D2032 news 2015 16 07

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LTG Message


Monthly Recognition




June DCM


Club Reports


Upcoming Events


CNH Needs You!


Club AAR Scores


Division T-shirt




Kiwanis Family House


Region Website


Mandela Day


Spotlight On Service




4th | MRF’s Due 5th | Spotlight On Service (Submissions Due)

7th | DLT Meeting 11th | Beach Clean Up ** 18th | Mandela Day 19th | CMN Session and DCM ** 25th | Kiwanis Family House Trip ** If a symbol like this, “

**”, appears next to an event, then we

are requesting Kiwanis support and participation.

Hello Purple Dinos and Blue Tsunamis! I hope summer vacation is going well so far! Even though we are taking a break from school, Key Club services and fun events are still available! What’s more fun than doing service and hanging out with other amazing Key Clubbers?! There are plenty of Key Club activities to do for the summer that I would love to see many of you attend. So take a look at the Summer Activities Calendar to see what we have to offer! Remember to relax and enjoy your vacation!

“Key Club should start our own cell phone company. We’d get full service wherever we went!”

Officer of the month goes to.. JESSIE MARSHALL! Jessie goes to Cloverdale and this month she has served 35 service hours and spent another 15 in non-service activities. “She has been an outstanding president for our club, and is setting a good example as a role model by attending almost every single event on our busy calendar.” – Rose French. She always puts forth a 100% effort in everything she does and I am glad to have her on the Division Leadership Team as News Editor. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. You can ask anyone about Jessie and I guarantee it will be nothing but heartfelt words and how her smile can brighten up the whole room! I know her passion for service is always growing. Congratulations Jessie and thank you for all you do!

Member of the month goes to.. GRACE SWARTHOUT! Grace goes to Montgomery and she is serving as Vice President. She is a wonderful individual who puts her heart into service and never fails to show a positive attitude when doing so. Her contribution to the Officer training Conference held in April for VP presentation was much appreciated and she did a great job. Vice Presidents who attended the presentation said that she was very informative and always had a smile on her face that made the whole thing welcoming. She continues to grow as a member and has a great record as an active member to the club’s service projects. Congratulations Grace and thank you for all you do! Keep on serving!

Club of the month goes to… HUMBOLDT! Humboldt did an amazing fundraising project this month. They raised money for the Eureka Rescue Mission and they spent a lot of time and effort to make sure their project was successful. It was a Mexican dinner and desert auction, and of course, it was a HUGE success! They raised $2,418…..which is amazing! Despite having such a busy month due to finals and just ending school, they managed to do a great service project! They also held an Honor Banquet to compare their progress and club improvement and discuss future plans to make their home club better! Congratulations Humboldt, and thank you for all you do! I am proud and honored to be serving your club!

Redwood Empire Food Bank Day June 13, 2015—Ten Key Clubbers from Four Schools Were There Fact 1: REFB provides food to over 82,000 people in Sonoma County each month

Fact 2: The hub of 178 agencies with 276 programs located in every city, town and unincorporated area of Sonoma County. Fact 3: The REFB acquires and distributes over 14 million pounds of food annually.

Fact 4: REFB provides food for two wholesome meals for every $1 spent.

Fact 5: They are a major source of food for a network of hunger-relief organizations that include pantries, dining rooms, kitchens and shelters.

June Division Council Meeting Sophie Haugen gave a presentation on ways to raise the club AAR scores.

Kiwanis Trustee, Greg Carter, talked about PTP. The Pediatric Trauma Program is funded by Kiwanis. The way children need to be treated, when hospitalized, is often different than adults. PTP is about both helping to prevent childhood accidents, and about supplying specialized equipment specific to the needs of children. Harlin is asking that each club donate a minimum of $250 to the PTP cause. Clubs are supposed to bring their donations to Fall Rally. We are hoping to raise at least $3000, in Division 32, and close to $1000 in Division 20 - by October 24th. Let’s see if we can do it!

