The ultimate body transformation secret final

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Before You Start – Establish Your Core Values


The Ultimate Body Transformation Secret


Why Is This So Powerful?


Start Your Food Journal


Example Of A Proper Food Journal


3 Easy Ways To Stay Committed


What To Take Away From This Report


My Invitation To You


Super Smart Bonus Report


© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Introduction Dear Friend, The single most important thing you want to do when starting anything is set some goals, and set them high. It’s never good to limit or underestimate yourself, especially when looking for permanent body transformation. It’s always good to let people know you are embarking on a fitness journey to make it very official. Letting go of any subconscious fear of failure is crucial. The more you don't want to tell people, the more you should! It’s amazing how the simplest of things we know to be important, we simply just don’t do, like writing out our goals. The people who are successful are the ones who dream big. Take special note... Typically people fall off the wagon 8-9 times before they become consistent with their meals & workouts, or even just quitting smoking. The following information I have used over and over again to not only change my life, but those I coach. If I can go from a junk food junkie to health club owner, anyone can! To your health, Rob Sutton Senior Holistic Health Practitioner (905) 449-4805

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Before You Start – Establish Your Core Values Your Core values should work for business, making decisions based on relationships, and even your food choices in the grocery store. They are the statements that give you the confidence to say “Yes” or “No.” Using them for your fitness and health should be no exception! There are all kinds of different approaches out there. This is why trainers come in so many different shapes and sizes. The day I meet a new client, they are highly encouraged to write out their core values, and keep them in their phone or food journal, and apply them to any decision-making process. The following is an example of the core values I use to eat, drink, rest, start, stop, hire or fire.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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The Ultimate Body Transformation Secret I came across this article in the early days of my own journey, and it literally blew my socks off. Yes my shoes were on! Here's that article, from Reuters:

Study Shows Value Of Food Diary In Losing Weight By Will Dunham Tue Jul 8, 2008 "Keeping a food diary - a detailed account of what you eat and drink and the calories it packs - is a powerful tool in helping people lose weight, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday. The study involving 1,685 middle-aged men and women over six months found those who kept such a diary just about every day lost about twice as much weight as those who did not. The findings buttressed earlier research that endorsed the value of food diaries in helping people lose weight. Companies including Weight Watchers International Inc use food diaries in their weightloss programs. "For those who are working on weight loss, just writing down everything you eat is a pretty powerful technique," Victor Stevens of Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health Research in Portland said in a telephone interview. "It helps the participants see where the extra calories are coming from, and then develop more specific plans to deal with those situations," said Stevens, who helped lead the study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Š Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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The technique also helps hold dieters accountable for what they are eating, Stevens said… The study involved people from four U.S. cities: Portland, Oregon; Baltimore, Maryland; Durham, North Carolina; and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Their average weight loss was about 13 pounds (6 kg). But those keeping food diaries six or seven days a week lost about 18 pounds (8 kg) compared to 9 pounds (4 kg) for those not regularly keeping a food diary. The average age of people in the study was 55. They were asked to eat less fat, more vegetables, fruit and whole grains, exercise 180 minutes a week mostly by walking, attend group meetings, and keep a detailed food diary. Blacks made up 44 percent of the people in the study. The researchers noted that blacks Americans have a higher risk than whites for conditions linked to obesity including type-2 diabetes and heart disease. "Keeping a food diary doesn't have to be a formal thing. Just the act of scribbling down what you eat on a Post-It note, sending yourself e-mails tallying each meal or sending yourself a text message will suffice," Dr. Keith Bachman, another Kaiser Permanente expert, said in a statement." ---------Yes, the Ultimate Body Transformation Secret is writing down your goals! USA Today reported on a similar study, just keeping a simple food diary can DOUBLE weight loss! That’s the reason why all my clients start with goal-setting and keep a food journal. © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Why Is this So Powerful? 1. Accountability – what’s worse than letting down your friends and family? Letting down you! When you write your goals, you are forced to answer to yourself at the end of every day. If you commit to writing and tracking your goals each day, you'll quickly get tired of writing about poor results and start doing something about it. 2. Clarity - As you track your progress, you get a birds-eye view of what you’ve done and what you need to do to achieve your health & fitness goals. You are constantly reminding, reviewing and re-planning, which gives you a clear path to follow. You’re not left guessing and procrastinating. 3. Motivation – Keeping a daily record is great because anytime you feel down you can very quickly flip through your journal and see how far you’ve come; instantly giving you the self-esteem boost you need to keep pushing towards your goals.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Start Your Food Journal The truth is most people can’t even get a grip on the three BASIC essential factors that must be in place for any benefits from exercise or eating better to take place. Start here right now and record all of the following as best as you can. 1. Water Intake = 12-14 Cups Per Day. 2. Sleep & Wake Cycle = 7-9 Hours Per Night. 3. Stress Reduction = See Report “Mentally & Physically Fit” Allow me to strongly recommend this method, which is hands down the simplest to use, and the best I have found. The following takes only minutes a day; holds you accountable, and will totally supercharge the choices you make. Ok... the first thing you have to do is get out a pen and “write out” what you are eating and when you are going to exercise that day. If you don’t write it out you won’t make it real and it simply won’t happen! Many psychological studies have proven this time and time again; those who write out their goals achieve them! Plus it only takes a few seconds and it’s so powerful! When you write out what you’re eating, you will sub-consciously change the decisions you make and how your day goes. Write out what exactly you are going to commit to that day for healthy activity, water, sleep and stress reduction. Or start with one at a time!

