My First Promise Bible - English

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The day I was born



My First Promise Bible

My First Promise Bible

Copyright © 2023

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Christian Media Publishing, P.O. Box 3228, Matieland Post Office Stellenbosch, 7602, South Africa

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Author: Ewald van Rensburg

Consulting editor: Dr Mia Oosthuizen

Illustrations: Leana Bothma

Mark 10:14 from The Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version®

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Biblica. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. The Lord’s Prayer, Matthew 6:9-11 taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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Cover design: Jacqui Crawford Design First edition, 2024

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Let the little children come to me

When Jesus saw this, he was angry. He said to his disciples, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t keep them away. God’s kingdom belongs to people like them.”

MARK 10:14

My First Promise Bible was born out of the need to help families share and explain God’s wonderful Gospel with toddlers and kindergarteners in a way that is easy to understand. With this approach children are guided to find joy in Christ in abundance through knowing the love of God (John 10:10).

My First Promise Bible emphasizes five of God’s core promises. To make these core promises easy for young children to understand, they are illustrated as gifts. Every Bible story identifies one of the five core promises. As the child grows confident with the stories and core promises, parents and caregivers can help them to identify some of the other core promises in each story.

We invite you to open these gifts and explore God’s promises with your child as you raise your family in God’s love.

How to use this Bible

• My First Promise Bible emphasizes five of God’s core promises. Each one is illustrated and explained as a gift on the next page.

• Look out for the gift icon that highlights one of God’s core promises in each Bible story.

• Use the infographic as a guideline when you discuss God’s core promises with your child.

God’s five core promises

God’s love


When I see a heart, I remember that God loves me very much. He takes care of me and protects me. He wants me to be happy.

I belong to God


God loves me so much that he sent his son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins. He made me special and chose me to be his child and serve him. I now belong to God and his kingdom. I remember this when I see a cross.

The Holy Spirit


I am never alone. The Holy Spirit helps me to understand how God wants me to live. In the Bible, God’s Holy Spirit is often symbolised as a dove. I remember to listen to God when I see a gentle dove.



God gives me a family that forms a circle of love around me. They care for me and help me to live as a child of God. My family includes all of God’s children. Together we form the church. Although each one of us is different, God wants us to love and care for one another.

New beginning


Jesus forgets about the bad things I have done and forgives all of my sins. In doing so he gives me a new beginning, and a chance to try again when I have made a mistake. Through him I am like a little plant growing fresh and new. I remember this every time I see a little seedling grow.

God made the world and us

GENESIS 1:1-2:4

God made the world and he made us. God made everything perfectly.

In the beginning, there was nothing. It was very quiet and very dark.

God said, “Let there be light!” God called the light “day” and the darkness “night”.

God made the big blue sky and the salty sea. He separated the sea from the land. Then God covered the earth with all kinds of plants. There were tall trees and wispy wildflowers.

God created the sun to shine on the plants during the day. He made the moon and stars. They lit up the sky at night.

When the sun rose again, God made beautiful birds which soared through the sky. He filled the rivers and seas with fish. Then he made even more animals. He made tame animals and wild animals. He made them all – from the gigantic giraffe to the slimiest of snails.

God made the first humans, Adam and Eve, to enjoy his wonderful world and to take care of it. When God finished making all these things, he looked around him. He saw that everything was perfect. Then God rested.

Thank you that you made our beautiful world, and that you made me. Amen.

Noah’s ark

GENESIS 6:5-9:19

Noah made God happy, just as we should do.

God was sad. The people had stopped listening to him. They were doing bad things to each other. So, God decided that he would send a flood to cover the world with water.

There was one man called Noah who always listened to God. This made God very happy.

One day, God told Noah to build an ark – an enormous boat with many rooms. Noah, his family, and every kind of animal, insect and bird would be safe in the ark when the flood came.

Noah listened to God, and he did what God asked him to do. When everyone was safely in the ark, God shut the doors.

Then it began to rain. It rained and it poured – for forty days and forty nights. There was so much water that even the mountain peaks were covered.

When it stopped raining, God sent a strong wind to dry up the water.

