Scientific fat loss final

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Understanding How the Body Works Is Key


The Three Biggest Fat Loss Myths


Exposed Secrets From The Professionals


The Only “Real” Option


The 12-Week Fat Loss Challenge


What To Take Away From This Report


My Invitation To You


Super Smart Bonus Report


© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Introduction Dear Reader, You should give yourself some credit for taking the first step towards achieving the eating pattern you want. The first step is always the hardest one, especially when we know better. If you’re anything like most people I talk to on a daily basis, you’re probably searching for a realistic and permanent solution to fat loss. If you still haven’t found it, I urge you to read every word of this important chapter. Don’t waste time on quick fixes or losing any more money, or even self-esteem. I am on a mission to revolutionize the fitness industry by dispelling the myths of the past with the information in this report. I have had tons of success stories coming out of the information in this report. Point being, this stuff really works if you can educate yourself with it. You will not find a more realistic system for permanent fat loss and overall fitness. I sincerely look forward to hearing from you. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions regarding what steps would be best for you to take next – I’m here to help you. I’m not going to surprise you with a high pressured sales pitch (something we have all been through). Here is the deal, I reward people who are not afraid to ask questions about how to better themselves. Just listening to some of the advice that I have to give will supercharge your fat loss efforts. GUARANTEED! Don’t put it off! There’s nothing more important than taking the first step towards the body you want. Trust me I know, I have been there! I have built my business on helping others, and would like to continue doing that. Please read this report and contact me ASAP! Tomorrow will never arrive, get on it! © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Understanding How The Body Works Is Key “Durham’s Top Rated Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach Reveals Insider Secrets and Nutrition Companies Don’t Want You to Know” The big box nutrition companies are stealing your money and abusing your trust in the name of product and membership profits. The real truth is most of the products and services being sold are worthless to you. Obviously to them they are incredibly valuable because they’re raking in huge profits at your expense. 1. Do you want someone you can trust to tell you the truth about lasting fat loss and show you how to quickly and easily adapt you’re eating and exercise habits so you can achieve the results you want? 2. Are you sick of advertisers feeding you hype and making it ever harder to put together a complete program for yourself? 3. Have you tried so many things that it’s hard to believe there is anything you can do to finally flatten your abs forever? I’m sure you answered “YES” to at least one of these questions. Our health is the most valuable asset we have, therefore what I have to tell you addresses the most important issue you face – change. From my years of experience as a certified nutrition coach, one critical point stands out: The reason it’s hard to change habits is usually because of our self-gratifying urge to do things that will not be good for us in the future. Once it goes south, we will spend everything we have, financially and emotionally, to get it back! So please take a few minutes to hear me out. © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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My name is Rob Sutton. I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition & Wellness Specialist, Educator, and Coach. I had owned my own Health Club in Whitby, Ontario, Canada and have helped hundreds of people all over the world find optimal health. With years of experience involved in fitness, not just training others, but training myself! I am not trying to “sell” you anything. I do have a powerful solution to your fat loss and fitness challenges that I will explain to you in this report. Please keep an open mind and enjoy! Kind regards, Rob Sutton Senior Holistic Health Practitioner (905) 449-4805 P.S. – If you have any questions at all please feel free to email me at or even call. I have dedicated my life to helping others and will gladly answer any questions you have.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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The Three Biggest Fat Loss Myths FAT LOSS MYTH #1: “Dieting Will Eliminate Body Fat” First thing’s first… What is a diet? A diet is a way of eating, and I put my clients on new diets all the time. The traditional word “Dieting” refers to denying your body the essential nutrients and calories it needs to function efficiently. Calories are the unit of measurement we use to calculate the amount of energy available after eating something. In the beginning of a calorie depravation diet you WILL lose weight, but it won’t be body fat, it will be body water and lean muscle tissue. This is the exact OPPOSITE of what you want to do. This means you actually want to do the opposite, increase body water and lean muscle to flush out body fat and keep it off permanently. Most of my clients were “dieters” before coming to see me, and everyone knows you can’t sustain that type of diet indefinitely. Your body screams out for nourishment and eventually you are running for high calorie foods. This is called the rebound effect and is where the term “yo-yo diet” came from. When this happens you will always regain the body fat you lost – AND THEN SOME! The biggest problem is during your diet your body cannibalized the lean muscle as fuel. After the diet, your regained weight is not in the form of lean muscle plus some fat – it comes back almost exclusively as fat! When you dramatically reduce your caloric intake, your body shifts into a protective mode by slowing your metabolism down and holding onto every gram of fat it can. See your body intuitively knows that fat is an important source of energy, so it wants to hold onto it and burn muscle instead. © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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To permanently reduce your body fat you’ve got to burn more calories through exercise and increase your metabolism by building lean muscle and eating healthy foods. All you need is a routine exercise program and proper macronutrient ratio adaptations to transform your body permanently. That’s it! Balance your macronutrients, meaning to eat the right amount of carbs, fats, and proteins, at the right intervals, and take your workouts seriously, thus not putting them off. Don’t miss a single one! Even if you don’t exercise (but I recommend you do), just eating 5-6 small, high quality meals each day will substantially increase your metabolism – and you’ll burn more body fat!

