Eat clean train dirty final

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The Best Fat Loss Strategy Ever


Keep It Very Simple!


Create A Clean Slate, Start With A DETOX


What To Eat


When To Eat


Epic Shake Recipes


Amazing Post Workout Meals


What To Take Away From This Report


My Invitation To You


Super Smart Bonus Report


Š Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Introduction Dear Reader, You should give yourself some credit for taking the first step towards achieving the eating pattern you want. The first step is always the hardest one, especially when we know better. If you’re anything like most people I talk to on a daily basis, you’re probably searching for a realistic and permanent solution to fat loss. If you still haven’t found it, I urge you to read every word of this important chapter. Don’t waste time on quick fixes or losing any more money, or even self-esteem. I am on a mission to revolutionize the fitness industry by dispelling the myths of the past with the information in this report. I have had tons of success stories coming out of the information in this report. Point being, this stuff really works if you can educate yourself with it. You will not find a more realistic system for permanent fat loss and overall fitness. I sincerely look forward to hearing from you. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions regarding what steps would be best for you to take next – I’m here to help you. I’m not going to surprise you with a high pressured sales pitch (something we have all been through). Here is the deal, I reward people who are not afraid to ask questions about how to better themselves. Just listening to some of the advice that I have to give will supercharge your fat loss efforts. GUARANTEED! Don’t put it off! There’s nothing more important than taking the first step towards the body you want. Trust me I know, I have been there! I have built my business on helping others, and would like to continue doing that. Please read this report and contact me ASAP! Tomorrow will never arrive, get on it! © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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The Best Fat Loss Strategy Ever Our health is the most valuable asset we have, therefor what I have to teach you today addresses the most important issue you face – change. From my years of experience as a certified nutrition coach, one critical point stands out: The reason it’s hard to change habits is usually because of our self-gratifying urge to do the things that will not be good for us in the future. Once it goes south, we will spend everything we have, financially and emotionally, to get it back! So please take a few minutes to hear me out.

How Much Food Should You Eat? People know that if you overeat you will gain weight, however people do not realize that if you under-eat, your body will store every gram of energy and fat that you ingest. Find a caloric input chart in my book and check out the caloric input (energy input) for any specified weight. Most personal trainers and nutritionists realize that what you eat fuels your body mass energy on a microscopic level. Thus, if you eat a certain amount of energy or calories every day, you will eventually achieve the weight of that caloric level. Without monitoring your food intake you have not a chance of getting to your goal because the margin for error can be so small. Without monitoring there is no way of knowing whether or not you are over or under eating for your goal weight. You must be precise and consistent to achieve results, this is why experts are calling it a science, and that is why a lot of people resort to menu © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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plans that are way to structured and require massive amounts of time. Also don't get obsessed with how many calories you’re eating. What’s important is that you are consistently eating clean and coming up with new meal ideas that are easy to cook. Time management is important and if it takes long to do, you likely won’t be consistent with it in the long term. If you’re having trouble coming up with meal ideas or tracking your calories e-mail me at and we will brainstorm some ideas together. Essentially what ends up happening if you obsess is that you are always aiming for one target number, usually hitting below more frequently then over, thus under-eating in the long run and keeping your body fat levels the same. So here is what you are going to do!

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Keep It Very Simple! The more effective way is to use the law of average, where by a person eats 200 calories over there goal one day, and 200 calories below the next. This is an old martial arts trick I learned from my days in China. What this does is factors in all activity levels, and hits your target by average over the course of a month. It’s like drawing the actual target around your mark, instead of trying to hit a bull’s eye every day.

How Much Protein And Carbs Should I Eat? Everyone is born with a unique set of genetics. This will determine not just how we look but how our body uses energy, and what your metabolism requires. Genetically, you need to feed your body the type of fuel it needs to achieve optimal performance. Food breaks down and metabolizes at different speeds as well. Carbohydrates metabolize much quicker than fats, and protein digests much slower in general. Different macronutrients digest at different speeds. Now let’s talk about what’s best for you. There are three body types to consider, each linked to your body’s natural speed of digestion into energy, and its base metabolic rate. This notion of individuality is key! There can never be any one diet or product that works for everyone. We must all discover which formula works for our biochemical and cultural individuality. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach. Therefore, to achieve optimal health, you must determine what is right for you. You can get a sense of what body type and metabolic rate you have through examination of the wrist, phalangei bones, and also by taking a very simple metabolic typing questionnaire which will © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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categorize you into one of three different categories which are as follows.

