The Coastalaire - April 2023

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California Central Coast Region Porsche Club of America
April 2023 Issue
The Coastalaire April 2023 3 Coastalaire April 2023 Drive N’ Dine - Rustic Fire Club Information 4 Member Services 5 Board of Directors 6 Prez’s Corner 7 Get Out & Drive 35 Anniversaries 38 Advertiser Information Club Events 10 Club Events 14 Autocross 2023 15 Drivers Education 2023 PCA / Zone 8 News / Porsche Items 28 Porsche Tech - Pedro’s 32 Stuttgart Market Letter 34 CCCR Board Minutes 37 Rennsport Reunion 39 Zone 8 Staff - Officers 39 CCCR Clothing Stuttgart Market Letter Sealing Our Autocross Track 16 20 26 32 A Porsche Club of America Award Winning Publicationn Drive N’ Dine - Buona Tavola 30 28 Presidential Race 26 27 16 20 26 28 32 32 24 New F1-Style Track in the U.S.?

California Central Coast Region Cover Story

of the Porsche Club of America


Bob “Kit” Kitamura

Creative Editing and Layout

Chris Kitamura

The Coastalaire is available on the CCCR website at http//

The Coastalaire is published online every month and printed in January, April, July and October

Member Services

Classified Ads

This month’s cover shows Chuck Jenning’s Porsche Cayman parked in the place of honor adjacent to the red carpet during the grand opening celebration of Porsche San Luis Obispo

Classified ads are posted in the CCCR PCA website at Submit your text and photo (if required) by email to: Joe Shubitowski at

The editor reserves the right to edit the ad if it is over 40 words. The ad is Free To Members.

CCCR Name Badge


Alfred Abken

Pedro P. Bonilla

Scott Burns

Bob Bruington

Bill Chadwick

Ron Green

Gil Igleheart

Chuck Jennings

Joe Shubitowski

Bern Singsen

Carol Walker

David K. Whitlock

Andy Winterbottom


Alfred Abken


Chuck Jennings

Joe Shubitowski

Bob Kitamura

CCCR / PCA Mailing Address: California Central Coast Region of Porsche Club of America (CCCR/PCA) 3030 Johnson Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

California Central Coast Member Name Badges. Cost for your beautiful 5-color CCCR standard badge with pin, swivel clip or magnet closure: $20.00. First Name, Last Name, optional 2nd line, for example, your club office within the club, your Porsche model. To order contact Joe Shubitowski at

Coastalaire is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, California Central Coast Region. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the California Central Coast Region of the Porsche Club of America, its officers or members. Permission is granted to charter regions to reprint if appropriate credit is given to the author and Coastalaire, with the exception of copyrighted material. Any material appearing in the Coastalaire is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the California Central Coast Region, its Board or Appointees, the Coastalaire Editors, or its staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. The deadline for submission of articles is the 5th of the month preceding the month of publication.

The Coastalaire April 2023 4
Photographer Chuck Jennings



Joseph Shubitowski


Gil Igleheart



Bob Bruington


Bill Chadwick



Chuck Jennings


Scot Burns


Mark Schilling


Jeff Bartel


Bob “Kit” Kitamura


Joe Kuntze


Carol Walker


Sanja Brewer


Andy Winterbottom DIRECTOR AT LARGE

Ron Green

The Coastalaire April 2023 5

The Prez’s Corner .......

Wow it is April already?! We are one-quarter of the way through 2023, and I’m sure none of us have driven our Porsches as much as we want. The weather has taken a turn for the better now (hopefully), so all of us can get our Porsches out and really drive them!

The recent Buona Tavola lunch tour was totally sold out and had a great array of Porsches lined up and ready to go at Porsche San Luis Obispo! I want to extend my thanks to Sam, Kurt, and the whole gang at Porsche San Luis Obispo for everything they are doing for our Region. The excitement from members when starting an event at our new Porsche dealer is quite apparent. The hospitality, coffee, and food that is offered to us before each event is great and much appreciated! Seeing all our Porsches in the parking lot intermingled with the new cars is sensational!

By the time you read this, Phase II of Porsche Parade registration will be underway. There are over 3000 people already registered for 2023 Parade at La Quinta! There is going to be an amazing collection of Porsches roaming the streets of the Palm Springs area this June. It is not too late to get registered for the Parade. Just go to for all the latest information and to sign up. I have received email from a few of you letting me know that you are participating in Parade. Once we arrive at La Quinta and get the lay of the land, I will be figuring out how/ when/where to have a reception for CCCR members

some evening during Parade. Please email me if you are coming to Parade!

