COACH Magazine Educate - Empower -Inspire. Supporting Professional Coaching

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with Ruth Kudzi



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EDITOR’S NOTE Welcome to COACH - the brand new, vibrant quarterly digital coaching magazine.

This dedicated and unique space is designed with a mission to inspire, educate and empower you to grow, succeed and be the best you can be in all areas of your life. Taking responsibility is the key to becoming empowered to really achieve what you want and to be happy and fulfilled and coaching is a great step towards this. If you have ever considered coaching but felt confused around what it is and isn’t, how it could help you, what to look for and from whom, then you are in the right place. COACH brings you a wealth of expertise, experience, value and insights from successful and inspirational coaches. The professional directory listings are a resource to find coaches, mentors, consultants and therapists. I am passionate about personal development and business growth. As a trained coach, NLP Practitioner and awardwinning businesswoman my publishing, sales and media background skills have combined with my coaching career to be able to bring you COACH – a collaborative space to champion professional and ethical coaching. I am so honoured to feature these amazing coaches and experts and want to thank each and every one of them for bringing so much value and being a part of this brand new, exciting space. I really hope you enjoy the launch issue and would love to hear your feedback! COACH is free to subscribe to and read online - please share the love and help it to travel to be read by many.

Teresa Brooks is a Credited Business Coach & Certified NLP Practitioner, an award-winning Businesswoman & Founder of COACH Magazine.


Get in touch to feature, contribute or list in The Directory at A4 glossy print copies of COACH are available to order online at Media Kit.


This first edition is dedicated to the late David Jessop.





s this is a space to help you understand and explore coaching, it seems apt to write in this first issue about how to recognise and choose a good coach that is right for you. Coaching could be viewed as subjective; what works for one is not the same for another and it is certainly true that one size doesn’t fit all. Great coaching is crafted from professional skills that are fully clientfocused, not coach focused. An effective coach will always draw the answers from you; develop not impose, and empower you not train you. They will listen and build quality rapport, ask questions to invoke real consideration, offer valuable feedback and their niche will add extra skillsets and experience. Coaching takes you where you can’t take yourself Knowing logically what to do just isn’t enough when you get stuck in your thinking, lose focus or can’t recognise why you can’t move forward. 3 signs coaching will help you; - You want to uplevel or make changes in your business but find it difficult to navigate a path towards that and need to map out next steps. - You feel barriers to growth (real or perceived) limiting beliefs or mindset issues hold you back, you struggle making decisions, are stuck in looped thinking, feeling frustrated. - You want to get clarity and focus around what you are doing and need new resources, strategy help plus accountability. Remember, the driving force behind your life and business is you, so mindset is often the most transformational part of your journey; it takes time as it is can be difficult initially to think in a new way but when this starts shifting, so does everything else. Exploring your options The initial discovery call is the space to explore whether you and the coach are a fit.

‘Great coaching is fully clientfocused’

A coaching investment isn’t to be taken lightly. Before your call, think about the questions you want to ask around their experience, qualifications and approaches. The coach will want to understand what the problems are and what you want to achieve but don’t be afraid to ask your questions too! Seek their strengths and look for someone who complements you, not overpowers you. Try and do this via skype or zoom so you can ‘meet’ virtually. Follow your instinct and if you feel uncomfortable at all, pushed or ‘sold to’ just bring it to a close. It is important that you feel valued and understood from the start. Accountability is a valuable and powerful part of coaching. It’s not being told what to do or reporting back. It’s constructive support, feedback and holding you accountable to taking the actions you have set yourself. This will involve holding the mirror up when needed and challenging you. You don’t want a ‘yes’ coach! An honest and trusting space is what you are looking for, so a challenge is never a confrontation, but well-placed and in your best interests. As a coachee, you need to be committed to what you say you want as when the tasks and the work needs to be implemented, it is down to you. You want a coach who can listen deeply and facilitate your best thinking, not just tell you what to do or supply answers. Rather, they will help you to organise and develop your own thought processes; a lifelong skill to learn. So choose 3 coaches initially to have calls with and remember, you are not making a commitment at this stage, you are simply exploring options, but do be prepared to commit and invest when you find the right coach. Your instinct is the biggest guide you have; trust it and you won’t go far wrong.


TO TRAIN OR NOT TO TRAIN? That is the question - and a frequently asked one when it comes to coaching.

However, I believe the more relevant question isn’t whether or not one should have formal training as a professional coach, but rather how can we as coaches serve our clients in the most powerful way possible, while maintaining ethical and professional boundaries? Coaching is not counselling, consulting, mentoring or an opportunity for amateur therapy. It is also not what the coach would do in the client’s situation. Understanding what coaching is, and is not, provides a framework for what coaches do and do not do when wearing the coaching hat. Coaching, at its best, is a remarkable skill that helps both individuals and teams to transform results, achieve goals and positively change their lives. At its worst, coaching can be meandering, misleading and destructive. Coaches have a great influence on their clients. Without codes of ethics and good practice, there is a danger that many people who call themselves coaches might be projecting their own personal beliefs, judgements and opinions and unwittingly stepping into the world of amateur therapy. This is not coaching.

MASTER YOUR CRAFT Mastery is when someone knows their craft from a theory perspective, has developed the practical experience to make it mean something, achieves results and continues to develop it further. Experiential coach training offers the theory and enables the practice of skills in a safe and supportive environment and provides constructive feedback. There are two principle reasons why this is important: 1. The development of coaching as a profession If coaching is to be taken more seriously as a profession, it needs to be based on a code of ethics and good practice and be aligned with a set of essential competencies.


hear many coaches postulate that it is not necessary to train formally in coaching skills. As coaching is an unregulated industry in the UK and many other parts of the world, this statement is undoubtedly true. What is interesting is that many said coaches then offer coaching intensives or workshops to train other coaches in their own branded methodologies, which seems to be somewhat incongruous. If training in new methodologies is deemed important, then surely training in essential foundational competencies is equally, if not more, important?


It also needs a body that ensures standards are maintained; especially true if coaching eventually becomes a regulated industry. Accredited coach training, recognised by the main industry coaching associations such as the Association for Coaching or the ICF (International Coaching Federation), strengthens the profession as a whole, giving coaches both external credibility and internal confidence. 2. Serving the Client (the most important reason) The job of a coach is to assist the client in moving from where they are to where they want to be. The effective coach facilitates this based on who the client is and by following the client’s interest at all times. They need to know how to do this based on key competencies, knowledge, understanding and skills and to be able to set aside their own personal judgements to work in the world of the client and to recognise when a client needs assistance outside of the coach’s skillset. Clients pay for results, not company so coaches need to be focused, structured and effective and a coach without training or supervision is in danger of believing their own publicity and moving far from the coaching framework. If we are to be part of a profession that is recognised and respected, if we are to establish coaching as a major force in personal and professional development, if we are to ethically serve our clients and help them grow, develop and achieve their goals, there needs to be more than an ‘I’ll do it my way’ attitude to learning the craft.

Steve Payne, Coach, Master NLP Trainer, Founder of The Academy of Coaching and Training, International Executive Coach, Keynote Speaker, Co-author of My 31 Practices.