FAT LOSS MYTH #2: “A Regimen of Aerobic Exercise Will Burn Body Fat” I’ve seen women who use their membership spending 5 days a week, 30 minutes at a time on the treadmill or stair climber. And they don’t lose weight at all! I know men who run 5km a day who have no muscle tones of jelly rolls of fat around their waists. You’ve been led to believe that if you want to lose body fat, all you have to do is regular cardio. This in not always true! I want to tell you about something called the kreb cycle. The kreb cycle means that in order for your body to shift into a fat burning state, there are 52 chemical reactions that need to take place. IF YOU’RE FIT, it takes 27 minutes before you can get there. If you use your membership to do a half hour of cardio, good job! You burnt fat for 3 minutes. That being said, shorter more intense intervals of aerobic activity have been found to be extremely effective, but you must be able © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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to monitor and control the intensity to maximize the number of calories you burn. And, if cardio is not supplemented with resistance training (lifting weights) to at least maintain lean muscle, you cannot effectively accelerate the fat loss process. Therefore, a combination of properly monitored cardiovascular exercise and resistance training enables you to rapidly burn the maximum amount of fat, in the shortest period of time. SPECIAL NOTE: This may sound time consuming. It’s not! With the proper fitness and nutrition system in place, you can quickly burn fat, and tone up in as little as 38 minutes per day. If you can exercise in the privacy of your home 3 times per week, in as little as 12 weeks you can dramatically transform your body.

FAT LOSS MYTH #3: “Resistance Training Doesn’t Burn Fat” Nothing could be further from the truth! Muscle tissue is metabolically active meaning the more you have, the more energy your body is infused with. The more lean muscle you have, the more fat you burn – EVEN WHEN YOU ARE AT REST! Fat does not use energy – it is used as a powerful source of energy once it’s burned. Muscle uses energy, lots of it! The more lean muscle you have, the more fat you’re burning ALL DAY LONG! Building lean muscle is the #1 most effective ways to keep body fat off permanently. Fat is simply a reserve tank fuel source for the body, and most people have way more than they need. You see, that’s really the ultimate fat loss secret! However you can only exercise so much in a given week without messing up all the other complex systems of the body. The real secret is how metabolically active your body is the other 90% of the time. © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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People with more lean muscle burn fat at a much greater rate than do those with less lean muscle. That doesn’t mean you have to look like Brad or Angelina to be an efficient fat-burning machine. But you do have to at least maintain – and preferably increase – your lean muscle tissue. SPECIAL NOTE: Women will NOT become “bulky” or “musclebound” by incorporating resistance training into their exercise routine. In fact, just the opposite is true. Lean muscle is more compact and firmer than fat. I can and have proved this with hip ratio measurements time after time. Resistance training will make women smaller, firmer and sexier. Women are not genetically predisposed to adding muscle “mass.” Men, on the other hand, will gain mass and see exciting muscle growth through the proper use of nutrition and resistance training.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Exposed Secrets From The Professionals “Million Dollar Secrets to Achieving the Fat Loss and Fitness Results You Want” Committing To a Workable Plan of Action The big corporations are stealing your money and want you to believe that pills and powders will solve all your fat loss problems. This is counter-intuitive and should insult your common sense now that you know better. But why are people still tossing their money away? Is it because they don’t have the mental capacity to truly understand what is best for them? The real “secret” is quite simple and I’ll distill it for you right here: eat 4 to 5 small healthy meals per day and perform a combination of aerobic and resistance training exercise for 40 to 60 minutes 3 times a week. Take out your calendar right now and mark off three days each week for the next 12 weeks when you will commit to exercising. Then do it! Your consistent commitment will bring you the results you want. Learning From Someone Who Has Done It Before A coach is an experienced and trusted counselor or teacher, and almost every self-help book ever written talks about the importance of having a coach/mentor. It’s unavoidable that you will come up against hard times on your path to getting in shape. A coach will educate, guide, motivate, and support you – so you can easily and rapidly overcome the things that get in the way. A coach is critical to systemizing your exercise program for maximum results and assisting you in heightening your motivation and strengthening your commitment. A coach becomes your “objective feedback system” helping you see, understand and correct the problems that are interfering with your progress. Exercise and nutrition are bona fide sciences and learning © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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everything you need to know on your own can take years of struggle – Ask me who my coach is, I always have one! Always Plan to Progress to the Next Level Have you ever met someone who says they workout week after week, month after month and haven’t seemed to have changed that much? Believe me, doing the same workout over and over without any program to help you progress to the next level will actually decrease your fitness and cause a plateau. You must learn how to progressively improve and fine-tune your efforts for maximum fat loss results in minimum time. Considering everything else you may have spent time and money on in the past, planning out every workout will give you the quick fix results you have been looking for. The Biggest Secret is Accountability This is why workout buddies can work so well in the beginning. The only problem is who is going to stray from the program first? In a recent study at Virginia Polytechnic University, researchers divided people starting a walking program into two groups. Every week, each individual in one group got a phone call asking how their exercise program was coming along, the other group got no calls at all. At the end of 24 weeks, 45% of the individuals who got the phone calls were still walking compared to just 2% who did not receive calls. The results show that weekly accountability increases the likelihood of sticking to your exercise program by 2200%! The key point is simple, when you have someone to hold you accountable to a healthy 1.6 pounds of fat loss each week, you will make it happen. I have some clients that just come in for nutritional program design, and some that even take their stats at © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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home and call it in. Either one can work. However those who don’t have an accountability system usually fail. What you’ve just read is some of the most valuable information you will ever hear on how to lose body fat and keep it off permanently. As I said earlier, understanding how the body works is critical to making healthier choices. But intellectually understanding what should be done, and actually doing it are two different things. I have discovered that the ultimate secret to getting the results you want is finding a coach who understands your needs and provides you with an effective fat loss and exercise program with guidance, motivation, support on the front lines…but most of all, a coach who holds you ACCOUNTABLE! The truth is most people can’t even get a grip on the three BASIC essential factors that must be addressed on a daily basis FIRST even after finding a coach. So listen up because it may have you rolling your eyes but getting these three key players in order will separate those who achieve real and lasting physical transformation from those who don’t. Start here now! · Sleep

