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“As a Business Coach I have never coached a business! I coach the people who own and run a business.”



Business coaching will always involve business solutions and advice, but the real process always begins with the motivation and mindset of the business owner.

Trying to get anyone to absorb knowledge and take action without the required mindset is pointless.

The WE-OF-ME It all starts with having the right mindset, being motivated in the right way and believing in yourself. This is the key to success in both business and life. Many people know exactly what they need to do, but simply aren’t doing it. Their subconscious mind and “inner-self” continues to get in their way. I call this the “WE-OF-ME” Reaching and understanding this powerful “subconscious saboteur’ helps the business owner or individual to discover for themselves what they are doing, or not doing, to themselves and to change it. This is often achieved by changing some limiting beliefs and by creating some new, exciting and fresh external motivations.

Motivation and Desire What are the inner triggers and drivers that motivate us to do things that previously we haven’t wanted to do? A big part of achieving our goals is to appreciate and recognise just how important it is for us to enjoy, embrace and be motivated by the actual process and the journey towards our goals, not just the attraction of the reward or goal itself. If the activity required to get there isn’t very attractive or enjoyable, it is highly unlikely we will make it, irrespective of the prize that ultimately awaits us!

This is why many goals fail to be reached – it’s simply not an enjoyable journey. No business owner objects to hard work but the motivation factor can’t last if it’s all tough going. Discovering the desirability factor of the tasks required to achieve your big goals, how interested and motivated you are to undertake the activity-based goals to get to the outcome-based goal they desire, is where the difference lies. This measured factor can then convert into a logical number…

“On a scale of 1-10, just how desirable is telemarketing to you in order to get more business and achieve your revenue goal for this year?”

With a clearly recognised and acknowledged low desirability number, you can then set about finding a way to motivate, incentivise or even change the action-based goals that are required for you reach your BIG GOALS.

Reward and Consequence People are generally motivated towards desires and away from fears; often referred to as ‘carrot and stick.’ The key is to understand how they are best motivated for the task in hand to reach the ‘carrot’

“Is this something that excites you enough to want to celebrate when you get there or is this something best served by reminding you of the implications of not achieving the outcome?”

Reward or consequence? Neither is right or wrong just helps to identify very best motivational tools for the person. A great question to ask yourself when you are struggling to get excited or motivated about a particular goal is – ‘Am I feeling an away from or ‘towards’ type motivation? A powerful formula for change - D x V +F > R Dissatisfaction times the vision plus the first steps must be greater than the resistance. Let’s break this down. You are dissatisfied with where you are. You have a clear vision of what you want. Let’s assume you know how to get started and that you can undertake the first steps, but you still appear to have resistance around it. Either you are not dissatisfied enough, or you have fears or a general lack of motivation in the form of resistance. By raising the levels of dissatisfaction or by removing/ reducing the resistance, you can begin the change process. The most powerful way to unlock full potential is to access your ‘other” self in order to help you get out of your own way. Once you can identify and lock away your internal saboteurs, you really can achieve your goals, aspirations and dreams through your very own drive, determination and motivation and continue to achieve way into the future. “Start by looking at the levels of dissatisfaction you are experiencing versus the resistance/ lack of internal motivation. This is usually where the challenge lies; and the magic happens.”

Ian Dickson is an International Motivational Business Speaker, consultant and multi-award winning Business Performance Coach. His keynote speeches have been delivered across the UK and Ireland as well as Dubai, Cape Town, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, San Diego, Munich, New York and Los Angeles. He speaks annually at The Business Show – Excel London (UK), Europe’s biggest business event and was the first ever civilian speaker and coach in the world’s most prestigious and renowned Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS)


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