Secretary workshop document

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May 1, 2016

Presented by: Rose French, IP Distinguished Secretary, Cloverdale High School Francesca Smith, Kiwanis Advisor, Casa Grande High School

Secretary Workshop

a K i wa ni s -f a m i l y m em b er k e ycl ub . o r g D ev el o p i ng co m p e te n t, ca p a b l e , a nd c a r i ng l e a d er s s i nc e 1 9 2 5 .




May 1, 2016

Monthly Report Form For Cali-Nev-Ha


May 1, 2016

Completing the Club Roster tab on the Monthly Report Form

   

By June 4th…….. type in ALL non-senior member names and information By October 15th …………type in ALL newly paid members & remove any unpaid student names that were listed on the June roster By December 1st ……….. type in ALL newly paid members since October 15th Once the roster is complete each time, print it out and give a copy to all officers and to all advisors of the club.

Name _______________________________

Year in school





Address _____________________________ _____________________________ E-mail _____________________________ Phone # _____________________________

Preferred method of communication: e-mail


phone home


phone cell

Cell # _____________________________ Facebook

Paid Dues



Parents’/Guardians’ names




Create a club Member Form with this kind of information on it. When students attend their first meeting, ask them to complete this form. When they’ve paid dues, mark it appropriately. Meanwhile, use the information on the form to record their contact data into the club directory, so that they can be regularly contacted about projects. Also, this form is invaluable to use when the Treasurer completes the member information needed for dues payment.


Service Database

May 1, 2016

There are two ways to keep track of member service:  Have sign-in sheets at each event.  Pass around a record keeping sheet at each meeting. (This is less accurate, as people who did a particular service project may not attend the next meeting(s) to write down their service.)

 The secretary should collect the sign-in sheets and record them into a database. The database in the Monthly Report Form is already provided…… so it makes sense to use it.

What counts as service?  Any project that the club sponsors that benefits someone. o These could be hands-on activities o These could be fundraisers o These could be projects to benefit another member of the Kiwanis family, (Kiwanis Club, Builders Club, etc.) o Performance of officer duties is a service to the members  Any project that an individual does which benefits someone, as long as the Key Club Board votes to allow the project to count as “Key Club”. o Example: a member volunteers regularly at an animal shelter. This is not a Key Club service project unless the Board votes to allow it to be one.  What is NOT a service project? o Anything which is specifically mandated by the school and for which students receive school credit.  Anything that is non-voluntary



May 1, 2016

KEY CLUB Taking minutes of motions:  You must get the name of the person making the motion. Write, “ _________ moved that……..”.  You must get the words of the motion exactly as said. Please do not worry about asking them to repeat themselves, until you make sure you get it right.  You must put, “Seconded”.  You must put, “Passed”.

This information is particularly vital for all financial transactions, as proof of the club’s agreement to spend money is needed to be able to cut checks. You must have a quorum present to make any motion “legal”. A quorum is one more person than 50% of the dues paying membership….(if you make the motion during a regular club meeting). You can also do a lot of your official business at your Board meetings. Then, the quorum is 1 person more than 50% of the Board… is sometimes easier to get a quorum at a Board meeting, than it is to get a quorum of members to attend a regular meeting. One trick that sometimes works, but shouldn’t be used too often, is to make a motion at a regular meeting and have ONLY the Board vote on it. a K i wa ni s - f a m i l y m em b er k e ycl ub . o r g D ev el o p i ng co m p e te n t, ca p a b l e , a nd c a r i ng l e a d er s s i nc e 1 9 2 5 .


[Insert School Name] Key Club Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International [Insert Date] 1. Call to Order: [12:54]

Adjournment: [insert time]

a. Meeting led by

[insert name]

b. Pledge of Allegiance


c. Key Club Pledge


d. Introduction of Guests


e. Quorum Present


2. Attendance- see attached sign in sheet 3. Unfinished Business a. 4. New Business a. 5. Open Floor 6. Adjournment

Minutes Approved by Club President

[President Signature]

Minutes Approved by Club Secretary

[Secretary Signature]

Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor

[Faculty Adviser Signature]

This is just the first page of a document that could end up being a couple of pages in length. The template for doing minutes this way can be found on the Cyberkey at Go to the tab at the top for “Officers”. Scroll down to “Secretary” and open the tab. You’ll find a number of helpful resources.

