller hotels, restaurants with rooms, and boutique inns. Beautifully designed, it has everything you need to drive bookings online.

“Clockwork have set up our new website. They took the time to come up to South West Scotland and find out what Cavens and the area was all about. The site has been well received by all we come into contact with.”

We offer plans payment efty h with no es! fe t up-fron

Angus Fordyce, Cavens House, Dumfries & Galloway

NOT SURE WHAT WOULD SUIT YOU BEST? Contact us today and we can talk you through the different options and answer any questions you may have.


Your greatest marketing asset...


ASPIRE WEBSITE Aspire websites feature unique design modules to really embrace your content, allowing you to build pages from the bottom up as opposed to working with a templated design. A popular choice, this website is designed for properties with multiple business drivers – such as weddings and conferences as well as rooms and dining, this website balances all your business needs with conversion-driving modules.

“Our shiny new website is everything that we had envisioned and more, brought together with the fresh new ideas that Clockwork always bring to the table, ensuring everything is kept moving forward in a fast paced marketing environment…” Sally Lancaster, Woolacombe Bay Hotel, North Devon


BESPOKE WEBSITES Beginning with a Website Workshop, we will work with your team to understand your goals and objectives. We will combine this information and make bespoke recommendations regarding your website’s design and functionality. This approach is for ambitious businesses with a full suite of business drivers. Taking this enhanced approach to design and development will support bespoke, strategic objectives such as capturing that last bit of occupancy that always alludes you, increasing Average Daily Rate (ADR) to beat your financial objectives, amplifying your unique brand message to get the edge over competitors, attracting nonresident dining bookings, driving high-value wedding conversions, optimising spa utilisation, and increasing off-peak conference bookings, for example. It’s all possible with in-depth support from our marketing analysts, strategists and designers.

“Clockwork’s experience with hotel websites really helped with understanding the many different commercial facets.” Ben Parkinson, Brownsword Hotel Group

NOT SURE WHAT WOULD SUIT YOU BEST? Contact us today and we can talk you through the different options and answer any questions you may have.


Get cleverer

WEBSITE ANALYTICS Data is at the heart of everything we do. We passionately believe that marketing decisions are only as good as the data upon which they’re based. Our data analysts are experts at gathering data; they monitor every step of the booking journey. Empowered with valuable insight we can influence behaviour and inform marketing decisions.

SITEMAP TESTING When it comes to your website’s sitemap, keeping it simple wins bookings. But it’s not always easy; you’ve a lot of information to convey. Sitemap testing will identify exactly where people get lost when navigating your website. Whether you have a seasoned website, or are planning a new project, sitemap testing is incredibly valuable. It can answer questions like: • Do my ‘labels’ (page names) make sense to people? • Is the content grouped intuitively? • Can people find what they want quickly and easily? • If not, what’s stopping them?

19 See page l na for additio es! ervic website s

GOOGLE ANALYTICS CONFIGURATION There are dozens of reports and hundreds of configuration options available in Google Analytics. We can break this down from your perspective, creating bespoke reports for your business, answering questions like: • Your visitors: who are they? • Your marketing channels: which are most effective? Going beyond lookers, we’ll tell you who actually books. • Your website: what visitors do? What don’t they do? • Your conversions: how many visitors complete the actions you want them to?

This data empowers you. You will be able to clearly see which digital marketing is most effective at driving bookers, plus any areas for improvements. Our Google Analytics experts will work with you to: 1. Understand your website objectives and what data is important to your business. 2. Define a tracking matrix that considers best practice as well as your bespoke needs.

WEBSITE SOLUTIONS 3. Analyse your current implementation and make strategic recommendations.

7. Develop a personalised dashboard for reporting.

4. Implement the recommendations to ensure that data is being collected as required. E-commerce tracking will be configured so you can see the value of all website transactions, the revenue generated from each marketing source, specific transactions and conversion rate.

8. Support you post-delivery to ensure your data is accurate and you are making the most of your newfound insight.

5. Create any advanced filters needed to tidy up your data. 6. Review advanced features and offer advice on their best use, such as:

Your final report will detail all the changes and provide guidance on how to view and use custom reports. The set-up is checked 30 days after delivery to ensure accuracy. With accurate and reliable data you will be able to improve your marketing activity and website performance.