This method is directly based on the work of Dr. William Wolcott, who is universally recognized as the world’s leading authority on Metabolic Typing. All of these methods stay in the realm of Canada’s Food Guide and the American Food Pyramid, except for the protein type. Be pro-active and start reading labels more often so you can learn what balance makes you feel best. Figuring out your body type is quite simple but if you’re not sure what you are, give me a call anytime, (905) 449-4805 and we can probably just figure it out over the phone.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Create A Clean Slate, Start With A Detox The most important thing to remember here is to eat consistently clean and DETOX your system a few times per year. In reality, when your eating junk protein bars and non-organic produce, a person is probably pretty toxic, thus not changing their physic that much, if at all. This is why real, lasting results can be so difficult. To put it into perspective, your average person does not know that fruits and vegetables carbohydrates. They think carbs should be limited and don't realize that your brain needs at least 132 grams of carbohydrates just for normal brain function. We all need a certain amount of good carbs and most of us could be eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. When examining a person’s diet and removing the bad food choices, you end up needing more carbs to make up for the imbalance. The easiest way to do this is through juicing natural fruits and vegetables Juice cleansing is a great way to balance everything out and get the servings of good carbs you probably are not getting. You end up with a choice, eat 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables, or condense it down by juicing it to make it easier to ingest. This is why I’m such a big juice fan, and most people that disagree with me on this, oddly enough, are not eating enough raw fruits and vegetables themselves. This is also where my juice cleanse came to existence and is exactly how I want you to start your program. There are two huge benefits to having a juice a day or taking on a juice cleanse a few times a year, they are as follows, just to name a few: Alkaline Foods - The body’s natural PH is optimal at a slightly alkaline level. Alkaline forming foods can only really come from © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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fruits & vegetables, some nuts and seeds. Meats, canned and packaged foods mess the body’s PH up because they are acid forming. Living Enzymes - Active living enzymes are essential for every function in the human body on a cellular level and can only be obtained through raw live food. An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

Next Step: Detox There are many detox protocols out there, the most effective being a juice cleanse because it gives you a great foundation for continued healthy eating. During those days you are going to curb any craving you have for salts, fats, and sugars. You will likely shed off some extra body fat while you’re at it. Over the next 7 days I recommend you consume no animal products but substitute in two juices each day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. A Cleanse promotes healing and detoxification within the body on a cellular level, improving digestion and flushing out extra body fat and free-radicals while achieving higher energy levels through living foods. The irritants and toxins from your everyday diet are omitted and any remaining in the system begins to leave through the natural processes of elimination. Consuming no animal product over during a juice cleanse allows energy normally used for digestion to be freed up, and then your system is supercharged with a flood of easy to assimilate vitamins and minerals. This cleanse will leave you addicted to feeling good and wanting more! © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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You can structure you detox as difficult or as easy as you want. Feel free to use juices or smoothies, as well as any from the list I use later in this report. Start adding things back in slowly you need to keep yourself from feeling hungry building off this new foundation.

Š Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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What To Eat It’s great if you are monitoring your food and calorie intake. Try only creating meals from the foods on this clean eating list. If it’s not on here, it’s not in your grocery cart!





• Sweet Potato

• Oranges

• Chicken – Skinless Boneless

• Steeled Oats

• Cauliflower

• Apples

• Turkey - Light Meat

• Bran Flakes

• Broccoli

• Peaches

• Beef - Top Sirloin Trimmed

• Cheerios – Regular

• Kale

• Banana

• Salmon

• Brown Rice

• Carrots

• Grapes

• Tilapia

• Multi Grain Bread

• Green Peas

• Pears

• Bass

• Ezekiel Bread

• Asparagus

• Plums

• Tuna - Fresh or Canned

• Pasta – Brown

• Parsnips

• Watermelon

• Cod

• Barley

• String Beans

• Avocado

• Eggs - Whites or Whole

• Kidney Beans

• Fig

• Almonds

• Lentil Beans

• Cherries

• Pumpkin Seeds

• Lettuce

• Strawberries

• Peanut Butter – Natural

• Spinach

• Raspberries

• Whey Isolate

• Peas

• Blueberries

• Non G.M.O. Soy Protein

Dairy • Greek Yogurt • Low Fat Yogurt • Skim Milk • Low Fat Cottage Cheese.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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When To Eat Meal timing is very important so I decided I would give you a breakdown of my own personal program. I work out in the mornings and you should to. This will spike your metabolism though the day, have you drinking more water, and help you sleep better by the time the evening comes around. Keep an open mind this is just what I personally use and have seen work for a lot of people. Figure out what works best for you by following this outline and integrating the foods from the previous page. Eat EVERYTHING IN MODERATION and be CONSISTENT!

