August 2018 Newsletter

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CNH I K E Y C L U B Cloverdale Key Club | Issue 3 | August 2018 | \

Soaring with Service


Club Service Records Summer Service New Executive Assistant

Cloverdale High School | 509 N. Cloverdale Blvd., Cloverdale, CA, 95425

Table of Contents Messages Recognition Past Events Service Records Executive Assistants August DCM Kiwanis Meetings Key Club Bucks Google Classroom September Calendar Just for Fun Social Media & Contacts Thank You


Pages 4-5 Pages 6-9 Pages 10-21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Pages 30-31 Page 32

At the Redwood Empire Food Bank


Hello, our fellow Key Clubbers! As school is here, our summer has come to an end. We are so excited for this incoming school year! Both of us have planned many amazing things for our club! One of those is bringing back committees! We’re really going to focus on having committees that will allow all Key Club members to take an active role in our club. We are extremely excited to think about all the members collaborating! For this incoming year, we hope to see more members joining our club! With the help of everyone, we think that we will have an extremely successful year of service! Another goal that we have is to work on having our regular members be more active at our meetings. We hope to get everyone more engaged with what it is we are doing. We are also working on ways to have more fun while at the meetings! Be sure to come to our first meetings of the year to check us out! We look forward to working with all of you very soon! Remember to come to our meetings where you will learn about some of the exciting events and activities we’ve got coming up. We keep busy, and there is a lot we offer all of you. We hope you include us in your lives!


Club Fundraisers! September 4th – Start selling See’s lollipops on campus – for members to use to go on trips September 13th – “What’s in the Box?” Auction at the Thursday morning Kiwanis meeting – for members to use to go on trips September 15th – “Save the Rain-Bow Color Run” – for the Save the Rain cause September (several dates) – Ask for donations with a table at Ray’s – for the Kiwanis/Key Club Pediatric Trauma Program cause

As Cloverdale’s Key Club Treasurer, it was my responsibility to create our club budget and fundraising plans for the year. Some of the money we bring into the club will come from donations; but of course, most of the money we make is from fundraisers. One of our advisors, Sue Cummins, has helped me come up with some of the most exciting fundraisers for us to do! She shared with me what we did in past years that had been successful. Here’s an example: one of those fundraisers was an event called “Death by Chocolate”. Unfortunately for us, this is an event which is “adults only” and it will have to be adults doing the serving, because those who buy tickets to get in will be offered different kinds of chocolate “paired” with wines. There is even a “Death by Chocolate Cookbook” that we created years ago; and we can have it re-printed for sale. It would make a great Christmas stocking gift! Hearing about Key Club past years was extremely fascinating. This is my second year with Key Club, and hearing about events done in the past has brought me closer with the club, and of course our advisor, Sue. For that, I’m extremely thankful. So, check it out! Above are a couple of upcoming fundraisers I planned for us to do! I hope you will be as excited about them as I am!


Member of the Month 6

For June our Member of the Month was Gabriela Gaona who, despite being a graduated senior, volunteered nine hours of her time. She participated in events such as phonebook deliveries, the bake auction and See’s candy sales.

Officer of the Month

Our Officer of the Month for June was Alexis Sanchez who volunteered 23 hours. She participated in Save the Rain, phonebook deliveries, and Habitat for Humanity. In addition, she did her officer training and she worked long hours on the club scrapbook.


Member of the Month 8


Our July Member of the Month was Lilly Duran. She devoted 12 hours of her July to our club. She helped out at our town’s Movie Drive-In. She also took a role in our Save The Rain project by finding gifts for our Color Run participants. Finally, she put in an application to be an Executive Assistant on our Board.

Our July Officer of the Month was Paula Toledo. She created the club budget, and the year’s fundraising and recruitment plans. She also re-structured our club financial award system. She helped at the Redwood Empire Food Bank, with our Save the Rain project, and worked to raise money for the family of a local girl who passed away!

Officer of the Month



June DCM and Habitat for Humanity By Rowan Addison


During the June DCM, we went to Habitat for Humanity for a service project. We cleaned and measured . doors, windows, and several different kinds of appliances. Then they would be priced and put into their store. Several of us also got to paint the kid’s clubhouses they had built. Each one had a theme like ‘Spring’ or ‘Dinosaurs’. Pictured above is the ‘Spring’ themed house. It was fun, especially because we got to see other members of the division. After, we had lunch and the DCM meeting was held.