When they finally got out of the ark, they saw a beautiful rainbow. It was God’s promise that he would never send another flood like that again.

Thank you that you forgive me for all the bad things that I do. I also want to make you happy. Amen.

Abraham, Sarah and Isaac

GENESIS 12, 15, 18, 21

We are all part of God’s family because of his promise to Abraham.

God told Abraham to go to a new land. As a reward, God promised to give him a large family. Abraham was very happy to hear this promise. He and his wife, Sarah, wanted children very badly.

Abraham and Sarah travelled for years and years, and to far-away places. But they never had any children. One night God said to Abraham, “Do not be worried. You will have a very large family.”

Abraham replied, “How can that be? I do not have any children!”

God answered, “Look at all the stars in the sky. Can you count them? Your family will be larger than the number of stars in the sky.”

One day Sarah heard a messenger from God promising Abraham that she was going to have a baby. She laughed. She was already far too old to have a baby. But if God makes a promise, he keeps it.

A little while later, Abraham’s child, Isaac, was born. Abraham and Sarah were very happy to have a child at last.

Thank you that you always keep your promises. Thank you that I am part of your family. Amen. PRAYER

Joseph and his colourful coat

Nothing is impossible for God.

Jacob had twelve sons and Joseph was his favourite.

Jacob gave Joseph a beautiful coat. It was every colour of the rainbow. His older brothers felt jealous and angry when they saw it.

One day, while the older brothers were looking after the sheep, Jacob asked Joseph to visit them in the fields.

When the older brothers saw Joseph coming, wearing the colourful coat, they felt horribly jealous and angry. They decided to kill him! They pulled off his coat and threw him into a ditch.

But just then, some people came along. They were travellers on their way to Egypt. The brothers decided not to kill Joseph after all. Instead, they sold him as a slave to the travellers.

Then they ripped the colourful coat, smeared it with animal blood, and told their father that Joseph was dead.

Jacob was terribly sad, and he cried bitterly. He did not know that God had a special plan for his favourite son.

But God knew that Joseph would become a leader in Egypt and be with his family again. PRAYER

You protected Joseph. Thank you that you always help me, even when bad things happen. Amen.

Moses in the basket

EXODUS 1:8-10, 22; 2:1-10

God gave Moses a new home where he could grow up safely.

One day the cruel king of Egypt said, “Kill all the baby Israelite boys!”

One mother made a clever plan to save her baby. First she wove a basket and placed her baby safely inside. Then she hid the basket in the reeds growing along the River Nile.

The baby’s older sister, Miriam, stayed close to him on the banks of the river.

A little while later, the princess of Egypt came along. She heard a baby crying and found the basket. The princess wanted to help the baby, but she was worried. “How am I going to look after this baby?” she asked.

Miriam quickly offered to call a woman who could help. The princess was very pleased. She said that the woman should look after the little boy until he was old enough to live in the palace.

She did not know that she was asking the baby’s own mother to look after him!

When the boy was older, his mother took him to the princess. She brought him up in the palace. She called him “Moses” because she “took him out of the water”.


Thank you for looking after me and keeping me safe. Amen.

The Israelites learn to listen

EXODUS 16:1-30

Good things happen when we listen to God.

God said to Moses, “Lead the Israelites out of Egypt.”

Moses listened to God and the Israelites followed him.

Their journey was very long and very hard. They had to walk through the dry desert, and soon there was no food.

Every day the Israelites grumbled that they were hungry. God heard them. He said to Moses, “I will give you food to eat.”

That afternoon, thousands of quails flew into the Israelites’ camp. The people were happy because there was meat to eat.

The next morning, the camp was full of manna. It tasted like sweet bread. The Israelites ate until they were full to bursting! Moses warned the people, “Remember, God said that you must only gather enough food for today.” But some of the people did not listen, and they hid food away. Later, they got a horrible surprise. The leftover food they had hidden was spoiled. And so the Israelites learned that they had to listen to God and trust him. From that day on, they listened to God, and they always had enough to eat. PRAYER

Please help me to always listen to you. Amen.

Samuel is born

1 SAMUEL 1:9-28

God always listens to his children when they pray.

Hannah was terribly sad. She desperately wanted children. But she could not have a baby.

