The Research on Labor force Transfer Policy to Promote Urbanization- Based on the Analysis of Data

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Research and Applications in Economics Volume 2, 2014

The Research on Labor force Transfer Policy to Promote Urbanization Based on the Analysis of Survey Data in Guangdong Province Jinwen Wu, Hong Liang, Jingmin Wu School of Economy Management, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, 510631, China;; Abstract Firstly, this study analyses the relationship between urbanization and labor force transfer, reflecting the characters of labor transfer and effect on urbanization in Guangdong province. Secondly, it analyses the new problem in labor transfer, the rising cost of living leads to the power shortage of labor force transfer, inadequate protection and services restrict the sustainability of labor force transfer, the lack of dignity and emotion can influence happiness of the labor force. Training and employment need to be improved continually. Lastly, through the reform of distribution system, we give suggestion on labor proposed policy to promote urbanization. For the first time distribution, we propose that: 1. Abolishing monopoly which blocks the investment and employment from the aspect of laws and policies. 2. Promoting the balance of talent supply and demand through skills training and character education. For the redistribution, we consider that: 1.Improving the basic public services and accelerating the reform of the household registration system. 2. Carrying out the construction of affordable housing. 3. Allowing children equal to receive education. 4. Strengthening long-distance migrant workers’ rights and enhancing employee well-being. 5. Improving the level of medical network and strengthening universal basic health care. Keywords Urbanization; Industrial Upgrading; Double Shift; Labor Force; Distribution Policy

Introduction Urbanization is a necessary stage of economic development and also the hot issues of the times. It reflects the coordinated development of regional planning and the government’s guide for rational labor mobility and human resources deployment as the main organizer. It is necessary to find out problems generated in the process of urban development and proposed solutions from the distribution system by the labor force survey data in Guangdong. On the one hand, the data reflect the problems of urbanization, making it more universal, objective and practically


significant; on the other hand, making policy recommendations from the perspective of the distribution system will not only help the government more comprehensive to understand the subject and the work, but also solve the fundamental problems of urban development from the perspective of a market economy. Currently urbanization research focuses on the theory and its influencing factors. Most of the research makes specific labor force transfer policy from the perspective of urbanization, few of them content that labor force transfer equals to urbanization, and even fewer studies propose strategies to solve the problems of urbanization from distribution policy perspective. This paper is based on the Guangdong Provincial Labor Force Survey data .We used literature analysis, Delphi method, statistical analysis and other scientific methods to reflect urbanization issues, and propose policy recommendations from the perspective of the initial distribution and redistribution. New Urbanization Focus on Employment and Income The key of new urbanization is “new”. Compared with urbanization, new urbanization emphasizes the intrinsic quality enhancing, that is to promote urbanization to change from amount to quality. This paper defines new urbanization as the process of population management, land management, urban housing to expand the scale of urbanization. New Urbanization Performance as the Process of Labor Transfer Labor force transfer, mainly relying on the government to reasonably guide the flow of labor force and the allocation of human resources, is an important measure to solve the problem of urbanization. In general, under the impetus of the policy, labor force transfer is a hot spot of the current research, in a development peak of labor force transfer, however, it is

Research and Applications in Economics Volume 2, 2014

particularly important to understand the current situation and give the solution.

promoting urbanization has an effect on narrowing the gap between urban and rural, coordinating region development, and optimizing the distribution of labor force.

Labor Force Transfer in Guangdong for the Promotion of Urbanization

Narrow the Gap between Urban and Rural, Coordinate Region Development

Guangdong province, as the most powerful province of economy in China in the critical period that led up to scientific development track, faces the phenomenon of urbanization and regional unbalanced development, in order to alleviate a series of problems, and put forward the strategic thought of the "double transfer", to realize the economic development and social transformation (Xiaopeng Hu, 2003). In this paper, the team is commissioned by the CPPCC, based on the reference of research literature at home and abroad, investigating the government, enterprises and workers, training institutions of the city, county and transfer zone by the questionnaires. Totally 5980 questionnaires have been distributed, recovering 4230 and obtaining 3104valid data samples after screening and processing the data. These reflect that labor force transfer in

Labor force transfer increases the rural residents’ income, narrowing the gap between urban and rural as shown in Table 1-1 and Table 1-2. The number of people who attend social insurance in Western Guangdong and Eastern Guangdong significantly increases faster than that in the Pearl River delta. The gap of the region development narrows. GDP of Eastern Guangdong, Western Guangdong and Northern Guangdong rises rapidly, higher than the Pearl River Delta’s GDP in 2010, and the township enterprises develop much faster than that of the Pearl River Delta, and effectively promote the coordinated development of the region.


