June 2018 newsletter

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CNH I K E Y C L U B Cloverdale Key Club | Issue 2 | June 2018 | rowanaddison@icloud.com; katelyn.wilson@gmaill.com \

Soaring with Service


Officer of the Month July Calendar Save the Rain Update

Cloverdale High School | 509 N. Cloverdale Blvd., Cloverdale, CA, 95425

Table of Contents Messages Recognition Awards Night Past Events Upcoming June Events July Calendar Scrapbook Plans Need EAs Fundraisers for Causes Website Joint DCM REFB Social Media & Contacts Thank You


Pages 4-5 Pages 6-7 Pages 8-9 Pages 10-15 Pages 16-20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Pages 24-25 Page 26-27 Page 28 Page 29 Pages 30-31 Page 32

Builders Club Awards Night


We have two Presidents this year. One is Neidi Calvillo. Neidi is a junior at CHS and has been in Key Club since entering as a Freshman. Before that, she was an active member of the Washington School Builders Club. Neidi served as the club Vice President last year. She has a strong service record. In 2017-18, she volunteered for 138 hours of service! Gonzalo is relatively new to our Key Club program, but since he joined in November of 2017, he has been a very strong member, with 43 hours of service in just a few short months! “One goal that we wish to accomplish is to put into effect a strong member recruitment program. This is because we would like our club to expand. We want to encourage more people to join and experience a love for service! Having more members would mean we would have more people to brainstorm, with more ideas for club projects and activities.�


By Grace Gloeckner and Sophia Witt Being a member of the Key Club Board is an honor, but it is also a huge responsibility. You are one of the Board members that the new members look up to. You must help encourage those new members to join meetings and to attend service events. As a Secretary you have a lot of responsibility, but it can be fun when you learn how to manage the work. It is an important obligation, and it requires a willingness to put regular effort into the club. During meetings secretaries take minutes of everything that is discussed. We have to make sure we catch all the important details. We also meet up with our club advisor to work on the Monthly Report Forms, (or MRFs). It can sometimes be stressful, because there are times when, for one reason or another, our Excel entries don’t work; and sometimes things you’ve typed get deleted. We’re still learning the process! And, our club is “judged” on what we put into this document, so it’s very important. But, when it is done we know that we are doing good things for our club. Keeping track of the member service records has taught us that all members need to try their hardest to make it to all, (or as many of the service events), that they can attend. I know that we serve an important role by keeping track of the service records for the members. So, we’ve shared a little about our job as Club Secretaries. But, most importantly we want to share this thought – we hope all of you will feel loyal to our club… and that means signing up for those service opportunities!


Member of the Month 6

Our Memberof of the the Month Month was Our Member wasMatthew Matthew Piazza.He He participated participated ininthetheKiwanis Piazza. Kiwanis Mother’s Day Day Breakfast, helping out the most Mother’s Breakfast and the Eliminate of any member; and out he assisted withofthe project. He helped the most any Eliminate Project. We are veryand appreciative of member on Mother’s Day we really his hard work! Congratulations, Matthew, you appreciate his hard work! won the Mickey Mouse watch at our drawing!

Officer of the Month

Anahi Ruiz was selected as Officer of the Month. She participated in almost all of our projects. To name a few, she did the “Elemonate Challenge�, made leis for veterans, went to Key Leader and assisted at the Builders Club activity. She also spent a lot of time creating thank you gifts for the 2017-18 Board members, which she presented at our club Awards Night.


By Alexis Sanchez The Awards Night was a family event, and included a pot luck. The members who were outstanding in certain fields were awarded, like helping with the Shine Days, graduating seniors, scholarship applicants, having high service records, helping with the Save the Rain project, and more! The DCON video that Miguel made was shown and enjoyed by all. Some awards were special, because they brought back memories of an activity. For example, the DCON attendees all received a framed picture of the group, one that was taken on the last day we were there. The members who helped with the Save the Rain project got commemorative water bottles. Parents who helped got mugs that said, “Best Dad/Mom�. It was fun to see everyone be called forward. Our students going on to ICON held a donation drawing. One of the last items on the agenda was the new Board members being installed. After that, our incoming Presidents, Neidi and Gonzalo, gave an inspiring speech about goals for next year.