• Demographic insight • Events, goals and funnels • Site search • E-commerce tracking • Advanced segments

WANT MORE DIRECT BOOKINGS? It might be time to review your booking conversion. See page 18 for more information.


Make your website work harder...

WEBSITE PERFORMANCE Your website is your business’ most important marketing asset. But is it working hard enough? To understand its effectiveness we undertake ‘Conversion Rate Optimisation’. This is the process of taking an existing website, understanding user journeys and making incremental improvements to processes to improve conversions. Our User Experience (UX) specialists have years of firsthand experience in enhancing website performance to increase conversions and revenue. Often the most relevant improvements are made to the booking process. However, other goals can also be achieved such as driving leads to specific services that cannot be bought online e.g. weddings. All website processes can be optimised, including:

We will take your website and work with you over a defined period, taking your priorities and making small incremental tweaks and applying advanced tracking so we can report on what’s working and continuing to apply this across your website. Working with hundreds of hospitality businesses, we will take what we have learnt from a portfolio of properties and supercharge your conversions. Conversion Rate Optimisation can improve all areas of your website – from messaging to usability and design, functionality.

• Navigation (e.g. your sitemap) • Online process (e.g. lead generation or a registration process) • Online booking • Specific pages that support any of the above

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NEED A WEBSITE? A poor performing website and booking engine could be costing you £100,000’s. See page 12 for more information.

• Annual web hosting with 24/7 monitoring • Domain name advice, registration and maintenance available • Cloud-based email hosting solutions • SSL Certificates

GOOD TO KNOW… We host regular master classes and seminars where we share business-critical marketing advice, specifically for colleagues in the hospitality industry. Email to receive priority invitations to future events.




Are you firing on all cylinders?

MOT PACKAGES WEBSITE MOT Websites, browsers, algorithms and legal commitments are always changing. It’s important that your website is at the top of its game. Our Website MOT package is designed to ensure that your website offers the best possible experience, performs well in search engines and follows best practice guidelines.

The Website MOT checks: • Compliance (Cookie Policy and SSL certification) • Technical attributes (broken links, redirects, sitemaps and content visibility) • Key functionality and messaging (blogs, social feeds, content and usability)

GOOGLE ANALYTICS MOT When running a hospitality business, it is important to know where your bookings are coming from, what offers people respond to and what marketing activity is working best. Google Analytics can help you achieve all of this so you can make business decisions, based on data, to improve revenue generation and guest experience. Our 20-point Google Analytics MOT is conducted by experienced analysts who methodically check if Google

site Your web en e giv should b very an MOT e ! s 12 month

Analytics is tracking correctly to answer the questions:

• Is the correct data being captured to help make business decisions? • Is the data tracking reliable and accurate? • If any elements are not tracking correctly, can they be fixed?

EMAIL MARKETING MOT Over time, email tools get clogged up with old and out-of-date data and templates get tired. Compliance with new data regulations covered in GDPR will mean that data needs to be collected, stored, and used correctly with proof that users have consented, such as via a double opt-in. Our Email Marketing MOT will help to clean your data, bring your process up-todate and re-fresh your templates, so you can concentrate on being creative and not worry about compliance with legislation.

Our Email Marketing MOT will: • Review and clean your data • Refresh your templates • Improve process to comply with GDPR

“Working with hundreds of hotels gives us unique insight into what works.” Pete Stevens, Senior Marketing Analyst, Clockwork Marketing Coming from hospitality backgrounds, we know what it means to manage a hotel, and we created Clockwork around the needs of hoteliers and business owners. We understand the challenges you face; our purpose is to guide you, helping you navigate the modern world of marketing, keeping you one step ahead. We do this by leveraging the power of the data and insight we have gleaned in over a quarter of a century of hospitality marketing. We can benchmark your property against others – identifying what ‘good’ really looks like – and share best practice from hundreds of hospitality marketing campaigns. So why choose us? It’s quite simple really: we speak your language. Seeking to drive occupancy in the shoulder months? Desperate to woo weddings out of season? Keen to keep guests coming back? Want to increase direct bookings? Our marketing services designed with your objectives in mind. Together, we can achieve amazing results.




Guided by experts

STRATEGIC THINKING Strategy sets apart the planners from the doers, the leaders from the followers and the super successful from the average. Strategy creates direction and differentiation from competitors. It offers context for ideas and imagination. Being the most effective at identifying the genuine benefits your business offers and matching them to the need will lead you to success.