Area Project The regional comparison that transfer of labor force(survey)

Eastern Western Northern Guangdong Guangdong Guangdong

Pearl River Delta

The rate of outside income as the main economic source (%)





The average monthly wage (yuan)





The share that lack of labor enterprise (survey, %)





The decliningrange of the people employed in agriculture (Statistics in 2010 year-on-year, %)





The number of the newcomers ( statistics in 2010 compared with 2007, ten thousand )




-122(Except Guangzhou, Shenzhen)

The growth rate of the number of new jobs (Statistics in 2010 year-on-year, %)





The growth rate of tax delivery (Statistics in 2010 year-on-year, %)





The growth rate of Per capita GDP (Statistics in 2010 year-on-year, %)





The growth rate of the number of people who attend endowment insurance year-on-year (Statistics in 2010, %)





The township enterprises


Project Year

Transfer to the pearl river delta

Transfer to the location


Number(Ten thousand)

Proportion (%)

Number(Ten thousand)

Proportion (%)

Number(Ten thousand)


























Time Number The number of migrant worker(Ten thousand)

From the province From other provinces Total





710 1902 2612

790 1777 2567

900 1738 2638

958 1703 2661


Research and Applications in Economics Volume 2, 2014


The number of people who accept training(Ten thousand) Primary workers Intermediate Senior workers and (contain special ability) workers above 7.6 0.48 0.02 22.2 1.54 0.06 69.2 4.8 0. 2

Training project Primary industry Secondary industry Tertiary industry

Optimize the Allocation of Labor Force, and Promote the Process of Urbanization We can promote a new road to industrialization and upgrade of economic transformation in our province by optimizing the allocation of labor force. As is shown in Table 1-3, the proportion of local employment in the province is greatly improved. As is shown in Table 1-4, the quality and skills of Laborer have an integral elevation, optimizing the structure of the labor quality. Furthermore, optimization of labor force structure is the powerful support for the industry transformation and upgrade, promoting the process of urbanization, expanding the province's employment, and improving the matching degree of the industry structure. New Problem of Urbanization Process in the Labor Force in Guangdong Urbanization mainly includes two aspects: First, to expand the scope of urbanization; Second, to improve the quality of urbanization. Through survey data, we found the following problems of urbanization. Labor Force Transfer Lack of Motivation as the High Cost of Urban Living The central issue of urbanization is labor transfer. And a direct factor to attract the labor transfer is remuneration. However, in recent years, rising prices, especially the urban real estate prices (including rent) rose a lot, while the labor wages did not keep pace with the inflation rate. Compared with urban local labor (real estate owned), the transfer of labor cost of living is much greater, and the real income is going to a downward trend. As shown in Table 2-1. Wages and

Total (Ten thousand)

Proportion (%)

8.1 23.8 74.2

7.6 22.4 70

other cost factors for the survival of small and micro enterprises and industrial investment have a direct effect, and affect the stability of employment. We need to plan a new breakthrough in the distribution system to resolve this contradiction. TABLE 2-1 COMPARISON OF LABOR AND BUSINESS EXPECTATIONS

Expected Salary /Provide Salary

Cognitive labor relations

Existing labor relations 56.1%think 5017 that harmony 63.7% 2920 think that harmony

General Mecha Superv workers nic isor Transferred labor force






Elements of harmonious labor relations Legal contract (64.4%) Participate in Social Security (82.4%)

Inadequate Protection and Services Restrict the Transfer of Sustainability An important factor in the process of urbanization and rural land system is dual economic structure, social security system, employment system and the household registration system. Lacking of paid circulation system of rural land practices, coupled with inadequate social security system in rural areas, the land becomes a barrier of unemployment insurance and pension insurance in rural areas and thus cause the inertial resistance, as shown in Table 2-2 and Table 2-3. In addition, because of the insufficient of construction employment services at the grassroots and the inadequacy of public service "access mechanism" when the rural labor transfers from rural to urban, migrant worker has a "marginal urban man" identity crisis and directly impact on the dynamic to steady work in the city.


