Magazine brothers CMM 2012/4

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Mercy belongs to all times and places.

Brothers CMM {formerly Ontmoetingen (Encounters)} is a quarterly publication of the Congregation of the Brothers of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy (Brothers CMM). A subscription is free of charge (available on request at the address below). ISSN 1877-6256

Mercy is at the centre of all world religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The movement of mercy has left traces throughout history. The various forms in which mercy appears, are expressions of the society in which it arose, and of the spirituality that carries it. The Congregation of the Brothers of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy, is rooted in Christian mercy.

Editorial Board: Mr. Rien Vissers (editor in chief), Br. Edward Gresnigt, Br. Ad de Kok, Br. Lawrence Obiko, Br. Ronald Randang, Br. Jan Smits, Mr. Peter van Zoest (executive editor) Translation: Mr. Bas van Alphen, Br. Edward Gresnigt, Mr. Peter Huybers, Fr. Jan van der Kaa AA, Mr. Tony Verhallen Original design and layout: Heldergroen Printing: Franciscan Kolbe Press, Limuru, Kenya, Contact: Brothers CMM, Rhapta Road, P.O.Box 14916 Nairobi, Westlands 00800, Kenya E-mail: Website: A voluntary contribution to meet the costs of the magazine is appreciated: ING Bank Account 106 85 17 for Fraters CMM Tilburg. For international transfer, please use: IBAN: NL30INGB0001068517 BIC: INGBNL2A

Photograph front cover: Benson Owili in his hut. (see pages 11-12). The Prodigal Son, Rembrandt


Photograph back cover: Artistically stacked wood in the Italian village Pina. (photo: Brother Ad de Kok).





Delen in het leven Often a picture says more than a thousand van de fraters c m m words. This issue of Brothers CMM testifies

lidmaatschap to that. In Oyugis, Kenya,Het thegeassocieerd Congregation started a project to halt and prevent the spread of hiv/aids. It also provides support for the people who suffer from the ravaging consequences of the illness. Benson Owili was one of its first patients. This edition shows a picture of the severely ill seropositive Benson. It portrays him in his humble hut, naked, partly covered by a blanket. Look into his eyes. They’re beaming. And notice the smile … Because of the brothers’ work in Kenya, people like Benson no longer suffer the stigma of being ‘outcasts’, but find acceptance and support. The self-esteem they lost returns to them. They find strength to face their illness and deal with it. Benson Owili’s picture testifies to the effectiveness, the healing power of mercy. Mercy, the core value that marks the Congregation of the Brothers CMM, inspires people to take notice of their neighbours’ needs and become motivated to extend a helping hand. The brothers belong to the ‘movement of mercy’, which lifts people like Benson Owili from their wretched conditions. A powerful picture shows this much better than beautiful and eloquent words.

Barmhartigheid en broederschap



Benson Owili









When the Dutch edition of this Brothers CMM was ready for printing the editors received word that Benson Owili had passed away on December 12, 2012. After consulting with Benson’s relatives and friends the editors decided to keep his picture on the cover and thus honour Benson and the project of the Brothers CMM.




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On Tuesday, November 20, 2012, I returned from Brazil. An article in ‘’ entitled ‘Children’ drew my attention. A columnist wrote about her friend. A little boy sat next to him in the plane and, resting against him, had fallen asleep. “He was so small and lovable”, he told his friends. They observed that he could not say something like that just to anyone because people could become suspicious. A negative explosion has occurred that resulted from the various accounts of sexual abuse of the past few years. We have lost spontaneity when we interact with children. The story reminded me of my own experience in Rome during May of this year when I attended the bi-annual meeting of superiors general. The shortest way to get from my lodging to the bus stop took me through a playground. On an earlier occasion I regularly took that route. This time I hesitated and did not use it. Yet later I did it very deliberately. I clearly sensed how the fact, that I personally had to confront the consequences of these abuses continue to affect me. The victims’ stories I hear reveal to me how difficult it is for them to have simple physical contact with their children and how much grief it causes. I definitely can sense this and it also brings me a feeling of helplessness. How much do all of us wish that things were different. This short newspaper article shows how easily we can lose a healthy balance. Because of it children are in danger of getting short-changed and not receiving the affective attention they need. A wholesome equilibrium


must exist between keeping a distance and being close. May we meet children with spontaneity and without restraint. One week after my return from Brazil I left for Nairobi, where one of our Kenyan fellow-brothers made his profession for life. The morning after my arrival I looked through the Daily Nation, Kenya’s largest newspaper. Immediately the problem of sexual abuse confronted me again. The paper reported the results of a government investigation. It presented shocking numbers: 32% of the girls and 18% of the boys in Kenya up to eighteen years old endured some form of sexual abuse. Again it hit me how this problem has gone global and how hard all of us have to work to eradicate this evil.