Hannah went to the temple to pray. She was very sad and began to cry. The priest, Eli, thought she was drunk. He went to her and warned her to be quiet.

But Hannah said, “No, Sir, I am weeping because I want a child so badly. I have been asking God for a baby for years and years.”

Eli comforted her and said, “God will give you a child.”

When Hannah left the temple, she was filled with joy. God had made her a promise and he would keep it.

Soon afterwards, Hannah’s baby boy, Samuel, was born. She and her husband were very happy! Samuel was very special to them and to God because Hannah promised God that Samuel would work for him one day.

When he was a little older, Hannah took Samuel to live in the temple with Eli. Young Samuel loved God very much, and he was happy that the temple was his new home.

Thank you that you listen to me when I pray and for making me happy. Amen.

God talks to Samuel

1 SAMUEL 3:1-18

God wants us to listen to his voice and to his word.

One night Samuel was dozing in his lovely warm bed. Suddenly, something woke him up – had someone called his name? It must be Eli, he thought. Samuel jumped out of bed. He hurried to Eli’s room. But Eli had not called him. So Samuel climbed back in his bed.

He was about to fall asleep when he heard someone call him again, “Samuel!”

Samuel hurried back to Eli’s room. But Eli told him once more that he had not called him. So Samuel went back to bed again.

He was just snuggling down when he heard a voice call his name, “Samuel!” He dashed back to Eli’s room. And this time, Eli knew that it was God who was calling Samuel.

Eli told Samuel that the next time he heard the voice, he should say, “Speak, Lord, I am listening.”

Samuel went back to his room and heard the voice call, “Samuel!” This time Samuel answered, “Speak, Lord, I am listening.”

Then God gave Samuel an important message for Eli.

From then on, Samuel was a messenger of God.

Thank you for speaking to me when I read my Bible. Please help me to listen to you. Amen.

A shepherd boy becomes king

God chooses us to do important work for him.

One day God told Samuel, “Go to Bethlehem to choose the new king of Israel. He is one of Jesse’s sons.”

“But how will I know which son should be the king?” asked Samuel.

“I will tell you,” answered God.

Samuel went to Bethlehem. Jesse and his sons came to see him, and they all stood in front of Samuel. Samuel listened for God’s voice. But God was silent.

“Are all your sons here?” Samuel asked.

“No,” answered Jesse, “my youngest son, David, is taking care of the sheep.”

“Please call him,” Samuel replied. As soon as David stood in front of Samuel, God spoke with joy, “This is the one!”

David was not the strongest or the most handsome of Jesse’s sons. But this made no difference to God. And so Samuel chose David to be the new king of Israel.

David loved God with all his heart. He sang praises to God through the songs he wrote.

Thank you, Lord, that I am so special to you that you choose me to do your work. Amen.

David and Goliath

God always helps us to do his work.

The Israelites and the Philistines were fighting. Everyone was afraid of one Philistine soldier in particular. His name was Goliath. Goliath was a gigantic giant. He said terrible and rude things about God. None of the Israelite soldiers dared to fight him. They were too scared.

When David heard what Goliath was saying about God, he got very angry.

“I will fight Goliath. I am not afraid!” he declared.

King Saul offered David special armour to wear. But it was too big and heavy for young David.

“No thank you, King,” said David, “I will take my slingshot instead.”

David picked up five smooth stones and went towards Goliath. When Goliath saw David, he roared with laughter.

“You can’t fight me!” laughed Goliath.

“Yes, I can. God will help me!” David replied.

Then he loaded a stone in his slingshot. He slung it at the giant’s forehead. Boom! Goliath fell down dead. The Philistine army ran away in fear. David and the Israelites were very happy. God had helped them, and they had won.

Thank you that you help me when I need to do difficult things. Amen.

David and Jonathan

God gives us our family and friends to care for us and to protect us.

After David beat Goliath, King Saul invited David to come and live in the palace.

David became best friends with King Saul’s son, Jonathan. One day, Jonathan gave David a special present. He gave David his cloak, sword, belt, bow and arrows.

That day, David and Jonathan promised that they would always protect and care for each other. They were like brothers.

