Seasonal Fundraising Manual: Summer 2020

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Summer Fundraising Ideas 5 Enkhjin’s Ideas 7 Selene’s Ideas 8 Isabelle’s Ideas 10 Kevin’s Ideas 12 Cynthia’s Ideas 15 Rosemaria’s Ideas

How to Donate

Contact Info


TREASURER Hello CNH KIWIN’S! I am very excited to present to you the Summer 2020 Seasonal Fundraising Manual. We were able to establish the members of the Finance and Fundraising Committee, and our members have worked to come up with fundraising ideas that you can use. In our manual, you’ll be able to find a variety of fundraiser ideas and the steps that you’ll have to take in order to successfully host it. In the middle of a global pandemic, I know better than anyone how hard it can be to continue club activities, but I hope that this manual can give you some assistance. If you need any additional help, always know you can reach out to me! Yours in Service, Dana Lee 2020-2021 District Treasurer CNH KIWIN’S Key Club


04 Fundraising Ideas

ENKHJIN GANSUKH Hey KIWIN’S! My name is Enkhjin Gansukh and I am the Crystal Lieutenant Governor for the 2020/2021 term. I’ve been in KIWIN’S for 4 years and served on the club board for 2 years so I definitely know the struggle of trying to reach your fundraising goals. But don’t stress! Everyone is going through the same situation and we’ll all make it through in the end.

WATER BOTTLE & CAN RECYCLING 1. Have members recycle all their water bottles and cans for one month. 2. At the end of the month, have members drop off their recyclables at a recycling center or to you in a designated location and time. 3. All the money they receive from the bottles at the recycling center will go to your fundraiser. 4. You can also have members create teams so that they can compete for the most money earned.

STICKER FUNDRAISER 1. Create a sticker design and order them in bulk from a website (my favorite is 2. Sell them to members for $1-2 each to generate a profit for your fundraiser. 3. You can create a Google Form for Sticker Pre-Orders to know how much to order. 4. You can mail out each sticker to your members OR have a designated location and time to pass them out (while wearing masks). 5. Have members pay on Venmo/Paypal/Cashapp etc, or in person if you decide to hand out the stickers.


$1 FOR $1 CHALLENGE 1. Contact your Kiwanis sponsor to host a joint fundraising event. 2. For every $1 your KIWIN’S club donates, the Kiwanis club will match that $1. 3. Set a maximum (ex. $200). Then if your club donates $200, Kiwanis will match the $200 to fundraise $400 in total. 4. Have all the money donated to your Venmo/ Paypal/Cashapp etc. You can sell items (like stickers) to raise this money from your members.

SMALL BUSINESS FUNDRAISER 1. Contact a local small business, such as a family owned pizza restaurant or a local coffee shop. You can also coordinate with a chain restaurant as well. 2. Ask if they are interested in hosting a fundraiser where KIWIN’S members attend during a certain time and date. 3. Have members show a flyer to prove they are with KIWIN’S. This is not only open to members – ask them to bring in friends, family, etc.! 4. Depending on what the local business agrees on, ask to get 15-30% of all purchases made by KIWIN’S members for your fundraiser.


SELENE LAM Hi everyone! My name is Selene and I am a rising senior at Palisades Charter High School from the Crystal Division. I’ve been in KIWIN’S for two years, serving as event coordinator my junior year and vice president my senior year. I’m excited to share my fundraising ideas with you all!



*Does not necessarily need to be a pair of sneakers, can be any rare exotic items teens are into

1. Download AmazonSmile 2. Use this extension to purchase items through Amazon. 3. A certain percentage of the purchases are donated towards a charity of choice. 4. A .1% per purchase goes a long way if we get everyone to participate in it!

1. Purchase a pair of sneakers. 2. Require interested club members to donate $1-5 for each entry. 3. Winner of raffle gets the sneakers. 4. After covering the costs of the sneakers, all profits raised goes towards KIWIN’S.

WATER WALK 1. Download Achievement app. 2. It gives you money after walking a certain amount of miles. 3. Schedule a time everyone can do a walk together. OR 1. Encourage club members to stay active during quarantine. 2. Walk at least 2 (or any number) miles per month and earn merch. 3. Failure to do so: donate $5 towards KIWIN’S.


ISABELLE KIM Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well! My name is Isabelle Kim and I am currently a senior at Glen A. Wilson High School from Goldstone Division. I’ve been in KIWIN’S for four years and served as treasurer for my home club last term. I am super excited to be a part of the Finance and Fundraising Committee and I am really proud of you for taking initiative to serve even under these circumstances. Some of my interests include dancing, binging on K-Dramas, and eating yummy food. I can’t wait to see what we will accomplish this term!