Brother Broer Huitema



They all knew that Brother Andreas wanted to follow all the rules. It got him into an awkward situation at times. They teased him for following the rules so meticulously. Fellow-brothers liked to make fun of him because of it and claimed that they ‘tested’ him. When Andreas was with them they could talk about someone’s shortcomings. That violated the rule and they knew that it made Andreas uncomfortable. They didn’t really mean what they said but kept going on about it. Andreas did his utmost to turn the conversation around. It never worked and provoked the remark: “What are you trying to do, Andreas?” A lot of teasing occurred at Ruwenberg. A brother better knows how to deal with it. Teasing could indicate a cordial and confident relationship. It also could help to put things in perspective. Occasionally it expressed a light-hearted form of protest. Naturally, the children teased their teachers as well. Brother Andreas seemed not to notice it. Occasionally the boys tested him in the dormitories. An apple they had stolen in the orchard could roll under the curtains from sleeping place to sleeping place. Instead of suspecting anything, Brother Andreas simply picked up the apple and returned it to the culprit. “It was rather simplistic”, a fellowsupervisor thought. The school children knew about the rule: ‘do not look back’. They sensed that Brother Andreas gave that regulation a literal interpretation. At the walks they took they loved to go behind him. Brother Andreas had a tough time to keep the group together while not looking behind him. They might quietly relocate his chair in the classroom and Andreas, the teacher, would fall next to it because he did not check to see what was behind him.

Sometimes the teasing went too far. But Brother Andreas himself willingly participated when they played jokes, Brother Pacomius said. Once when a kitchen door handle was covered with dough Brother Andreas was the first one to get to it. His whole hand got covered with the gunk. As always he reacted cheerfully and gently. “Playfully smiling he walked off to clean his hand.” Charles van Leeuwen

Recess at Ruwenberg.



TWO NEW ASSOCIATE MEMBERS On October 7, 2012, Henk and Trudy Mutsaers made their commitment to the Congregation as ‘associate members’ during a solemn celebration of the Eucharist in the chapel of the residential care facility Joannes Zwijsen in Tilburg, The Netherlands. They made their promises for three years in the presence of brothers, associated members, family, and friends. In the welcoming address before the celebration the Dutch Provincial Superior of the Brothers CMM, Jan Koppens, observed that the new associate members were moved by Vincent de Paul’s spirituality, Louise de Marillac’s passion, and the brothers’ merciful brotherhood. The Superior General, Brother Broer Huitema, reflected on the Scripture readings of the Sunday: “The core of today’s readings, their deepest meaning, can be captured in the word ‘fidelity’. God is faithful to his people and He calls us to be faithful towards one another in our life’s mission. … Mutual

and lasting fidelity: that’s what matters in life in all its various forms. Henk and Trudy make a commitment in which they promise fidelity to the Congregation and its ideals. In accepting your commitment to faithfulness – each of you individually – the Congregation accepts its call to be faithful to you, Trudy and you, Henk! Together we search for a way in which this bond can find concrete expression. We will have to delineate a route that will give shape to our actions. We start this venture together. Therefore we have chosen to pronounce today’s promise for three years and intend

Superior General Brother Broer Huitema presents the Constitutions of the Congregation to Trudy and Henk Mutsaers.


Brother Niek Hanckmann congratulates the associate members.

to make a life-commitment at their conclusion. Today we start the journey while we realize that in the past years a bond has grown between us already. Therefore we begin with great confidence.”

Enriched Trudy Mutsearts worked for over ten years as activities assistant in the residential care facility Joannes Zwijsen. Since 1997 she regularly volunteered to serve the brothers of the Joannes Zwijsen community. During the celebration she told about the contacts she had with the brothers in her work as activities assistant. She recalled the stories she heard about the brothers’ mission at home and abroad. The brothers’ attention for children in boarding schools and regular schools impressed her. Particularly their care for the frail, the poor, and the handicapped touched her deeply. Mercy, brotherhood, and intense love for one’s neighbour found the highest priority with Joannes Zwijsen. She saw those present in the brothers, noted their great trust in God, and realized how they found power and strength in prayer. Their witness enriched her. She wished to participate in it and share the spirituality of the brothers at Joannes Zwijsen. But, she added not without her husband, Henk.

Fascinated Henk indicated that the brothers’ life and work fascinated him since his childhood years. A brother taught him virtually every year in elementary school. In the corporate world he worked as administrator and manager. After he retired he volunteered as treasurer

of the HSC Baseball Association and ‘De Zonnebloem’ (a national volunteer organization for the physically handicapped). Since 1996 he does volunteer work for the Peter and Paul parish in Tilburg. His contacts with the brothers increased because of Trudy’s service to the brothers. “Therefore,” he concluded, “do I want to become an associated member and make my commitment to the Congregation of the Brothers of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy. I want to apply the brothers’ Rule of Life, ‘Mercy and Brotherhood’, more intensely to my life and live it out more intensely and with greater awareness.

