COACH - Professional Coaching Magazine JULY 20

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Discovering your true


Coaching insights for you, your life & your business

EDITOR’S LETTER Welcome to the July issue of COACH. So excited to bring you this summer issue featuring a wide variety of talented coaches and experts. All with different styles, niches and expertise but all with one thing in common - a passion for high quality and standards, commitment to change and development within themselves and a dedication to helping others to change, grow and achieve their goals. Gracing the cover for this edition is Identity Specialist and Coach, Lathi DubÊ, who leads with an insightful and pertinent article around the question - Who am I? The beliefs we grow up with exist to be challenged and questioned in order for us to become more self-aware, to open up new perspectives, to choose new beliefs and develop a more authentic understanding of who we really are. The theme of this issue is change, overcoming challenge, facing fears, stepping up, going deeper into ourselves, re-examining our beliefs and finding a path to succeed and get forward to where we really want to be in life. Our coaches share their personal stories and insights, lessons, wisdoms, mistakes, experiences and discoveries alongside their successes and ways of working that now light the way for others. Our landscapes have changed fast over the last few months during a time of rapid global change that is not over yet; but the truth is that none of us ever know what lies ahead in life or what we will face. Nothing is ever certain and learning to be flexible, adaptable, grateful

and to be able to flow with whatever life brings us are some of the greatest life skills to develop. Getting stuck in fear and worry makes it hard to grow. There can be a fear of failure, of not being good enough, of being visible and self-sabotage can set in. It could be we need a new strategy for our business or clarity on our true purpose or vision. Maybe we need to work on ourselves and our own healing and reconnection. Whatever we seek, the best way forward for lasting change is through Coaching and Mentoring with others who have learned the skills and walked the path. I hope you find inspiration in this issue and please do join us for more insights by subscribing to the COACH - The Professional Coaching Podcast - Real coaches, Real talk. Get in touch to talk about featuring in COACH or being a guest on the podcast and If you are looking for some help and support in your life or business, look no further than our Directory of fully qualified professionals. The brand new COACH website launches at the end of summer - so stay posted on socials for more updates and if you are a coach, consultant, mentor or therapist, please come over and join us in the FB COACH Community.



Teresa Brooks is an award-winning businesswoman, founder and Editor of COACH Magazine, a professionally trained Coach (AC Accredited Training), NLP Practitioner (ANLP Accredited Training) and Mental Health First Aider MHFA (England).


A LOOK INSIDE Editor’s 04




































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COACH Magazine is a publication for everyone and fully embraces diversity and inclusivity. We support the #BlackLivesMatter movement and seek to continually raise awareness and inspire understanding for education and change within the coaching industry and beyond. Disclaimer@2020 BrooksMedia & TeresaBrooksCoaching. The majority of articles are written in advance and are printed in good faith, correct at time of publishing. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the material, no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied without the written consent and permission of the publisher. Cover photo: Lathi Dubé



IDENTITY Why knowing who you really are is more important than ever.


he current pandemic has been a rapidly changing situation that’s changed the world as we know it; beyond recognition and probably forever.

The stories of where I came from, what that meant, and consequently what I am were told constantly, an ever- present narrative oozing from my family’s every pore.

All we understood has suddenly become different and we have had to adapt: fast. When huge change of any type occurs around us, it challenges us. Whenever our normal existence gets turned upside down by major events, it always forces us to ask: Am I happy? What do I really want? What’s important? Who am I, really?

My parents - from two diametrically opposed cultures and both extreme high achievers were both forces of nature. People from all over the world would often visit us and as children, my three brothers and I were expected to entertain engagingly. From very early on I felt a huge responsibility to represent not only myself, but the reputations of those who would precede me as I stepped out into the world.

But on the inside there is often a burning sense of: “I know I am capable of so much more, I just know it. What I don’t know is how to get myself to a place where I can access it.” The problem is our true identity is often hidden beneath a veil of social constructs. Identity presents itself in many forms; class, upbringing, education, personality, relationship status, family, significant life events, illness or medical condition, connections, socioeconomic group, sex, gender, race, work, career, wealth and money, nationality, sexuality - the list goes on.

As a child I spoke to my mother in four different languages and to my father in one. This too was an early example of a societal construct impacting my sense of self because I would actually change depending on the language I spoke. My accent, intonation, gestures and mannerisms were all completely different in order to be fully understood by the particular parent I was talking to.

But all these forms are just constructs of who we believe ourselves to be. They aren’t an actual reality of who we are.

True identity is the external representation of our inner, deeper essence and of our very being.

Who I am

My true identity was not rooted in any of this. It was, and is, something much deeper than this construct. It just took tragedy for me to see it.

As a Zimbabwean-born, Zulu Dominican, it would be easy to see my own identity as the result of my cultural identity, family heritage and upbringing. Our family history was rife with struggle. My Great Uncle was imprisoned in Robben Island with Nelson Mandela. My Grandfather was one of the first in the Windrush generation to move to Britain to work on the London Underground.

This came in my second year at university, when my younger brother shot himself. He had only just turned 20 and we were incredibly close. He meant the world to me. My world crumbled and shrank to something unrecognisable. My agony was heart-breaking.


Lathi Dubé is an Inspirational Speaker, Identity Specialist, Coach, Trainer and Educator. Founder of the Identity Dichotomy and The Rapid Clarity Programme, she helps business owners, entrepreneurs and world class leaders to achieve rapid, lasting transformation by helping them to fully discover and optimise their true identity, define a realistic vision of themselves and to understand intrinsically exactly how they work in order to achieve incredible results in their professional and personal lives.

I work with brilliant and extraordinary people: leaders, high-level entrepreneurs and business owners who, to the outside world, appear to be incredible with no problems or challenges.

Our inner identity radar When we look at another person standing before us, we can often intuitively ‘read’ or ‘feel’ things about them. We all have an inner identity radar that can detect each other; as humans, as an essence of who we sense each other to be. So when we then hear, see or feel incongruence in their actions or words, this can lead us to sense that they are not always ‘genuine’ or ‘authentic.’ When we connect in this way, our true identity can show up as something others can ‘read’ in some way and if we are not living our true identity, others often know before we do!

Although we have this radar within ourselves, it doesn’t work in the same way simply because it’s too subjective. This is why professional coaching is so vital for our growth.

I buried a lot of my own pain as I stepped up and took over my family, supporting my devastated mother and my traumatised older brother who witnessed my brother’s suicide. They would never truly heal and, 18 months ago, my mother died from a broken heart (heart failure). The next day, my older brother took his own life.

Finding Your True Self This tragedy and pain changed everything for me. The day my younger brother died was also the day that something was born in me; a purpose and mission to help others with their own change.

Identity work My identity work is an integrated model and aims to raise awareness of the constructs we live behind and the filters through which we see ourselves and our lives. This work is a transformational process. It maps a specific journey of the 7 stages of Identity; Investigation, Investment, Insight, Initiation, Introspection, Integration and Implementation.

“Nothing brings me more joy than when I see the gem of an individual blossom into who they are truly meant to be”

Using powerful, integrated techniques including NLP, physio-metric analysis and language analysis, we can help to reconcile the internal and external parts of self to offer a detailed ‘manual’ of who you really are, how you work and how you can optimise yourself in any situation or circumstance to achieve your desired outcome.

I remember, as a toddler, my father would put me on his shoulders and walk around our coffee plantation engaging Lathi Dubé me in deep conversations. One thing I learnt at that age was how to explain people and things to him. I would tell him what I noticed With the clarity gained from unearthing your true and he would value what I said and usually acted on it in identity, you can then accomplish what you want to achieve one way or another. alongside living your life in a much more aligned way. From then on, I was constantly fascinated and enthralled by people: who they are and why they do what they do. For me, it’s my purpose and mission to help others with their own change. I help people understand who they really are, how valued they really are, to realise their goals and dreams and realise all the gifts they can bring to this world. As an integrated identity specialist and coach, I work to help people discover their true identity. It's a mission born from the tragic loss of my brother and the results I help others to achieve are life-changing. Clients become more agile, achieve clarity around their vision and enjoy seeing their income increase while drains on their energy decrease.


Facilitating transformation in others brings me joy and recommits me to my work in this world to help others to discover and live their true identity.

My mission is to change the way the world sees identity. And there isn’t a more powerful force in this world than knowing, exactly and precisely who you are.

Karen Kissane is an awardwinning Business and Personal Performance Coach with a passion for helping Smart Women pursue their big goals and achieve remarkable success. She is the founder of The Smart Woman’s Business Hub and a member of the invitation only Forbes Coaches Council. She holds ICF coaching qualifications, is DISC Accredited and is a mentor for The Coaching Academy. Karen has been featured in Forbes and on the BBC.

The Power of



he definition of the word "mastermind" has shifted dramatically over the last decade - over the last five years, even - and the root of the word impacts our understanding and expectations of what it should involve.

What actually is a mastermind? The term "mastermind" originally referred not to a group but to an individual - the word itself means “a person with an outstanding intellect.” However, a mastermind group has historically referred to a group of high-intellect individuals who meet to create synergy in the form of the “third mind.” Author Napoleon Hill, the first to introduce the concept of a mastermind group, described it like this: "No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind."