The first Autocross and Drivers Education events are fast approaching. Autocross School on Saturday April 15th is nearly sold out, as is the full day Autocross on Sunday April 16th. Log on to motorsportreg. com to grab one of the few remaining spots! Our first DE is May 5th at Buttonwillow Raceway. There is still room for you and your Porsche to participate in the full DE or in the Parade Lap session. The June 26th DE at iconic Weathertech Laguna Seca Raceway is open for registration as well. If you have never driven your Porsche down the Corkscrew, this is the year to do it! Registration for all DEs is on

Our CCCR website is going to undergo some major architecture and design changes led by our new Webmaster Scot Burns. The new site should be more streamlined and easier to navigate, and we want it to be more interactive and tied in better with social media platforms. Stay tuned!

Hope to see you at an event soon! Let’s Drive!


The Coastalaire April 2023 6
If you missed it, here is our article in the March Panorama, in the From the Regions section.
PANORAMA - From the Regions

Get Out & Drive ........

Well it is finally looking like Spring in San Luis Obispo County after a very wet and for some a devastating Winter. For those of you that were negatively affected by the storms, our hearts and best wishes go out to you. It is time for many of us to get our Porsches ready for some great events and runs this coming year.

If you did not sign up for our great autocross school put on by our very own Chuck Jennings then you will have to wait for next year. However, novice or expert, that does not mean you cannot go out and enjoy our fantastic autocross program at Santa Maria Airport. We are resealing the track this year so it is a great time to go out and enjoy the event. You can read more about it in this issue on page 26.

For those of you that have had a chance to join us on our Saturday morning Dine N’ Drives or had the opportunity to visit our new Porsche San Luis Obispo dealership, know how beautiful and wonderful the facility is. The ownership has been very welcoming and very generous with us as a club, hosting us for our events. We thank them for all they have done for us and are looking forward to an even closer and better relationship.

The website is now fully active for the Porsche Parade 2023 that will happen in La Quinta down near Palm Springs. There are some great programs planned, including some non-Porsche events, such as taking the tram up to Idyllwild. An amazing experience if you have not done it yet. There is also a great Porsche drive up to Idyllwild as well. I hope many of you have signed up, if you have we will see you


Gil Igleheart recently was able to thank previous SLO car dealerships for their generosity in hosting us as a meeting venue for our many events, both in person and through the Estero Bay News. Here is a copy of that article that was in the Estero Bay News ......

We will see all of you out there in the “sunshine” as we “Get Out and Drive!”

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The Coastalaire April 2023 8
The Coastalaire April 2023 9

CCCR Events Calendar

APRIL 10-14

APRIL 15th

APRIL 16th


AUTOCROSS SCHOOL @ Santa Maria Airport

TESTSTRECKE 57 (AutoX) @ Santa Maria Airport

APRIL 22nd FLOWER TRIP - watch for more info

APRIL 29th

MAY 5th

MAY 13th

MAY 13th

MAY 27th

JUNE 10th

JUNE 10th

JUNE 18-24

JUNE 24th

JULY 8th

JULY 15th

ROCK CHIP ARMOR 9am-1pm Tech Session

Coffee & Pastries $5.00

DRIVERS EDUCATION @ Buttonwillow Raceway


TESTSTRECKE 58 (AutoX) @ Santa Maria Airport


Zone 8 Event


TESTSTRECKE 59 (AutoX) @ Santa Maria Airport

PORSCHE PARADE 2023 - La Quinta Resort, Palm Springs



TESTSTRECKE 60 (AutoX) @ Santa Maria Airport

Please note, these activities are planned subject to “clearances” from all PCA, Federal, State and local authorities.

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Gil Igleheart, Activities Director Chuck Jennings, Autocross Director - Bob Bruington, Driving Events Director
The Coastalaire April
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The Coastalaire April 2023 13
The Coastalaire April 2023 14 CCCR-PCApresents Details and Registration at or contact Chuck Jennings, Autocross Director @ (805) 459-7416 UTOCROSS 2023 Porsche Santa Barbara Our major sponsor for our Autocross and Drivers Education Events The 2023 Dates for our Autocrosses are: Autocross School April 15 Sign Ups Open - See Page 8 Teststrecke 57 April 16 Teststrecke 58 May 13 Teststrecke 59 June 10 Teststrecke 60 July 15 Teststrecke 61 August 19 Teststrecke 62 October 21
Example of Track Layout at Santa Maria Airport for AutoX

Drivers Education 2023

CCCR DE and Parade Lap, May 5th at Buttonwillow Raceway

Our first Driver Education event is only a month away! We are scheduled for May 5th at Buttonwillow Raceway in beautiful Buttonwillow Ca. As of the writing of this article, we have 40 entries including nine students. Our goal is to see at least 80 drivers and cars on the track during the day. If you are thinking of registering for the event, please do so before it fills up. We only let 25 cars on the track at the same time, and we only have four run groups. If your run group is filled prior to your registration, you may need to drive in a group you are not comfortable in. We would prefer that all the run groups have equal driver and car abilities. As a reminder, we have four run groups, White is novice, Yellow is intermediate, Blue is advanced and Red is expert.