King Saul could see that Jonathan and all the Israelites loved David. He did not like that one bit! He felt angry and jealous. They should only love me! he thought. He decided that he would kill David.

Jonathan heard what his father was planning. He quickly helped David to escape.

King Saul was angry when he found out. But Jonathan did not care. He only cared that his best friend was safe.

Thank you for my family and my friends who always take care of me. Help me to be a good friend, just like Jonathan. Amen.

God takes care of Elijah

If God asks us to do something, he also makes sure that we can do it.

Elijah loved God and always listened to him. One day God told Elijah to give a message to King Ahab. But the king did not like God’s message. He got so angry he wanted to kill Elijah.

God told Elijah, “I will protect you. Go to the little stream. You will have water and the crows will bring you food every day.”

Elijah listened to God. He was never hungry or thirsty. But one day, the stream dried up. Then God told Elijah, “Go to the town. There is a woman who will look after you.”

Elijah listened to God. But when he found the woman, she said, “My flour and oil has just about run out. I will not be able to give you any food.”

“Do not worry,” replied Elijah, “God will take care of us. You will not run out of flour or oil.”

The woman baked a lovely loaf of bread with the last of the flour and oil. But … when she looked again, her bowls were not empty!

Elijah and the woman were very grateful. God was looking after them.

Help me to always listen to you and to do what you ask of me. Amen.

God heals Naaman

God chooses us to tell other people about him.

Naaman was an important man, but he was very sick. His skin was full of horrible sores. People were so worried that they would catch his illness that they would not go near him. It was a terrible time for Naaman and his wife.

A young Israelite girl worked in Naaman’s home. One day she went to Naaman’s wife and said, “Naaman should go to see Elisha in Israel. He is a man of God. He will be able to heal your husband.”

Naaman’s wife was very happy. She rushed to tell him what the girl had said.

The next day, Naaman left for Israel.

After a long journey Naaman reached Elisha’s house.

Elisha said, “Go and wash yourself seven times in the River Jordan. Then you will be healed of your sores.”

Naaman listened to Elisha. He went to the river and washed himself seven times. After the seventh time, all his sores disappeared. He was healed!

Naaman was filled with joy. He knew that God had healed him.

Please help me to tell my friends about you. Amen. PRAYER

Josiah becomes king

God gives us the Bible so that we can know how to live.

God was sad. The Israelites had stopped listening to him and they were doing bad things to each other.

At that time, Josiah was made the king of Israel. He was only eight years old, but he loved God very much.

When Josiah was a young man, he went to visit the temple. He saw that the building was broken down and messy inside. Enough is enough! he thought. He decided that the Israelites would fix and clean the temple.

While the temple was being fixed, one of the Israelites came to see him.

“King Josiah!” he exclaimed, “We found a book in the temple. It is the Book of the Law that Moses wrote!” And he showed it to Josiah.

Josiah was amazed. This book was like the Israelites’ Bible. He wanted to share it with the Israelites. He invited everyone to the temple where he read the book to them.

Then Josiah promised God that the Israelites would listen to him and do what God says. This made God very happy.

Help me to read the Bible and to do what you want me to do. Amen.

Daniel in the lions’ den


Daniel was faithful to God and God saved him.

Daniel was a very clever man. He was one of King Darius’ best leaders. The other leaders became angry and jealous of Daniel.

They wanted to get Daniel into trouble with the king. So they went to the king and advised him to make a new rule: “People can only pray to the king. If anyone prays to God, they will be thrown to the lions.”

“This is a good rule!” said King Darius.

But Daniel loved God very much. No, I will only pray to God, he thought.

When the other leaders saw Daniel praying to God, they grabbed him and took him to the king. Even though King Darius liked Daniel, he had to punish him. That evening Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den.

Early the next morning King Darius went to the lions’ den.

“Daniel,” he called, “did your God save you?”

“Yes!” shouted Daniel happily. “God sent an angel to close the lions’ mouths!”

The king was very happy. He made a new law. From that day on, people may only pray to God.

Thank you, God, that Daniel never stopped praying or believing in you. Amen.

Jesus is born

LUKE 2:1-20

God sent his only Son to save us and make us happy.