For decades, masterminds were thought of as exclusive, high-powered groups that served as a sort of personal advisory board for each other in life and in business. But eventually, they started to become less exclusive and more accessible, regardless of perceived intellect or reputation.

It also takes a certain kind of coach to be able to balance the business and the personal so that both areas are equally supported. In all my years as coach, I think learning to effectively lead a group based programme (in this case a mastermind) has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve done in my business.

These days, masterminds run the spectrum from superexclusive to quite casual. Groups from every point on that spectrum have the same spirit of collaboration and community that Hill originally intended, if not more. But what sets them apart from those early masterminds is the presence of a clear leader, usually more experienced and knowledgeable than the others in the group.

During that time, not only have I led masterminds, but I’ve also participated in them. The most valuable by far has been the long-term one I’m currently in. During all of them, I’ve learned to spot the signs of an excellent mastermind ahead of time.

The 3 things to look for in a high-value mastermind

Why the modern mastermind is better

An experienced coach and mentor The mastermind could have the best members but with the wrong facilitator it will never be effective. If you’re considering a mastermind led by a coach or industry figure, make sure their credentials and experience stack up.

Modern masterminds may be less exclusive but they serve more people as a result. Entrepreneurship can be a lonely and isolated endeavour, especially in a time when so much happens from behind a screen. Groups of individuals, at the same or different stages of their business journey are able to grow faster together, tapping into that “third mind”, so that they can exceed their goals with the support of their peers. They can be there for one another, motivate each other and celebrate wins together. They expose blind spots and stretch perspectives.

Tight member criteria If you’re going to be investing money in your mastermind experience, you want to know that your experience is going to be relevant to your current and future journey. This means that high-ticket masterminds that are centred around a specific industry, location, revenue bracket, etc. are more effective.

The modern mastermind is truly the bringing together of masterful minds, whatever stage of business they are in.

A clear agenda The best coach-led masterminds have clear agendas and timetables. This helps create accountability and positive pressure, causing the members to take it more seriously.

But what really sets modern masterminds apart are the coaches who lead them. Peer-led masterminds are great, but when you have a coach who has been on the business journey and can help facilitate that discussion, that’s where the real magic happens.

In building The Mastermind for Smart Women in Business, I’ve actioned these 3 observations to create the perfect environment for growth. Over 12 weeks, there are 9 key steps that are focused on in order to build a bigger, more successful business in a time-efficient way.

It takes a deep understanding of the topic of interests, of coaching foundations and a breadth of practical experience to know how to add value without compromising the synergy of the group.

This embraces the true spirit of a mastermind: Synergy, Community and high-level Mentorship.



DISCOVERING YOUR AUTHENTIC CONFIDENCE It ’s not what you are that holds you back - it ’s what you think you’re not.


o you find yourself hesitating when you identify something you would love to do, have or achieve? Does part of you tell you to ‘go for it’ yet, at the same time, another part is resistant? Do you want to succeed and feel you deserve to, yet feel afraid to take the first step?

This is a powerful journey I’ve been on myself and when I first discovered spiritual psychology, it was like finding nirvana. I was suffering post-traumatic stress at the time. Having been to war in Angola, I was suffering with a mind full of demons as well as the effects of two decades of substance abuse.

This is a common feeling for many, especially in the western world where we are sold the ideas of commercialism, consumerism and fed the dreams of the millionaire lifestyle with all the benefits it promises.

“What we are actually yearning for is the freedom to be our true selves”

But spiritual psychology allowed instant peace into my heart and soul. Everything suddenly made sense. I knew I had found something that would change everything for me. I studied everything I could find on the subject and the more I read, the more peaceful I became. Spiritual psychology is understanding the true nature of life and yourself at the deepest level. It’s about understanding why you’re here on earth, living your life and why your soul manifested into your body at this particular time.

This feeling of hesitancy stems from a deeper lack of authentic confidence.

For more than twenty years I’ve been working in spiritual psychology, helping people heal their own deeply wounded psyches so that they can begin to live their life powerfully and authentically and be free of all forms of addiction that keep them trapped in pain. Through my work, I help people to discover their authentic confidence that can lead them ‘home’ and back to their hearts.

Chasing Success I see many people who are addicted to success and yet are constantly unhappy, in spite of all they achieve and have. This new generation of achievers are ‘hustling’ to make their way to the top, driven by the unconscious belief that this destination will solve their internal angst. On arriving at said success point, they find it isn’t quite what they thought and doesn’t offer the peace and happiness they desired. Disillusioned, they set new targets and chase new destinations are chased in the hope of the ‘next’ level being the one to unlock true happiness.

Feeling Fear Many feel afraid without even understanding why. This fear is trapped trauma, carried in our nervous systems and, until we release and heal it, we can never move forward with freedom and authentic expression of our true self.

All the while running from the internal angst of their inner critic, with a constant feeling that something is ‘missing’ and a firm belief that ‘success’ will finally bring internal peace.


Deep Internal Reflection The truth is that the peace craved comes from the ability to master the internal relationship with the self. Self-mastery requires deep internal reflection and analysis, internal healing and release from our own versions of trapped trauma and suffering. Since our earliest years we are conditioned into selfdestructive behaviour patterns which undermine our authentic self-expression. People parent unconsciously and children are often set to repeat the patterns and mistakes of their parents because they are too young to question or challenge the potentially limiting beliefs fed to them in their formative years. The naturally creative, conscious mind becomes critical and the unconscious mind cannot then support us in the creation of our biggest dreams and highest intentions. The unconscious mind is what helps us to manifest our conscious focus into tangible results but it cannot do so without clear and concise instruction from the conscious mind. Most people lack the ability to really focus their conscious mind on what they want and to visualise their success. They are also unaware of carrying trapped trauma and can’t move forward in an authentic expression of true self until this is released.

Allan Kleynhans is an International Speaker, World Class Performance Coach and highly skilled Training Facilitator. His area of expertise includes self-awareness, leadership and communication.

Consciousness Becomes Matter Belief creates experience. Your current unconscious focus creates your current reality so if you’re struggling to move your life and/or business to the next level, it’s because you’re working against yourself without even knowing it.

He has studied and worked with the biggest names in the self-improvement industry. An ardent student of Anthony Robbins, he has subsequently trained with the world-renowned peak performance expert in Human Needs Psychology, Neuro-Associative Conditioning, Empowering Leadership and Strategic Intervention.

Your achievements will never outreach or out-perform the image you hold of yourself in your unconscious mind - your ‘self-concept’. This concept of self is anchored deeply in your nervous system and it’s who you think you are that sabotages your ability to create and enjoy authentic, real success.

He graduated from Anthony Robbins’ California-based Leadership Academy in 2001 with full honours and regularly facilitates in a leadership capacity as a Trainer at Robbins’ international events. Allan is also a graduate of Anthony Robbins’ Mastery University.

To be truly happy, you must look within to make the unconscious wounds that drive your behaviours conscious. This healing requires deep introspection and it’s not for the faint-hearted but if you’re willing to go within and look at what’s shaped who you’ve become, you’ll discover a scared little child running around in an adult body, trying to find peace. When you can really do this deep inner work to come home to yourself, you can begin to create powerful and miraculous shifts in your life and reveal your true talents and abilities. In your authentic self, you can finally find the peace and joy you’ve been searching for.


ENERGETIC SELLING & MARKETING - Creating Extraordinary Growth in your Business

'Your potential clients don’t trust your words, they trust your energy' Lenka Lutonska is Business and Mindset Strategist, a Certified NLP Trainer with the American Board of NLP, author of Energetic Selling & Marketing and creator of The Extraordinary Growth Academy. Lenka has been featured in Forbes, The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Mail and Thrive Global. She lives with her husband and three sons in Buckinghamshire.



t has been said that if we want to fulfil our dream to serve other people while being generously paid for it, we need to be able to take a good measure of personal risk.

do if you didn’t care what people think of you? What would you do if you were not afraid of anything?’ and, in that space, I received my answer - I needed to let go of my fear of judgement.

I can attest to that.

The Spiritual nature of Business

Growing up, my Slovakian father wanted me to study banking and finance, but I knew I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to create transformation for people and “change the world.” I made a bold decision to make it happen. I left Slovakia and headed to London, aged 19, equipped with just £30, very little English and masses of determination. I got myself a job in McDonald’s as a cleaner and I quickly climbed the ranks and, over 6 years, received promotions and reached management with a fantastic salary and position. During all this time, I had been studying a range of self-development models including psychotherapy, counselling, hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Once I started intuitively listening, things changed. Our intuition, I believe, is the best business coach on the planet, and if we dedicate time to enhance our intuitive listening, we can reap massive benefits. I learned to actually put my intuitive ideas into practice, even if they felt scary or unreasonable. "What would you Following my intuition not only do if you were not afraid encouraged me to make many of anything?’ and, in uncomfortable decisions that went that space, I received my against the common marketing and answer - I needed to selling advice, it also led me to pay more attention to the energetic or, if let go of my fear of you like, spiritual nature of business. judgement." And this is how the set of Energetic Selling and Marketing principles were born. Using these principles enabled me to grow a thriving 7-figure business. To date, I’ve helped thousands of women incorporate these principles into their businesses, often with remarkable results - women increasing their fees five times and selling with greater ease than ever before; women booking themselves solid with ideal high-end clients, turning their annual income into their monthly income; and women doubling, tripling or quadrupling their sales revenues within several months.