Some people do have natural sensibilities and talent in some areas; this will not cover the full range of what it takes to be a great coach. These are just some of the reasons why, to serve our clients powerfully and with integrity in this unregulated world of coaching, coach training and affiliation with a recognised industry body, is a must-have, as opposed to a nice-to-have. 07

PERSONAL LEADERSHIP – lead yourself well

Personal leadership is one of the most highly-prized attributes and yet is the least taught or consciously developed. Coaching is key to helping an individual lead themselves better. An independent, non-judgemental, authentic and skilled coach is the sounding board that helps you hone your personal leadership qualities and successfully apply them.

Effective navigation for success We all possess skills, abilities, tools and techniques to achieve our goals, manage change and navigate life’s ups and downs. These are built through experiences and personal history, equipping us to navigate through a wide range of situations and circumstances. Developing and applying the qualities and attributes of leadership brings our skills and learnings to the fore, enabling us to be more effective, productive and successful. It is like being in the ‘zone’. Nothing gets in the way, procrastination abates, energy levels are high, perspective is clear, self-talk is motivational and you address problems or obstacles with ease, moving forward with confidence and self-belief, achieving as you go.

David Jessop


ualities for great leadership include strategic vision, wisdom to learn from failure, seeking guidance, honesty and integrity, confidence, inspiration, commitment and passion, communication skills, decision-making capability, accountability, delegation, empowerment, creativity, innovation and empathy.

Yet when (for whatever reason) you stop applying and developing those leadership qualities, your results and your outcomes are suddenly very different. This is why consistent self-leadership is so important.

Management qualities include honesty, communication skills, decisiveness, confidence, responsibility, empathy, focus, creativity, optimism and commitment.

Personal Leadership is about who you are being and about how you show up and conduct yourself. Who you are being on a daily basis is a choice. Depending on that choice, the type of days and life you experience also changes ergo only you can choose how you want to live your life to determine your outcomes.

There are overlaps in both leadership and management qualities which you may observe in the workplace but have you ever considered whether you lead or manage yourself out of the workplace, to what degree of success and why it even matters? They key to understand is that all these are simply qualities people need when working with other people. Many organisations understand that traits and values such as honesty, integrity, commitment and self-motivation in its leaders and managers are essential in building a successful organisation with a strong culture. “True leadership is less about what you do, and more about how you do it and who you are.”

This article is published in memory of the late David Jessop of Phoenix Life Coaching. David was a well-respected Coach with many years’ experience. He sadly passed away unexpectedly on March 30th 2019 but his family are keen for his words and expertise to still be read in order to inspire others. The Phoenix Coaching Trust has been set up in his memory to continue supporting funded coaching projects. If you would like to support or contribute in any way please visit the Just Giving page.

Imagine the impact on your business, work and personal life if you applied the attributes from those lists to yourself and used them as your internal compass to guide you through your hours, days, weeks, months and years.


HARNESSING A CREATIVE MINDSET Do you class yourself as a creative or a non-creative?


hether you are looking to bring a creative mindset to your business or develop a business mindset for your creative business, the two are closely interconnected but you may find you have ‘self-selected’ one camp and stay firmly in it. From an early age we’re ‘encouraged’ to make choices around who we are and who we want to be. When it comes to career choices, these can even be made for us. I have a friend who vividly remembers the conversation with his career guidance teacher 30 years ago. He listed his favourite subjects: Art, English, History and Economics and, without drawing breath, the teacher stated: ‘Accountancy’ and that was that. Conversely, in my writing group, many members only know me as a poet. One member was shocked to learn that I was also running a business and a home; - ‘But I thought all poets were poor and miserable!’ they exclaimed. Of course it’s a ridiculous cliché, but there is an unspoken notion that poets aren’t business people, and business people most certainly aren’t poets!

Recognising creativity in yourself would enable you to see that same creativity in others and acknowledge their unique contributions. In your creative practice, you would embrace the business of your craft. You would have the courage to not just produce original and innovative art, but to also bring that art to market.

Take your creativity seriously

What can you do to nurture your own creativity? You can begin by taking it seriously. Acknowledge and be grateful for your innate creativity. Embrace creativity across all areas of your life; the fun of it as well as the hard graft.

“Creativity is as much a mindset as a gifted skillset ”

Challenging Expectations

What do you expect a creative person to be like? Many of us believe that to be creative, we must be ‘making’ art of some description and, of course, that is one way of expressing creativity. But it’s not the only way. These characteristics have been used to describe creative people: Visionary, Ingenious, Innovative, Original, Productive, Intelligent, Inquisitive, Knowledge-Seekers, Non-Conformists, Courageous and Persistent. The myth that art, or indeed business, just happens, is instantly dispelled on reading these. It takes courage, persistence and hard work to consistently produce art; just as it does to build a thriving business.

Anne Tannam is a qualified Coach with the Irish Lifecoach Institute and this year became an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coaching Federation. She works with clients in Ireland and internationally, empowering them to harness creativity in their lives and is also a published poet.

What does a creative in the workplace look like?

At work, in the boardroom, with colleagues, leading teams and in all areas, you would have the courage to think creatively to see beyond the obvious. Like an artist, you could picture, in your mind’s eye, the big picture and paint that vision for others to see. You would have the courage to tell stories that inspire, to always seek to know and understand more.




uth Kudzi is a London based mindset and business coach specialising in helping new service based businesses to start up and scale. She talks about her journey, the coaching industry and why being her true self and building relationships has helped her to achieve her goals. In a world where coaches seem to appear to ‘pop-up’ online as an overnight success, this just isn’t the reality. The true foundations are built in the background way before the visibility and Ruth is living proof of this.

It was only when I realised all of my skills and experience were very relevant as a new entrepreneur and I needed to use them that it started to change. 15 years of leadership experience, business knowledge and sales experience coupled with true resilience has now enabled me to create a successful business that gives me a great income plus the freedom to travel and operate on my own terms. There are many buzz words in the online coaching space, the most of which are ‘integrity’ and ‘authenticity.’ Many say they hold the values of authenticity and integrity but, for me, it goes a lot deeper than just saying it. Showing up as my true self and being honest and open in what I do means I build trust.

“At the start of my business, progress felt slow. It took me nearly a year to find my feet properly; and I had a baby in between which brought new challenges on top. It was a year of highs with new clients, speaking gigs, collaborations, blogs, travel but also a year of lows due to lack of confidence, tech barriers, bad ‘Coaching is a decisions, projects not relationship and, like working out and clients saying “no”. any relationship, trust

is the main foundation. To build trust you need honesty and this is where authenticity comes in’

If we are going to show up for them, we need to start with ourselves and make sure that we are showing up as who we really are. As in any industry, there are always plenty of ‘experts’ whose messaging may seem too good to be true. If you scratch beneath the surface, it often is and there often couple with a lack of substance.

The world of coaching can be easily misunderstood, with many believing it is a magic wand or something that delivers guaranteed and immediate results. Practicing as a coach, I believe that coach training is invaluable and needed; ideally training that is accredited by one of the external bodies too. I believe having this training and adhering to ethical guidelines shows integrity. My advice would be to anyone looking to work with a coach would always be to ask about their training and experience. As a coach, we can’t guarantee results as we can’t guarantee what we will uncover. Coaching is highly individual. What is right for one person won’t be right for another and each business is also individual, operating at different levels. Some coaches are also mentors and trainers so there is a merging of roles. I deliver courses and content too and this is where the distinction can become murky as many qualified coaches do increase their offerings to meet the needs of a wider pool of clients.