Mary and Joseph had to travel all the way to Bethlehem because the people had to be counted. When they arrived in Bethlehem, Mary was very tired. She was pregnant and wanted to rest, but Joseph could not find a place for them to stay. Bethlehem was chock-a-block full of people.

At last a kind man gave them a place to sleep. It was in a stable with his animals.

That night, in the stable, baby Jesus was born. Mary and Joseph were very happy. They held their baby and loved him very much.

Then Mary wrapped her son warmly and put him in a manger full of soft hay.

Some shepherds were looking after their sheep on the hills nearby. Suddenly an angel appeared. “Do not be scared,” said the angel. “Today God’s Son, Jesus, was born.”

Then many angels came and sang beautiful songs, praising God.

The shepherds were very happy to hear about Jesus. Straight away they decided to go to Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus.

Thank you, God, that you sent your Son, Jesus, to us. Amen.

A new star

MATTHEW 2:1-12

We belong to the kingdom of God through Jesus.

A new star started shining in the sky on the same day that Jesus was born. Three wise men saw the new star and knew that a new King was born. They decided to follow the star because they wanted to see the new King.

The wise men followed the star for a long time. At last they saw it shining over Bethlehem. The star was shining over the house of Joseph, Mary and Jesus.

Jesus was not a baby anymore. He was a little boy now.

The three wise men were very excited to see Jesus. Although Jesus was very young, they knew that he was going to be the King.

Then they said to Mary and Joseph, “We have brought presents for the King.”

They gave Jesus very special gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

After their visit, the wise men mounted their camels and travelled back home again.

Thank you that you chose me to be your child. You are my King too. Amen.

The boy Jesus visits the temple

LUKE 2:41-52

We get to know God at church.

Every year there was an important feast in Jerusalem. Everybody was going and everyone was excited. Jesus was also excited because now he was old enough to go!

The feast was great fun, but all too soon it was over and everyone had to go back home.

Mary and Joseph were walking home alone because they thought Jesus was with his friends. At suppertime all the children ran back to their families. But Jesus was nowhere to be found!

Joseph and Mary were terribly worried. They asked everyone, “Have you seen Jesus?” But everyone said no.

Mary and Joseph hurried back to Jerusalem to look for him there. After three days, they found him in the temple, talking to the priests about God.

“You made us so worried! Your dad and I have been looking everywhere for you!” said Mary.

Jesus said, “Why were you looking for me? You should have known I would be here. This is my heavenly Father’s house.”

Then Jesus went home with Mary and Joseph.

Thank you that I can also love my family and the church. Amen. PRAYER

Jesus is baptised

MATTHEW 3:13-17

Jesus is always with us through the Holy Spirit.

There was a man who lived near the River Jordan. His hair was wild and he wore roughly woven clothes. He was Jesus’ relative and his name was John the Baptist.

Every day, down by the river, John would tell people about God. Then he baptised them.

One day, Jesus went down to the river. There he asked John to baptise him.

“No, I cannot baptise you! You should rather baptise me!” cried John.

But Jesus smiled. “You must baptise me, John. My heavenly Father said that you must.”

“Then I will,” replied John.

Jesus and John walked down to the river and John baptised him.

As Jesus came out of the river, the heavens opened. The Holy Spirit came down like a dove and landed softly on Jesus.

Then everyone heard the voice of God saying, “This is my Son. He makes me very happy!”

Thank you that I make you happy and for giving me the Holy Spirit. Amen. PRAYER

Jesus catches fish

LUKE 5:1-11 MATTHEW 4:18-22

Jesus chooses ordinary people to be his disciples.

There were some fishermen who worked every day, catching fish, at the Sea of Galilee. On this day, though, they had not caught any fish.

Jesus was also there. He went up to Peter, one of the fishermen, and said, “Go out in your boat again, and you will catch fish this time.”

Peter shook his head, “Sir, we have already been out fishing all night in this boat. We did not catch anything.”

But Peter knew in his heart that he should listen to Jesus. So he took the boat out again.

Peter threw the nets into the water. At once someone shouted, “Look, look at all the fish!”

Peter was amazed. There were so many fish he had to call his friends to help him.