Phonebook Deliveries

By Grace Gloeckner

In my opinion, phonebook deliveries went really well. It was super fun to go all over town delivering the books. A fun part of participating in this event was being with my friends. We delivered to one section of Cloverdale at a time and split up within that section delivering to homes. It was also super cool, because I delivered to my own house! So, that was really funny; but overall, it was a great experience, and I definitely would do it again next year. Also, I was hesitant in the beginning, because I thought they were going to be big phone books. But, they were actually tiny little phone books which were much easier to carry.



By Gabriela Gaona

I didn't know what to expect given that I'd never attended ICON before. Yet, I will say that it exceeded all of my expectations, especially the workshops. Not only were they informative, but also interactive. That helped us stay alert on those early mornings! We also learned that there's so much more to Google Classroom than we all thought! Not only can you use it to write essays or school assignments, but you can assign files to certain Key Club events to help you stay organized. (We’re setting up Google Classroom for our club, but it won’t work unless all our members do their best to connect.) Aside from the workshops and general sessions the touring part was really fun as well. We spent 3 days, after the convention was over, touring Chicago! At times it was hard to take it all in, but when you did, it just made the overall ICON experience even more worthwhile. We visited a LOT of places all over Chicago; but I'd say my favorite one was standing on the edge of the Sky Tower and watching everyone who bragged that they weren't scared of heights freak out. My second favorite thing would be when we went to eat Chicago-style pizza; because all of us from the CNH delegation sitting in one room felt as if we were one big family, and it was an amazing feeling. This entire experience is definitely one for the books and one I'll carry in my heart for the rest of my life. Of course, I have to mention that going on stage, in front of thousands of Key Clubbers to receive the Single Service Bronze Level second place trophy was pretty fabulous, too! (Bronze level are clubs with less than 50 members. And, Single Service is a competition between clubs where they describe their best service project. It can be ANYTHING they’ve done. We described the fundraising and other activities we did for the North Bay Fire victims.


Joint July DCM with our Kiwanis

By Miguel Gonzalez


Hello Key Clubbers. I hope those of you who went enjoyed the July joint Division Council Meeting with our Kiwanis. For those who didn’t make it there, we had plenty of fun activities and informative presentations. Our Key Clubbers who went to International Convention shared their experiences. After the meetings, we spent some time together, just socializing and having fun. Some of the activities where we either made up teams that had both Kiwanis and Key Clubbers on them, or we pitted Kiwanis and Key Clubbers against each other, were an egg toss, “lawnmower” race, a “chubby bunny” challenge, and a silly relay. We planned these types of activities because we were outdoors, in a picnic environment, at Lake Sonoma. Just a reminder…Fall is coming up soon, and there are lots of activities being planned by the Division Leadership Team. RTC, (Region Training Conference), is on September 22nd, so remember to register soon. Fall Rally is also happening at Six Flags on October 20th. If you don’t yet know about Key Club Bucks, learn about them soon, and start earning those Key Club Bucks now! Volunteer at the activities at which Key Club Bucks are paid. I hope you all have a wonderful start to the new school year!

Drive-In Movies

By Lilly Duran On the evenings of July 21st and August 18th, some of us helped at the Alexander Valley Film Society drive-in showings of Back to the Future and Wizard of Oz. As a volunteer, they made sure we had plenty of food and a nice place to work. Along with these things, we also got free t-shirts and free admission to the event. I found that working at the drive-in was a fun and enjoyable experience. The Alexander Valley Film Society crew was pleasant to work with and made sure we always had something to do. Afterwards we helped fold chairs and take down booths. Going to the drive-in, we a fun experience and I’m excited to do it again next year!


Andrea Perez Fundraiser

By Alexis Sanchez This was a fundraiser to help with the medical and funeral bills for a former CHS student, Andrea Perez. Andrea died at the age of 23 from a type of nerve cancer. We were asked by someone in the Cloverdale community to set at a table in front of Ray’s and request donations to help the family with their expenses. It was actually a donation drawing, with some pretty nice prizes that businesses in town gave to help the cause. During the fundraising, people who donated were often parents, many times mothers; or they were people who personally knew Andrea, or people who just wanted to help. I feel like a lot more people help out in cases like this, because too many families lose loved ones to cancer. The tragedy that made this situation stand out is how young she was.


Redwood Empire Food Bank

By Alex Visconti Working at the Redwood Empire Food Bank was a new experience for me. I decided to go help out, mainly because I knew how much it would help people who needed it. When we arrived, we got put into groups. They had us taking 50-pound bags of carrots and turning them into 4 pound bags, that could then be given to households. I had the pleasure of working with our president Neidi Calvillo, and our treasurer, Paula Toledo. While packing carrots we talked, and I got to know them much better. Hands-on projects, I would say, are the best kind. because you are actively working. You don’t get bored because there’s always something you can do to help out with the project. I would definitely do this again, and I encourage all of you to sign up the next time our club goes to the Food Bank!


