July 2017 newsletter

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Cloverdale Key Club Monthly Newsletter Cloverdale Key Club Monthly newsletter

Issue 2 | July 2017 | Editors: Club Officers | gabrielagaona15@yahoo.com; rowanaddison@icloud.com

Check us out at: www.cloverdalekeyclub.website Cloverdale High School 509 N. Cloverdale Blvd. Cloverdale, CA 95425

Cali-Nev-Ha District

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Title Page

Page 2:

Contents/Key Club Facts

Page 3:

President’s Message

Page 4:


Page 5:

July DCM

Pages 6-9:


Pages10-13: Key Club Bucks & More $ Page 14: Page 15:

June Recognition Club Scrapbook

Pages 16-17: Club Communication Pages 18-19: PTP Fundraising Pages 20-21: Save the Rain Page 22:

Upcoming Calendar

Page 23:

Officer Over-Night

Page 24:


Page 25:

Board-2-Baord Event

Page 26:

July Club Meeitng

Page 27:

Car Wash

Page 28:

Just For Fun

Page 29:


Caring–Our Way of Life

The core values of Key Club International are:

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Leadership Character Building Caring Inclusiveness

President’s Message By Anahi Ruiz Hello fellow Key Clubbers! As we finish the month of July, we prepare to have big events and a lot of hard work facing us soon, as we get ready for the start of a new school year. We will be starting our main service focus, which Key Club International calls a Single Service Project. This year, the Board has voted to do Save the Rain. We just finished hosting the July DCM, had three students attend the International Convention, and much more. That being said, I have great news to bring, as our fight to eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus is one step closer to being fulfilled. These dreaded diseases have now been eliminated in Ethiopia! The Kiwanis family started in 2010 with a plan to eliminate these diseases from 53 countries. We are now down to 17 countries left! Together we can do anything. The possibiliBEES* are endless and I cannot express how proud I am of having such caring people in my life. *For those of you who are new to Key Club, our district mascot is the BEE. So, we often find ourselves doing some kind of play on words with that.

P June Club Meeting R E S I D E N T S


We held the meeting at Papa’s Pizza and went over the July calendar with the members

June 29th Kiwanis Meeting

This was the Kiwanis once-amonth evening meeting and we had four members there

Cloverdale Hosts the July Division Council Meeting By Gabriela Gaona On Saturday, July 8th the Cloverdale Key Club hosted a DCM at Lake Sonoma. Clubs from all over our area came, along with our LTG, Annaleigh Nguyen. We discussed new business, shared details about what our clubs have been doing, and we heard Gail Chadwin, an amazing speaker from Seeds of Learning. She talked about what SOL was and what we as clubs or individuals could do to help. SOL is an organization that furthers educational opportunities for children in Nicaragua. After the meeting we enjoyed a very healthy lunch and participated in some fun activities, including “Chubby Bunny”. We then partnered up and picked up any trash that we could find in the park that had been left over by previous visitors. Everyone had a blast and we all can’t wait for the next DCM!

ICON 2017: San Antonio, TX By Anahi Ruiz July 5 - 11, 2017. These dates mark the days of my very first ICON. That week was the most amazing week of my life; it was special from the moment I began meeting people from all around the world who share the same love and passion I have for service. I made many new friends and formed everlasting bonds I will always keep with me. There is no doubt that ICON is an unforgettable experience. Every morning, I would wake up, get dressed, get ready, and go to a general session. May I say, every general session was something new. From playing games and meeting new friends to inspirational speakers and the revelation of the new International Board, it was like a dream from which you never wanted to wake up. It was an honor to see all of the CNH District dressed in their black on black with their gold ties, and sticking together no matter what. One of my favorite memories from ICON was when I actually got lost and Kevin Myron came up to me and helped me out, because it just showed me that all CNH Bees help one another and will always be there for each other. That truly touched me and helped me see that we are all a big huge family. (For those of you who don’t know, Kevin Myron was the 2016-17 CNH District Governor!)I loved this experience and would like to thank my amazing advisor, Sue Cummins, and my roommates, Lillian Bearden and Jessica Aguirre, for helping me make the best out of my first ICON. I am definitely looking forward to going to ICON 2018 in Chicago, Illinois!

