April newsletter

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Volume 10, Issue 1

In this issue:

Hello Key Clubbers!!

Dinner of Talents Overnight March for Babies OTC Kiwanis One Day DCON Key Leader Tuesday’s Meeting April Calendar Kiwanis Scholarships Need to Know Contacts

I just wanted to give you guys a quick peek into some of our plans for the Dinner of Talents. So far, we’ve decided that we’re going to do a pasta dinner with homemade desserts (hopefully provided by members and Kiwanis), and a talent show afterwards. The Key Clubbers and Builders Clubbers will be doing the serving and clearing, while our Kiwanis will be doing the food preparation. We’re also going to have a donation drawing, and a silent auction, too! Right now, we are trying to get in contact with a couple of other Kiwanis Clubs and Key Clubs from Healdsburg, Lakeport, etc. so that we can have tons of help and the event can run smoothly. The more help and input we can get from you guys, the better. Please join us at our next committee meeting on Monday, April 13th at 6:30 p.m. in the Library. Hope to see you there! Liam Kluesener Club Treasurer

Join Us for a Club Over-Night – NEWS FLASH – Just learned that the officers want to postpone this event until the summer….. too many conflicts right now. We’ll reschedule for a time when everyone can enjoy it more!

The overnight is a thing that the membership committee has been putting together to make us feel more connected as a whole. It was planned for this Friday night. When it happens, there will be ice breakers, music, a campfire with s’mores, swimming, a hot tub, lots of snacks, a chocolate fountain + breakfast. There will be various board games to play, movies to watch, probably a service activity, etc. We hope you all can come, when we finally get a new date set. Be ready for a good time! When it happens, you’ll need to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, pjs, some snacks, your own movie choices, games, etc.

Officers Training Conference (OTC)

Hello fellow Key Clubbers!!

Important date for upcoming officers for the 20152016 year: Saturday, April 25th. It is the annual Officers Training Conference, in Windsor. Secretaries and Presidents must be there at 9:30 a.m. and the rest of the officers have to attend at noon. Have fun!!

I am here to talk to you about the March of Dimes project. This is an amazing project that focuses on the terrible issue of premature babies. These poor babies often don't even get a chance to live. What causes prematurity is preventable in some cases. This is why the March of Dimes project is so great. All funds go to helping educate mothers as well as find treatments to help the babies survive. This year the event will be on April 18th. Every year we help this cause and once again are reaching out to you, the members, to help. I have gone many times and have so much fun doing it. It’s location is at Howarth Park in Santa Rosa. It’s quite a beautiful place to work and not only that, but being able to work with other people is quite enjoyable as well. Once the event starts, many people gather around and start the beautiful walk around the lake. After you take the walk, many families share their stories of the miracle of life given to them by this great cause. It is truly heartwarming to see how this one little event has helped so many people. I hope to see you all this year and be able to experience the fun and giving time at Howarth Park April 18th!

Kiwanis One Day This Saturday, April 11th is Kiwanis One Day! Mark that day on your calendars, because it is the one day where all the whole K family gets together to help out their community. This Saturday our club will be helping our Cloverdale Kiwanis do some community clean-up, working at the Fiddle Festival, and fundraising at the Farm Yard Feed anniversary! It will be a fun day with lots of work for us busy bees. I hope to see you there! DCON We had a successful District Convention in March down in Anaheim. I wish I could have seen everybody’s faces down there! It was such a rewarding experience and I wish I could share my knowledge with everyone who did not go. I can’t remember all the wonderful details so here is a link to a video that was made from a chaperone and Key Clubber from our division. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHmXoIDExtk I hope all of you take the time to watch this small clip of our amazing weekend. And for those of you who didn’t go this year….there is always next year! I want to see all of your faces next year in Sacramento!!! -Paige Wasniak

-Alayna Lorence Club President

District Convention was an incredible experience, from officer training, to workshops on expanding our service, to receiving recognition, to just plain having a GREAT time! Top left picture: The CHS group Top right picture: Dino costume Bottom picture: D32 award winners

Please come to Tuesday’s Key Club meeting to sign up to go to the annual March for Babies. We plan to be there at 6 a.m. this year, to help with set-up. Meanwhile, we’ve got a lot of fundraising to do between now and next Saturday! Our Board voted to give $800 to the cause. So far, we raised $178 last November with a bake sale. So….. here is how we plan to make the other $600 that we need……… this Saturday we’re selling nachos at the Farm Yard Feed event. Next week, on Tuesday, we’ll be outside Ray’s collecting donations. On Wednesday, we’re doing a bake sale outside Ray’s from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. We need you to bring items for the sale, any time after 2:30 p.m. Also next week, during lunchtimes, we’re holding a Penny Wars competition between the classes.

More…March for Babies

We took 9 members to Key Leader on the last weekend of March. They had some pretty wonderful experiences, and managed to really figure out what a “servant leader” does to be a better person and a better leader.

Penny Wars NEXT WEEK We’re pitting the classes against each other…..Seniors, vs, Juniors, vs. Sophomores, vs. Freshmen. The Penny Wars are set up on a POINT SYSTEM. Participants compete to obtain the highest point totals. Pennies are awarded positive points and other denominations are awarded negative points. Each group seeks to maximize its points by getting as many pennies as possible in their containers, and trying to put non-penny coins or bills into the others class containers. It's a win-win situation: The team with the most points wins the competition, and the fundraiser gets more money than just pennies because teams try to knock others out with negative-point -- but higher value -- coins and bills. For the March for Babies cause!

HELP - We need volunteers to set up a table next to the office during lunchtimes next week. Come to Tuesdays’ lunchtime meeting to sign-up.

Tuesday’s lunchtime meeting Tuesday is being held in Room 22, instead of the Library

Congratulations to the following Key Clubbers who applied for 2015 Kiwanis Scholarships……

Left is Lorena Yanez Center is Maria Ruiz with Kiwanis member Ernie Frandsen Right is Trevor Creager

More on the Dinner of Talents Here’s how YOU can be involved: 1. You can enter an individual or group in the talent contest. Call 894-5467 to get an entry form. Must make contact by April 19th. Prizes are $200….$150….and….$100 for first, second & third place. 2. You can help us get sponsors for our placemat ads……we’ll be doing that from April 20th to the end of the month. We’ll meet after school and make phone calls, mostly. We’ll use the Chamber of Commerce business list. 3. You can help us sell tickets to the event….. we are hoping that EVERY member will sell a minimum of 2 tickets. Please invite your families. 4. You can bring a dessert to the event….. we are hoping that EVERY member brings one dessert. 5. You can bring a silent auction item to the event….. we are hoping the MANY members ask their parents for something to put in the auction. 6. You can help decorate and set-up and serve at the dinner….. we need MOST of our members to help that day.

Dinner of Talents date: Sunday, May 3rd at 5:00 p.m. in the CHS East Gym. Pre-sale tickets are: $13 for adults, $8 for Senior citizens and $5 for children under 12. (All prices are $2 more at the door.) Pasta, French bread, salad, drinks & dessert are being served for the dinner.

Position President



Alayna Lorence


Vice President

Sandra Bernal


Vice President

Bailey Creager


Vice President

Nick Schneider


Maggie Duran


Liam Kluesener


Paige Wasniak


Helen Hernandez


Secretary Treasurer News Editor Scrapbook Editor Webmaster

Jessie Marshall


Don’t forget that your Board is here to serve you. You can contact them any time with questions or concerns.

Your Cloverdale Key Club Board of the 2014-2015 Key Club Year!

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