Congratulating The new associate members pronounced the commitment text and signed the document before Brother Broer Huitema, Brother Jan Koppens, and the Superior of the Joannes Zwijsen community, Brother Harrie van Geene. Brother Broer Huitema gave each of them a copy of the Constitutions as an expression of their bond with the Congregation. Henk received a pin and Trudy a necklace with the Congregation’s logo. After the celebration of the Eucharist, celebrated by Father Willem Spann OSFS, the Joannes Zwijsen community had the opportunity to congratulate the new members. A small dinner party in the Generalate concluded the celebration. Brother Edward Gresnigt If you wish to know more about the associate membership, turn to the pages 8-10. 7


‘A ROOF OVER MY SOUL’ On a regular basis the Dutch Province of CMM organizes a ‘Province afternoon’. Brothers and associate members come together in the residential care facility Joannes Zwijsen in Tilburg for communal prayer, reflection and interaction. On November 23, during the Province afternoon, much attention was paid to the associate membership of the Congregation. Brother Wim Verschuren and associate member of CMM Betty Karhof talked about it.

From the very beginning at the end of the nineties, Brother Wim Verschuren (Superior General from 1978 to 1990) was intimately involved in the creation of the associate membership. He recalled how new it was and how it was a special sign of the evolution that the brothers’ community went through. In a few decades the Congregation changed slowly from a closed to and open community. An openness that Brother Wim Verschuren traced back to Pope John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), where the church opened her windows and doors and stressed her connectedness to the world. “Along the way hospitality became more important for the Congregation”, he stated. “The world was allowed inside: the other was acknowledged, admitted to the private circle and together they went on a journey. And as is often the case, the inspiration could be found in the rich tradition of the church: abbeys have for centuries expressed in their rules that one must see Christ in every guest.”

‘Openness’ “Association can be seen as the flowering of all forms of connectedness that developed in the Dutch Province”, says Brother Wim Verschuren. “An attitude of service brought forth new forms of focus on 8

refugees, young people, lonely persons, reflection on work and mercy. Here too, in the community of Joannes Zwijsen, there are many instances of openness and hospitality. In this house the brothers are part of a greater whole, together with other religious and lay people. This openness takes shape at the table where brothers meet other residents, in the chapel during celebrations, in jointly listening to music, in the manner in which residents meet each other around the house. Clearly there is room for being together and friendship. The brothers also get to know many more lay people that work in their direct area. Do these people belong too? Do we share in their lives? Without this evolution that I have tried to sketch here, association would not be possible. It should be clear that association is not non-binding. The little book of 2006 Sharing in the Life of the Brothers CMM, expresses this in the following way: ‘We are captured by the story of Jesus who modelled the life of God’s love and who showed us what mercy is’.”

Future Brother Wim Verschuren recalled the discussions that finally led to the opening up of the Congregation for associate members. He distinguishes here three

(from the Rule of Life of the Brothers CMM, nr. 365) The Congregation offers since the end of the nineties the possibility of a far reaching participation by means of the associate membership. Whoever accepts that, promises to make oneself familiar with the spirituality of mercy and brotherhood of the brothers CMM. In addition the associate member shares in the mission of the Congregation by commitment to a certain task and by belonging to a community. At this moment the Province of The Netherlands counts nine associate members. In the other regions of the Congregation the possibility of association does not exist yet. In 2006 a booklet was published in Dutch Delen in het leven van de fraters CMM: Het geassocieerd lidmaatschap (Sharing in the Life of the Brothers CMM: The Associate Membership).

phases. In the first place the entire process around the question of the desirability of association. Next, after a consensus was reached about that, the question about what shape association would take. It was after all about a new type of membership that had to be formally regulated too. Finally there followed a reflection on the question: how do we invite people for it? In conclusion Brother Wim Verschuren said he is convinced that it is for the future of CMM in The Netherlands of essential importance how the situation with associates develops. “In the meantime they are a part of the Congregation since 1999. What are the experiences of the brothers? Are they happy with it? And how do the associate members experience and live it?” With these words he announced Betty Karhof, associate member since 2006 and living in the residential care facility Joannes Zwijsen.

Delen in het leven van de fraters c m m Het geassocieerd lidmaatschap

Barmhartigheid en broederschap

We are willing to look for ways which will make it possible for some people, as associates or otherwise, to participate in our life and work without sharing our way of life in everything.

Hospitable Betty Karhof told how she was invited for a meditation meeting in the Elim community in Tilburg and how she was received with open arms. She felt welcome. In the subsequent years she learned much about mercy, meditation and the Bible. An image took shape in her of the brothers and their focus on the weak ones, far and near. When in 2005 the question arose to think about association, it surprised her a bit. She was not that young anymore, what could she still contribute and what would be her mission? Did she dare say yes? In 2006 Betty Karhof agreed to a temporary association. She added: “I am looking for a roof over my soul, a place where silence and spirituality are normal, something solid under my feet. On the outside it seems as if I have to explain why I believe and therefore 9