ICON By Lillian Bearden I have attended three International Conventions in my two-and-a-half years in Key Club. This year, it was held in San Antonio, Texas. Instead of attending Key Club workshops, I was able to go to Circle K and Advisor workshops! I was able to learn how to start up a Circle K. I discovered techniques to get people to join the club, and found out what advisors need to know to make their club successful. After the actual ICON event we went on a CNH district tour of San Antonio. We took a boat ride along the famous River Walk, visited museums, went up into the Tower of America, and did so much more. I had so much fun, and learned a lot. ICON is a convention where you learn about Key Club, and also the area you’re staying in. It’s a pretty incredible combination, and I feel so lucky to have been able to do this year.

ICON Sessions

7 Habits of Highly Successful Key Clubs By Sue Cummins | Notes taken from a session at the Key Club International Convention 1. They actively involve their new members. They go out of their way to find out the interests of the new members. 2. They have a stronger relationship with their Kiwanis Advisor/Kiwanis Club. For example, they provide a time for the Kiwanis Advisor to share at the club meetings. They do things like “Happy Change” at club meetings. 3. They have an active Faculty Advisor. And they show appreciation to both advisors. 4. They have a least one large-scale event each year for which they are known. This could be something like a Senior Prom for the retirement community; a Haunted Trail or Spooktacular at Halloween; a Winter Formal or a blood mobile for the school; a Homeless sleep-out; whatever it is, it’s done EVERY year and the school identifies it with the Key Club! 5. They have a good relationship with the school principal. Every year, the officer team should visit at least once with the Principal to share goals and find out what the club might do to benefit the school. 6. They have a functioning committee system. This provides for more regular member engagement in the club decision-making process. Suggested committees could be: Promotion, Publication & Program; Recruitment, Service; School Projects, etc. 7. They attend District Convention and take advantage of district-level contacts. These are incredibly important because it helps members to feel like they are involved in a bigger endeavor and gives them more respect for the organization. Highly effective clubs have: ~ Enthusiastic participation from most/all members ~ Committed to the mission and values of Key Club as a service organization ~ Healthy membership size and are growing ~ Effective and are work-based High-performing Key Clubs are: ~10% more likely to have members report that the club has inspired them to do more service. ~ More likely to have a larger membership. 61% of high performing Key Clubs have more than 50 members. But, you don't have to be a big Key Club to be high-performing. ~ Better at keeping members engaged with their meetings. They have higher rates of meeting attendance – members come because they feel connected. One suggestion is for officers to make an effort at the beginning of club meetings to talk with all the members. ~ Doing lots of service! Members go above and beyond the minimum service of 50 hours

ICON Sightseeing

Key Club Bucks – Why Raise That Money?

As a club, one of our main goals is to see our home club grow. We can do this by attending events that happen away from Cloverdale. These include DCMs (Division Council Meetings), Fall Rally, Key Leader, ad of course, DCON, (District Convention). Each of these events has their own purpose, but what we always get out of them is bringing new ideas to the club. We are able to learn how certain programs and causes operate; and we can do this as an officer, or regular member. Most importantly, one learns to grow as a person, which is exactly what the club needs in order to stay connected and be able to function. Our Kiwanis family helps out in paying a part of what each individual may need in order to attend these events; the ones mentioned all have some kind of cost attached. Sometimes DCMS are free. They are events that happen in our division, which is mostly the Santa Rosa area. Fall Rally is usually about $50-$60. Key Leader is $225 and DCON ranges from $400 - $600 usually. We are so grateful for the money that our Kiwanis gives us to attend these events; it is very generous of them. But, the money they give us doesn’t cover all the costs. We, as a club, work together to set fundraisers up, in order to help pay the rest of the way to these events. Your part, if you want to go with us, is to sign-up for those fundraisers and show appreciation! Remember, you don’t have to sign-up for “all” of them, but definitely do not stay home and be a couch potato. You will not earn what you will need like that. Stay committed, and in the end, the work you do will pay off. Believe me, these events are fun, a great learning experience and worth attending!