NLP changed my life My initial training in NLP was a total life-changer. Based on the tools and techniques I learned during that week, I was able to finally let go of an eating disorder, attract a loving man into my life, and most importantly for me, let go of feelings of inadequacy.

In 2018, I wrapped my Energetic Selling and Marketing teachings into a book of the same name and, in it, I write about how our personal energy affects our selling and marketing results. You can tell them what they need to hear with your words, but you tell them everything with your energy. It is this energy that underpins everything you do or say in your business and it’s the key to growing your business exponentially.

I wanted many other people to experience what I did! I sold my half of a house I owned with a friend to be able to study NLP to the highest level. I resigned from my job, moved in with my boyfriend (now husband), and started to build my “dream business” from his kitchen table.

Many women go through the cycle of constantly changing what they think of their ability to sell based on the external information. Trying out new strategies, not succeeding, then developing more unhelpful beliefs that further hinder their efforts. This is what happens when we practice an action-based approach to business and let our energy - our beliefs, thoughts, awareness and actions - be unconsciously influenced as a result.

The first few years of running my own business were challenging, but I made it work. I built a small but very successful training and coaching company, serving hundreds of people from various walks of life. But then I made one fatal error in a business partnership which led to the complete loss of my business in a matter of months. Two painful years followed in the struggle to rebuild my company. But no matter how much selling or marketing I did, the clients didn’t come.

The answer to sustainable business growth is to turn this sequence on its head and become fully conscious of what energy you apply to your business. It’s the only way to create sustainable - and often rapid business growth that is fully aligned with our values.

I started to contemplate this question - ‘What would you


SELF-LOVE & SELF-ACCEPTANCE Transform your relationship with yourself


waved my 4-year-old son off to his Dad’s for the weekend, closed the door and the loneliness and pain I had come to know so well flooded in and washed over me yet again. I cracked open a bottle of gin. It was 10.30am.

and healing. Ridding ourselves of our limiting beliefs is where our healing truly begins.

Four years of single motherhood and juggling a corporate job I was no longer enjoying, commuting 3 hours a day and a son who had not slept a whole night for four years had taken its toll.

Many women put their needs at the bottom of the pile and get stuck deeply in comparison and shame. This results in using things such as food, shopping, unhealthy relationships and alcohol to fill the void.

That might have all been more manageable if it had not been laid over the top of a deep lack of self-worth, zero sense of purpose and a deeply resentful relationship with myself. I was using food, alcohol and whatever else I could to fill an empty void inside me.

The true goal is not weight loss but self-love and acceptance. Many women want to lose weight as an external desire but ultimately their journey is one of self-love. The weight is merely a symptom of something deeper.

But something deep stirred within me on that day.

Dieting is one of the most deeply damaging things a woman can do. It perpetuates the belief of ‘I am not enough’ and creates a deeply shameful and disconnected relationship between a woman and her body. Most women I work with are unable to look in the mirror and hate photos of themselves.

Societal, familial and even ancestral conditioning results in long-held beliefs in women of low self-worth and the need to please others. Women have been taught for centuries that they are lovable only when they meet a socially acceptable body image and are of service to others. This results in beliefs such as ‘I’m not lovable’ ‘I’m not enough’ and, ultimately, ‘I’m not worthy’.

As I muted the pain yet again, a little voice that said, “Why are you doing this when you have so much more to share with the world?” In that moment, I was called to make a change. I took back control, left my job and invested in a franchise teaching yoga to women and began a profound journey of self-discovery.

They diet to overcome this, the cycle continues, and the void deepens. When the intention behind health comes from a place of self-love and nourishment, then true health is easier to obtain. No amount of weight loss will create any more inherent worth than you already possess.

Through spiritual practice, coaching, therapy and deep self-care I learned to transform my relationship with myself, my health and ultimately, my life. Through my own healing I came to see how many other women were also suffering – stuck in trauma, limiting beliefs and unhealthy patterns which are deeply entrenched in our modern society. It became my mission to help guide women on their own transformative journey of self-discovery, health


"The true goal is not weight loss but self-love and acceptance"

Female empowerment is about achieving unconditional love and acceptance for oneself and it’s a monumental shift from believing a goal needs to be reached in order to be loveable, to realising she is wholly lovable exactly as she is.

Anna Anderson is a professionally trained coach and NLP Practitioner. She holds diplomas in Health and Life Coaching and is a Certified Yoga Teacher.

When a woman makes decisions based on the fact she loves herself rather than she needs to be loved by others, she becomes truly unstoppable.

A woman in her empowered state is a beautiful and powerful sight to behold.

She helps women to become empowered and break free from the constraints of limiting beliefs in order to live a life full of passion, purpose and joy.

By transforming their health and realising their self-worth: by unleashing their potential and becoming empowered, it pays forward in their relationships, parenting, career and community so everyone will benefit.

She has recently launched her podcast, The Warrior Journals, holds a regular feature on BBC radio, has featured in The Telegraph and runs regular wellbeing retreats for women and is founder of the transformative programme, Nurture and Nourish.

When your cup is full from within, there’s an overflow to go around. Whilst I do help women how to change the way they eat, ultimately it’s always the work done on her relationship with herself that creates lifelong results. As Rumi said, ‘the wound is where the light comes in’. Although difficult to see at the time, the hardest moments are very often the beginning of something very special if we can find the strength to allow them to become that. Looking back, I often think of that bottle of gin because it was in my darkest moment that I finally had the courage to find a new way forward and this courage has not only benefited myself and my family but had a huge impact for many other women I now help.


Steve Payne is an International Executive Coach, Public Speaking Coach, Keynote Speaker. He is a Coach Trainer and founder of The Academy of Coaching and Training. He is one of very few certified Master Trainers of NLP in the world and sits on the training accreditation board of the Global Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming (ANLP). Steve is an entrepreneur with extensive business experience and brings his knowledge on both executive coaching and life coaching to the A.C.T. Prior to Steve's entrepreneurial career, he worked as an actor for 10 years in film, TV, theatre and radio.



e have seen how the events of the last four months have changed communication and training perspectives greatly, and this is also true in the coaching and NLP training industry.

such as breakout rooms, chat boards and whiteboards, have proved themselves to be worthy alternatives to classroom-based training. To ensure the personal touch between training facilitator and student is maintained, we have set a maximum of students per group for live-online trainings – 8-students per course in our case. This allows the facilitator to work at the individual pace of learning of each participant.

Many new coaches are entering the coaching space during this unprecedented period of change created by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to offer these new coaches robust accredited coach training so they can add to the standards and reputation of coaching globally and serve people and organisations more powerfully. Social distancing has provided many challenges to achieving this goal.

I know I am not alone when I express how impressed I have been at the effectiveness of live-online trainings. In particular, I have been amazed at how effective Zoom has been as a method to deliver ‘live-online’ training, with many of my students who started 'Certainly, we have in the classroom pre-COVID lockdown and then moved been able to maintain online halfway through the training standards training modules saying they and preserve and even actually prefer the learning enhance the learning experience ‘live-online’. experience for each ADDING DEPTH - NLP IS THE student.' DIFFERENCE THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE

TECHNOLOGY AND COACH TRAINING I sit on the External Verification Panel for the Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming (ANLP), and online versions of NLP training is a debate we have been having for some time now. The issue has not been so much one of technology (although the technology must adequately support the learning experience); it has been about the preservation of the quality of training delivery, materials and student support.

To serve clients more powerfully, it is essential that new coaches develop deep skills for understanding their clients, as well as learning more typical coaching models. I have found that the levels of understanding and skill that NLP brings to coaching is a powerful differentiator when it comes to serving clients more fully and getting powerful results.

There is an important difference between self-paced online training and ‘live-online’ training. Self-paced online training lacks the personal interaction that adds so much to the learning experience of the student, even with attached ‘Facebook Live’ style support. ‘Live-Online’ environments, especially Zoom with its additional features


“It’s been a wonderful 8-days and one of the best courses I’ve ever done! It has been life-changing and I fully recommend it!”

Why does NLP make a significant difference? There are many reasons. NLP contains tools for understanding how each individual filters their experience to create their unique interpretation of that experience. One definition of NLP is that it is the ‘Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience’

Ann Collins, Teacher & Trainer

It is this subjective experience and not a generalised experience, that dictates how a person reacts and/or responds to situations they encounter and/or create. NLP provides powerful tools to understand and work with many of the filters people use to create their individual experience, including an in-depth understanding of powerful influencers such as values and beliefs.

“I loved every minute of the live online coaching course. Steve is a fantastic teacher, hugely knowledgeable and passionate; not just in delivering the training but also creating professional and ethical NLP/Coaches to maintain high industry standards.”

Coaching needs depth and coach training needs to provide this level of depth to student coaches and those existing coaches who are looking to upskill. The ANLP now accepts ‘live-online’ NLP training as a credible training delivery mechanism, provided certain criteria are met.