Rob’s EZ Meal Break Down Meal 1 @ 9:00 AM / Pre-Workout • You want to start off with complex carbs such as: 1 cup of Oatmeal AND 1 Green Apple (Add cinnamon for flavor). Also add scoop of Protein between 30-40grams. • + 1/2 L of Water. Workout @ 11:00 AM / Optymal Health Studios • If you’re having trouble using this outline because your workout times are not in the AM, give me a call or shoot me an email and I will restructure something similar for you. • 1 L of Water.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Meal 2 @ 12:10 PM / Recovery Shake (This is The Most Important Meal In My Opinion) • Take 30-40grams of Protein immediately after your workout in water or with a FRESH juice. • + 1/2 L of Water. Meal 3 @ 3:30 PM • Chicken, Yams or Potato, Broccoli or Cauliflower and ½ an Avocado. Meal 4 @ 7:00 PM • Fish should be your last heavy meal of the night due to its omega fats. Also 1 cup brown rice, any green veggie combined with a half of avocado. Meal 5 @ Bedtime • 30 grams of whey isolate with a table spoon of all natural peanut butter.

Drink at least 3-6 L of water per day! Our body is made of 70% water. When you are dehydrated, and most people are, your body will store more fat or cause unwanted inflammation from the meals you eat. Also, water flushes fat, so it’s a natural detoxifying agent.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Epic Shake Recipes Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake (Anytime) This shake is a great one to satisfy a sweet tooth, without getting a big dose of fats and sugars. Instead, a healthy dose of protein and monounsaturated fats are provided in a nice frosty package. Ingredients  1 cup of Chocolate Almond Milk  ½ cup 2% Cottage Cheese  2 tbsp Natural Peanut Butter  ½ cup Ice Instructions Add all the ingredients to a blender and process on medium to high for 30 seconds, until smooth and creamy.

Nutritional Information Calories (k/cal) Protein Carbohydrates (g) Fiber (g) Sugars (g) Fat (g) SFA (g) MUFA (g) PUFA (g) Omega -3 (g) Omega -6 (g)

402 35 17 3 8 23 7 9 6 0.02 4.9

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Nuts and Flax Shake (Anytime) This shake provides the great taste and monounsaturated fatty acids from mixed nuts, together with omega-3’s from flax and casein protein for a healthy meal, perfect for the night. Ingredients:  1 cup Water  1 scoop Vanilla Whey Protein  1/3 cup Lowfat Cottage Cheese  1 tbsp Flax Seed  ½ ounce Almonds  ½ ounce Walnuts  1 cup Ice Instructions Add the flax seeds, cottage cheese, whey, ice and water into a blender. Blend on medium- high for about a minute, until smooth and creamy. Use as little water as possible for a thick shake. If your blender won’t mix, then add 1 tbsp of water at a time until it begins blending properly. Add the almonds and walnuts and blend for additional 15 seconds. Nutritional Information Calories (k/cal) Protein Carbohydrates (g) Fiber (g) Sugars (g) Fat (g) Omega -3 (g) Omega -6 (g) SFA (g) MUFA (g) PUFA (g)

470 42 18 10 4 28 5.7 8.2 4 8 14

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Peanut Butterscotch Shake (Anytime) Combining peanut butter and butterscotch really makes this shake sing, and brings out the nutty flavor of flax seeds, making this a very popular meal. Again, this shake is best particularly useful for an end-of-the-day essential fatty acid boost. Ingredients  1 cup Water  1 scoop Vanilla or Chocolate Whey Protein  1/3 cup Lowfat Cottage Cheese  2 tbsp Flax Seeds  1 tbsp Natural Peanut Butter  1 tbsp Instant Pudding, Butterscotch Flavor  1 cup Ice Instructions In a blender, add the flax seeds, cottage cheese, peanut butter, whey protein, pudding, ice and water, in that order. Blend until the shake is smooth and creamy. Use as little water as possible for a thick shake. If your blender won’t mix, then add 1 tbsp of water at a time until it begins blending properly. Nutritional Information Calories (k/cal) Protein Carbohydrates (g) Fiber (g) Sugars (g) Fat (g) Omega -3 (g) Omega -6 (g) SFA (g) MUFA (g) PUFA (g)