MARKETING STRATEGY & DELIVERY A strong, forward-thinking marketing strategy can resolve your business’ toughest woes, helping you stay ahead of the competition and make the most of every opportunity. The best strategies begin with an audit; by looking to the past we can understand who your guests are and what they seek. Your marketing audit will highlight opportunities, inform the development of a high-performance marketing plan and provide a benchmark for future marketing. We will work with you to define your marketing budget and devise a strategy that gets to the heart of your objectives. We can work alongside your existing marketing team – overseeing your marketing, directing the strategy and bringing specialist skills to specific projects – or we can be your entire marketing team, managing your marketing budget and reporting on results. We’re very versatile.

MARKETING AUDIT: • Regional trends and observations • Competitor analysis • Guest profiling insights • Booking behaviour • Marketing performance • Best guest analysis • Brand and identity • Website and bookability analysis

REVENUE STRATEGY & MANAGEMENT Do you want to understand, anticipate and influence guest and customer behaviour to maximise revenue and profit? We can advise you on the introduction of a rate management and tracking system to maximise revenue and determine the optimum pricing for your hotel website and online channels. By cleverly combining this with a direct booking strategy we can increase bookings, at the least possible cost. We can manage your strategy entirely or act as revenue consultants, developing strategic approaches, monitoring the success, and helping your team to effectively yield your rates.


out Ask us ab n ca e GDPR. W you re u help ens ! ly p com

CUSTOMER PROFILING & DATA MANAGEMENT Your customers are your greatest asset and your greatest challenge, all at once. How many times have you looked at your best customers and thought that you’d love to have more like them? They’ll be in your database but how much do you really know about them? By profiling them we can show you who your best customers/opportunities are, and find more of the same. Then we can get smart with your messaging, tailoring it to each segment. Profiling can be completed based on guest behaviour – number of visits, spend, geo-location, booking preferences such as room type, etc. – and demographics. Prepared in partnership with Experian, the latter identifies the common characteristics that unite your database, specifically detailing the characteristics

that increase an individual’s propensity to buy from you and respond to your marketing messages. The insight gleaned will help you to tailor your services, messages, and communication mix. We can also purchase databases of ‘lookalikes’ – high opportunity individuals who mirror the characteristics of your best customers. In order to increase conversions and maximise returns from your marketing activity we recommend that your data is regularly cleansed. We can provide a free audit of your database, identifying how many of your guests have moved home, passed away, moved away, or are registered with the Mailing Preference Service.

SUCCESS WORKSHOP Compelling and insightful, these Success Workshops are held at Clockwork HQ in Devon. They offer the opportunity to bring your team together to talk about the objectives you have for your business in order to establish the most effective approaches to achieve them. More than just a day, our specialist team will prepare by examining your business in order to share ideas and presentations to enhance your thinking. Areas covered are tailored to your objectives. We may recommend that a Success Workshop as part of a Marketing Audit or as a stand-alone approach.


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• Marketing strategy • Search engine performance • Social media prowess • Email marketing effectiveness • Website best practice and bookability • Content marketing opportunities • Revenue strategy


A fresh approach...

HANDS-ON MARKETING Many of these specialist services can be commissioned individually. For the best value, all encompassing approach, ask about our marketing packages: Essential, Aspire and Growth Accelerator. Designed for ambitious, market-leading properties, they take the mystery out of marketing by offering everything you need in one simple package managed by a team of experienced marketers.

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ASPIRE A popular choice for larger companies with multiple business drivers, such as weddings and conferences as well as rooms and dining. This package has all the services in the Essential package, plus additional components needed for ambitious growth.

ESSENTIAL Perfect for smaller hotels, restaurants with rooms and boutique inns, it contains the basic marketing needed to help your business grow and drive bookings online.

GROWTH The ideal choice for businesses who want to achieve rapid growth and a significant step up in their marketing, website presence and revenue generation. It includes all the features of the other packages, alongside various others including bespoke services from our experts.

BENCHMARKING As a leading hospitality agency, Clockwork has unrivalled access to a range of performance data from hotels. We can share benchmarking information, anonymously, with you to help you understand how you are performing.


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We blend technology and talent to create fully integrated search campaigns. By applying the right approach at the right time, we achieve remarkable returns through search engine optimisation (SEO), pay per click (PPC), remarketing, display advertising and metasearch channels.