NEXT DCM Sunday, July 19th From 2-4pm CMN Service Project Round Table Pizza on Montecito Rd

By Mary Nguyen Piner organized the sale of items at graduation, after receiving approval of the school administration. We made over $300 for the Eliminate Project. In addition, a lot of our members have been working on the design for the Division 32 t-shirt competition. Also, we have been talking about how to get more community hours this summer. Our club president, Mary, has been contacting elementary schools, as well as our own school principal, to find out if we can work on some campus beautification projects, before school starts. To end the school year, we held a good-bye meeting, honoring our active members and our advisors. We recognized those who did many volunteer hours at activities like park and creek clean-ups, etc.

By Lisset Miranda Montgomery volunteered at Oakmont Kiwanis’ biggest event, their pancake breakfast. We were able to help serve customers who decided to be there to support the club, and to eat their wonderful food. Oakmont has a secret ingredient that makes the pancakes even more delicious. We offered coffee, orange juice, tomato juice and water. Many of the people who ate were very nice and thankful for our service. The members were able to get more involved with the Kiwanis family and were able to further cement our K-family bonds. We had so much fun helping out and learning how to do different things while doing service. We are definitely doing it again next year!

By Nick Schneider Every year the American Cancer Society holds a fundraiser called Relay For Life in order to raise money for cancer research. The event helps honor those who have overcome cancer and those who have tragically succumbed to it. In the past, Cloverdale has held their Relay for Life at the High School track, but this year, in an attempt to draw a larger crowd, it was at the Downtown Plaza. In advance of the event, our members fundraised $1000 and gave it to our Kiwanis club for use as part of their donation to the cause. Then, on the day of the event, we had nine members actually participate. Speaking of participants, it was fun to walk to lively music provided by our town’s very own, Ben Crosby. All in all, the event was a success. It was a beautiful day, and we could see people tirelessly walking all day long. Around sunset, we all pitched in and set up the Luminaria (illuminated bags that are decorated in honor of those who have fought cancer). It was a beautiful sight. After a rewarding day, we wrapped up the event with our time honored quilt auction to raise money for the cause. It was a real treat to join with our Kiwanis to pull off a successful day at this event.

Monthly News Report There is now an option of having the monthly news submitted in word document and sent to Jessie Marshall and carbon copied to Sue Cummins and Harlin Advincula. Report needs to include: A Member of the Month (cannot be an officer) An Officer of the Month Information about one event that is most current (If you talk about something that is in progress, make sure you write about it as if it will be read on the first of the NEXT month. So, sometimes, even though something is current right now, it might be in past tense for your article. Picture(s) from that event—up to four! This is due by the 10th of every month. Send to jessiejmarshall4824@gmail.com/harlinmae@yahoo.com/ cummins@sonic.net

We’ll be traveling to Sacramento to visit and do work for them from 9 a.m. to noon. We’ll be there with Key Clubbers and Kiwanis members from two other regions; so it’s not only a bonding event for Region 15, but also a chance to reach out to other Key Clubs . We’ll also be hosting a picnic in their BBQ area, after doing our work. Items to Collect and Take With Us: Bottled water

Liquid dish soap

Toilet bowl cleaner

Powdered laundry detergent

Disinfectant wipes Bleach

hour… then BBQ & beach activities for 2 hours……. bring beach blankets. We’ll hold a sand castle building contest!)

All clubs attending MUST complete a Key Club Event Request Form and bring it to the beach with them. (Contact Region Advisor Sue Cummins cummins@sonic.net to get a blank form.)

Automatic dishwasher detergent

Region 15 will be holding a Division Council Meeting and Children’s Miracle Network craft project session on July 19th, hosted by Maria Carrillo!

Region 15 will be hosting a beach clean-up at Goat Rock. We’ll be there from 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Clean for an


Get your Kiwanians to drive you to the event, or hook up with another club. Remember, no Key Clubbers can drive themselves.

