Shared Services. Shared Success.
Publication • Website • Membership • Design Services • Best Practices 2012 Member Benefits As a California Medical Association member you are part of the largest, most comprehensive medical society in California. CMA is pleased to provide members innovative benefits and practical resources. For more information call a member service specialist at 800.786.4262.
Practice Management
processing, and check management. Heartland offers a full suite
CMA Reimbursement Help Center: Trouble getting paid?
of services to meet the needs of the health care market, including
Call CMA’s reimbursement experts for personal assistance with
AssurePay, a PC-based tool that processes credit card and ACH
contracting or reimbursement issues 888.401.5911
transactions with real time insurance verification and patient responsibility estimator for over 400 insurance carriers. Heartland
CMA Practice Resources (CPR): email newsletter: Distributed
Payment Systems also has local sales and service professionals
monthly, this e-publication is a targeted publication providing
who specialize in the health care industry and a 24/7/365
essential tips and tools to help physicians and their office staff to
live customer service team. Heartland Payment Systems,
improve office efficiency and viability. Subscribe at www.cmanet.
866.941.1477 or
org/news/cpr CMA Credit Card: Physicians can show their CMA pride with
CMA Payor Contract Analysis: CMA encourages physicians
CMA-branded credit cards from Bank of America. Bank of
to carefully read all contracts as well as proposed contract
America, 866.598.4970
amendments prior to signing any agreement. To assist physicians with the contract review process, CMA members have free access
Practice Financing: Members get reduced loan administration
to objective written analyses of major health plan contracts at
fees from Banc of America Practice Solutions (a subsidiary of Each analysis is designed to help physicians
Bank of America) for software upgrades, practice expansion, and
understand their rights and options when contracting with a third
equipment purchasing. A members-only coupon code is required
party payor, as well as an understanding of contract provisions that
to access this benefit. Get your code at
are prohibited by California law.
or call 800.786.4262.
Legal Services
CMA On-Call: CMA’s Medical-Legal Library has over 4,500 pages
Medical, Workers’ Comp, Life, Disability, Long-Term
of up-to-date legal information on a variety of subjects of everyday
Care and More: CMA Members receive discounted rates on
importance to practicing physicians. Accessible to members at www.
insurance products for solo, small, medium, and large groups. or by calling 800.786.4262.
Marsh Affinity Group Services, 800.842.3761 or
Legal Services: CMA legal experts provide immediate member
assistance for HR, medical regulatory or legal questions. Call
Auto and Homeowners Insurance: Discounted auto and
homeowners insurance for CMA members. Mercury Insurance
Financial Services
Merchant Services/ Payroll Services/ Check Management: CMA members receive exclusive discounts and a three-year
Group, 888.637.2431With or one-on-one assistance from
the practice management experts
Professional Development in CMA’s Center for Economic
Services (CES). has for recovered CME Tracking/ Credentialing: CMA’sCES Institute Medical Quality
rate guarantee on Heartland Payment System’s suite of
$5.6 million onpurposes behalf oftophysician certifies CME activity for credentialing the Medical Board
financial services, which includes credit card processing, payroll
of California, as well as to hospitals, health plans, specialty societies,
2012 Member Benefits • Rev. 12.12.11
members in the past two years.
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2012 2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Co-brand: Allow us to insert your CMS logo and/or limited text changes on pre-formatted design collateral which can be provided to you in a very short amount of time.
In stock: Pre-printed items can be shipped directly to you upon request. Contact CMS Services directly to request these items.
Personalize: Allow us to personalize one of our pre-designed pieces using your own verbiage, artwork and logos. Once completed, we will provide you a press-ready PDF file for your own procurement or assist you with printing it as well.
Special Request: Call us to discuss your unique project which may include a new design of your logo, a newsletter template, a show-stopping booth design or anything else your imagination can think of – we’re here to help bring it to life!
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
PUBLICATION This section contains material you may wish to use in your annual membership directories and/or publications in the form of a advertisement, insert or story. All files are available in both PDF and Word Documents and can be found on the website (once logged in) under Design Services > Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement. For custom sizing and changes please contact Sherry Roberts at
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Frequently Asked Questions California Medical Association: 800.786.4CMA (4262) •
CMA FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS DESCRIPTION: A simple FAQ page for your annual directory. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
1) Who do I call for information about membership benefits and services? You can either call your local county medical society or contact CMA directly via phone at 800.786.4262 or email 2) What is my CMA membership status? Membership in CMA is unified with your local medical society. To renew your membership or check your membership status, please start by contacting your local medical society or CMA’s Member Help Center at 800.786.4262. 3) How do I log in to the member website? If you are having trouble logging into the CMA website, please call the Member Help Center at 800.786.4262. 4) What is my CMA ID number?
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 5.5” x 8.5” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
Your ID number is unique and can be found on your CMA membership card or welcome letter. If you do not have your CMA ID number handy, or if you have lost your card, please contact the Member Help Center at 800.786.4262. 5) How can I update or change my contact information? You can call your local county medical society, contact CMA at 800.786.4262 or email 6) How do I register for an upcoming webinar? Go to to register for an upcoming webinar. Deadline for registration is one hour prior to the start of each webinar. If you are unable to participate in one of CMA’s live webinars, all webinars are available for on-demand playback shortly following the live presentations in the webinar archive. To view an archived webinar, click on the “on-demand webinars” in the resource library at
CMA: Frequently Asked Questions
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Rev. 7.1.12
Services It is CMA’s business to take care of you. Some of our most popular services include:
For Live Assistance Contact CMA: 800.786.4CMA (4262) or
Answers for You and Your Staff We are available to help you with everything important about your profession and your practice. Whatever you need – be it legal information, help with a problematic payor, or details about your member discounts and services – just call! Practice Assistance Highly trained economic advocates with expertise in physician reimbursement and myriad medical business issues are available to provide one-on-one help to improve your bottom line. Practice Seminars CMA provides highly interactive practice management and health information technology seminars on a regular basis in conjunction with your local medical society.
DESCRIPTION: A single page outline of CMA’s most popular services for your annual directory. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 5.5” x 8.5” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
Webinar Series Our webinars give members and their staff the opportunity to watch live and recorded presentations on various topics and interact with experts on a wide range of topical issues from practice management to work-life balance. See the full calendar at Member Newsletter Members stay informed about public health, practice management, and other breaking medical news through our FREE biweekly newsletter, CMA Alert. Publications CMA produces a number of resources to help practices of all sizes run smoothly. These resources include legal handbooks, HIPAA compliance toolkits, practice management guides, patient forms, and patient education materials. Many of these are free or deeply discounted for members. CME Certification/Tracking CMA’s Institute for Medical Quality provides a continuing medical education (CME) tracking service, which certifies physicians’ CME activity for credentialing purposes with the Medical Board of California, as well as hospitals, health plans, specialty societies, and others. Discounts Members can offset the price of their annual dues when using CMA membership services and discounts.
California Medical Association: 800.786.4CMA (4262) • • Rev. 7.1.12
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Quality of Care Join the California Medical Association Alliance Yes You Can MakeImprove Difference CMAa members are eligible to serve as surveyors, committee The members, California andMedical educators Association for the Alliance (CMAA) is a volunteer organization that represents Institute for Medical Quality’s accreditation programs. This is and a wonderful supportsopportunity medical families to directly in California. CMAA supports all stages of the medical profession improve quality of care by interacting with colleagues throughout from the residency state. Opportunities to retirement,are and members include physicians and their spouses, partners and Have your voice heard and get more from your membership: available in theFor ambulatory care review program, CME accreditation friends. program, CMAA offers correctional legislative advocacy support for physician issues and supports community more information • Develop CMA Policy and Programs • Champion Community Health health program, and hospital health initiatives targeting children and families. Join the Alliance and enjoy membership contact CMAreview program. • Give Back – Become a Mentor • Improve Quality of Care benefits such as leadership training, networking opportunities, service opportunities, life-long (800.786.4262) • Advocate for Your Profession • Persuade Lawmakers Persuade Lawmakers or your county friendships and support for the medical family. • Get Media Training • Join the CMA Alliance society. Personal contact medical with elected representatives can affect how votes are cast in Sacramento • Encourage Membership Mark Your Calendars and in Washington. By becoming a legislative key contact, you will receive action alerts when - Leadership Academy: important issues arise. Key contacts also build relationships and communicate with elected The California Health Care Leadership Academy is one of the Develop CMA Policy and Programs officials to ensure lawmakers’ decisions are guided by medicalcountry’s experts. premier health care conferences. Held annually in mid-to-late spring, attendees CMA is the largest, most influential medical organization in California, and an aggressive learn about leading-edge trends and developments in health policy and politics and can advocate for doctors and patients. But it is members like youSupport who helpCALPAC set the policies that attend hands-on workshops on various topics, from practice management to leadership skills guide CMA’s advocacy agenda. Don’t miss your chance to influence the future of medicine in The California Medical Political Action Committee (CALPAC) helps development. physiciansFor getdoctors involvedand in the office managers. California and across the nation. state legislature and in Congress where public policy decisions are made. CALPAC supports - Legislative Leadership Days and Ethnic Physicians Legislative Days: These annual legislators who understand and embrace medicine’s agenda. As government Submitting resolutions to our policy-making body, the House candidates of Delegatesand (HOD), is the most one-day annual events are designed to encourage and prepare current and future physicians insurance industry their quest to control health care, your clinical autonomy is direct way for members to influence CMA’s advocacy agenda.and Thethedelegates meet once continue a to advocate for their profession, and include a short course on “Lobbying 101,” policy in great ofjeopardy. Joinfrom CALPAC today and join the fight to keep medical decisions where they year to establish CMA policies on key issues that affect the practice medicine, medical discussions and in-person meetings with California legislators— a rare opportunity for yourtakes well-trained ethics to critical matters of public health. Each year the HOD belong: debatesinand action onhands. more physicians to foster relationships with legislators from their districts. than 100 resolutions, each of them authored by members like you. Contact your local county - Medical Student Leadership Conference: Each Fall, CMA hosts a conference for medical Get Media Training medical society for information. leaders. Thetoconference Local and national news outlets, both print and broadcast, relystudent on medical experts comment explores important health policy issues and equips medical CMA also depends on its members to contribute their expertise in areas such as Media medicalAmbassadors ethics, students withon thea tools on breaking stories. are trained to speak to the media varietyand of knowledge they need to affect change in their local communities workers’ compensation, or professional licensure, for example. If you have experience in a today and throughout theirand careers. health care issues, and play a critical role in making sure that physicians have a strong particular field, you may want to serve on one of CMA’s councils or committees. For information effective voice in the media on all issues pertaining to health care. - House of Delegates: CMA’s House of Delegates meets every year in October to establish on the nominations process, contact your county medical society. CMA policies on key issues that affect the practice of medicine. Encourage Membership Champion Community Health The number one reason doctors join CMA and their local medical societies is because another Local Events by participating in The CMA Foundation champions community health through partnerships between member asked them tophysicians join. Members can help strengthen our association CMAmembers. and its local societies and community leaders. The Foundation relies on a variety of“Member local andRewards” nationallywhich recognized rewards physicians who bring in new CMAmedical members who are a team. Be sure to check your county medical society calendar upcoming and conferences to get involved on a local level. programs, projects, and small grants to provide leadership and opportunities signtraining up three to four newfor regular-active members will get a 50 percentfordiscount on events their dues physicians, and toolkits and resources to educate and promote prevention. thedisease following year. Recruit five or more and get free membership for the following year. With increased membership, CMA becomes a more powerful force in the legislature, the courts, the Give Back – Become a Mentor media, or anywhere there’s a fight to protect your profession and patients. Exchange Learning, the CMA/Ethnic Medical Organization Section (EMOS) mentorship program, pairs California medical students with EMOS-member physicians. Mentors foster caring and supportive relationships that encourage physicians-in-training to develop to their fullest potential. CMA: Yes You Can Make A Difference
CMA: Yes You Page Can1Make of 3 •ARev. Difference 7.1.12
CMA: Yes You Page Can2Make of 3 •ARev. Difference 7.1.12
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CMA YES YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE DESCRIPTION: A multi-page document outlining many of CMA’s physician focused programs for your annual directory. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
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Physician Advocacy Centers
Center for Government Relations
California Medical Association: 800.786.4CMA (4262) • At the California Medical Association (CMA) we are dedicated to serving our member physicians through a comprehensive program of legislative, legal, regulatory, economic and social advocacy. We know that in today’s economic climate, physicians are being assailed from many directions. Our goal is to provide our members with the necessary support, so that they can surpass the challenges and continue to run successful medical practices.
Jodi Hicks Vice President
Staff Contact: Jodi Hicks, Vice President, or (916) 444-5532.
Managed by the professional staff in the CMA Physician Advocacy Centers, our success is measured in our ability to influence policy makers, legislators and the media on behalf of our physician members. A snapshot of our member advocacy and service programs and the staff that oversee them, is provided in the next few pages. We look forward to ensuring your success!
Center for Communications and Political Affairs
Paul Hegyi Vice President
Dustin Corcoran Chief Executive Officer
Francisco J. Silva Vice President and General Counsel
The Center for Government Relations is the physician’s voice at the State Capitol. Center staff works with legislators to educate them on how legislation could enhance or threaten patients’ health or a physician’s ability to practice medicine. Each year the Center for Government Relations monitors over 500 bills, and takes an active, public position on over 200 bills. The Center’s activities include reading and tracking bills and amendments, shaping bill language, meeting with legislators, testifying in committee, conducting research, and preparing policy papers and position letters.
Communications, both external (media and the broader public) and internal (CMA members and potential members) is critical to displaying CMA’s purpose and results. Similarly, successful legislative advocacy depends upon an integrated approach, consisting of lobbying, grassroots activity and political action. The Center for Communications and Political Affairs operates CMA’s Political Action Committee (CALPAC). CALPAC supports candidates and legislators who understand and embrace medicine’s agenda. Staff Contact: Paul Hegyi, Vice President, or (916) 444-5532.
Center for Legal Affairs and Center for Economic Services
Center for Medical and Regulatory Policy
CMA’s Center for Legal Affairs defends the rights of physicians in the courts by filing lawsuits on behalf of physician members and weighing in as amicus curiae, or “friend of the court,” to influence health policy. The Center also helps CMA members comply with laws and regulations that impact the practice of medicine, through legal information and publications, as well as educational webinars and presentations. In addition, the Center also maintains CMA ON-CALL, an online health law library.
CMA’s Center for Medical and Regulatory Policy provides direct regulatory advocacy, physician education, and internal policy development focused on CMA’s core mission of supporting physician practices, expanding access to health care, and improving quality of care. The Center advocates for physicians and their patients by tracking and reviewing State regulations, and advocating on behalf of our physician members on regulations that impact the practice of medicine. One of the other core functions of the Center is to develop materials and programs to educate CMA members on emerging policy and regulatory issues.
CMA’s Center for Economic Services provides one-on-one assistance to physician members and their staff on reimbursement and practice operations issues. The center is staffed by practice management experts who have a combined experience of over 125 years in medical practice operations. Assistance ranges from coaching and education, to direct intervention with payors or regulators.
Lisa Folberg Vice President
The Center also represents CMA in a host of external capacities and identifies and promotes CMA physician nominations to external bodies. Staff Contact: Lisa Folberg, Vice President, or (916) 551-2880.
Staff Contact: Francisco J. Silva, Vice President and General Counsel, or (916) 551-2888.
CMA: Physician Advocacy Centers
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CMA: Physician Advocacy Centers
Page 2 of 2 • Rev. 7.1.12
CMA PHYSICIAN ADVOCACY CENTERS DESCRIPTION: A multi-page document describing CMA’s Advocacy Centers for your annual directory. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
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1620 assistants pp) .......................................................................................................... members at or by calling the Physician member help center (13 at 800.786.4262. Nonmembers can pathologists and audiologists (2 pp)..................................................................... pp)..................................................................... 1610 purchase CMA ON-CALL documents for $2 perSpeech-language page.
Clinical trials (17 pp) ..................................................................................................................... 0255 ADA / DISCRIMINATION.................................................................................................................... 1 (7 pp) ........................................................................................................... 1625 pp)........................................................................................................... ADA and rehabilitation acts: Requirements and Cosmetic defenses procedures (26 pp) ..................................................... 0806 Liposuction (3 pp) ......................................................................................................................... 1352 Disabled physicians and employees (34 pp) .................................................................................... 0812 Physicians vitamins and dietary supplements (10 pp) ............................................................ 0258 pp)............................................................ Disabled patients: Provision of health care services (10 pp)selling ............................................................. 0814 Tissue banks (7 pp) ....................................................................................................................... 1340 pp)....................................................................................................................... Language interpreters (18 pp)........................................................................................................ 0813 ANCILLARY SERVICES ...................................................................................................................... 6 SERVICES......................................................................................................................
Patient access to physician offices / facilities (10 pp) ...................................................................... 0811 ANTITRUST ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Sign language interpreters (11 pp) ................................................................................................. 0802 The antitrust laws: What physicians can do (34 pp) ......................................................................... 0210
The antitrust laws: Physician group mergers (10 pp) ....................................................................... 0211 ADVERSE EVENTS ............................................................................................................................ 2 Physicians and unions ....................................................................................................... 0212 Medical error and adverse events: Voluntary systems and reporting (13(13 pp)pp) ...................................... 1530
Medical error and adverse events: Mandatory systems and reporting (13 pp) .................................... 1540 PROHIBITIONS / DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS Vaccines, drugs and devices: Reporting adverseBUSINESS events (9 pp) ......................................................... 1507 ............................................................. 8 Corporate of medicine (22pp)pp) ..................................................................................... 0280 pp)..................................................................................... Medical error and adverse events: Transformation throughpractice a fair and just culturebar(11 ................... 1535 Disclosure requirements: State and federal (23 pp) ......................................................................... 0220
Decision-making authority for integrated entities (6 pp) ................................................................... 0226 ADVERTISING ................................................................................................................................... 3 Physician ownership and employment prohibitions (5 pp) ................................................................ 0215 Advertising by AHPS (12 pp) .......................................................................................................... 0203
Physician advertising (15 pp) ......................................................................................................... 0205 CLINICAL LABORATORIES ................................................................................................................ 9 Medical referral services (3 pp) ...................................................................................................... 0240 Certification, licensure and registration (15 pp) ............................................................................... 0310 Workers’ compensation advertising (5 pp) ...................................................................................... 1905 payment, billing, record retention and storage (17 pp) .................................................... 0305 Accessing patients: Marketing and other steps Disclosure, physicians can take (10 pp) ...................................... 0206
AIDS AND HIV ................................................................................................................................... 4 CONSENT ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Confidentiality of AIDS/HIV information (19 pp) ................................................................................ 1112 Self-referral and fee-splitting prohibitions (7 pp) .............................................................................. 0315 pp)..............................................................................