By Gonzalo Perez On our Awards Night, most of our Key Club members got to gather to celebrate our achievements that we had accomplished throughout this past year. Families and Kiwanis were there, too. We probably had about 100 people in attendance! The pot luck ensured that there was a LOT of great food! The evening went from everyone being happy, to even tears coming from some of the people. It’s sometimes hard to let go of great memories, and Key Club offers a lot of those! Our theme for this night was Hawaiian, and many people were all dressed up in Hawaiian-based clothes, having a good time. Everyone in our club got some recognition, and when they had their names called, people would be so happy for that person, and would applaud them with joy. Overall, our Awards Night was a time full of fun, pride in a job well-done, and excitement.


Builders Club Awards Night One highlight of the evening, for us, was when the Builders Club gave us a check for $840 towards the Save the Rain project!

Their Awards Night was lots of fun and the Builder’s Club members got recognition for all their efforts this past year. Some of our members spoke about Key Club and helped recruit members for next year!


May Board Board Meeting


Our May Board Meeting was very productive and we made many decisions on behalf of the club. We decided how much to spend on a club camera, approved the June calendar, and more. Our new advisors were there; and we met with them, as well as enjoyed some great pizza.


Christmas in June

By Paula Toledo | Cloverdale Key Club “Christmas in June” was an amazing event! It’s something that our community does every year to encourage people to donate to our local Food Pantry during what is usually an “off season” for getting the pantry stocked. The Food Pantry Board organizes it and our Kiwanis Club is always very involved. Basically, people bring food items like canned goods as an “entry fee”. Then, everyone spends time making up packages of rice and beans, etc., (for distribution at the Pantry). When I first arrived, I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. A Kiwanis member took me in and showed me around. For the first hour, I spent the time organizing cans that were donated by the community. Later, I spent time filling bags of rice right alongside my Key Club advisor and other Kiwanis and concerned community members. At the end of the event, the lady who organizes it every year thanked everyone who showed up. I appreciate the opportunity to do a hands-on project like this. This one helped me feel like I really made a difference for the people in Cloverdale who need our Food Pantry to make it through each week.


We met at our Advisor Stephen’s house and made homemade pizzas that we cooked in his outdoor oven. Then we spent 2 hours on business. One of the more intense discussions centered around Paula’s calendar of fundraisers for next year.

June Board Meeting 13

Bake Auction at a June Kiwanis Meeting

By Neidi Calvillo On June 7th we held a bake auction at our Kiwanis meeting. It was a combination live auction and silent auction. Our ICON attendees and our advisors helped bring in items. We were only supposed to live auction the items made by the Key Clubbers. Since the items made by our advisors, (Sue, Clay and Stephen), were amazing, we live auctioned those, too. Each of Stephen’s carrot cakes were auctioned for $70! The Kiwanis were so generous that we were able to bring in $760! With this money, we were able to pay a huge portion of our registration fees for ICON! We had an amazing time, and we are so thankful for having our wonderful, supportive Kiwanis!



Save the Rain Meeting Wednesday, June 20th 6 p.m. Starbucks This year we need members to get even more involved with Save the Rain. We are in the second year of this project; and it’s time to get even more active so we can reach our goal! This meeting will mainly be discussing the movie night planned for September to be held at the Clover Theater.



Join Division 32 in Re-Building Santa Rosa

Habitat for Humanity Service Project & DCM Saturday, June 23rd Meet at CHS at 8 a.m. & wear work clothes Travel to Santa Rosa for the project (from 9 a.m. to noon) Lunch and Division Council Meeting


Phonebook Deliveries ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢


June 25th – 27th 8 – 11 a.m. & 6-9 p.m. each day LOTS of members are needed Members can invite others to help Text 707-591-3235 to sign up

ICON Here We Come We have four members going to the International Convention in Chicago on July 4th-10th. They have been madly fundraising for the past six weeks. One of the ways they are raising money to pay for their trip is to sell See’s candy. As we get closer to the deadline for their final payment, they are even more determined to encourage that “sweet tooth” in everyone they see! We wish Gaby Gaona, Neidi Calvillo, Anahi Ruiz and Gonzalo Perez a fabulous trip; and we are excited for all the new ideas they will bring back to the club for use next year!


June Club Get Together While the Board has been regularly meeting this summer, we want to let all our other members in on what’s being planned for the month of July. So, we’re holding a Club Get Together, ALL members are welcome to show up at Starbucks any time between 6 & 7 p.m. on Friday, June 29th. Come socialize and sign-up for upcoming events. There is no planned agenda.