Fiona Agyemang, Entrepreneur & Coach

The Academy of Coaching and Training includes an Accredited NLP Diploma with our coach training, so our students graduate with an Accredited Certificate in Coach Training (ACCT) accredited by the Association for Coaching (AC) and an Accredited NLP Diploma, accredited by the Global Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming (ANLP). As always, it is not the certificate that is the point, it is the skills acquired in the learning process and how that adds to greater client success. THE TECH IS HERE TO STAY When we do finally emerge from the restrictions of the current situation, the advances in the technology will leave an indelible mark on the training industry. Live online training has exploded in the last few months. That explosion has forced many to embrace a new way of working. This new way of working has unleashed some amazing creativity that now provides the consumer greater choice and flexibility without losing quality. As one trainer remarked, the genie is out of the bottle and will not be going back. Now it’s all about moving forward with passion, creativity, new ways of adding genuine value to the world whilst maintaining high standards and integrity. If you are looking to extend your skills into coaching and value high quality training, I encourage you to explore this exciting new world of possibility!

To learn more about our accredited liveonline NLP coach training and dates, please visit:


“Self-awareness is a vital first step in taking control of your career”


for a new you

I understand all about career reinvention. After graduating in Psychology in Barcelona in 1998, I headed to London where I completed my Masters in Business Psychology, gained a PGD in Human Resources Management and began my career in HR, working for prestigious fashion brands such as Burberry and Christian Dior. I met a Kuwaiti Sheikh, the retail partner of most luxury brands in the Golf region and was appointed People Director of his company. My Middle Eastern dream lasted 4 years until a re-invention took me to Switzerland where I joined Michael Kors at its embryonic stage and took a once-in a-life-time opportunity to build the “people front” of what would become a Superbrand.

pressure and a toxic organisational culture all took its toll, forcing me to reassess my whole life and career. In 2016, I reinvented again -this time for myself by founding my own business in Human Resources Management and I also trained as a coach. 20 years of business acumen from the frontline of the fashion industry together with the learnings acquired in my own career put me in a privileged position to coach and support highachieving professionals to evolve and elevate.

But success came at a high price. Long working hours, poor work-life balance, unprecedented stress and



You may experience difficulty with the confidence you need to show up and therefore not gain the visibility you need; coaching helps to tackle these blocks. A key part of career transitioning is “visibility” ie, networking events, social media; especially on LinkedIN. Many career changes are passive and the strategy is limited to looking for open positions or new clients. By sticking to this tactic, you miss out on other opportunities. So it is key to learn how to show up to increase your online exposure, position yourself as an expert in your field and connect with the right audience.

The gig economy has already revolutionised the employment landscape. Add to this the current global pandemic and career reinvention is looking like a top priority. Careers are changing fast and being transformed, voluntarily or involuntarily. Voluntarily, as you can always decide to take a leap to a new space. Involuntarily, as there’s a risk of the news that your job is no more due to the climate, mass re-organisation and budgets. Career change can be confusing as well as distressing, daunting and overwhelming and this is where career coaching adds huge value.

CAREER CLARITY & POSITIONING There is a world full of opportunities out there and the shape your career can take is limitless so unless you define and position yourself in line with what you want, you will be engaging with the wrong audience and accepting every single thing that comes your way. The danger of this is that you might well wake up one day in a place where you don’t belong. Career clarity and positioning involves finding answers to the following questions: •How do you want to show up in this next chapter of your career? •What do you want to be known for? •What does your ideal employer/client look like? •Where do they frequent online? •What are the results you bring for them? •What does your message look to connect with them?

SELF-AWARENESS Self-awareness is a vital first step in taking control of your career. You need to be aware of what your natural talents are so you can leverage them; know your blind spots so you can prevent them from holding you back and know your values so you can make decisions 100% aligned with who you are. Psychometric assessments play an important part and are a helpful tool to pinpoint the type of work and workplaces that are the best fit for an individual. The results of the tests are always revealing but it’s the interpretation of those results which help you to really make use of what you discover and, as I am Hogan Assessments certified, this is my tool of choice. These assessments provide critical insight into characteristics that facilitate an individual’s success and into ones that can also cause failure and career derailment. These elements are crucial to understand and work with.

NEW OPPORTUNITIES As our world, lives and careers have been shaken, this may be the perfect time right to seek that opportunity you have been longing for and take a leap into new space, a new career and a new YOU. Career coaching helps you to make informed decisions about you, your career development and supports you with the tools and strategies you need in order to achieve your goals.

MINDSET Working on your mindset and learning how to tap into what is holding you back can develop the essential confidence needed for visibility. Fear of failure and change is often what keeps people stuck careerwise and unpacking those emotions can help you to understand how these factors may be keeping you from change.

Berta Maso is a qualified Career Coach and founder of BMS - Human Resources Management. She helps people to successfully re-shape, evolve and reinvent their careers so they can stay at the top of their game, using the best of their strengths and talents. Berta has been featured in Thrive Global, We are the City and The Talented Ladies Club and was shortlisted for the 2019 International Coach of the Year Awards.


CONGRUENCE is the Key to Success E

verything is underpinned by congruence. This has been my key discovery as I’ve pursued a purposeful, inspired and energised life.

achieve them within in their lifetime but to set goals that future generations can continue to develop when the time comes to hand over the torch. An important point here is to ensure that clients understand they will get their fulfilment from the process of doing the work, rather than achieving the actual goal.

Being congruent means your actions and words are in alignment with your true intentions. Too often, this isn’t the case and leads to unhappiness and a lack of fulfilment and success without really understanding why. In this incongruent state, it’s easy to get caught in what I call ‘The Rift’. In the Rift, we experience feelings of significant stress, overwhelm, frustration, depression and anxiety. It’s not a very pleasant place to be, yet it can be a powerful catalyst for change. Emotion is simply a signal to think or act differently - often both! If you think differently, you will act differently. If you act differently, you will get different results.

ACTION This is where we ensure that micro-actions are being taken to achieve the macro goals and eradicate any excuses that limit this progress. This stage can’t be underestimated as action is what really moves the needle. ACCOUNTABILITY In my experience, one of the main reasons people fail to take the action they need to is a lack of accountability. We have been conditioned our whole lives to be accountable. When we’re young, we’re accountable to our parents; at school we’re accountable to our teachers; at work we’re accountable to our bosses but when we want to achieve things for ourselves, who are we accountable to then? To ourselves, of course, but this doesn't work nearly as well. Why? Because it’s just too easy to procrastinate, to make excuses that nobody hears and say things like “I can just do it next week” and to kick tasks down the road, often never to be completed. Accountability works well between a coach and client. Having someone to offer you accountability in the business space is highly effective. Learning to be accountable to yourself, too, is a key part of success. (After all, what fully-grown adult wants to explain to another fully-grown adult why they haven’t done something they said they were going to do?) As a result of using the Clarity, Action, and Accountability framework, clients find themselves transforming excuses into results and living purposeful, inspired, and energised lives that they love - in a surprisingly short space of time.

Clarity, Action, and Accountability There are the three, simple but powerful, elements to my coaching approach. CLARITY Firstly, I work with clients to help them achieve clarity in 20 different areas of life. This enables them to move forward and get further clarity on their ultimate goal. It’s crucial to enable a client to envisage what their dream life would ideally look and feel like in the future: personally, professionally and financially. I call this their North Star. To my knowledge, no-one has ever been to the North Star yet, for millennia, humans have used it as a guiding light. The concept of the North Star in this context is exactly that: a guide. You don’t have to actually get there. I often encourage clients to set goals so big that they won’t


Will Polston is a Mindset Strategist, International Speaker, TEDx speaker and founder of the Coaching & Training Company, Make It Happen. An accredited Master Coach and NLP Master Practitioner, he works with entrepreneurs, leaders and ambitious professionals to help them to live purposeful, inspired and energised lives. Will was a finalist for Coach of the Year at the Association of Professional Coaches, Trainers and Consultants and is a blogger for The Huffington Post.

“If you think differently, you will act differently. If you act differently you will get different results”

The Ripple Effect

empower 10 million people within my lifetime and if those 10 million each impact another 10 people and those 10 people each go on to impact another 10 people, then that’s a significant impact made. In fact, it’s a billion.

I truly believe that by living congruently, you will achieve your full potential and benefit not only yourself but your business, friends, family, community, society, humanity and the universe - and this is what I call The Ripple Effect.

I am a firm believer that with quality education, coaching and aligned partnerships, the world's biggest problems can start to be solved and life-changing possibilities can be created.

As a coach and business strategist, my ‘North Star’ mission is to empower one billion people to transform excuses into results and live a life they love.

If you wake up every day, are courageous, express yourself, embrace the day, be a source of joy and inspiration to others and surround yourself with positive, driven, like-minded people then you have the ability to have an impact, create a ripple and therefore multiple ripples in this universe.