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral Page 1 of 12 • Rev. 7.1.12 Page 2 of 12 • Rev. 7.1.12
DESCRIPTION: A multi-page index of CMA’s popular ON-CALL online health law library for your annual directory. Available In Solid Black or Full Color. Available as a vertical or horizontal format. FORMAT: SIZE: UPDATED: EXPIRES: PAGES:
The antitrust laws: Physician group mergers (10 pp) .........................................................................0211 DRUG TESTING .................................................................................................................................14 Physicians and unions (13 pp) .........................................................................................................0212 Employer obligations regarding drug use in workplace (17 pp) ...........................................................0523 Medical staffPROHIBITIONS testing programs (2 pp) ...............................................................................................0522 BUSINESS / DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................8 Physician drug(22 testing (15 pp) ..........................................................................0525 Corporate obligations practice of regarding medicine bar pp) .......................................................................................0280
Speech-language pathologists and audiologists (2 pp).......................................................................1610 DRUG PRESCRIBING / DISPENSING .................................................................................................13 Controlled substances: (9 pp) .........................................................................................0508 ANCILLARY SERVICESDispensing ........................................................................................................................6 Controlled substances: Prescribing (17 pp) .......................................................................................0509 Clinical trials (17 pp) .......................................................................................................................0255 Drug dispensing (not schedule ii-v drugs) (10 pp)..............................................................................0505 Cosmetic procedures (7 pp) .............................................................................................................1625 Drug formularies, drug benefit plans, and pharmacy benefit managers (26 pp) .................0507 Liposuction (3 pp) prescription ...........................................................................................................................1352 Drug prescribing: Drugs from other countries (4 pp) ..........................................................................0511 Physicians selling vitamins and dietary supplements (10 pp) ..............................................................0258 Drug (not.........................................................................................................................1340 schedule II-V drugs) (24 pp) .............................................................................0510 Tissueprescribing banks (7 pp) Drug prescribing: Unauthorized (15 pp).............................................................................................0515 Pain management (19 pp) ...............................................................................................................0513 ANTITRUST .........................................................................................................................................7 Medical marijuana initiative (25 pp) ..................................................................................................1315 The antitrust laws: What physicians can do (34 pp) ...........................................................................0210
ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS ......................................................................................................5 AHP relationships: Business issues (19 pp) .......................................................................................0245 AHP relationships: Liability issues (8 pp) ...........................................................................................0801 Alternative and complimentary health care practitioners (3 pp)...........................................................1630 Medical assistants (19 pp) ...............................................................................................................1605 Naturopathic doctors (5 pp) .............................................................................................................1616 Nurses (19 pp) ................................................................................................................................1615 Patient self-determination act and Joint Commission standards (5 pp) ...............................................0412 Optometrists (7 pp) .........................................................................................................................1617 Physician-assisted pp) .....................................................................................................1325 Physician assistantssuicide (13 pp)(6............................................................................................................1620
EMERGENCY TRANSFER...................................................................................................................16 Payment to secure availability of on-call coverage (9 pp) ...................................................................1214 Emergency transfer laws (37 pp)......................................................................................................1215 Medical staff and on-call coverage requirements (21 pp) ...................................................................1216 Reducing/restructuring on-call coverage requirements (5 pp).............................................................1217
Online consumer review and rating sites (4 pp) .................................................................................0822 ...................................................................... 0823 Physician websites, internet advice and e-mail (12 pp) ......................................................................0823 0435 Telemedicine (14 pp) .......................................................................................................................0435 Electronic funds transfer (5 pp) ........................................................................................................1609
California Medical Association: 800.786.4CMA (4262) • • Rev. 7.1.12
DECISIONS REGARDING LIFE-SUSTAINING TREATMENT .................................................................12 Responding to requests for non-beneficial treatment (6 pp) ...............................................................0403 Deciding to forgo treatment: Advance directives and POLST (56 pp) ...................................................0445 Deciding to forgo treatment: Without advance directive or POLST (13 pp) ...........................................0408 DNR requests and orders and CPR (15 pp) .......................................................................................0409 Documenting decisions to forgo treatment (3 pp) ..............................................................................0411 CMA model policy: Responding to requests for non-beneficial treatment (7 pp) ...................................0404
Pronouncement of death and death certification (8 pp) ......................................................................1305 Organ and tissue donation (20 pp) ...................................................................................................1307 ................................................................................................... 1307
Disclosure requirements: State and federal (23 pp) ...........................................................................0220 EMEDICINE .......................................................................................................................................15 Decision-making authority for integrated entities (6 pp) .....................................................................0226 Electronic health records pp)......................................................................................................1132 Accessing patients: Marketing and other steps physicians can take (10 pp) ........................................0206 Physician ownership and (18 employment prohibitions (5 pp) ..................................................................0215 Electronic health records: Federal initiative program (9 pp) ................................................................1133 DEATH / ORGAN DONATION ..............................................................................................................11 Meaningful use of electronic health information (12 pp) .....................................................................1136 Autopsies (6 pp)..............................................................................................................................1301 California Medical Association: 800.786.4CMA (4262)Electronic • Rev. signatures• (2 pp)7.1.12 .............................................................................................................1138 Diagnosis of death by neurological criteria (7 pp) ..............................................................................1302
Disabled physicians and employees (34 pp) ......................................................................................0812 CONSENT ..........................................................................................................................................10 Disabled patients: Provision of health care services (10 pp) ...............................................................0814 Blood transfusions (Paul(18Gann blood safety act) (2 pp) .......................................................................0407 Language interpreters pp)..........................................................................................................0813 Cancer information requirements Patient access to physician offices(3/ pp)............................................................................................0410 facilities (10 pp) ........................................................................0811 Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (11 (1 p)pp) .......................................................................................................0413 Sign language interpreters ...................................................................................................0802 Exposed health care workers: Testing patients’ blood (5 pp) ...............................................................0432 Incompetent patients:..............................................................................................................................2 Patients lack capacity to consent (14 pp) .........................................................0418 ADVERSE EVENTS Informed consent pp) ................................................................................................................0415 Medical error and (23 adverse events: Voluntary systems and reporting (13 pp) ........................................1530 Informed consent (4 pp)Mandatory ..................................................................................................0417 Medical error and exceptions adverse events: systems and reporting (13 pp) ......................................1540 Informed Inpatient pp) ..................................................................................0430 Vaccines,consent: drugs and devices:procedures Reporting (8 adverse events (9 pp) ...........................................................1507 Informed consent: choosingevents: surrogates (4 pp) ...................................................................................0422 Medical error and adverse Transformation through a fair and just culture (11 pp).....................1535 Informed consent forms format (3 pp) ..............................................................................................0420 Informed consent: Long term care facilities (9 pp) .............................................................................0421 ADVERTISING .....................................................................................................................................3 Mental health: §5150(12 holds/72-hour detention (17 pp) .....................................................................0405 Advertising by AHPS pp) ............................................................................................................0203 Minor consent (13 pp)(15 .....................................................................................................................0425 Physician advertising pp) ...........................................................................................................0205 Vaccine information (3 pp).........................................................................0440 Medical administration: referral servicesMandated (3 pp) ........................................................................................................0240 Use of restraints and seclusion (14 pp) .............................................................................................0419 Workers’ compensation advertising (5 pp) ........................................................................................1905
1616 (5 pp) ........................................................................................................... comprehensive health law and medical practiceNaturopathic resource fordoctors California physicians. CMA ON-CALL 1615 Nurses (19 pp) .............................................................................................................................. pp).............................................................................................................................. includes most of the Center for Legal Affairs’ California Physician’s Legal Handbook (CPLH), as well as 1617 Optometrists (7 pp) ....................................................................................................................... more specialized information on peer review and other subjects. These documents are available free to
Certification, licensure and registration (15 pp) .................................................................................0310 Disclosure, payment, billing, record retention and storage (17 pp) ......................................................0305 ADA / DISCRIMINATION ......................................................................................................................1 Self-referral and fee-splitting prohibitions (7and pp)defenses ................................................................................0315 ADA and rehabilitation acts: Requirements (26 pp) .......................................................0806
AHP relationships: Business issues (19 pp)..................................................................................... pp) ..................................................................................... 0245
CMA ON-CALL is the California Medical Association’s 24-hour online health law library and is the most comprehensive health law and medical practice resource for California physicians. CMA ON-CALL includes most of the Center for Legal Affairs’ California Physician’s Legal Handbook (CPLH), as well as more specialized information on peer review and other subjects. These documents are available free to members at or by calling the member help center at 800.786.4262. Nonmembers can purchase CMA ON-CALL documents for..................................................................................................................9 $2 per page. CLINICAL LABORATORIES
relationships: (8 pp) ......................................................................................... 0801 The California Medical Association’s Health LawAHP Library (available Liability online atissues Alternative and complimentary health care practitioners (3 pp)......................................................... pp)......................................................... 1630 1605 Medical24-hour assistants (19health pp) ............................................................................................................. pp)............................................................................................................. CMA ON-CALL is the California Medical Association’s online law library and is the most
The California Medical Association’s Health Law Library (available online at
ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS .................................................................................................... 5
Consent for HIV test (11 pp)........................................................................................................... pp) ........................................................................................................... 0414 AIDS AND HIV .....................................................................................................................................4 Confidentiality of AIDS/HIV information (19 pp) ..................................................................................1112 Consent for HIV test (11 pp) .............................................................................................................0414 Discrimination: HIV-infected patients (7 pp) .......................................................................................0817 HIV-infected physicians (14 pp) ........................................................................................................1312
Discrimination: HIV-infected patients (7 pp)..................................................................................... pp) ..................................................................................... 0817 ON-CALL INDEX HIV-infected physicians (14 pp)...................................................................................................... pp) ...................................................................................................... 1312
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 5.5” x 8.5” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 12 8
ConfirmPay, a PC-based tool that processes credit card and ACH EHRs.transactions A members-only with real coupon time code is required to access this benefit. Get your code Other Supplies andatResources
insurance verification and patient responsibility estimator for over 400 insurance carriers. or call CMA’s Member Help CenterEpocrates: 800.786.4262. Member Benefits CMA members get a discount on all Epocrates mobile and online products. Save
Heartland Payment Systems also has local sales and service professionals who specialize in the 30 percent on subscriptions to Epocrates products such as the #1 rated Epocrates Essentials. health care industry and a 24/7/365 live customer service team. Contact Heartland Payment Publications Epocrates provides point-of-care access (via mobile devices and the web) to information on Systems at 866.941.1477 or and health diagnostics. CMA produces a number of publications to keep members up drugs, to datediseases on the latest care For more information, visit California Medical Association: 800.786.4CMA (4262) • and information the practice of medicine in California. Members and registered CMA Credit Card: Physicians can show their CMA pride withnews CMA-branded creditaffecting cards from Staples: Save up to 80 percent on office supplies and equipment from Staples, Inc. Visit www. website users can subscribe to any of these publications by visiting Bank of America. Call Bank of America at 866.598.4970. to access the members-only discount link. As a California Medical Association (CMA) member you are part of the largest, most CMA Alert: CMA publishes a biweekly e-newsletter, CMA Alert, to keep its members up-tocomprehensive medical society in California. CMA is pleasedPractice to provideFinancing: members innovative Members get reduced loan administration fees from Banc of America MedicAlert: MedicAlert is a nonprofit foundation with over 50 years of lifesaving experience date on critical issues affecting the practice of medicine in California. benefits and practical resources. For assistance or more information a member service of Bank of America) for software Practice call Solutions (a subsidiary upgrades, practice expansion identifying and providing vital medical information to emergency personnel for over 4 million specialist at 800.786.4262. and equipment purchasing. A members-only coupon code is CMA required to access this benefit. Get members worldwide. CMAGreg members and their patients save $10 on new adult enrollments and Capitol Insight: CMA Capitol Insight is a biweekly column by veteran journalist your code at or call 800.786.4262. $2.95 on Kid Smart Enrollments. For more information, visit or call Lucas, reporting on the inner workings of the state legislature. 800.253.7880. Practice Management CMA Practice Resources: CMA Practice Resources (CPR) is a monthly bulletin from the Insurance CMA Reimbursement Help Center: Trouble getting paid? Call CMA’s reimbursement experts Prescriptions: Get their 15 percent off tamper-resistant security prescription pads and Center for Economic Services. This bulletin is full of tips and Security tools to assist physicians and for personal assistance with contracting or reimbursement issues 888.401.5911. Medical, Workers’ Comp, Life, Disability, Long-Term Care and More: CMA Members printer paper. Visit the RX Security website, office staff improving practice efficiency and viability. receive discounted rates on insurance products for solo, small, medium and large groups. CMA Practice Resources (CPR): Distributed monthly, this newsletter essential tips and Contactprovides Marsh Affinity Group Services at 800.842.3761 or percent off subscriptions to hundreds of popular magazines, CMA Press Clips: Get daily reports on health care policy andMagazine medicine Subscriptions: from newspapers50and tools to help physicians and their office staff to improve office efficiency and viability. Subscribe at with atobest match guarantee. Contact Subscription Services Inc. at magazines throughout California and around the nation delivered you price by e-mail. Auto and Homeowners Insurance: Discounted auto and homeowners insurance for CMA cma or 800.289.6247. members. Contact Insurance Group at 888.637.2431 or Legal Case List: CMA’s Center for Legal Affairs publishes the Legal Case List once a month. CMA Payor Contract Analysis: CMA encourages physicians to carefully readMercury all contracts Rentals: SaveCMA up tois 25 percent on car rentals for business or personal travel. MembersThe Case List provides a summary and the current status of Car litigation in which a party as well as proposed contract amendments prior to signing any agreement. To assist physicians only coupon codes are required to access this benefit. Get your code at or has filed a brief as amicus curiae. with the contract review process, CMA members have free access to objectiveDevelopment written analyses Professional benefits or call 800.786.4262. Call Avis at 800.331.1212 or Hertz at 800.654.2200. of major health plan contracts at EachCME analysis is designed to help Tracking/ Credentialing: CMA’s Institute for Medical Quality (IMQ) certifies CME activity Legislative Hot List: CMA’s Center for Government Relations publishes the Legislative Hot List physicians understand their rights and options when contracting with a third party payor,toasthewell for credentialing purposes Medical Board of California, as well as to hospitals, health during the legislative session. The Hot List provides a summary and the current status of CMAas an understanding of contract provisions that are prohibitedplans, by California specialtylaw. societies and others. CME Certification is $29 a year for CMA members, $49 sponsored bills, as well as the progress of other significant legislation. for nonmembers. Contact IMQ at 415.882.5151 or
Legal Services
Regulations Quick List: CMA’s Center for Medical and Regulatory Policy publishes the CMA Webinar Series: CMA’s webinar series gives physicians the opportunity to watch online Regulations Quick List once a month. The Quick List provides summaries and status updates on CMA On-Call: This online library contains over 4,500 pagespresentations of up-to-dateon legal information important topicsonof interest and interact with legal and financial experts from various regulations being tracked by CMA. a variety of subjects of everyday importance to practicing physicians. Accessible to members at The webinars are free to the comfort of their homes or offices. CMA members and their staff at or by calling 800.786.4262. OMSS Advocate: CMA’s Organized Medical Staff Section publishes the OMSS Advocate, a quarterly newsletter that provides CMA-OMSS member medical staffs with updates on Legal Services: CMA legal experts provide immediate member assistance for HR, medical current events and issues. You must be an OMSS member to receive this newsletter. Email Health Information Technology (HIT) regulatory or legal questions. Call 800.786.4262. HIT Resource Center: CMA is closely monitoring the electronic standards developmentfor more information. process, and will be updating this resource center as new information becomes available at For more information about advertising in any of our publications, email Financial Services Merchant Services/ Payroll Services/ Check Management: CMA members receive EHR Webinar Series: Tosuite help members begin to assess their HIT needs, CMA has partnered exclusive discounts and a three-year rate guarantee on Heartland Payment System’s with Maxwell IT to provide members with complimentary registration to the EHR Best Practices of financial services, which includes credit card processing, payroll processing, and check webinars. Maxwellincluding IT is a national education consulting program endorsed by state management. Heartland offers services to meet the needs ofSeries the health care market, medical associations to help physician practices learn how to assess, select, and implement
CMA: Member Benefits
CMA: Member Page Benefits 1 of 4 • Rev. 7.1.12
CMA: Member Page Benefits 2 of 4 • Rev. 7.1.12
CMA: Member Page Benefits 3 of 4 • Rev. 7.1.12
Page 4 of 4 • Rev. 7.1.12
CMA MEMBER BENEFITS DESCRIPTION: A multi-page document outlining many of CMA’s physician focused Member Benefits for your annual directory. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 5.5” x 8.5” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 4 9
If you want to help shape the future of medicine, you’re not alone. There’s a lot one doctor can do to make a difference in people’s lives. Yet when you become a
CMA TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER DESCRIPTION: A single-page advertisement outlining the benefits of membership for your annual directory or magazine publication. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
member of the California Medical Association (CMA) and the Riverside County Medical Society (RCMA) you join a powerful force working to make a difference in the most important public health and professional issues facing medicine today. United, we have the greatest possible impact at the state, national and grassroots levels.
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 5” x 8” 06/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
Add your commitment, hope and strength to ours. Together we can do more than you can imagine. Join the CMA and the RCMA. Call the RCMA at (951) 686-3342.
If you want to help shape the future of medicine, you’re not alone. There’s a lot one doctor can do to make a difference in people’s lives. Yet when you become a member of the California Medical Association (CMA) and the Riverside County Medical Society (RCMA) you join a powerful force working to make a difference in the most important public health
and professional issues facing medicine today. United, we have the greatest possible impact at the state, national and grassroots levels. Add your commitment, hope and strength to ours. Together we can do more than you can imagine. Join the CMA and the RCMA. Call the RCMA at (951) 686-3342.
Together we are stronger.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
We Are Your Voice
CMA WE ARE YOUR VOICE DESCRIPTION: A multi-page advertisement sampling (you are welcome to choose) focusing on the benefits of membership with personal physician testimonials for your annual directory or magazine. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
We Are Your Voice
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 5.5” x 8.5” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 5
We Are Your Voice
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
CMA CENTER FOR ECONOMIC SERVICES DESCRIPTION: A single-page advertisement outlining the benefits of CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES) for your annual directory or magazine publication. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 5.5” x 8.5” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
RESOLVE PAYMENT AND CONTRACTING ISSUES with one-on-one assistance from the practice management experts in CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES). CES has recovered $5.6 million on behalf of physician members in the past two years.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
CMA WEBINARS DESCRIPTION: A single-page advertisement outlining the benefits of CMA’s Educational Programs for your annual directory or magazine publication. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 5.5” x 8.5” 06/01/2012 10/17/2012 1
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
CMA CPR DESCRIPTION: A single-page advertisement outlining the benefits of CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES) CPR Bulletin for your annual directory or magazine publication. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
May 2012
In this issue: Aetna to require additional accreditation requirements in order to be paid for certain surgical pathology services 1 Update on two Anthem Blue Cross issues pending with the Department of Managed Health Care 1 Meet Your CMA Center for Economic Services Advocate: Mark Lane
CMA Advocacy at Work
Urgent survey response requested
Aetna erroneously terminates providers from California network
Document, Document, Document
United Healthcare announces extension of HIPAA 5010 enforcement 4
ARE YOU READING CPR? CPR contains the latest in Practice Management Resources, Updates and Information.
What’s a COHS?
Save the Date
Act now to avoid the 2013 e-prescribing penalty 5 Payor Updates
Health plan provider newsletters
CMA resources
When you see this icon, that means there are additional resources available free to California Medical Association (CMA) members at the CMA website. To access any of these resources, visit
Medical-Legal Library (Formerly CMA On-Call)
In this publication, you will find references to “medical-legal” documents. The California Medical Association’s (CMA) online medical-legal library contains over 4,500 pages of medicallegal, regulatory, and reimbursement information. Medical-legal documents are free to members and can be found in CMA’s online resource library, Nonmembers can purchase medical-legal documents for $2 per page.
CMA Center for Economic Services 1201 J Street, #200, Sacramento, CA 95814 • 916/551-2061
CMA Practice Resources (CPR) is a free monthly bulletin from the California Medical Association’s Center for Economic Services. This bulletin is full of tips and tools to help physicians and their office staff improve practice efficiency and viability. SUBSCRIBE TO CPR OR ANY OTHER CMA NEWSLETTERS: To stay up to date, sign
up for free subscriptions at
SPREAD THE WORD: Please forward this bulletin to your coworkers and colleagues.
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 5.5” x 8.5” 06/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
Aetna to require additional accreditation requirements in order to be paid for certain surgical pathology services Aetna recently notified physicians that, effective August 1, 2012, practices performing in-office pathology testing will be required to be both Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) certified and accredited with the College of American Pathologists (CAP). In a letter to physicians, Aetna claims that the change is consistent with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recognition of CAP as an approved accreditation organization for non-hospital anatomic pathology testing. The California Medical Association has voiced concerns with the implementation of this policy and has asked Aetna to explain the need for dual certification. Although CMS may recognize CAP as an approved accreditation organization, CMS does not require both a CLIA certification and a specialty society accreditation to perform in-office pathology testing services. Further, CMA expressed concerns with the ability of physicians to obtain the CAP accreditation prior to the deadline imposed by Aetna. According to CAP, the accreditation process takes approximately 90 days. Additionally, the process of obtaining a secondary accreditation can be very costly for practices. In addition to their contact with Aetna on this issue, CMA is working closely with the American Medical Association (AMA) and several other state and specialty medical societies. Stay tuned for further details. Practices with questions about the letter can contact Tammy Gaul, senior network manager at Aetna at (215)775-6604. Contact: CMA reimbursement help line, (888) 401-5911 or
Update on two Anthem Blue Cross issues pending with the Department of Managed Health Care DMHC claims audit
As previously reported, on Jan. 12, 2012 the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) ordered Anthem Blue Cross to reprocess provider claims, with interest, dating back to 2007. The order is based on 2008 DMHC audits of the seven largest health plans in California. These audits found violations of claim payments above the threshold allowed under California law at all seven health plans. As a result, DMHC assessed administrative fines, required the plans to pay providers the money they were owed and mandated that plans demonstrate CPR • May 2012 • Page 1 of 5
CMA Practice Resources (CPR) is a free monthly e-mail bulletin from CMA’s Center for Economic Services. This bulletin is full of tips and tools to help physicians and their office staff improve practice efficiency and viability.
SUBSCRIBE NOW Sign up now for a free subscription to our e-mail bulletin, at
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
DOCBOOK MD DESCRIPTION: A single-page advertisement outlining the benefits of DocBookMD for your annual directory or magazine publication. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
Sponsored by
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 5.5” x 8.5” 05/12/2012 N/A 1
Mobilize your practice with
FAST / E ASY / SECU R E • SAV E TIME, IMPR OV E PATI ENT CARE • Complete directory of your SJMS colleagues in the palm of your hand • On-demand HIPAA-compliant messaging with multi-media collaboration – send and receive high-res images such as X-rays or EKGs instantly
Mobilize your practice with
and much more.
FAST / EASY / S EC URE • SAVE T I M E, I M P ROVE PAT I EN T CA R E • Complete directory of your SJMS colleagues in the palm of your hand • On-demand HIPAA-compliant messaging with multi-media collaboration – send and receive high-res images such as X-rays or EKGs instantly
and much more.
DocBookMD is supplied at no charge to SJMS members thanks to NORCAL. Go directly to the iTunes App Store or Google Play on your device and download DocBookMD, then complete the registration process. You will need your SJMS member ID# ready.
c om m u n i c a t e co lla b o r a t e co o r d in a t e
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
DocBookMD is supplied at no charge to SJMS members thanks to NORCAL. Go directly to the iTunes App Store or Google Play on your device and download DocBookMD, then complete the registration process. You will need your SJMS member ID# ready.
c ommunic ate c ollaborate c oordinate
MEDICAL SOCIETY DIRECTORY HOUSE AD San Joaquin Medical Society and CMA Members Enjoy: Serving the counties of San Joaquin, Calaveras, Alpine, and Amador
“My Membership provides me a Voice in Sacramento and Washington DC.” Thomas McKenzie, MD
DESCRIPTION: This CMS specific member benefit advertisement and/or flier is available to all county medical societies and can be customized to your specifications. Can be produced in full color or Black and White.
Vast CMA Resources: • • • • • • •
Contract Analysis Reimbursement Hotline Legal Hotline Legislative Hotline HIPPA Compliance Free Monthly Webinars on various topics Extensive Online Resources including over 200 letters, agreements, forms, etc. • Plus – Free Legal Advice with CMA ON-CALL Documents
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement/Membership 5.5” x 8.5” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
San Joaquin Medical Society Resources: • • • • • • • • • • •
DocBookMD phone app Annual Directory Free CME Seminars Cost Saving Benefits Quarterly Publication Website/Online Resources Insurance Savings Alliance Membership Annual Social Events Patient Referrals Office Manager Forum and Practice Resources
CUSTOMIZE WITH YOUR MEDICAL SOCIETY LOGO San Joaquin Medical Society and CMA Members Enjoy: Serving the counties of San Joaquin, Calaveras, Alpine, and Amador
“My Membership provides me a Voice in Sacramento and Washington DC.” Thomas McKenzie, MD
Vast CMA Resources: • • • • • • •
Contract Analysis Reimbursement Hotline Legal Hotline Legislative Hotline HIPPA Compliance Free Monthly Webinars on various topics Extensive Online Resources including over 200 letters, agreements, forms, etc. • Plus – Free Legal Advice with CMA ON-CALL Documents
San Joaquin Medical Society Resources:
Your Membership Investment supports our Advocacy efforts on your behalf in Sacramento and Washington DC
• • • • • • • • • • •
DocBookMD phone app Annual Directory Free CME Seminars Cost Saving Benefits Quarterly Publication Website/Online Resources Insurance Savings Alliance Membership Annual Social Events Patient Referrals Office Manager Forum and Practice Resources
Your Membership Investment supports our Advocacy efforts on your behalf in Sacramento and Washington DC
Phone: (209) 952-5299
Phone: (209) 952-5299
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Physicians’ and Dentists’ Confidential Line
CMA CONFIDENTIAL LINE DESCRIPTION: A simple ad promoting the Physicians’ and Dentists’ Confidential Line to be used in your annual directory and/or magazine publication.
Substance Abuse Depression Career Burnout Stress
About the hotline: We are a confidential service dedicated to assisting physicians and dentists who may feel overwhelmed by aspects of their personal or professional lives. Our goal is to help our colleagues before their lives and practices are in jeopardy. How it works: All calls are completely confidential. Callers are quickly connected to a physician or dentist with extensive experience in helping health professionals having problems with stress, substance abuse or mental health issues. Callers receive the support and referrals needed to better manage whatever issues with which they may be struggling. Physicians’ and Dentists’ Confidential Line In Northern California: (650) 756-7787 In Southern California: (213) 383-2691
Asking for help is one of the most difficult and heroic things you can do.
Who should call: If you’re a physician or dentist looking for help with substance abuse or a psychological or emotional problem, we’re here to help. If you’re a colleague, family member or friend of a physician or dentist in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to call.
While you’ll be there for your patients, we’ll be here for you. The Physicians’ and Dentists’ Confidential Line is here to help.
Substance abuse, depression, and career burnout can impact anyone - Including doctors.
Northern California: 650.756.7787 • Southern California: 213.383.2691
The Physicians’ and Dentists’ Confidential Line is a project of the California Medical Association and the CMA Alliance, with additional support from the California Dental Association.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 5.5” x 8.5” N/A N/A 1
Design Service/Tri-fold Pocket Brochure 8.5” x 11” N/A N/A 1
Physicians’ and Dentists’ Confidential Line
About the hotline: We are a confidential service dedicated to assisting physicians and dentists who may feel overwhelmed by aspects of their personal or professional lives. Our sole mission is to help our colleagues before their lives and practices are in jeopardy.
While be there for your Howyou’ll it works: patients, we’ll beconfidential. here for you. All calls are completely Callers are The Physicians’ and Dentists’ Confidential Line is a project of the California Medical Association and the CMA Alliance, with additional support from the California Dental Association.
quickly connected to a physician or dentist with extensive experience in helping health professionals having problems with stress, substance abuse or mental health issues. Callers receive the support and referrals needed to better manage whatever issues with which they may be struggling.
Asking for help is one of the most difficult and heroic things you can do.
Be a hero. Call us today.
Who should call: If you’re a physician or dentist looking for help with substance abuse or a psychological or emotional problem, we’re here to help. If you’re a colleague, family member or friend of a physician or dentist in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to call. Call for assistance with… • Substance Abuse • Mental Health Issues • Depression/ Anxiety • Severe Stress • Anger Management • Boundary Issues
Northern California (650) 756-7787
Southern California (213) 383-2691
2012 CPLH 2012 offers seven volumes with more than 4,500 pages of comprehensive legal information including current laws, regulations, and court decisions related to the practice of medicine. CPLH 2012 also includes new sections and forms to help physicians comply with the most recent changes in health care law. To order your copy of CPLH 2012, call CMA at 800.882.1262, visit or mail your payment to CMA.
s Legal Physician’
11 - Drug Prescribing/Dispensing 11 - Drug Prescribing/Dispensing 11 - Drug Prescribing/Dispensing 11 - Drug Prescribing/Dispensing 12 - Drug Testing
12 - Drug Testing
12 - Drug Testing
12 - Drug Testing
s Legal Physician’ California
13 - eMedicine/HIPAA 13 - eMedicine/HIPAA 13 - eMedicine/HIPAA 13 - eMedicine/HIPAA g g g ensingg 14 - Emergency Transfer 14 - Emergency Transfer 14 - Emergency Transfer 14 - Emergency Transfer /Dispensin /Dispensin /Dispensin /Dispensin ribing/Disp Prescribing Prescribing Prescribing Prescribing DrugPresc 11 - Drug15 - Expert Witness Issues 11 - Drug15 - Expert Witness Issues 1111--Drug 11 - Drug 15 - Expert Witness Issues 15 - Expert Witness Issues Testing Testing Testingg Testing DrugTestin 12 - Drug16 - Forgoing Treatment 12 - Drug16 - Forgoing Treatment 1212--Drug 12 - Drug 16 - Forgoing Treatment 16 - Forgoing Treatment A HIPAA HIPAA HIPAAA icine/HIPA icine/HIPA eMedicine/ - eMedicine/ - eMedicine/ --eMed 13 - eMed 17 - Fraud and Abuse 17 - Fraud and Abuse13 17 - Fraud and Abuse13 17 - Fraud and Abuse1313 fer Transfer Transfer Transferfer gencyTrans gency Trans Emergency - Emergency - Emergency --Emer 14 - Emer sIssues sIssues 18 - Fraud and Abuse: Referral 18 - Fraud Issues and Abuse:14 Referral 18 - Issue Fraud and Abuse:14 Referral 18 - Issue Fraud and Abuse:1414 Referral Issue IssuessIssues Issues Witnessess t Witness t Witness t Witness ExperttWitn 15 - Exper 15 - Exper 1515--Exper 15 - Exper ment ment ment ment Treatment ing Treat ing Treat ingingTreat ing Treat Forgo The California Physicians Legal The California Handbook—an Physicians annual Legal The California Handbook—an Physicians annual Legal The California Handbook—an Physicians annual Legal Handbook—an annual 16 - Forgo 16 - Forgo 1616--Forgo 16 - Forgo e Abuse Abuse Abus Abusee andMedical andMedical publication of the Californiapublication Medical Association’s of the California publication Association’s publication Association’s Association’s Fraud and Abus s of the California s of the California s FraudandandMedical Issuess 17 - Fraud 17 - Fraud 1717--Fraud 17 ral Issue ral Issue ralIssue ral Issue Referralthe e: Referthe e: Referthe e: Refer Center for Legal Affairs—answers Center the for legal Legalquestions Affairs—answers Center for Legal legal questions Affairs—answers Center for legal Legalquestions Affairs—answers legal questions Abuse:e:Refer and Abus and Abus andandAbus and Abus Fraud 18 - Fraud 18 - Fraud 1818--Fraud most frequently asked by physicians. most frequently CPLH asked 2009 by physicians. most frequently CPLH asked 2009 by physicians. most frequently CPLH asked 2009 by physicians. CPLH 2009 18 - Fraud
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13 eMedicin
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Vol Vol 2012 2012 2 Volume 2 2012 Volume 2012 2012
2012 • Vol. 4 2
2012 • Vol.
12 Drug Testing
14 Emergency Transfer
Volume 2
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18 Fraud and Abuse: Referral Issues
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 8.5” x 11” 01/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
11 Drug
12 Drug
Testing e/HIPAA
13 eMedicin
15 Expert Witness Issues cy Transfer 14 Emergen Issues 16 Forgoing Treatment Witness 15 Expert 17 Fraud and Abuse
11 Drug Prescribing/Dispensing
13 eMedicine/HIPAA
14 Emergency Transfer 13 eMedicine/HIPAA cy Transfer 15 Expert Witness Issues 14 Emergen
17 Fraud and Abuse
2 Volume
CHAPTERS INCLUDE (not limited to): - ADA/Discrimination - Advertising - Allied Health Professionals - Antitrust (analysis and updates of antitrust law application to Accountable Care Organizations) - Business Prohibitions/Disclosure - Consent - Death/Organ Donation - Decisions re Life-Sustaining Treatment - Drug Prescribing/Dispensing - eMedicine (sections on Meaningful Use Criteria and the Federal Incentive Program and Social Media Use) - Emergency Transfer - Expert Witness Issues - Fraud and Abuse (2 chapters) - Managed Care (4 chapters) - Medical Board (2 chapters) - Medical Practice: Groups and Employment Issues (2 chapters) (Includes sections on Accountable Care Organizations and Medical Foundations) - Medical Records (4 chapters) - Medical Staffs - Medicare & Medical (Explanations of significant new changes to Medicare under PPACA) - OSHA/Office Safety - Peer Review (New material on Privileging Low Volume Practitioners) - Professional Liability - Reimbursement (3 chapters) (Significant updates to reflect changes under PPACA and state laws) - Reporting Requirements (2 chapters) - Reproductive Issues - Workers’ Compensation
DESCRIPTION: A single-page advertisement promoting CPLH 2012 for your annual directory or magazine publication. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
16 Forgoing 17 Fraud
and Abuse
and Abuse: 18 Fraud Issues Referral
All orders must be pre-paid. Prices do not include shipping, handling, and sales tax.