Save the Rain Committee By Anahi Ruiz As many of you may know, Save the Rain is the club’s BIG service project for this year; and it was also the major service project of last year. This is our final year doing this twoyear project, and we are going to make it count! For those of you who may not know what Save the Rain is, it’s an organization based from Shasta, California; and it builds rain catchment systems in Tanzania, Africa. $15 can bring water, for life, to a child who might otherwise have to spend all his/her time walking to a river to get dirty, disease-ridden water in order to live. Such a simple thing for us, clean water to waste, even. Such a phenomenal thing for them, clean water to survive and have a better life! Our club’s amazing Save the Rain committee has already met several times this summer, and they are planning a pretty fantastic event, a “Save the Rain-Bow Color Blast! I am very excited to be able to announce that we at CHS will be hosting such an event. We have set the date, for Saturday, September 15th; and we really need to start advertising, pulling together volunteers, etc. The committee is working hard with plans to get the word out to the community, with the hope of getting really good participation. We’re posting flyers in businesses and the schools next week, and we’re doing so much more! Keep your eye out for information about the Save the Rain-Bow Color Blast. And, join us in putting this event together! We could use YOUR help! Come to our next committee meeting, on Wednesday, August 29th at 6 p.m. at Starbucks.


Food Pantry

By Miguel Gonzalez & Sophia Witt There were two Fridays in the month of August when members were able to assist our Kiwanis in the operation of the local Food Pantry. Once school started, we couldn’t help any more, as the time it’s open is in the middle of our school day. On the second Friday of the month, there were two of us there. Sophia stocked items for the people who were coming through the section of the Food Pantry that had canned goods, rice, beans, cereals, etc. She also spent her time helping them find what they were looking for. Meanwhile, Miguel worked helping at the front desk. He was the language specialist, translating names and questions that were spoken in Spanish. When the first rush of people died down, he began breaking down boxes, and there were a LOT of them! Sophia said that, “Even though it was hot, and the electricity went out, I really enjoyed the experience, especially talking to the different people who needed help.” The Cloverdale Kiwanis operates the local Food Pantry three months each year. They also work to financially support it. Recently, they had shared Food Pantry needs with a local businessman, Bruce Reuser, and he ended up donating $5000 for the purpose of assisting this town institution!


Board-2-Board Event

By Rowan Addison

Our Key Club Board met with the Kiwanis Board at Papa’s Pizza and had a fun meeting with our Kiwanis. We introduced ourselves, discussed the two club’s presidents’ goals, and talked about some of our upcoming events. At the end, we played a game Neidi came up with, and all shared something about ourselves. It was a good meeting and fun to bond with our Kiwanis board!


CHS Round-Up

By Rowan Addison

Summer has finally come to a close, and it’s time to go back to school. On the Thursday before school started, we recruited many new members who were excited to join Key Club this year. We actually ran out of lanyards and cookies! It was a successful day and exciting to see such a good turnout for recruiting new members.


Service Records

By Sophia Witt Welcome new members! Each month every member should make an effort to complete at least 5 service hours. This is the recommended service commitment determined by the Key Club International organization! At the beginning of every month the club’s monthly calendars are passed out. Make sure you attend that first meeting of the month, so you can get one. That way, you can figure out what service projects will help you to reach that minimum goal! And remember, the more service hours that members complete, the more connection they have to the club. So, the more active you are, the more you will like Key Club! So, what service activities are we sponsoring after the school year starts and for the rest of August? On August 29th there is a Save the Rain committee meeting. It starts at 6 p.m. and is being held at Starbucks. There will be lots more opportunities once September starts! Below is a chart of member service records up to July 31st. The records started in April; and everyone has until February 2019 to accumulate the service hours that are counted for Cali-Nev-Ha District recognition. If a member name is not listed on this chart, it’s because that member had less than 5 hours of service at the time the chart was created. Remember, the recommendation is a mere 5 hours per month!


Welcome New E.A.

Welcome Lilly to Our Board By Sophia Witt Welcome Lilly Duran, to the position of Executive Assistant on the CHS Key Club Board. Lilly is a freshman. She comes to us from Builders Club, where she served as an officer for the past two years. Our club can have up to 5 Executive Assistants each year. That means there are still 4 positions open! Executive Assistants are leaders in the club without doing as much work as officers. Their role is to attend Board meetings, which are once-a-month, and to be exemplary members, participating and helping to lead many of our club activities. If you would like to be an Executive Assistant on this year’s Board, please ask for an application at any of the August or September club meetings.