Buttonwillow is my favorite track to have new drivers start on. The track is interesting, challenging but is wide open. We do have PCA Certified instructors available for new or newer students. Driving on the track for the first time is a little intimidating for sure. Our instructors will be with you all day to help new drivers from the Drivers Meeting to the end of the day. Once the butterflies go away, you will have the time of your life. I can’t tell you how many new drivers say they wish the had started tracking their cars a long time ago. You will not go through a set of tires or brakes in one day.

PCA has some of the strictest safety rules of any car club. This is not wheel to wheel racing, it is a safe way to take you and your car to your limits. It is much safer to track your car than race your car on the backroads of our county, where you do not know what is around the corner. A truck, sand, a deer, a washed-out road? Now is the time to see what that Porsche can do on a professional racetrack!

Don’t forget we will be holding a noontime track parade for those who want drive on a track at a limited and safe speed. You will follow the pace car at no more than 60mph around the track for a full thirty-minute session. All cars

are welcome. Helmets are not required. You can even have passengers in the car.

For serious track junkies, The Golden Gate Region from Zone 7, will be at the track May 6th and 7th . One or two or even three days of track is available to you throughout the weekend. GGR runs a fantastic DE, very similar to the way we run ours. Instructors will be available the full weekend.

The Stable has again offered a free tech session April 20 th , 5:30 to 7:00 pm. The Stable is located at 750 Francis Street, San Luis Obispo. This is a chance to have your pride and joy looked over by one of the premier Porsche repair shops in California, at no cost to you! Thank you, Brian Pritt and Guy Ober, for this fantastic opportunity!

We did receive some bad news from Laguna Seca this week. Our date set for June 26 th has been cancelled. As many of you know, Laguna Seca is working on huge improvements to the facilities. One of the major improvements, is resurfacing the track with new asphalt. The tremendous amount of rain we had this year has not been kind to the work schedule as you can imagine. We are trying to reschedule for a new date later this summer, more than likely August 25. We will keep you up to date when we have the date confirmed. Our third DE will be sometime in late October or early November, on the new track at Buttonwillow. Despite all of the rumors, the paving has not been scheduled yet. The rain has been the culprit again. Hopefully we will hear soon about the opening date of the new track.

You can find the registration and more information for these and many other events at Type CCCR in the search bar, and you will see all our available events. Plese feel free to call, 805 431-0919 or email me with any questions or comments.



The Coastalaire April 2023 15
and Registration at
you can contact Bob Bruington, Drivers Education Events Director at

Drive N’ Dine to Rustic Pizza

On March 11th at 8:45 am the California Central Coast Region members met at Porsche San Luis Obispo for a great Dive N’ Dine to Rustic Fire restaurant in Paso Robles. Owner and CCCR-PCA member, John Gannon put on an all you can eat extravaganza with various delicious pizzas, salads and soft drinks. Taking a route that avoided the closed roads and debris from the recent storms was no easy task but everyone got there safely ready to eat. We’re looking forward to the next Rustic Fire feast, don’t you miss it! Thanks to John for hosting us once again to a great meal!

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Photos by TB-1
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Dr. Kuntze enjoyed his lunch!!!

Drive N’ Dine to Rustic Pizza

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Thanks to John Gannon!


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I would recognize that beard anywhere, hi Alfred!
buddies? Not sure if Gil feels that way !

A New F1-Style Track in the United States?

A developer’s plan to build a $2.7 billion Formula 1-style racetrack, housing, and shopping complex on the site of a former airport in Atlantic City, New Jersey, was unanimously approved by its city council recently. The plan, which would involve landfilling parts of the city's back bay and converting the former airfield into the track, would take six to nine years to complete. Details of the developer's ambitious plan were reported by and would ask the Army Corps of Engineers to prepare the site for construction. From there, a 2.5-mile track would be built, along with over 1,000 units of housing, 234,000 square feet of retail and commercial space, and several parking garages. The developer, DEEM Enterprises LLC, says residents won't be bothered by the racing because it will be mostly electric cars competing there. Bullet dodged.