PIGGY BANK/COIN COLLECTION 1. Set a date for this fundraiser to take place. One to two weeks is recommended. 2. Choose what the profits will go towards (ex. Governors Project, PTP, Thirst Project, club account). 3. Members can collect spare change in coins. 4. At the deadline, they can drop off their piggy bank (or any other container/bag) with their name at a designated location. This can be an officer’s house or public place. Make sure safety precautions are being practiced, such as social distancing and required masks. 5. At the end of the fundraiser, the profits can be donated to a charity or organization of choice online.


BOBA FUNDRAISER 1. Research and look for local boba shops that are open to hosting your fundraiser. 2. Contact the store and find out more details about their availability, policies, and percentage of profit. 3. Set a reasonable date and time that would maximize profit. 4. Remember to keep your club officers updated during the process! 5. Once it is set up, start publicizing on social media platforms. 6. After the fundraiser, contact the store again to discuss the results.

CARE PACKAGE 1. Set a price and date for delivery of a care package. 2. Create a Google Form with information where participants can write name of sender, name of receiver, address of receiver, phone number and any other basic information. 3. Members fill out the form and participate by sending care packages to friends and loved ones in the area. Be sure to include in the form a distance limit (ex. within a 5 mile radius). 4. Officers can put the packages together and include snacks, hand sanitizer, self care items (ex. face masks), and a note. 5. Purchase items for orders after the deadline so there are no excess products. 6. Deliver to addresses. 7. Payments can be made through Venmo or in person. The details on the method of payment can be included in the Google Form as well. 8. This event can get the whole board involved, so keep constant communication with other officers during this process! (Be sure to follow KIWIN’S transportation rules.)


KEVIN CHUNG Hello everyone! I’m Kevin Chung, an upcoming junior at Glen A. Wilson High School from Goldstone Division. I serve as the treasurer for both my school club and division, and have been a part of KIWIN’S since my freshman year. I know during these difficult times, fundraising may be really hard, but I hope my ideas can come in to help with that!

ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE 1. This challenge is based on competition. Whoever can last the longest with their feet in ice wins! 2. Create a Google form where members must pay in order to participate in this contest ($1 recommended, but if your club size is large, consider bringing up the registration cost). Include information such as delivery address for the prize, name, gender, contact information, etc. 3. Prepare a prize, such as a gift card or cash in order to push more members to participate (price of reward should vary with the amount of members in the club. Have your cabinet contribute some money for the prize OR reach out to advisors and teachers. If your club has 50+ members, I recommend setting the price range to $15-20. If your club has fewer members than 50, I recommend either setting the price lower or reaching out to supervisors for additional help). 4. Include the requirements needed for the challenge in the Google form. Special instructions should include a clear bucket (in order for no cheating to take place), 6 cups of ice, available camera, etc. If not everybody has access to a clear bucket, make it mandatory for the participants to angle the camera in a way that their feet may show. 5. Host a Zoom call, press record on the top left corner, and compete!


SKRIBBL.IO EVENT 1. This is a one-day event, so set a specific time and date for it to take place. 2. Create a Google form where you can sell tickets (preferred price of $1-2 each) in order to track how many members are attending the event. When selling the tickets, give a variety of options for payment (dropping off/picking up the money or even through venmo). The Google form should address mandatory questions necessary for these payments to take place (which form of payment, address, date for pick up). When collecting money, ensure safety procedures, such as wearing masks and keeping six feet distance from one another. 3. Prepare a prize ($15-$20 recommended) in order to motivate members to come out and participate! 4. When creating the game on the website, customize the words to fit into whichever theme you are going towards! 5. Finally, host a Zoom call and enjoy! (Make sure to deliver the prize to the winner at the end.)

50/50 FUNDRAISER 1. The basis of this event is off of reward, where the money being collected partially goes back to the people. Prepare raffle tickets with two different price ranges: $1 and $3. Make sure you differentiate a $1 raffle ticket from a $3 raffle ticket. From a container or a basket, pick one winner for the raffle. If the winning ticket is $1, then the person gets 25% of the money collected from the raffle. If the winning ticket is $3, then the person gets 50% of the money collected from the raffle. If you allow multiple entries, there is a possibility of more money being raised. The amount of money being raised is limitless! 2. Pick a time period (two to four weeks recommended) and create a Google form to gather the necessary info, such as contact information and payment methods, etc. 3. Create a Google spread sheet in order to track which members paid for which ticket type. 4. Randomly choose a raffle ticket and announce the winner on social media! You can also hold a Zoom call to announce the winner in order to create more suspense.