PTP at Ray’s





9 PTP at Ray’s










Kiwanis Meeting

Eliminate Fundraiser





Kiwanis Meeting & Save the Rain



7 PTP at Ray’s


14 Joint DCM with Kiwanis at Lake Sonoma



Kiwanis Meeting & DLT Meeting




Kiwanis Board Meeting



25 Save the Rain

26 Kiwanis Meeting


28 Redwood Empire Food Bank


Board Meeting


Scrapbook Plans By Alexis Sanchez This year’s scrapbook is going to be Disneythemed. Each page is going to feature a Disney movie. The pages will have pictures and features related to the movie. For example: Moana could be the theme of a page on a car wash or maybe Save the Rain. I am excited about being the Scrapbook Editor for the club this year, and plan to work hard to put together something we will all love!


Executive Assistants Needed!

By Alex Visconti Executive Assistants are Key Clubbers on the Board who help out with certain things and attend events as well as help with projects that the Board wants to do. Not yet being an officer, they learn everything about being an officer for next year, and they are encouraged to run. This is a step up from being a member in Key Club; and it’s a great learning experience! Leadership skills are definitely something that Key Clubbers will learn through being an Executive Assistant. We encourage anyone who’s not an officer to become an Executive Assistant! Applications are available. Just text either Neidi, Gonzalo or Sue to let them know you are interested, and we’ll see you get one.



Fundraising for PTP In July PTP stands for Pediatric Trauma Program. This is a program that supplies doctors and others with the needed equipment. WHY? We should fundraise for the benefit and health of children. Money raised goes to helping not only the training of the doctors, nurses, and first responders, but it will help supply them with all of the needed equipment.

We will be fundraising for this cause July 2nd and July 7th & July 9th at Ray’s. Times are to be arranged at member convenience.


A Fundraiser for the Eliminate Project • Friday, July 13th • In front of Ray’s Food Place • Members can choose a 2-hour shift • Sign-up at the club meeting on June 25th or sign-up on our website


Did you know that our website has a place where you can sign up for events?


Events are described. Click on the “Register Now� button and you can sign-up. An email reminder will be sent to you!


Check Out Our Website By Miguel Gonzalez Some of you may have gotten lost trying to navigate our website; this short guide should let you navigate the website like a pro! Near the top of the website you should see multiple blue tabs. These lead you to many things. If you click on the “About Us” tab it will give you a basic overview of our club; hovering over it will show more info. Clicking on the “Upcoming Events” tab will let you sign up for events; hovering over it will let you go to our calendar, and sometimes you’ll find info for larger events. The “Photos” tab will allow you to view short articles on recent events with attached photos; hovering over will let you see specific types of events. The “Newsletter” tab will lead to a page linking to our newsletter on issuu.com; The “Members” Tab will allow you to access a variety of information helpful to members, including a Member Orientation packet and the “Recognition” of Member and Officer of the Month. If you go to “Members Only” Tab, you will have to “log in”. If this is your first time to “log in”, you will have to ask for permission from one of the webmasters. One special feature in the “Members” section is that you can find info about your service in Key Club. Clicking on the “Contact Us” tab allows you to see “Club Officers”, giving you their contact information. This is just a basic overview of the website, so if you are still confused don’t be afraid to ask our Webmasters, Miguel Gonzalez, or Alex Visconti!


Saturday July 14th

We could use Key Club help!

There is a joint DCM for both Kiwanis and Key Club. It’s being hosted by our Kiwanis club out at Lake Sonoma picnic grounds. Be ready to help. Meet at CHS at 8 a.m.


We will be helping at the food bank doing hands-on service for them. We need a big group of members to attend this; and those who come need to show up at CHS at 8 a.m. Then we will be driving down to Windsor where the food bank is located. Once finished, we will be getting home around 1 p.m.


Social Media



Cloverdale High School Key Club

CHS Key Club

https://classroom.google.com/c/MT QzODMxMDA3NTZa

https://www.cloverdalekeyclub.com Cloverdale Key Club

Division CNH Division 2032 Key Club

https://www.keyclubregion15.weebly .com

District https://www.cnhkeyclub.org CyberKey

International https://www.keyclub.org

Co-Presidents Neidi Calvillo Gonzalo Perez

jatciric@outlook.com gonzalop826gmail.com

Anahi Ruiz


Co-Secretaries Grace Gloeckner grace.gloeckner@gmail.com Sophia Witt sophiawitt2@gmailcom

Treasurer Paula Toledo


Co- News Editors Rowan Addison Katelyn Wilson

rowanaddison@icloud.com katelynwilson200w@gmail.com


Vice President

Scrapbook Editor Alexis Sanchez


Co-Webmasters Miguel Gonzalez miguel414170@gmail.com Alex Visconti viscontialex@gmail.com


Soaring with Service “Service in the Sun Buzz”

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