Select Ratio (%)

Rural Land System 46.8

Urban housing security system 41.8

Urban and rural social security system 25.5

Compulsory Education for Children 13.6

Family planning incentives 6.7


The PRD Eastern Guangdong Western Guangdong Northern Guangdong


Household population (a) 5.3 5.3 4.6 5.1

The number of labor (a) 3.2 2.8. 2.5 2.7

And industry conditions (workers while still contracted land) 54.5% 50.8% 69.1% 70%

Migrant support 81.3% 88.5% 69.1 42.9%

Research and Applications in Economics Volume 2, 2014


Work troubles Select Ratio (%) Life troubles Select Ratio (%)

Low wages 58.2 Children's Education 32.2

Future confusion 19.5 Difficult conditions 26.8

Bitter tired 14.3 Medical problems 17.5

illness 5.08 Emptiness feelings 10

Interpersonal problems 2.03 Workers Relations 4

Others 9.9 Others 14


Think they are city people

That they are not city people



Select Ratio (%)

Now it is not, but in the future will be 25.5

Do not intend to become a city people 8.9


Problems of enterprise labor supply shortage Enterprise ratio (%)

Labor supply shortages 68.3

Have an impact because of lack of work to produce 70

Recruitment difficulties 64.2

Employees working in the post can’t meet demand 31.9


The effect of labor force training Selected ratios (%)

Fully meet the demand

Basically meet the demand


Need retraining

No effect







The reasons of dissatisfied training Selected ratios (%)

Training deep Coverage is enough not enough 47 39.7

Training didn’t meet the professional and business needs 31.6

Weak training teacher 13.9

Training has no effect 5.8

Others 1.5

The Missing Happiness in the Transfer of Labor Impact Urbanization

The Suggestions of Labor Policy to Promote the Development of Urbanization

In addition to the basic wage and guarantee contemporary workers’ interest, demands diversify step by step. The city's main public services are for local household staff, but migrant workers and urban community basically are isolated, as shown in Table 2-4, 2-5.

By analysis, data reflected the main issues, and in order to further promote the development of urbanization and coordinate the harmonious development between urban and rural, it needed to be leaded by primary and secondary distribution system reform to select urbanization labor employment policy:

Skills Training Needs to be Improved, and the Supply and Demand Does not Match

Strengthen the Role of Market Regulation and Guide the Initial Distribution of Fair Competition

With the accelerated pace of urbanization development, corporate demand for talent is also a corresponding increase. However, the current job has emerged two extremes that a serious shortage of workers and job saturated, as shown in Table 2-6.

With China's economic growth, the gap between rich and poor gradually becomes wider. China's Ginicoefficient has crossed 0.4, reaching 0.46. Chinese society's wealth gap has exceeded reasonable limits. The 20% lowest income population of total share is only 4.7% of total revenue, while the 20% highest income population of the total share is up to 50% of total revenue.

Meanwhile, there is the problem of lack of long-term mechanism on labor force training. Rural labor is passive to participate in the transfer training that they have no right to choose the training program, as shown in Table 2-7 and Table 2-8. Some places don’t emphasis on training. Most of the transferred labor force is engaged in low-end labor and employment is unstable that "backflow" is serious after the transfer. In addition, the transfer of funds management and investment of labor needs to be strengthened.

Causes widening income gap are nothing more than two, one is the initial unfair distribution; second, the redistribution system is imperfect. Which refers to the distribution of the initial allocation of the gross national income directly associated with the production elements to solve the unfair distribution of the initial two main ways: first, breaking the monopoly;


second, training and education. Two aspects cause the widening income gap: one is the unfair initial distribution; the other is the imperfect redistribution system. Initial distribution refers to the l income directly associated with the production elements. To solve the unfair initial distribution has two main ways: first is to break the monopoly, second is to training and education. 1) Accelerate the Reform of Monopoly Barriers which Obstruct Investment and Employment by Regulatory and Policy Monopoly is an important factor in the initial distribution of the whole society injustice. In Guangzhou, the first three quarters of 2005, four of the top five highest-paid industries are monopoly industries and income in monopoly industries is 1 to 2 times higher than the average level of Guangzhou. However, from the aspects of investment ratio and employment contribution rate, the 2012 statistics showed that China's private enterprises total profit reached 1.8 trillion yuan, an average annual growth rate reaching 21.6%over the past five years, total social fixed assets investment reached 61.3% of total, more than 50%intax contribution, over 60% in GDP, more than 80% of employment contribution. Therefore, breaking the market monopoly is an important means to protect and improve employment (The Beijing News, 2006). For the monopoly problem, the Third Plenary Session of the Party's eighth communique made three points: 1, relax market access restrictions and reduce the proportion of state-owned economy in the national economy; 2, separate administrative and enterprise and change state-owned assets management model; 3, create fair investment environment and promote private economic development. Only by private enterprises being competitive, non-public enterprise employees’ wages can be protected (Jiuquan Daily, 2013). 2) Investment to Support Skills Training and Moral Education needed to Fully Promote the Talent Supply and Demand Balance Businesses are shouting: We lack talent, not lack of people. Since 1990s, China’s total investment in education has been growing year by year. By 2011, the total expenditure of funds for investment in education had reached 2.38693 trillion yuan, nearly six times increased compared to 384.91 billion yuan in 2000.