I don’t bring it up anymore. I try to live my mission by working for the St. Vincent de Paul Society: care for people who are very near.” In 2009, Betty Karhof committed herself to CMM for life. From then on she wanted to live from the fundamental attitude of attention, dedication, simplicity. The St. Vincent de Paul Society demanded much of her: home visits, meetings, organizing, making sure that the projects for the Third World would also share in the proceeds. For this work the seed was sown by her parents in Goes. Father and mother led the church organizations for care of the poor. Recently, after 22 years, with pain in her heart, she handed over her work for the St. Vincent de Paul Society to younger people.


classical music for the residents and a reading group for Dutch Literature. On Tuesday she is hostess at the ‘walk-in lunch’ of the Elim community. By the brothers of the residential care facility she finds a simple life without fancy. She likes to meet wise brothers who have made their mark, far away or close by; with them too she experiences hospitality. She feels accepted and shares their happiness and sorrows. A short time ago she visited the museum of the beguines in Hoogstraten, Belgium. The beguines were allowed to keep their possessions, but took vows of chastity, obedience and magnanimity. She concludes: “A beautiful word, to be ‘magnanimous’, growing in sharing and giving, forgiving maybe. Being able to make yourself little. That requires courage. Great courage.”

Carefully Betty Karhof took responsibility for some tasks at the residential care facility Joannes Zwijsen, among which is taking care of a weekly hour of

Rien Vissers

Brother Wim Verschuren.


Betty Karhof during her introduction.




During an international formation and deepening meeting of the Brothers CMM from July 15 to August 2, 2012, in Nakuru, Kenya, the Brothers Edward Gresnigt, Harrie van Geene, Domingos Tjeunfin and Daniel Nyakundi together with medical nurse Mary Mboya visited one of the first clients of the Oyugis Integrated Project (OIP): Benson Owili. OIP was started in 1996 by the Congregation in Oyugis, Kenya, to prevent infection with the hiv/ aids virus and to support people who are suffering from the effects. Brother Nyakundi reports.

Entrance to the Oyugis Integrated Project in Kenya.

After a gruelling trip of 45 minutes over a hardly passable road we met Pamela Nyatuga, the wife of Benson, who knew that we were coming and who had walked down the road to meet us. We left the car on the side of the dirt road and followed her over narrow foot trails. After about five minutes we arrived at a small, simple hut. Here we found the sick man. Mary had told us before we left about his bad health but you saw nothing of that on the face of Benson. This is without doubt thanks to the good care from OIP, which leads to self-respect and acceptance.


The Oyugis Integrated Project in Kenya.

Mary introduced us to the residents. The two did not hide their joy: their faces shone. The nurse explained what she can do for him: he gets his medicine at the right time, his wound is cared for and sometimes, when it is really necessary, he is transported to the medical first-aid station of OIP. But every movement is painful for Benson. He was not wearing normal clothes, but was wrapped in a bed sheet. Benson showed his gratitude to OIP for the care that the nurses offer him and the food assistance that he receives periodically from OIP. Mary also promised him to have somebody bring him food the next day. Benson told us that he has had for



many years a good relationship with OIP. That contact goes back to the time of Brother Anthony Koning. Smiling, the almost 60 year old, so he says, points to a portrait of the brother against the wall. He showed his open wound caused by cancer due do the hiv-virus. It was an oppressive situation. This man has a hard life and deserves to be remembered in our prayers. Despite the harsh reality, Benson is not despondent. His smile and his words obviously testify to that. “Thanks to the brothers, and especially Brother Anthony, I have as hiv-positive client gotten to know God and to love him�, he told us emphatically.

and wound care are much more essential. Our visit did Benson well. It brought him consolation that made him for this moment stronger to cope with life. Brother Daniel Nyakundi

(An edited article taken from the OIP-Newsletter, nr. 189, October 2012, a publication of the Oyugis Integrated Project The Netherlands Foundation,

Good medication We said goodbye to Benson with encouraging words. We told him that we were proud of him because he is trying to accept his situation and because he, in this awkward situation, acknowledges Jesus as the master of life, whose love and mercy make us stronger every day and enables us to continue in faith on our way. The man was happy with our visit. As we were going to leave, Benson asked if it was possible to get him a wheelchair. That would enable him to leave the house without having to bother anybody. Mary made it clear that it could perhaps happen in the future but that at this time it was not a high priority. Good medication

Mary Mboya leaves the hut of Benson Owili.


Benson Owili in his hut.


The brothers, who are making their profession for life, lay prostrate on the floor while the Litany of the Saints is being sung.

PROFESSION FOR LIFE On September 27, 2012, the feast day of St. Vincent de Paul, six brothers made their profession for life in the hands of the Superior General, Brother Broer Huitema. That took place during a solemn Eucharistic Celebration in the Sacred Heart Church in Tomohon, celebrated by Bishop Joseph Suwatan MSC of Manado.

Family members bless Brother Benediktus Suri and entrust him to the Congregation.