Back on shore, Peter felt afraid of Jesus.

Then Jesus said, “Do not be afraid. Follow me and help me teach people about God.”

Peter and his friends Andrew, James and John went with Jesus. They became Jesus’ first disciples.

Thank you that you have also chosen me to be your disciple. Amen. PRAYER

Jesus calls the children

MARK 10:13-15

God loves each and every one of his children – big and small.

There were always many people around Jesus. Everyone wanted to talk to him. Everywhere he went, Jesus told people about God. He also healed sick people and made them well again.

On just such a busy day, a group of mothers brought their children to Jesus. They wanted Jesus to pray for their little ones.

The children were extremely excited to see Jesus and rushed up to him. But when the disciples saw them, they said, “Go away! Do not bother Jesus.”

Jesus saw what was happening. He said, “Do not chase the children away.”

He then opened his arms wide and called the children.

The children were very happy and ran into his arms.

Then Jesus prayed for them.

He told his disciples, “Children are important to God.”

I am glad that I am important to you, even though I am young. Amen. PRAYER

Jesus turns water into wine

JOHN 2:1-12

Bad things happen in our lives, but God will give us joy again.

There was a big wedding in the town of Cana. Everyone was invited. Jesus, his mother Mary, and all the disciples were there.

It was a wonderful wedding. Everyone was eating delicious food, drinking good wine, and dancing.

But then something very embarrassing happened – they ran out of wine! In those days it was important to have enough wine at a wedding.

Mary came up to Jesus and asked, “Please, can you help them?”

Jesus saw six stone water jars nearby. He asked the waiters to fill these with water. They did what he told them.

Then Jesus said to them, “Pour some into a cup and take it to the head waiter.”

When the head waiter had a sip, his eyes went wide with surprise. He was not tasting water. He was tasting the finest wine. Jesus had changed the water into wine. It was a miracle!

Now there was enough wine. And everyone knew that Jesus could perform miracles.

Thank you for making me happy when I am feeling sad. I know that is a miracle too. Amen PRAYER

Zacchaeus climbs a tree

Jesus helps us to change and to live as children of God.

The people in Jericho were very excited. Jesus was coming! Everyone wanted to see him – including Zacchaeus. The streets were full of people. They were waiting for Jesus to arrive.

But Zacchaeus was a very short man. He was too short to see through the crowd. I will have to make a plan, he thought. He decided to climb up a tree nearby. Now he had the perfect view.

Jesus arrived a little while later. He stopped under the tree and looked up.

“Zacchaeus, please come down,” said Jesus. “I must eat at your house today.”

This made Zacchaeus very happy. But it made the rest of the people angry. They did not like him because he cheated and stole their money.

“Can you believe that Jesus is going to visit bad Zacchaeus?” they grumbled.

But Jesus had changed Zacchaeus’ life. Zacchaeus promised to give the people their money back. He wanted to be kind and good now.

Jesus smiled at everyone and said, “Today Zacchaeus was saved. He is now a child of God!”

Thank you that you forgive me and love me, even though I do not always listen to you. Help me to listen to you. Amen.

Blind Bartimaeus

MARK 10:46-52

Jesus helps everyone who believes in him.

There was a blind man who lived in Jericho. His name was Bartimaeus. He was very poor because he could not work. He could only sit at the side of the road and ask people for money or food.

One day he heard people talking about Jesus. They were very excited because Jesus was about to arrive in Jericho. Bartimaeus had heard many stories about Jesus. He knew Jesus could heal people. When Bartimaeus heard Jesus coming closer he called out loudly, “Jesus, please help me!”

Some of the people told him to be quiet. But Bartimaeus shouted even louder, “Jesus, please help me!”

Jesus heard Bartimaeus and called him. Bartimaeus jumped up and went towards Jesus’ voice. “What do you want?” Jesus asked kindly.

“Jesus, I want to be able to see!” he cried.

“You believe, and because you believe, you can now see,” said Jesus.

And now Bartimaeus could see! He was so happy. He started laughing and dancing. From that day on Bartimaeus followed Jesus everywhere.

Thank you, Jesus, that you made Bartimaeus see. Help me to remember that you will help me too. Amen.