Research and Applications in Economics Volume 2, 2014

However, the expansion of the total investment in education can not conceal the existence of the low level of development in the relative amount of investment in education and education investment structure issues. Primary education, secondary education and higher education investment allocation is unreasonable. The basic education between urban and rural is significantly different. Our unsound fiscal policy, leads to a number of shortcomings of the current development of education, which is directly reflected that we can’t have a good educational environment and enjoy a range of good educational resources. Many scholars criticize education structure by the proportion of tertiary education structure, lack of vocational education and other aspects. In 2012, for example, the proportion of investment in higher education, secondary education and primary education was 7:6.6:6, which showed that the higher education investment ratio had reached 1.2 times compared with primary education. It is debatable whether higher education and primary education proportion meet the needs of the current national economic and social development Besides, vocational education and general education are two pillars of the education system, while funding for vocational education of the total expenditure of is far below the general education one for a long time, even 15% less than the expenditure of general education. Overall, despite government in recent years has increased its investment in training and education, but there still exist a huge controversy on investment mode and level. To strengthen training and education, it should be solved from transferred area and out of the area. As for the transfer area, 1, it should strengthen the training of highly skilled personnel. 2, the training of professional and business needs to butt. 3, each region should pay more attention to the training, rather than deal with the higher authorities of the inspections and checks, thus avoiding transfer of labor "reflow" phenomenon. 4, the state should develop specialized training of migrant workers about rules and regulations, standardize training of migrant workers market, and maintain a normal training order (Newhouse, 2013). As for the out of area, with the greatest degree of training for the talents, it should strengthen the basic education and the training education

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combined with the actual situation of the transfer area. It allows professionals to promote economic development, economic development to attract talent back, in order to achieve a virtuous circle of market and regional economic development. Improve Redistribution System and Accelerate the Equalization of Basic Public Services in Urban and Rural Areas Redistribution refers to the complete in cash or in-kind transfers among the main income through various channels based on initial distribution, also is the process of government revenue readjustment. Redistribution involves aspects related to housing, children's schooling, health care, pension, domicile and so on. The main focus of redistribution in this paper is to redistribute between foreign labor and the local one (Xiaopeng Hu, 2003). 1) Strengthen ‘Access Mechanism’ of Public Service, Reform the Household Registration System After the lack of employment services at the grassroots level, rural labor transfer from rural to urban areas to work, turns to "access mechanism" of public service which is not perfect. Therefore, there is need to improve labor market functions and infrastructure construction, improve labor market efficiency (Houxi Li, 2011). In recent years, a lot of household registration systems have reformed. So far, the size and level of development of different towns and cities, there was progress on the difficult and very different household registration system reform: efforts to reform the household registration system in the small town were largest, followed by bigger city. The smallest effort happened in larger cities. Chinese household registration system caused migrant labors, marginalized economic, social and humanities in the edge of position. Therefore, it should accelerate the reform of the household registration system, which will directly affect the power of migrant workers in the city steady employment. 2) Implementation of Protection Housing Construction is the Most Important Challenges in Accelerating Urbanization Compared with the local labor force, the main problem faced by migrant labor is the housing problem. As seen in Table 2-1, companies give ordinary workers' wages 1778.7 yuan / month,

mechanic 2380.8 yuan / month, managers 2920 yuan / month. As shown in Fig. 1, to Guangzhou in December 2013 prices, for example, average price of 19,269 yuan in Guangzhou Housing / m. Without considering workers’ salary increasing , house prices rise and the cost of any other workers in the premise, the general workers need to spend 45 years to 46 years; mechanic takes 33 years -34 years time; managers need to spend 27 years to 28 years ,to buy a 50 square meters of real estate. Therefore, to promote construction of low-rent housing, public rental housing and affordable housing, promote the transformation of urban and mining areas shantytowns, improve housing conditions in city, urban-rural and other urban poor residents, promoting the rationalization of urban residential structure. Introduction of affordable housing and other laws and regulations, and encouraged qualified towns will include migrant workers who have a stable job and a certain number of years of residence in the town into urban housing security system, and gradually expand the scope of protection of affordable housing, cover all migrant workers and other vulnerable migrants as soon as possible, attract private capital to build affordable housing through tax incentives and other policies to promote the integration of urban and rural housing.