No mean feat… but it’s my personal ‘Ripple Effect’ goal. I realise this won’t be achievable for me within my lifetime or even over the next generation. However, thanks to technology, I do believe it’s possible to


Shervin Boloorian (MA) is based in Bali and is a sound therapist, natural music artist and celebrated vocalist who presents living sound and music as medicine for deep relaxation, peace and connection to the unseen world. He is also a recording artist and released his third album, “I Hear You, Mother Earth” on April 22, 2020. His second album, a collection of Rumi wisdom and Sufi-inspired songs, was endorsed by bestselling Rumi translator and poet, Coleman Barks. Shervin presents various live music events and workshops regularly at the Yoga Barn in Bali and leads multi instrumental sound healing training and private sessions. Listen: https://shervinboloorian.


to Natural Sound

Comforting, organic healing sound awakens a listener to their inner healer, their innate wisdom, and creative action.


n 2012, I launched Bali’s first sound healing programme which has now served tens of thousands of guests in over 13 countries worldwide. Music has always been my passion and calling. I’m a certified sound practitioner, sound healing teacher and trainer, vocalist and live natural music artist.

Sound therapy brought me home to music with a truly authentic connection. I left Washington DC, moved to Bali and became a holistic sound therapist and healer. Initially, the evening symphony of crickets and frogs was deafening and unsettling. My mind raced: I couldn’t sleep. Mother nature was showing me peace but I couldn’t connect with her harmonious sounds at first. Eventually, I slowed down and started to recover. Bali was perfect for my spiritual growth and self- development and to transition out of my career and I was able to integrate and apply the sound therapy teachings I had learned.

As I never enjoyed performing on stage or in my college band, I had abandoned any hope of pursuing a music career: until I discovered sound therapy and healing. This discovery was made on my own journey of recovery back to physical health after I started to suffer physically and mentally in a demanding life and career in Washington DC, leaving me stressed out and numb. I had learnt to block out the loud and disturbing daily vibes from the big city and noise pollution and sought the solace of peaceful sounds.

Who does it help? Many of the people I help are recovering from city stress and the pressures of demanding professional careers and many have physical challenges like fibromyalgia or fatigue and chronic pain. Some are recovering from heartbreak, breakdown or trauma and have trouble opening their hearts. Some suffer from fear and anxiety-related issues. Many just want to experience sound therapy but the common thread is they all desire their lives and careers to be more fulfilling.

Natural, harmonious sound is peaceful but loud noise can create stress and fatigue and weaken our nervous systems.


Professionals and leaders often have trouble balancing success with harmony in their personal lives. They feel split from their core identity and have lost touch with their ‘soul’s melody’; in musical terms, it’s like being part of a symphonic movement which grows more tense and dissonant and is unable to resolve itself.

What is sound therapy? Sound therapy is a natural, non-invasive therapy which can reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep patterns enhance mood, offer relief from chronic pain, PTSD and/or trauma and even enhance memory capacity in Alzheimer's patients. I combine presence, music and heart-opening vocals as “sound medicine” for people to access a place of their own inner wisdom and I address the underlying energy, not just symptoms. I never have a prescribed treatment plan and, instead, tune into what I can feel and read from people in the moment. Each treatment has sound at its core but often incorporates colour, music theory, meditation and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

natural spaces, you can still explore and experience sound healing and champion a return to peace, reduce stress and strengthen your immune system.

Deep relaxation can induce a “second awareness” when a deeper, purer part of subconsciousness raises a conscious awareness of problems and how to start addressing them.

Create time to immerse yourself in the sounds of nature - this is one of the things professionals can do to help unwind and hit the reset button

A deeply relaxed state often follows sessions. Some experience emotional releases or insights and physical pain often significantly improves.

Pay attention to the natural settings and sounds you are drawn to. What specific aspects of nature attract you? Discover what resonates with you personally to offer you insights about the energetic properties you may need.

How does the healing occur?

Bring nature to you. There are many natural holistic therapies available. If you can attend a sound session, make sure your sound therapist uses natural living sound, is trained and has an understanding of the Eastern energy world.

Sound vibration is a source of untapped universal power. Natural sound and music are healing and transformative forces and, being so pervasive, there is little they cannot touch or unite. Music holds a primal place in each person’s consciousness and it’s the quality of the sound that makes the difference. Natural (non-electric) sounds are far more effective at creating harmonious conditions for healing than amplified or synthesised sounds.

Listen to high quality recordings of nature or natural instruments and bring meditative sound to your space. They won’t be as rich in overtones as live presentation, so don’t listen to too much synthesised or compressed sound. Notice which types of soundscapes or natural instruments resonate with you.

Organic beings resonate most with organic vibrations

Learn to play a natural instrument and introduce the essence of that instrument into your life more. I have a fondness for flutes and choose from 5 different ones from around the world to play for my sound healing sessions.

Sound and music from natural acoustic instruments create “living” vibrations which are innately attractive to humans.

Sound, as a vibratory energy therapy, is the most potent access point into the world of energy ‘medicine’ and life’s subtle realms.

This is the realm of the holistic experience and the reason we need to incorporate Eastern energy medicine with the (purely anatomical) Western approach. Healers and holistic practitioners address the subtle, non-physical, energetic realm.

If you can start to use sound and music beyond a superficial entertainment experience, your other senses become enhanced and more of life’s secrets start to reveal themselves; starting with your own personal journey and challenges you may be struggling with.

According to Eastern traditions, human healing depends on an understanding of nature and a connection which pays attention to the wisdom of the natural world.

Tuning into YOU through sound is a key to mastering any part of life.

In cities and built-up towns where there is little opportunity to connect to natural vibrations such as the sea, forests and


Ahmet Mehmet has run his own private practice since 2014. He is a fully qualified counsellor, psychotherapist and coach and fully trained in CBT, NLP and Hypnotherapy. Ahmet is also a Mindfulness teacher and delivers various corporate workshops for Mindfulness, Stress management and Mental health Awareness. His articles on anxiety disorders have featured in Business insider magazine.


ANXIETY DISORDERS A model of support & recovery


or the past fourteen years, I’ve worked in the field of Personal Development as a Counsellor, Psychotherapist and Coach and am trained in NLP, Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness. I work with people suffering depression, work-related stress and anxiety issues and Generalised Anxiety Disorder.

to achieve that. One of the most crucial elements to success is when the client sets their own positively stated goals and has continued support to achieve them. These need to be very realistic and not over- zealous so as not to add to any pressure. Working towards these goals can be supported using simple but powerful methods. •Keeping a daily journal of thoughts and feelings and a daily practice of actions taken to start to question and then to start to question and challenge the anxiety is a powerful tool. Often, clients have suffered from GAD in some way for •Reframing exercises around positive statements most of their adult life. They may have tried counselling to set how they would prefer to experience anxietybefore (with mixed results) and often taking anti-anxiety inducing situations. medications. They tend to get to a point where they think they just have to ‘live with it’ but this, in itself, presents •Learning to be able to run through them in a sensory many difficulties in their life. manner to become aware of how their body responds physically. In my experience of working with GAD, the most effective model of recovery includes challenge and •Learning to build new neural pathways (developing change in the following three areas: cognition, physical lasting ways of thinking that are more resourceful). sensation and behaviour, using a therapy/ •Setting daily behavioural tasks to explore coaching approach. how to push their boundaries and start to Many anxiety conditions are create a new way of being in the world. exacerbated by work-related stress, •Daily mindfulness practices to help “The most external and internal pressures manage the cognitive and physical important thing and difficulties in relationships too symptoms of anxiety. (especially if a partner suffers from is to be clear The behavioural aspect is any similar conditions.) significant in supporting someone about what you The most important thing is to be to manage their anxiety as it’s really want and clear about what you really want tangible and measurable. This and how you want to feel. how you want offers clients a real sense of It’s too easy to get stuck in the confidence that things are changing to feel” pattern of talking about what you when results are visible in their don’t want and going in circles from behaviours. there. Through these combined approaches, clients When learning how to change, it’s not always start feeling far less anxious and begin to realise a clear path at first, especially when confusion that they are actually able to stop constantly worrying and unhappiness are overwhelming. It can feel about what might go wrong and gain more control over uncomfortable to be asked questions in a way that could their thoughts and feelings. feel challenging or intimate but in the therapist space, it’s It’s entirely possible for people to learn to successfully safe and also necessary. manage anxiety disorders and, through having a greater Clients often notice the difference between our coaching understanding of their beliefs and values, they can really sessions and previous counselling sessions they’ve had. connect with their true selves. With the integrated approach, sessions are much more Once they are more aware, they can choose changes ‘future based’ and take a solution-orientated approach they want to make in order to free themselves from rather than solely therapy centred and an examination perpetuating cycles of anxiety. People can achieve of issues and problems. happiness and successful long-term change with a The therapeutic coaching approach helps to elicit what happier, lighter future lies ahead without the daily a client needs and wants and how to move forward burden of anxiety.


CONSCIOUS, LOVING DIVORCE Can you shift your consciousness from fear to love?


was devastated, every day for a month or more. I had nausea and a horrible taste lodged at the back of my throat called fear. In 2010, my second marriage broke down. Adele’s ‘Rolling In The Deep’ was on the radio and I cried inconsolably every time it played.

