December AAR Recommendations Divisions 20/32 Region 15 Presented by:
Sophie Haugen
C N H|
Created by [Author] [Event Name] [Date]
Hold a Board Meeting Make plans with your officers for upcoming events! Having one each month makes a huge difference in the organization of your club! Discuss current issues and figure out how to solve them.
[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]
Fundraiser For DCON Hold a fundraiser for DCON attendance! Make sure your members are well informed that there are many ways to pay. You can do things like bake sales, going to local stores or adult organizations and asking for donations, or selling candy.
[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]
Holiday Themed Service There are so many options during the holidays to do amazing service projects‌..things like gift wrapping, food or toy drives and caroling at senior homes are always great ideas, or try something more unconventional!
[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]
Service Requirements Strive for an average of five hours of service per member. Remember to track each person’s hours. Give them the opportunity to do three to five service projects this month. It depends entirely on what opportunities you provide.
[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]
Upcoming Division Events Have a member attend the LTG Candidate Training Conference in Sacramento on December 12th Attend the DCM/service project in Petaluma on December 19th We all need to participate for a strong division!
[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]
Newsletters Do a club newsletter – at least 2 pages Write an article for the Region 15 newsletter and send to Jessie Marshall at Send before December 13th
[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]
Trick-or-Treat Turn in your Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF funds by 12/31 – to Kiwanis International. Try for at least $250 to get a patch for your banner.
[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]
Take-Over Plan a Kiwanis Take-Over meeting, (if you haven’t yet done one). Plan for it to happen during break time, if that makes it easier for your club.
[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]