May aar recommendations

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May 2016 Annual Achievement Report Recommendations Presented by:

Divisions 20/32 | Region 15

C N H|

Created by [Author] [Event Name] [Date]

These are some of the suggestions for your club to try during the month of May. We want all of our clubs to be active and involved. I know we can make May great!

These projects have been recommended because they automatically raise your Annual Achievement Report Score.


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Invite a Guest Speaker • Invite a guest speaker to a Key Club meeting.... either to talk about a service project, or maybe ask someone from the Kiwanis club to talk about what they are doing- This can get your members inspired to serve! žYou need to invite guest speakers to at LEAST 6 meetings over the course of the Key Club year. Why not start now?


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Do something for Eliminate Week • May 2-6, 2016 • This would probably need to be a fundraiser. Hold your money back, and don’t turn it in to Kiwanis International until after June 30th. • If you can’t do something so soon……plan a project for either May or June • The goal is to raise $250 | Each club’s fair share of what’s owed for our international pledge to help Kiwanis

• Remember to remind people that Eliminate Week is the week before Mother’s Day for a reason! We can honor mothers world-wide.


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Turning in Eliminate Funds…. • Use this form • Can get from Region Advisor • Turn in with Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF funds in December 2016


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Plan a Joint K-Family Board Meeting • Begin planning a summer-time joint meeting of the Key Club Board and the Kiwanis Board for planning better connections in the coming year • This is actually a MANDATED activity. It can be fun, too. You can do some get acquainted games together, as well as figure out ways to better connect your two clubs. • You could even make it a picnic in a park…… whatever works best for you, but YOU be the HOST.


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Hold a Board meeting • Hold a Board meeting to make club plans…. discuss issues that affect the whole club. • Plan how to connect with the region’s summer activities. • You can meet in a fun location, like a Starbucks. You just have to have a quorum (1/2 of the Board +1). You are SUPPOSED to hold a Board meeting EVERY month!


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Plan a Year-End-Awards Event • Plan and conduct an end-of-the-year “banquet”.… • Key Clubbers, Kiwanis, and families should be invited. • It can be a potluck • This needs to be special…. to thank officers, welcome/install new officers, thank graduating seniors (senior awards, perhaps?), and to recognize outstanding individuals.


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

More on an Awards Event… •

There are some fabulous medals for the seniors that you can buy at the Kiwanis/Key Club store on-line…… they can wear them with pride at graduation. • • •

The Key Club store is at: There are certificates on the CNH website you can use. And, there are so many other possibilities for saying, “Thank You”, to your most active members.

• You could even do a fundraiser of some sort, to bring in money to help pay for award expenses


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Create a Club Newsletter • Do a club newsletter • You are supposed to create a club newsletter at least 6 times in the Key Club year. Why not do one now? • Newsletters must be at least 2 pages, and follow graphics standards. • Information about graphics standards is on the CNH website at: Look under “Resources”, and scroll down to “Graphics”.


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Attend the May DCM • Attend the May DCM – May 1st at OTC • Wait……. You are already HERE!


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Advisor Attends DCMs • Have an advisor attend the DCMs with you • Your club receives point recognition EVERY time an advisor attends a division activity, including DCMs. • Advisors are supposed to be there to drive & support you!


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Attend a Kiwanis Meeting! •

If some of your members went to the District Convention…

• Have they reported back to your Kiwanis, yet? • Ask to be their “program” and put together a short presentation

• The Division 32 video of District Convention will soon be online. We’ll email the YouTube address when it’s ready. • Play it, if you can set up the equipment • Talk about what you learned • Share plans for the upcoming year, based upon what you learned…..


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Write an Article For The Region News -

Take pictures of something that your club did and write an article about it. Send some of the pictures and the article to Sophie at Do this by the 12th of the month.


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Attend the Kiwanis Governor’s Event • At only $10 each, we’re hoping you can send ALL your officers • Talk to your Kiwanis club about helping to pay their cost • We need to be there by 1:45 p.m. to help run the lawn games • Wear your GOLD Division 32 t-shirt, please (if you have one)


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Join the Division Leadership Team • Someone from your club should be on the team • Attend the first meeting at 3554 Round Barn Rd., Santa Rosa, Suite 312 • •

May 17th 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Attend 2-3 Service Events with 35 Members Each Time - You don’t even have to plan your own, just join in on the division activities! - AAR points are best earned by service activities, so make sure to do them!


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

Have a GREAT month of May • Don’t close down this month • Don’t close down over the summer • Join our region for the summer activities we’re planning


[Name of Presentation] [Name of Presenter]

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