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Example Of A Proper Food Journal Daily Food Diary: Bran flakes w/ skimmed milk Apple Chicken salad Chips Big Mac Meal Granola bar

250 calories 70 calories 700 calories 140 calories 1100 calories 100 calories

Daily Exercise: Missed my planned workout, but walked for 30 minutes today after work to make up. Thoughts Journal: Started the day well but slipped up towards the end because I worked late. Will miss out on weekly "treat" meal tomorrow and have a healthy meal to make-up. Consumed 2,360 calories today! Must do better! Again because of work I missed out on my workout, but went for a 30 minute walk after dinner which I was happy about. Not as good as a workout but at least I did something active instead of plunking down in front of the T.V. ------

Staying up to date with your food journal will let us analyze your nutrient intake, which will let you get a better idea of what you’re eating taking in. You don’t have to search out the calories if you don’t know how. I can calculate everything we need to know with software I use. The following is a good example of what a proper dietary summary should look like. © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Š Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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3 Easy Ways To Stay Committed • We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: letting other people know about your goals is sure to put more pressure on you to stick with what you say you’re going to do. Let family and friends know about your journey and goals. Heck, I have had my clients write letters to the family for more external accountability. • Set aside time to write in your journal. At the end of the day is obviously best. It’s a good idea to keep your journal by your bed and spend as little as 15 minutes filling it in before putting your head to the pillow. Or fill it out while you watch T.V. at night. Whichever you choose, just get ‘er done. • Keep up the frequency. Don’t slack off on the weekends. Journaling a few times a week simply isn't good enough because gaps break up the habit-forming process and also give you room to make excuses. For example you can miss a day and then say you'll make it up another day, you won't. So it’s best to write in your journal every day. I think if you can commit to journaling for 30 days, then you'll be hooked. 30 days may seem like a long time, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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What To Take Away From This Report Again, there's actual proof and testimonials proclaiming how effective keeping an active food journal is for transforming your body. If you're serious about getting in great shape, and looking better naked, then you absolutely have to try it. It won’t become anything you regret – ever! You have nothing to lose apart from that spare tire on your waist! For even more help on how to transform your body in record time with keeping a journal, exercise, and nutrition…claim my invitation to connect for a training session or strategy call. I have no problems analizing your food journal if you show up with it started. Best of luck, Rob Sutton Senior Holistic Health Practitioner (905) 449-4805

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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FREE 1-HOUR STRATEGY CALL OR PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION Not a thinly vailed sales pitch / Expires in 30 days. ___ Yes! I want to schedule a time to connect and possibly start filling out the assessment forms to get feedback on where I’m at, and what I need to do to better myself. I understand that your programs are “in-demand” and there will be no uncomfortable sales pressure. During our time, you will give me a complete fitness and nutritional analysis, and then share exactly what I need to get in the best shape of my life. Including: • Nutrition: How to eat right for my body type and goal. • Fitness: Learn how to integrate both my nutrition with my exercise program. • Most Importantly: The opportunity to participate as a client if there's availability. I understand you are the premiere health & fitness experts in town, and time is limited.