The man who could not walk



gives us friends to help us.

A man lived in the town of Capernaum. He could not walk. But today was a special day. His friends were carrying him to Jesus. They knew that their friend would be able to walk again if they could get him to Jesus.

When they arrived at the house where Jesus was, they saw a big problem. The house was overflowing with people. There was even a crowd outside!

“We will never be able to get him through the door,” they said to one another.

So they quickly came up with a plan.

They carried their friend up onto the flat roof of the house. Then they made a hole in the roof. They carefully lowered their friend down into the house, all the way to Jesus!

Jesus saw what was happening. He said to the man, “Stand up, pick up your bed, and walk!”

The man jumped up, picked up his bed, and walked out of the house!

All the people who saw this sang with joy and thanked God.

Thank you for giving me good friends. I am so happy that you are my friend too. Amen.

Jairus’ daughter

LUKE 8:40-56

God loves us and helps us when we are hurt and sad.

One day Jesus was talking to the people about God. Suddenly Jairus rushed up to Jesus. He fell on his knees before him and cried, “My little girl is terribly sick! Please come and make her better.”

Jesus felt sorry for Jairus and wanted to help him. So he quickly went with Jairus to his house.

Then a man came running towards them. “It is too late!” he said. “Your daughter is dead. Jesus does not need to come any more.”

But Jesus told Jairus, “Do not worry. Just believe. I will save your daughter.”

When they arrived at the house, there were lots of people crying.

“Do not cry,” said Jesus, “she is not dead. She is sleeping.”

But no one believed him.

Then Jesus asked everyone to leave the house. He went inside, held her hand and said, “Get up, little girl!”

Jairus’ daughter woke up. She was alive again! Jairus and his family knew that Jesus loves everyone very much.

Thank you that you helped Jairus’ daughter. And thank you that you love me. Amen.

The lost sheep


God loves each one of us. Nothing can separate us from God’s love.

Jesus told this story:

There once was a shepherd who had many sheep. He knew each one of them, and he looked after them every day.

One day one of his sheep was missing. The shepherd made sure that the rest of his sheep would be safe while he went to look for his lost sheep. He looked everywhere, calling out its name. At last he found it. He was so happy. He held it in his arms and hugged it tightly. Then he carried the sheep back. The other sheep bleated happily when they saw their friend again.

Then the shepherd went to his friends and told them joyfully, “I found my lost sheep!” Everyone celebrated with the shepherd.

God is our shepherd. He knows each one of us by name. He cares for us every day because we are his children.

God loves us very much. He always holds us closely in his heavenly arms.

I am glad that I am your child. Thank you for taking care of me just as the shepherd took care of his sheep. Amen.

The loaves and fish

JOHN 6:1-15

God takes care of us, and we must take care of

other people.

A large crowd of people had gathered. Jesus was telling them about God. There were so many people that it was impossible to count them! As the day went by the people became hungry. They had not brought food with them.

Jesus wanted to help the people, so he told his disciples to give them food.

While the disciples were looking for food, one of them, Andrew, found a boy who had five small loaves of bread and two fish.

Andrew took the little boy to Jesus. “This little boy’s bread and fish is the only food I could find, Jesus. But it is not enough,” he said sadly.

The little boy said to Jesus, “You can have my food.”

Jesus took the boy’s lunch and told everyone to sit down. He thanked God for the food before he started to break it up into small pieces to hand out.

And then a miracle happened! The food did not run out. Everyone had enough to eat, and there were even leftovers!

Thank you for helping the people when they were hungry. I also want to help other people. Amen.

The good Samaritan

LUKE 10:25-37

God has chosen us to help other people who are in need.

One day many people were listening to Jesus. He told them this story:

A Jewish man was on his way to Jericho. There were robbers along the road who robbed him, beat him, and ran away with all his things. He was badly injured and was lying in the road, unable to walk.

A little while later a Jewish priest came past. He saw the man. But he did not stop to help him.

Then a Jewish leader went by. He also saw the man, but he just hurried past.