Advertising with specialist online directories – Johansen’s, Britain’s Finest, Sawday’s, etc. – can pay significant dividends where target audiences are aligned and the fees are in line with the rewards. However, booking and search behaviour is always changing and it’s all too easy to continue annual subscriptions without fully evaluating them. We can help you assess the profitability of these channels, sharing insight from across our client mix. We can also manage them, ensuring you make the most of every opportunity – publishing offers, increasing desirability and making sure you stand out.

We have data-driven minds and creative hearts; everything we do is about making your property look good. By being consistently curious, we unearth hard-to-spot ways to achieve top rankings, increasing traffic, conversions and return on investment. But we don’t stop there. We’re obsessive! We’ll continually analyse competitor behaviour and examine user experience (UX), recommending technical and architectural improvements to increase opportunities and conversions.

“We have used Clockwork Marketing for approaching three years now. They proactively handle our social media campaign, website and gift voucher services - this is a long established marketing agency who know what they are doing.” Edward Herring, Washingborough Hall Hotel, Lincoln


Tell your brand story...

SOCIAL MEDIA Your story deserves to be heard. We have the tools and the know-how to ensure that you’re telling it to the right people. Working in partnership with your team, we’ll stamp your mark right across the social landscape, engaging your audience, wherever and whoever they may be. The social media landscape is always changing. Do you try to post to every single platform? Where time is limited, what should you focus on? And how do you keep up with all the new advertising formats, ensuring you get the most out of your marketing budget? These are all questions we can help with. We can design a strategy for your team, provide training, manage a small part of your social media presence, or all of it. We’re very flexible.

SERVICES INCLUDE: • Training for hospitality teams • Social media strategy development • Organic and creative campaigns • Targeted paid campaigns • Advanced configuration/retargeting • Influencer and blogger engagement • User generated content (UGC) strategies and social feeds

35 Visit page ur n o o for more lliance Social Bri tool!

“Revenue increased by 14% in 8 months after managing a re-brand and marketing campaign.” The Place Aparthotel, Manchester

CONTENT MARKETING Search algorithms favour original content, so connecting with audiences through platforms like blogs is incredibly powerful. Creating content, whether it be image-led, copy-led or video allows you to tell your company’s unique story. It’s also highly shareable, so it is great for social platforms. Generally we follow a three-step process when it comes to content marketing. Firstly we conduct a content audit so that we can discover what you already have and your objectives – how can content help to achieve these? This is followed by the creation of a content strategy, to help define what’s important to your guests, where the current levels of

engagement are, and where your focus should be. Then comes the creation of the content and distribution, because target audiences are best reached in a targeted way!

SERVICES INCLUDE: • Content audit • Content strategy • Content creation • Content calendars • Copywriting and blogging services • Tone of voice creation

9 See page n o re o for m ur o y g n ti crea oice! Tone of v


Finding your voice...

DIRECT MAIL Your guests are time-poor, they value businesses that are helpful, who can help them save money and have more fun with their lives. This is where direct, personalised mailings can really hit the spot. Your existing guests love what you do; they are your most significant marketing opportunity. We can take your hotel’s data, analyse it, and create highly personalised, creative, thoughtful mailings. Be it a postcard, magazine, letter or something entirely different, we design personalised mailshots that will cut through the chaos, delivering increased engagement and roof-raising returns.

EMAIL MARKETING Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools out there but emails must be regular, creative and targeted if you want to cut through the clutter. Many hotels choose to let us do the thinking for them. We reward them with data-driven email marketing strategies, complete with engaging messages, standout design, and all the latest features. We can manage and monitor your campaigns from start to finish, developing valuable insight into your subscriber behaviour and fine-tuning your campaigns, always ensuring your subscribers love what you send them.

• Data profiling and preparation • Data purchase (if required) • Strategic advice • Compelling copywriting • Design & print • Postage discounts available

34 Visit page r n ou for info o rketing email ma ! platform

“Give ordinary people the right tools, and they will design and build the most extraordinary things.” Neil Gershenfeld, Director MIT We’ve developed a range of products designed specifically to help businesses work smarter, become more efficient and increase your profitability. From a revenue-boosting gift voucher system, to easy-to-use email marketing and a platform to help you be socially brilliant, we provide industry-leading options that will boost your bottom line.