Please send me: ______ CD only: $480 for nonmember and $398 for CMA member
______ Print: $960 for nonmember and $798 for CMA member ______ Print & CD: $1080 for nonmember and $898 for CMA member (Shipping and handling: $8 for CD, $16 for print, $16 for combination) __________________________________________________________________ Payment method: VISA Mastercard American Express Check __________________________________________________________________
In 2012, CPLH purchasers will automatically receive access to a new subscription-only website ( devoted to the timely and efficient delivery of health care law information for professionals at the office or on the go.
CPLH 2012 is produced through the generous support of our partners:
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With one-on-one assistance from the practice management experts in CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES). CES has recovered $5.6 million on behalf of physician members in the past two years.
CMA CES DESCRIPTION: A single-page advertisement outlining the benefits of CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES) for your annual directory or magazine publication. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 8.75” x 11.25” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
MEDICAL SOCIETY HOUSE AD OR FLYER San Joaquin Medical Society and CMA Members Enjoy: Vast CMA Resources:
Serving the counties of San Joaquin, Calaveras, Alpine, and Amador
“My Membership provides me a Voice in Sacramento and Washington DC.” Thomas McKenzie, MD
• • • • • • •
Contract Analysis Reimbursement Hotline Legal Hotline Legislative Hotline HIPPA Compliance Free Monthly Webinars on various topics Extensive Online Resources including over 200 letters, agreements, forms, etc. • Plus – Free Legal Advice with CMA ON-CALL Documents
San Joaquin Medical Society Resources: • • • • • • • • • • •
DocBookMD phone app Annual Directory Free CME Seminars Cost Saving Benefits Quarterly Publication Website/Online Resources Insurance Savings Alliance Membership Annual Social Events Patient Referrals Office Manager Forum and Practice Resources
DESCRIPTION: This CMS specific member benefit advertisement and/or flier is available to all county medical societies and can be customized to your specifications. Can be produced in full color or Black and White.
Membership Flyer/Magazine Advertisement 8.5” x 11” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
San Joaquin Medical Society and CMA Members Enjoy: Vast CMA Resources:
Serving the counties of San Joaquin, Calaveras, Alpine, and Amador
“My Membership provides me a Voice in Sacramento and Washington DC.” Thomas McKenzie, MD
Contract Analysis Reimbursement Hotline Legal Hotline Legislative Hotline HIPPA Compliance Free Monthly Webinars on various topics Extensive Online Resources including over 200 letters, agreements, forms, etc. • Plus – Free Legal Advice with CMA ON-CALL Documents
San Joaquin Medical Society Resources:
Your Membership Investment supports our Advocacy efforts on your behalf in Sacramento and Washington DC
Phone: (209) 952-5299
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • •
DocBookMD phone app Annual Directory Free CME Seminars Cost Saving Benefits Quarterly Publication Website/Online Resources Insurance Savings Alliance Membership Annual Social Events Patient Referrals Office Manager Forum and Practice Resources
Your Membership Investment supports our Advocacy efforts on your behalf in Sacramento and Washington DC
Phone: (209) 952-5299
RESIDENTS FLYER/AD the benefits of being a
member of the
DESCRIPTION: This advertisement and/or flier is targeted to Resident Members and is available to all county medical societies and can be customized to your specifications. Can be produced in full color or Black and White.
SIERRA SACRAMENTO VALLEY MEDICAL SOCIETY & CALIFORNIA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Within the overall membership of Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society and the California Medical Association, there are groups of like-minded individuals – or “sections” – designed to advocate for the specific needs of their communities. One of those groups is the Resident/Fellow Section (RFS), which allows Residents and Fellows the opportunity to experience the unique benefits of SSVMS/CMA membership, while continuing their role as the future of medicine in California. Membership in SSVMS and CMA is FREE for Residents and Fellows.
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 8.5” x 11” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
BENEFITS AVAILABLE TO RSF MEMBERS INCLUDE: Access to physician-focused leadership training. Ability to advocate for issues unique to residents, such as duty hours and student loan deferments. Access to SSVMS/CMA’s industry leading research and policy expertise, including areas such as Health care Reform and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs).
Ability to influence healthcare policy through RFS leadership positions and SSVMS/CMA councils and committees. Members-only access to the Center for Economic Services, which provides consultation on how to start a practice, as well as assistance with recouping past due billings (over $2.7 million recouped in 2011).
the benefits of being a
member of the
SIERRA SACRAMENTO VALLEY MEDICAL SOCIETY & CALIFORNIA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Within the overall membership of Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society and the California Medical Association, there are groups of like-minded individuals – or “sections” – designed to advocate for the specific needs of their communities.
Free subscriptions to Sierra Sacramento Valley Medicine, SSVMS Medical Society News e-bulletin, and access to thousands of practice management, legal, and clinical resources and assistance. Members also receive discounts on everything from prescription pads to life insurance. For more information, contact SSVMS at (916) 452-2671,, or visit us online at or
One of those groups is the Resident/Fellow Section (RFS), which allows Residents and Fellows the opportunity to experience the unique benefits of SSVMS/CMA membership, while continuing their role as the future of medicine in California. Membership in SSVMS and CMA is FREE for Residents and Fellows.
BENEFITS AVAILABLE TO RSF MEMBERS INCLUDE: Access to physician-focused leadership training. Ability to advocate for issues unique to residents, such as duty hours and student loan deferments. Access to SSVMS/CMA’s industry leading research and policy expertise, including areas such as Health care Reform and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs).
Ability to influence healthcare policy through RFS leadership positions and SSVMS/CMA councils and committees.
Members-only access to the Center for Economic Services, which provides consultation on how to start a practice, as well as assistance with recouping past due billings (over $2.7 million recouped in 2011).
Free subscriptions to Sierra Sacramento Valley Medicine, SSVMS Medical Society News e-bulletin, and access to thousands of practice management, legal, and clinical resources and assistance. Members also receive discounts on everything from prescription pads to life insurance. For more information, contact SSVMS at (916) 452-2671,, or visit us online at or
V I S I T W W W. S S V M S . O R G
V I S I T W W W. S S V M S . O R G
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Inside CMA’s Center for Economic Services In a perfect world, the relationship between payor and physician would be a simple one. Physicians’ claims, on-‐time and absent even the simplest coding error, would trickle out to payors, while reimbursement would flow back in without issue. Each side would have a full understanding of the other’s needs, and confusion would almost never arise. Unfortunately, as any physician can tell you, the world is far from a perfect place. Instead, today’s reimbursement process forces providers to navigate complex coding systems, evolving electronic health record requirements and a myriad of other complications that go hand-‐in-‐hand with practicing modern medicine. As a result, even the most efficient practice may have to deal with a denial rate of somewhere around 15 to 20 percent, according to some estimates. Luckily, somewhere in this world of confusion, thousands of physicians across the state have found a place to turn for help. Since 1999, the California Medical Association’s Center for Economic Services (CES) has been offering one-‐on-‐one assistance for member physicians struggling with reimbursement issues. Boasting more than 125 years of combined medical practice operations, the team at CES fields calls from practices across California, handling everything from individual payment questions to more widespread problems that can lead to hundreds – or in some cases thousands – of claim being denied. More than just a staff at your average help-‐line, however, the team of practice management experts at CES is committed to getting results, and has been doing so in impressive fashion. Two years ago, the CES staff posted a then-‐record-‐breaking year in which they recouped more than $2.7 million from payors on behalf of their members. In 2011, they topped that figure, with the latest count totaling over $2.8 million. The figure may grow larger as the year rolls on, as several cases open in 2011 are still awaiting final resolution. For the more than 1,300 different practices that called upon CES’ services last year, knowing that a team of qualified advocates is willing to act on their behalf provides a welcome sense of security. “Our goal is to take the noise out of the system so that the physician can actually go back to practicing medicine,” said Jodi Black, Senior Director with CES who has spent the last seven years serving as an advocate for California physicians. Black, along with her colleagues Frank Navarro, Mark Lane, Michele Kelly, Kris Marck and Jennifer Williams, make up the team at CES, and are responsible for delivering one of the most immediate and tangible benefits offered by CMA.
INSIDE CMA’S CENTER FOR ECONOMIC SERVICES DESCRIPTION: A feature length article on CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES) and the amazing work they do for our members. Can be provided pre-designed for your publication reprint or as an editable text file. 2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement Spread 17” x 11” Page 8.5” x 11” 05/01/2012 EXPIRES: N/A 5 1,471 22
Not sure about the law? Contact the CMA Legal Information Line When a patient's family member asked José A. Arévalo, M.D., to intervene at the skilled nursing facility where his patient was living, he wasn’t quite sure what the patient’s rights were under the law. “There was new leadership at the facility,” explained Dr. Arévalo, a board-certified family physician and Senior Medical Director of Sutter Independent Physicians since 2003. “The patient was told that she would only be able to see the medical director for the facility, instead of her established physician.” Dr. Arévalo called the California Medical Association (CMA) Legal Information Line because he was uncertain about what rights the patient had in choosing a doctor in a skilled nursing facility and had concerns about continuity of care. A CMA member for 20 years, Dr. Arévalo had used the Legal Information Line before. “This is a tremendous resource. I knew they would have an answer for me.” The Legal Information Line and its staff will research and provide information to address just about any legal-related question from a CMA member. A wealth of information Every day, CMA member physicians and their staff contact CMA’s Legal Information Line with a wide range of legal issues they face in their practices, such as the formation of physician practice models, medical staff and peer review, managed care, reimbursement and office staff issues. The Legal Information Line is staffed by CMA’s Center for Legal Affairs, which assists members by providing them with resources and information on applicable laws. Many of the inquiries can be answered with information available in CMA’s health law library, CMA ON-CALL. CMA ON-CALL is a comprehensive legal resource that is updated annually by CMA attorneys and available free to members at the CMA website, It contains information on current laws, regulations and court decisions related to medical practice. For example, a common question on the Legal Line is: “How long do I have to keep a patient’s medical record?” CMA staff can e-mail or direct a member to a CMA ON-CALL document that discusses statutory record retention requirements, recommended retention periods, options for record management, as well as record destruction requirements. See CMA ON-CALL document #1160, “Retention of Medical Records.” Some Legal Line inquiries, however, are more complex. “Many of these questions are not straightforward,” said Samantha Pellón, CMA’s health law information specialist who has staffed the Legal Information Line for the past four and a half years. “I will often ask a lot of questions to get enough information about a certain situation so I can refer members to the right resource or do more in-depth research.” Pellón, who is set to begin a Masters in Public Health at
NOT SURE ABOUT THE LAW? DESCRIPTION: A feature length article on CMA’s Center for Legal Affairs and the amazing work they do for our members. Can be provided pre-designed for your publication reprint or as an editable text file. 2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement Spread 17” x 11” Page 8.5” x 11” 07/01/2012 EXPIRES: N/A 4 1,356 23
CMA Center for Economic Services Webinars At-‐A-‐Glance
Please note that this calendar does not include CMA’s ICD-‐10 training courses to be offered in 2012.
March 7: Managing Difficult Employees and Reducing Conflict in the Practice Debra Phairas • 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. Very few medical or business schools teach hands-‐on human resources management skills and techniques. This information-‐packed workshop will teach you the secrets of how to lead, coach and manage difficult employees; set practice values; and reduce conflict in the practice. March 21: HIPAA Update 2012 David Ginsberg • 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. Are you compliant with HIPAA? Many new rules have been put in place including a major update on HIPAA and the HITECH Act. This webinar provides instruction on how to achieve compliance with these new rules as well as compliance with the existing HIPAA Privacy and Security rules and relevant California privacy laws. April 4: A Guide to Managing Upset and/or Difficult Patients Debra Phairas • 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. Handling difficult or upset patients is a learned customer service skill. Staff need specific training including role playing to feel confident in turning an unhappy patient into a happy one. Understanding the underlying emotions patients may be experiencing also brings empathy to successfully resolving issues. April 11: Medicare Audits: How and Why Palmetto GBA • 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. Learn more about the current medical review audits currently being conducted by Palmetto GBA, California's Medicare accounting contractor, including how they're being conducted and the reasons for this special study. April 18: Best Practices for Managing Your Accounts Receivable Mary Jean Sage • 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. Receiving maximum reimbursement with quick accounts receivable (AR) turnaround is a goal of every medical practice. Using AR reports effectively allows the billing department, manager and physician to keep on top of this consistently. April 23: California’s Public Health Insurance Programs Dana Henderson • 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. This session will provide a brief introduction to California's public health insurance programs. It will be a very high level overview of the programs broken down by population eligibility, including a short example of what it is like to navigate the public health insurance system. We will conclude with a short compare and contrast of the health system in Massachusetts and what lessons can be learned as we move forward into 2014. May 2: Medicare: Top 10 Claim and Documentation Errors That Cost Your Practice Money Kevin Garrick • 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. This webinar has been designed to provide guidance to you when you receive a denial (specifically, should you file a new claim or request an appeal). This webinar will address the most common reason/remark codes associated with each denial, as well as descriptions for each. Also, with each denial, an explanation will be provided to assist you with resolving the denials and avoiding them in the future. Visit for forthcoming registration information. Webinars are FREE for CMA members, $99 for non-‐members. Questions? CMA Member Help Center: 800.786.4262 Please note: this calendar is subject to change. Visit for updates.
WEBINARS DESCRIPTION: A two Page advertisement promoting CMA’s Educational/Webinar offerings. This ad is frequently updated for your publication use.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement Spread 17” x 11” Page 8.5” x 11” N/A EXPIRES: N/A 4 N/A 24
Fran Cain WiFi – The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
WiFi – The Good, the Bad, the Ugly By Fran Cain Information Technology Department NORCAL Mutual Insurance Company and the NORCAL Group Have you considered introducing a wireless network to your practice? Commonly known as WiFi, which is a reference to the WiFi Alliance, wireless access to the Internet may be a boon for tech-‐savvy, iPad-‐ toting patients waiting to be seen. Office staff may also benefit from a WiFi network. But before you install that wireless access point, or even if you already have, there are some risks to be aware of. The Good: WiFi Is a Great Tool. With WiFi it becomes possible for physicians and other healthcare providers to operate a laptop or mobile device such as an iPad or smart phone from many locations without needing Ethernet cables. The result is untethered freedom to access the Internet or local network. In the home or office, it is inexpensive and easy to set up. WiFi is becoming a standard for Internet access at coffee shops, parks, hotels and airports. Public areas with WiFi are known as hotspots. WiFi is fast compared to the stodgy cellular network. Your smartphone or iPad can tap into the home or office wireless router, or a local hotspot, to increase the speed of Internet browsing. WiFi is convenient because most laptops and mobile devices, smartphones, and even printers come pre-‐equipped with wireless cards. In the home or office, Internet service from a provider such as Comcast or AT&T is required for Internet access. But there is no extra charge for adding WiFi, beyond the purchase price of the router. Coffee shops, airports, etc., with hotspots may charge for WiFi access. Simply enter a credit card number at the prompt to log on for a specified time period, usually an hour or a day. The Bad: WiFi Can be Risky Hotspots are generally not encrypted. While connected to an unencrypted hotspot, your laptop or mobile device becomes relatively easy to hack. Therefore, protected health information and personal health records stored on the hard drive or transmitted over the WiFi connection can be accessed by intruders, as can such information as your credit card number. Similarly, WiFi in the home or office network which is not properly configured renders computers vulnerable to hacking and viruses. The Ugly: What Can Happen if You Are Compromised Free hacking tools are readily available to anyone desiring to compromise a WiFi connection. An ingenious hacker who has gained access to your computer might insert viruses such as trojans just because it’s possible. A hacker could make private, sensitive or legally protected information public, in the way the hackers known as Anonymous published confidential government papers. Or they can plant
CUT THE CORD AND YOU COULD BE CUTTING YOUR SAFETY LINE DESCRIPTION: A feature length article on IT safety provided by NORCAL Insurance. Can be provided pre-designed for your publication reprint or as an editable text file.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement Spread 17” x 11” Page 8.5” x 11” 07/01/2012 EXPIRES: N/A 4 1,269 25
Selling your practice to a hospital-based integrated delivery system The decision to sell a medical practice to an integrated delivery system (IDS), including management service organizations (MSO) or physician-hospital organizations (PHO), is a complex one. Physicians should try to maximize three things in this negotiation: (1) net income over the next 10 or more years, (2) control, and (3) flexibility to pursue other avenues if the IDS is unsuccessful. Questions physicians should ask when joining an IDS include: • • • • •
Do I need the hospital's money in order to achieve my practice goals? How much do I need? Is the hospital the best source of funds? Will I end up repaying some or all of the money to the hospital? (consider management fees) What controls or other concessions will the hospital demand for its money?
Physicians should retain their own, independent legal and financial advisors to help guide them through the complex process of forming and joining an IDS. Who is the buyer? Because of the prohibitions against the corporate practice of medicine, private inurement and kickbacks, the identity of the purchaser can have a significant impact upon the terms of the purchase. The most common form of transaction is for a lay entity to buy the tangible assets of a physician's or medical group's practice. In almost all cases, a professional corporation owned by at least one California physician offers the physician, or physician members of a medical group, an individual employment agreement. Physicians may or may not be offered shareholder status within the professional corporation. What is being purchased? Is the physician selling his or her practice assets (such as furniture, fixtures and equipment) or stock – assuming the physician is professionally incorporated? (Please note that a PHO, MSO or "foundation" cannot purchase the stock of a professional medical corporation. The stock can only be sold to another professional medical entity.) Purchasers generally prefer to buy assets rather than stock in order to avoid assuming the selling physician's liabilities. Whether the physician's accounts receivable will be purchased can be a tricky issue in part because of the problem of valuing the receivables. In some cases, the receivables are not purchased; in others, physicians are required to turn over their receivables in order to help finance the start-up costs of the IDS. Finally, will the physician be paid anything for goodwill? What is the purchase price?
SELLING YOUR PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: A feature length article on “Selling your Practice”. Can be provided pre-designed for your publication reprint or as a editable text file.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement Spread 17” x 11” Page 8.5” x 11” N/A EXPIRES: N/A 4 N/A 26
WHAT IS THE BAR? The bar on the corporate practice of medicine prohibits lay individuals, organizations and corporations from hiring or employing physicians, or from otherwise interfering with a physician’s practice of medicine. It also prohibits these lay professionals from engaging in the business of providing health care services by contracting with health care professionals to provide those services. The corporate practice ban does not apply to physician partnerships or professional medical corporations because they are controlled by physicians (Business and Professions Codes §2052 and 2400).
CAN HOSPITALS EMPLOY PHYSICIANS? The California Attorney General has concluded that hospitals may not employ physicians to provide professional services. For example, to the extent a pathologist practices medicine (i.e., prescribes, diagnoses, etc.) as a hospital laboratory director, the nonprofessional corporate laboratory that employs the pathologist is unlawfully engaged in the practice of medicine. To prevent violating the bar, doctors who work in hospitals form physician groups that enter into contracting agreements with hospitals. The medical group is responsible for paying the physicians’ salaries, not the hospital. Conversely, the medical staff at the hospital is responsible for granting practice privileges and for oversight of that emergency room physician or pathologist.
ARE THERE OTHER WAYS TO where it appears that the lay entity is Physicians can enter into contracts LEGALLY CIRCUMVENT THE controlling the practice of medicine. to provide services at a hospital, but CORPORATE BAR? For example, an appellate court the ability for physicians to share No. Lay entities have attemptedcondemned the formation of “straw revenue with a hospital is also limited. to circumvent the corporate bar by man” corporations as an attempt This can only be done as long as a engaging physicians in various types to facilitate compliance with the physician’s independent contract of business arrangements, but these corporate practice bar. In this case, with a hospital does not impair the strategies are still illegal. For example, physician owners “friendly” with a physician’s freedom of action, and the a lay entity/hospital might agree hospital to held 58 percent interest in a compensation received by the hospital handle all business decisions andmedical employ corporation. Their interest, is commensurate with its expenses a physician handle all clinical decisions. however, was held in trust for the incurred in connection with furnishing However, it is difficult if not impossible hospital. The court concluded the facilities and services rendered. If to isolate “purely business” decisions that the hospital was engaged in the payments to the hospital exceed the those affecting the quality of care the unlawful corporate practice of actual value of services rendered, thisAccordingfrom to the California Medical patients. medicine. thedelivered followingto“business” would be considered fee splitting andBoard, is or “management” decisions and illegal. For example, the purchase activities resulting in control over of a piece of radiological equipment could be looked the physician’s practice of medicine as a purely business consideration WHAT ARE THE PENALTIES should beat made by a physician grossofbilling to be generated, FOR VIOLATING THE licensed in(cost, the State California ARE THERE EXCEPTIONS? and employee needs) CORPORATE PRACTICE BAR? an unlicensed person or or a medical Yes. Under limited circumstances, and not byspace Individuals who are not licensed entity: decision (type of equipment needed, a hospital may directly employ a scope of practice, skill levels required as physicians or entities that physician: byofthe operatorsmedical of the equipment and in the corporate practice of engage Ownership a patient’s medical ethics) or by an of can be found guilty of a records, including determining theamalgammedicine Teaching hospitals: Business & misdemeanor. Any person found contents. both. Professions Code §2401 allows a clinic guilty of a misdemeanor can be operated primarily for the purpose addition from punished by a fine of $200 to $1,200, (hiring/firing as itprohibiting lay entities of medical education by a private or Selection In taking outright control overor by imprisonment for a term of clinical competency public nonprofit university medical relates to from traditional medical decisions, California 60-180 days, or by both fine and or proficiency) of professional, school to charge for professional presumes that certain imprisonment. If the practice risks physician law extender and allied healthbusiness services for “teaching patients” rendered arrangements can result in the laygreat bodily harm, serious illness by physicians who hold academic staff. control of the practice of medicine or and death, the violator is subject appointments on the faculty. As long automatically prohibits most lay to entities imprisonment for a term not arrangements as the facility is used primarily for theSetting contractual from, among exceeding one year. with third-party payors.other things: purpose of medical education and the services are for “teaching patients,” ancoding economic net Physicians who violate the corporate Decisions Having regarding andinterest in the employment is authorized. profits offor a medical and/or practice bar by entering into billing procedures patient practice, care agreements that violate the law can Hospital districts: The Legislature services. Contracting with physicians on an be charged with aiding and abetting created an exemption for hospital or of independent an unlicensed person to engage of the selection medical contract districts to employ physicians under Approval employment basis for the provision of medicalin the practice of medicine. This for the medical practice. extremely narrow circumstances. equipment services. activity constitutes unprofessional conduct, which can result in loss of Extreme caution should be taken if a County hospitals: The laws prohibiting a lay entity has a financial licensure. hospital isIftrying to integrate medical interest the corporate practice of medicine do in a physician’s “bottom line,” then a “friendly” not apply to counties given the broadpractices through a direct interest physician the whoentity has ahas majority stock in in and “police powers” granted to them. Thus, to control the medical side of the corporation. An affiliated counties may employ physicians. a medical ability business, such ascan how the For more information, see CMA professional corporation be many hours physician work, what medications medical-legal document #0280, used by hospitals towill circumvent thecourts physician purchase, and “Corporate what Practice of Medicine Bar.” the bar. The and may attorney type ofcan medical general’s office and dotechnology find such should be utilized. This is illegal. arrangements in violation of the bar
FAQs: The bar on the corporate practice of medicine What is the bar? The bar on the corporate practice of medicine prohibits lay individuals, organizations and corporations from hiring or employing physicians, or from otherwise interfering with a physician’s practice of medicine. It also prohibits these lay professionals from engaging in the business of providing health care services by contracting with health care professionals to provide those services. The corporate practice ban does not apply to physician partnerships or professional medical corporations because they are controlled by physicians (Business and Professions Codes §2052 and 2400). Can hospitals employ physicians? The California Attorney General has concluded that hospitals may not employ physicians to provide professional services. For example, to the extent a pathologist practices medicine (i.e., prescribes, diagnoses, etc.) as a hospital laboratory director, the nonprofessional corporate laboratory that employs the pathologist is unlawfully engaged in the practice of medicine. To prevent violating the bar, doctors who work in hospitals form physician groups that enter into contracting agreements with hospitals. The medical group is responsible for paying the physicians’ salaries, not the hospital. Conversely, the medical staff at the hospital is responsible for granting practice privileges and for oversight of that emergency room physician or pathologist. Physicians can enter into contracts to provide services at a hospital, but the ability for physicians to share revenue with a hospital is also limited. This can only be done as long as a physician's independent contract with a hospital does not impair the physician's freedom of action, and the compensation received by the hospital is commensurate with its expenses incurred in connection with furnishing the facilities and services rendered. If the payments to the hospital exceed the actual value of services rendered, this would be considered fee splitting and is illegal. Are there exceptions? Yes. Under limited circumstances, a hospital may directly employ a physician: •
Teaching hospitals: Business & Professions Code §2401 allows a clinic operated primarily for the purpose of medical education by a private or public nonprofit university medical school to charge for professional services for “teaching patients” rendered by physicians who hold academic appointments on the faculty. As long as the facility is used primarily for the purpose of medical education and the services are for "teaching patients," employment is authorized.
Hospital districts: The Legislature created an exemption for hospital districts to employ physicians under extremely narrow circumstances.
