Understanding the key club mrf

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This google group allows your officers to have the ability to ask questions of other officers holding the same position, and also to question the appropriate district executive‌. and be updated on current district issues that might impact them in their position.

Read this first – “INSTRUCTIONS”


Statistics are sent to the District to tally district records, and then on to International to tally international records; then used by both to solicit partnerships with the corporate world that benefit Key Club and those in need.

Non-reporting damages the Key Club efforts, on a larger scale, to do good for those in need. Non-reporting damages the reputation, on a smaller scale of your local LTG. Non-reporting, on the local level, allows a club to not measure up to any set of standards. Clubs who do not report have no idea of whether or not the work they are doing is sub-standard; or for that matter, truly excellent!

That’s why we are also training the president AND advisor!  It is ultimately the president’s responsibility to insure that the MRF is turned in ON TIME, each month. 



The Advisor is also responsible for making sure that the MRF gets turned in on time. The MRF should be sent to the advisor by the 3rd of each month, so he/she can check it for accuracy, then it can be returned to the student for sending off on time.

Our division deadline is the 4th of each month; at midnight on the 5th, it is considered “late” by CNH standards. The LTG has to report the results of ALL clubs by the 10th. Reporting on-time gives the LTG a window of opportunity to do his/her required work.

Someone needs to keep track of the club’s activity record. An advisor should over-see these efforts. Sign-in sheets at each meeting can be the most efficient method to keep track.

 Keep

a binder of the sign-in sheets to refer to when completing the MRF…or record everything into a database.


database is provided in the MRF for your use, if you wish to go that route.  Or you can create your own database, using an Excel program.

Use something like this as a sign-up sheet at a meeting Then, check members off after they attend You can have it at the event, or pass it around at the next meeting

• If you click on the “Service Record” tab at the bottom of the MRF, a page opens up to allow you to record each member’s service record. • If you have previously typed the members’ names into the Club RosterDirectory, the names can be easily copied and pasted to the database on the “Service Record” tab!

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Cardinal Newman Casa Grande Cloverdale Healdsburg Humboldt Lower Lake Maria Carrillo McKinleyville Montgomery Piner Santa Rosa Sonoma Valley Windsor

H91963 H89931 H91896 H80488 H90993 H90708 H90546 H82797 H82207 H83905 H86409 H88438 H90133

Does your Kiwanis Club fulfill it’s responsibility? 

If they are sending a Kiwanis Advisor to your meetings….. If they are providing financial support to your program, then the answer is “yes”.

Is your club a sponsor of a Builders Club or K-Kids club?

If you help pay a portion of their $150 annual fee….say donate $50 to the other club, then you can say “yes” to this.  Why do this? To support them, but also because it’s a recommended action that benefits your club when points are tallied for the Annual Achievement Report. Mostly…… because it’s a good thing to show this kind of support to your Kiwanis family! 

 You

should do this before May 4th, if at all possible!  Only type in the names of NON-SENIORS whom you think will continue with the program NEXT September.

ď‚Ą Type

LAST NAME, FIRST NAME in alphabetical order. ď‚Ą If you are in a time-crunch, put in the names only, at this time. Then, come back, and complete the rest of the information before turning in your May MRF, (due on June 4th).

Typing in the e-mail

addresses of your members is CRITICAL. We use that information to add the members to our division e-mail lists.

 You

can complete your FINAL Club Roster in October, when it’s time to turn in the 2015-16 dues.  This document can be altered

at any time

 The

club secretary is mandated to “publish” the club roster to all the members. 

You can “print screen” and paste the directory straight into a Word document for distribution.

It’s particularly important that the advisors and officers receive copies of all member contact information.  It really helps with setting up an efficient club communication system. 

You need to get hold of an official roster from the Membership Update Center. To log in to the Membership Update Center at www.keyclub.org , you need to do so from your Faculty Advisor’s email address and you need the club ID number AND your club password.