...we call it, the Brilliance Suite!




Double your sales online with...

GIFT VOUCHER BRILLIANCE Designed with hotels, restaurants and other hospitality businesses, Gift Voucher Brilliance will bolt seamlessly onto your website, offering a secure portal from which to sell spa, dining, accommodation and experience gift vouchers. Accessed through your website, customers can choose from an unlimited range of vouchers and pay for them securely. Our gift voucher service is designed around three key functional areas:

A USER-FRIENDLY SHOPFRONT Customers access your online gift voucher shop seamlessly through your website and browse the customised range of gift vouchers. Browsing unlimited categories, special offers, and recommendations – all of which can be created in your secure management centre. In a few simple clicks gift vouchers can be purchased and ordered, with instant delivery by email, or with the option to have them posted.

GIFT VOUCHER FULFILMENT Purchases are processed instantly through your choice of secure payment processor (PayPal, SagePay, Worldpay, First Data or Secure Trading). The customer can add a personalised message and view a preview of their gift voucher once added to their basket. eVouchers are issued instantly, postal vouchers can be dispatched by

yourselves or by Clockwork. We offer a professional fulfilment service, with guaranteed same day dispatch if an order is placed by 3:00pm MondayFriday. We can source, supply and store bespoke packaging and gift envelopes.

SECURE MANAGEMENT CENTRE The management centre logs every voucher sold, allocating a unique ID and automatically setting expiry dates. Vouchers can be redeemed here and QR validation is available for quick one-click redemption. You can track vouchers at every stage of the life cycle from purchase to expiry in real-time. Reports are issued daily and flexible configurations are available so you can track the most popular vouchers, access details of people who have bought vouchers, and identify peak sales periods. The management centre is where you can create new voucher categories, upload new vouchers, update information, set expiry dates, and give selected vouchers increased prominence. It is also where you can create ‘Secret Deal Categories’ for discreet promotions and issue vouchers sold-over-the counter.


Multiple s? Ask propertie r Group about ou ! Solution

ADVANCED FUNCTIONALITY: • Streamlined check-out • Unlimited vouchers across unlimited categories • Secret deal functionality for discreet promotions • Issue vouchers sold in-house and log complimentary vouchers • Google Tag Manager configuration for tracking purposes • Configurable expiry dates for shortterm seasonal promotions • Search functionality based on price, location and description (group solution only) • Individual staff log-ins

Developed with your marketing in mind, training, advanced point of sale guidance and sale-boosting tips are available from your dedicated Account Manager. Regular upgrades are made to the platform, to the benefit of all Gift Voucher Brilliance clients.

“As a multi-award winning Hotel, Spa & Estate, we needed a reliable and simple way to offer vouchers. Clockwork Marketing provide a solution that not only works well for the client but enables us to increase sales, monitor purchases and make regular changes, resulting in a most valuable marketing tool.” Catherine Duffey, Carbis Bay Hotel, St. Ives

WHY SELL GIFT VOUCHERS ONLINE? Selling online typically doubles gift voucher sales. Many quality hotels achieve sales in excess of £100,000 per annum. Typically 25-30% of gift vouchers are never redeemed - straight to your bottom line!


Efficient, effective and engaging

EMAIL MARKETING BRILLIANCE ged For mana aigns, p email cam 0! 3 see page

Email Marketing Brilliance is a high quality email distribution platform that enables you to send professional emails, to the best audience, at the best time. It has all the marketing tools necessary to ensure you get it right, and have the backup statistics to drive continuous improvement for your business.



• Image gallery: upload and store unlimited images for future campaigns

You can use Email Marketing Brilliance to monitor open rates by time, see bounce rates and unsubscribe detail at-a-glance. What could be better than that? Well… we’d say link analysis is better than that. With Email Marketing Brilliance you can see exactly who clicked specific links, and use this to build targeted audiences for future communications. Communications can be automatically triggered; doing so radically drives up conversions. Imagine sending an email newsletter with a promotion, then being able to trigger a follow-up to remind people who opened or clicked the promotion that it’s ending soon and that the last few rooms are remaining; that can be incredibly powerful.