Ruth Kudzi is an ICF qualified coach, mentor and best-selling author, holds a MA in Psychology, a PGCERT in Coaching and a PGCE in Business. She has been featured on the BBC, ITV, The Metro, The Guardian, Psychologies, Women & Home and Business Insider. Author of IS this IT?

“From the outside, my business looks like it has grown incredibly fast but what people don’t know is the years I invested in training, coached hundreds of hours for free and felt like I was walking through treacle!”

This is training and teaching something I enjoy doing very much. I was a teacher for many years and, as such, I know that the best place of learning is where you do the work yourself; find your own answers and this is why coaching is so magical.

destinations along the way including Los Angeles, Canada and Morocco. What advice do you have for those feeling like they, too, are ‘walking in treacle’ whilst building their business? “I believe every area of our businesses need to be congruent with our values rather than a list of “shoulds.” It may feel like you are walking up a huge mountain but continue to work in alignment with your values and your why and you will attract others who share this belief system. Your business will grow as a result.

Over the last three years I have realised that I still love teaching and I can mentor, so I combine all my skills that have taken me decades to learn and develop.

Work on yourself too not just the business. The more I have grown personally, the more success I have had and as my confidence has grown. As I work with mindset, it is incredibly important to keep mine strong.”

Ruth has enjoyed huge success over the last 3 years, travelling all over the world and enjoying some inspiring


‘You are worthy of love, from others and yourself. You are worthy of wealth and riches, as much as anyone else’

Rob Moore talks wealth, making money and about how your self-worth and networth relate. His latest book, I’m Worth More, examines how to realise your real value and self esteem, your ambitions, reputation and your income.

SELF-WORTH & NET-WORTH Are you deliberate or desperate? Are you temporarily skint, or do you have an eternal poverty mindset? If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else?


‘If you want to increase your networth, increase your self-worth’

he economic climate is not as important as your emotional climate. The economy is not as important as your economy. This could relate to managing yourself. If you have a low self-worth, you will forever have a low net-worth.

Strategies to increase your self-worth Forgiveness Forgive others for wrongs you perceive they’ve done to you and yourself for the mistakes you perceive you’ve made. Let them go. At first you may resist, but once you find benefit to the process of forgiveness, it will flow.

You are worthy. Net-worth is net-worthiness. Self-worth is an inner feeling of being enough. Most feelings of worth are linked to your ‘story’ that you tell yourself, and how well and much you love yourself. Why shouldn’t you be? After all, who decides who’s worthy and who isn’t? There is no omnipotent higher order that gives out worthiness badges, with you missing out. It doesn’t matter what anyone tells you about your worth and value; they are judging you on their own values, not yours. It doesn’t matter about your past mistakes; we all make them. The past does not have to dictate the future..

Gratitude Be grateful for everything you have. Count and thank your blessings. What you appreciate, appreciates; so list all the things you are grateful for. For the last 11 years, every night, since I read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, I have practiced gratitude before I sleep. You cannot simultaneously be grateful and feel unworthy. The more things you list in your mind, the more powerful the exercise becomes; it diminishes doubt, fear and low selfworth. What you think about, you bring about.


Expect wealth, for it is your right Expectation theory states that you get what you expect, not what is apparently ‘fair’ or what you ‘deserve’. Expect to be wealthy both in the form of giving and creating, and in allowing it to come through you. Are you valuing your life’s effort and work in your fees, charges and salary requests? Everything you have done in your life should be reflected in your worthiness and it will lead to a vast net-worth. Recount all the things you’ve done and experienced in your life, go back as far as you can, and list everything can that would add value to your worth, both in your personal feeling of worthiness and contribution to others. Focus on what you have and not what you lack. Focus on what you can and not what you can’t.

‘When you take the things you judge about yourself and appreciate them so much, it won’t matter if people judge you, you’ll attain great self-worth’ The world is a mirror that presents how you feel about yourself. With high self-worth there’s no fear of the reflection. Knowledge & Experience Many feel their confidence will improve once they have knowledge and experience. This is true, but be mindful not to wait until you have everything you need before you increase your self-worth. Get perfect later and be it until you see it. Your self-worth and confidence will naturally increase as you learn, work on yourself and gain more experience, but this is a slow process and not the only way to higher net-worth. You can increase the speed of gaining knowledge and experience, while simultaneously believing in your own value right now. Commit to working on yourself more than anything else..

Set the goal, then let it go Are you deliberate or desperate? Sure, you want to achieve wealth and success, but desperation will repel it, as people aren’t interested in making you wealthy for your own motives. Set an inspired goal, put it out there to be attracted into your life in whatever form of incantation or visualisation you choose, then detach from the outcome and accept the journey. It is a balanced dichotomy for entrepreneurs: you are hungry, motivated and relentless, but those traits while admirable in getting started aren’t attractive to others and will block the flow of wealth to you. Too much pressure on yourself or an over control for a specific outcome can lead to unrealistic expectations that lead to resistance. Increase your monetary ceiling We all have a ceiling of money we earn, and are therefore worth, no matter our net-worth. This could be your yearly drawings, consultancy fee for your product or service, salary or all your passive income combined. The ceiling is the highest point of your earning power, both in the form of actual pounds and pence, dollars and cents, and also the limit to what you believe you are worth. It is the cap that restricts you from charging more, and is directly linked to your self-worth. Whatever internal dialogue stops you from dramatically increasing your fees and ceiling is what keeps it at that level.

‘The more you value yourself, the more the world values you. The more you invest in yourself, the more the world invests in you’

‘If you want business mastery, develop self-mastery. If you want abundant wealth, develop psychological wealth’

Rob Moore is a triple best-selling property author, public speaker, entrepreneur, and multi-million -pound property investor. He co-founded the UK’s biggest property education company Progressive Property in 2006 with Mark Homer and has since 13

If you feel worthy, you are wealthy. Your wealth might be in your relationships, compassion, hobbies or sports, area of specialised knowledge, your children, or wherever you hold highest value and continually focused on. If you are not yet financially wealthy, you simply haven’t learned or connected how to convert that wealth into cash yet. There are millions of people across the planet who have done this: rock bands, artists, chefs, designers, dog trainers, lego builders, darts players; anything and everything and more. If they can all do it, you can do it.

helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs towards achieving the same, including consulting for many established multimillionaires and keynoting at some of the UK’s most important business events.

THE BEST PR is always you!