& Wake Cycle = 7-9 Hours per Night.

· Water

Intake = 12-14 Cups per Day.

· Stress

Reduction = Refer to “Mentally & Physically Fit.”

I am not sharing this information with you in an attempt to “sell” you on my fat loss and fitness programs, but rather to impress upon you that I am an expert in getting results for my clients. I’ve proven my system is the most effective way to rapidly and permanently get the results you want. My resume is not just made up of the certifications I hold, it’s made of the testimonials I have generated from owning my own studio over the past 5 years. All of which I will gladly give you the contacts for to reference. © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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It’s proven over and over again, look what some of my clients have to say” Mark Kaliczynsky - I’m just here to tell you that Rob’s methods work! I started out at 290Lbs, and today I can proudly say that I am a little under 190 Lbs. “Yes I did lose 100 Lbs.” It’s great to be able to live a happier healthier lifestyle I have always dreamed of living. This is just one of hundreds of testimonials coming from my team of staff and myself. What happened to Mark can happen to you. Keep in mind it took Mark a full year losing 2 pounds per week. The good news in not everyone has that far to go. With the right health and fitness program and a Coach to hold you accountable, you can become a goal-achieving machine. The fat will just peel off – and your firm, toned, great looking body will emerge.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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The Only “Real” Option At least now you know the truth. There is no quick fix, no special pill or New Year’s resolution that is going to suddenly make you fit. All the multi-million dollar corporation’s mainstream advertisements know how to push your emotional buttons, and you are bombarded by them daily. They know how to get you to pull out your credit card. It’s not the pill, powder, or the expensive home equipment that will get you healthy and fit. The ONLY thing that works is commitment to a healthy diet and regular exercise. You’ve got to piece together the information in this report as well as my others and take action! But there is only one way to cultivate your motivation and internalize your commitment:

You must personally experience results If you are honest with yourself and recognize that diet and proper exercise are the only ways to achieve the results you want then you are ready to make a permanent lifestyle change, if you’re not then I can help you! Through my experience, education and extensive study, I have developed an approach to exercise that has enabled many average individuals to achieve amazing fat loss, health and fitness results. It’s a program that will support you in becoming laser focused on the results you want, empower you to accept responsibility for making effective exercise part of your lifestyle, and provide you with the tools you need to reach your fitness goals.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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The 12-Week Fat Loss Challenge “My 12 Week Fat Loss Program is Different from Any Other Nutrition or Fitness Program You’ve Seen” You don’t need expensive home fitness equipment. You don’t need fad diets, doctor prescribed (or over the counter) medication. You don’t need videotapes, books or manuals. You don’t need anything but guidance, support, motivation and accountability. That’s it! It's amazes me how, by following my program, so many individuals have changed their lives from unhealthy and unhappy, to fit, happy and self-confident – Coming from such a simple method. I am absolutely positive my program can do the same for you! Exactly! I’m absolutely positive. So sure, in fact, that I guarantee you can achieve measurable, incredible results in 12 weeks! I fully guarantee your results or your money back. You won’t get that kind of guarantee anywhere else that I know of. I don't like the deception and misinformation that’s being forced on you by the nutrition and fitness industries. It’s sabotaging your self-esteem in the name of large profits. So you can be absolutely certain that I am motivated by one thing, and one thing only: educating and informing you about the only thing that really matters – THE TRUTH! So if you are open to the TRUTH, and will accept what doctors have been saying for years, then I will show you the simplest, most powerful fat loss and fitness program ever!

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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We are all mature adults. You’ve been around and lived probably longer than me. You know, in your heart, that real success and lasting results require some sacrifice and at least a bit of work. Being fit positively affects everything in your life...your health, your mood, your sex life, your relationships with your friends, family, your financial success....everything! It’s not enough to live life halfway! You can make your life better! You know in your heart that by toning up and getting healthier you will be happier, and more self-confident. I can show you an honest, simple, reliable, legitimate and fast fat loss, health and fitness system that can do it for you! It’s a 12week program – and I unconditionally guarantee your results or I will give you your money back! I promise you, based on years of trial and error, years of study and years of real life application. The bottom line is this: you will have to engage in a moderate exercise program and you will have to eat a more healthy diet in order to safely, effectively and rapidly lose body fat – and keep it off permanently! It is always a combination of the two, that’s my job. If you’re not ready to hear that and still want to search for the “quick fix” – then I can’t help you!

There is no “miracle” fat loss program out there! You may not believe it now, but losing fat and getting fit is not as difficult as you think. Anyone can enjoy a lean, toned body if they just understand the basic, fundamental principles I’ve discussed in this report – and then apply them to their daily lives. But keep in mind that no matter how hard you work – if the underlying system is weak, you’ll never achieve the permanent fat loss you’re looking for. That’s why I encourage you to investigate © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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my program – a system that is time-tested, proven and guaranteed.

One second…is this a sales pitch? Right now you are probably saying to yourself, “Rob said he wasn’t going to try to sell me anything, and this is beginning to sound suspiciously like a sales pitch,” then I need to address your concern right away. Remember how I said I would reveal the truth to you about the deceptive practices of the nutrition and fitness industries. I can confidently say that I gave you really valuable information about the lies that are being fed to you. Plus, I gave you valuable information about what you can do to empower yourself against this misinformation. I don’t think that alone addresses the problems you face, do you? There really is so much to learn and we generally all learn by doing. I think it would be careless if I didn’t share a proven system for achieving your goals.

It’d be like telling you there’s a cure for cancer, but not telling you what it is! Well, I want to give you the cure! And I will say again…I’m not trying to convince you of anything you don’t want to do. Most people can’t be “sold” anyways. We naturally throw up barriers when we think someone’s trying to “sell” us something. All of my processes are to educate and inform. Nothing more! What you do with this information is your business. My hope is that you will take action to resolve your situation by connecting with me or passing this report onto a friend who may need it. My goal is to show you a 12-week fat loss and fitness program that works. It’s worked for many people already, and it will work © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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for you if you give it a try. But you have to take the first step by picking up the phone or shooting me an email so I can explain how my 12-week program works.

Š Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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What To Take Away From This Report While this information is fresh in your mind, please take a moment to connect with me. Your free session or strategy call goes in priority with other people who have submitted questions in the past 30 days after downloading this report. I give priority to those who realize the need to take immediate action. Whatever your decision, I hope this report gives you a few ideas on how to achieve the health and fitness goals you want. If you decide you want to work with me, I look forward to developing a personal relationship with you that will bring you the enjoyment and satisfaction a healthier body brings. Wishing you good health, Rob Sutton Senior Holistic Health Practitioner (905) 449-4805

Š Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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FREE 1-HOUR STRATEGY CALL OR PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION Not a thinly vailed sales pitch / Expires in 30 days! ___ Yes! I want to schedule a time to connect and possibly start filling out the assessment forms to get feedback on where I’m at, and what I need to do to better myself. I understand that your programs are “in-demand” and there will be no uncomfortable sales pressure. During our time, you will give me a complete fitness and nutritional analysis, and then share exactly what I need to get in the best shape of my life. Including: • Nutrition: How to eat right for my body type and goal. • Fitness: Learn how to integrate both my nutrition with my exercise program. • Most Importantly: The opportunity to participate as a client if there's availability. I understand you are the premiere health & fitness experts in town, and time is limited.