• Send responsive emails: look professional on all screen sizes • Easy to use Campaign Editor: simple drag and drop functionality

• Data lists: make it easy to import and segment your data • Subscription management to manage unsubscribes, exclusions and bounces • Advanced testing: so you can see exactly how your email will look in inboxes • Split testing: to compare send times, content, and subject lines • Automated sends: for welcome emails and responsive targeting • Bespoke branded templates • Flexible pricing: simply pay an annual licence fee and buy email credits as you go

“Very reliable, very professional, exceedingly good service and we cannot thank them enough. We look forward to many more successful years together!” Jamie Moon, Lakeside Luxury Holidays, Cotswolds


Raising the bar on social media

SOCIAL BRILLIANCE Your guests are posting beautiful photos of your hotel and the local area all the time. This is called user generated content (UGC). Harnessing the power of this content can radically influence booking decisions and build goodwill. Back in the day we included testimonials on all our hotel websites, and we still do that, but imagine how powerful it is to see a gallery of real-life guest experiences as opposed to comments? Clockwork’s Social Brilliance is designed to do just that.

A social feed will be added to a dedicated page on your website – your home page or a page of your choice. This will automatically collect and display content from your social platforms, and also from your guests when they post images using your handle (@hotelname) or defined hashtags (such as #hotelmemories). You will be able to review the pictures and let your Account Manager know if you would like any to be hidden. With a fully supported back-end system, call us today to find out more!

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For a demo of our Social Brilliance software and a FREE social media benchmarking report analysing your competitor’s social activity, please call us!


Built with hospitality in mind...

CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM For various businesses, one of the biggest headaches with websites is maintaining and editing content. Too many websites look great, but are difficult to edit, using systems that may as well be written in Russian when it comes to everyday use. Finding many businesses frustrated by tricky technology, we built our own easy to use Content Management System (CMS). Fully aware that most staff do not ‘code’ or deal in techno jargon, our CMS works with simple building blocks or sections that can be accessed at the click of a mouse. So whether you want to upload a new seasonal promotion or event, refresh imagery or create an entirely new site page, you’ll be able to do so in seconds with a minimum of training. So what is different about our own Content Management System? Here are just some of the advantages and features you can expect:

• Specifically built with hospitality in mind. • Easy to use, with no specialist knowledge required. • Add, hide and delete pages on your website. • Update events, special offers and prices with ease. • Create blog posts to improve SEO. • Take control of your images; upload, update and change the order with our simple click and drag system. No need to resize or risk slowing load speed! • Keep your site looking fresh with custom page sections and modules. • Change main imagery and refresh seasonal content. • Create multiple accounts with different management levels. • Schedule seasonal offers and promotions. • SEO ready and feature rich.

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“Clockwork have been fantastic at tailoring the CMS for our needs which actually evolved with the project beyond the initial brief.” Gidleigh & Abode Hotel Collection

“We enable clients to stand out from the crowd and guide them through the marketing landscape, advising every step.” Clare Bushby, Director, Clockwork Marketing We formed Clockwork Marketing over twenty five years ago on a set of beliefs and principles. And whilst the marketing landscape has changed radically, these fundamental ideas have always remained. They guide everything we do... We promise to always act with integrity, honesty and kindness. For us, these attributes are essential to any relationship. We love being creative and helping our clients stand out from the crowd. When we work together we’ll want to hear all about your inspiration, niggles, and dreams so we can craft the very best ideas. We promise to help you avoid expensive marketing pitfalls. We love nothing more than filling a blank piece of paper with great ideas; they’re contagious. However, we also believe ideas should be thoughtful and backed-up by data. This is how we get results for you and your business. If we don’t think we can get the returns you’re seeking, we’ll tell you. It’s our promise.



Celebrating 25 years of...

HOTEL MARKETING EXCELLENCE “Clockwork Marketing gave us confidence and they really did deliver beyond our expectations. Clare and all the team at Clockwork were brilliant. Thank you, we are very proud of our new website and we look forward to working closely with your marketing team as we grow our presence on the web and other channels.” SEARLES LEISURE GROUP, NORFOLK

“I have no hesitation in recommending Clockwork as a one stop shop for all marketing needs!” DEER PARK HOTEL, HONITON

“Our company has been associated with Clockwork Marketing for twenty five years. We have been delighted with the service we have received and look forward to working with Clockwork for many years to come.” HOTEL RIVIERA, SIDMOUTH

Clients include:

Clockwork Marketing, Whilborough Road, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 5DY 01803 872999

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