By Jessica Aguirre

Understanding Key Club Bucks By Yatziri Ruiz

Key Club Bucks are very beneficial to our Cloverdale Key Clubbers, and we’re the only club that actually operates our funding in this way! What the “Bucks” do is help raise money to take field trips with other members, (without having to use our own money). Key Club Bucks are distributed among our Key Clubbers who attend events hosted by our Kiwanis club, or events that in some way benefit our Kiwanis. The Kiwanis in Cloverdale are very generous to our Key Club, because they donate thousands of dollars to us in order for Key Club Bucks to be a thing. We then take the money they’ve given us and distribute it amongst our members, depending on which Kiwanis activities they attend and how much time they spend in helping our Kiwanis…whether it be a local Kiwanis event like the Vineyard Runs or the Oktoberfest, or a division, district or international cause, like PTP, or the Eliminate Project. Key Club Bucks are like money, but they can only be used to pay for expenses if we plan to attend big events like Fall Rally, District Convention or Key Leader. So three questions may arise. 1) How do I know when a service project I’m doing has Key Club Bucks attached? Answer: when it’s connected to a Kiwanis cause. 2) Are there any other ways to earn Key Club Bucks? Answer: when you sell something or do an activity for which we are paid by an outside group. 3) What happens to “my” Key Club Bucks if I don’t use the ones I’ve raised? Answer: they are used by the club in service.

Current Key Club Bucks


Plans For How to Raise Key Club Bucks This Year

By Cristina Cardenas

June Recognition MEMBER OF THE MONTH For Member of the Month we have chosen Sebastian Ley because he has stepped up as a new member and Executive Assistant by helping edit pictures for our club website, and also offer ideas for the website. In addition, he has participated in a number of our projects, and he is just an incoming freshman, who was in Builders Club last year!

OFFICER OF THE MONTH For Officer of the Month we have chosen Rory Kluesener because he spent over 80 hours during this month pouring his sweat and heart into making and perfecting the club website. It’s still a work in progress, but it is amazing! Rory has also volunteered to help the Kiwanis get their website up and running!

Club Scrapbook We’re getting started, THIS MONTH, on this year’s club scrapbook!

Step One is to go over the competition rules ✓ Step Two is to GO SHOPPING for supplies! ✓

All this is happening NEXT WEEK. We’ll text everyone details after this Thursday’s Board meeting. ANY member is welcome to help work on the scrapbook, and there will be work sessions a couple of times each month.

Our Facebook Page By Alexis Sanchez The Cloverdale High School Key Club Facebook page helps our Key Clubbers to know about future events and gives a photo glimpse into past events. If you search up Cloverdale High School Key Club you can see recent posts; and there is something new almost every day! The Facebook page also has a link to our club website. Our Facebook page is a great way to keep connected with the club, because if you were absent from a club meeting or event, you can see what happened. It’s also a good place to be reminded of the fun and special memories that have been shared with fellow Key Clubbers. The Facebook page is also a pretty good resource, especially if you don’t have a monthly calendar and you want to be reminded of what to expect next. It’s easy to forget about events, but if you “Like” our club’s Facebook page, all posts will automatically come to your email. Run a daily check of your email on your phone, and you’ll be linked into one of the club’s social media networks!

New information is added on almost a daily basis. Pictures are uploaded and upcoming event reminders are shared.