CYNTHIA BUI Hi! My name is Cynthia Bui and I am an upcoming sophomore! I’m currently cotreasurer at Edison KIWIN’S, Financial Assistant for Jet Division, and a member of the FiFun Committee! I joined KIWIN’S in my freshman year and quickly fell in love with everyone’s dedication and spirit towards helping communities and charities. The best part about KIWIN’S is not only are you working for good causes and helping others, but you build a passionate family along the way. It has been a difficult year especially when it comes to creating fundraisers, but I hope my ideas inspire treasurers and maybe some of them can be into action!

ONLINE BINGO FUNDRAISER 1. Create a bingo sheet with a dollar amount in each square. Make sure that there is a good range of small to realistic larger numbers for each vertical, horizontal, and diagonal line. 2. Create a GoFundMe or Paypal account and make sure to set up the withdrawals. 3. Make a GoFundMe page dedicated for the bingo fundraiser and create a graphic with the bingo sheet on it and explain your club’s goal (for ex. your goal can be a blackout, 2 bingos, one bingo, etc.). 4. Promote the GoFundMe or Paypal account and graphic all over social media. 5. Withdraw the money from GoFundMe or Paypal. Keep in mind that they keep 2.9% of the earnings + $0.30 from each donation


CLUB/DIVISIONAL PINS 1. Create a design representing your club or division. 2. Make a Google form asking members if they are interested in purchasing, so you can gather an estimate of how many to purchase. 3. Order custom enamel pins with your design from an online vendor. 4. Price them appropriately, the website will charge you depending on how large of the amount you’re ordering, but typically 1 pin will cost around $5. To ensure profits, pricing 1 pin around $6-7 is best, and you can include discounts like ordering 3 pins and a lanyard for $20. 5. Promote the pins at meetings, DCMs, and on social media so members can start buying!

RAFFLE FUNDRAISER 1. Make several goodie baskets full of candy, chips, merch, gift cards, plushies, etc. 2. Buy a roll of raffle tickets or check if your school or ASB club can provide them for free, and sell one ticket for $1, and you can include discounts like 15 tickets for $10. 3. Pick a date where the raffle will take place and promote it along with the tickets and goodie baskets on social media and meetings. 4. Split up the tickets to members for them to sell during school, meetings, and socials. 5. Have people write their name and grade on the ticket, and make them hold onto it until the raffle, and if they cannot go the event, have the seller note which raffle basket the purchaser wants the tickets going to. 6. On the raffle day, set up the goodie baskets and a plastic cup for each basket. 7. Have members place their raffle tickets in the cup(s) for the goodie basket they want. 8. Choose a raffle winner for each goodie basket by randomly picking out a ticket, announce the winners and hand them their goodie baskets.


HOLIDAY CANDY GRAMS 1. Design a paper asking for the recipient’s name, address, and a cute message for them. 2. Purchase bulk candy pertaining to the holiday the candy gram is for. 3. Print out these papers and sell them online for $3 or more depending on the candy you purchase. 4. Have members promote all over social media. 5. Ask members who can drive to drop it off at the recipient’s addresses.

BOARD GAME/ONLINE GAME NIGHT 1. Choose a date, time, and location to host a game night at and create an attendance fee. If online, use a Google meeting or Zoom call to hold the game night. 2. Set up a Paypal account for people to purchase their attendance fee. If it is online make the attendance fee cheap due to the lack of cost fees. 3. Promote the event at meetings, socials, and on social media. 4. Create a Google form and have people planning on going fill it out, make sure to ask if they can bring any board games or snacks of their own and which board games/snacks they want to see at the event. If online ask which online games they want to see (fun online games are skribblio, spyfall, online uno, etc.). 5. Based on the responses, purchase games and snacks. 6. Set up the snacks and board games before the event starts (optional: bring a speaker to play some music and set up table cloths and/or other decorations to spruce up the place). 7. Collect attendance fees and have a good time playing games!


ROSEMARIA THOMAS Hi! My name is Rosemaria Thomas and I am a rising junior at Adolfo Camarillo High School in the Turquoise Division. I feel honored to serve as a member of the Finance and Fundraising Committee and vice president of my school club this year. Being a part of KIWIN’S has been a really enjoyable experience for me and I am looking forward to extending my service this year! Despite the current situation and the challenges it presents, I am hoping that we will still be able to hold many fun, engaging, and successful fundraisers!


Set up a date and time that works best to hold the virtual movie night. Set up an event page on your website and advertise the event on social media. Have attendees sign up and pay a registration fee. Encourage registrants to spread the word to their friends and family. Set up the event using Netflix Party. Encourage participants to grab their favorite snack/ drink and join the party using a link. 6. Participants will be able to watch a movie at the same time and use the chat window to share thoughts, jokes, comments, etc.