The brothers who made their profession were Nobertus Dake, Agustinus Nai Aki, Petrus Narwadan, Yonas Paso and Benediktus Suri from Indonesia and Brother Hendrique de Fatima Marques from East Timor. The Superior General and Brother Martinus Lumbanraja were present as representatives of the General Board. The profession was further attended by the entire Provincial Board of the Brothers CMM in Indonesia and members of the Regional Board of CMM of East Timor. After the official reception there were several festive events where postulants, novices and students of CMM hostels in Tomohon participated. Immediately following these events the profession was celebrated in a smaller circle. 13



CELEBRATING JUBILEES Every year the Congregation celebrates the jubilees of its brothers. On November 11, fifteen brothers concluded their jubilee year. Fourteen of them did this at the residential care facility Joannes Zwijsen and one in Medan, Indonesia. Three brothers entered the Congregation a quarter century ago, two entered fifty years ago, three sixty years ago, three sixty-five years ago and another three seventy years ago. One brother commemorated entering even seventy five years ago. Golden jubilarian Jan Koppens, Provincial Superior of the brothers in The Netherlands, reflects on his choice for the life as a brother. It all started simply enough with a question by Brother Gerardus at Ruwenberg: “Jan, what are you going to be when you grow up?” My answer was to the point: “I want to be a brother, just like you.” No deep motivation yet, but still the beginning of something that would develop into my vocation. I took the usual steps towards the noviciate of the brothers (1962), a period of temporary vows, culminating in my commitment for life. And you know what, I never regretted it. Never. Of course not everything went perfectly smoothly, but it was my vocation and I responded to it, for I believe in this alternative lifestyle in which not ‘I’ but ‘the other’ is central. Through all these years I have tried to be loyal to God and to his people. Whether I have been successful is always a question. One thing I am sure of, I can look back with satisfaction and a grateful heart.


Our Lady, Mother of Mercy, a water colour by Jan Verhallen of 1994, at the occasion of the 150 year jubilee of the Congregation.


How much has been given to me! It started at home with my parents, sister and brothers, my upbringing and my education, a few years of teaching in The Netherlands and then twenty-six years in Indonesia. At this moment I have been back in The Netherlands for the last sixteen years. How much has been given to me! I received it all freely. How much did I receive

A number of the jubilarians together on November 11. From left to right the Brothers Pieter-Jan van Lierop, Patricio Smolders, Gerebernus van der Zande, Martinus Lumbanraja, Louis de Visser, Lawrence Obiko, Jan Koppens. Not in this picture: the Brothers Joseph Tielemans, Guillaume Caubergh, Nico Nijst, Francesco Paijmans, Gustavus Menheere, Jan Smits, Pacianus Verhoeven. Brother Johannes Sihombing celebrated his jubilee in Medan, Indonesia. through education and through counselling of religious and other people as well. And beside all this a few beautiful flowers grew along my path though life, who I may call my friends. These are tropical and polder flowers. From these relationships I learned what real brotherhood and sisterhood means at its deepest level. They made me more human and more religious. It was given to me freely. Plenty of reason to be grateful.

Attention Throughout the years the Congregation entrusted me with ‘the service of leadership’ or fellow-brothers asked this of me. I am sure not everything was perfect, but I tried to pay attention to people of flesh and blood, with good and weak points (just like me). At least I tried to be a brother, inside and outside the community, with attention for weak and needy fellow human

beings. Sometimes I succeeded nicely, sometimes I fell short. Recently it so happened that I was in East Timor and Indonesia to conduct a retreat in which the brothers and sisters of Zwijsen participated, to give two different workshops to groups of brothers and a day of reflection for unwed mothers. It certainly was not just giving, in all these meetings I also received very much. The actual date (August 29) of my historic day that I was a brother for fifty years was also during this time. Though it was not planned this way I consider this voyage through East Timor and Indonesia as a big present. It put me in touch with myself, my way of life, my journey through life. I am grateful to God and to all those people who walked with me. Brother Jan Koppens



CIGARS AND RATTAN CHAIRS World War II and the internment of the brothers in the Dutch East Indies was for them an extraordinarily shocking experience. The brothers, in so far as they survived, spent the war in four camps: on North Sumatra, in the neighbourhood of Padang, on South Celebes and in Manado. The Manado camp was by far the cruelest and took the lives of twelve brothers. Brother Pieter-Jan van Lierop writes about the camp experiences in northern Sumatra. Sometimes the life as a brother can take dramatic turns. It is quite radical if you are sent to the island of Sumatra in the Dutch East Indies as a young brother. However, the Dutch colony at that time had a lot of familiarity: Dutch government, the Dutch language in offices and in education, and many Dutch officials, planters, business people, pastors, religious and military personnel. 16

Respected The Europeans constituted a favoured, highly respected group in the East Indies colony. This was based on the myth that white people were superior in everything to the non-whites. In addition the religious in general, and the missionaries in particular and by extension the brothers, were highly respected in ecclesiastical circles in the Dutch East Indies, even more so than

From left to right: Brother Alex van Aalst, Brother Reinoldus Korremans and Brother David Fleerakkers, shortly after the liberation in 1945. in the mother country. Community life in Medan, the capital of northern Sumatra, was not so different of community life in The Netherlands. The community of that time counted as its members the Brothers Alex van Aalst, David Fleerakkers, Amator van Hugten, Reinoldus Korremans, Theodatus van Oers (superior) Cyprianus Op de Beek, Rodulf Ouddeken, and Ranulfo Schippers. They were all active at Dutch speaking schools.