 Your

Faculty Advisor received an e-mail with the “password”, last September.  He/she should have recorded that password someplace.  If this was NOT done, please contact Mrs. Cummins. She will work with Key Club International to try to get the password made available to your Kiwanis Advisor, or your current club secretary.


Upon request by Mrs. Cummins, Key Club International will email the Membership Update Center password to the club Secretary, only if that person has been registered online at the CyberKey in May

But you MUST use some kind of database to keep accurate records of your club service activities. This adds to the Secretary’s workload EVERY month, but these records are so very important

 Did

you know that Key Club International sets the standard that EVERY member should participate in at least 5 service hours EACH month?

 Clubs

that turn in their MRF by the 5th of EVERY month will receive a patch for their banner called the “District Tree Award”.


Extenuating circumstances can be taken into consideration when an LTG reports whether or not a club has an on-time submission each month. ď‚Ą

The secretary, president or advisor must let the LTG know about the special circumstances for the LTG to make the exception.

 

Don’t worry about perfection. This is a “living” document. You can always go back and fix mistakes, after having turned it in. Those changes will be reflected in the document the next time it’s submitted.

The 4th of the month is requested. The 5th of the month is “On-Time”  International recognition – patch for banner The 6th of the month is “Late”  One “late” month ruins the whole year’s record!

Summer months count…. Turn one in….. even if you didn’t do anything! Just write something in the essay section, even if ALL you write is that your club is on summer break.

If the answer to this question is an unfortunate “No”, you may need to reconsider your “Yes” answer on the “Task 1” page. 

Regardless of whether or not you put “Yes” or “No” under “Task 1”, if your Kiwanis Club is noticeably not fulfilling any one or more of their assigned sponsorship tasks, you may want to discuss the possibility of how to approach the club with a request for them to more closely examine their sponsorship role!


Kiwanis Clubs change leadership every year. New leaders may be unaware of the guidelines posted by Kiwanis International and may appreciate an open dialog with their Key Clubbers about what is needed.


Ask to be on the agenda of a Kiwanis Board meeting and present the sponsorship guidelines. Contact Mrs. Cummins at cummins@sonic.net for further assistance and background information to help with a presentation of this nature.

Make sure that your own Kiwanis Advisor is included in your presentation plans.  Make sure that you present to your Kiwanis Board BEFORE they create their 2016-17 year budget, (which they will do in July or August, most likely). 

Do NOT type in your information, except in any spots where it asks for number of members attending. Click on the particular box and use the “pull down” options for your answers.


Notice the various categories. They are there because Key Club International considers them important to club success. ď‚Ą

For example, you should make sure that you have guest speakers at club meetings, at least 6 times each year.

An “interclub” is an activity with your Kiwanis Club, another Key Club, or another club in the Kiwanis family, (like a Builders Club). You must have at least 4 members present on your side, and at least 4 members present from the other club(s). (Clubs with smaller membership may have 3 members present.) It can be a meeting, a service project or a social event. Do NOT forget to mark interclubs, using the pull-down “key” provided.

 Do

NOT forget to mark that you have received communication from the LTG.  This should ALWAYS be at least “Electronic”.

ď‚Ą Many

times this communication is sent to the president, and the secretary is unaware of it having been sent. But you can count on something coming each month. Never leave this as “None�.


officer is supposed to attend a minimum of six (6) DCMs.



Kiwanis Division Meetings - They happen in September in Ukiah, January in Santa Rosa, and March in Petaluma. You should try to get at least one member to each, if at all possible. You should coordinate with your Kiwanis Advisor regarding your attendance. Region Meeting/Event - Division Leadership Team meetings should count here. The Awake-A-Thon is another activity to record in this spot.

Officers Training Conference –  Happens once a year. ALL officers should make EVERY effort to attend.  Non-officers are also welcome. If some of your officers can’t make it.

All materials from the conference will be posted on-line at the Region website….www.keyclub region15. weebly.com. Going over these materials with a Kiwanis Advisor is required (as mandated in the Kiwanis Sponsorship Guidelines).