I’m ready to commit 100% of my focus to our time together!

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

*** BONUS REPORT *** DON’T SPEND ANY MONEY ON PERSONAL TRAINING UNTIL YOU HAVE READ THIS REPORT! A Guide To Making An Informed Decision So Results Come Quickly And Last Forever So you’re ready to get into shape. You’re ready to look better and feel better, and keep it that way, through proper nutrition and exercise. You’ve seen it: diets don’t work. Pills, shake-weights, and infomercials are a joke. You're finally ready to get real and transform your body once and for all. You’ve heard the amazing success stories, watched many a late night episode of “Extreme Makeover,” read about the celebrities secret weight loss weapon... And have decided to seek out the guidance and expertise of a real Personal Trainer. But not all personal trainers are created equal, so how do you find the right personal trainer for YOU? 1. They need to have “real” certifications! The gold standard for certification agencies are the American Council on Exercise, National Strength & Conditioning Association, the American College of Sports Medicine, and the CHEK Institute. © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

A qualified trainer should, at a minimum, have a certification with not just fitness, but nutrition as well. See, personal training is not a regulated industry. You’re basically a personal trainer the day you say you are. It does not mean they are good at what they do or can deliver a specific result. 2. They should do more than just count sets and reps! A top quality fitness professional does more than just count reps and sets. Anyone can count to 12 by themselves and hold a stopwatch. Look for a coach who will teach you all the components you need, such as cardio and flexibility – not just weights – to achieve optimal health and significant fitness result. Your trainer should review nutrition with you every session, educate you on meal timing, teach you how to use kettle bells, resistance bands, stability balls, and medicine balls. He/she will also focus on cardiovascular exercise to maximize fat burning, flexibility to avoid injury and really walk you through all the steps that help you build the discipline to be mentally fit. Bottom line: you’ve set out to achieve a goal, and your trainer should be putting together a plan of action – and hold you accountable to it, while supporting you through the entire process. 3. Ask for Proof of Results! A top fitness pro should be able to prove they deliver. Ask for proof of results and testimonials from their methods. Do they have before & after photos of clients and references? Can you speak with a current client to ask about their experience working with the trainer? If they can’t offer this kind of concrete proof, then don’t waste your money.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

4. Ask for a Guarantee! According to a Consumer Reports study there is more dissatisfaction in the diet industry than any other industry. That’s crazy, because it seems to be the biggest problem we have in the western world. Think about it – if you took your car to the shop, you’d expect it to be fixed – not come back with a busted brake line and a loose belt! Working with a personal trainer should be the same as any other industry. If they aren’t willing to guarantee your results, then it’s time to find someone who will. Spending your time and energy without a guarantee of results is taking a huge risk! 5. Look for someone who will empower you for life! Often, I sit back and ask myself, “How can a meat-head bodybuilding trainer, who knows nothing about how the body works, get clients results?” This is because their clients listen to what they ask them to do though some sort of intimidation or belief system. If the compliancy factor is high, and you listen to what your coach tells you to do, you will get results. Providing its sound advice… Most often we know what to do, but we just don’t do it. This is why you need someone to empower your life, and ask you to do the right things at the right time. A true fitness professional will teach you a foundation of knowledge so you don’t find yourself in an information overload.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

FREE 1-HOUR STRATEGY CALL OR PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION Not a thinly vailed sales pitch / Expires in 30 days! ___ Yes! I want to schedule a time to connect and possibly start filling out the assessment forms to get feedback on where I’m at, and what I need to do to better myself. I understand that your programs are “in-demand” ($65 value) and there will be no uncomfortable sales pressure. During our time, you will give me a complete fitness and nutritional analysis, and then share exactly what I need to get in the best shape of my life. Including: • Nutrition: How to eat right for my body type and goal. • Fitness: Learn how to integrate both my nutrition with my exercise program. • Most Importantly: The opportunity to participate as a client if there's availability. I understand you are the premiere health & fitness experts in town, and time is limited.

I’m ready to commit 100% of my focus to our time together!

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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