To do minutes this way, you will need to bring a laptop to the meeting and type the minutes as the meeting progresses.  This is really helpful because: o You can then e-mail minutes to the active members who weren’t there, which will help to keep them informed. o You can e-mail them to the club President, who can use them as a reference for remembering who to contact about projects, etc.……. o You can e-mail minutes to any other people you think should have them….. maybe the Kiwanis President…… o You can place the minutes on your Facebook or club website…… o You can easily print them out, when they are needed for a club financial transaction.

What should you put into the minutes?  General topics of discussion. You should have an agenda right in front of you, so you can type in all the topics. This can even be done before the topics are actually discussed.  Once people start talking, write down: o Anything that seems to be a general consensus o Any motions made o Any decisions made, which were not a motion o Any volunteers for projects, committees, etc. o A general over-view of any discussion  You’ll need a roll call sheet of some sort that can be “attached to the minutes”.  Suggestion – print out the minutes, get all the appropriate signatures and keep them, with the appropriate roll call sheets behind each set of minutes in a binder. You do this for easy access when it comes time to refer back to them, or photocopy them as proof needed for cutting checks. You need to go on-line right now to and download the minutes-taking templates for both regular and Board meetings.

CNH I K E Y C L U B (Your Name) High School Date: _______________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Roll Call Meeting Location: ________________________

This is an example of how a roll call sheet can be created. You start with the basic graphic standards heading page, put in your high school name and “roll call”, put a spot for date and meeting location to be hand written into the document, and then number according to how many you expect to attend your meeting. You may need to create 2 columns. If you don’t, then put some kind of graphic in the empty space on the right of the page. Once you have the template created, just print it out for use at each meeting!

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Where do you find examples of the graphic standards heading pages? E-mail Mrs. Cummins at and she will send several to you. Or you can get them on-line at under “Resources”.

How to read the minutes at the next meeting……….  Don’t read them word for word……. BORING!.....  SUMMARIZE  Make sure that the President remembers to get the minutes approved……. o “Are there any corrections to the minutes? If not, the minutes stand approved as read.” o “Are there any corrections to the minutes? (If it turns out there are…… you need to get the corrections listed in the current set of minutes.) Then, the president says, “The minutes stand approved as corrected.)



Cloverdale Key Club General Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International May 5, 2014 1. Call to Order:

12:56 p.m.


a. Meeting led by

Maggie Duran

b. Pledge of Allegiance

Bailey Creager

c. Key Club Pledge

Trevor Creager

d. Introduction of Guests


e. Quorum Present


1:22 p.m.

2. Attendance- see attached sign in sheet 3. Minutes – Approved as read. 4. Treasurer’s Report – Balance on hand was $567.82. 5. Committee Reports a. One Dollar for Life – We’re kicking off the campaign tomorrow, with classroom presentations. There’s a lot going on, but of particular note is the committee meeting on Thursday in Room 22 at lunchtime and the collecting o donations in front of Ray’s on Tuesday and Wednesday. 6. Old Business a. See’s candy money still owed – Jessie Marshall, Helen Hernandez and Ashley Sanchez still owe b. Pennies for Patients – Alayna moved to donate $250 to Pennies for Patients. Seconded. Motion passed. c. Letter from History Center – A thank you for helping them with their Spring Fashion Show. d. Selling See’s in front of Ray’s – for ICON – sign-ups taken 7. New Business a. Ticket drawing – Bailey Creager won. b. Officers registering for “Reflector” on the Cyberkey – encouraged to do so ASAP c. Kiwanis Board meeting & this week’s Kiwanis meeting – Alayna, Maggie, Jessie are signed up for the Board meeting. Sandra and Lorena will be going to the Thursday Kiwanis meeting.


d. Kiwanis Mother’s Day Breakfast – Saturday night & Sunday morning – members are needed for both times. Sign-ups taken e. Relay or Life – We’re going to work with the Kiwanis Club this year, instead of having a CHS teen team. f.

End-of-the-Year Awards Night – May 20th at 6:30 p.m. in the East Gym

g. May calendar – copies available to take home. h. Adjournment

Minutes Approved by Club President Minutes Approved by Club Secretary Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor

Attendance Attendance for this Club meeting was completed by

Walker Zody


[Attach sign in sheet of members’ attendance]

This is what it would look like to do typed minutes. If you want to handwrite minutes, then you need to make sure that you create a template to use at all times. The template should have sections for all the above information.