Kate Beavis, founder of The Indie Practice PR & Magpie Weddings. Bedfordshire Business Woman of the Year 2019, featured in The Guardian, The Independent, The Telegraph, Marie Claire, Psychologies, Huffington Post. ITV’s This Morning, Lorraine. Vintage writer for Metro & The Lady.


had the opportunity to be featured in a national newspaper in 2013, discussing the new Bridget Jones’s book, sharing my views on how life had changed since the 90’s release. As a lifestyle writer, I jumped at the chance to share my expertise on 1990 v 2010; explaining how ‘today’s Bridget’ wouldn’t have a diary anymore but a blog, wouldn’t be drinking Chardonnay but quaffing Prosecco; and obsessively scrolling Facebook would, without question, be how she spent her free time! The photographer took photos of me in said ‘Bridget’ pose and it was a go. Except… I chickened out and the feature was pulled. “You have to be Since my ‘Bridget Jones prepared to step moment’, I have been into the unknown featured in 100’s of and trust that PR UK and international publications; each one can really help bringing new opportunity drive your brand and I now know that would forward.” have been an excellent early opportunity to be recognised as an expert in my field in national press, get my face out

there, shout from the rooftops about it, get valuable SEO backlinks and make new media contacts. Above all, push my career forward faster. I frequently see my clients and other business owners on a similar PR path. They want their product to be featured without having to share too much of themselves; but, alas, this is not what journalists want! They want to write real stories about your life and your journey to intrigue, inspire and fascinate readers. As a nation of nosey-parkers, we love nothing more than reading the gossip columns as well as the real-life changing moments of our fellow human, be it a celebrity or neighbour. For coaches and service providers, you are your product. To get this valuable press, you need to open up and take these opportunities, even though it is scary to put yourself out there. Create a toolkit of stories that can be linked to a current news story or event and by showing the real you, your potential customers will connect to you, like you and, in turn, hire you. But you have to be prepared to step into the unknown and trust that PR can really help drive your brand forward and now I help business owners to have their very own ‘Bridget Jones’ moment.


Julie New, Relationship and Life Gardener at Changes Forever, Trained Personal Growth and Development Coach, Author of Keep Watering You; A guide to Self-Care.



Notice what is going on…

ulie New is one of life’s natural helpers and, as a personal Coach, she uses an important analogy to empower others be able to flourish and grow in their life and relationships.

This is often that hardest part, noticing. Recently, one of my garden plants was wilting and I realised it needed more light to flourish. I relocated the plant to a brighter area of the garden and it’s now happy and thriving! It is the same with us. Sometimes we simply have to notice what is going on within us and change our environment to make space for new growth and happiness. We all need to be nurtured and physically and mentally nourished in order to thrive. Metaphorically speaking, people seek my help when they are “Analogies and usually in the ‘wilting’ or metaphors are very ‘brown leaves’ stages. They haven’t noticed until there is powerful. My analogy an obvious symptom. of gardens, flowers During difficult times, and plants reflects people need to learn how our own self-care and to thrive again, how to preservation. Plants grow and how to make need watering and the changes they need to. care to flourish; This is often difficult but lifechanging. so do we.”

What happens if a plant isn’t watered? The plant will do okay at first as it has some prior resources. Soon, though, it shows signs of depletion, starts to wilt and the leaf edges turn brown. This continues for a while as it fights to survive and compensate but, ultimately, the plant quite simply dies from lack of water. The plant could have continued to thrive quite easily and it’s exactly the same for us. If we aren’t nourished with what we need on every level, we will suffer, wilt, fade and, ultimately perish mentally, emotionally or physically.

What type of plant or flower are you?

I brand using a bright orange sunflower, representing my metaphorical self; warm and sunny, standing tall in most weathers and constantly gravitating towards the sunshine in life. If I am representative of a sunflower, then what type of flower, tree or plant would you be? This depends on your personal interpretation of yourself and how you currently feel about yourself and your life. Anything in life takes time to grow, build and develop. If you don’t take time to really take care of YOU the way you do other things, ultimately everything will suffer. Your relationships, business, health and the people around you suffer too. When things are out of balance, you will feel all the negative effects of that.

Julie draws on her own experiences of loss, grief and physical, mental and emotion depletion. She uses her journey of recovery alongside coaching to help others achieve a new and healthier state of balance in life.


“If you can drive a car, you can change your mindset”

WANT TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE OR YOUR BUSINESS, BUT NOT SURE HOW? Learn the most simple but powerful way.


roz Crozzley, The Mindset Technician, speaker and author of ‘Tell us Another’ speaks internationally on the power of the mind, sharing the stage with great speakers in the selfdevelopment world and features on radio and TV shows.

“In the centre of a storm and at your most painful of points, you can never make good or reliable decisions. When you are stressed, you cannot think effectively. Making rash decisions under stress doesn’t serve anyone well or recover a situation.

Here is a man who has walked the realities of life, the joys and pains and the highs and lows of both life and business. At 70, his wealth of invaluable experience and wisdom inspires and helps people in all walks of life and at all stages of business. Having been in business for over 50 years, he has enjoyed many successes, yet he states the majority of his true wisdom and knowledge was learnt directly from the mistakes, the most painful lessons and the things that went wrong over the years. Croz knows all about loss and being back at square one. 25 years ago, in the midst of bad circumstances, he lost in an instant everything he had taken so long to build; gone overnight. A business worth millions. A future. An income. A passion. Not to mention the blood, sweat and tears it took building it. As he endeavoured to recover and tried to claw back in 5 minutes what had taken so many years to accumulate, he was spiralling. At this crucial turning point came the most value.

“The things you learn from experience never lose value. It’s not so much the challenge, it’s how you overcome the challenge” As a result of this brutal lesson, he set about studying the power of the mind and how much control we have over what happens in our life. Having developed these teachings around belief and mindset, he climbed back up the ladder and, this time, positioned himself in a much stronger way than before. He then set about sharing his life-changing teachings with as many people as possible, with a mission to help others to make better decisions and get in control of their lives.


Whether it be in your business or personal life, understanding and using these teachings can change everything around…

Analysis Paralysis

Making these teachings simple and understandable is the key. Croz jokes that he has made them so simple people cannot believe they actually work. “Keeping it simple is the key to success in my opinion, so when people tell me things are starting to work out, I always give them my surprised face but of course, I’m not at all surprised”

You don’t need permission to be great “We constantly limit our potential, by using useless information and programming from our past. We think someone else has a special gift (that we were somehow not given) and that becoming successful is something that happens to others and not us. My belief is simply this, ‘We all have greatness in us, we just sometimes forget where we put it. When you take the life of any successful person and trace it back to the start, you will find in every case, we all started exactly the same. We arrived as a baby with the programme of success firmly embedded in our mind. Our formative years then determine what we take on board and what we believe. I sometimes peruse that being too educated can be a barrier to earning any real money. Most successful entrepreneurs come from quite normal, even humble backgrounds.”

“Over analysing situations can be the greatest hurdle to actually achieving anything. What successful people have that is different is a real belief in their ability and they do not try to solve problems that don’t exist. The biggest cause of failure is trying to work out how things are going to work out; and then trying to solve situations that are not even real. Then fear sets in because the brain is confused. The approach for any goal we set must be this. Just see the end and move towards it, knowing that you will deal with all situations, as and when they arise.