Everything that shows up in our lives is manifesting through us as an opportunity to heal unresolved childhood wounds, to find wholeness and return to our unlimited source of divine love. In adult relationships, we are unconsciously seeking the love, recognition and validation we lacked in childhood and any unresolved issues that are not healed in the marriage play out in a divorce process. In marriage, we expect our partners to be our source of deep love and fulfilment, often unaware of these unconscious forces creating conflict and pushing us to heal: hence the possibility of divorce is high. Most people will have two or three significant love relationships in their lifetime and so it’s essential we learn how to divorce so we can create healthy love in the future. Surely, the quality of our future relationships will only be as good as the depth to which we heal our breakups? When the shift from “Why me?” to “What is being revealed to me?” happens, we begin to understand the covert ways our unconscious behaviours contributed to the breakdown. There is great power in this as we move from victimisation to reclaiming our power. Through awareness and self-responsibility, we take the first steps to creating freedom from the past. The experiences of both my divorces help me to serve my client’s highest good. To share the principles of conscious loving divorce and help them find a better way to part, to master difficult emotions and upgrade relational skills.

Denial is the first phase of any bereavement and I remember pretending to my kids and family that everything was okay, in the hope my husband would come home. He didn’t and life as I knew it had changed irreversibly. In reality, during the last few years of my marriage, I had been angry and resentful. We had gone through huge financial challenges and I blamed my husband. I thought I was loving him but, in truth, my love was conditional. I had become disconnected from love. Even in those excruciatingly painful early days, I knew I was on the cusp of something big. I felt this stirring, this energy rising in me. The pain was a catalyst for deep transformation, my heart was literally cracking open and I reconnected to this sacred space within me. It was bittersweet. In finding love within me, I felt this indescribable love for my husband but it was too late. Divorce is one of life’s spiritual curveballs and you have a choice. Do you let it use you? Do you use it to awaken to the truth of who you are? Can you shift your old ways of being and step into your highest self? I chose to use divorce to serve me. I awakened to the realisation that nothing was happening to me. Everything was happening for me, so I could evolve my false love perceptions and outdated relationship patterns. The most common questions I am asked are “Why me?” “Why’s this happening to me?” Through coaching, I help clients to shift this perspective to “What is this revealing to me?” Divorce is an insult to the ego. The ugly, triggering aspects of our personality that we disown are highlighted. Most of us are ill-equipped to deal with intense emotions such as jealousy, anger, fear, resentment, shame and humiliation. We feel totally powerless and our ego will do whatever it can to survive, often to our detriment. In a conscious, loving divorce we seek to experience ourselves and others through a compassionate heart.

Maxine Clancy is a transformational relationship & trained divorce coach with a background in Transpersonal Psychotherapy and bereavement counselling. She is a certified Calling In the One Coach and a certified Heartmath™ Coach. Maxine is the founder of The Divorce Detox and Get Divorce Fit programs, helping women transform and thrive during and after divorce. She has been featured at the London Divorce Fair, UKHealth Radio. Her book The Divorce Detox will be released in September 2020.


Julie Brown is a visibility and mindset coach who helps passionate and ambitious business owners increase their credibility and impact to achieve growth and success. Accredited with the International Authority for Professional Coaching and Mentoring, she also teaches life coaching skills on the Londonbased Pure Coaching Academy. Julie writes for many media outlets including Happiful Magazine, Top Sante, The Guardian, Landscape, The Metro and Thrive Global.

“Successful, sustained growth requires motivation, curiosity, a drive to make positive changes and a willingness to embrace the seemingly uncomfortable with an open mind”


T he Art of SELF-GROWTH nspiring our clients to personal growth is powerful and fulfilling for them and hugely rewarding for us, as coaches.

Listening is key as, without a good understanding of them, it’s going to be hard to help them improve. It’s a responsibility as a coach to create a space for the goals of coaching to be established. These goals and aspirations will offer key information about their values and what’s missing in their life right now. Acknowledging past experience is helpful too. Make sure they list the things they are good at, as well as the areas that need to develop. This helps them to stay positive. Provide accountability; nudge them forward, challenge their perspective and offer a different one, identify the issues standing in the way of achieving their goals. Feedback from others is particularly useful but remember to help clients stay positive when any perceived ‘weaknesses’ are discussed. The ‘Keep, Stop, Start’ method can help. With this, they ask two or three people what they should keep doing, stop doing and start doing.

Many clients get stuck in the transition from where they are now to where they want to be. Maybe they’re struggling with an important change, a relationship, career change, motivation, unhealthy habits, family; the list goes on. As professional coaches, we can help them to navigate their way forward through these life challenges, quicker and more intentionally. Why Growth Matters Without growth, behaviour and habits become stagnant. For much of our adult life we might be ‘comfortable’ enough with who we are but when life changes (as it often does) that comfort disappears, often replaced by a lack of confidence. Growth offers new opportunities and helps us to ditch the things that are not serving us well anymore. The most powerful growth results from having fresh experiences or learning new ideas. Growth is a response to these novel inputs, just like strengthening the muscles is a response to weight training; so the more you experience, the more you can grow. The experiences you search out or that land in your lap and how you respond to them will dictate the trajectory of your growth. Someone who is fearful of change and prefers the cosy status quo will struggle to help others, which is why continuous personal development is also a key factor in the growth of a coach.

The language of growth •The language used around growth has a big impact on the mindset. •For instance, a goal of ‘losing a stone before summer’ sounds great but isn’t stated in a very positive or realistic way. •A more positive language frame is ‘I’m committed to eating healthily and exercising over the next 3 months and I’m looking forward to seeing my health improve and my shape change by the summer’ •Help people to reframe their goals with positive, intentional language, to break goals down into small chunks, set deadlines and celebrate small successes - this how growth really happens. •Desire for change leads to seeking a new understanding. This new understanding leads to growth so always seek to understand, be curious, ask questions of others and of yourself and growth is sure to follow.

Identifying growth needs for clients Helping clients to become aware of their strengths and weaknesses and know where they want to be (a personal vision) will highlight areas to focus on first. Remember to encourage them to celebrate their strong points too.


Sheena Shah is founder of Inspiring Success and is a qualified Life Coach, Rapid Transformation Therapy Practitioner, NLP Practitioner and has trained in Mindfulness and Meditation. She works with individuals and groups in schools and businesses around building confidence and reducing and managing anxiety. She is also a qualified, practising Optometrist and a Mum of two.

WELLBEING FOR CHILDREN how to support anxiety issues.


y journey into coaching and self-development began due to my own anxiety. It had overwhelmed and consumed me for years and stemmed from childhood. I was always shy and studious, struggled to find friends and needed constant validation through my work and teachers. My need for validation continued to adulthood.

My anxiety peaked at university. I nearly dropped out of my optometry degree course and considered taking my own life, but with excellent support, I was able to find the way forward and address the roots of my anxiety. Working with a performance and CBT coach helped me gain perspective. The impact was immense and inspired me to help others in the same way. I trained to become a coach and built a business alongside my optometry career.


After having my children, my anxiety increased again and I realised I had to go deeper with myself and make lasting changes. I needed more - and my children needed more. I turned to mindfulness and meditation and started to notice a real transformation in my mind and my life.

"Mindful walks help to enhance all their senses and remove distracting thoughts"

Mindful walks help to enhance all their senses and remove distracting thoughts. Breathwork induces calm alongside ‘body scan meditations’ where they learn how to relax each body part and they create positive daily affirmations. An external person facilitating who isn’t a teacher or parent enables them to feel safe and comfortable. There’s no pressure, so if someone is having a quiet day or doesn’t want to join in, that’s absolutely okay.

Children start to understand they aren’t alone in feeling and thinking the way they do. They feel heard and understood and can find ways to help them manage their emotions.

Becoming a Rapid Transformation Therapy Practitioner and combining this with coaching tools and methods became a game changer.

Supporting children with anxiety

The current pandemic has added to children’s stresses and emotions: homeschooling, isolation from friends and school routine, not to mention the stress of any illness or painful loss.

Many anxiety issues stem from childhood so I am committed in the work I do, both one to one and in schools, to support children with anxiety and other wellbeing issues. As mother to two children and also being very aware that one in eight 5-19 year olds have a diagnosable mental health condition*, I’m passionate about bringing mindfulness, meditation and coaching into schools to offer real ‘hands-on’ tools and techniques.

This can intensify emotional issues and create or exacerbate anxiety, worries, fear and depression, so here are some tips to help support your child. •Set weekly family activities & goals It could be playing a board game, making a den, cooking together, reading a book or a movie night.

I teach children the importance of being themselves and about being kind to others and to themselves. They are encouraged to embrace their emotions, open their minds, gain new perspectives and find solutions that work for them.

•Practice daily gratitude. Write 1-3 things you have all been grateful for that day and pop in a jar, create a gratitude tree or simply just talk about them.

Children have many triggers for anxiety: separated or divorced parents, sibling rivalry, feeling like parents are too busy for them, friendship group issues, not fitting in or feeling liked, struggling with work, pressures around tests and performance and transitioning to secondary school.

•Find a quiet space and practice deep breathing. Write down thoughts and feelings.

Online influences and social media only adds to the pressure.