Camp On March 12, 1942 that set-up changed totally. The Japanese occupied Medan and made their approach known immediately: five looters were decapitated directly in front of the brothers’ school and their heads were placed on sticks and displayed in the city for a week. The mission personnel, made up of fathers, sisters, and brothers were put under house arrest. But that did not last for long. A month later they were placed in a camp in Belawan, the harbour of Medan. They were allowed to bring thirty kilograms of luggage and enjoyed eventually, by scraping things together and by trading, some comfort. Especially the vegetable garden of Brother David Fleerakkers, the man with the green thumb, kept the brothers and many other camp mates healthy. Pretty soon the brothers looked like real camp prisoners, in their shorts, their bare upper bodies

and bearded faces. They smelled badly for there was no soap for bathing. Regularly the Japanese held roll call to count the prisoners. That could last for hours. The disciplinary measures were harsh and beatings were common. This came across as especially humiliating for the European internees, who were so used to their privileged status from the colonial days. Starvation set in when the camp was transferred to another site in the neighbourhood of Medan in January 1943, which the camp prisoners called ‘Belawan Estate’. The food was so minimal and of such low quality that one could only survive by smuggling, stealing, trading with corrupt guards and keeping your own vegetable garden, like Brother David was still doing. Brother Alex van Aalst talks about this: “All of our thinking was occupied with food. You could not go anywhere or people were talking about it. When we were sitting together in the evening food was the subject of our conversation and we discussed the most delicious dishes. … You really were obsessed with food.”

Sickbay The morale among the brothers of Medan was high. They got quickly over their feelings of humbled colonials, for work had to be done. Brother Ranulfo Schippers had a first-aid 17

The community of Medan shortly after the liberation in 1945.

certificate and volunteered with the Brothers Alex van Aalst, Amator van Hugten, Theodatus van Oers and Rodulf Ouddeken to work in the sickbay. They kept doing this even when life threatening dysentery epidemics broke out. They laid out and buried many hundreds of deceased. The brothers participated in the education of the boys for junior and senior high school diplomas to the best of their abilities. They were part of the variety shows, sport activities, Easter and Christmas celebrations, and Saint Nicholas parties until starvation and disease undermined interest in these things.

Dignity How do you remain human in such dehumanizing circumstances? It is a fact that the brothers maintained their dignity and kept their solidarity as a community of brothers. They spent a lot of attention on the silver jubilee feast of Brother Cyprianus Op de Beek. There was a decorated party hall, a high Mass was celebrated, there were festive, handwritten party booklets and commemorative pictures drawn by the brothers. Even the meal, thanks to the vegetable garden, had a festive character. But the highlight of the feast was when the brothers were sitting together 18

and were presented with a Dutch cigar by the superior. That keeps you human! When the centennial feast of the Congregation was celebrated on August 25, 1944, the superior had yet another cigar for every brother. While all the camp detainees were sitting on boxes, wooden blocks, and tree trunks the brothers had four rattan chairs. That keeps you human! The camp in which the brothers of Medan were kept prisoner was relocated several more times. First to Rantau Parapat and afterwards to Si Rengo-Rengo. They were forced to walk many kilometres over barely passable roads. How difficult it might have been, they never abandoned their chairs. In the evenings they wanted to sit as human beings on a real chair.

‘You are not my daddy’ At the start of December 1944, the starving camp was suddenly burdened with hundreds of boys between the ages of ten and sixteen. Some of them joined their dads who were also in this camp. This could lead to problems on a few occasions for they had not seen their fathers for a long time and in the haggard camp conditions did not even recognize them. “You are not my daddy. He was much fatter and had no beard”, one of the boys said when he rushed up to him. Most of

them had no one to welcome them. But thank heaven the brothers and several idealistic laypeople were there. They organized a boarding school without any accommodations. There was not even food. However, they managed to make something of their boarding school. “Every evening Brother Reinoldus and I read to the boys”, says Brother Alex van Aalst. “Brother Reinoldus in the back of the barrack and I in the front. We had much interest. Even people from other barracks came to listen.” But the hunger lasted. Snails, mushrooms, snakes, these were very welcome additions to our meagre menu. Brother Alex: “When a rat was spotted nothing was save in our hostel. Twenty, thirty boys ran after the beast and they killed it.”