FAQS: THE BAR ON THE CORPORATE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE DESCRIPTION: A feature length article on “The Corporate Bar”. Can be provided pre-designed for your publication reprint or as a editable text file.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement Page 8.5” x 11” 05/01/2012 EXPIRES: N/A 3 1,071 27
Embracing Media In Your Practice With implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) right around the corner, along with tumultuous times currently in the practice of medicine, physicians are left with a grim outlook for the future. In general, the practice of medicine has been dramatically affected by the state and federal budget problems. All this translates into a significant adaptation that physicians must implement in order to survive. Those physicians that can adapt quickly as the changes come their way are the ones that will succeed. It is survival of the fittest. Among these changes are taking advantage of the power of having your own website, using Electronic Medical Records (EMR), plus implementation of social networking. As testament to this, the usage of social media grew 50 percent in the last year, particularly with doctors aged 45-54 where usage has tripled. How does one get started? I feel the first question to ask yourself is what motivates you to create a website or involve your practice in social networking? Is it for marketing? For better patient-physician communication? Or both? My goal in establishing a website was to better serve my patients and to keep up with the changing times. Initially, I hired a marketing company that thoroughly interviewed me to learn my strengths, and establish a brand based on my unique background. This information was then incorporated into the establishment of my website. Just as with building a house, the process is quite detail oriented and each step must be reworked thoroughly until it satisfies your needs. Within the website, I not only have provided information about my practice, but also educational information to help patients better understand their disease process. I knew I had done a good job with this when a nutritionist at a local hospital told me that when searching for optimum diabetic care and education, she was able to find it on my website. Such a website can also be used by patients to schedule appointments, as well as send confidential information to their providers. All of this can be interfaced with the practice’s EMR to better serve the patients. Forms can be filled out by potential patients prior to consultation, thus reducing wait time at the office. With Accountable Care Organizations just around the corner and the government pushing for more transparency, the EMR is becoming a must for all practices to such a degree that if a practice does not implement EMR within next couple of years, they risk losing bonus money from the government. In addition, my website has links to my practice on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and in blogs – all of which I am presently in the process of developing. Let us examine these four social networks that could be used for medical social networking. Each functions in
EMBRACING MEDIA IN YOUR PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: A short (filler) article on “Embracing Media In Your Practice”. Can be provided pre-designed for your publication reprint or as a editable text file.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 8.5” x 11” 07/01/2012 EXPIRES: N/A 4 1,252 28
CASE STUDY: Situation: A patient arrives in the ER having injured his toe while using his lawnmower. The ER physician determines the wound is not severe and can be treated with antibiotics and local care and contacts the on-call orthopedic surgeon. Challenge: The ER physician verbally describes the wound and what is shown in the Xrays to the orthopedic surgeon. The orthopedist is unsure having just had a patient who lost his toe due to necrosis as a result of getting lost to follow-up. He must determine whether to accept the ER diagnosis or drive to the ER and see the patient in person. Solution using DocBookMD: Due to his recent experience with a patient losing a toe, the orthopedist requests X-rays and photos of the wound be sent to him on his smartphone using the iPad that the ER had recently purchased for DocBook use. Within a few minutes, the orthopedist determines the wound was as reported by the ER physician and did not require that the patient be seen by the specialist. Results: The patient was released from the ER much quicker and received the most appropriate care. The orthopedist could be sure the wound was not severe and did not require him to see the patient in the ER. The orthopedist avoided an unnecessary trip to ER and was able to continue participation in his family event. Submitted by: Dr. A, orthopedic surgeon and trauma specialist, Austin TX
DOCBOOK CASE STUDY 1 DESCRIPTION: A DocBookMD Case Study for promoting the usage of this member-exclusive app. Can be provided pre-designed for your publication reprint or as an editable text file.
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Case Study
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mun i c a te c ol la b orat e
A patient arrives at the pulmonologist’s office with arrhythmia of unknown onset and duration. The pulmonologist diagnoses A.fib with RVR and advises the patient to go to the ER for a work-up in the hospital.
The pulmonologist contacts the cardiologist at the hospital to facilitate admission of his patient. The ER is notified that the patient is en route. The ER physician examines the patient and orders a repeat EKG. Upon review of the EKG, the ER physician diagnoses supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) and asks for the on-call cardiologist to be paged.
SITUATION: A patient arrives at the pulmonologist’s office with
Nearly 15 minutes later, the ER physician and the cardiologist consult by phone to discuss the EKG results. The cardiologist must determine whether to admit the patient to the hospital for invasive treatment or allow the ER doctor to medically manage the patient without being seen by the cardiologist.
SOLUTION USING DocBookMD: The ER physician sends the EKG image directly to the cardiologist for review. Within minutes, the SVT diagnosis is confirmed and the ER physician is able to chemically cardiovert using Adenosine.
Submitted by: Dr. S., Emergency Medicine, Austin TX For more information: (512) 468 2070
arrhythmia of unknown onset and duration. The pulmonologist RESULTS: diagnoses A.fib with RVR and The patient was thrilled to advises the patient to go to the ER
be discharged quickly with for a work-up in the hospital. an outpatient appointment for cardiology/EP followup. Time and money CHALLENGE: were The pulmonologist contacts the saved, and much better cardiologist at the hospital to facilitate patient care was achieved.
The ER physician sends the EKG image directly to the cardiologist for review. Within minutes, the SVT diagnosis is confirmed and the ER physician is able to chemically cardiovert using Adenosine.
admission of his patient. The ER is notified that the patient is en route. The ER physician examines the patient and orders a repeat EKG. Upon review of the EKG, the ER
RESULTS: The patient was thrilled to be discharged quickly with an outpatient appointment for cardiology/EP follow-up.
physician diagnoses supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) and asks for the on-call cardiologist to be paged. Nearly 15 minutes later, the ER physician and the cardiologist consult
Time and money were saved, and much better patient care was achieved.
by phone to discuss the EKG results. The cardiologist must determine whether to admit the patient to the hospital for invasive treatment or allow SAN JOAQUIN PHYSICIAN the 39 ER doctor to medically manage the patient without being seen by the cardiologist.
Submitted by: Dr. S., Emergency Medicine, Austin TX
For more information: (512) 468 2070
DOCBOOK CASE STUDY 2 DESCRIPTION: A DocBookMD Case Study for promoting the usage of this member-exclusive app. Can be provided pre-designed for your publication reprint or as an editable text file.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement 8.5” x 11” 07/01/2012 EXPIRES: N/A 1 220 30
2:25 PM
for all your
key expectations of participating practices
ember of the San Joaquin Medical Association, you’re privy to an exclusive —Financial Center Credit Union membership for you and your staff !
me when the safety and soundness of funds is at the forefront of everyone’s Financial Center membership is the perfect prescription for of-mind. Voted Best Of San Joaquin, Financial Center is the most trusted union in the Valley. Time and time again, we offer our members the lowest n their loans as well as the safest place to save their money.
the doctor’s orders and call us today. And don’t forget to pass this message our staff – they (and their wallets!) will thank you.
entail the following commitment: Are in a practice with < 6 physicians
CMA Foundation Kicks Off New Project to Help Physicians Improve Diabetes Care in San Joaquin
To learn more about this stamp please visit:
CMA Foundation Kicks Off New Project to
Help Physicians Improve Diabetes Care in San Joaquin County The California Medical Association (CMA) Foundation is pleased to announce a new project, Teaming Up for Healthy Hearts, which addresses the ongoing concerns with diabetes and cardiovascular disease in San Joaquin County. San Joaquin County has the 3rd highest diabetes-related mortality rate and the 4th highest mortality rate attributed to coronary heart disease according to 2011 data from the California Department of Public Health.1 The CMA Foundation, the San Joaquin Medical Society and the California Diabetes Program have teamed up with several partners in efforts to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease and improve outcomes among underserved patients with type 2 diabetes in the County. Teaming Up for Healthy Hearts is a multi-year project that aims to strengthen the capacity of the care team to improve the delivery and management of diabetes care.
The project encourages the formation of multidisciplinary teams based on existing, local resources to support patient self management efforts. Training and technical assistance will be provided to approximately 20 solo and small group practices that provide care to Medi-Cal patients. Physicians will be provided with opportunities for clinical education to improve adherence to diabetes standards of care. Medical assistants will receive training to assist physicians in the care of patients with diabetes. Finally, the project will identify and strengthen patient referrals to self-care services provided by certified diabetes educators, case managers, pharmacists and other care team members in the community. On Thursday February 2, 2012, the CMA Foundation accepted an invitation to present the project goals and objectives to the San Joaquin Medical Society’s Public Health Committee. This was an excellent opportunity to generate enthusiasm for the project, provide feedback on the overarching strategies, and discuss areas in which there are opportunities to collaborate with other ongoing diabetes programs in the County. We look forward to a continued partnership with the San Joaquin Medical Society and partnering with local physicians to strengthen the delivery of care provided to patients with diabetes. We invite physicians who can champion this project in their practice to please contact Julie Vedolla-Fuentes at (916) 779-6624 or
Federally insured by the NCUA. SPRING 2012
Provide care toCounty Medicaid beneficiaries
The California Medical Association (CMA) Foundation is pleased to announce a new project, Teaming Up for Healthy Hearts, which addresses the ongoing concerns with diabetes and cardiovascular disease in
Can report A1c, San Joaquin County. San Joaquin County has the 3rd highest diabetes-‐related mortality rate and the 4th blood pressure,highest mortality rate attributed to coronary heart disease according to 2011 data from the California i cholesterol andDepartment smoking of Public Health. The CMA Foundation, the San Joaquin Medical Society and the California Diabetes Program have teamed up with several partners in efforts to reduce the burden of cardiovascular status data on disease and improve outcomes among underserved patients with type 2 diabetes in the County. 35 patients every six months over two years Up for Healthy Hearts is a multi-‐year project that aims to strengthen the capacity of the care Teaming
team to improve the delivery and management of diabetes care. The project encourages the formation of
multidisciplinary teams based on existing, local resources to support patient self management efforts. Medical assistant or other Training and technical assistance will be provided to approximately 20 solo and small group practices office staff participation that provide care to Medi-‐Cal patients. Physicians will be provided with opportunities for clinical in diabetes team care education to improve adherence to diabetes standards of care. Medical assistants will receive training to training assist physicians in the care of patients with diabetes. Finally, the project will identify and strengthen patient referrals to self-‐care services provided by certified diabetes educators, case managers,
pharmacists and other care team members in the community. Physician participation in clinical education On Thursday February 2, 2012, the CMA Foundation accepted an invitation to present the project goals opportunities and objectives to the San Joaquin Medical Society’s Public Health Committee. This was an excellent
opportunity to generate enthusiasm for the project, provide feedback on the overarching strategies, and
discuss areas in which there are opportunities to collaborate with other ongoing diabetes programs in “Because solo and small the County. group practices are such We look forward to a continued partnership with the San Joaquin Medical Society and partnering with local physicians to strengthen the delivery of care provided to patients with diabetes. a vital component of the health care safety We inet, nvite physicians who can champion this project in their practice to please contact Julie Vedolla-‐ we are pleasedFuentes to workat (916) 779-‐6624 or jvedolla-‐ Key expectations of participating practices with these practices in entail the following commitment: • to Are in a practice with < 6 physicians San Joaquin County • Provide care to Medicaid beneficiaries address diabetes care,” •
Can report A1c, blood pressure, cholesterol and smoking status data on 35 patients every six
said Carol Lee, President months over two years and CEO of the CMA • Medical assistant or other office staff participation in diabetes team care training • Physician participation in clinical education opportunities Foundation.
“Because solo and small group practices are such a vital component of the health care safety net, we are pleased to work with these practices in San Joaquin County to address diabetes care,” said Carol Lee, President and CEO of the CMA Foundation.
California County Health Status Profiles, 2011 (‐County-‐Health-‐Status-‐ Profiles-‐2011)
CMA FOUNDATION PROJECT HIGHIGHTS DESCRIPTION: Short (filler) articles on various CMAF Programs. Can be provided pre-designed for your publication reprint or as an editable text file. These change frequently so call CMS Services for the latest one. 2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement Spread 17” x 11” Page 8.5” x 11” N/A EXPIRES: N/A 1 470 31
Ambulatory Care Review Program
INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL QUALITY ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
221 Main Street, Suite 210, San Francisco, CA 94105 · Tel: 415/882-5151 · Fax: 415/882-5149
The Institute for Medical Quality (IMQ) is the quality arm of the CMA. Since January 1996, IMQ has helped improve the quality of care delivered to patients in California through a range of accreditation, certification, educational and consultative activities. The true strength of our programs are the hundreds of physicians who participate as surveyors, educators, committee and Board members. Their unwavering commitment to medical professionalism is a point of pride for organized medicine. IMQ is expanding its impact on medical professionalism through multiple arenas. IMQ’s Ambulatory Care Review Program, which accredits a wide range of outpatient settings, including surgery centers, occupational health centers, medical offices/medical groups and others, is recognized by various state regulatory bodies and insurance carriers, and accredits facilities in states throughout the country. A growing network of physicians serve as surveyors and consultants to help facilities provide the best care possible. With funding from The Physicians’ Foundation, IMQ joins with the UCSD PACE Program to offer a Platinum Level Training Program for Medical Staff Leaders annually. The program uses interactive teaching modalities to help physicians develop critical skills and acquire useful information. IMQ offers peer review consultations and tailors medical staff consultations to address the topics and concerns requested by medical staffs and groups. All physicians can save time and stress by using IMQ’s CME Certification Program to track CME hours in accordance with Medical Board of California (MBC) requirements. By enrolling in this program, physicians can avoid the potential hassle of undergoing an audit by the MBC. Consolidated Accreditation and Licensure Survey Program The Joint Commission, the Department of Public Health (DPH), and IMQ jointly survey acute care hospitals for accreditation and licensure. IMQ’s participation assures that a physician participates on the survey. Ethics and Professionalism Program Addresses the legal and ethical dimensions of medical practice in California and introduces participants to a range of resources. Courses available for physicians and pharmacists. Corrections and Detentions Program IMQ accredits medical programs in juvenile halls and jails, and offers Title 15 compliance surveys to correctional facilities. Continuing Medical Education IMQ accredits providers of CME and offers education and consultation to assist these providers. Education IMQ offers a broad range of educational programs on CME, medical staff issues, and quality care. Please take a moment to explore our website and consider getting involved with IMQ. Our staff is happy to answer any questions. All of us at IMQ hope to welcome you as a new participant in the near future.
John A. Kusske, MD Chair, IMQ Board of Directors
The California Medical Association
The Institute for Medical Quality A subsidiary of the California Medical Association
Accredits a wide range of outpatient settings, including ambulatory surgery centers, occupational health centers, medical offices/medical groups and others. Recognized by MBC, insurance carriers, and many other states.
Consolidated Accreditation Licensure Survey Program
The Joint Commission, the Department of Public Health (DPH), and IMQ jointly survey acute care hospitals for accreditation and licensure.IMQ offers Pre-CALS and other educational programs for medical staff leaders.
Peer Review & Medical Staff Consultations
Provides on-site objective peer review of a physician’s clinical practice. Consultations provide on-site educational programs for medical staff on a range of topics.
Platinum Level Training Program for Medical Staff
A new program, funded by the Physicians Foundation, offered each March by IMQ and PACE, gives physicians practical knowledge and skills needed to successfully lead their medical staffs.
Corrections & Detentions Survey Program
Accredits medical programs in juvenile halls and jails. A new Membership program offers educational seminars, consultation and support services for medical teams, both on and off site.
CME Certification Program
Assists physicians in providing documentation of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ and tracking their CME credits for the new Medical Board requirement of 50 hours every 2 years.
Interested in a program or becoming a surveyor? Want more information about any program? Contact: (415) 882-5151
CME Accreditation Program
Accredits hospitals and organization in California to offer AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ for continuing medical educational activities. Conducts workshops and seminars for CME providers.
Ethics Program
Addresses the legal and ethical dimensions of medical practice in California and introduces participants to a range of resources. Attendees are referred by the Medical Board or their hospital medical staff.
INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL QUALITY DESCRIPTION: A two-page advertisement outlining the benefits of CMA’s subsidiary IMQ for your annual directory or magazine publication. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Directory Material/Magazine Advertisement Page 8.5” x 11” 07/01/2012 EXPIRES: N/A 2 735 32
MEMBERSHIP Our membership material includes pre-printed presentation-quality folders and brochures, custom-designed CMS brochures and flyers and quickly editable flyers for meetings. All files are available in both color and black and white PDF. Located on the website (once logged in) under Design Services > Membership Material. For custom sizing and changes please contact Sherry Roberts at
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
California Medical Association 1201 J Street #200 Sacramento, CA 95814
CMA California Medical Association
Membership 101 Did you know?
MEMBERSHIP 101 BROCHURE - CES DESCRIPTION: As an ongoing retention strategy, CMA is mailing this monthly series “Membership 101” to every new member and members who have joined during the past 3 years. Mail pieces are co-branded with the local CMS logo. To order extra copies contact CMS Services.
When you join CMA, you hire a powerful professional staff to protect the viability of your practice. By protecting your practice from legal, legislative, and regulatory intrusions, your CMA membership lets you focus on what’s really important: your patients.
cma benefits at your fing e rtips
Last year, CMA recouped over $2.8 million from payors on behalf of physician members. CMA provides one-on-one assistance to identify, prevent, and fight unfair payment practices.
Activate your CMA web account today to take advantage of professional resources, such as our resource library, free downloads, and more at
CMA staff is always here to serve you by calling (800) 786-4262.
Get the latest tools for negotiating contracts, billing issues, and more by utilizing our on-demand webinars at
CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES) is staffed by practice management experts with a combined experience of over 125 years in medical practice operations. Our goal is to empower physician practices by providing resources and guidance to improve the success of your practice.
When do I call CMA?
In both 2010 and 2011, CES successfully recouped over $2.7 million from payors on behalf of our physician members. Assistance ranges from coaching and education to direct intervention with payors or regulators.
CMA members can call on CMA’s practice management experts for oneon-one help with contracting, billing, and payment problems. If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, it might be time to call for help.
• Are your claims not being paid in a timely manner? • Are you not being paid according to your contract? • Do you need help with Medicare related issues? • Are your claims being denied after obtaining prior authorization?
di d you kn ow ? The Center for Economic Services recovered $2.8 million in reimbursements for CMA physicians. Learn more about this exclusive member benefit >
Membership Flyer 16” x 10” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
CMA’s General Counsel and Vice President
francisco silva
“CMA staff has the training and expertise to help your practice resolve complicated billing and contractual issues. We’re here to help practices become more effective advocates for physicians and patients and we’re always ready to intervene with the payor or regulator on the member’s behalf.”
Hear from CMA members... “Without question, CMA as our partner has become a welcome equalizer and even force-multiplier in our fight to try and ensure equitable treatment by payors. We hope all physicians recognize the value of CMA as we have... there is strength in numbers.”
roxanne hon, md cma member since 2010
• Are you receiving unreasonable requests for medical records or untimely requests for refunds? • Are you having difficulty obtaining fee schedules and/or payment rules? • Are your claims denied for timely filing? • Have you been presented with a managed care contract and you’re not sure if the terms are consistent with California law? • Have you done everything you can to resolve an issue with a payor, including appealing?
Access to CMA’s Center for Economic Services experts is a members-only benefit. CMA’s hotline: (800) 786-4262
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
“I can point to quite a few claims we had written off as unrecoverable – until the CMA stepped in and got us payment. The CMA has provided us with an invaluable service: Turning zero payment and no prospects into cash in the bank.”
lloyd m. kreiger, md cma member since 1995
“CMA’s Center for Economic Services provided invaluable contractual expertise for my practice. CMA’s staff reviewed a proposed contract from a large medical group, highlighting provisions that were not consistent with California law and regulations, and helped me develop a successful negotiation strategy.”
lynn jeffers, md
immediate past chair of cma’s young physicians section
communications with their patients, provides comprehensive guidelines for prevention and management of childhood obesity along with patient education resources to be used in the office and access to online resources to support their work. The Child and Adolescent Obesity Provider Toolkit provides these resources and more. It is available on the Foundation’s website at:
“The Child & Adolescent Obesity Provider Toolkit is a great asset for me in my daily encounters with pediatric patients with
weight problems. I use the toolkit to help
a t yo ur f inge r t ip s
explain BMI, the MyPlate food model, importance of exercise, and elimination of all sugary drinks. The Toolkit has all I need to work with my patients!”
dr. razia sheikh
cmaf obesity prevention physician champion
Did you know? With programs in disease prevention, immunization and education, the California Medical Association Foundation’s many programs help CMA physicians address critical issues within their practices and communities.
CMA Foundation is on the forefront of public health issues AWARE Program
HPV Vaccination
what happens when physicians, clinical leaders, public health organizations, health plans, consumer
what happens when cervical cancer survivors, public health stakeholders
and patient groups come together to esults. take on antibiotic resistance? Results.
within reach. Through an annual survey of barriers to HPV vaccination, the
and health care providers work together to increase HPV vaccination California? Cervical cancer free California – It’s not a dream – it is now Foundation is making it a reality that all girls will be vaccinated in California.
the appropriate use of antibiotics. In 2010 the AWARE compendia published by the Foundation was cited by the U.S. Department of Human and Health Services Agency as a Quality Tool extending the reach of the program beyond the state.
what do you get when you conduct health information technology (HIT) (major supporter of HIT adoption in California) and ethnic physicians? A group
what happens when the key players in
safety-net patients.
of tech savvy physicians able to take advantage of the federal stimulus package to bring HIT into their practices to serve
diabetes treatment are convened to discuss new developments? A stateof-the-art reference tool is published and made available to health care providers on the World Wide Web for free.
“This is the choice for the future. It is an “The compendium is an excellent resource
enhancement of communication between
success. I am honored to play a role in an
for all clinicians, consolidating a wealth
patient and doctor. With HIT I have a
effort that has kept antibiotics effective
of key diabetes-related information that
wealth of information at my fingertips.
and safeguarded the health of children
is regularly updated in one ‘go-to’ place.”
It’s easier and less time consuming to track
dean blumberg, m.d.
gordon l. fung, m.d., m.p.h., & ph.d.
nathan h. allen, m.d.
pediatric infectious disease specialist u.c. davis children’s hospital
director of cardiac service ucsf medical center, mount zion
diplomate american board of obstetrics and gynecology golden state medical association, capitol medical society
and adults in California.”
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Membership Flyer 18” x 9” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
Network of Ethnic Physician Organizations (NEPO) Health Information Technology
Diabetes Quality Improvement Project
“Sustained partnership is the backbone of the AWARE Project’s longevity and
outreach by partnering with CALHIPSO
AWARE, the Alliance Working for Antibiotic Resistance Education, initiated by the Foundation, is a longterm, statewide effort to promote
MEMBERSHIP 101 BROCHURE - CMAF DESCRIPTION: As an ongoing retention strategy, CMA is mailing this monthly series “Membership 101” to every new member and members who have joined during the past 3 years. Mail pieces are co-branded with the local CMS logo. To order extra copies contact CMS Services.
CMA staff is always here to serve you by calling (800) 786-4262.
resources that help them with their
California Medical Association 1201 J Street #200 Sacramento, CA 95814
other health care professionals with
Membership 101
tool that provides physicians and
CMA California Medical Association
Activate your CMA web account today at
childhood obesity? You get a clinical
c m a benef its
in multicultural health to address
taken from the well and it is our obligation to replenish it for those who follow us’.”
groups and those with expertise
medical director of perioperative services saint francis memorial hospital, san francisco
organizations, health plans, patient
admonition given to me years ago by Rolland Lowe, M.D.: ‘Remember that we have all
academic thought leaders, public health
h. hugh vincent, m.d.
together practicing physicians,
I have drunk deeply from the well that was filled by others before me. I try to live by the
what do you get when you bring
“I have had a happy successful life because of those who encouraged and nourished me.
Obesity Prevention
patient care and pertinent information.”
California Medical Association 1201 J Street #200 Sacramento, CA 95814
CMA California Medical Association
Membership 101
DESCRIPTION: As an ongoing retention strategy, CMA is mailing this monthly series “Membership 101” to every new member and members who have joined during the past 3 years. Mail pieces are co-branded with the local CMS logo. To order extra copies contact CMS Services.
CMA’s General Counsel and Vice President
francisco silva
“CMA’s legal team is dedicated to defending the House of Medicine from incursions, whenever they should arise. We believe that decision makers should be working with California’s physicians when crafting medical policy, and are ready to involve ourselves if and when your practices are threatened.”
cm a ben efi t s
Los Angeles ju dge blocks state bu to Medi-Cal pr dget cut oviders
at your fing ertips
Last year, CMA recouped over $2.8 million from payors on behalf of physician members. CMA provides one-on-one assistance to identify, prevent, and fight unfair payment practices.
Access valuable professional resources, including more than 4,500 pages of medical-legal documents, for free by visiting CMA’s Health Law Library at
CMA staff is always here to serve you by calling (800) 786-4262.
Get the latest tools for negotiating contracts, billing issues, and more by utilizing our on-demand webinars at
Did you know? CMA’s legal advocacy has won
CMA files amicus brief in support of Central Valley whistlebower [2/13/12]
huge victories for physicians and the patients we serve.
Given today’s complex system for crafting health care policy, it’s inevitable that major medical issues will sometimes be decided in the courtroom.
Membership Flyer 16” x 10” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
fighting to block cuts With California facing chronic financial problems, our legal team has been working to ensure that the state’s budget isn’t balanced on the backs of physicians and their patients.
Understanding this reality, CMA’s
In early February, CMA secured an injunction
Center for Legal Affairs stands ready
blocking a 10 percent cut to the Medi-Cal
to defend the rights of California
reimbursement rate as proposed in the
physicians in the courts, while also
governor’s budget. Had these cuts gone into
working to influence policy crafted
place, physicians across California would
by the Legislature, regulatory
have been asked to bear a roughly $623 million
agencies and the private sector.
financial burden.
Much of our involvement consists
The state is expected to appeal the decision, but
of amicus curiae or “friend of the
CMA’s legal is ready to continue fighting this
court” briefs filed in cases have
misguided measure.
the potential to affect the House of Medicine. These cases are often headed for the Court of Appeal
education as advocacy
or the Supreme Court, meaning their outcomes could be as equally
While ready to defend the rights of physicians
binding as statutes passed by the
in court, CMA’s legal team also works to provide
comprehensive education resources to our membership.
Other instances call for more direct, and impactful, involvement on our members behalf.
an historic campaign In 2000, believing that for-profit HMOs were using
Perhaps the largest of these resources, the California Physician’s Legal Handbook (CPLH)
“The state’s repeated attempts to slash Medi-Cal reimbursements have been halted, once again,” said James Hay, president of the California Medical Assn. [2/1/12]
consist of more than 4,500 pages of information, including the latest laws, regulations and court decisions affecting the practice of medicine.
fraud and other illegal activities to interfere with
Offered to non-members at a price of roughly
the physician-patient relationship, CMA filed civil racketeering (RICO) charges that would eventually lead
legal victories for physicians
$900, CPLH is made available to CMA members
In 2012, legal advocacy undertaken by the California Medical Association has resulted in a huge victory for both physicians and the patients we serve.
library also referred to as CMA ON-CALL.
free of charge through our on-line resource
to the largest class action health care lawsuit in the nation’s history. In all, more than 800,000 physicians, and 19 state and county medical societies, joined CMA, setting the stage for more than $585 million in monetary damages to be paid out through settlement agreements. The suit also forced insurers to make critical adjustments to their business practices, which were estimated to have saved physicians more than $1 billion over their first four years.