•Talk together in a relaxed space and ask how each family member is feeling. Share what caused any emotions (positive and negative) that day/week. Don’t try to fix, just listen to each other and acknowledge their feelings.

•Draw, colour or doodle - let out emotions through creativity.

How do wellbeing sessions work? In a sharing circle, the children can talk about what went well for them that week. It’s a chance to celebrate all kinds of achievements, not just academic ones. Then they focus on various emotions they have experienced and, as a group, we discuss how to reduce any anxiety-related feelings and the situations surrounding them.

Teaching techniques to manage and find a release for these emotions is vital for inner happiness, outer positivity and a healthy approach to life. It's important to talk to your children about their emotions from an early age and these simple techniques can really improve behaviour and mindset for children individually and for the whole family.

Practical activities are introduced that can be shared with their families: creating gratitude trees where the children draw trees and write words onto the leaves to express how they feel.


Christopher Bailey is a Personal Freedom Coach and Psychologist and specialises in Positive Intervention Strategies. His expertise includes mastering personal leadership, high-performance, emotional freedom, and lifestyle design. His background is in psychology, social skills and NLP and he works with a variety of clients including company directors, first responders, TV personalities and performers.





Fear points to where you need to grow. 28

The Approach

How to use ‘THE F.E.A.R² METHOD’

I believe that all long-term transformation comes from the individual rather than the Coach.

Step 1: Give the client the list of benefits •Turn fear into something you embrace and are excited for •Increase your stress threshold •Expand your comfort zones •Develop an ‘edge’ in your personality •Develop true authenticity •Develop true inner confidence •Discover new opportunities for success •Raise your emotional intelligence and social skills •Motivate yourself and live up to your potential •Discover your greatest purpose or ‘Destiny’

Everyone likes an easy approach and clients often come with the expectation that I’m the one possessing the ‘magical elixir’ and all responsibility is placed on me. I do have the ‘elixir’ they are seeking but that is in helping them to access it within themselves. When this happens, the results they can provide often seem magical, but only when they choose to take responsibility. The secret is in allowing the client to take responsibility for their own wellbeing, and in so doing they discover they are the powerful ones and are capable of things they once thought impossible and this is why I developed ‘The F.E.A.R² Method’.

Step 2: •Give the client the Pre-frames / Re-frames to fear: •Fear is the pointer to where you need to “grow”. •Fear allows me to unlock more of who I am. •My mentality is always “Bring It On!”. •Seeking fear makes me more powerful and authentic. •I willingly feel every expression of fear in my body and lovingly observe its nature.

Mindfulness This method incorporates a variety of highly effective modalities and psychological research into an easily accessible tool. The core of this approach is a Mindfulness focus and incorporates body scanning, nonjudgemental observation, acceptance, and relaxation to develop and deepen emotional intelligence.

Step 3: Teach ‘The F.E.A.R² Method’ 1. Feel Everything Notice every sensation throughout your body and allow it to present itself fully, without adulteration or judgement. The sensations are there to guide you to raise your awareness and when you become aware and acknowledge them, the sensations will often naturally begin to dissipate. A ‘Bring it On!’ mentality will give a positive energy to welcome the experience and reframe it from being a threat to embracing a challenge.

Reconnection with the body develops emotional and social clarity, while increasing action-potential and updating schemas. This expands a person’s comfort zones and stress threshold so they can continue to explore the unknown, thus discovering more of their true potential. The beauty of Mindfulness is that it also helps to create long-term neurological change.

2. Accept Accept the sensations for what they are by leaning into them with love for the job they are doing in looking after you. This develops courage and a sense of empowerment.

Many people have insecure attachment styles that result in the ineffective development of emotional intelligence. This means a process of masking or dissociation occurs to alleviate the stressors experienced by the individual, ultimately preventing learning and growth. This can manifest as anxiety or depression.

3. Relax Usually Steps 1 and 2 release the majority of tension and discomfort.

Our comfort zones can then become fixed because we do not yet have an effective strategy for adapting to new and more demanding environments. As such, you can consider a person’s growth halted from the date they adopted their ineffective strategy, which often goes back to childhood.

Anything remaining can be consciously let go through choosing to slowly relax any tension. For example, you may recognise tension in the throat, stomach, and legs, so you can begin by relaxing the throat, then the stomach, then the legs. 4. Respond Now you are in a good space to respond to the demands of the situation rather than be reactive to it. For this step, simply ask yourself “What’s the first step I need to take right now?” Act on the answer you get without hesitation and trust this inner wisdom.

As ‘The F.E.A.R² Method’ is also about developing personal responsibility we, as coaches or therapists, help people learn to use effective tools and strategies that they can easily apply in their daily lives. Naturally, this allows the client to willingly step into their responsibility and reclaim their personal sovereignty. This creates a shift from hunted to hunter and victim mentality can be eradicated, meaning that the client can become the creative force in the environment rather than the reactive one.

This wisdom and inner trust has evolved in us over many millennia through an unbroken line of wise and powerful ancestors. Trust it. Trust yourself.



in your Business


s coaches, we know the power of our work to transform the world, one life at a time.

With my audio background, I held the key to helping others be seen, heard and remembered by those who needed unlocking. As I wrote my first book, sharing how to go from nowhere and unknown to the heady heights at the top of your field, it dawned on me that this actually was a real journey to ‘getting visible’.

When I entered the coaching business in 2017, I had no idea how to reach the people who needed to be awakened, inspired and switched on to understanding the vast potential they had to lead a happier, more fulfilling, more rewarding life. I felt compelled to get my message out there: ‘Anything’s possible when you get visible’, yet I lacked the know how to strategically work the unique demands of the online space. Visibility for coaches is fundamental. If you’re not seen or heard, you can’t enable clients to have those moments of change. Once you have experienced the benefits of coaching yourself, it opens your eyes and this is why many of us now do what we do; we want that expansion for others. For me personally, NLP had such a dramatic impact on my health, mentally and physically and it allowed me to recover from a condition that doctors believed I would keep me wheelchair bound for life. It also gave me the confidence to pursue world class levels of recognition for my voice and audio work and, once I opened up those doors of possibility, I knew I wanted to guide others to unravel the limiting beliefs that were keeping them stuck and playing small. As I stood on the red carpet in Hollywood as a finalist for my seventh award in audio work, I decided to leave that world behind me. Or so I thought! What became apparent is that I was not the only coach, entrepreneur or change-maker struggling to reach the people I wanted to help. I quickly realised there was a medium that offered a such powerful opportunity to touch many lives and it dawned on me that the way I could reach the masses and achieve worldwide ‘visibility’ was through audio, in the form of podcasting. Not only did this help with other areas of visibility (the constant demands to create content, blogs, video and to connect with others of more influence than me), but it allowed me to tell my stories in a way that was honest and open, without the constraints of other platforms.

Firstly, to open yourself up to acknowledge the level of impact and success you wish to have and stop telling yourself that the big ambitions you have are not attainable. Secondly, to give other change-makers the mechanics to be seen by those who need them. There are certain components of that roadmap which any coach or entrepreneur wishing to establish themselves as a strong personal brand must embrace: Live Video. Like it or not, people want to see you for all your quirks and mannerisms. Additionally, the algorithms of the social media platforms give preference to this type of content. Creating long-term SEO through blogging, YouTube videos, a decent website and podcast show notes. Become an Author on your chosen area of expertise. A book speaks volumes about who you are and what you do and self-publishing options mean you don’t have to delay your entry into the world of authorship. Get in the Press. PR raises your status and credibility. (Twitter can be a valuable tool for connecting with journalists looking for experts to provide comment.) Apply for Awards. Even as a nominee or finalist, they increase your kudos and broaden your networking horizons. Podcasting. Either as a guest or as host of your own show, you can build that often elusive know, like, trust factor with your listeners. Two thirds of people take action with intent to purchase as result of listening to a podcast. This is higher than any other medium so if you want impact and to change one life at a time, this is the way. Chiefly though, the key to visibility is in the consistency of showing up and the consistency of your message. Get these two right, and you will give your coaching business a really solid foundation for success.


Anna Parker-Naples is a Master NLP Practitioner and multiaward-winning audio producer. She is a bestselling author and host of no.1 international podcast ‘Entrepreneurs Get Visible’. Anna specialises in helping entrepreneurs stand out from the crowd and increase their visibility. Using her Hollywood audio background, she helps coaches to launch effective podcasts that raise their credibility and create impact through her Podcast Membership. Anna was awarded SME Businesswoman of the Year 2019 and was a finalist for the 2019 National Business Awards.

"the key to visibility is in the consistency of showing up and the consistency of your message."


Read. Listen. Be Inspired.

Big Magic. How to Live a Creative Life, and Let Go of Your Fear Elizabeth Gilbert

I Can, I Will. My Story of Overcoming Abuse, Disability and Racism Mark Esho

Sharing her wisdom and unique understanding of creativity, and shattering the perceptions of mystery and suffering that surround the process, Elizabeth Gilbert challenges us to embrace our curiosity, tackle what we most love and face down what we most fear. With stories from her own life, as well as those from her friends and the people that have inspired her.

