CNH | KEY CLUB Annual Achievement Report Recommendations February 2017 Division 20/32 | Region 15 Presented by:
Brandon Alvarado
Created by [A uthor] [E vent N ame] [D ate]
As a new year embarks, a new Board of officers and new faces come into play Here are a few ideas not only necessary for club success, but to raise your AAR Score
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If you haven’t already done so, hold a club officer election ● At a Board meeting, decide when and where to hold the election ● You will need a quorum of members present in order to vote in new officers ● Along with this, the new officers will need to make an effort to go to DCON, as it is an essential learning experience ● All elections need to be held before February 10th, because the division sign-ups for DCON are due by the 15th
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Plan Service Projects ● Plan: Bake Sales, Volunteering at the local Food Bank, and Dine and Donates, etc. ● Attend Kiwanis meetings as a club, just make sure each officer attends at least one Kiwanis meeting ● Plan service projects with another club, or with another branch of the K-Family ● Contact your Kiwanis if you need rides to projects and activities
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Attend District Convention ● District Convention: ○ April 6th - 9th, 2017 ○ Anaheim Convention Center and Marriott Hotel ● There will be seminars, a college expo, and service expo, and even an opportunity to sign up for other leadership opportunities ● $154, (per attendee), is due to the division by February 15th, + $196 by February 22nd to the district; and a final payment is due on March 10th. The amount due varies as to whether the attendee is a student or a chaperone. It’s $250 for the students and $420 for adults)
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Fundraise for DCON ● Narrow down the list of people attending ○ Focus on the newly elected club officers, first ■ Then go with members who have applied for personal or club recognition ■ Finally, encourage other active members ● DCON will be twice as much because it is in Anaheim this year, (the final payment in March adding up to $600). This cost includes: registration, hotel, most food, transportation and a day at Disneyland. ● Ask for assistance from Kiwanis sponsors to help cover the cost ● Begin planning with your club Board to organize fundraisers
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Attend the Division Council Meeting ● ● ● ● ●
February 11th at Sonoma Valley High School Start time to be determined Division 8 will also attend, making it a joint DCM Bring a $5 Valentine gift for a gift exchange project Please make plans with Kiwanis for rides as Key Clubbers cannot drive themselves to an event in another city
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Write an Article for the Division Newsletter ● Write an article for the division, reflecting on a recent event your club did, or one that the division clubs did together ○ Make it about one paragraph in length ○ Write it in the tense for being read as of the first of the next month ● Submit it by February 12th to the Division Newsletter Editors (DNE) ○ ○ Submit pictures with it, if at all possible
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Continue to work on CNH Awards ● Awards include: ○ Outstanding/Distinguished President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer ● Single Service Project, Major Emphasis Project, Year in review(Scrapbook), Club Video/Newsletters/Poster/Website, and Talent Contest. Links can be found on the CNH website ● All these award applications, (except for Year in Review, scrapbook), are due with on-line submissions by midnight on February 22nd. The scrapbook is turned in at District Convention.
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Do a “Member Induction” Ceremony ● To make members feel welcomed into Key Club, hold an induction ceremony ● This could be a party at a school meeting, or even at a service project, or a Kiwanis meeting ● There is an actual ceremony that can be found on the Key Club International website ● If not already done in January, make an effort to do this in February
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Hold a Board Meeting
● Hold a Board meeting to make club plans and to discuss issues that affect the whole club ○ Must have one every month ○ Must have a quorum present (½ of the board +1) ● Meet at a local coffee shop or restaurant ● Plan how to connect with the division and region activities.
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Do a Project with the Children’s Miracle Network • Contact the closest CMN hospital which is the Oakland Benioff Children’s Hospital • Find out what your club can do to support them. Maybe it’s a fundraiser, but maybe it can be something as simple as devoting a club meeting to writing cards to the children • CMN is the district-recommended project for the month of February
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Begin Planning for Key Leader • Clubs should be connecting with their Kiwanis to discuss funding for Key Leader which is occurring the weekend of April 28-30 • Cost is $225 per student attendee • Members who have previously attended can apply to be Student Facilitators and receive a reduced price •
Applications for Student Facilitators are found on the Key Leader website at
• Early applicants can use a special code to reduce their cost of attending
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Start Making Plans for March for Babies • It may seem early to get started on this, but March and April are so busy that it makes sense to begin thinking NOW about your plans for the upcoming March for Babies • The date for the Howarth Park event is, Saturday, April 23rd • Make plans to both help on the day of the event, and to fundraise in advance, in order to give a donation for the cause
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Have an Awesome 2nd Month to the New Year!!! ● ● ● ●
Raise money for all Major Emphasis organizations Elect new officers Fundraise and prepare for DCON Hold an induction ceremony for new members
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