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Patient safety solutions. Patient safety action. Patient safety first. “Patient First is an exciting opportunity to bring together board members, doctors, nurses, managers, pharmacists and all those who are seeking to deliver improved safety outcomes for their patients.” Dr Mike Durkin, NHS England
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Access 32 hours of compelling patient safety content spread over six streams Listen to and learn from world class patient safety leaders as well as your peers, from award winning healthcare organisations, delivering a range of case-studies Liaise with and get practical advice from product and service providers Network with healthcare professionals from across the UK facing the same patient safety challenges
Redeem your free place using the code PF-aS-XXX
CONFERENCE Programme Thursday 27th November
Wednesday 26th November Theatre 1 --9.00---10.00---10.30--
Exhibition floor time
Professor of Psychology, Department of Experimental Psychology University of Oxford and Emeritus Professor Clinical Safety Research, Imperial College London
11.00 -11.30 --11.30--
11.30 - 12.15
Cross-boundary care in end-of-life situations Professor Keri Thomas
National Clinical Lead, GSF Centre for End of Life Care and Professor, End of Life Care, University of Birmingham
12.15 - 12.45
12.45 - 13.25
London’s deteriorating patient initiative - a collaborative approach to cardiac arrest Dr Charlotte Hopkins --1.00--
Consultant Physician in Sexual Health and HIV Medicine, Whipps Cross University Hospital and Improvement Advisor on the Deteriorating Patient Project, UCL Partners
13.25 - 14.15
14.55 - 15.25
Closing the gap between excess mortality and avoidable deaths Dr Helen Hogan Clinical Lecturer, Department of Health Services and Policy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine --15.30--
15.25 - 15.55
Afternoon Break --16.00--
Exhibition floor time
10.35 - 11.10
Medicines optimisation - the new approach Professor Mark Baker, Director of the Centre for Clinical Practice, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
11.10 -11.35
Exhibition Floortime 11.35 - 12.05
Using policy enforcement to improve patient safety lessons from Leeds 12.05 - 12.45
Simulation and patient safety looking at the bigger picture David Alderson Associate Director of Education, Torbay Hospital Horizon Centre, South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
12.45 - 13.30
Infection reduction - the case for copper Professor Bill Keevil Director of the Environmental Health Unit, Centre for Biological Sciences, University of Southampton
13.30 - 14.20
Sepsis Six lessons Dr Ron Daniels
Senior Clinical Researcher, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford and Senior Trust General Practitioner, Department of Geratology, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
Theatre 1
Exhibition Floortime
Lead Clinician in Clinical Risk, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery & Cancer, Imperial College London ---11.30---
11.30 - 12.30 12.15 - 13.10
Data measurement – using data effectively and to drive engagement Dr Gavin Lavery Director, HSC Safety Forum, Northern Ireland Public Health Agency
Preventing harm and improving care in ambulance services Paul Gowens, Head of Clinical Governance, Scottish Ambulance Service
15.10 - 15.40
Antibiotic resistance and the development of new therapeutics Dr Matthew Dryden Consultant in Microbiology and Communicable Disease at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and member of Antibiotic Action
15.40 - 16.10
Afternoon Break
16.10 - 16.45
Medical Director, MHRA in association with
10.20 - 11.10
Medicines Charter for Patients Catherine Picton
Accelerating uptake of technology for patient safety Panel Session in Association with
11.10 - 11.55
Featuring Dr Jenny Dean, Medical Director Harris Healthcare, Dr John Parry, Medical Director TPP, Dr Gerry Morrow, Medical Director, Clarity Informatics, Rob Blay, Chief Executive, JAC Computer Services and chaired by Craig Oates, Director, Accenture