Why are we scared to do things? The human brain is fully equipped to sort out anything that is a real situation. We will solve all situations; once we are faced with them. What the brain does have a problem with, is trying to solve imaginary situations. It cannot find a solution, because there is no problem! This is what I call circular thought. There are many cases recorded where superhuman strength becomes available ‘on demand.’ There are reports of mothers lifting really heavy objects to rescue their child. Just one example of how our brain will actually inject a belief to solve a given situation. The biggest problem is we do not allow it to function correctly. We keep it busy trying to solve non-existent situations. The most important thing to be able to do in changing your mindset, is to have faith and belief in being able to achieve something that appears unattainable. When I tell people the power they have over their life, simply by having belief and faith in achieving it, they invariably ask, “How does that work?” This implies they cannot possibly believe in something if they do not know how it works- but it doesn’t work that way! When you have the tools and the knowledge to communicate with yourself, you can pull out all the voices and limiting beliefs that are stopping you reaching your true potential and once you allow your mind to function properly, you will be surprised at how easy life gets. Millions of people just allow their lives to unfold randomly, allowing circumstance and fear to be their only guide. I must warn you at this point though that this information will be no different to all the other stuff you have read. If you just put it on the shelf labelled ‘not actioned’ and ‘does not work’ then guess what? It won’t. You are your own worst enemy and unless you truly make a commitment to change and implement new information, you will win the battle yet again and prove that this stuff does ‘not work.’ So what’s it going to be? You decide. 17




his was written on practically every school report card I received. “Jonathan has so much potential”,” These words were inevitably followed with the word “but”… suggesting I may never actually fulfill this potential unless I stopped holding myself back. I had no idea at that stage exactly what ‘it’ was, how I was holding myself back or why and especially no idea how I would begin to reach it. But what is potential? Can we see it, feel it, touch it, taste it?

The work of psychologists Abraham Maslow and modern-day psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, an expert in the science of flow, indicate that we are optimised to thrive through the path of realising ‘positive potentials’. Yet I have discovered, over the past decade of serving people across a variety of cultures positions and industries, that many hold unconscious attachments to the ‘other’ potentials and these then work in direct opposition to the realisation of their positive potentials and can prevent us from thriving.

The Oxford Dictionary defines potential as “having or showing the capacity to develop something in the future”. We all have positive potential; inspired ideas, deep desires, goals and ambitions which are not yet tangible but show capacity to develop in the future. At the same time, many who are not operating in their optimal states have other potentials. These also show capacity to develop in the future; in a more negative and restrictive way. Showing up in the form of limiting beliefs, presently held past traumas and self-sabotaging patterns, they prevent us from believing we can achieve things or be who we want. These other ‘potentials’ are the ‘buts’ my teachers eluded to; my own patterns, beliefs and fears that held me back.

‘Until we make the unconscious conscious it will guide our life and we’ll call it fate’ - Carl Jung. This is where the need for transformational coaching comes in as we strive to free ourselves from our attachments and direct our attention, energy and action towards realising our positive potentials. Transformational coaching helps people to better themselves and their lives by bringing about necessary changes. The transformation is in helping people to change the way they actually view themselves.


Jonathan Green is a Transformational Speaker and Coach & Personal Growth Facilitator with over 10 years experience in empowering others through personal and professional growth. He has impacted thousands of people in the Education sector, delivering his signature workshops and programmes to students of London Metropoliton University, University of West London and The London School of Science and Technology. He works with schools, individuals and businesses to incorporate coaching frameworks with personal growth and wellbeing.

I now facilitate meaningful change in others and, drawing

Through transformative coaching, I overcame many personal fears and attachments to establish my own success. Through years of study, practice and hitting my own rock bottom, I learnt that we all share the capacity to overcome our barriers and realise our full potential. As I became aware of my own capacity to transform, I recognised this process was not unique to me and that others could benefit and make changes too.

on the strength and understanding from my own trauma, I help people to access their deep-rooted issues, overcome self-sabotage and all that comes with presently held past trauma. This enables transformation from the inside out to create true self-alignment.

Transform your thinking, Transform your life.



SOCIAL SELLING - THE LONG GAME Building business relationships online


n a fast and ever changing digital world, it’s no surprise that your next customer may very well be found via online sources.

Within that broad digital space, Social Media is one of the most key areas where businesses of all sizes are spending more and more time (and energy!) to find and attract new customers.This has given rise to the concept of “Social Selling”. The definition of social selling is “The process of developing relationships as part of the sales process, often via social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.” This means far from being a chance to “find and sell” it’s more of an approach to engaging and nurturing potential customers. In practice, see it more like “Social Engagement”. Basically meaning a new opportunity to find and connect with prospects. Award-winning digital agency Junction has a firm focus on engagement and work with many organisations on how they better use social media (and apply Social Selling principles). The media team at Junction have created a simple but powerful model to use, to help ensure you and your business stand out amongst your competition in this competitive, crowded and noisy space.

THE REaD MODEL Reach Although the temptation is to use the best-known social networking sites, such as Facebook and LinkedIn, try and be agnostic. Think about your target market - who are you trying to reach and where might they spend time online. This often will be the big sites, but think also about context - are they going on to sites such as Facebook to hear from businesses like yours? Try and research which social networking sites have the best concentration of relevant targets. There are some good research tools you can use for free for this. is one example. You could also just ask! Talk to your customers and existing network and ask them where they tend to go online for industry news/views. You often find each industry has very specific groups or forums

that are on websites you may not have heard of but will be far more valuable to you than the big mass-usage social networking sites.

Engage Once you have found your target audience start to think about how you engage them. Avoid the temptation to just start connecting and selling - we have all been bombarded by the over-zealous sales person, desperate to close you as a deal that day! Relationships are built over time. Follow or join existing groups and just sit in and listen to start with. Begin to pick up the tone and pace of the discussions, work out what the key issues are and how the group tend to share and discuss. Nobody likes a gate crasher - listening is a key skill, so use this to not just understand what they are interested in, but to also help you start to shape your content and messages, that you then know are far more likely to be relevant to the group or network.

be relevant to others you share it with too. Keep the momentum and create new content by using a simple publishing calendar or schedule to support your time output. Use one of the many great social media posting tools (I like Hootsuite, but there are lots out there) to regularly share your content and thoughts. There are lots of great free content curation tools out there - Google Alerts will email you links to content on any topic or key word you wish by setting up a simple alert or two. My personal favourite is Flipboard. com - tell it the areas you’re interested in and it will scour the web for quality content that not only is a great read for you, but again can be part of what you share with your audience. Whatever your business focus, you certainly can use these basic rules to guide you to find more of the people you would like to engage and build a business relationship with - a relationship that may take some time to build - social selling is the long game, not a shortcut to short lived sales success.

Differentiate As expected, your competition will also be using social networking sites to sell their services, so it is undoubtedly a very busy and saturated space. However, there is always the opportunity to stand out and be memorable. Many businesses strive to create and share content that positions them as “Thought Leaders” - this is very challenging to achieve - there are only a handful of true thought leaders for most industries. Instead think about simply being helpful. Creating posts and content that answer some of the problems discussed always go down well. Answer other people’s posts and start to position yourself and your business as relevant and knowledgeable, simply by being helpful and useful - adding value to what you say or comment on. Alongside your own content, start to curate content too. Share articles stories and videos that others have written - third party organisations that are not competitive to you. If these resonate with you (and you’re representative of the social network or group, you have joined) then it’s likely to


Steve Kemish has worked in digital marketing since 1998. Managing Partner at Junction, tutor at the IDM, Associate lecturer of Marketing at Oxford Brookes University. Longstanding Superbrands judge.

PROMOTING YOURSELF & YOUR BUSINESS - consistency creates credibility


ou may be familiar with Kanye West’s often egotistical self-praise. Love him or loathe him, there’s something to be said for his unwavering confidence.