What Does An Executive Assistant Do? By Rowan Addison As an Executive Assistant last year, I got to have experience on the Board, help out the officers, and develop a more active role in my club. Not only did I get to see the behind the scenes work at Board meetings, but I felt like a could make a bigger contribution to my club. One of my first Key Club memories was when we had a summer Board meeting, and I got to see how the club was run and decisions were made; and then we got to go swimming and have a campfire. As an Executive Assistant I didn’t have as much stress as a Board member, with more responsibilities, but I still got to be on the Board and learn a lot about being a leader in the club. Overall, it was a really cool experience and I learned a lot.


August DCM

When: Saturday, August 18, 2018 Where: Piner High School What: Color Blast and Pie-in-the-Face fundraiser for the Pediatric Trauma Program and, of course, division business!


PTP - Raising Money for Children’s Hospitals

Attending Kiwanis Meetings

When: Our Kiwanis meet every Thursday from 7 – 8 a.m., unless it’s a holiday Where: At Zini’s Diner, unless it’s the last Thursday of the month, when they meet at Cloverdale Ale from 6:30 – 8 p.m. What: A fun time, a good meal, and learn a lot about our sponsors and what they do Why: You figure out that THIS is your SECOND FAMILY!


Key Club Bucks

By Rowan Addison Key Club Bucks are what you get in return for things you do for the club. The money is originally donated by our sponsoring Kiwanis Club. So, the greatest portion of Key Club Bucks is distributed to members who participate in activities that have some kind of connection to the Kiwanis program! You might get Key Club Bucks for doing a service project with them, or for going to a Kiwanis meeting. Sometimes, we give Key Club Bucks to members who do activities beyond the local level, like attending Key Club division events. Sometimes, Key Club Bucks are earned by doing an activity that earns the club money. You need to earn Key Club Bucks to go to Fall Rally and District Convention, or if you plan on going to International Convention. You can also use Key Club Bucks to buy spirit gear like hats, socks, t-shirts and bags. Key Club Bucks are a means to earn your way to fun activities offered. Good luck this year earning those Key Club Bucks!


Save the Rain committee meeting

Using Our Club’s Google Classroom By Grace Gloeckner Personally, I believe we don't have enough people joined onto Google Classroom right now. Google Classroom is a great way for our club to communicate. It can help members become more involved in upcoming events, or it can give them a chance to read the minutes of our meetings, and so on. But, without our entire club being on Google Classroom, it's kind of a setback. So, if you want to sign up, which I highly encourage you to do, just read the following: go on to Google Classroom. Hit the little plus button in the corner and join the Key Club class. It should ask for a confirmation code. The confirmation code is ooth8ti. So, please, I encourage you to sign up, because I do believe it is a much easier way to get your information from the club officers, rather than getting a bunch of emails. Also, when you sign up, make sure to turn your notifications on. That way, when something is uploaded to the site, you will automatically receive the message on your phone.

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SA 1



4 Club Meeting & start See’s sales




Club Meeting


17 Club Meeting & Kiwanis Board Mtg.


24 Club Meeting & PTP in front of Ray’s


5 Save the Rain committee meeting

12 HealthCare Center Bingo

18 PTP in front of Ray’s

25 Board Meeting

19 HealthCare Center Bingo

26 HealthCare Center Bingo

6 Kiwanis Meeting &

13 Kiwanis Meeting

20 Kiwanis Meeting

27 Kiwanis Meeting

7 Save the Rain work session

14 Save the Rain work session

21 Shine Day


8 Senior Center Breakfast & Car Show

15 Save the Rain-Bow Color Blast

22 Region Training Conference



Social Media



Cloverdale High School Key Club

CHS Key Club QzODMxMDA3NTZa Cloverdale Key Club

Division CNH Division 2032 Key Club

https://www.keyclubregion15.weebly .com

District CyberKey


Co-Presidents Neidi Calvillo Gonzalo Perez

Anahi Ruiz

Co-Secretaries Grace Gloeckner Sophia Witt sophiawitt2@gmailcom

Treasurer Paula Toledo

News Editor Rowan Addison


Vice President

Scrapbook Editor Alexis Sanchez

Co-Webmasters Miguel Gonzalez Alex Visconti


Soaring with Service “Back to School Buzz”

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