Reducing inappropriate prescription of antipsychotics in dementia - the ALCOVE project Dr Karim Saad UK Chair, ALzheimer Cooperative Valuation in Europe (ALCOVE); Clinical Director, Dementia and Neurological Conditions, West Midlands Strategic Clinical Network and Senate, NHS England; Consultant in old age psychiatry, Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
12.30 - 13.30
Senior Head for Safe Medication Practice and Medical Devices, NHS England
Lunch 12.25 - 13.25
13.30 - 14.15
Patients at the heart of healthcare systems Goran Henriks
14.10 - 14.55 ---14.00----
13.25 - 14.05 Commissioning for Safety
Chief Executive of Learning and Innovation, Jönköping County Council, Sweden
Clinical Director, Clinical Effectiveness and Evaluation Unit, Royal College of Physicians
14.55 - 15.25
11.30 - 12.15
Safe Medication Practice Dr David Cousins
12.15 - 13.10
How clinical leaders can support quality and safety Dr Kevin Stewart
10.30 - 11.30
Project Manager, Future Models of Care Commission, Royal Pharmaceutical Society in association with
Care Quality Commission
Stop the Pressure Campaign – tackling pressure ulcers Ruth May Regional Chief Nurse, NHS England (Midlands & East), and Member of the Nursing & Care Quality Forum
14.15 - 14.55
How to drive quality improvement and patient safety projects on the frontline Dr Emma Vaux Consultant Nephrologist and Director of Quality Improvement, Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust and Project Lead, Learning To Make a Difference programme, Royal College of Physicians
Consultant Nephrologist, PSO and Quality lead for Medicine Division, and QI Faculty at GOSH
13.50 - 14.20
15.25 - 15.55
Skills for Health 14.20 - 15.00 14.35 - 15.05
Human factors learning – an outside perspective Trevor Dale Chief Executive, Atrainability
Patient Reporting and Action for a Safe Environment: patient feedback on the safety of care Professor Rebecca Lawton Professor in Health Psychology, University of Bradford
Afternoon Break ---15.00----
14.55 - 15.40
Afternoon Break
15.05 - 15.40
Afternoon Break
15.00 - 15.40
Afternoon Break 15.40 - 16.10
15.55 - 16.30
Accelerating clinical audits and embedding a learning culture Dr Tricia Woodhead
15.40 - 16.10
Encouraging patient involvement in driving patient safety – a case study Judith Hunter
Consultant Radiologist, Weston Area Health NHS Trust and Medical Director, Safety South West Collaborative
15.40 - 16.10 Reducing the risk of VTE
Improving prescribing for older people Kandarp Thakkar Deputy Chief Pharmacist Principal Pharmacist, Clinical Services, Non-Medical Prescribing Lead, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust
and Dr Edward Dickinson
Head of Nursing and Patient Safety at City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
Consultant in Elderly Medicine and Chair of the Improving Prescribing for the Elderly Project, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Presentation Theatre The media partnership with leading healthcare titles Health Service Journal and Nursing Times has created the opportunity to share the learning from their prestigious Patient Safety & Care Awards 2014. Select winning and shortlisted organisations from the awards’ 20 categories will provide a peer-to-peer learning opportunity across the most critical areas for patient safety improvement. The Presentation Theatre will also host client case study sessions from non-technology suppliers.
Technology Hub The Technology Hub will provide an exhibition-floor open theatre hosting best practice case study sessions of technology success stories, surrounded by supplier organisations whose products can help drive improvement in your organisation. The Hub will also provide examples of how NHS England’s Safer Hospitals, Safer Wards Technology Fund and Nursing Technology Fund are supporting investment to improve everything from e prescribing and clinical safety, through voice recognition and digital dictations, digital pens and systems for collecting and logging of vital signs.