Advisor at Training - Kiwanis International considers this a priority, so that advisors have knowledge of officer expectations…. Leadership Conference/Retreat This is something you can hold locally…. often during the summer for your Board. You can do it more than once.

Fall Rally – This event is always held on a Saturday in late October, most likely at Six Flags. Attendance costs include park entry, purchase of a division t-shirt, and possible purchase of a “spirit pack”. Banquet – Your club should hold an “end-of-theyear” event to honor outstanding members, officers and graduates and to install the incoming officers. The Division/Region also holds a banquet, usually in late February or early March. Kiwanis Special Function – An example of this might be your Kiwanis Club installation, or an important Kiwanis service project, or fundraiser.

Key Leader – If you had attendees, this needs to be marked in the “April” month, only. Division Conclave – This always occurs in January, and EVERY club is supposed to have at least one or two members present….in order to vote on the next year’s LTG. CNH Convention – Happens once a year. ALL clubs are supposed to send all incoming officers to receive training. A local Kiwanis adult should also go. KCI Convention – Occurs in late June, early July. It is recommended, if you can afford it….is a FABULOUS experience!

Newsletter - Ideally, you should have at least one 4page newsletter each month. If you don’t have a Club Editor, then this task falls to the Vice President(s) to do. 

If you can’t do one every month, then try to do one at least every 2 months…… or do a 2-pager every month! Whatever works……but do at least 6 over the course of the year.

Member Inductions – You only do this after you have paid dues and received back the member pins, certificates and handbooks. 

There is an official induction ceremony which can be e-mailed to you by contacting Mrs. Cummins at cummins@sonic.net.

Member training – This can be local or presented by the division, district or international organization. Any time any members undergo training, a “Yes” should be put in this spot. Meeting during break – This can be local or beyond. Any meetings/activities held during vacation or summer count.

Club Elections – This should be done before May 4th. The tab on the MRF needs to be completed AND the on-line report needs to be made…. using the button on the Secretary page of the CyberKey. If officer changes occur during the year, updates should be made. Club Directory – This should be completed by June 4th. Remember to only include nonseniors who are still active. This should be updated in the Fall, when dues are paid.

Articles to Div/CNH – Your club should submit an article to the Division Newsletter Editor EACH month. Sophie’s email is: rvmsearthlife@gmail.com. Time will be given at DCMs to write something. E-mail reminders will be sent to those clubs not attending DCMs. Presidents and Vice Presidents are charged with the responsibility of seeing that articles are submitted. The Newsletter Editor will send the best articles on to CNH. You can also directly submit your own articles to CNH. Follow directions found on the CyberKey, under “News”. Check under “Newsfeed”. You’ll find a button over on the right for submitting your own story. Articles to KCI - Submit your Key Club news for magazine or website consideration. Send summaries of your successful events and service projects, along with high-resolution JPGs, to keyclubnews@kiwanis.org.

The Eliminate Project

List them in order of “Total Member Hours”, from the most to the least. Do not put them in chronological order!  Non-service activities should be listed last 

If your Project Title shrinks to fit into a small box, do the following: Right-click on the box.  On the menu that comes up, click on “Format Cells”.  Click on “Alignment”.  Un-check, “Shrink to fit”. 

Add up the number of hours spent by each member to reach a total. For example: 3 members spent 3 hours each for a total of 9  3 members spent 2 hours and one spent 4 hours for a total of 10 

Officer work is considered “service” to the club members. DLT, (Division Leadership Team), work is also service. Do NOT forget to count these activities each month.

Your placement of these is directly translated to what the LTG sends off to the District, and the District sends off to International headquarters.  Be accurate and don’t think these are unimportant. 

One project can be “Xed” in multiple places.

Some of the places that are “Xed� are used to determine patches and other awards that your club may earn.

