www.as‐se.org/ijpres International Journal of Power and Renewable Energy Systems (IJPRES) Volume 2 Issue 2, 2015
Energy Conservation studies in Hydro‐ Generating Units and Plant auxiliaries of Hydro Power Plant Rishabh Agrawal *1, S.C.Kaushik 2, T.S.Bhatti 3 Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Hauz Khas 110016, India *1
rishabhhvac@gmail.com; 2 kaushik@ces.iitd.ac.in; 3tsb@ces.iitd.ac.in
Abstract This paper presented a novel comprehensive methodology to evaluate the overall performance of hydroelectric generating units (HGU) in a multi‐ generating unit’s hydro power plant. Introduced a unique economic performance evaluation method for HGUs and the corresponding quantitative indices and different criteria for performance monitoring. Several new concepts for evaluating the performance of HGUs, such as ideal performance, reachable performance, operational performance, overall efficiency, guaranteed performance are proposed and identified. Based on analysis of the energy flow of hydroelectric generating units (HGU) at different loading, a method and related formulas to calculate the energy indices of the unit are presented. The proposed methodology is presented by using a real case study to illustrate the evaluation process of this method. The methodology proposed in this paper paves a new way to evaluate the overall condition and performance of the HGU and provides a new approach to analyze the performance of other similar plants. Keywords Operational Efficiency; As Run Performance Analysis; Auxiliary Power Consumption (APC) Analysis; Energy Efficiency Assessment; Hydroelectric Generating Units
Introduction Growing economy, expanding energy intensive industries, rising urbanization, increasing population and on top of all, a quest for modernization and improved quality of life have increased the demand of electricity in India [1]. Energy generation is one of the major key factors for economic and social development in all the developed and developing nations of the world. Hydropower is the most widely used renewable energy source worldwide, contributing almost with 18.5% to the fulfillment of the planet electricity generation. Hydroelectric generation is a continuous production process in which hydraulic energy is converted into mechanical energy and finally converted into electric energy. This is a clean, renewable and economic way of energy production. Every single kWh of hydropower makes sense because this means a small reduction of fossil or nuclear fuel burning. The hydraulic energy is a valuable natural resource, and increasing the efficiency of hydropower production is a long term goal in the field of hydropower engineering because it greatly contributes to the economy and environment. Usually, the rated efficiency of a large generator is above 98%, the efficiency of the water turbine is the key element in the overall efficiency of an hydroelectric generating unit (HGU). A significant performance factor in the power generation from a hydroelectric plant is the efficiency of the units. Each generating unit experiences three types of losses. These losses occur in the turbine, the generator, and the penstock. In the turbine and the generator the losses happen due to mechanical friction and heat dissipation in the process to convert kinetic energy into mechanical energy and mechanical energy into electrical energy, respectively. This research work presents a methodology to adjust efficiency functions for hydroelectric generating units. It is based on measured data of power, gross head and water discharge. Its objective is to determine the actual performance characteristics of the turbine units.