But how do you promote yourself without sounding selfobsessed? Whether you’re working a 9-to-5, an aspiring entrepreneur or running your own business you must promote yourself. How else will your manager “I am God’s or your potential clients know of your amazing vessel. But my ability? Quiet mouths don’t get fed. The below greatest pain in tried and tested 5 methods will help you feel life is that I will more comfortable in promoting yourself. never be able to Five Ways to Promote Yourself see myself perform live.” Build Credibility - Kanye West

When you google your name, what comes up? Are you seen as one of the best in your industry? If not, think about the skills you need to master. You’ll feel much more comfortable to promote yourself when you know your stuff. Create great content Consistently add value to your community. Don’t follow the crowd. The best online profiles provide unique content to their audience. Sharing informative, original content that’s of interest to your audience plays a big part in becoming influential in the social world. It’s NOT about you The needs and interests of your audience should be at the centre of the majority of your content. Personal anecdotes will help build a rapport, but mix them with other content so it’s not all about you. Stay ready (So you don’t need to GET ready!) As an entrepreneur, customer testimonials will help promote your work without feeling too ‘Kanye’ about it. Consistently seek feedback from your customers and eventually your brand will sell itself. If you’re in the corporate world, don’t wait until your annual appraisal to rush around collecting feedback. Get feedback on an ongoing basis so you’re ready to effectively promote yourself come review time. Be humble Choose the right time to talk about your achievements and ensure the conversation is two-way. If your friend confides in you that she’s having trouble paying her rent, it’s not the best time to brag about the big pay check you got from a new client. So what’s the first step? Set some goals and take action towards them each day. This will gradually build your momentum and stay consistent because even when you may not feel like anyone is watching, they are.


Marielle Legair is a Personal Brand & LinkedIN expert, international speaker, author and publicist. She has worked with some of the world’s largest companies in London and New York including Deloitte, Grant Thornton and Experian. Seen on BBC, Bloomberg, Financial Times and Forbes. Author of ‘ The Personal Brand Bible for Ambitious for Women’

LOOKING AFTER YOUR HEALTH Stay energised, improve your mood and sleep better! Maintain Energy

Health Coach, Ali Hutchinson, knows that having good health and enough energy to do the things you want to do as well as the time to make both happen is crucial.

TOP TIP! Ditch coffee and artificial stimulants. Caffeine is a sleep disruptor, especially if taken in the afternoon. Build up your energy levels naturally through a good diet of healthy wholefoods, sleep, exercise and hydration. One morning coffee morning isn’t going to do too much damage but how often do we stop there? Find a more natural alternative for a mid- afternoon energy boost.

Here are a few of her simple healthy living techniques to help...

Add Exercise Even when fatigued, exercise energises you though the release of serotonin. This is one of the hormones that affects mood and the increased ability for the brain to absorb Dopamine, the hormone that affects movement, emotional response and your ability to feel pleasure. 30 minutes cardio combined with lifting weights or resistance work and stretching will reap the most benefits. Avoid Sugars THE BIG ONE; avoid sugar, especially refined, processed sugar which burns like fire in your body. High energy peaks and massive crashes are sugar related. Pack your breakfast with protein and reduce the sugar for the best start to the day! Seek food with a low glycaemic score. Top of my list is a protein packed smoothie, oats or eggs.


Dehydration reduces productivity by 14%

Improve your Sleep Diet plays a large part in sleep quality but so does the environment in which you sleep. Sleep in a completely dark room, wear earplugs if necessary and sleep at regular hours. Create a sleep sanctuary away from the stresses and pressures of the day; and definitely leave phones at the door! Prior to sleep, reduce your screen time, have a ‘power down’ session – physically and mentally. Meditate or take a warm bath with lavender oil. Improve your Mood Mood and sleep are heavily connected. The way you feel while awake depends, in part, your sleep quality. During sleep, your body works to support healthy brain function. Sleep deficiency can bring trouble making decisions, solving problems, controlling emotions and behaviours. It has been linked to depression, suicide, and risk-taking behaviour. It also can affect how well you think, react, work, learn, and get along with others so it’s key to a happy workplace and home life. Track your Energy Do you know at what time of the day you’re most productive? It’s easier to work out than you think! Just spend 2 or 3 days tracking your energy. Use a 1-10 scale and mark down hourly how energised you feel (where 1 is zero energy and 10 is fully energised.)

Ali runs a health and wellness business specialising in nutrition, weight loss, healthy eating and stress reduction. She shares her experiences, recipes and tips on her Facebook page. She is a mentor and speaker, helping others to find their own way and start their wellness journey.

Plan your activity according to your energy ebbs and flows. Leave high energy tasks for when your energy is at peak (between 8 and 10) This is your most precious time so choose only the most important and complex tasks to tackle. Work in 60-120 minute cycles and take regular breaks to avoid losing focus. Stay Hydrated Hungry or dehydrated? Usually the latter! Many of us don’t get nearly enough water in a day. Dehydration reduces productivity by 14%, so ditch dehydrating drinks like coffee, tea and carbonated drinks and replace with herbal tea and water. Create new daily healthy habits alongside existing habits. Take brushing your teeth for instance…we are often dehydrated before we even have our morning coffee; so place a glass of water by your toothbrush and start the day hydrated! Try and drink a glass of water before each meal and have a marked bottle on your desk to measure drinking 2L of water daily.

Following these easy tips will help you to become more in tune with your body and to be healthier and more energised.


MENTAL TOUGHNESS Developing Laser Focus in Sport, in Business, in Life.

routines, the address and what you see (internally or externally), hear (internally or externally) or feel (physical sensation or emotion) and the act of actually taking the shot until completion. If your focus is already on the next shot then, again, drifting attention distracts you from the ‘present moment’ focus you need.

Steve Dent is a Mental Toughness Coach & Trainer, Master Practitioner of NLP, a Mental Toughness licenced practitioner and founder of Pro Mind.

When your attention is focused on this moment and what you can control, you increase the chance of playing the shot you want to. If you get yourself into the ‘here and now’ for the current shot, you will be in the only moment that ever matters in sport, the present one. So how can you get into the present moment and execute successful technique?

There are several ways using mental imagery. •Become aware of, and focus on, your breath; in particular the rate and quality of your breath and the rise and fall of your chest. •Feel the sensation of your feet on the ground and bring your body online by gradually directing attention upwards to other body parts. •Feel the sensation of your hands holding the (club). •Focus your visual attention on a piece of equipment e.g. the ball or club head. •Use a word or phrase that immediately ental toughness emanated from the USA brings you into the now. in the 1980’s and is a much used term in any sport. It is the mindset to deal with Developing this level of focus the stressors, pressures and challenges increases mentally toughness and “Mentally tough faced and it consists of 8 key areas. will significantly enhance your athletes can respond performance in other areas Mentally tough athletes can respond to the negative of life, such as preparing for to the negative consequences of the challenges they face in sport in a meeting at work, a difficult consequences of the useful and productive ways. They can exert influence over conversation, presentation, their environment through their ability to focus on what is challenges they face interview or any other situation key to them, control their emotions, sustain attention and in sport in useful and in which dwelling on the past or concentrate for longer. worrying about the future creates productive ways” I distil a sport down to three specific moments, taking golf anxiety. as an example: I work with people by measuring their 1. The previous shot that you’ve just taken (the past) Mental Toughness using the highly reliable 2. The shot that you are now taking (the present) and valid MTQPlus assessment. This assessment scores 3. The next shot after that (the future) mental toughness in the eight key areas and your personal If you are still focusing on the previous poor shot, the worry development report is a great foundation to identify and and anxiety will affect you, therefore you will lack 100% develop the areas that will make the biggest difference focus on the present moment. to your performance, well-being and aspirations. This assessment forms the basis for workshops and coaching As you stand over the shot you are about to take, your focus should only ever be on that shot; your pre-shot programmes for both athletes and sports coaches.