Division Project – Ones that are sponsored by the division, or meet the division service focus, (which is Food Banks ). Other examples are: Beach CleanUp, Howarth Park Clean-Up…… District Project – This is always PTP (Pediatric Trauma Program). In addition, the Kiwanis Family House can be counted for this. Governor Project – This varies from year-to-year. In recent years it has been either PTP or the Eliminate Project. But, each Governor chooses a focus. It will be announced.

Major Emphasis Project – These are the international projects: Children’s Miracle Network, UNICEF, March of Dimes, Focus on Children…. Foundation Project – This is PTP or Kiwanis Family House or a Youth Opportunity Fund application winner.

 “X”

anything that is a fundraiser. If it’s “ongoing”, you can type in the information for the “funds raised” during the last month of the activity, only.


Make sure that any money raised for service is recorded! The amount you donate to causes is tallied up in the Annual Achievement Report. ď‚Ą If

you spent money to make a project work, that too should be recorded in the far right column.

 You

must describe in your essay a “Member of the Month” and “Officer of the Month”  Make sure that you give reasons why that person was chosen

 You

are also asked to identify an “Advisor of the Month” and give rationale for having chosen that person.

 The

only way that the LTG can identify a divisionwide recipient of these awards is through your recommendations.

It helps to confer with the president and advisors to pick the persons you name. Or, if you don’t have time to do that, go with the person who has the best service record for that particular month. 

There is no rule that says a member can’t be named more than once for this recognition.

Reminder – the on-line election reporting is done on the CyberKey at www.cnhkeyclub.org. Go to “Members”; “Officers”; “Secretary”; and click on the button found on that page.

Do this by May 4th

You will need to gather together the information needed, which includes Advisor contact data.  This is extremely critical to your LTG and Region Advisor… so don’t skip it! Do NOT leave anything blank, PLEASE! This information is used to set up a division-wide communication system.

This is what the AAR page looks like Click on this button to access it

The Excel program takes the information typed into each month’s MRF and translates it to a numerical number.  It’s

cumulative from month to month

 The maximum score possible is “200”

 Clubs

must have at least “155” by the beginning of March  As

the year progresses the score moves upward more slowly

If Key Club International wants a club to have 6 guest speakers In a year, once you’ve reached 6, you have “maxed” out the points available in the Excel spreadsheet  No matter how many more speakers you have, you get no more points.

There is one more category for recognition with the AAR score

 Clubs with “180” or more

points are “Diamond Distinguished” and receive a plaque at International Convention for that achievement

 The

Board should create a plan for doing activities and projects that are recommended in the AAR document. ďƒş Focusing on recommended

activities can only strengthen the club

At the end of each month, you can sort your data by doing the following: Go to the “Project List” tab at the bottom of the page. Click on it.  Follow the directions in the green box. You will need to find the “Sort and Filter” section on the top right of your menu bar. 

If you care about the Annual Achievement Report score that your club earns, then the answer is “yes”. If you care about the service records reported to the Key Club District and International organizations, plus Kiwanis International, then the answer is “yes”.

This is how you name your first month’s report: (which will be April)  

This is how you name May’s report:  

Name of school_MRF_1617_04 Example: Casa Grande_MRF_1617_04 Name of school_MRF_1617_05 The only thing that changes is the month at the end

On all subsequent reports change the month, only

 Turn

it in by the th midnight on the 4 of each month. 

If you have a problem, notify both Fatima & Mrs. Cummins….. circumstances are taken into consideration!

MRFs are sent to Fatima Aguilar and Mrs. Cummins, BOTH. 

Addresses are: fatima.aguilar10@yahoo.com & cummins@sonic.net

In addition, MRFs should be sent to the club President, a club Advisor and the Kiwanis Secretary

 Before

sending the MRF off, it should be double-checked for accuracy by your Kiwanis Advisor.  Earlier suggestion was to email it to advisor

at least ONE DAY before the 4th of the month deadline

 The

Kiwanis Advisor is tasked with making sure that the Kiwanis Secretary receives a copy of each month’s report.

Fatima’s– fatima.aguilar10@yahoo.com Mrs. C’s – cummins@sonic.net

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