414 41 21 8 5 19 4.4 3.3 4 6 8

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Almond Coconut Shake (Anytime) The taste harmony of almond and coconut has long been known by candy makers. Now you can enjoy these two flavors without all the sugar, and with whey protein for a balanced meal. Ingredients  1 scoop Vanilla or Chocolate Whey Protein  1 cup Chocolate Almond milk  6 Almonds  2 tbsp Grated Coconut  ½ tsp Almond Extract  1 cup Ice Instructions Combine all of the ingredients expect the almonds in a blender and process on medium- high for about a minute, until the shake is smooth and creamy. Add the almonds and process, on low, just until they are chopped but not entirely pulverized. Nutrition Information Calories (k/cal) Protein Carbohydrates (g) Fiber (g) Sugars (g) Fat (g) Omega -3 (g) Omega -6 (g) SFA (g) MUFA (g) PUFA (g)

351 37 11 5 5 19 0 1.1 11 5 2

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Mixed Berry Shake (Post Workout) Berries are an incredible source of antioxidants, and should not be neglected in any healthy diet. This shake provides a berry fix, together in a delicious, refreshing shake with, you guessed it, protein. Ingredients  1 cup of Water  ½ cup frozen Strawberries  ½ cup frozen Blackberries  ½ cup frozen Blueberries  ½ cup nonfat Plain yogurt  1 scoop Vanilla Whey Protein  1 tbsp Honey Instructions Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and blend on mediumhigh until smooth and creamy. You may have to add a little water, but do so one tablespoon at a time, just until the shake starts blending. Nutritional Information Calories (k/cal) Protein Carbohydrates (g) Fiber (g) Sugars (g) Omega -3 (g) Omega -6 (g) Fat (g) SFA (g) MUFA (g) PUFA (g)

382 31 64 10 53 0.2 0.3 3 1 1 1

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Strawberry Banana Shake (Post Workout) The wonderful flavors of strawberries and banana marry well in this shake that is surprisingly simple to make. Fresh strawberries can of course be used and we encourage you to do so when they are in season. Otherwise frozen berries are always convenient way to enjoy one of Mother Nature’s most delicious foods yearround. Ingredients  1 cup Milk or Milk substitute  1 medium Banana  ½ cup Strawberries  1 scoop Vanilla Whey Protein  ½ cup Ice Instructions Combine everything in a blender and process on medium-high until smooth and creamy. More ice may be added for a thicker texture. Nutritional Information Calories (k/cal) Protein Carbohydrates (g) Fiber (g) Sugars (g) Fat (g) Omega -3 (g) Omega -6 (g) SFA (g) MUFA (g) PUFA (g)

356 32 55 6 45 3 0.1 0.1 2 1 0.3

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Apple- Cinnamon Shake (Post Workout) Toasted wheat germ balances the flavor of apples and cinnamon, and brings your favorite oatmeal flavor right into the cup. Ingredients  1 scoop Vanilla Whey Protein  1 cup Applesauce, unsweetened  1 tsp Ground Cinnamon  2 tbsp Toasted Wheat Germ  1 tbsp Honey  ½ cup Ice Instructions Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and process on medium-high until smooth and creamy. Add water a tablespoon at a time if necessary. Nutritional Information Calories (k/cal) Protein Carbohydrates (g) Fiber (g) Sugars (g) Fat (g) Omega -3 (g) Omega -6 (g) SFA (g) MUFA (g) PUFA (g)

339 27 56 6 42 3 0.1 0.8 1 1 1

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Apricot Yogurt Shake (Post Workout) Apricots lend themselves to the creamy tartness of yogurt quite well. Combined into a shake, this makes a refreshing meal perfect for a hot summer day. Ingredients  10 dried Apricot Halves  1 cup Nonfat Plain Yogurt  1 scoop Vanilla Whey Protein  ½ cup ice Instructions Combine everything in a blender and process on medium-high until smooth and creamy. Water may be added for a thinner texture. Nutritional Information Calories (k/cal) Protein Carbohydrates (g) Fiber (g) Sugars (g) Fat (g) Omega -3 (g) Omega -6 (g) SFA (g) MUFA (g) PUFA (g)