Kate Ashley-Norman is an accredited Thrive consultant and Forge coach and has worked with the organisation since 2012. She hosts The Mental Health Revolution podcast and is an active campaigner for mental health change.



- future proofing our mental wellbeing

n the UK, doctors have about 10 minutes to assess a patient and offer effective treatment. The person suffering mentally will have many responsibilities and obligations. They want a quick fix solution to get back on track as soon as possible. All too often this will be in the form of a prescription.

padded out by various unhelpful and distorted belief systems and cognitive styles which protect and validate us, but often do us no good. Teaching people how to navigate through life safely and confidently in the knowledge that they will cope with the adversities of life is a much more effective long term strategy.

There is evidence that antidepressants can help - offering the sufferer a brief respite while they put measures in place to improve their mental wellbeing. The problem comes when they remain on these drugs for years beyond this point. The current model for mental health waits for people to break down before attempting to patch them up. Sadly, people are often too far down the road and too reliant on prescription drugs to ever effectively recover. Many therapeutic models of care can offer a real grasp on a person’s distress, teaching them to recognise the impending signs and offering techniques and tools to better manage their reactions.

Creating a mental health revolution to help the world is, indeed, a big task but there is a growing body of passionate and determined individuals and organisations who are joining voices and forces, expertise and experiences to raise awareness of this our mental wellbeing. They offer real and viable noninvasive, chemical free, empathetic alternatives which are hugely empowering for the individual. Individual teaching is a good start. Everyone has the ability to learn how to truly thrive in life by learning about and understanding their psychological components; how they can be changed and reinforced for better mental wellbeing. The rest takes action, patience and persistence. Through the Thrive Programme people can learn how to take control of their lives, physically and emotionally change, grow and embrace challenges to become the best person they possibly can be. Often, people who have been racked with depression and anxiety for decades can make lifelong, transformative leaps towards better mental wellbeing within just six weeks as part of their Thrive journey. There IS another way.

Teaching and empowering A preventative (as opposed to reactive) approach is based on a teaching or coaching model – giving the individual the knowledge they need to understand where their emotions and thoughts are coming from, why they feel the way they do and how to make changes at source – almost like restoring to factory settings! Our emotional wellbeing is based on a number of common psychological components– such as our belief systems, self-esteem and confidence, various thinking styles, desire for control (there are about 26 of them in total). The way in which these components drive us is a learned process. Over the years we limp through life, 25


What does that word mean to you?


calm, serene, incredibly flexible person.. happiness..mountains and beaches… a human pretzel… only for fit people?

Or none of the above but something that just isn’t you? Think again. As a yoga teacher, I’ve lost count of how many times I have heard the words, “I can’t do yoga; I’m just not flexible.” Yoga holds many perceptions. One being that it is primarily an exercise class for health-conscious people; but it is so much more than that. The greatest of which is learning how to breathe correctly and consciously to induce a calm space alongside building strength physically and mentally.

“As the body relaxes, the mind calms… as the mind calms, the body relaxes.”

Take a breath…

We are all constantly breathing, mostly in an unconscious state; yet the breath and body is intrinsically linked. Our breath is incredibly conscious of our mental/emotional state and it changes and adapts accordingly. Under stress or during anxiety, the breath is likely higher up into the chest; putting you on high alert and causing you to breathe quickly and erratically. When you become conscious of your breathing, you can take back control; calm the breath and, in turn, your body and mind. Breathing slowly and deeply from the belly rather than the chest will instantly induce a calmer state. The connection between your body and mind are mutually interdependent and this connection is translates through your emotional and mental states. The good news is that you can empower yourself by becoming conscious of your breathing; such as through a counted breath or placing the hands to the belly and breathing into the hands. Yoga traditionally is about moving the body in preparation to meditate. The yoga poses are a tool to help relax and let go of the body to work with the mind. B.K.S. Iyengar (founder of the style of modern yoga known as “Iyengar Yoga”) stated the hardest yoga pose is Savasana. Savasana is the part of the class where you lie down and relax.


You may think all the difficult work is done by that stage but it is the hardest because it’s the pose where you move your awareness away from the body to fuse with the mind. The aim is to reach a state whereby you no longer identify with your body, thoughts, concepts or perceptions. It is within this powerful and personal space and state that you learn, over time, to be purely present without fixating on everything else that demands your time and attention. In this context, you can understand now how this is, in fact, the hardest pose in yoga to master but the space we all desire in a chaotic world.

Yoga is a journey for the relationship with self. Your body and mind are part of your personal journey with yoga. It awakens all your self-judgements and fears. (Your inner critic voice thinks standing on one leg is easy and shouts this at you whilst you wobble around on your mat feeling far from calm or serene!) For beginners, this can be a real hurdle to actually be able to relax and take the time required. However, slowly and surely, yoga will help you learn self-kindness and patience. It is truly is a journey, not a destination. It is also why ‘being flexible’ in yoga is secondary as a concept. It is about being in the moment, being in total acceptance. Yoga is as much for the mind as it is for the body. Yoga is not a one size fits all and nor should it be. It is a journey that starts on the mat and at some point, magically lifts off into daily life too, as body and mind shift and alter through that journey. Yoga improves your life in all areas by helping you to concentrate, breathe consciously, think, find space, connect with yourself and achieve focus. Learning to be really present in an incredibly demanding world, to calm and strengthen your body and mind can really be your salvation and super power.


Amelia Thorpe is a qualified Yoga Teacher, psychotherapeutic counsellor, holistic therapist and Mental Health First Aid Instructor (MHFA ENGLAND).

. . . h c ou c e h t on Coach INSIGHTS TO

CONFIDENCE What led you to becoming a Confidence coach?

wi th


In 2017, I had just come out of a long term relationship, been made redundant and was finally facing up to my post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from sexual assault years before. I felt overwhelmed and crushed. I couldn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel but what I did see was choice. Let it all crush me, have a full breakdown and be sucked into my pit of despair, self-hatred and lack of self-worth or stand up, face everything and put in the hard work to rebuild myself. I took the second option. Taking small, consistent steps meant that, over the past few years, my life has dramatically improved. As a result, I set up my business to help people who are committed to making fundamental life changes.

What do your clients typically need when they first come to you?

Beth Hope is an Accredited Executive Confidence Coach. She also coaches in developing mindset and is MBTI Trained. She helps people to build confidence to improve resilience, balance, find fulfillment and to make fundamental behavioural changes in their lives.

Initially, they come to talk about something work related. Within the first few minutes, we’ve often gone somewhere deeply personal, away from work, and to the true cause of their undermined confidence. That’s why it’s very important as a coach to look at a clients’ whole life rather than just one part


“Getting control of your inner critic is vital for your personal growth and to be content with yourself.”

What do you think is the biggest block people face when they seek help?

your own happiness. It brings you back to the present and the now. We run ourselves ragged stewing over the past or worrying about the future so using a few simple techniques, like conscious breathing, is a simple way to take a step back, reassess, be grateful and notice the good things in the present.

