January 2013
Vol. 16, No. 1
Cent$ible Nutrition News Helping Families Eat Better For Less
Cost Cutter:
You are the Best Role Model!
Use a Price Book
They take their lead from you. Eat fruits and veggies and your kids will too. Start out the New Year in a healthy way by replacing your candy dish with a fruit bowl. Having the fruit bowl on the kitchen counter provides easy access for family members to make healthy choices. Fruits are a great source of vitamins and minerals, and can help prevent chronic diseases.
A price book can help you find real deals at the grocery store. With this system you can monitor the prices of items you buy often. In a small notebook, write down the product name, package size, price, store, and date. Compare these written prices to advertised specials and prices at other stores. You will then know the best prices on what you use most. When it truly is a good deal, if possible, stock up and then you will rarely have to pay the “regular price.”
If you want to eat better for less, please contact us for more information at:
Eat fruits and vegetables of different colors to get a wide range of nutrients like fiber, folate, potassium, and vitamins A and C. For example, try green apples, orange sweet potatoes, yellow pears, purple plums, red watermelon, and white onions. Have your children help you pick out a rainbow of colors of fruits and vegetables at the store. Be willing to try new fruits and vegetables. Encourage your children to do the same. Make it a game with your children to find new fruits and vegetables at the store, then have a tasting party at home and pick your favorites. Place vegetables peeled, cut, and on an easy-to-reach shelf in your refrigerator. Children enjoy the chance to pick their own snacks, so offer several healthy options. Welcome in the new year with colorful fruits and vegetables. They are fun to eat! Notice how they can be crunchy, juicy, colorful, and tasty. Choosing fruits and vegetables more often can help balance calories.
A Cent$ible Nutrition educator can show you how to: • save time and money • prepare tasty meals • keep food safe • invest your food dollars in the best nutritional choices
Participants receive a free Cent$ible Nutrition Cookbook plus many other items including: • computerized diet analysis • grocery list pad • menu planner • cutting board • refrigerator thermometer