330 37 42 4 38 2 0 0.04 1 1 0.1

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Amazing Post Workout Meals Scrambled Eggs & Greens Ingredient  Spay on Olive Oil  4oz. Smoked Chopped Turkey  1/3 Onion, chopped  1 handful Fresh Spinach  ½ cup Sliced Mushrooms  1 cup Egg Whites (or equivalent)  Omega- 3 egg, beaten  2oz. Feta Cheese Instructions Stir-fry the chopped turkey, onions, spinach and mushrooms in a skillet coated with cooking spray on medium- high heat for 3 minutes, until the spinach becomes dark green and condensed. Add the eggs and cheese to the skillet and continue stirring for an additional 2 minutes, just until the eggs are cooked. Makes 2 serving.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Irish Blueberry Oatmeal Ingredients  1/3 cup of Steel-Cut Oats  1/8 tsp Salt  2 1/2 cups Water  1/3 cup Oat Bran  1 tbsp Whole Flax Seeds  1/2 tsp Cinnamon  1/2 cup Blueberries (frozen or fresh)  1 scoop Vanilla-Flavored Protein Instructions At night, before going to bed, combine steel-cut oats, salt and 2 1/2 cups water in a non- stick pan, bring to a boil, remove from heat, and cover for the night. In the morning, bring to a boil again; add the oat bran, flax seeds and cinnamon. Stir thoroughly, remove from heat, add the berries, then the protein when sufficiently cool. Add honey or maple syrup to sweeten the mix a little if you like.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Pecan- Crusted Seared Salmon Ingredients  10oz Salmon Fillet, De-Skinned  1tsp Olive Oil  2 tbsp Pecan Meal  Salt and Pepper, to taste  2 Big Handfuls Raw Spinach (about 20 mature leaves)  1 tsp Butter or Coconut Oil Instructions Wash the salmon fillet and pat it dry with a paper towel. Combine the olive oil, pecan meal, salt and pepper, and distribute the mixture over a clean plate, and then press both sides of the salmon into the mixture. Heat a nonstick skillet on medium-high heat, and sear each side of the fillets for 4 minutes. If you have a George Foreman grill, cook the salmon on the pre heated Foreman grill for 5 minutes. While the salmon is cooking, steam the spinach in a pot with a tight fitting lid over 1-inch of boiling water. Drain, and toss with the butter or coconut oil. Makes 1 serving, but it’s a large serving; men may want to split it into 2 servings, and woman may want to split it into 3.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Quinoa Chicken Ingredients  8oz Roasted Chicken Breast  Large Handful of Fresh Spinach Leaves  ½ Cup Dry Quinoa Grain, Steamed  2 tbsp Lemon Juice  Dash of salt Instructions Cut the pre-roasted chicken breast into 1-inch cubes, then sauté together with the spinach in a large skillet coated with cooking spray. Cook just until warm, when spinach reduces and becomes limp. Reheat the steamed quinoa in the microwave on a plate, and then top with the chicken and spinach. Add the lemon juice and salt just before serving. Makes 1 serving, but it’s a large serving; men may want to split it into 2 servings, and woman may want to split it into 3.

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Mediterranean Sale Ingredients  1 Sliced Cucumber  2 Chopped Tomatoes  2 tsp Olive Oil  Pinch of Salt Instructions Some people prefer to peel the cucumber first, but this is not necessary. Simply chop the cucumber and tomato into small cubes, and then toss with the olive oil and salt. Serve chilled. Makes 3 servings.

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What To Take Away From This Report While this information is fresh in your mind, please take a moment to connect with me at any time with questions. I slipped in an offer for you to connect with me for a free session or strategy call, my gift to you. My primary purpose is to be helpful to others, and I have no problem doing this. I give priority to those who realize the need to take immediate action, whatever that may be to you. Whatever your decision, I hope this report gives you a few ideas on how to achieve the health and fitness goals you want. If you decide you want to work with me, I look forward to developing a personal relationship with you that will bring you the enjoyment and satisfaction a healthier body brings. Wishing you good health, Rob Sutton Senior Holistic Health Practitioner (905) 449-4805 P.S. - If you don’t feel confident in your own skin, what do you really have? Let’s connect as soon as possible – in 12 weeks you will look back on this decision as one of the best decisions you have ever made, I guarantee it! I only say this because I have a lot of knowledge to share, and others have told me this client after client. P.P.S. - Ask me about my total money back and results guarantee, now that’s priceless!