In January, District County Judge Christina Snyder issued her final ruling in the CMA-led lawsuit hoping to block the 10-percent reduction in Medi-Cal reimbursement rates. Because of our efforts, the cuts were enjoined, and California physicians were spared the devastating effects that the reductions would have undoubtedly brought.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
“While challenging policy in the courts is often looked at as a last resort, it’s also an unfortunate reality given today’s political climate. As long as our elected officials continue to view the medical profession as a place to make cuts and short-term fixes, we’ll continue to challenge the legality of their misguided actions.”
dr. james t. hay CMA President
California Medical Association 1201 J Street #200 Sacramento, CA 95814
California Medical Association Membership 101 Membership 101 – Governance What sets the California Medical Association (CMA) apart from other advocacy groups crowding the halls of capitol buildings in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.?
MEMBERSHIP 101 BROCHURE - GOVERNANCE DESCRIPTION: As an ongoing retention strategy, CMA is mailing this monthly series “Membership 101” to every new member and members who have joined during the past 3 years. Mail pieces are co-branded with the local CMS logo. To order extra copies contact CMS Services.
While others may share our profession, and even mirror our methods, they can’t match the fact the CMA is an organization led by those we work to represent. Every action, from the smallest internal policy to ambitious legislation aimed at affecting statewide change, is crafted and approved by the dedicated team of physician leaders that make up CMA’s governance structure. At CMA, we advocate for a health care delivery model that is physician-led. It only makes sense that our association be the same.
Membership 101 – Governance
Public Health Reference Committee meets during the 2011 House of Delegates
cma house of delegates
cma’s board of trustees
In order to provide the board with the policy direction needed for the upcoming year, CMA annually
Day-to-day governance of CMA is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees, a 50-member body consisting of
convenes its House of Delegates, where roughly 800 physicians – representing more than 35,000 CMA member physicians across the state – come together to set the course for the largest statewide medical organization in the nation.
the seven executive officers, elected representatives from CMA’s statewide geographic districts and trustees representing CMA’s various delegations and sections such as the Ethnic Medical Organizations Section and the Young Physician Section.
Through the House of Delegates, resolutions crafted by individual members work their way through
On matters requiring specific expertise, the board may call upon one of its standing committees or councils for
various committees and can eventually become governing policy for the association.
direction. Focused on issues ranging from legislative matters to ethical or disciplinary issues, these entities ensure that CMA’s most informed physicians play an active role in policy-shaping process.
physician led executive committee At the top of CMA’s hierarchy is its sevenmember executive committee, consisting of the association’s president, president-elect, speaker, vice-speaker and immediate past president. The chair and vice-chair of CMA’s Board of Trustees also serve as executive committee members.
California Medical Association Membership 101 This process preserves the value of the individual member’s voice and demonstrates CMA’s
commitment to its beginnings as a truly democratic organization.
These seven officers are often viewed as the collective face of the organization, and play a vital role in shaping policies that go on to direct CMA’s actions.
Membership Flyer 10.5” x 17” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
By collecting this spectrum of geographically diverse physicians – along with those representing different ethnicities, modes of practice and specialties – CMA’s Board of Trustees is able to implement policy that best represents the House of Medicine as a whole.
California Medical Association 1201 J Street #200 Sacramento, CA 95814
“It’s one thing to work on behalf of physicians.
Get Involved with CMA Governance today
“Officers and trustees are the ones
It’s an entirely different thing to work for
implementing policy throughout
them. At CMA, our members are the driving force behind our advocacy, constantly working to develop policy that will shape this
the year, but our actions depend on the direction we receive from our membership. Without our members,
organization for years to come.”
none of CMA’s success would be possible.”
dustin corcoran
james t. hay, m.d.
Chief Executive Officer
CMA President
Any member can help craft resolutions that result in CMA policy – even you. Contact your county medical association for information on how you can author a resolution for this year’s House of Delegates before the August 14 deadline.
c ma b e n e f i t s at yo u r f i n g e rt i ps Access valuable professional resources, including more than 4,500 pages of medical-legal documents, for free by visiting CMA’s Health Law Library at
CMA staff is always here to serve you by calling (800) 786-4262.
Activate your CMA account today at
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
for success. individual physicians speak up and are heard. The stronger we are, the greater the opportunity Organized medicine is strongest when more CMA
California Medical Association 1201 J Street #200 Sacramento, CA 95814
Become a CMA Advocate today!
CMA California Medical Association
Did you know?
Hundreds of physicians from throughout California advocate for our patients and our practice at CMA’s annual lobby day in April.
Membership 101
DESCRIPTION: As an ongoing retention strategy, CMA is mailing this monthly series “Membership 101” to every new member and members who have joined during the past 3 years. Mail pieces are co-branded with the local CMS logo. To order extra copies contact CMS Services. We believe that legislation promoting a healthy California will, in turn, benefit the state’s physicians. As a result, our team collaborates with state lawmakers to develop and craft legislation designed to advance the state’s public health. We’re actively working on your behalf, but your participation can help ensure our success. On April 17, CMA will continue a long history of physician involvement by hosting the 38th annual Legislative Leadership Conference in Sacramento. Considered to be our premier advocacy event, the conference will bring together
Physicians meet with State Senator Bill Berryhill (Modesto) at the 2011 Legislative Leadership Conference.
more than 500 physicians and medical students for a discussion on the latest health care issues facing both their profession and their practice.
Membership 101
Last year’s event proved a tremendous success, featuring keynote addresses by
ith a legislative team that
boasts some of most talented
lobbyists in the Capitol, CMA’s Center for Government Relations is aggressively working to promote your interests. While shielding your practice from
Did you know?
Gov. Jerry Brown and Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, followed by legislative briefings at the Capitol with physicians from our county medical societies meeting Legislators from throughout the state.
The upcoming conference will allow participants to meet with members of the Legislature, before being capped off with a keynote address from California Attorney General Kamala Harris.
unwarranted government incursions,
Hundreds of physicians from throughout that medical decisions are best made Governor Jerry Brown qualified physicians and their the keynote speaker California advocate for ourbypatients. patients and ourwas Through our advocacy, we for the 2011 Legislative hope to protect this vital relationship. practice at CMA’s annual lobby day in April.Leadership Conference. our team is guided by the philosophy
CMA California Medical Association Join the fight to protect medicine. Return this card today!
California Medical Association 1201 J Street #200 Sacramento, CA 95814
Membership Flyer 11” x 17” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 1
Assembly Speaker John Perez meets with medical students during Legislative Leadership Conference.
Become a CMA Advocate today! CMA PO BOX 2350 SACRAMENTO CA 95812-9924
“Critical issues affecting physicians and patients are debated and decided in the legislative arena at a fast and furious pace. Hearing from a physician with experience from the frontlines of medicine can make all the difference for a legislator facing a complicated health care issue.”
Organized medicine is strongest when more individual physicians speak up and are heard.
Did you know? CMA has some of the best lobbyists, lawyers and other advocates in the Capitol, but the most powerful weapon in advancing the cause of physicians and their patients is you.
cm a b e n e f it s at yo ur fin ge r t ip s
jodi hicks
cma vp, government relations
“The California Medical Association is the largest, most influential medical organization in California, and an aggressive advocate for doctors and patients. CMA relies on the involvement of its members to communicate the physician vision of medical care to the public, to lawmakers, and to the regulators who determine how medicine is practiced.
The stronger we are, the greater the opportunity for success.
“CMA’s Council on Legislation formulates policy recommendations on major issues poised to impact the field of medicine. Through regional, size-and-specialty-based, and at-large membership, the council allows physicians from a variety of backgrounds to take an active role in shaping CMA policy.
As a Legislative Key Contact, you’ll get all the latest information on legislation as it moves
“Members hoping to join the council should speak with their County Medical Society about receiving an endorsement before this year’s nomination deadline in May.
through the Capitol, as well as updates on ruth haskins, md elections and candidates running for office.
“Please fill out and return this card today, to get involved in CMA’s advocacy for California’s physicians and patients.”
chair, cma’s council on legislation
CMA will provide you with all the tools you need to quickly and effectively deliver your message to legislators, from talking points to sample letters.
You don’t have to be a political expert or know a legislator directly to serve as a Legislative Key Contact. CMA will
first name, last name
provide you with all the tools to deliver your message to legislators, from talking points to sample letters.
Activate your CMA web account today to take advantage of
email address
phone number
professional resources, such as on-demand webinars, our resource library, free downloads, and more at
CMA staff is always here to serve you by calling (800) 786-4262.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Please return to CMA today, or sign up at
What CMA has done for Medical Schools: Organized medicine’s commitment to the future of our field
What CMA has done for Radiologists:
• CMA, representing 35,000 physicians, influences public policy at the federal and state level.
Physician/Hospital Integration • CMA has worked to establish a close and cooperative working relationship with California Organized medicine’s Hospital Association (CHA).
commitment to the specialists within our ranks
- Currently partnered with CHA to oppose two union-sponsored, anti-hospital ballot initiatives.
• Join today to activate your personal web account at
What CMA has done for Hospitalists:
on bettering • Our internal physicians’ committee on “Organized Medicine” remains focused Working to Advance the Specialty CMA, representing 35,000 physicians, the working relationship•between hospital administration and medical staff. • The California Medical Association (CMA) has long supported the efforts of California’s Organized medicine’s commitment to protecting physician independence influences public policy at the federal and radiology community. Together, the two groups share many legislative priorities and have • We continue to protect and ensure MICRA’s limits are maintained to keep malpractice state level. both participated in the Alliance for Patient Care, a coalition of health care providers, rates steady and hospitals rates low. health plans, patient advocates and others working together to protect access to care in • Join today to activate your personal web Protecting the Physician-Patient Relationship California’s Medi-Cal (Medicaid) program. account at Reimbursement/Economic • CMA, representing 35,000 physicians, • For decades, CMA has been committed to protecting the practice of medicine from the Organized medicine’s commitment to women’s health CMAcut has workedinfluences closely with thepolicy radiology community amendments • Recently, • CMA is CMA only ahas, phone call again, away! Our public at the federal and to obtaininfluence • Through tireless legal advocacy, once stopped a 10 percent Medi-Cal of the corporate bottom line. live-person call center is available reporting requirements on physicians who perform to Senate Bill 1538, whichstate places to physicians and hospitals. • CMA continues to defend California’s bar on the corporate practice of medicine, Mon-Fri during business hours at mammogram screenings• on dense tissue. Joinwomen today towith activate yourbreast personal web - Including patient co pays800-786-4262. of $50 per ER visit, per $100 in-patient stay. preventing the promise of profits from trumping physician judgment. Working to Advance the Specialty medicalatspecialties, including radiology, in opposition • CMA has led a coalition ofaccount • CMA stopped a 22 percent Medicare payment cut that would have discriminated against • CMA, representing 35,000 physicians, • The California Medical Association (CMA) has long strengthened the work of the American Peer Review of the proposal to convert the Workers Compensation Fee Schedule to a • CMA is only a phone call away!Physician Our Organized medicine’s commitment to the specialists within our ranks California physicians and its medical institutions. influencescorrective public policy at theand federal andforms of peer Congress CMA supports ongoing evaluation, action other review of to Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), with the two organizations sharing resource-based relative value scale fee Doing so would have •a significant live-person call schedule. center is available state level. many legislative priorities and both participating in the Alliance for Patient Care. duringprovided business by hours at impact on reimbursementMon-Fri for services radiologists, and CMA improve is activelypatient safety and the quality of patient care. Dedicated Physician Advocates 800-786-4262. • Join today to activate your personal web working to present alternatives to this scenario. • CMA andand ACOG work in partnership on bills critical to both organizations – public health, • In recent years, CMA has worked to bolster the peer review system by sponsoring • CMA has sponsored legislation to increase medical school financial aid. What CMA has done for Emergency Department Physicians: Protecting the physician’s role account at care,toreproductive rights and MICRA protection. supporting several bills, including AB 655 (Hayashi), which requires a peermanaged review body • CMA, representing 35,000 physicians, • CMA’s lawyers led the fight against Governor Schwarzenegger’s attempt tomedicine’s allow Certifiedcommitment to those on the front lines • On a federal level, we continue to protect Graduate Medical Education (GME) funding. Organized Medi-Cal • CMA ispeer onlyreview a phonebody call away! share information with another upon Our request. influences public policy atSenate the federal • Both ACOG and CMA recently worked to oppose Bill and 173 (2011), which wouldNurse Anesthesiologists to administer anesthesia without Registered • CMA had led the fight on behalf of patients against the transition of dual eligible live-person call center is available state on level. have placed an undue burden the health system by mandating inaccurate information physician supervision. Student Leadership Medi-Cal beneficiaries to managed care programs. Implementing this proposed transition Mon-Fri during business hours at Strengthening public health be provided to women in• their mammography letter. Governor Join today to activate your personal web Brown vetoed this bill. • CMA hosts multiple statewide events teaching students medical policy, leadership 800-786-4262. would beskills detrimental to physicians and have far-reaching effects on the health care ofof public health, advocates CMA and the CMA Foundation work to provide immunizations, • As Maddy Funds Medi-Cal account at and the importance of legislative advocacy. vulnerable patients. • Together, CMA and ACOG worked to kill federal regulations that would have reduced cancer screenings and information regarding nutrition, exercise and the environment. CMA, representing physicians, • Inmillion a lastannually. minute effort to balance the budget in 2011, the state proposed the elimination cuts saves35,000 physicians an estimated $420 • CMA’s legal action to stop•Medi-Cal access to family-planning and reproductive services • CMA is only a phonehealth call away! Our by allowing health care - 2012 Medical Student Leadership Conference – UC Irvine Sept. 14-15, 2012 legal action to stop Medi-Cal reimbursement cuts saves physicians influences public policy at the federal and an estimated • CMA’s of all county Maddy Funds. Following a vigorous lobbying campaign, CMA was able • CMA has sponsored legislation requiring all health care workers involved in patient care to call center as is available workers to broadly opt outlive-person of such treatments conscientious objectors. to institute $50 and $100 co pays per ER visit and • Successfully defeated an attempt state level. $420 and million annually. to preserve these county funds, as well as the annual $55 million they provide for be immunized or to wear protective mask to prevent the spread of influenza to patients. Annual • Medical students and residents hold elected seats on CMA’s Board of Trustees Mon-Fri during business hours at in-patient stay. • In the final days of the Bush administration, CMA and ACOG worked to preserve the reimbursement of emergency services. • Join today to activate your personal web House of Delegates. 800-786-4262. • CMA successfully defeated an attempt to institute $50 copays for ER visits and $100 Dedicated Physician Advocates Family PACT program, which provides contraceptive counseling and other screening account at copays for inpatient stays. Dedicated Physician Advocates • Our advocacy team consists of state and federal lobbyists, a team of policyservices expertsto low-income families. Medi-Cal Physician Leadership • CMA is only a phone call away! Our • Our advocacy team consists of state and federal lobbyists, as well as a team of policy monitoring regulatory activity on behalf of our members and a communications team • By taking legal action to stop Medi-Cal cuts, CMA saves physicians an estimated $420 to overPhysician Advocates • CMA’s educational team has presented more than 40 webinars and seminars live-person call center is available Dedicated experts monitoring regulatory activity on behalf of our members. responsible for spreading our message. Medi-Cal million annually. Mon-Fri during business hours at 2,100 participants, covering topics that include federal health care reform, electronic advocacy team consists of state and federal lobbyists, as well as a team of policy • Our • CMA’s legal action to stop Medi-Cal reimbursement cuts saves physicians an estimated lobbyists continue to advocate that all providers work to the top of their license and • Our 800-786-4262. • Our lobbyists continue to advocate that all providers work to the top of their license and health records and better business practices. experts monitoring regulatory activity on behalf of our members. • Successfully defeated the attempt to institute a $50 copay per ER visit and $100 per $420 million annually. not beyond, thus protecting the physicians’ scope of practice. not beyond, thus protecting the physicians’ scope of practice. in-patient stay. Academy, thea 22 percent Medicare GPCI payment cut that could have discriminated • For the past 15 years, CMA has hosted the state’s Health Care Leadership stopped • CMA • CMA successfully defeated an attempt to institute $50 and $100 copays• per visit anda 22 percent Medicare payment cut that could have discriminated against CMAERstopped • CMA premier leadership training program for California physicians. against California physicians and its medical institutions and continues to seek stopped a long a 22 percent Medicare payment cut that could have disproportionately • Key supporter of AB 1803 (Mitchell), which defends the “prudent lay person” standard. inpatient stay. California physicians and its medical institutions. harmed California physicians and health facilities. term solution • Annually, CMA brings together more than 800 physicians leaders for multi-day policy to this problem. Dedicated Physician Advocates debate at our House of Delegates conference, which has set the association’s policy Legal Contract Review Dedicated Physician Advocates Legal- Contract Review Physician Leadership • Our advocacy team consists of both state and federal lobbyists, as well as a team of policy direction for roughly 150 years. • CMA analyzes physician contracts with major health plans highlighting ambiguous • Our advocacy team consists of state and federal lobbyists, as well as a •team policy to objective analyses of several health plan provider contracts. Freeofaccess • CMA members are entitled to a wide variety of online resources and webinars free of charge. experts monitoring regulatory activity on behalf of our members. provisions and, as appropriate, suggesting alternative language that is beneficial experts tomonitoring regulatory activity on behalf of our members. • Provides analysis of major health plan contracts, highlighting ambiguous provisions and, • For the past 15 years, CMA has hosted and the California Health Care Leadership • CMA has fought to protect the bar on the corporate practice of medicine. physicians and their patients. • CMA stopped a 22 percent Medicare payment cut that could have discriminated against suggesting alternative language that physicians may wish to consider. as appropriate, Academy, the premier leadership training program for California physicians. • Our lobbyists continue to advocate that all providers work to the top of their license and For more information about CMA and its programs visit • Rev. 6.15.12 Page 1 of 1 • CMA members can obtain, at a discounted rate, assistance from contracted attorneys who California physicians and its medical institutions. • CMA contracted attorneys provide written review of an individual physician contract for direction at • Annually, CMA brings together more than 800 physicians leaders to set policy not beyond, thus protecting the physicians’ scope of practice. will provide a written review of an individual physician contract. • In the wake of federal health care reform, CMA has worked to ensure thatCMA women had at a discounted rate. members our House of Delegates conference. • This year, CMA was successful in preventing the scheduled 22 percent Medicare SGR access to family planning services and contraception benefits offered by insurance Physician Leadership payment cut to physicians. We continue to work toward a permanent solution to the SGR. companies under the Affordable Care Act. California Physician Legal Handbook • For the past 15 years, CMA has hosted and the California Health Care Leadership • CPLH is an invaluable tool to get quick answers to complicated legal questions; CMA members Academy, leadership training program for California physicians. For more information about CMA and its programs visit • Rev. 7.11.12 Page the 1 ofpremier 1 MICRA Physician Leadership can access CPLH, via CMA’s online health law library, for free ($895 for nonmembers). • CMA and the Institute for Medical Quality (IMQ) are leaders in providing •medical staff are entitled to a wide variety of online resources and webinars free of charge. • CMA vigorously defends the statutory provisions of MICRA, the landmark legislation CMA members • The latest volume offers more than 4,500 pages of comprehensive legal information leadership education. enacted in California to ensure that injured patients are fully compensated, malpractice • For the past 15 years, CMA has hosted and the state’s Health Care Leadership Academy, including current laws, regulations and court decisions related to the practice of medicine. insurance premiums are stable and affordable and that patients have access to care. the premier leadership training program for California physicians. For more information about CMA and its programs visit • Rev. 6.15.12 Page 1 of 1 • CMA filed an amicus brief, participated in oral argument and was instrumental in helping Leadership • Annually, CMA brings together more than 800 physicians leaders to set Physician policy direction at tofree defeat the trial bar’s recent challenges to MICRA’s cap on non-economic damage. CMA members are entitled to a wide variety of online resources and webinars of charge. • our House of Delegates conference. • CMA is only a phone call away! Our live-person call center is available Mon-Fri during business hours at 800-786-4262.
What CMA has done for OB/GYNs:
What CMA has done for Anesthesiologists:
For more information about CMA and its programs visit • Rev. 6.15.12
• For the past 15 years, CMA has hosted and the state’s Health Care Leadership Academy, Legal Contract Review the premier leadership training program for California physicians. • Free access to objective analyses of several health plan provider contracts. PageCMA 1 of brings 1 together more than 800 physicians leaders to set policy direction at • Annually, • Provides analysis of major health plan contracts, highlighting ambiguous provisions and, our House of Delegates conference. as appropriate, suggesting alternative language that physicians may wish to consider.
For more information about CMA and its programs visit • Rev. 6.15.12
• CMA contracted attorneys provide written review of an individual physician contract for CMA members at a discounted rate.
Page 1 of 1
For more information about CMA and its programs visit • Rev. 6.15.12
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CMA MEMBER BENEFITS FLYERS BY SPECIALTY DESCRIPTION: Single-page flyers outlining the benefits of CMA/CMS membership to individual specialty physicians. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Membership 8.5” x 11” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 Single Pages 39
What CMA has done for Anesthesiologists: Organized medicine’s commitment to the specialists within our ranks
What CMA has done for Radiologists: • CMA, representing 35,000 physicians, influences public policy at the federal and state level. • Join today to activate your personal web account at • CMA is only a phone call away! Our live-person call center is available Mon-Fri during business hours at 800-786-4262.
Organized Protecting the physician’s role medicine’s commitment to the fight againstwithin Governor Schwarzenegger’s attempt to allow Certified • CMA’s lawyers led the specialists our ranks Registered Nurse Anesthesiologists to administer anesthesia without physician supervision.
What CMA has done for Medical Schools:
Working to Advance the Specialty Organized medicine’s commitment to the future of our field Medi-Cal • CMA, representing 35,000 physicians, • The California Medical Association (CMA) has long supported the efforts of California’s saves physicians an estimated $420radiology million annually. • CMA’s legal action to stop Medi-Cal influencescuts public policy at the federal and community. Together, the two groups share many legislative priorities and have state level. both in the Alliance for Patient Care, a coalition of health care providers, visitparticipated and • Successfully defeated an attempt to institute $50 and $100 co pays per ER health plans, patient advocates and others working together to protect access to care in • Join today to activate your personal web in-patient stay. Physician/Hospital Integration Organized medicine’s commitment to women’s health California’s Medi-Cal (Medicaid) program. 35,000 physicians, account at • CMA, representing • CMA has worked to establish a close and cooperative working relationship with California
What CMA has done for OB/GYNs:
public at the community federal and to obtainHospital Dedicated Physician Advocates Association (CHA). closely with thepolicy radiology amendments • Recently, CMA has workedinfluences • CMA is only a phone call away! Our state level. of state call andcenter federal lobbyists, as well as a team of policy • Our advocacy team consists What CMA has done for Hospitalists: live-person is available to Senate Bill 1538, which places new reporting requirements on physicians who perform partnered with CHA to oppose two union-sponsored, anti-hospital ballot initiatives. - Currently Mon-Fri during at experts monitoring regulatory activity onbusiness behalf ofhours our members. Joinwomen today towith activate yourbreast personal web medicine’s commitment to protecting mammogram screenings• on dense tissue. Working to AdvanceOrganized the Specialty • Our internal physicians’ committee on “Organized Medicine” remains focused on bettering 800-786-4262. account at • CMA, representing 35,000 physicians, The California Medical Association (CMA) has long strengthened the work of the American • physician independence license and • Our lobbyists continue to advocate that all providers work to the top of their • CMA has led a coalition of medical specialties, including radiology, in opposition the working relationship between hospital administration andand medical staff. influences public policy at the federal Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), with the two organizations sharing not beyond, thus protecting the physicians’ scope of practice. • CMA is only a Compensation phone call away!Physician Our of the proposal to convert the Workers Fee Schedule to a What CMA has done for Emergency level.MICRA’s limits are maintained to keep many We continue to protect andstate ensure malpractice • significant legislative priorities and both participating in the Alliance for Patient Care. live-person call schedule. center is available resource-based relative value scale fee Doing so would have a Department Physicians: • CMA stopped a 22 percent Medicare payment cut that could have discriminated against Mon-Fri during business hours at Protecting the Physician-Patient Relationship rates steady and hospitals rates activate your personal web • Join today impact on reimbursement for services provided by radiologists, and CMA is actively • CMA and ACOG work in partnership on bills critical to both organizations – public health, California physicians and its medical institutions. medicine’s commitment to those 800-786-4262. • CMA, representing 35,000 physicians, been committed to protecting the practice of medicine from the • For decades, CMA has Organized account at working to present alternatives to this scenario. managed care, reproductive rights and MICRA protection. on bottom the front lines influences public policy at the federal and influence of the corporate line. Reimbursement/Economic • CMA is only a phone call away! Our Legal- Contract Review state level. Both ACOG and CMA recently worked to oppose Senate Bill 173 (2011), which would • CMAcall has, onceis again, stopped a 10 percent Medi-Cal cut • Through tireless legal advocacy, live-person center available Medi-Cal • CMA continues to defend California’s bar on the corporate practice of medicine, • Free access to objective analyses of several health plan provider contracts. have placed an undue burden on thetohealth by mandating inaccurate information physicians and hospitals. • Join today activatesystem your personal web Mon-Fri during business hours at • CMA had led the fight on behalf of patients against the transition of dual to eligible preventing the promise of profits from trumping physician judgment. Maddy Funds be provided to women in their mammography letter. Governor Brown vetoed this bill. account at • Provides analysis of major health plan contracts, highlighting ambiguous provisions and, Medi-Cal beneficiaries to managed care programs. Implementing this proposed transition - Including patient co pays800-786-4262. of $50 per ER visit, per $100 in-patient stay. • CMA, representing 35,000 physicians, • In a last minute effort to balance the budget in 2011, the state proposed the elimination as appropriate, suggesting alternative language that physicians may wish to consider. Peerreduced Review worked to kill federal • Together, CMA and ACOG• CMA influences public policy at the federal and would be detrimental to physicians and have far-reaching effects on the health care of is only a phone callregulations away! Our that would have of all county Maddy Funds. Following a vigorous lobbying campaign, CMA was able • CMA stopped a 22 percent Medicare payment cut that would have discriminated against supports ongoing evaluation, review to these county funds, as well as the annual $55 million they provide for • CMAcare access to family-planning live-person and reproductive health services by allowing health state level.corrective action and other forms of peer call center is available patients. contract for • CMA contracted attorneys provide written review of an individual physicianvulnerable to preserve California physicians and its medical institutions. business at workers to broadly opt outMon-Fri of suchduring treatments ashours conscientious objectors. improve patient safety and the quality of patient care. CMA members at a discounted rate. reimbursement of emergency services. • Join today to activate your personal web • CMA’s legal action to stop Medi-Cal reimbursement cuts saves physicians an estimated 800-786-4262.
