Where Do I Spend My Money?

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*** BONUS REPORT *** DON’T SPEND ANY MONEY ON PERSONAL TRAINING UNTIL YOU HAVE READ THIS REPORT! A Guide To Making An Informed Decision So Results Come Quickly And Last Forever So you’re ready to get into shape. You’re ready to look better and feel better, and keep it that way, through proper nutrition and exercise. You’ve seen it: diets don’t work. Pills, shake-weights, and infomercials are a joke. You're finally ready to get real and transform your body once and for all. You’ve heard the amazing success stories, watched many a late night episode of “Extreme Makeover,” read about the celebrities secret weight loss weapon... And have decided to seek out the guidance and expertise of a real Personal Trainer. But not all personal trainers are created equal, so how do you find the right personal trainer for YOU? 1. They need to have “real” certifications! The gold standard for certification agencies are the American Council on Exercise, National Strength & Conditioning Association, the American College of Sports Medicine, and the CHEK Institute. © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: rsutton1012@gmail.com - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

A qualified trainer should, at a minimum, have a certification with not just fitness, but nutrition as well. See, personal training is not a regulated industry. You’re basically a personal trainer the day you say you are. It does not mean they are good at what they do or can deliver a specific result. 2. They should do more than just count sets and reps! A top quality fitness professional does more than just count reps and sets. Anyone can count to 12 by themselves and hold a stopwatch. Look for a coach who will teach you all the components you need, such as cardio and flexibility – not just weights – to achieve optimal health and significant fitness result. Your trainer should review nutrition with you every session, educate you on meal timing, teach you how to use kettle bells, resistance bands, stability balls, and medicine balls. He/she will also focus on cardiovascular exercise to maximize fat burning, flexibility to avoid injury and really walk you through all the steps that help you build the discipline to be mentally fit. Bottom line: you’ve set out to achieve a goal, and your trainer should be putting together a plan of action – and hold you accountable to it, while supporting you through the entire process. 3. Ask for Proof of Results! A top fitness pro should be able to prove they deliver. Ask for proof of results and testimonials from their methods. Do they have before & after photos of clients and references? Can you speak with a current client to ask about their experience working with the trainer? If they can’t offer this kind of concrete proof, then don’t waste your money.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: rsutton1012@gmail.com - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

4. Ask for a Guarantee! According to a Consumer Reports study there is more dissatisfaction in the diet industry than any other industry. That’s crazy, because it seems to be the biggest problem we have in the western world. Think about it – if you took your car to the shop, you’d expect it to be fixed – not come back with a busted brake line and a loose belt! Working with a personal trainer should be the same as any other industry. If they aren’t willing to guarantee your results, then it’s time to find someone who will. Spending your time and energy without a guarantee of results is taking a huge risk! 5. Look for someone who will empower you for life! Often, I sit back and ask myself, “How can a meat-head bodybuilding trainer, who knows nothing about how the body works, get clients results?” This is because their clients listen to what they ask them to do though some sort of intimidation or belief system. If the compliancy factor is high, and you listen to what your coach tells you to do, you will get results. Providing its sound advice… Most often we know what to do, but we just don’t do it. This is why you need someone to empower your life, and ask you to do the right things at the right time. A true fitness professional will teach you a foundation of knowledge so you don’t find yourself in an information overload.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: rsutton1012@gmail.com - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

FREE 1-HOUR STRATEGY CALL OR PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION Not a thinly vailed sales pitch / Expires in 30 days! ___ Yes! I want to schedule a time to connect and possibly start filling out the assessment forms to get feedback on where I’m at, and what I need to do to better myself. I understand that your programs are “in-demand” ($65 value) and there will be no uncomfortable sales pressure. During our time, you will give me a complete fitness and nutritional analysis, and then share exactly what I need to get in the best shape of my life. Including: • Nutrition: How to eat right for my body type and goal. • Fitness: Learn how to integrate both my nutrition with my exercise program. • Most Importantly: The opportunity to participate as a client if there's availability. I understand you are the premiere health & fitness experts in town, and time is limited.

I’m ready to commit 100% of my focus to our time together!

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: rsutton1012@gmail.com - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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