Spreading the Word in the Club

Why Do We Support PTP? PTP By Cristina Cardenas You may have heard about Key Club donating an immense amount of money to something called “PTP”, but have no idea what PTP is, or what it stands for. PTP stands for the “Pediatric Trauma Program”, which is a program sponsored by our California, Nevada and Hawaii Kiwanis District. Pediatric Trauma is the leading cause of death and injury among children ages 14 and under in the United States. What the Pediatric Trauma Program does is reduce the number of deaths and or injuries in our three-state-district. How it is done is through large donations to children’s hospitals, and through specialized training for pediatricians in those hospitals. Our Cloverdale club invests a lot of time in raising money for this cause each year. And we do it during the months of July, August, September and October, in order to meet our set goal in late October of every year. We try to take at least $1300 to the Key Club Fall Rally, which is an event at Six Flags where we turn in all the money we fundraised that year for the PTP cause. Both Key Club and Kiwanis create projects which are intended to fundraise for this cause. Both also take their time to help inform communities about pediatric trauma and to provide materials and how-to’s about what you can do to prevent childhood accidents from happening to a child near you. We’re starting off our club’s PTP fundraising campaign this year with the “Paper Airplane Grid” campaign. We sell $5 slots on a grid which has 100 slots on it. Once all 100 slots are sold, we create a giant grid and throw a paper airplane over it. Wherever the airplane lands, the person who donated to have that spot labeled as theirs, will win $100! We’ll be out in front of Ray’s and Grocery Outlet during the coming months asking for donations. Any member can sign up to do this!


Save the Rain By Gabriela Gaona For the 2017-18 school year, our club has decided to fundraise for Save the Rain. Save the Rain is a non-profit organization whose mission is to save the lives of millions of children who don’t have access to clean water. They carry out their mission by teaching very poor communities how to use the rainwater as a sustainable water supply. They do so by constructing a rain catchment system which is all built using local materials and is constructed with the help of the local community. This organization works tirelessly to help decrease the number of child deaths per year, mostly in Tanzania, Africa; and it helps better the lives of so many who are born into such severe poverty that we can’t even imagine what their lives are like! Several years ago, our club did a Save the Rain project where we fundraised $6000, which was matched by a grant that helped an entire village of 150 put in a rain catchment system that gave them clean water forever!

Visit the “Save the Rain� website to find out a lot more about this cause that our Board has voted to be our MAJOR community outreach effort for this coming school year!


What’s left in July

A few BIG events in August to put onto your calendars: • • • •

August 12 – Division Council Meeting in Santa Rosa August 22 – First club meeting of the new school year August 22 – Kiwanis LTG Installation Dinner August 26 – Trip to Kiwanis Family House

Officer Overnight

Timeline o 3:00 – Pick-up at CHS o Bring swim suit, towel, sleeping bag or blanket, pillow, pjs, snacks, etc.

o o o o

3:30 – Start meeting 5:30 – Recess meeting to have dinner and swim 7:00 – Re-convene meeting 9:00 – Adjourn meeting o Swim, hot tub, campfire, s’mores, games, music, movies, etc.

o 9:00 – Wake-up the next morning and go home Meeting agenda includes: • • • • •

Club analysis and goals for the year Finalizing a yearly service calendar Plans for connecting with the Builders Club Work on a club communication plan Determining a club budget and making fundraising plans for the year

Whoee! That’s a lot…and it’s not all! We’ll take care of business and have fun, too!

Are only officers allowed? - NO – Any member is welcome!

Join Us! • Saturday, July 22nd • Meet at CHS at 8 a.m. • Bring money for Starbucks • Work with others from the division from 9-12 • Be home by around 12:30 • RSVP to 591-3235 by 6 p.m. on Friday


• Wednesday, July 26th • 6:30 p.m. • Get to know each other & discuss joint goals for the year

July Club Meeting • Friday, July 28th • 2 p.m. • At Papa’s Pizza • Bring $3 if you want to eat • Agenda will include details about the August calendar and more!

Looking to make a little money towards your Key Club Bucks account? Saturday, July 29th Show up at CHS at 8:30 a.m. Plan to stay until 12:30 p.m. Advertise to family and friends Bring towels, shammies, etc. Advance sale tickets can be picked up at any event being held the week before. o Members selling tickets in advance will receive FULL Key Club Bucks credit for amount sold! o Members working that day will receive $30 in Key Club Bucks for working the entire time

Rose French

Lillian Bearden

Sue Cummins Stephan Bearden

Faculty Advisor Kiwanis Advisor

cummins@sonic.net steph32450@gmail.com

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