Nationalism On May 1, 1945, Brother Rodulf Ouddeken celebrated his silver jubilee. A party was organized in spite of all the misery. Holy Mass was celebrated and there was even a dinner. Brother David Fleerakkers had managed to raise chickens. Therefore not only did every brother have vegetables during dinner, but also some chicken and a fried egg was served. After dinner when the brothers were sitting together there was once more a Dutch cigar for every brother. That kept you human! The camp misery dragged on till August 24, the day of liberation. Soon there was food and clothing. However the camp detainees remained interned,

The brotherhouse in Medan just before the occupation of the Dutch East Indies by the Japanese. for their safety could not be guaranteed outside the camp. Revolutionary groups and freedom fighters took aggressive action against the colonizers. The setting had changed totally. ‘Indonesia merdeka’, independent Indonesia. Emerging from their camp isolation the brothers were completely surprised by the widespread nationalism.

Past Tense The brothers did not return to Medan until October 31. They were deeply disappointed. There was no freedom for them yet. With the priests and sisters they were once again interned on a mission site to guarantee their safety. There were indeed no deprivations any more, but till late in 1946 they had to watch idly the developments. The brothers were put up at a mission station. It was stark empty, without beds and furniture. Fortunately, the brothers could sit again in the evening, for they had brought along their rattan chairs, which had served them so well during the camp days. In Camp Medan the brothers learned that ‘our East Indies’ were past tense and that they were asked to help in building the educational system in the Republic of Indonesia. That they did excellently. The St. Thomas schools for kindergarten, elementary and high school turned into top schools in Medan.

The brothers who lost their lives during the Second World War in the former Dutch East Indies.

Brother Pieter-Jan van Lierop 19


PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES From September 11-16, some members of the Joannes Zwijsen Community in Tilburg went to Lourdes. The all-inclusive pilgrimage had been organized by the Dutch Foundation ‘Lourdes Pilgrimage for the Sick’. Participants were the Brothers Simon van den Broek, Frans van de Meulengraaf, Sebastianus van Seters, Adri Simons, Patrick Smolders and Hein van der Zande. After arriving in Lourdes the pilgrims visited the grotto where in 1858 Mary appeared to 14 year old Bernadette Soubirous. Every day there was a prayer service or a celebration of the Eucharist. Particularly impressive were the international Mass in the immensely large underground Pius X Basilica and the open-air Mass in the rain near the grotto. During the second part of the week Breda Bishop Jan Liesen was present. He conducted the Stations of the Cross. On the last day there was a bus tour through the mountainous landscape of the Pyrenees. Photo above: Pilgrims travelling through Lourdes. Photo below: The Lourdes pilgrims with their assistants in front of their hotel in the French place of pilgrimage.

‘HEARING THE STORY’ AT THE BROTHERS On September 28, board-members and staff of the Nijmegen Institute for Mission Studies (NIM) paid a visit to the Generalate in Tilburg and ‘Zin’ in Vught. Purpose of the day was to become acquainted with the Congregation and to hear the ‘Mission Story’ of the Brothers CMM. Here follows a brief report by Frans Dokman, Director NIM. At the Generalate Deputy Brother Edward Gresnigt reveals the history of the Congregation. He takes us on a tour and pauses at the grave of Brother 20

Andreas telling the story of his life. It is a life in which his humanity and mercy take the centre, also in the teaching of his students. This makes a big impression on the representatives of NIM. We also visited the Brothers’ Museum. He took us back to the time when Bishop Joannes Zwijsen founded the Congregation. It is a period where education was not readily accessible to poor people. The museum shows the mission of the brothers as time went by, a mission that is characterized by (special) education to those who are in need of it. Next we move to the Chapter


Room where Carine van Vught, from the Verhalis Foundation presents a DVD of interviews with religious. Verhalis collects memories and stories scanning various domains of religious life, from missionaries to contemplative sisters, life outside and inside the community. Those interviewed are of advanced age. Afterwards we ask ourselves: will their story survive? With that question lingering in our heads we journey to ‘Zin’ and the CMM Eleousa Community next-door to it. Brother Wim Verschuren welcomes us. One word of his that sticks in our memory is: ‘re-creating’, recreating education from an attitude of compassion. It is meant for people with a need for meaningful insights, within and outside their work. That message radiates from CMM in Vught. The story of Brother Andreas is handed on. Frans Dokman, Director NIM

EAST TIMOR: SEVEN POSTULANTS During the celebration of the Eucharist in the brotherhouse in Dili, East Timor, Brother Silvino Belo formally accepted seven new postulants. From October 14 onwards they will be accommodated in a building of an agricultural project in Suai which the brothers took over from the Jesuits. Brother Antonius Sipahutar is the postulant-master and at the same time responsible for the project which aims to take the agricultural activities in the area to a higher level. The postulants will work in the parish; they will be involved in prayer celebrations, church music, youth work and visiting the elderly and the sick.


