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Sarah Rose Bright is a pioneer as the UK’s first certified sex, pleasure & intimacy coach and founder of Ignite your Sexuality and V-Life. She has worked with hundreds of women, men and couples to empower them to awaken their true sexual nature and live their full potential. She blends extensive training, personal experience, ancient wisdom and modern sexology for clients to love their true sexual nature and create happy, healthy, empowered and confident lives. sarahrosebright.com


By reclaiming and channeling this energy, you can use it for creativity health, vitality and much more. By building up your sexual power, you can build up more personal power.

The Taoists and the Tantrikas have known this for eons. Napoleon Hill talked about this in Think and Grow Rich when he wrote about cultivating sexual energy for creativity and success. When people address their sexual issues, they are more innovative and creative in work, more confident and take more risks. When you are blocked or shutdown sexually, it affects your confidence, relationships, work, creativity, health, business success - everything. However, just as it shuts areas down it can also open them up. This area is often the missing link yet it’s usually the last place people look during their personal development work. Part of reframing your sexuality means understanding it is something that is yours and not just something in relation to another person. Common sexuality problems You will usually be aware of problems and it can be an uncomfortable place in which you may feel guilt, shame or fear. Lack of sexual confidence, little or no sex, low or no desire, not getting aroused, not orgasming, early ejaculation, erections problems, not knowing what you want or how to ask for it are some key issues and they are very common. It is common to feel alone and like you have no one to talk to. Many people don’t realise help is available and it’s often the first step that’s the most challenging. What you may also not realise is many of these problems sit beyond the medical realms. Hoping these problems will go away or resolve themselves can mean months and years slip by and it gets worse; until something happens. This is often a major life event which raises deep questions and can be a trigger to get help.


Our sexuality is our life source and our power source.

Impact on personal relationships Thoughts and beliefs about how sex ‘should’ be can really affect people negatively. The most common belief is that sex should be focused on the goal of erections and orgasms which puts pressure on from the start, so re-orientating people to enjoy pleasure and to enjoy the journey makes a significant difference; learning to trust their bodies rather than perform to a specific script changes everything. Many areas impact on our sex life and a lot of it is the lack of education. The problem with sex education is there is very little of it and it’s very fear based; how not to get pregnant or catch STI’s rather than teaching young people about their bodies, pleasure, respect and communication. Add to this a lack of open discussion, the influence of porn and movies, past experiences, family beliefs and trauma and this is how people become sexually shut down. In a busy, stressful, challenging and exhausting society, people don’t allow themselves to relax and enjoy pleasure as there is no off switch. This can have a massive impact on people’s sex lives - as you may have experienced for yourself. How does a sex coach help? My personal experience ‘I was in a very emotionally abusive relationship in my teenage years which left me with very little selfesteem, low body image numbed out with addictions through my 20s. Despite a successful corporate career, I was very

unhappy, terrified of sex and ashamed of my past sexual experiences. I loathed my body and considered genital reconstruction.

I knew I had to face this area and it was one of the scariest things that I ever did. But this transformed my life in an incredible way I never imagined which also led me to becoming a sex coach.’ My work is to support my clients (both individuals and couples) in overcoming sexual challenges and creating a fulfilling sex life through using a powerful mix of coaching, education and body-based practices. This is key to changing habits and removing limiting beliefs around yourself and sex. Sex coaching works in a variety of ways, using a non-pathologising, sex positive and holistic approach which includes the whole person and their lifestyle. Problems in other areas often needs addressing first. ‘I was very unhappy, terrified of sex and ashamed of my past sexual experiences’

Steps to sexual empowerment Take responsibility for your pleasure. We often look to another for this, but it is our responsibility. Get to know who you are as a sexual being and what you really desire, not who you think you should be. Just like anything, there is SO much to discover and explore. Take time to learn about your body and your pleasure. Your state of being- ie that you are relaxed, enjoying pleasure, connected to your body - is far more important than any technique. Focus on the pleasure not on the goal. Discover what is possible when you let go of the goal. Get some support to heal past experiences or current issues. We can learn many unhelpful sexual habits as we grow up which cause so many of the sexual problems, so getting support can really help. There is SO much to learn.

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