Mark Esho was told he would never walk again. Partially recovered, he had to battle against an abusive father and discrimination as a black and disabled person. Not only did he survive, Mark thrived! In an extraordinary story that starts with polio, discrimination, adversity, racism, abandonment and child abuse, Mark takes us through his amazing achievements.

The Miracle Equation. The Two Decisions That Move Your Biggest Goals from Possible, to Probable, to Inevitable Hal Elrod

The Success Principles. How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be Jack Canfield

The Miracle Equation consists of only two decisions that guarantee astonishing levels of success and fulfilment: Unwavering Faith and Extraordinary Effort. With unwavering faith that you can achieve anything you desire, and by applying extraordinary effort until you do, success is inevitable. The book provides a step-by-step plan to actualize your miracles and become the person you need to be in order to succeed.

Filled with memorable and inspiring stories of CEO's, worldclass athletes, celebrities, and everyday people, the book spells out the 64 timeless principles used by successful men and women throughout history- Proven principles and strategies that can be adapted for your own life. (From the co-creator of Chicken Soup for The Soul).

Becoming Michelle Obama

Get Visible. How to have more impact, influence and income Anna Parker-Naples

An intimate, powerful, and inspiring memoir by the former first lady of the United States. In her memoir, a work of deep reflection and mesmerizing storytelling, Michelle Obama invites listeners into her world, chronicling the experiences that have shaped her - from her childhood on the South Side of Chicago to her years as an executive balancing the demands of motherhood and work to her time spent at the world's most famous address.

The Inside Out Revolution , The Only Thing You Need to Know to Change Your Life Forever Michael Neil In The Inside-Out Revolution, Michael shares the principles behind the human experience and the only two things you need to know to begin to experience dramatic changes for yourself. The book promises to teach you how to dissolve problems, become discouragement proof, awaken your spirit and meet any situation you encounter with clarity and love with miraculous results.

Taking you back to the basics of how you think about yourself and your success. The first step to becoming visible is understanding the limiting beliefs that keep you hiding and stuck. Once you’ve had those lightbulb moments, you will learn the actions that you can take RIGHT NOW to make yourself known for what you do.

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YO U R G U I D E TO P R O F E S S I O N A L C O A C H E S , M E N TO R S , C O N S U L TA N TS & T H E R A P I STS .

Teresa Brooks

Business Coach | NLP Practitioner Founder of COACH Magazine Helping women to build confidence, master sales and create a profitable business.

Megan Hudson

Alison Coates

Consulting & Emotional Intelligence Coach

Marketing and Business Coach

Steve Payne

Ruth Kudzi

Karen Kissane

Executive Business Coach, AC & ANLP Accredited NLP Coach and Training Provider

Coach trainer, Business Mentor & Mindset coach

Award Winning Business Coach, Personal Performance Coach

Delivering quality training for coaches to build successful businesses.

Helping coaches grow successful businesses.

ICF Accredited Life & Business coaching for ambitious people.

Berta Maso

Joanna Minkina

People Consultant & Career Coach

Growth Coach for Business Owners

Inspiring Performance through emotional intelligence coaching focused on building awareness.

Working with coaches and solopreneurs to help them define their niche and market their businesses effectively.

Helping small business owners define their HR strategy and supporting ambitious professionals to re-shape their careers and thrive.

Inspiring personal growth, while maintaining your business focus and success.

Lenka Lutonska

Kris Thorne

Executive Coach and Trainer Helping business leaders and teams to think better, feel better and achieve more.

Michelle Yeoman

Will Polston

Lisa McNulty

Nicole Posner

Education and Business Coach Helping Education professionals and managers create proactive productive professional and personal lives.

Executive Conflict Coach and Workplace Mediator

Business & Mindset Strategist and Certified NLP Trainer.

Performance and Wellbeing Coach and Consultant

Mindset Strategist, Speaker, Coach and NLP Master Practitioner.

Helping Leaders and their teams communicate more effectively to prevent and manage conflict in the workplace and beyond.

Helping women to achieve extraordinary growth in their business.

Qualified Executive Coach and former HR Director, specialising in increasing performance and improving wellbeing.

Helping entrepreneurs & ambitious professionals to live purposeful and inspired lives.


Jaimie Sarah

High Performance Mindset, Brand and Business Coach and Consultant Helping high performing business owners and directors be, do and have it all on their terms.

Gill Mckay

Ann Collins

Performance Coach

Trainer, NLP Master Practitioner and ILM Qualified Coach

Leadership Coach & NLP Practitioner

Helping ambitious women who are ready to play bigger.

Helping coaches and trainers use neuroscience to amplify their results.

Helping women in global leadership to transition and evolve in their careers.

Raghav Parkash High Performance & Life Coach I help you to create impact and maximise your potential to achieve success.


Claire Brumby

Jill Savage Qualified Executive Coach, Coach Supervisor & Mindfulness teacher Enabling people to manager their minds and brains, be resilient, thrive. /jillangelasavage/

Rebecca Daniel

Transformation Coach, NLP & DISC Practitioner, Teacher and Trainer Helping heart-centered and purpose driven entrepreneurs and professionals to thrive and live a fulfilled life.

Sarah Rose Bright

Maxine Clancy

Sex, Pleasure & Intimacy Coach

Transformational Relationship & Divorce Coach for women

Peak Performance Coach, NLP Practitioner, Speaker and Author.

Healing heartache and the inner blocks to love, so you can create deliciously loving relationships.

Working with high performing business leaders and champions who demand the best from themselves.

Empowering individuals and couples to ignite their sexuality and live their full potential.

Beth Hope

Jean-Pierre De Villiers

Sarah Ilaria Northe

Anna Anderson

Intuitive Coach, Healer, Trainer and Supervisor

Wellness Coach & NLP Practitioner

Executive Confidence Coach & MBTI Practitioner Building authentic confidence and mental fitness through reworking your mindset to achieve the life balance you want.

Transformational coaching and coach training to deeply reconnect you with your true self.

Guiding women to break-free from dieting and transform their health in body, mind and soul.

Daniel Berrio Galan GP & Holistic Personal Recovery Coach for Men Coaching men to confidently embrace their "enoughness" and reconnect with themselves and life again.

Kate Southerby

Jess Nicks Life Coach & NLP Master Practitioner Helping women break free from their inner critic to lead more empowered and confident lives.

Fidel Beauhill

Leadership & Life Coach

The Modern Man Coach

Helping you to live a more creative and rewarding life and achieve your potential.

Helping Men Become Kings.

Allan Kleynhans

Lathi DubĂŠ

Performance Coach, Speaker & Training Facilitator

Inspirational Speaker, Identity Specialist & Coach

Changing lives, healing hearts & helping transform global consciousness for a very happy life.

Helping business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders to fully discover & optimise their true identity & achieve incredible results.

Helping you personally to grow strong so you can move through and beyond difficult life changes.


Lucy Power Success and Leadership Coach

David Kaufman Peak Lifestyle Coach, NLP Trainer & Nutrition specialist

Helping successful people unlock their up-level by understanding and resolving their limits with therapeutic coaching.

Explore your mind and body and discover your true potential.

Ruth Elkins

Communications Consultant

Jay Allen

Faisal Alshawa

Sheena Tanna-Shah

Performance Nutritionist

Rapid Transformation Therapy Practitioner and Mindset Coach

Helping people live a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Helping individuals transform their mind and life. Specialising in stress and anxiety.

Croz Crossley

Robert Terry

Mindset Master for Business & Personal Growth Teaching you mindset success

Mark Henderson

Business Mentor, Motivational Speaker & Published Author

Conscious Wealth Creation Mentor

Business Owner, Digital Designer & Brand Creator

Working with business owners and leaders to grow and sustain personal and professional growth.

Teaching passionate, ambitious entrepreneurs how to master their own creational process in their business and finances.

Helping coaches & entrepreneurs elevate their business through standout brands and websites.

Chris Bailey

Shervin Boolorian

Creative content, media and communications to support your business.

Personal Freedom & Leadership Coach & Psychologist

Sound Therapist & Natural Music Artist

Alison Moore

bigger and better businesses.

for life & business.

Karen Baines

Helping Entrepreneurs build

Ahmet Mehmet


Training coaches to unleash their superpowers for maximum transformational impact & confidence.


Julie New Personal Change Coach


Kylie Ryan SuperCoach Trainer

Bonita Ackerman du Preez

Self Esteem and Relationship Therapist & Coach

Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Mindfulness teacher

Anxiety & Stress Management Therapist and Coach Specialising in trauma, PTSD, anxiety, stress, fears and phobias..

Deep transformation facilitator for emotional freedom, leadership & high performance.

Helping people reconnect and find peace and deep relaxation through natural sound.

Reconnecting you to your self, your work and your future.

Helping you to overcome fear, anxiety & depression for a happier life.

Accredited, Recognised, Professional & Ethical Coach Training. Experiential training to develop your skills alongside knowledge Accredited NLP Diploma and Coaching Skills training Exclusive access to support & mentors Live online training Lifetime access to training modules Continued post-training support & CPD Professional Coach Training

Don’t just be a Coach...

Be a Professional Coach.

ACT - Association for Coaching & Accredited Training Successful coaching and training experts committed to your professional development.

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