Sibrand (W.G.J.) KOENEN He was born in Arcen, The Netherlands on March 6, 1921 and entered the Congregation of the Brothers of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy, in Tilburg on March 19, 1938. He made his profession for life on August 10, 1942. He passed away on October 2, 2012 at the brotherhouse in Zonhoven, Belgium and was buried at the Zonhoven-Centrum cemetery. Brother Sibrand’s life of service happened entirely at Zonhoven. For four years he was teaching at the St. Joseph School. In 1949 he was asked to become a teacher at Teachers’ College St. John Berchmans, which in 1957 became part of ‘Humaniora’ St. John Berchmans. He was a most talented teacher. His students enjoyed attending Brother Sibrand’s classes. Geography and History were his favourite subjects. He had executive functions in schools; first in Zonhoven and later in Lanaken. Also within the Congregation they called on him to be the leader of the boarding school, member of the provincial board and community board-member at Zonhoven. His astute mind and character served him well in these functions. He was a confrère ready to serve others, one who would stand up for the concerns of his fellow-brothers and for their mission. It was a heavy cross to bear when loss of hearing became increasingly worse. Communication became difficult. His inner stability, however, remained unaltered. Slowly but surely he had to let go. On October 2, in the middle of the night, God called him to enter the Father’s House. We know Brother Sibrand to be safe there in God’s merciful love. 21

in memoriam





He was born in Lanaken, Belgium on April 15, 1928 and entered the Congregation of the Brothers of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy, in Tilburg on August 29, 1945. He made his profession for life on August 15, 1951. He died on November 19, 2012 at the brotherhouse in Zonhoven and was buried at the Zonhoven-Centrum cemetery.

He was born in Helchteren, Belgium on December 12, 1911 and entered the Congregation of the Brothers of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy, in Tilburg on December 8, 1928. He made his profession for life on August 15, 1933. He died on December 3, 2012 at the brotherhouse in Zonhoven and was buried at the Zonhoven-Centrum cemetery.

Born in Lanaken he got to know the brothers at the primary school. Meeting them became the foundation of his vocation to the religious life. Brother Camille was very talented, his interests were many. In all simplicity he was a motivated teacher of Mathematics at the St. John Berchmans Institute at Zonhoven. In 1960 he was asked to be a part-time supervisor at the boarding facility. In 1967 CMM founded the Province of Belgium. Besides being a teacher Brother Camille was asked to take on the function of provincial bursar. With total dedication he managed for 45 years the financial affairs of the province and kept the books. It must have been a true cross to him when he had to cope with health problems, which in the end forced him in 1983 to say goodbye to teaching. He accepted his cross and carried on with his life. It was typical for his mental resilience, his ability to persevere and his optimism. Brother Camille was attentive to the needs of others. Humbly and caringly he helped where help was needed. Thus he lived out his vocation as a brother and he did what Jesus did: to serve and enlighten, to speak a redeeming word, to be a helping hand for many.

Jaak Achten left his place of birth in Helchteren, Belgium, in 1928 to move to Tilburg, The Netherlands, where he began his novitiate as Brother Marcel. After achieving his Teacher’s Certificate he was appointed to teach at the Primary School for the Deaf in Maaseik. After some years he became principal of the same school. In 1955 he became the first principal and remained so for 26 years of the renowned Royal Institute for the Deaf and Hearing impaired at Hasselt. He really cared for his students and he would do anything for them to ensure they would do well in society. Civil authorities expressed their appreciation by rewarding him with a Royal medal: first Silver and later the Golden Palm of the Order of the Crown. For many years Brother Marcel acted as superior, deputy or as a board-member of the community in Maaseik and Hasselt. In 1978 and 1987 he spent a good deal of time in Kenya to assist brothers and teachers in their work for the deaf and hearing impaired. Brother Marcel was given a long life, a very long life. In spite of his old age and weakening health he participated as much as possible in community life. With deep faith and trust he looked forward to his final meeting with the Lord of Love and Life. That wish has now been granted.



ABOUT THE ENTRY AND THE EXIT OF LIFE Zwijsen’s attention for merciful love Care for the little ones colours our togetherness. Attention for the seriously ill is a powerful indicator of the human climate amongst us. As a general rule: the quality of a society of people can be measured by the degree of care given to the weakest link. This is the fundamental rule of merciful love. This thought about vulnerability and vulnerable periods in life was particularly dear to Zwijsen. Our Founder did not exclude any kind of good work. Discrimination on the grounds of age was foreign to him. He did focus, however, on two crucial turning periods in a person’s life: his entry into the world and his exit from the world. He gave preference to the young and to those of very advanced age. Their vulnerability was of special concern to him. From experience he knew how much a well lived youth and the ability to leave this life in peace, more than anything else, would determine the quality of one’s entire life. That practical orientation came from a religious background. Jesus was aware that he had come from God and was returning to God (cf. John 13:3). That was also Zwijsen’s vision: the origin and the destiny of every person lies with God, the Merciful One. The path of life of a human being asks for security and new chances, for a sense of direction and space. That is true especially when people are young or old. That is why Zwijsen in describing the missionary task for his sisters and brothers, accentuates the entry and the exit of life. Brother Harrie van Geene



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