account at to bolster the peer review system by sponsoring and • In recent theyears, CMA has worked • In the final days of the Bush administration, CMA and ACOG worked to preserve $420 million annually. Dedicated Physician Advocates California Physician Legal Handbook Medi-Cal AB 655 (Hayashi), which requires a peer review body to screening several bills, •including • CMA has sponsored legislation to increase medical school financial aid. Family PACT program, which provides contraceptive counseling and othersupporting CMA is only a phone call away! Our • CMA CMAsuccessfully members defeated an attempt to institute $50 copays for ER visits and $100 • CPLH is an invaluable tool to get quick answers to complicated legal questions; • By taking legal action to stop Medi-Cal cuts, CMA saves physicians an estimated $420 share information with another peer review body upon request. services to low-income families. live-person call center is available copays for inpatient stays. • On a federal level, we continue to protect Graduate Medical Education (GME) funding. can access CPLH, via CMA’s online health law library, for free ($895 for nonmembers). million annually. Mon-Fri during business hours at
Strengthening public health 800-786-4262. Medi-Cal • The latest volume offers more than 4,500 pages of comprehensive legal information • Successfully defeated the attempt to institute a $50 copay per ER visit and $100 per Dedicated Physician Advocates Student Leadership immunizations, • Asanadvocates estimatedof public health, CMA and the CMA Foundation work to providein-patient • CMA’s legal action to stop Medi-Cal reimbursement cuts saves physicians including current laws, regulations and court decisions related to the practice of medicine. stay. policymultiple statewide events teaching students medical policy, leadership skills • Our advocacy team consists of state and federal lobbyists, as well as a team • CMAof hosts cancer screenings and information regarding nutrition, exercise and the environment. $420 million annually. experts monitoring regulatory activity on behalf of our members. and the importance of legislative advocacy. • Key supporter of AB 1803 (Mitchell), which defends the “prudent lay person” standard. CMA has sponsored legislation requiring all health care workers involved in patient care to • Physician Leadership • CMA successfully defeated an attempt to institute $50 and $100 copays per ER visit and CMA stopped a 22 percent Medicare GPCI payment cut that could have discriminated • - 2012 Medical Student Leadership Conference – UC Irvine Sept. 14-15, 2012 be immunized or to wear protective mask to prevent the spread of influenza to patients. • CMA members are entitled to a wide variety of online resources and webinars free of charge. inpatient stay. Dedicated Physician Advocates against California physicians and its medical institutions and continues to seek a long • Medical students and residents hold elected seats on CMA’s Board of Trustees and Annual Academy, • For the past 15 years, CMA has hosted and the state’s Health Care Leadership • Our advocacy team consists of both state and federal lobbyists, as well as a team of policy Dedicated Physician Advocates term solution to this problem. Dedicated Physician Advocates House of Delegates. the premier leadership training program for California physicians. expertsmonitoring regulatory activity on behalf of our members. • Our advocacy team consists of state and federal lobbyists, a team of policyexperts • Our advocacy team consists of state and federal lobbyists, as well as a team of policy monitoring regulatory activity on behalf of our members and a communications teamfought to protect the bar on the corporate practice of medicine. Leadership policy direction at • Annually, CMA brings together more than 800 physicians leaders to set Physician • CMA has experts monitoring regulatory activity on behalf of our members. Physician Leadership responsible for spreading our message. • CMA members are entitled to a wide variety of online resources and webinars free of charge. our House of Delegates conference. • CMA’s educational team has presented more than 40 webinars and seminars to over • Our lobbyists continue to advocate that all providers work to the top of their license and • CMA stopped a 22 percent Medicare payment cut that could have discriminated against license andthus protecting the physicians’ scope of practice. • Our lobbyists continue to advocate that all providers work to the top of their • For the past 15 years, CMA has hosted and the California Health Care Leadership 2,100 participants, covering topics that include federal health care reform, electronic not beyond, California physicians and its medical institutions. not beyond, thus protecting the physicians’ scope of practice. Academy, the premier leadership training program for California physicians. health records and better business practices. • This year, CMA was successful in preventing the scheduled 22 percent Medicare SGR • In the wake of federal health care reform, CMA has worked to ensure that women had For more information about CMA and its programs visit • Rev. 6.15.12 Page 1 of 1 CMA stopped a 22 percent Medicare payment cut that could have disproportionately • • Annually, CMA brings together more than 800 physicians leaders to set •policy direction at years, CMA has hosted the state’s Health Care Leadership Academy, the For the past 15 payment cut to physicians. We continue to work toward a permanent solution to the SGR. access to family planning services and contraception benefits offered by insurance harmed California physicians and health facilities. our House of Delegates conference. premier leadership training program for California physicians. companies under the Affordable Care Act. MICRA • Annually, CMA brings together more than 800 physicians leaders for multi-day policy Legal Contract Review • CMA vigorously defends the statutory provisions of MICRA, the landmark legislation Physician debate at our House of Delegates conference, which has set the association’s policyLeadership • CMA analyzes physician contracts with major health plans highlighting ambiguous For more information about CMA and its programs visit • Rev. 7.11.12 Page 1 of 1 enacted in California to ensure that injured patients are fully compensated, malpractice free of charge. • CMA members are entitled to a wide variety of online resources and webinars direction for roughly 150 years. provisions and, as appropriate, suggesting alternative language that is beneficial to insurance premiums are stable and affordable and that patients have access to care. physicians and their patients. • For the past 15 years, CMA has hosted and the state’s Health Care Leadership Academy, • CMA filed an amicus brief, participated in oral argument and was instrumental in helping the premier leadership training program for California physicians. • CMA members can obtain, at a discounted rate, assistance from contracted attorneys who to defeat the trial bar’s recent challenges to MICRA’s cap on non-economic damage. will provide review of an individual physician contract. For more information about CMA and its programs visit • Rev. 6.15.12 PageCMA 1 of brings 1 together more than 800 physicians leaders to set policy directiona written at • Annually, our House of Delegates conference.
For more information about CMA and its programs visit • Rev. 6.15.12
Legal Contract Review Physician Leadership • Free access to objective analyses of several health plan provider contracts. • For the past 15 years, CMA has hosted and the California Health Care Leadership Academy, the premier leadership training program for California physicians. • Provides analysis of major health plan contracts, highlighting ambiguous provisions and,
Page 1 of 1
as appropriate, suggesting alternative language that physicians may wish to consider. staff • CMA and the Institute for Medical Quality (IMQ) are leaders in providing medical leadership education. • CMA contracted attorneys provide written review of an individual physician contract for CMA members at a discounted rate.
For more information about CMA and its programs visit • Rev. 6.15.12
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For more information about CMA and its programs visit • Rev. 6.15.12
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CMA MEMBER BENEFITS FLYERS BY SPECIALTY DESCRIPTION: Single-page flyers outlining the benefits of CMA/CMS membership to individual specialty physicians. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Membership 8.5” x 11” 07/01/2012 09/01/2012 Single Pages 40
RESIDENTS FLYER the benefits of being a
member of the
DESCRIPTION: This advertisement and/or flier is targeted to Resident Members and is available to all county medical societies and can be customized to your specifications. Can be produced in full color or Black and White.
SIERRA SACRAMENTO VALLEY MEDICAL SOCIETY & CALIFORNIA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Within the overall membership of Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society and the California Medical Association, there are groups of like-minded individuals – or “sections” – designed to advocate for the specific needs of their communities. One of those groups is the Resident/Fellow Section (RFS), which allows Residents and Fellows the opportunity to experience the unique benefits of SSVMS/CMA membership, while continuing their role as the future of medicine in California. Membership in SSVMS and CMA is FREE for Residents and Fellows.
Membership Material 8.5” x 11” 07/01/2012 N/A 1
BENEFITS AVAILABLE TO RSF MEMBERS INCLUDE: Access to physician-focused leadership training. Ability to advocate for issues unique to residents, such as duty hours and student loan deferments. Access to SSVMS/CMA’s industry leading research and policy expertise, including areas such as Health care Reform and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs).
Ability to influence healthcare policy through RFS leadership positions and SSVMS/CMA councils and committees. Members-only access to the Center for Economic Services, which provides consultation on how to start a practice, as well as assistance with recouping past due billings (over $2.7 million recouped in 2011).
the benefits of being a
member of the
SIERRA SACRAMENTO VALLEY MEDICAL SOCIETY & CALIFORNIA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Within the overall membership of Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society and the California Medical Association, there are groups of like-minded individuals – or “sections” – designed to advocate for the specific needs of their communities.
Free subscriptions to Sierra Sacramento Valley Medicine, SSVMS Medical Society News e-bulletin, and access to thousands of practice management, legal, and clinical resources and assistance. Members also receive discounts on everything from prescription pads to life insurance. For more information, contact SSVMS at (916) 452-2671,, or visit us online at or
One of those groups is the Resident/Fellow Section (RFS), which allows Residents and Fellows the opportunity to experience the unique benefits of SSVMS/CMA membership, while continuing their role as the future of medicine in California. Membership in SSVMS and CMA is FREE for Residents and Fellows.
BENEFITS AVAILABLE TO RSF MEMBERS INCLUDE: Access to physician-focused leadership training. Ability to advocate for issues unique to residents, such as duty hours and student loan deferments. Access to SSVMS/CMA’s industry leading research and policy expertise, including areas such as Health care Reform and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs).
Ability to influence healthcare policy through RFS leadership positions and SSVMS/CMA councils and committees.
Members-only access to the Center for Economic Services, which provides consultation on how to start a practice, as well as assistance with recouping past due billings (over $2.7 million recouped in 2011).
Free subscriptions to Sierra Sacramento Valley Medicine, SSVMS Medical Society News e-bulletin, and access to thousands of practice management, legal, and clinical resources and assistance. Members also receive discounts on everything from prescription pads to life insurance. For more information, contact SSVMS at (916) 452-2671,, or visit us online at or
V I S I T W W W. S S V M S . O R G
V I S I T W W W. S S V M S . O R G
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
See Jane Save Meet Dr. Jane. She is a California Medical Association member and a member of her local medical society. Dr. Jane takes full advantage of the member discounts available to her. In 2012, she saved: $22,476.
DESCRIPTION: Single-page flier outlining the economic benefits of CMA/CMS membership to individual physicians. Available In Solid Black or Full Color.
• Purchased four annual magazine subscriptions for her practice. Saved: $67 • Changed medical insurers, modified plan design, added an HSA compatible plan through CMA’s insurance partner, Marsh. Saved: $17,500 • Purchased auto insurance through CMA’s partnership with Mercury Insurance. Saved: $174 • Received 30% off a one-year subscription to Epocrates online clinical reference guide. Saved: $60 • Changed credit card processing to Heartland Payment Systems’ Transparent Cost Plus structure. Saved: $600
Membership Material 8.5” x 11” N/A N/A 1
• Moved payroll processing for her eight employees to Heartland Payment Systems’ 100% paperless system with direct deposit. Saved: $750 • Attended the California Health Care Leadership Academy. Saved: $300 • Contacted CMA’s Economic Services help line for assistance with a problem payor. Recovered: $500 • Bought security prescription pads from RX Security. Saved: $25 • Called CMA’s Member Help Line and spoke with a health law information specialist about some legal questions. The specialist directed her to
See Jane Save
• Purchased four annual magazine subscriptions for her practice. Saved: $67 • Changed medical insurers, modified plan design, added an HSA compatible plan through CMA’s insurance partner, Marsh. Saved: $17,500 • Purchased auto insurance through CMA’s partnership with Mercury Insurance. Saved: $174
several member legal resources. Dr. Jane downloaded 10 medical-legal
• Received 30% off a one-year subscription to Epocrates online clinical
documents, with sample letters from CMA On-Call, CMA’s medical-legal
• Changed credit card processing to Heartland Payment Systems’
reference guide. Saved: $60
Transparent Cost Plus structure. Saved: $600
library and the most comprehensive health law and medical practice
• Moved payroll processing for her eight employees to Heartland Payment
resource for California physicians (instead of paying an attorney for the
• Attended the California Health Care Leadership Academy. Saved: $300
same information). Saved $2,500
Meet Dr. Jane. She is a California Medical Association member and a member of her local medical society. Dr. Jane takes full advantage of the member discounts available to her. In 2012, she saved: $22,476.
Systems’ 100% paperless system with direct deposit. Saved: $750
• Contacted CMA’s Economic Services help line for assistance with a problem payor. Recovered: $500 • Bought security prescription pads from RX Security. Saved: $25 • Called CMA’s Member Help Line and spoke with a health law information
Note: Cost savings represents an average savings of a solo physician accessing CMA member benefits. Actual savings may vary.
specialist about some legal questions. The specialist directed her to several member legal resources. Dr. Jane downloaded 10 medical-legal documents, with sample letters from CMA On-Call, CMA’s medical-legal library and the most comprehensive health law and medical practice resource for California physicians (instead of paying an attorney for the same information). Saved $2,500 Note: Cost savings represents an average savings of a solo physician accessing CMA member benefits. Actual savings may vary.
To learn more about additional member savings visit or call the CMA Member Services Help Line at 800.786.4262
To learn more about additional member savings visit or call the CMA Member Services Help Line at 800.786.4262
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
CMA ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS California Medical Association & California Medical Association Foundation
Electronic Health Records Desk Reference
DESCRIPTION: A flier promoting The CMA’s Physicians’ EHR Desk Reference.
Funded by The Physicians Foundation
The California Medical Association (CMA) would like to introduce the Physicians’ EHR Desk Reference. This resource was developed with the help of the California Medical Association Foundation and the Texas Medical Association and made possible by generous support from The Physicians Foundation with the goal of promoting efficiency and quality improvement in healthcare. Electronic health record (EHR) adoption, implementation and achieving Meaningful Use can be challenging tasks. The CMA Physicians’ EHR Desk Reference is comprised of information created, collected and organized into a user-friendly format which can help guide you and your staff to successful EHR implementation and qualifying for thousands of dollars in federal EHR incentives. This reference has been developed for physicians at any stage of EHR adoption. The information and resources contained within the reference will be useful to you at any stage whether you are Produced by the trying to decide if you are going to adopt an EHR system, planning the purchase of an EHR system, beginning the implementation process, working to achieve Meaningful Use, or just looking for additional tips on fine tuning your current system and workflow.
Download a free copy of the Physicians’ EHR Desk Reference at: detail?item=ehr-desk-reference
Membership Material 8.5” x 11” N/A N/A 1
California Medical Association & California Medical Association Foundation
Electronic Health Records Desk Reference Funded by The Physicians Foundation
Produced by the
The California Medical Association (CMA) is an advocacy group dedicated to “promote the science and art of medicine, protection of public health, and the betterment of the medical profession.”
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Help Preserve the Promise of Medicare
DESCRIPTION: A flier outlining the potential Medicare payment cuts.
Membership Material 8.5” x 11” N/A N/A 1
Will your doctor be there? Medicare payments will be cut by 30% this year unless Congress acts now. Join with your physician. Tell your Member of Congress to stop the Medicare payment cuts once and for all in the Deficit Reduction legislation. Call AMA’s Grassroots Hotline (888/434-6200) to be connected with your members of Congress.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
$ over
WAYS HDNCMS/CMA IS WORKING FOR YOU! The Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA) is California’s hardfought law to provide for injured patients and stable medical liability rates. But this year California’s Trial Lawyers have launched an attack to undermine MICRA and its protections and we need your help. Membership has never been so valuable!
Humboldt-Del Norte physicians are saving an averaage of $64,826 this year.
Are you an HDNCMS/CMA member?
2012 Humboldt-Del Norte County Medical Society MICRA Savings Chart Specialty Allergy Anesthesiology Cardiology (Invasive) Cardiovascular Surgery Dermatology (Lipo/Cosmetic) Emergency Medicine Family Practice (Non-Surgical) General Surgery Internal Medicine (Non-Invasive) Neurosurgery OB/GYN Ophthalmology (LASIK/Cosmetic) Orthopaedics Otolaryngology (Cosmetic) Pathology Pediatrics (Non-Surgical) Plastic Surgery Proctology Psychiatry (Non-Shock) Radiology (Non-Invasive) Thoracic Surgery Urology Average - All Specialties
Humboldt- Del Norte $3,813 $10,034 $12,446 $30,436 $26,744 $16,447 $9,117 $28,147 $7,976 $52,442 $36,865 $7,976 $26,744 $26,744 $5,846 $7,976 $26,744 $26,744 $5,551 $7,976 $30,436 $12,052 $19,057
Dade County, FL* $24,183 $48,367 $95,007 $172,739 $54,413 $95,007 $44,912 $200,377 $50,094 $248,744 $200,377 $50,094 $146,828 $60,459 $44,912 $31,093 $95,007 $69,096 $24,183 $95,007 $172,739 $60,459 $94,732
Long Island New York * $10,826 $37,657 $40,738 $121,665 $36,779 $58,971 $26,817 $121,665 $36,779 $321,713 $196,111 $36,437 $146,084 $108,110 $24,769 $26,817 $108,110 $64,281 $10,826 $61,100 $100,500 $64,281 $80,047
Wayne County, MI * $16,909 $41,697 $66,711 $174,918 $23,797 $87,121 $33,893 $143,445 $34,350 $201,512 $135,935 $37,955 $144,667 $81,556 $19,524 $28,928 $91,565 $53,751 $17,853 $45,293 $154,089 $55,655 $76,869
FL-NY-MI Average * $17,306 $42,574 $67,485 $156,441 $38,330 $80,366 $35,207 $155,162 $40,408 $257,323 $177,474 $41,495 $145,860 $83,375 $29,735 $28,946 $98,227 $62,376 $17,621 $67,133 $142,443 $60,132 $83,883
MICRA Savings $13,493 $32,540 $55,039 $126,005 $11,586 $63,919 $26,090 $127,015 $32,432 $204,881 $140,609 $33,519 $119,116 $56,631 $23,889 $20,970 $71,483 $35,632 $12,070 $59,157 $112,007 $48,080 $64,826
Humboldt-Del Norte County Medical Society • P.O. Box 6457 • Eureka, CA 95502 • (707) 442-2367 * The rates for counties in Florida, New York and Michigan, as well as the averages, are 2011 rates provided by the CMA. The NORCAL rates are 2012 rates. NORCAL does not guarantee that the Florida, New York and Michigan rates are current or accurate, as different insurance carriers may classify medical specialties differently. The tables in this report are for illustrative purposes only.
PERSONALIZED CMS MIRA SAVINGS CHARTS DESCRIPTION: Allow us to personalize a MICRA savings chart for your membership recruitment and retention efforts.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Membership Material 11” x 8.5” 07/01/2012 N/A 1 45
CMA MEMBERSHIP FOLDER DESCRIPTION: We are happy to provide these multi-page presentation brochures/folders for your personal use. Simply call CMS Services directly to order.
Membership Section 9” x 12” 18” x 12”
Physicians for YOUR health Ensuring Ensuring ACCESS ACCESS to to quality quality medical medical care care The California Medical Association (CMA) is dedicated to ensuring all Californians have access to medical care and can see a doctor when they need one. As physicians, we know that it is most effective to treat patients as soon as health issues arise. Access is essential to boosting prevention, protecting the public health and tackling widespread afflictions, such as obesity early. At the heart of CMA advocacy are our efforts to ensure patients have access to doctors, which takes many forms, including: · Championing universal health care coverage; · Advocating for adequate, accurate and transparent provider networks; · Stopping insurers from canceling coverage for patients after they become seriously ill, a practice known as rescissions; · Defending our injunction against Medi-Cal provider cuts, saving doctors more than $100 million and helping Medi-Cal patients keep their doctors; · Streamlining and improving the physician licensing process at the Medical Board of California and filing a lawsuit to exempt the Medical Board from any state furloughs to avoid additional licensing backlogs;
· Defending the constitutionality of the Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA) in court, filing an amicus brief and testifying before the appellate court in the case, which ultimately upheld the constitutionality of MICRA. For patients, access means knowing that their personal physician is in the network of doctors that their plan or policy will pay for. By establishing and maintaining a relationship with both a primary care and specialist physician, patients can count on quality care that is tailored to their needs. Access also means making sure a doctor can keep his or her practice economically viable. CMA works to ensure that payments for physician services by all payors cover a doctor’s cost of doing business. Fostering an environment that allows physicians to operate cost-effective medical practices will help draw doctors to California and keep them here. Physicians want to spend their time treating and maintaining the health of their patients, but every hour a doctor spends jumping through regulatory hoops, is an hour less they can spend providing care.
· Partnering with AARP to aggressively advocate against Medicare cuts that harm seniors’ access to doctors; and
Sherry Franklin, MD • Pediatrician San Diego, CA
“We need to do a better job of recognizing and rewarding physicians for the time they spend preventing long-term illnesses. Without the doctor there is no preventive care.”
STRENGTHENING public health CMA physicians strongly believe in keeping people healthy by ensuring access to preventive services, including immunizations and cancer screenings, while providing them with information to make healthy choices relating to nutrition, exercise and the environment. In fact, CMA was founded in response to the need to professionalize the practice of medicine and protect the public health in the midst of a devastating cholera outbreak in Sacramento, more than 150 years ago. Public health is clearly highlighted in CMA’s mission: “to promote the science and art of medicine, the care and well-being of patients, the protection of the public health and the betterment of the medical profession.” Similarly, the CMA Foundation was founded to champion individual and community health. The CMA Foundation’s activities focus in the areas of diabetes, obesity, antibiotic resistance, cervical cancer, health disparities, workforce issues and access to care. The Foundation has spearheaded a number of public health initiatives, outreach programs and physician educational conferences, which demonstrate a deep commitment to improving the health of all Californians. Advancing public health remains a core objective of both CMA and the CMA Foundation. To achieve a healthier California, both organizations have:
• Led the fight against smoking and tobacco use, in addition to cancer prevention measures; • Championed the creation of a separate Department of Public Health; • Encouraged routine HIV screening in health care settings by streamlining the consent process; • Supported legislation to ensure that children are fully immunized against devastating but preventable diseases, such as pertussis; • Promoted childhood obesity prevention strategies, such as restaurant menu labeling, banning soda and sugary sports drinks in school, supporting safe routes for children to walk and bike to school, and maintaining rigorous P.E. standards in school; • Supported strict limits on diesel emissions to help prevent disease caused by poor air quality; • Advocated to ensure health care workers are properly vaccinated to protect patients from contracting influenza while being treated in health facilities; and • Joined manufacturers and state and local public health officials to advocate for timely and equitable distribution of seasonal influenza vaccine, so doctors have an adequate supply on hand to meet the needs of their patients.
Ruth Haskins, MD • Obstetrics/Gynecology Folsom, CA
“To ensure that our Medicare patients have access to quality care, we must evaluate, as a society, what it costs to care for patients and what that life-saving care is worth.”
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Physicians for YOUR Health
WEBSITE Allow us to jazz up your website with custom created banners, ads and graphics built specifically with your website in mind. We can help you develop your website from the ground up or improve your existing web presence. All files are available as 72dpi JPEG’s and can be found on the website (once logged in) under Design Services > Website Material. For custom si¬¬¬zing and changes please contact Sherry Roberts at For additional changes please contact Henry Gardiner at
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
DOCBOOK MD #1 DESCRIPTION: A home-page banner promoting DocBookMD usage for your website.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Website Material 680px X 260px 07/01/2012 N/A 1 48
DOCBOOK MD #2 DESCRIPTION: A home-page banner promoting DocBookMD usage for your website.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Website Material 680px X 260px 07/01/2012 N/A 1 49
Learn More
CMA WEBINARS 2012 DESCRIPTION: A home-page banner promoting CMA Webinar usage for your website.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Website Material 680px X 260px 07/01/2012 N/A 1 50
SSVMS STRONG When you join SSVMS and CMA, you hire a powerful professional staff to protect your practice from legal, legislative, and regulatory intrusions. Your membership lets you focus on whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really important - your patients. Learn More
(MEDICAL SOCIETY ACRONYM) STRONG DESCRIPTION: A home-page banner promoting physician usage for your website.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Website Material 680px X 260px 07/01/2012 N/A 1 51
SFMS Physicians:
YOUR PROFILE in the SFMS physician finder and member directory
UPDATE YOUR PROFILE DESCRIPTION: A home-page banner encouraging your members to “update their profile” for your website.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Website Material 680px x 360px 07/01/2012 N/A 1 52
CMA UPDATE YOUR USER PROFILE DESCRIPTION: A home-page banner encouraging your members to “update their profile” for your website.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Website Material 680px X 260px 07/01/2012 N/A 1 53
CMA CES SERVICES DESCRIPTION: A home-page banner promoting CMAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Center for Economic Services for your website.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Website Material 680px X 260px 07/01/2012 N/A 1 54
PERSONALIZED WEB BANNERS FOR YOUR SOCIETY DESCRIPTION: CMSS can create personalized web banners for each county no matter what the request.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Website Material N/A N/A N/A N/A 55
DESIGN SERVICES The following are examples of some of the most recent work created by CMS Services. We offer a wide variety of design services free of charge to all county medical societies. All files are available in PDF and can be found on the website (once logged in) under Design Services > Design Services. For custom sizing and changes please contact Sherry Roberts at
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
DESCRIPTION: Traditional Tri-Fold Brochures can be created from a variety of paper sizes from 8.5 x 11 (letter size), 8.5 x 14 (legal size) and even 11 x 17 (tabloid size) to create the exact brochure you desire to tell your story and within your budget. Start from one of these completed templates (just edit the text and photos) or work with us to design a completely new design to your exact specifications.
Placer-Nevada County Medical Society P.O. Box 2478 Marysville, CA 95993
Participate Politically
Faces of our Medical Society The only thing missing is you!