GAME NIGHT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Set up a date and time that works best to hold game night. Set up an event page on your website and advertise the event on social media. Have attendees sign up and pay a registration fee. Encourage registrants to spread the word to their friends and family. Hold the event using a virtual platform (ex. Zoom, Google Meet). Participants can play board games at home, their favorite video games, online games with their friends, etc. (or host a multiplayer game for all participants with scores, etc.)


TALENT SHOW 1. Set up a date and time that works best to hold the virtual talent show. 2. Set up an event page on your website and advertise the event on social media. 3. Have attendees sign up and pay a registration fee. I. Pre-Show a. Have performers sign up to perform in advance. (Google Forms works really well for this.) b. Talk through what each performer will do and set a time limit for each performer (ex. under 4 minutes). c. Optional: Recruit MCs and co-hosts. d. Optional: Invite special guests with unique talents. (ex. parents, friends, etc.) 4. Hold the event using a virtual platform (ex. Zoom, Google Meet). 5. Offer awards and encouragement.


Set up a start date and end date for the event. This can take place over a few days. Set up an event page on your website and advertise the event on social media. Set up a link to your page for participants to click and donate. Have participants record a video of themselves doing something crazy and post it on their social media accounts. Make sure that what you’re asking is fun, but not dangerous. (ex. bobbing for apples, drawing something, push-ups challenge, ice bucket challenge, etc.). 5. To keep the fundraiser going, participants will then nominate three or more family/ friends to participate. 6. Once they post a video of themselves and nominate three others, participants will be able to click the fundraiser link and donate.


VIRTUAL RUN/WALK/BIKE/HIKE 1. Set up a start date and end date for the event. This can take place over a few days. 2. Set up an event page on your website and advertise the event on social media. 3. Set up a platform to allow participants to fundraise for the cause. Participants can seek donations for the number of miles/hours they run/walk/bike/hike for. 4. Encourage participants to sign up and pay a registration fee. 5. Start the virtual event. 6. Have participants log their miles/hours and report their results. 7. After the event, hold a live-stream to connect with the participants. Offer awards and encouragement (ex. Finisher’s medal, Most Money Raised Award).

VIRTUAL LEMONADE STAND 1. Set up a start date and end date for the event. This can take place over a few days. 2. Set up a form on your website where participants can select their donation amount. 3. Examples of donation amounts participants can select on the form: $5 for 1 cup, $10 for 2 cups, $15 for 3 cups, $20 for 4 cups, $50 for a whole pitcher, etc. 4. Set up a link to your form. 5. Set up an event page on your website and advertise the event on social media with the link to your form. 6. Once the event has finished, offer prizes and encouragement. (ex. Leading Donator Award, etc.)

NOTE! • REMEMBER TO ALWAYS KEEP COUNT OF YOUR PROFITS AND EXPENSES, COMMUNICATE WITH THE REST OF YOUR BOARD/YOUR ADVISORS, AND UPDATE THE FUNDRAISER TRACKER ON EACH FUNDRAISER YOU HOLD! • If you are using online payment methods, ALWAYS make sure to coordinate with your regional advisor or a Kiwanis branch. Make sure that an ADULT is handling the online payments! Money should never be going through a student’s personal account (for safety reasons!).


How to Donate


PEDIATRIC TRAUMA PROGRAM 1. Deposit the money you earned from the fundraiser into your club bank account, which is through your school or sponsoring Kiwanis club. 2. Write a check! Payable to: Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S Memo: ___ Division, _____ High School KIWIN’S | Club # 3. Put the check in an envelope and send it to: Bruce Hennings, KIWIN’S PTP Donation [club name] 8360 Red Oak Street #201 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 From : ____ High School Key Club | Club # ____ Division 1234 Street Name City, CA Zip Code

UNICEF 1. Deposit the money you earned from the fundraiser into your club bank account, which is through your school or sponsoring Kiwanis club. 2. Write a check! Payable to: Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S Memo: ___ Division, _____ High School KIWIN’S | Club # 3. Put the check in an envelope and send it to: Bruce Hennings, KIWIN’S UNICEF Donation [club name] 8360 Red Oak Street #201 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 From : ____ High School Key Club | Club # ____ Division 1234 Street Name City, CA Zip Code


Thanks for reading this issue of the Seasonal Fundraising Manual 2020-21! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, contact: Dana Lee District Treasurer

Isabelle Kim Glen A. Wilson HS Senior Representative

Enkhjin Gansukh Crystal Lieutenant Governor

Kevin Chung Glen A. Wilson HS Treasurer

Selene Lam Palisades HS Vice President

Cynthia Bui Edison HS Treasurer

Rosemaria Thomas Adolfo Camarillo HS Vice President

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