3) Equal Education to is the Key for Migrant to Find a Job in City There is a big difference between towns and villages’ education level. To reduce foreign labor and human capital differences between the urban labor forces, it is necessary to increase investment in education of future generations to foreign labor, let the local school-age population and migrant workers enjoy the same educational opportunities and costs. So, the government should be the main issue in the two aspects of the role played: First, to support education of children of migrant workers; Second, the regional accelerating Hu Kou system is


the most important discrimination.

Research and Applications in Economics Volume 2, 2014





4) Gives Basic Protection for Migrant Labors, Improve the Well-being of Migrant Labors The process of promoting the transfer of rural labor, not only gives the opportunity to the farmers into the city, but also safeguards the legitimate rights and interests for the future. In fact, The Government's interest in maintaining remote workers can enhance their sense of security, identity and belonging. Furthermore, if the migration of lower cost, it can enhance the stability of the migration (Chinese labor movement, 2004). Firstly, to strengthen the protection of legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers advocacy. Secondly, to increase labor law enforcement, focus on dealing with arrears of wage deductions, not signing labor contracts and paying social insurance, poor labor environment, illegal mediation and other outstanding issues. Moreover, to further improve the employment of migrant workers with relevant laws and regulations, strengthen farmers' workers labor contract management, establish standard labor relations to crack down on illegal employment practices and illegal intermediary behavior. Finally, to strengthen the employment of migrant farmers in educational policy and legal knowledge, improve their sense of awareness of the law, especially litigation and establish the appropriate legal aid system and a free legal consultation department to provide effective services for migrant workers (Anliang Zhang, 2012). 5) Improve the Level of Medical Network, Rationalize Pharmaceutical Prices and Consolidate Basic Medical Insurance Inadequate medical resources, uneven distribution of the region's health care system and unreasonable medic are reimbursement between urban and rural which deeply affect the national self-interest:  Expand the scope of health care reform and strengthen the depth of health care reform. Integrate medical insurance system for urban and rural residents. Improvement government, individual health insurance financing system. Increase urban and rural residents’ basic medical insurance standard.  Promote overall country's urban and rural residents critical illness insurance. Increase


municipal, county comprehensive reform public hospitals. Strengthen urban and rural emergency disease assistance.  Develop and improve the system of social capital to participate in health care. Get rid of drug-aid medicine, rationalize pharmaceutical prices. Governments need to improve the basic drug system and operational mechanism to establish primary health care institutions. Reinforce and improve the medical classification system, strengthen the training of general practitioners and physicians’ multiple work places so that the people can easily carry high-quality medical services.  Enhance the prevention and control measures of major infectious diseases, occupational diseases, chronic diseases and endemic diseases, and support the development of the pharmaceutical industry, to assist the national pharmaceutical industry. Increase individual allowance for general public service (Sohuhealth, 2014). Epilogue The study pointed out the relationship between urbanization and labor transfer and revealed the following problems in urbanization through survey data: 1,increasing of living led to lack of motivation to transfer; 2, security and service restricting the sustainability of transfer; 3 workers happiness missing; 4, Insufficient training and employment. For these problems, we proposed suggestion from the perspective of initial distribution and redistribution to promote the development of urbanization, including: 1, accelerate the reform of monopoly barriers which hindered investment and employment by laws and regulation; 2, support comprehensive skills training and moral education to ensure needed talent’s supply and demand balance; 3, improve basic public services' access mechanism "to accelerate the reform of the household registration system; 4, the implementation of protection house construction was the most important problem in accelerating urbanization ; 5, equal educational opportunities for their children are the key to the city employment security; 6 strengthen the protection of workers’ rights and interests of off-site workers, improve worker well-being; 7, improve the level of health care network, rationalize prices and consolidate universal basic medical insurance.

Research and Applications in Economics Volume 2, 2014


Urbanization in research is a hot issue with the times, and its research has considerable practical significance. When I and my graduate students decided study, it had a deep sense of responsibility and mission; we were looking forward to promote the process of urbanization through the study. By reading a lot of literature, paying close attention to the latest policy trends and analyzing the data, this article has been completed. First of all, I want to thank Guangdong Provincial Political Consultative Committee. Without the help of them, I cannot get the most valuable research data and finish this paper. Secondly, I want to thank my graduate students, because of joint efforts we made in the research. Finally, I want to thank my family for their care, concern and understanding. REFERENCES

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