Healthcare decisions should be made by Legislators who understand your Issues. Hundreds of bills are introduced every year affecting the way you deliver care to your patients. Your Membership in PNCMS
Participate In Your Community Build your network of friends, colleagues and
business associates. Develop relationships that improve your ability to serve your patients.
Contact Your Medical Society Today Placer-Nevada County Medical Society P.O.Box 2478, Marysville, CA 95993
Placer-Nevada County Medical Society P.O. Box 2478 Marysville, CA 95993
and CMA enables us to fight for you!
Design Services 11” x 8.5” 3.6” x 8.5”
Faces of our Medical Society The only thing missing is you!
Medical Society
CMA On-Call Library is an online
Fax (530) 751-7770
library that contains
over 3,000 pages of
Websites In partnership with the California Medical Association
In partnership with the California Medical Association
“We work for you” The Medical Society will take care of any request you may have as a member physician, big or small. If we don’t have the answer we will find it. We network and work closely with the CMA California Medical Association to meet you needs! We make sure you are aware of what legislation score is taking place with the Federal and State Legislature with regards to the House of Medicine, and how it affects you and your patient’s best interests. Our mission is to protect access to care and patient safety through California’s landmark Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act of 1975 (MICRA) . Becoming a Member and continuing as a Member of the Placer-Nevada County Medical Society assures that you continue to have benefits and contacts that make your practice viable in this very chal-lenging healthcare economy. If we are not there to stand for the House of Medicine who will? We are a means for physi-cians voices to be heard in the legislature, the Medical Review & Advisory Committee meets to assist physicians with peer review, and pro-vide access to medical resources for physi-cians.
medical-legal, regulatory, and reimbursement infor-mation. ON-CALL documents are available free to members at CMA’s website.
Society of the California Medical Association
Membership Is Important & Benefits are Real ORGANIZED MEDICINE WORKING FOR YOU & YOUR PATIENTS • Legislative Day—A time to meet your local legislators at the State Capi-tol (meetings are arranged in their of-fices) to Promote & Educate the legisla-tors on laws & issues affecting ‘The House of Medicine”
Phone (530) 822-7770
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
The Placer-Nevada County Medical Society is a Component
• Leadership Academy-the state’s premier opportunity for physicians and medical practice managers to learn about leading-edge trends and developments in our rapidly changing health care marketplace. The Leadership Academy brings together leaders of the physician and practice management communities to share in acquiring the guidance and resources needed to address the challenges of the current economic and political environment. • PNCMS Membership Dinner - Held in September—this is a chance to meet with your colleagues and listen to great speakers that are of interest to the Medical community.
• PNCMS Roundtable Discussion - a time to meet you Federal and State local legislators in a members only forum to discuss your issues in your practice. • PNCMS puts on a CME Certificate Training in conjunction with NORCAL Insurance which is put on free to our Membership and NORCAL Insured. If you to participate in our MRAC you will get CME certificate on your Medical License.
BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP IN PNCMS & CMA Related Organizations: Our mem-bers and supporters include physicians, dentists, hospitals, health facilities, com-munity clinics, doctor-owned liability car-riers, nurses and other healthcare professionals including CMA Foundation, AMA, CalPAC, CalHIPSO. We are working for you! • Prudential Travel Accident & AXA Travel Assistance Policies—You are automatically covered (as long as you are traveling 100 miles from home) and if you are a current dues paying mem-ber. Paying member—No Action is Necessary. • Reimbursement & Billing Assistance—Experts at CMA can help get claims paid. • Contract Analysis—Available and free on line. • Legislative Advocacy—Correcting the excesses of health plans through participation in the RICO lawsuit and others. • DocBook.MD —A smartphone plat-form designed by physicians for physi-cians, HIPAA compliant professional network, supplied at no charge to you! Connect, Communicate & Collaborate!
PRACTICE Resources
Physicians Bridging Northern Californians to Better Health
DESCRIPTION: Traditional Tri-Fold Brochures can be created from a variety of paper sizes from 8.5 x 11 (letter size), 8.5 x 14 (legal size) and even 11 x 17 (tabloid size) to create the exact brochure you desire to tell your story and within your budget. Start from one of these completed templates (just edit the text and photos) or work with us to design a completely new design to your exact specifications.
CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES) is staffed by practice management experts with more than MEDICAL SOCIETY PRACTICE 125 years combined of experience in medical practice Membership Resources operations. Their goal is to empower physician practices by providing resources and guidance to improve the success of your practice. In 2011, CES successfully recouped over $2.7 million from insurance companies on behalf of their physician members. Assistance ranges from coaching and education to direct intervention with payors and regulators.
Design Services 11” x 8.5” 3.6” x 8.5”
Physicians Bridging Northern Californians to Better Health
We can help you when…
North Valley Medical Association Protecting your practice
• Your claims are not being paid in a timely manner Membership reaches far beyond our personalized benefits, annual dinners, Office Managers Forums, and complimentary Continuing Medical Education (CME) events.
CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES) is staffed by practice management experts with more than 125 years combined of experience in medical practice operations. Their goal is to empower physician practices by providing resources and guidance to improve the success of your practice. In 2011, CES successfully recouped over $2.7 million from insurance companies on behalf of their physician members. Assistance ranges from coaching and education to direct intervention with payors and regulators.
• You’re not being paid according to your contract We are available to help you with everything important about your profession and your practice. Whatever you, or your staff requires – be it legal information, help with a problematic payor, establishing your practice, or details about your personal member discounts and services.
• Your claims are being denied after obtaining prior authorization or verifying eligibility We’re here to serve you and provide the most unique resources available.
We can help you when…
• You’re receiving unreasonable requests for medical records or untimely requests for refunds Learn first-hand the value of membership today and give us a call at 530.247.0293 or visit us online at Contact Information: NVMA Executive Director Deb Schoenthaler 530.247.0293 •
North Valley Medical Association
• Your claims are not being paid in a timely manner • You’re not being paid according to your contract • Your claims are being denied after obtaining prior authorization or verifying eligibility
North Valley Medical Association
• You’re receiving unreasonable requests for medical records or untimely requests for refunds
• You’re having difficulty obtaining fee schedules and/or payment rules
• You’re having difficulty obtaining fee schedules and/or payment rules
When you join North Valley Medical Association, you join CMA as well, and together we are stronger. By protecting your practice from legal, legislative and regulatory intrusions, your membership lets you focus on what’s really important - your patients.
Together We Are Stronger The North Valley Medical Association is a Component Society of the California Medical Association
Recently, CMA stopped efforts to increase physician’s malpractice and insurance risk and rates, filing briefs and arguing two cases against those hoping to eliminate the cap on non-economic malpractice damages.
Both CMA and NVMAS are aggressively defending the practice of our members, but the benefits of organized medicine extend well beyond these basic protections.
• Your claims are being denied for timely filing
• You’ve done everything you can to resolve an issue with a payor, including appealing, and have been unsuccessful in getting the issue resolved.
one of the few legal ways that we have to discuss issues with one another and our legislators. If doctors remain closeted, dealing only with our practices, while complaining about reimbursement and
Communication and Online Resources
1670 Market Street, Suite 118 Redding, California 96001 (530) 247-0293
1670 Market Street, Suite 118 Redding, California 96001 (530) 247-0293
the legislative climate, we will soon be
Legal Assistance
Members stay informed about proactive management, local healthcare related stories, public health and other society news through our quarterly publication San Joaquin Physician and our bi-weekly e –newsletter, which features more up-to-the-minute news items affecting your practice. Our website features information for running your practice, direct access to hundreds of healthcare links and resources, and a practical Buyer’s Guide for locating professional resources and vendors. Visit
Medical Society Membership
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
model of the local medical association is
organize to make our opinions known to
• Your claims are being denied for timely filing • You’ve done everything you can to resolve an issue with a payor, including appealing, and have been unsuccessful in getting the issue resolved.
“I joined the NVMA because I feel that the
CMA’s legal help line provides immediate assistance to physicians with questions on human resource, medical, regulatory or legal issues. This service is offered exclusively to CMA members. Additionally, CMA’s medical-legal library contains over 4,500 pages of up-to-date information on a variety of subjects of everyday importance to practicing physicians. Documents are free to CMA members and are available online in the resource library or by calling CMA’s member help center.
1670 Market Street, Suite 118 Redding, California 96001
employees of the government. Very few people take the time to call or write to their governmental representatives, giving the impression that the pending legislation is not important to us. If we each contribute a little, we can make a difference - a big difference while still having time to focus on what we are trained to do – practice medicine.” - Julia Mooney, M.D.
HALF-FOLD LARGE BROCHURE DESCRIPTION: Half-Fold Brochures be created from a variety of paper sizes from 8.5 x 11 (letter size), 8.5 x 14 (legal size) and even 11 x 17 (tabloid size) to create the exact brochure you desire to tell your story and within your budget. Start from one of these completed templates (just edit the text and photos) or work with us to design a completely new design to your exact specifications.
Design Services 17” x 11” 8.5” x 11”
When you join San Luis Obispo Medical Society, you join CMA as well, and together we are stronger. By protecting your practice from legal, legislative, and regulatory intrusions, your membership lets you focus on what’s really important: your patients.
Membership reaches far beyond our personalized benefits, annual dinners and mixers, practice resources, and complimentary CME events.
CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES) is staffed by practice management experts with a combined experience of over 125 years in medical practice operations. Their goal is to empower physician practices by providing resources and guidance to improve the success of your practice. In 2011, CES successfully recouped over $2.7 million from insurance companies on behalf of their physician members. Assistance ranges from coaching and education to direct intervention with payors or regulators.
Recently, CMA stopped efforts to increase physician’s malpractice and insurance risk and rates, filing briefs and arguing two cases against those hoping to eliminate the cap on non-economic malpractice damages. Both CMA and SLOCMA are aggressively defending the practices of our members, but the benefits of organized medicine extend well beyond these basic protections.
We are available to help you with everything important about your profession and your practice. Whatever you, or your staff requires – be it legal information, help with a problematic payor, establishing your practice, or details about your personal member discounts and services.
We can help you when… • Your claims are not being paid in a timely manner • You’re not being paid according to your contract
We’re here to serve you and provide the most unique resources available. Learn first-hand the value of membership today and give us a call at 805.544.3020 or visit us online at
• Your claims are being denied after obtaining prior authorization or verifying eligibility
ONLINE COMMUNICATION Our website features information for running your practice,direct access to hundreds of healthcare links and resources, and a Physician Locator with unique search-field capabilities.
• You’re receiving unreasonable requests for medical records or untimely requests for refunds • You’re having difficulty obtaining fee schedules and/or payment rules • Your claims are denied for timely filing
• You’ve done everything you can to resolve an issue with a payor, including appealing, and have been unsuccessful in getting the payor to resolve the issue
LEGAL ASSISTANCE CMA’s legal help line provides immediate assistance to physicians with questions on human resource, medical, regulatory or legal issues. This service is offered exclusively to CMA members. Additionally, CMA’s medical-legal library contains over 4,500 pages of up-to-date information on a variety of subjects of everyday importance to practicing physicians. Documents are free to CMA members and are available online in the resource library or by calling CMA’s member help center.
Heidi Wiliams Executive Director 805.544.3020 3220 S Higuera St San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Visit us online at
BENEFITS SLO 11x17_Fold_Brochure.indd 2
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Members receive preferred rates and services on insurance programs for solo, small, medium and large groups. Marsh designs, develops and implements insurance plans that are available only to members – either through preferred pricing, enhanced coverage or both.
San Luis Obispo Medical Association has endorsed NORCAL Mutual’s medical liability program since 1975 and members are potentially entitled to additional risk-management discount programs.
DocBookMD is a smartphone platform created by physicians for physicians. It enables physicians to connect, communicate and collaborate within their local medical community on their iPad, and/or iPhone or Android platform phone.
2/1/12 4:55 PM
TRI-FOLD LARGE BROCHURE DESCRIPTION: Traditional Tri-Fold Brochures can be created from a variety of paper sizes from 8.5 x 11 (letter size), 8.5 x 14 (legal size) and even 11 x 17 (tabloid size) to create the exact brochure you desire to tell your story and within your budget. Start from one of these completed templates (just edit the text and photos) or work with us to design a completely new design to your exact specifications.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Design Services 25.5” x 11” 8.5” x 11”
community matters
DESCRIPTION: Traditional Tri-Fold Brochures can be created from a variety of paper sizes from 8.5 x 11 (letter size), 8.5 x 14 (legal size) and even 11 x 17 (tabloid size) to create the exact brochure you desire to tell your story and within your budget. Start from one of these completed templates (just edit the text and photos) or work with us to design a completely new design to your exact specifications.
Together We Are Stronger When you join the Tulare County Medical Society you join CMA as well, and together we are stronger. By protecting your practice from legal legislative, and regulatory intrusions, your membership lets you focus on what’s really important - your patients. Recently, CMA stopped efforts to increase physician’s malpractice and insurance risk and rates, filing briefs and arguing two cases against those hoping to eliminate the cap on noneconomic malpractice damages. Both CMA and Tulare County Medical Society are aggressively defending the practice of our members, but the benefits of organized medicine extend well beyond these basic protections.
Design Services 25.5” x 11” 8.5” x 11”
Practice Resources CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES) is staffed by practice management experts with more than 125 years combined of experience in medical practice operations. Their goal is to empower physician practices by providing resources and guidance to improve the success of your practice. In 2011, CES successfully recouped over $2.7 million from insurance companies on behalf of their physician members. Assistance ranges from coaching and education to direct intervention with payors and regulators.
We can help you when…
Communication and Online Resources Members stay informed about proactive management, local healthcare related stories, public health and other society news through our monthly publication Vital Signs which features, more up-to-the-minute news items affecting your practice.
• You’re not being paid according to your contract
Our website features information for running your practice, direct access to many different healthcare links and resources and current information about the physician members of the Tulare County Medical Society.
• Your claims are being denied after obtaining prior authorization or verifying eligibility
• Your claims are not being paid in a timely manner
• You’re receiving unreasonable requests for medical records or untimely requests for refunds
Legal Assistance
Our Future
CMA’s legal help line provides immediate assistance to physicians with questions on human resource, medical, regulatory or legal issues. This service is offered exclusively to CMA members. Additionally, CMA’s medical-legal library contains over 4,500 pages of up-to-date information on a variety of subjects of everyday importance to practicing physicians. Documents are free to CMA members and are available online in the resource library or by calling CMA’s member help center.
The medical society offers our local medical students a sponsored membership program, while encouraging their participation in all levels of our organization.
• You’re having difficulty obtaining fee schedules and/or payment rules • Your claims are being denied for timely filing • You’ve done everything you can to resolve an issue with a payor, including appealing, and have been unsuccessful in getting the payor issue resolved.
Medical Society Membership Membership reaches far beyond our personalized benefits, annual dinners, educational opportunities for medical staff, and complimentary CME events. We are available to help you with everything important about your profession and your practice. Whatever you or your staff requires – be it legal information, help with a problematic payor, establishing your practice, or details about your personal member discounts and services. We’re here to serve you and provide the most unique resources available. Learn first-hand the value of membership today and give Gail Locke, Tulare County Medical Society, Physician Advocate a call at 559-7340393 or visit us online at
The Tualre County Medical Society is a professional association
representing physicians from every medical specialty and practice setting
Members receive preferred rates and services on insurance programs for solo, small, medium and large groups. Marsh designs, develops and implements insurance plans that are available only to members – either through preferred pricing, enhanced coverage or both.
as well as residents. TCMS has been at the forefront of current medicine,
Tulare County Medical Society has endorsed NORCAL Mutual’s medical liability program since 1975 and members are potentially entitled to additional risk-management discount programs.
DocBookMD is a smartphone platform created by physicians for physicians. It enables physicians to connect, communicate and collaborate within their local medical community on their iPad and/or iPhone or Android platform phone.
The Tulare County Medical Society reimburses physician members $400 for the purchase of a touch screen computer for their practice or 80% of the cost of a smart phone (up to $400 for the cost of the actual hardware) for their practice. Physician members can take advantage of this advantageous benefit program every two years.
UPTODATE The Tulare County Medical Society offers significant cost savings to physician members for UptoDate available in one or three year subscriptions. UptoDate which is available through the Web and Mobile Devices, combines the most recent evidence with the experience of expert physicians around the world and effortless CME in a
ensuring that its members are represented in the areas of public policy, government relations and community relations.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
partners for
DESCRIPTION: Traditional Tri-Fold Brochures can be created from a variety of paper sizes from 8.5 x 11 (letter size), 8.5 x 14 (legal size) and even 11 x 17 (tabloid size) to create the exact brochure you desire to tell your story and within your budget. Start from one of these completed templates (just edit the text and photos) or work with us to design a completely new design to your exact specifications.
Design Services 25.5” x 11” 8.5” x 11”
Attaining state-wide data integration is a paramount element of maximizing our CV system and therefore ongoing CMS staff training is being developed as a key component to Partners for Success and support for our growing CMS led CV Users Group will continue and be expanded upon with the addition of dedicated Euclid trained staff and resources.
Partners for
Providing value to members of the California Medical Association and its component medical societies Providing value members ofmembership the California growth Medicaland Association andof our is considered to be the most effective strategy fortoenhancing the vitality its component medical societies is considered to be the most effective medical organizations. Currently, county medical societies must commit significant resources to fulfilling strategy for enhancing membership growth and the vitality of our medical administrative and organizational obligations that reducecounty their capacity to engage this strategy. For organizations. Currently, medical societies mustin commit significant many county medical societies, those obligations canadministrative be virtually all-consuming. Hoping to overcome resources to fulfilling and organizational obligations that reduce their capacity to engage in this strategy. For manyfor county medical societies, this impediment, the California Medical Association has developed the Partners Success program obligations can beback-office virtually all-consuming. Desiringan to administrative overcome this to offer county medical societies athose package of no-cost, services through impediment, the California Medical Association has developed the Partners services agreement. Participation in this program is voluntary and does not change the county medical for Success program to offer county medical societies a package of nosocieties’ organizational structure, cost representation CMA’s governance structure,services or their agreement. relationship back-office in services through an administrative with the CMA. Partners for SuccessParticipation enables counties to devote all of their financial staffing in this program is voluntary and does notand change the county medical societies’ organizational structure, membership representationvalue in CMA’s resources to enhanced outreach and programmatic services to increase and attract governance structure, or their relationship the CMA.they Partners for Success new members, benefitting of the county medical societies, CMA, and thewith physicians serve. enables counties to devote all of their financial and staffing resources to enhanced and programmatic services to organization– increase membership To fulfill the above stated objective, the CMAoutreach has created a non-profit subsidiary value attract new members, the benefit program of the county Component Medical Society Services – and to administer the Partnerstofor Success withmedical the following societies, CMA, and the physicians they serve.
value-added services:
To fulfill the above stated objective, the CMA has created a non-profit subsidiary organization– Component Medical Society Services – to administer the Partners for Success program with the following value-added services:
AMS INTEGRATION, DUES PROCESSING AND ACCOUNTING SERVICES Providing a stable and robust membership database platform continues to be a focus of CMA. With the addition of CMS Services, enhanced training and technical support services can be provided to help counties fully leverage the potential of an electronic association management system.
CLEAR VANTAGE (CV) DATABASE INTEGRATION, TRAINING AND SUPPORT A leader in the field of association data management systems, Euclid’s Clear Vantage Association Management System provides the necessary breadth and capacity for all our county and state-wide membership database needs. CV will see several new enhancements in 2012 with the introduction of CV Elements, a web-based portal to CV which will allow administrative users (counties and CMA) easy access via any online browser. Secondly, we will introduce CV Mobile Team - a mobile-friendly web portal for accessing CV in the field on your Droid, iPhone or other Internet-capable handheld device. >>
CMSS_Brochure.indd 2
Savings to CMS: CMA covers all of the annual licensing and maintenance fees related to Clear Vantage, therefore each CMS will experience varying degrees of savings due to the elimination of their previous AMS software fees and support costs. Additionally, most CMSs experience significant administrative staff time savings from the integrated dues processing and transmittal capabilities of CV. Cost to CMS: CMA has budgeted for each CMS to convert to Clear Vantage and depending upon the complexity of its operation, there is normally no cost to the CMS for this one-time conversion.
Providing timely, accurate and meaningful membership data and the sharing of county best practices is a foundational component of CMS Services and the Partners for Success program.
Creative marketing resources and collateral are essential to the development of our brand awareness and overall image. Professional design services are now available to all of our CMSs regardless of their marketing budget or size. This includes the development, design and production of direct mail campaigns, presentation quality flyers, postcards and brochures, and guidance with your annual directory or other unique project.
MEMBERSHIP REPORTS Providing each CMS with timely membership reports designed to support membership recruitment and retention efforts and the development of campaigns.
DATA MINING CMS Services is committed to providing more sophisticated and specific physician data analysis by county, mode of practice, specialty and other significant markers.
CMS / CMA DUES PROCESSING & DEPOSITING SERVICES Led by CMA’s qualified finance department and with the insight and oversight of several CMS executives, these administrative services are designed to significantly reduce annual CMS administrative costs. CMS Services will be piloting this cost-saving program with several volunteering county societies for the 2013 dues cycle. Participating CMSs must commit by April 15, 2012, already be on Clear Vantage, and operate on a calendar dues cycle.
Special Note: The CMA $20-per-member commission will continue for all counties for the purpose of membership recruitment and retention.
One location to find the correct letter, talking points, presentation material, program policy, etc.
Savings to CMS: Potential savings will vary by CMS based upon average number of dues mailings per member, printing and postage costs, and administrative staff time savings. Cost to CMS: The only related costs that each CMS will bear are the actual credit card processing fees associated with CMS dues portion on invoices submitted with this form of payment.
CMS PROFESSIONAL BENEFITS & HR SERVICES CMS Services is currently exploring a wide variety of professional benefits for the shared use of participating CMSs. Potential services may include professional organizational memberships, professional HR consultative services and shared-cost legal services. Savings to CMS: Potential savings will differ by CMS based upon a number of factors.
QUICKBOOKS ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING SERVICES As another way to reduce significant administrative staffing costs; CMS Services is equipped to provide basic bookkeeping services to those counties in need. Participating CMSs must have a total annualized budget below $500,000 and operating on a Quickbooks platform. Services will be provided by CMA’s team of professional staff accountants and overseen by a CPA. Savings to CMS: Compared to employing dedicated part-time and full-time staff members to serve in this role or the option of outsourcing to a CPA firm, significant savings are attainable. Cost to CMS: Monthly fees for this accounting service are negotiated based upon criteria of overall size of annual budget, number of check/deposit transactions, complexity of chart of accounts and other factors.
Designed to share CMS best practices and recently discovered resources from other association management sources and organizations.
Savings to CMS: It is the goal of CMS Services that these requested reports and services will provide significant administrative staff time savings. Cost to CMS: None.
EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT AND ASSISTANCE Ongoing training and education is critical to the success of our CMS leaders and Partners for Success is committed to providing ongoing support in several significant areas.
CMS WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS CMS Services has partnered with MAYACO Marketing to provide the latest in seamless connectivity and fresh design platforms that meet the demanding technology resources we require and yet, provide your staff with simple editing functionality as well to keep your content up-to-date. Multiple design platforms are available, and are priced on three tier levels ranging from $2,450 up to $9,450. All three tiers feature seamless integration to our Clear Vantage Database for up-to-the-minute searches in your Physician Locator. Additional CV integration is available for easy to navigate new member application and renewal processes, connectivity to your events module, and personalized member sign-in capability for access to confidential or member specific only content. All sites include complimentary creative design direction provided by CMS Services which can be incorporated into new marketing collateral if you desire. For once, all of your marketing efforts will support each other in appearance and messaging.
CMS Services is eager to partner with CMSs throughout the state and develop a quarterly Physician Magazine designed to reach your current and prospective membership with current and relevant content and resources. Developed at no-cost to participating counties, this marketing tool may be exactly what you need to share your membership message.
Counties facing challenging scenarios without executive leadership may choose to engage CMS Services for interim management and guidance until the ideal solution presents itself.
With the recent addition of several content developers to our CMA Communications Team, we are now able to provide you relevant and timely editorial content for your own publications, websites and marketing collateral. We will even consider specific requests or writing assignments.
Development of annual marketing, membership, communication and budgetary plans are crucial to the success of professional association organizations. No cost assistance in these areas are provided by CMS Services staff, professional consultants and participating CMS executives.
Our professional staff of graphic designers, writers and marketing professionals can assist you with your next project and at no cost.
Cost to CMS: You only pay for the printing costs and we can even save you money there with our bulk buying discounts and capacity sourcing approach. For larger projects, unique to each CMS, such as a multiple page publication or annual report, we are happy to provide you a competitive graphic design quote.
Our recently reengineered Membership Summit will be expanded in 2012 to showcase the exciting debut of our membership recruitment collateral and campaign being jointly developed by the MEC Membership Workgroup and CMS Services.
Website Development
Savings to CMS: The benefit of utilizing our marketing and graphic design services is two-fold: tremendous savings of your staff time and an improved level of professionalism at a fraction of the cost of outsourcing. In fact, the only thing you pay for is the printing!
Cost to CMS: Fees for interim management, strategic and marketing planning are complimentary.
2/3/12 2:00 PM
2/3/12 2:00 PM
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
TRI-FOLD LARGE BROCHURE DESCRIPTION: Traditional Tri-Fold Brochures can be created from a variety of paper sizes from 8.5 x 11 (letter size), 8.5 x 14 (legal size) and even 11 x 17 (tabloid size) to create the exact brochure you desire to tell your story and within your budget. Start from one of these completed templates (just edit the text and photos) or work with us to design a completely new design to your exact specifications.
Physician Wellness Program
Together We Are Stronger We highly value our members and rely upon your support to continue the aggressive agenda of political and economic advocacy on behalf of physicians. We constantly monitor health policy legislation and
but our strength derives from members like you. Our collective voice
Current and ongoing advocacy efforts: Protecting MICRA & Tort Reform Fair Payment for Medicare / Medi-Cal Patients Protecting your voice in a changing world of medicine:
Taking good care of patients also means that doctors need to take good care of themselves.
CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES) is staffed by practice
OCMA’s Physician Wellness Program provides resources for stress management techniques, to
management experts with a combined experience of over 125 years
Legal Assistance
Communication and Online Resources
reduce risks of burnout and to encourage positive personal and professional development. The
in medical practice operations. Their goal is to empower physician
main goal of the Physician Wellness Program is to prevent burnout and promote wellness within
practices by providing resources and guidance to improve the
CMA’s legal help line provides immediate assistance
OCMA’s highly interactive website features a sophisticated
to physicians with questions on human resource,
physician web portal customized for each individual member.
the Orange County medical community.
Practice Resources success of your practice. In 2011, CES successfully recouped over $2.7 million from insurance companies on behalf of their physician
work diligently behind the scenes as well as publicly to ensure that the physician perspective is incorporated. We have won many battles becomes stronger as we represent a greater number of doctors.
Design Services 25.5” x 11” 8.5” x 11”
The guiding principle is to provide a broad set
Components of the Wellness Program include:
members. Assistance ranges from coaching and education to direct intervention with payors and regulators.
of resources that allow for:
Physical Health
Physicians to thrive and grow in their
Psychological/Mental Health
professional and personal lives.
Work/Life Balance
We can help you when…
Reduce risk of physician burnout.
Financial Health
• Your claims are not being paid in a timely manner
Physicians to provide a positive impact on
Risk Management
• You’re not being paid according to your contract
patients, colleagues and the community at large.
Spiritual Health
• Your claims are being denied after obtaining prior authorization or
Physicians to participate on a voluntary basis.
medical, regulatory or legal issues. This service is
The physician web portal is a prime destination for patients
offered exclusively to CMA members. Additionally,
searching for physicians in Orange County. It also facilitates
CMA’s medical-legal library contains over 4,500 pages
physician to physician referrals. This is of tremendous value
of up-to-date information on a variety of subjects
to OCMA physicians and to patients in the Orange County
of everyday importance to practicing physicians.
community. OCMA’s website also promotes
Documents are free to CMA members and are available
links to charitable volunteer activities and
online in the resource library or by calling CMA’s
community involvement which are
member help center.
important aspects of the OCMA experience. Visit
verifying eligibility • You’re receiving unreasonable requests for medical records or
fighting on a local, state and federal level to ensure your
untimely requests for refunds
opinion is heard with the passing of new legislation.
• You’re having difficulty obtaining fee schedules and/or payment rules
Educational Seminars/Socials
• Your claims are denied for timely filing • You’ve done everything you can to resolve an issue with a payer, including appealing, and have been unsuccessful in getting the payer to resolve the issue.
The OCMA hosts many educational seminars throughout the year. OCMA events are free for our entire membership; nonmembers may pay a small fee to attend. Some recent seminars include: Merging and Consolidating Medical Practices, exploring the pros and cons and the issues of merging and consolidating medical practices in today’s regulatory environment
Member Benefits
Medical Society Membership
The OCMA Services Committee carefully vets a
Membership reaches far beyond our personalized benefits, annual
select group of business partners. If selected,
dinners, socials, educational seminars and complimentary CMA events.
business partners offer discounted rates and
Employment Law & Best Practice Overview 2012, reviewing best practice takeaways and in-depth information on employment law.
preferred status on products/services to OCMA
We are available to help you with everything important about your
profession and your practice. By assisting doctors in successfully
Electronic Health Record Demonstration Series, hosted along with CalOptima, demonstrating how to
managing their medical practices, more time can be devoted to meeting
implement and employ electronic health records. The OCMA also holds our very own membership social hour every first Friday of the month. Come
– be it legal information, help with a problematic payer, questions/ opinions on current health legislation, establishing your practice, or details about your personal member discounts and services. We’re here
meet and greet with the best physicians in Orange County! Our “First Fridays” Social + Networking
The Orange County Medical Society is a non-profit, voluntary
to serve you and provide the most unique resources available.
Hour is an opportunity for physicians, medical residents and medical students to socialize and network with their colleagues over hors d’oeuvres and drinks.
Learn first-hand the value of membership today and give us a call at 949.398.8100 or visit us online at
membership, professional organization that represents the interests of physicians who practice medicine in Orange County. One of 44 component medical societies chartered by the Florida Medical Association, the Orange County Medical Society was formed on May 26, 1908 by 10 Central Florida physicians.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
the specific needs of their patients. Whatever you, or your staff requires
member-benefits for more information. OCMA preferred business partners include:
Members receive preferred rates and services on insurance programs for solo, small, medium and large groups. Marsh designs, develops and implements insurance plans that are available only to members – either through preferred pricing, enhanced coverage or both.
Riverside County Medical Association has endorsed NORCAL Mutual’s medical liability program since 1999 and members are entitled to additional riskmanagement discounts unavailable to non-members.
Find the best sources of highly qualified talent. Members receive free job postings on our Inland Empire Career Center site, and a 25 percent discount on the national site for those looking or seeking job opportunities, from physicians to physician extenders, allied health providers and medical office staff.
Through our endorsed Partner, CHMB Solutions, RCMA members may submit their coding questions via fax or email, and receive a response in 1 business day by Certified Professional Coders for CPT, Dx and modifier related questions. Other services/products available to members at discounted rates.
DocBookMD is a smartphone platform created by physicians for physicians. It enables physicians to connect, communicate and collaborate in a HIPAA secured environment with their local medical community on their iPad/ iPhone or Android platform phone/tablet. Free to RCMA members.
membership directory
DIRECTORIES DESCRIPTION: Can we help you with a better cover design for your annual directory? or maybe provide you some production/ printing suggestions? give us a call to discuss.
membership directory
table of contents
CMA Member Benefits
Join the California Medical Association and become part o f the
ASSOCIATION About San Luis Obispo County Medical Association . . . . . . . . 7 Board of Directors 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 CMA Delegates and Alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Design Services
SLOCMA members
largest, most comprehensive medical society in California. Innovative membership bene fits keep CMA physicians tightly networked, pro fessionally supported, and technically advanced. Find out more
SLOCMA Past Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
about the bene fits o ffered by CMA, and become a member today.
SLOCMA Alliance Members 2012. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
(Coupons and codes are required to access some o f these discounts.)
CMA 2012 Member Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Practice Management
CMA On-Call Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 CMA Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 SLOCMA Members by Specialty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 SLOCMA Members by Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 SOCMA Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 SLOCMA Retired Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Hospitals and Pharmacies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Buyer’s Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
The purpose of the pictorial direcotry of the San Luis Obispo County medical Association is to facilitate professional familiarity within colleagues throughout the county.
CMA Payor Contract Analysis CMA is pleased to offer its members a free guide to contracting with payors. The goal in producing this document is to provide an educational resource to help members thoughtfully consider whether and when to enter into agreements with payors and how to prepare for negotiations when a payor relationship is desired. 800.786.4262
CMA’s Reimbursement Help Center Trouble getting paid? Call CMA’s reimbursement experts for personal assistance with contracting or reimbursement issues. Not available to nonmembers. 800.786.4262
Legal Services
Every reasonable effort has been made to obtain and print accurate and current information in this directory. if we have missed any updated information, we aplogize in advace and urge you to send us correction or additions. (See last page) All biagraphical information has been provided by the individual physicians or their staffs. We consistently upgrade the database at the Medical Association for accuracy in mailing/faxing/communication with physician’s office.
CMA On-Call CMA On-Call is an online library with over 4,500 pages of upto-date legal information on a variety of subjects of everyday importance to practicing physicians. Free to CMA members (typically $2 per page for nonmembers). Accessible online at or by calling CMA Member Help Center 800.786.4262.
The Medical Association is appreciative of it’s advertisers. Acceptance of advertising in the directory does not constitue professional approval or endorsement of products or services as advertised. Heidi Williams Executive Director Phone 805.544.3020 • Fax 805.544.3053 •
Legal Services CMA legal experts provide immediate assistance for HR, medical, regulatory, or legal questions. Free to CMA members. Not available to nonmembers. 800.786.4262
California Medical Association: 800.786.4CMA (4262) • • Rev. 12.12.11
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
PRINT ADVERTISEMENTS DESCRIPTION: In need of a custom advertisement to promote yourself in a community outlet - we’ll be happy to help you out.
Design Services 8.5” x 11”
eMR implementation can be hard.
• Certified EMR/PM software selection • Reaching Meaningful Use for Federal Stimulus Money Funding • Hardware Installation and Repair • Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery • HIPPA/HiTech Regulatory Compliance • Network and Systems Security • Local Affordable Flat Fee IT Support
We guide our clients through every critical step and our process ensures improved operational efficiencies, quality of care, and increased practice profits.
Call us today for a complimentary consultation at (209) 390-4670
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Liquibus dolecustiis
doluptam, suntotaspere voluptam endae rera ipitiorepta nem qui offictia vernatquatis de expeditibus doluptatur sin cupta nonecus maiore prerum il eosaperunt fugia estrum rem aut quassim inullenderio vollorem endio optatem poreped ut harcimilici cupicab Board of Directors iliqui tem volore venimped ut ium harum in et, utatus eost ut doloratisint asperci aut Executive Committee exerspe digende bitibus re, auda conseque Douglas Brosnan, MD, JD, nam impel modi dist lam que dolupta tem- vent reperro essuntur simusda voluptis sum President, CMA Young porem nos dolum quiatemod et estias er- facepeliquam ne eos nullat porio. Et verPhysicians Section Trustee ernamus, quam, vel ipsam sollandi ium sae ferrum sum sinus ped ut estruptis deribea Lisa Ellis, MD, Presidentlaut qui aut aut rate eumente millesti omnis quatibusciis et, consed maio doluptio mi, Elect CMA Delegate et excestibusa des quis aut latur? aborpor estiat am nulparum corerum quiaGa. Nequis eicte dendel ea volores eliaspis tur sint aute nienimus dio cusciae sequiberi Glenn Hofer, MD, simet es dent occusam, sae volor alit milig- tem aliquib usandun totature andendus doSecretary/ Treasurer, CMA natur sitatque nossi que offic test, seque eles lupta quiditi sin prore nos dipsand aersper Alternate Delegate re, quam int. iberepedit vit fuga. Delector re, solor ab Board of Directors Aquae nus ex earum delesed magnis aut do- inctiur aliti totatio omnis mincto ditasi aut Richard Burton, MD, MPH, loris as et volest aut andae pos ut untios sed autem sit eossunda quiaturem sitaturibus CMA Alternate Delegate ut ra ventus, num in rem que preruptaerro ipsaper iorero ea velianti dit expellor ad quis blatemp ererferum aut que nonsed moluptia que sitiaest qui comnissunt porepra eperum Troy M. Falck, MD, FACEP, con estrum, quis solupta ipsamust officatem illorenet voluptatur sequi ut faccatis est ligeFAAEM, CMA Delegate, esto molupta sperrumquist aut esequis mag- nem. Pa aliqui volorem que vid elenihit acTPMG Liaison nis qui rerum fugit quod quam et eturehent. cae voloreh enihic tem velendunt doluptae Daniel S. Foreman, MD, Pudipisi untionserum labore, sam eiu- pa volorrovit lam voles evenisc illaccullam CMA Solo Delegate sae provid esciet maio. Nem am re optae harcia imincitate voluptas doluptatusam rene quunt et aut quiduci denitat ectorpore, hendae et perspel mo berestiam receprem Daniel N. Switlick, MD, optae. Nam, neceprorios id quam, con rem- utem digent aut velentioria parit velit facea SMG Liaison pos sincte escilibeaqui voluptaquas aperae nimi, ea volorument accum rerundignim James Willis, MD necatur, officiet quiandi cum alibus sitem apis voles ut qui in renisciis maiore nam la CMA Delegate illa verum nat. volorum vitaspienia doluptiatur? At oditia venestrum iumquam eossiti bero- Pelis re inus doluptatem quo quid molorro Theodore Bacharach, MD vit, odistem quiae. Inciet plisin perum dolo- est quae ilitet quam, exceaque aut am quid Director Emeritus re core comnim volore quatet re, qui dolorro The California Medical Association (CMA) quam, con restio velit peditiumque de quam Delegates magnistrum del ipsam, simpor sundam in- quo vit harum et voluptatium sequodi re Garrett Eckerling, MD verchil mo excesequatus se consequ atatur Foundation is launching its Walk with a Doc deria dolorro et voluptatias eius sit est enCMA Solo Practice Delegate sit asimi, sit esti dolupic to maio magnihi dae nullam re net laccum reped que quam, one of the most nulles maximilique voluptisciam which encourages people toquia get sim outfaccae explabo. Omnimpel effective ways to address obesity is Holly Leeds, MD CMA Delegateprogram, libus, et laborum nonsectatur alis ad quam est, aut es nihil volorro volorion etur sitatib eatur? Qui int through exercise and physical activity. PNCMS OFFICE STAFF and walk with a physician. Walk volorepuda with a Docprovidel ipsum fuga. Es saecere dolor re maximenis nim commolum Walking as little as 30 minutes a day Cheryl Brandwood, acepudae ea quas volore, to enis dellaut laut Liquibus dolecustiis doluptam, suntotaspere
walk with a Doc
DESCRIPTION: We can design or help you design the newsletter that you always wanted. These newsletters can be printed in house, professionally or even sent out in email format.
Design Services 8.5” x 11”
it’s fun and free!
Research shows
Executive Director capitalizes on the credibility physicians have can have the following benefits: Kristen Cray with the public. Administrative Assistant/ Bookkeeper Office 530-822-7770 Reduce the risk of coronary Fax 530-751-7770 We would like to hear from you!Is dolorum eicia dolupitatur sunduntur as eatusan heart disease Email More than half of all California adults age ienderempor aut velibus explabor re doluptatur? We would like to hear from you!Is Website dolorum eicia dolupitatur sunduntur as eatusan ienderempor aut velibusImprove explaborblood pressure 18 and over are either or obese. re doluptatur? Weoverweight would like to hear from you!Is dolorum eicia dolupitatur sundunand blood sugar levels tur as eatusan ienderempor aut velibus explabor re doluptatur?
We would like to hear from you!
Obesity is a major risk factor for a number of
chronic diseases, and has reached epidemic
Maintain body weight and lower the risk of obesity
proportions among both adults and children.
Enhance mental well-being Improve blood liquid profile
The Walk with a Doc program is free and fun and a great way to get some physical activity.
Contact CMAF: 916-779-6620
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Reduce the risk of osteoporosis Reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer Reduce the rick of type 2 diabetes
think RCMA! Call (800) 472-6204
reference guide. When Do You Call CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES)?
• When your claims are not being paid in a timely manner • When you are not being paid according to your contract • When your claims are being denied after obtaining prior authorization • When you receive unreasonable requests for medical records or untimely requests for refunds • When you have difficulty obtaining fee schedules and/or payment rules • When your claims are denied for timely filing • When you’ve been presented with a managed care contract and aren’t sure if the terms are consistent with California law • When you’ve done everything you can to resolve an issue with a payor and have been unsuccessful in getting the payor to resolve the issue CONTACT YOUR RCMA CES PHYSICIAN ADVOCATE: Mitzi Young • • (888) 236-0267 Fax (951) 686-1692 • : Find practice management resources (legal docs, toolkits, guides, etc.)
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
When Do You Call The Riverside County Medical Association? • When you have legal, regulatory, EHR or HIE questions • When you see your rights as a physician being eroded • When you are concerned about a current or upcoming legislative issue • When you need more information about RCMA partners or member benefits • When you need more information or want to register for an upcoming RCMA workshop or meeting • When you have a question or comment about how we can meett your needs as an individual physician • When you have questions about membership dues • When you want to get more involved in RCMA leadership, political activities and committees • When you have ideas about CME presentations, educational workshops and membership events • When you just don’t know what to do…call RCMA.
DESCRIPTION: We can design or help you design the newsletter that you always wanted. These newsletters can be printed in house, professionally or even sent out in email format.
Design Services Reasons to become a Yuba Sutter Colusa Medical Society Member
Reasons to become a Yuba Sutter Colusa Medical Society Member
Legal Help
Legal Help
We provide immediate assistance to physicians with questions on human resource, medical, regulatory or legal issues.
We provide immediate assistance to physicians with questions on human resource, medical, regulatory or legal issues.
Practice Assistance
Practice Assistance
When you join Yuba Sutter Colusa Medical Society, you hire a powerful professional staff to protect the viability of your practice.
When you join Yuba Sutter Colusa Medical Resolve Payment and Contracting Issues with one-on-one Society, you hire a powerful professional staff assistance from the practice management experts. to protect the viability of your practice.
Contact Information:
Answers for You and Your Staff Contact Information:
Answers for You and Your Staff
PO Box L, Marysville, CA 95901 1633 Starr Drive #2, Yuba City, CA 95993
We are available to help you with everything important about PO Box L, Marysville, CA 95901 your profession and your practice. Whatever you need. 1633 Starr Drive #2, Yuba City, CA 95993
We are available to help you with everything important about your profession and your practice. Whatever you need.
Email: Website:
Educational Email: yscms Programs Website:
Educational Programs
Referred By:
their staff. Choose from highly-interactive seminars or webinars. Referred By:
We provide high quality educational programs for members and
Contact: Cheryl Brandwood Office: (530) 673-6894 Email:
Resolve Payment and Contracting Issues with one-on-one assistance from the practice management experts.
We provide high quality educational programs for members and their staff. Choose from highly-interactive seminars or webinars.
CME Certification/Tracking
CME Certification/Tracking
CMA’s Institute for Medical Quality provides a continuing medical education (CME) tracking service.
CMA’s Institute for Medical Quality provides a continuing medical education (CME) tracking service.
News and Information
News and Information
Members stay informed about breaking health care news through our free member newsletter, CMA Alert.
Members stay informed about breaking health care news through our free member newsletter, CMA Alert.
Contact: Cheryl Brandwood Free DocBook MD Membership Office: (530) 673-6894 HIPAA - compliant messaging-send & receive. Multi-Media Email: Collaboration – high resolution images X-rays, EKGs wounds.
Free DocBook MD Membership HIPAA - compliant messaging-send & receive. Multi-Media Collaboration – high resolution images X-rays, EKGs wounds.
Reasons to become a Yuba Sutter Colusa Medical Society Member
Reasons to become a Yuba Sutter Colusa Medical Society Member
Legal Help
Legal Help
San Joaquin Medical Society’s website just got an upgrade… Practice Assistance Practice Assistance We provide immediate assistance to physicians with questions on human resource, medical, regulatory or legal issues.
We provide immediate assistance to physicians with questions on human resource, medical, regulatory or legal issues.
When you join Yuba Sutter Colusa Medical Society, you hire a powerful professional staff to protect the viability of your practice.
When you join Yuba Sutter Colusa Medical Resolve Payment and Contracting Issues with one-on-one Society, you hire afrom powerful professional staff assistance the practice management experts. to protect the viability of your practice.
Contact Information:
Contact Information: The new website offersimportant a member only physicianWefinder, We are all available to help you with everything about are available to help you with everything important about
PO Box L, Marysville, CA 95901 1633 Starr Drive #2, Yuba City, CA 95993
Resolve Payment and Contracting Issues with one-on-one …get the resources & help you need at assistance from the practice management experts.
Answers for You and Your Staff
PO Box L, Marysville, CAand 95901 your profession your practice. Whatever you need. 1633 Starr Drive #2, Yuba City, CA 95993
Email: Website:
Email: Website: We provideupcoming high quality educational programs for members and news, events, patient resources
Referred By:
Referred By:
their staff. Choose from highly-interactive seminars or webinars.
sure to stop by and take a look around. CME Certification/Tracking
Contact: Cheryl Brandwood Office: (530) 673-6894 Email:
Answers for You and Your Staff
your profession and your practice. Whatever you need.
member resources, CMA Programs Educational Programs association programs, up-to-date Educational
We provide high quality educational programs for members and and more. Make their staff. Choose from highly-interactive seminars or webinars.
CME Certification/Tracking
CMA’s Institute for Medical Quality provides a continuing medical education (CME) tracking service.
CMA’s Institute for Medical Quality provides a continuing medical education (CME) tracking service.
News and Information
News and Information
Members stay informed about breaking health care news through our free member newsletter, CMA Alert.
Members stay informed about breaking health care news through our free member newsletter, CMA Alert.
Contact: Cheryl Brandwood Free DocBook MD Membership Office: (530) 673-6894 HIPAA - compliant messaging-send & receive. Multi-Media Collaboration – high resolution images X-rays, EKGs wounds. Email:
Free DocBook MD Membership HIPAA - compliant messaging-send & receive. Multi-Media Collaboration – high resolution images X-rays, EKGs wounds.
CONTACT RCMA: • 3993 Jurupa Ave. Riverside, CA 92506 (800) 472-6204 • •
BILLBOARDS DESCRIPTION: CMSS offers billboard design. We can create an original or approve upon an existing billboard.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Design Services
DISPLAYS AND POSTERS DESCRIPTION: Displays such as exhibits, posters and more are available through CMSS design services.
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
Design Services
EVENT INVITATIONS DESCRIPTION: CMSS offers invitation and card design and consultation. We can create an original or approve upon an existing design.
Design Services
WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Complimentary dinner at 6:00pm Madonna Inn - Garden Room 100 Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo, CA To RSVP contact Heidi Williams - Call (805) 544-3020 or Fax (805) 544-3035 by May 1st, 2012 Please make your dinner selection: Rib Eye Steak, Stuffed Chicken or Tortellini in Alfredo Sauce
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
President’s Reception & Awards Gala
S U N D AY E V E N I N G, O C T O B E R 1 4 , 2 0 1 2
DESCRIPTION: CMSS can provide you with a entire design package for your event or special occasion. Packages can include but are not limited to invitations, envelopes, RSVP cards, posters, online forms, e-blasts and more.
2 0 1 2 AWA R D S C E R E M O N Y I N V I TAT I O N L O C AT E D AT T H E C A L I F O R N I A M U S E U M
President’s Reception & Awards Gala
Invitation.indd 1
7/27/12 11:36 AM
Design Services
NAME __________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________ ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE CMA FOUNDATION AND ITS CONTINUED SUPPORT TELEPHONE _______________________________________ OF MEDICAL STUDENTS AND COMMUNITY HEALTH. TAX ID #94-6062822
Raffle_Ticket.indd 1
8/2/12 9:57 AM
RSVP.indd 1
Gala 8/2/12 10:18 AM
President’s Reception & Awards Gala 7/23/12 2:39 PM
2 0 1 2 AWA R D S C E R E M O N Y I N V I TAT I O N
President’s Reception & Awards Gala
2012 President’s Reception & Awards Dinner Sponsorship Reservation All sponsorships and ads are tax deductible. The CMA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. O C T O B E R 1 4 , 2 0 1 2 L O C AT E D AT T H E C A L I F O R N I A M U S E U M
RSVP_Envelope.indd 1
8/2/12 9:52 AM
Each year the California Medical Association Foundation and the California Medical Association celebrate the extraordinary leadership of individuals and organizations making a difference in the health of Californians. Recipients of the Robert D. Sparks, MD Leadership Award and the Adarsh S. Mahal, MD Access to Health Care and Disparities Award and are recognized at the 2012 President’s Reception & Awards Gala, which features a cocktail reception, dinner, an inspiring awards presentation, live entertainment, and after-party. Individuals and organizations are invited to sponsor the 2012 President’s Reception and Awards Gala. Being a sponsor provides you an unprecedented opportunity to showcase your organization to more than 500 of the state’s most influential physicians, health care leaders, executives and policy makers.
You may submit a fully completed ad or send in your artwork and/ or text and we’ll create it for you! Deadline to submit completed ads or text and/or artwork for ad creation is September 16, 2012.
Mail to: CMA Foundation, Attn: Shelley Tirsbeck 3835 North Freeway Blvd., Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95834
Fax: 916.779.6658
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral
• Opportunity to participate in the Gala “Welcome” video. All production and costs will be absorbed by CMA & CMAF. • Logo on the CMA Foundation website on the 2012 President’s Reception and Awards Gala page. • Recognition as a sponsor on the CMA website within the Events & Calendar sections of the site. • Verbal recognition at the Gala. • Sponsor recognition in all event signage. • Recognition in the print and online newsletters for both the CMA Foundation and CMA. • Feature story in the CMA Alert newsletter about sponsor. Date of insertion to be determined by CMA and sponsor. • Prominent recognition in all event press releases. • Brand promotion by placing one small collateral or giveaway item on each seat at the event. • (1) Full-page, black and white advertisement in the Gala Program Book. • Ten complimentary tickets to the Gala and preferred seating.
• Logo on the CMA Foundation website on the 2012 President’s Reception and Awards Gala page. • Recognition as a sponsor on the CMA website within the Events & Calendar sections of the site. • Verbal recognition at the Gala. • Sponsor recognition in all event signage. • Recognition in the print and online newsletters for both the CMA Foundation and CMA. • (1) Half-page, black and white advertisement in the Gala Program Book. • (10) Gala tickets with preferred seating.
HEALTHY LIVING - $15,000 CONTRIBUTION • Logo on the CMA Foundation website within the 2012 President’s Reception and Awards Gala page. • Recognition as a sponsor on the CMA website within the Events & Calendar sections of the site. • Verbal recognition at the Gala. • Sponsor recognition in all event signage. • Recognition in the print and online newsletters for both the CMA Foundation and CMA. • (1) Full-page, black and white advertisement in the Gala Program Book. • (10) Gala tickets with preferred seating.
WELLNESS – $5,000 CONTRIBUTION • Logo on the CMA Foundation website on the 2012 President’s Reception and Awards Gala page. • Recognition as a sponsor on the CMA website within the Events & Calendar sections of the site. • Sponsor recognition in all event signage. • Recognition in the print and online newsletters for both the CMA Foundation and CMA. • (1) Quarter-page, black and white advertisement in the Gala Program Book. • (5) Gala tickets with preferred seating.
GOOD MEDICINE - $2,500 CONTRIBUTION • Logo on the CMA Foundation website on the 2012 President’s Reception and Awards Gala page. • Sponsor recognition in all event signage. • Recognition in the print and online newsletters for both the CMA Foundation and CMA. • (1) Quarter-page, black and white advertisement in the Gala Program. • (2) Gala tickets.
Jessica Kuo
1003 A O’Reilly Ave. San Francisco, CA 94129 SAN FRANCISCO
P 415.561.0850 F 415.561.0833 E A COMPONENT OF THE CMA
DESCRIPTION: In need of a complete or partial corporate ID makeover? we’re waiting for your call.
Design Services
Jessica Kuo MBA
1003 A O’Reilly Ave. San Francisco, CA 94129 P 415.561.0850 F 415.561.0833 E A COMPONENT OF THE CMA
2012 Component Medical Society Collateral