At last a Samaritan came down the road. Jews and the Samaritans were not friends, but this Samaritan was a good man. He washed the injured Jewish man’s sores. He wrapped them up with clean cloths. Then he lifted the man onto his donkey and took him to the nearest guest house. He paid for the man to stay there until he was better.

Then Jesus said to the crowd, “You must also be like the good Samaritan and help other people.”

I am so glad that you have chosen me to help other people. Amen. PRAYER

God always takes care of us

LUKE 12:22-32

God made you and you are important to him.

It was a beautiful, sunny day. Jesus and the disciples were walking through the fields.

Jesus said to his disciples, “I want you to always remember that you are God’s children. He will always take care of you, just as he takes care of the plants and animals.”

Jesus pointed to the birds that were flying and singing happily.

“God makes sure that these little birds always have enough to eat. God loves you much more than the birds. Do not worry about what you will eat.”

Then he pointed to the colourful wildflowers. He said, “God is the one who makes the flowers so lovely. Do not worry about what clothes you will wear.”

Then Jesus said, “You must never be scared. God made you and you are very important to him. God always takes care of you.”

Thank you that you made me special and beautiful. Thank you that you look after me and the whole world. Amen.

The Samaritan thanks Jesus

LUKE 17:11-19

God saves people from all nations to serve him.

Jesus and a crowd of people were walking to Jerusalem. They walked through many villages. At one of the villages, ten men went up to Jesus. They were sick and full of sores. No one wanted to go near them.

“Jesus, help us! Please!” shouted the men.

When Jesus saw them, he said, “Go to the Jewish priests. Ask them to decide if you are healed.”

In those days, the priests decided if you were healed. The men left Jesus immediately and went to the priests. While they were walking there, they were healed.

One of the men, a Samaritan, turned back to say thank you to Jesus. He was running and jumping for joy.

Jesus asked, “Why did only this one Samaritan man come back to thank God? He is not even Jewish!”

But the thankful Samaritan man had made Jesus very happy. Jesus said, “You are a child of God. Now you can go home to your family.”

Thank you that you save people so that

they can start a new life with you. Amen.

Jesus is alive!

JOHN 20:1-18 LUKE 24:1-12

Because Jesus died on the cross, my sins are forgiven.

Jesus came to help us, and many people loved him. But there were also people who were afraid of him and hated him. They captured him and hung him on a cross where he died.

Jesus’ family, the disciples and his friends were terribly sad. They decided to put Jesus’ body in a special grave and roll a big stone in front of it.

On the third day, Mary Magdalen went to visit Jesus’ grave. She saw that the stone in front of the grave had been rolled away. And Jesus was not in the grave.

She began to weep. Then two angels appeared to Mary Magdalen. They asked her why she was crying.

“I am crying because Jesus is gone,” she said. Then she turned around. She saw a man and she asked him, “Do you know where they took Jesus?”

The man said, “Mary!”

And then she realised that the man was Jesus! Jesus asked her to go and tell his disciples that he was alive. Mary Magdalen ran back to the town. She told everyone, “Jesus is not dead. He is alive!”

I am so happy that you are alive. Now I know that nothing is impossible for you. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer

MATTHEW 6:9-11

Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come.

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.


The Prayer that Jesus taught us

My Father in heaven.

I praise your special name. Please make the world a better place, and help me to always do what you want me to do. Please give me the things I need, like food and clothes, every day.

And please forgive all the wrong things I do, just like I have to forgive everyone who does bad things to me. Please help me to listen to you and do the right thing. I ask you to always protect me. You are the King of everything. Thank you that I am your child.


God’s promises are precious gifts to our children, allowing them to grow into a lifelong relationship with God.

My First Promise Bible emphasizes five core promises of God. Each of the five core promises is beautifully illustrated as a gift, making them easy for young hearts to understand. Through these promises, children can discover the wonderful gift of coming to know and understand the love of God.

From the Old Testament to the New Testament, each of the 32 carefully selected stories and accompanying prayers highlights one of the core promises. Together with an infographic guideline, the vibrant illustrations and engaging stories enable parents and carers to discuss God’s promises with their children.

My First Promise Bible invites families to unwrap God’s promises and discover the greatest gift of all – finding joy in Christ in abundance and living fully in God’s love!

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