13.10 - 13.50
Identifying adverse events GOSH’s family reporting system Dr Dal Hothi
14.05 - 14.35
Safe medicines and medical devices Dr Neil McGuire,
The value of support service in improving quality
Exhibition floor time
11.55 - 12.25
Lunch 14.20 - 15.10
Theatre 3
James Titcome
13.10 - 14.10
Exhibition floor time
10.50 - 11.30
How to make teams work to deliver safety improvement Dr Nick Sevdalis
11.35 - 12.15
Reducing surgical site infection - an award winning approach Dr Libby Haxby,
10.15 - 10.50
Analysing and learning from patient safety incidents Carl Macrae Senior Research Fellow in Improvement Science, Centre for Patient Safety and Service Quality, Imperial College London
Theatre 2
Responsibility and accountability for medical and clinical staff Niall Dickson, Chief Executive, General Medical Council and Jackie Smith, Chief Executive, Nursing and Midwifery Council Exhibition floor time
Executive Director, the Global Sepsis Alliance, Chief Executive, The UK Sepsis Trust and Consultant in Critical Care and Anaesthesia, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
16.00 - 16.40
Innovation in care models for frail older patients Dr Daniel Lasserson
10.30 - 11.05
14.15 - 14.50
Hospital inspection regime Professor Sir Mike Richards Chief Inspector of Hospitals, Care Quality Commission
Exhibition floor time
10.15 - 11.00
Exhibition Floortime
Theatre 3
NHS England Director of Patient Safety Address - Dr Mike Durkin
Measurement and monitoring of safety Professor Charles Vincent
Theatre 2
16:45 - 17:30 Lessons from Denmark - Beth Lilja, Head of the Danish Society for Patient Safety and of the Unit for Patient
Sign up to Safety campaign - Suzette Woodward, Campaign Director Sign up to Safey and Director of Safety,
Safety, Capital Region Hospital Corporation and Dorthe Cruger, Executive Medical Director, Sygehus Lillebaelt Hospital, Denmark
Learning and People, NHS Litigation Authority
Leadership Lounge
sponsored by
The VIP area will provide a valuable working space at the heart of the show for speakers and senior management to network, hold meetings and take part in round table sessions.
Round Tables A series of round table discussions to allow diverse audiences to come together to discuss key areas will support the learning and networking provided elsewhere at Patient First. Through a combination of invitation-only round tables and open-discussion round tables we will provide yet another opportunity for peers to share their experiences, learn from others, create new support networks and get inspiration to continue their patient safety journey.
WHaT iS PaTiENT FiRST? Patient First is a new event aimed specifically at improving patient safety across the NHS and independent healthcare organisations. Patient First has been designed to address the multiple pressures facing healthcare teams and meet the demand for practical content to reduce harm and improve care made ever stronger by the outcome of the second Francis inquiry into Mid Staffordshire, the various reviews that followed and the government’s formal response at the end of last year. Our aim is to support the diverse communities within healthcare and give those operating at the coalface, the tools to create action for change.
“Patient First is an exciting opportunity to bring together over 1,500 board members, doctors, nurses, managers, pharmacists and all those who are seeking to deliver improved safety outcomes for their patients. I highly recommend that not only you attend, but that you also promote the event to those relevant in your team and take full advantage of this highly valuable education grant” I look forward to seeing you and your team in November.”
Dr Mike Durkin, Director of Patient Safety, NHS England
CONFERENCE STREamS • Safety Thermometer • Measurement, Data and Technology • Medication Errors and Medicines Optimisation • Leadership, Culture and Engagement • Infection Prevention and Control • Elderly Care and Integration
Patient First will host some 100 exhibitors and sponsors, ranging from technology providers, training companies and government bodies to professional support organisations, medical products suppliers and infection prevention and control specialists
EdUCaTiON gRaNTS Patient First has distributed a number of education grants amongst healthcare providers and commissioners, as well as it’s partner organisations working for the betterment of patient care. The grants offer a full subsidy on delegate fees (offering a saving of £399 + VAT). Removing the barriers to attendance gives both the senior decision makers and those on the frontline of care the opportunity to attend Patient First.
WHEN & WHERE ExCeL London Wednesday 26th November: 09.00 – 18.00 (networking drinks at 18.00 – 19.30) Thursday 27th November: 09.00 – 17.00 How to get there: Patient First is held at the ExCeL London, which is located 10 minutes from Canary Wharf in the heart of London’s Royal Docks. There is easy access to the venue via road, rail and air.
Road - When driving to ExCeL London follow signs for Royal Docks, City Airport and ExCeL. Use the postcode E16 1DR for SatNav Rail - Accessible via Docklands Light Railway (DLR) bound for Beckton, alight at Custom House. Air - ExCeL is within travelling distance of London City, Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted and Luton Alight at Customs House, on the DLR).
For more information call our delegate team on 0207 348 1865 Visit us online at www.patientfirstuk.com