People find it hard to be honest and open with themselves. To sit and actually listen to what they truly want. It can be easy to think what you should want; or listen to what other people think you should do or be. Removing that and listening to yourself to create a plan and move forward is key as much ‘self-talk’ is actually imposed by others.

What’s the biggest lesson you have learned since you started your business?

What do you think is really beneath lack of confidence issues?

That we all need great supporters! It is rewarding but also very tough starting a business, so having my family and friends to support me, celebrate my wins, be sounding boards and talk through things when I’m not feeling great has been vital; as has connecting with other coaches and business owners to grow a network of like-minded people.

In my experience, one of the main causes of lack of confidence is our internal critic. It becomes bigger than we are and breaks us down from within. Getting control of your inner critic is vital for your personal growth and to be content with yourself. Learning to cope with and utlilise external critics and negative opinions to grow is vital as that’s what knocks the confidence of so many.

Your favourite quote and words of widsom? A quote from Shakespeare “Come what, come may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day.” Things will pass so keep going, value yourself and stay your unique, wonderful self. Keep your focus and know who you really are.

Mindfulness is another buzzword … what does this really mean and why is it important? Mindfulness is about listening to your true self, being present and being grateful in order to find


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Speak Professionally?

Step Up & Stand Out Public Speaking for Passion, Position & Profit Position yourself as an Expert What’s your message and why are you delivering it? 4-day professional Public Speaking course Structure and deliver your message Turn your knowledge into profit


ACT - Association for Coaching & Accredited Training Successful coaching and training experts committed to your professional development.


MAKE A DIFFERENCE. TEDx - A global platform for speakers to be heard and stories to be shared.


very speaker shares something unique; from inspiration and motivation to learning and insight with an aim to inspire happiness and change on an individual or mass level.

But what’s the real motivation for anyone wanting to stand on the red circle and speak? As a Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, Dr. Joydeep Ghoshdastidar is a dedicated man, driven to help others; with a parallel passion to educate and inspire. He fights to save lives every day and his talk was born from a desire to show others how they could save a life and make a difference when faced with a life and death situation.

But to do this he needed to find his voice. “With 15 years on the NHS frontline, I had no shortage of stories and experiences but I had never considered becoming any kind of speaker. The prospect of standing on that infamous red spot was beyond daunting. I didn’t know how it could really help. My confidence levels for this were seriously challenged and I wasn’t even sure I could actually do it.” The wise words of his lifelong mentor rang in his ears “You can achieve whatever you want; with the right motivation” I vividly remember the moment I found those two motivations. As I stepped back from switching off yet another life support ventilator and I watched a young man slip away from this world, I felt the anger and frustration burn inside me. The anger at knowing this man could have been saved. The frustration “I would that his friends were not equipped with the CPR skills needed to never have save his life.

guessed my motivations would be anger and frustration.”

I took a public speaking course. I dug deep to discover my inner voice; to build the confidence I needed to stand up, show up and make this happen. I realised this wasn’t about me, it was about the difference I could make and the people who would really hear me but when I was accepted, fresh panic set in. I was allocated 7 minutes. How could I deliver my message and stay true to my intentions in 7 short minutes? I agonised over every single word and breath to include in those minutes which resulted in the most powerful version of my message, my talk - Pull a Face; Save a Life.

“A TEDx talk lives forever online. I felt an intense responsibility to ensure I delivered and respected my message and maximised this incredible opportunity to reach people. If you have a message and a motivation, you can overcome your fears to find your voice to be heard and make a difference.”

I had seen this happen too many times. I resolved that day to make a difference. TEDx was the obvious platform. I couldn’t think of anything worse but I had passion, a topic and now I had a goal.

Watch Joydeep’s TEDx talk 31

Inspirational Life Stories to inspire and motivate...

HOW GETTING A ‘BAG FOR LIFE’ TURNED ME INTO A TRIATHLETE A new life with passion and purpose - By Caroline Bramwell

The thought initially horrified me. In the days running up to surgery, I’d stick an ostomy bag on my abdomen to familiarise myself with it. I couldn’t imagine having this for life. But when I came round from the surgery I couldn’t stop smiling; the disease was actually gone. So, yes, I had an ileostomy and a bag, but already felt more positive about my future. I ran my PR agency throughout my illness and retained several clients who I looked after virtually. They were unaware of my disease or surgery; I just ‘got on’ with it but it was a challenge.


After surgery, I presumed my body would be fine. With the steroids reduced to a minimal level, I thought I would be fit and well to get out there with my children, enjoy my life and work again. “We all make our However, I struggled with osteoarthritischoices in life. I could like symptoms; side effects of the medication. I had to keep moving have let this take me to endeavour to loosen my joints down or take me forward. and regain my fitness. I desperately I chose the latter and wanted to shake the extra weight, but now I have my life being a self-confessed couch potato, I just didn’t have the motivation. back and a bright The only way was to set myself a goal. future”

t my lowest point, I spent hours in my bathroom, doubled up in agony and fatigued from blood loss. It was hard to think how my life used to be… I couldn’t even get down on the floor and play with my children as it triggered another attack. My future looked bleak.

Admittedly, cycling from London to Paris in 24 hours is not your average goal! My GP advised me not to expect too much of my body. Devastation and disappointment mingled with stubbornness.. She didn’t say I couldn’t do it… so in my mind it was possible! As a result, not only did I cycle London to Paris in 24 hours, relaying with a teammate, I subsequently rode Newcastle to London in 24 hours. I then decided to overcome my fear of water and learn to swim so I could enjoy the pool with my children. My ostomy was not going to stop me; I was determined to push my personal boundaries every day to achieve.

When I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, I had never heard of it and definitely didn’t know anyone who had had the condition. It’s an Inflammatory Bowel Disease not the hottest of topics. I took tablets to try and control it. I had no-one to talk to bar my GP, hospital consultant and immediate family. Going out shopping with my children was traumatic as I was forced to use private toilets of retailers, and face appalled looks from those who saw me using a disabled toilet facility; but I had no choice. They couldn’t see my disease so I looked like someone just taking advantage with two toddlers.

Next goal; complete a triathlon with the local tri-club - the beginning of my new passion and I’ve gone from strength to strength since, stretching my distances to race in full Ironman Triathlons (2.4 miles swim, 112 miles bike, 26.2 miles run) I may never make a podium place, but I am so happy to finish and even happier just to take part.

The side-effects of the steroid medication were even more desperate and depressing. I was bloated, didn’t recognise myself and couldn’t look in the mirror without crying. Hospitalisation and two blood transfusions later, it was clear this wasn’t going to improve. Surgery became my final decision to take back control of my body and life. I made the tough decision to have a permanent ileostomy. My large intestine, colon and rectum were removed and in their place, a ‘bag for life’.

My races led me to writing my autobiography ‘Loo Rolls to Lycra’, having the UK’s No1 wetsuit manufacturer, HUUB, as my kit sponsor, becoming an inspirational speaker and expanding my PR business. The Ileostomy & Internal Pouch Association were my rock and are now my sponsors too.


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Advertise in The Directory - Next edition September 2019 - booking deadline August 16th 2019.

An inch of movement will take you closer to your goals than a mile of intention.









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