Where? Round Table Pizza I 550 Montecito Center, Santa Rosa What time? 2 – 4 p.m. Why? To make nonslip socks and decorated pillow cases for hospitalized children; and to discuss important region business for August and September

Overview of the Graphics Department The Graphics Department is a team of artists who create graphics and illustrations for the CNH District. These graphics will be used in newsletters, publications, the CyberKey, and will be utilized throughout the CNH District. In order to assemble a team of artists for the Graphics Department team, they need our help to recruit talented artists from all the divisions!

Promotion: How to Apply for the GD Team Applicants must submit a Graphics Department application. Directions on how to submi t an application are available on the CyberKey. Follow the instructions you’ll find

on the banner across the top of the Home Page.

Applications must be received by July 5th, 2015, 6:00 p.m. Completed applications should be sent to cnhkc.gd@gmail.com.

This is an over-view of how our Region 15 clubs are scoring with the AAR. The scale on the left represents the number of clubs. Clubs with a score of 40 to 80 can possibly earn Distinguished Club status by the end of the year, assuming they keep up the pattern of doing 3 to 5 service projects each month. Clubs with 80 or better could end up being Diamond Distinguished, but should try for 4-6 service activities each month. All clubs that are regularly turning in their Monthly Report Forms are to be congratulated!

Write region news articles and send them to Jessie Marshall.

Attend 2-3 service projects with 3-6 members.

Attend a Kiwanis Meeting. Hold a Board-2-Board meeting with your Kiwanis! Hold a Board Meeting!

Thank you to Bailey Creager, Audrey Fetzer, Lauren Lau, and Lisset Miranda for entering designs in the t-shirt contest. Here is a sneak peak of what the Division 32 t-shirt will look like!! Some changes have been suggested. So this is NOT the absolute, final design. Amazing as usual! Keep up the good work! Lauren Lau, from Piner, entered the winning proposal.

Airplane Toss: Section off part of your parki ng l ot i nto squares. Put fun prizes in each square and ask for donations from people passing by. Give anyone who donates a piece of paper to turn into a paper airplane. Pick a busy time of day and have the donators fly their airplanes to win any prizes in squares in which they land. Get Well Card:

Sumo Wrestling:

Make a huge card and have random people sign it for donations.

Rent mock Sumo suits and let kids wrestle each other for money.

Our mission is to provide temporary housing and support to families of seriously ill or injured children and adults being treated at University of California, Davis, Medical Center, Sacramento.

Because families often arrive in emergency situations, the Kiwanis Family House also provides a clothes closet and toiletries, a food closet, and all necessary cooking and dining equipment. The Family House provides clean bedding and towels. Kiwanis volunteers and staff assist families 24 hours a day every day of the year. There is a nominal rent fee of $50 per night, (but only for families who can afford it), for staying at the Family House.

There is so much to see and learn from visiting our Region 15 Website. Our Region Webmaster, Tejoni Johnson, has recently completely re-structured the site. Check it out at: www.keyclubregion15.weebly.com

1. Free Yourself 2. Free Others 3. Serve Every Day “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead” – Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela International Day was launched, on 18 July, 2009 via unanimous decision of the UN General Assembly, in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday. It was inspired by a call Nelson Mandela made a year earlier, for the next generation to take on the burden of leadership in addressing the world’s social injustices when he said that “it is in your hands now”. It is more than a celebration of Madiba’s life and legacy. It is a global movement to honor his life’s work and act to change the world for the better.

It’s time to drop the cellphones and iPod. It’s time to get outside. In July, CNH is aiming for us Key Clubbers to do an activity that will get us all outdoors to do a service project. If we maintain an active outdoor life, then we can maintain a healthy body as well. Suggested service activities include:

1. Hershey's Track and Field

2. Landscape Structure Inc.

3. Rustic Pathways

4. Beach/Park Clean Up 5. City Beautification

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