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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FREE 1-HOUR STRATEGY CALL OR PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION Not a thinly vailed sales pitch / Expires in 30 days! ___ Yes! I want to schedule a time to connect and possibly start filling out the assessment forms to get feedback on where I’m at, and what I need to do to better myself. I understand that your programs are “in-demand” and there will be no uncomfortable sales pressure. During our time, you will give me a complete fitness and nutritional analysis, and then share exactly what I need to get in the best shape of my life. Including: • Nutrition: How to eat right for my body type and goal. • Fitness: Learn how to integrate both my nutrition with my exercise program. • Most Importantly: The opportunity to participate as a client if there's availability. I understand you are the premiere health & fitness experts in town, and time is limited.

I’m ready to commit 100% of my focus to our time together!

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

*** BONUS REPORT *** DON’T SPEND ANY MONEY ON PERSONAL TRAINING UNTIL YOU HAVE READ THIS REPORT! A Guide To Making An Informed Decision So Results Come Quickly And Last Forever So you’re ready to get into shape. You’re ready to look better and feel better, and keep it that way, through proper nutrition and exercise. You’ve seen it: diets don’t work. Pills, shake-weights, and infomercials are a joke. You're finally ready to get real and transform your body once and for all. You’ve heard the amazing success stories, watched many a late night episode of “Extreme Makeover,” read about the celebrities secret weight loss weapon... And have decided to seek out the guidance and expertise of a real Personal Trainer. But not all personal trainers are created equal, so how do you find the right personal trainer for YOU? 1. They need to have “real” certifications! The gold standard for certification agencies are the American Council on Exercise, National Strength & Conditioning Association, the American College of Sports Medicine, and the CHEK Institute. © Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

A qualified trainer should, at a minimum, have a certification with not just fitness, but nutrition as well. See, personal training is not a regulated industry. You’re basically a personal trainer the day you say you are. It does not mean they are good at what they do or can deliver a specific result. 2. They should do more than just count sets and reps! A top quality fitness professional does more than just count reps and sets. Anyone can count to 12 by themselves and hold a stopwatch. Look for a coach who will teach you all the components you need, such as cardio and flexibility – not just weights – to achieve optimal health and significant fitness result. Your trainer should review nutrition with you every session, educate you on meal timing, teach you how to use kettle bells, resistance bands, stability balls, and medicine balls. He/she will also focus on cardiovascular exercise to maximize fat burning, flexibility to avoid injury and really walk you through all the steps that help you build the discipline to be mentally fit. Bottom line: you’ve set out to achieve a goal, and your trainer should be putting together a plan of action – and hold you accountable to it, while supporting you through the entire process. 3. Ask for Proof of Results! A top fitness pro should be able to prove they deliver. Ask for proof of results and testimonials from their methods. Do they have before & after photos of clients and references? Can you speak with a current client to ask about their experience working with the trainer? If they can’t offer this kind of concrete proof, then don’t waste your money.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

4. Ask for a Guarantee! According to a Consumer Reports study there is more dissatisfaction in the diet industry than any other industry. That’s crazy, because it seems to be the biggest problem we have in the western world. Think about it – if you took your car to the shop, you’d expect it to be fixed – not come back with a busted brake line and a loose belt! Working with a personal trainer should be the same as any other industry. If they aren’t willing to guarantee your results, then it’s time to find someone who will. Spending your time and energy without a guarantee of results is taking a huge risk! 5. Look for someone who will empower you for life! Often, I sit back and ask myself, “How can a meat-head bodybuilding trainer, who knows nothing about how the body works, get clients results?” This is because their clients listen to what they ask them to do though some sort of intimidation or belief system. If the compliancy factor is high, and you listen to what your coach tells you to do, you will get results. Providing its sound advice… Most often we know what to do, but we just don’t do it. This is why you need someone to empower your life, and ask you to do the right things at the right time. A true fitness professional will teach you a foundation of knowledge so you don’t find yourself in an information overload.

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

FREE 1-HOUR STRATEGY CALL OR PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION Not a thinly vailed sales pitch / Expires in 30 days! ___ Yes! I want to schedule a time to connect and possibly start filling out the assessment forms to get feedback on where I’m at, and what I need to do to better myself. I understand that your programs are “in-demand” ($65 value) and there will be no uncomfortable sales pressure. During our time, you will give me a complete fitness and nutritional analysis, and then share exactly what I need to get in the best shape of my life. Including: • Nutrition: How to eat right for my body type and goal. • Fitness: Learn how to integrate both my nutrition with my exercise program. • Most Importantly: The opportunity to participate as a client if there's availability. I understand you are the premiere health & fitness experts in town, and time is limited.

I’m ready to commit 100% of my focus to our time together!

© Copyright 2013, Rob Sutton: - (905) 449-4805 - All Rights Reserved

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.