I’m ready to commit 100% of my focus to our time together!

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

*** BONUS REPORT *** DON’T SPEND ANY MONEY ON PERSONAL TRAINING UNTIL YOU HAVE READ THIS REPORT! A Guide To Making An Informed Decision So Results Come Quickly And Last Forever So you’re ready to get into shape. You’re ready to look better and feel better, and keep it that way, through proper nutrition and exercise. You’ve seen it: diets don’t work. Pills, shake-weights, and infomercials are a joke. You're finally ready to get real and transform your body once and for all. You’ve heard the amazing success stories, watched many a late night episode of “Extreme Makeover,” read about the celebrities secret weight loss weapon... And have decided to seek out the guidance and expertise of a real Personal Trainer. But not all personal trainers are created equal, so how do you find the right personal trainer for YOU? 1. They need to have “real” certifications! The gold standard for certification agencies are the American Council on Exercise, National Strength & Conditioning Association, the American College of Sports Medicine, and the CHEK Institute. © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

A qualified trainer should, at a minimum, have a certification with not just fitness, but nutrition as well. See, personal training is not a regulated industry. You’re basically a personal trainer the day you say you are. It does not mean they are good at what they do or can deliver a specific result. 2. They should do more than just count sets and reps! A top quality fitness professional does more than just count reps and sets. Anyone can count to 12 by themselves and hold a stopwatch. Look for a coach who will teach you all the components you need, such as cardio and flexibility – not just weights – to achieve optimal health and significant fitness result. Your trainer should review nutrition with you every session, educate you on meal timing, teach you how to use kettle bells, resistance bands, stability balls, and medicine balls. He/she will also focus on cardiovascular exercise to maximize fat burning, flexibility to avoid injury and really walk you through all the steps that help you build the discipline to be mentally fit. Bottom line: you’ve set out to achieve a goal, and your trainer should be putting together a plan of action – and hold you accountable to it, while supporting you through the entire process. 3. Ask for Proof of Results! A top fitness pro should be able to prove they deliver. Ask for proof of results and testimonials from their methods. Do they have before & after photos of clients and references? Can you speak with a current client to ask about their experience working with the trainer? If they can’t offer this kind of concrete proof, then don’t waste your money.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

4. Ask for a Guarantee! According to a Consumer Reports study there is more dissatisfaction in the diet industry than any other industry. That’s crazy, because it seems to be the biggest problem we have in the western world. Think about it – if you took your car to the shop, you’d expect it to be fixed – not come back with a busted brake line and a loose belt! Working with a personal trainer should be the same as any other industry. If they aren’t willing to guarantee your results, then it’s time to find someone who will. Spending your time and energy without a guarantee of results is taking a huge risk! 5. Look for someone who will empower you for life! Often, I sit back and ask myself, “How can a meat-head bodybuilding trainer, who knows nothing about how the body works, get clients results?” This is because their clients listen to what they ask them to do though some sort of intimidation or belief system. If the compliancy factor is high, and you listen to what your coach tells you to do, you will get results. Providing its sound advice… Most often we know what to do, but we just don’t do it. This is why you need someone to empower your life, and ask you to do the right things at the right time. A true fitness professional will teach you a foundation of knowledge so you don’t find yourself in an information overload.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

FREE 1-HOUR STRATEGY CALL OR PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION Not a thinly vailed sales pitch / Expires in 30 days. ___ Yes! I want to schedule a time to connect and possibly start filling out the assessment forms to get feedback on where I’m at, and what I need to do to better myself. I understand that your programs are “in-demand” ($65 value) and there will be no uncomfortable sales pressure. During our time, you will give me a complete fitness and nutritional analysis, and then share exactly what I need to get in the best shape of my life. Including: • Nutrition: How to eat right for my body type and goal. • Fitness: Learn how to integrate both my nutrition with my exercise program. • Most Importantly: The opportunity to participate as a client if there's availability. I understand you are the premiere health & fitness experts in town, and time is limited.

I’m ready to commit 100% of my focus to our time together!

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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