May 1, 2016

Club Correspondence

All official correspondence should be done on club letterhead. The following are a couple of examples of letterhead that you could create. You can make your own letterhead by going to the CyberKey at  Click on the “Resources” tab at the top of the page. Scroll down to “The Hive”. Click on that and find “Graphics”. All elements of the Key Club graphics are at that location.  This allows you to create your own documents to YOUR preference. What kinds of correspondence would require official letterhead?  Anything sent to a business  Any requests for financial help  Possibly something sent to your Kiwanis Club  Something given to your Faculty or Principal


a K i wa ni s - f a m i l y m em b er k e ycl ub . o r g D ev el o p i ng co m p e te n t, ca p a b l e , a nd c a r i ng l e a d er s s i nc e 1 9 2 5 .

KEY CLUB Caring – Our Way of Life

a K i wa ni s - f a m i l y m em b er k e ycl ub . o r g D ev el o p i ng co m p e te n t, ca p a b l e , a nd c a r i ng l e a d er s s i nc e 1 9 2 5 .


You can order Key Club “Thank You” cards from the Key Club store on the Kiwanis International website. Go to: Click on, “Members Only”. Find “Kiwanis Store” and then go to the bottom of that page to double-click on “Key Club”.

How important are “Thank You” notes?

Why is this true? Who should send the “Thank You” notes?  EVERY officer who wishes to apply for “Outstanding” Officer is supposed to write at least one thank you note!  Communicating with others in a variety of ways is one of the requirements of ALL officers. This is one easy way to communicate.  If you are a person who needs someone to check over your spelling and grammar, make sure you write a rough draft of your thank you note, and then have someone else you trust look it over……. before you write onto the expensive thank you cards.

Correspondence coming into the club is supposed to be read by you at the next general meeting. You are then supposed to file the letter in your Secretary’s binder.


May 1, 2016



May 1, 2016

General Officer Guidelines CNH District Club Meetings:  Attend 80% of all club general meetings.

Board Meetings:  Attend 80% of all club executive Board meetings. You should hold a Board meeting at least once a month.

Division Council Meetings:  Attend a minimum of six (6) Division Council Meetings.

Kiwanis Meetings:  Attend a minimum of one (1) Kiwanis Division Council Meeting and/or attend a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings.

Training Conference:  Attend the Officers Training Conference and/or the Region Training Conference.

Officer Workshop:  Attend the appropriate officer workshop at District Convention, Officer Training Conference and/or Region Training Conference.

There is a 9-page document about how to perform your secretary duties… on the Cyberkey, under the “Officers” tab at the top. Go to “Secretary” to find it.

Below are the criteria for being an Outstanding Secretary  Club Directory Roster:

Updated, compiled and distributed the

club directory/roster.

 Club Monthly Reports:

Completed a minimum of eight (8) Monthly Report Forms, and submitted forms on time to the LTG, the Faculty and Kiwanis Advisors, the Region Advisor and the Kiwanis Secretary.

 Records: Recorded and filed minutes of the club general meetings.

 Records: Recorded and filed minutes of the club Board meetings.  Election Results: Completed the Annual Club Elections Form and submitted the form to the LTG, the Faculty and Kiwanis Advisors, the Region Advisor and the Kiwanis Secretary. (Should have already done this. Check with Fatima……..)

 Club Officer Information: Completed the on-line club information form for club officers, advisors and meeting information, (which is made available on the CNH Cyberkey). This is to be done before June 4th.

 Club Meetings: Attended eighty percent (80%) of the general club meetings.

 Board Meeting: Attended eighty percent (80%) of the club Board meetings. Your club should hold at least one Board meeting each month.

 Division Council Meetings: Attended a minimum of six (6) Division Council Meetings.

 Kiwanis Meetings:

Attended a minimum of one (1) Kiwanis Division Council Meeting, and/or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings.

 Training Conference:

Attended the Officers Training Conference and/or the Region Training Conference

 Secretary Workshop: Attended the Secretary Workshop at District Convention, International Convention, Officers Training Conference and/or Region Training Conference

How do you become an “official CNH Outstanding Secretary”?  You meet all the criteria on the previous page o Let’s say you don’t meet EVERY one of them… o If you come close, you should apply, anyway  You get the document off the Cyberkey at under “Recognition”, then “Contests”, and you type your initials in the boxes that apply to you.  You ask for at least 3 of the 4 people listed at the bottom of the page to authorize that you are telling the truth. If you call them, and they say, “yes”, you type in their names and contact information and initials.  You save the document and e-mail it off to the contest archive by a mid-February deadline.  The instructions for e-mailing the document are at the top of the first page.

This may take as little as 15 minutes to do! The key is that you need to do the recommended tasks listed on the previous page!

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