Bader Field, the former site of Atlantic City Municipal Airport, has long been the topic of redevelopment following the airport's closure in 2006. A 5,500-seat baseball stadium, known as Surf Stadium, already sits on the site but does not occupy it completely. Bader field has also been a venue for some motorsports events. A round of the Global Rallycross Championship was held there in 2016, and the area's SCCA chapter hosts autocross events there as well. Whether the project will actually advance has yet to be seen. A representative for the developers, Michael Binder, previously told Atlantic City's Chamber of Commerce that the track was designed by "the world’s foremost designer from Spain." New Jersey is known for stillborn devel-

opments, though. The "American Dream" mall, a loosely similar ambitious project in the Meadowlands, took over a decade to complete after changing hands several times. It cost $5 billion and has been struggling to stay afloat since its partial completion right before the pandemic.

Whether this project will suffer a similar fate

The Coastalaire April 2023 24

is yet to be seen. Ground has yet to be broken, and DEEM Enterprises LLC isn't planning to build an indoor ski area—at least as far as we know. Just for the sake of witnessing the sheer absurdity of an Atlantic City Grand Prix, let's hope it happens. - a nice place for Porsche to run!

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Concept Drawings by DEEM Enterprises LLC

Sealing the Porsche Autocross Track

The CCCR Board has secured a contract to seal the paving at the Porsche Autocross Track at the Santa Maria Airport. If we have a few dry days, the project should be completed on April 6th, ready for the first AX event and school of the year, April 15th, and 16th. When we first started using the track, around 10 years ago, it was in beautiful condition. Porsche hired Ramsey Asphalt to build the approximate one-mile track to debut the new 991 in 2011. This was a very extravagant and polished Porsche event. Porsche built a mockup of a German Bistro in the adjacent Jet Center where journalists from around the world could be entertained and schooled on the latest 911. The track we use for AX today, was the track used by the journalists to test drive the new Porsche 991. Professional drivers were brought in to instruct the media on how to drive the new car. It has been said, two cars were nearly totaled by the journalists rounding the sweeper section, running off track into the drainage area. Rumor has it Porsche spent around $10,000,000 for the two weeks the event lasted. Now twelve years later, Ramsey Asphalt, will again be the contractor for the sealing project.

Over the past eleven years, the asphalt track has started to deteriorate to the point where we have to try to save it for future users. As all asphalt surfaces do, after years of use and weather, large and small rocks are dislodging and large cracks are starting to form. As the track is used, the rocks will loosen more as the rain penetrates through the cracks, undermining the surface. The best way to repair the track would be to completely remove the existing surface and replace it with brand

new asphalt. While this would be fantastic, our club cannot afford to spend well over a hundred thousand dollars on the track since we only use it six to eight times a year. CCCR and the Corvette Club use the track with the permission of Santa Maria Airport with no guarantee we will have use of the track in the future. We thought the most practical solution to protecting the track surface would be applying what is called Fog Sealing. This is not a slurry or a big glob of oil and sand spread on the track as you see when a city or county public works resurfaces a road that you normally drive on. That would not work for what we do. We need to keep the track as it is, not so smooth the cars slide around on the corners. AX is hard enough without the added excitement of a slippery track! The Fog Seal is a light sealing process that should stop the track surface from deteriorating further for a time. We have talked to several contactors and track facilities managers for recommendations on how to save the track surface as much as we can for a cost that is practical. The Fog Seal option was the consensus among them.

The contract amount is $15,727.00, but we are not footing the entire cost. The Corvette Club uses the track too, but not nearly as often as we do. They graciously will contribute 33% of cost of the project. We hope to be able to use the track for another six or more years with the sealing. Without the sealing, the track may deteriorate to the point where it is not usable for an AX event. This track has been a fantastic boon to our club. Our AX track is one of, if not the best facility in California. We have tried to find other venues, but it is almost impossible to find a site with enough room with an adequate surface to hold the AX events on. Most places large enough, such as airports and parking lots, will not accept the liability issues. We on the Board hope this will turn out to be a prudent investment for the future of our AX Program.

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The New Porsche 991 Media Debut @ the Santa Maria Airport
The Coastalaire April 2023 27
Photos by Ian Anderson & Alfred Abken Chuck Jennings Bob Bruington Bill Chadwick Gil Igleheart

Presidential Race

As you may know from my previous articles, I’m one of the two Committee Chairs for Tech & Impound for the 48 Hours at Sebring Club Race. This year, our 30th Anniversary was somewhat hectic the first couple of days because of a lack of personnel, both local and National, due to the bad weather up north and a few illnesses. Nevertheless, our crew picked up the slack and the race went on without a hitch.

On Saturday morning, as things had settled down, I was happy to see an old friend and new PCA President, Aaron Ambrosino stop by the Tech & Impound Circus Tent to say hi.We chatted a bit and I told him that the 48 Hours puts on a great autocross (AX) event on the track’s skid pad called the Zone 12 AX Challenge, where we get some of the best AX drivers from all of PCA’s Zone 12 and beyond. I told him that he should take the challenge and go run it in my Boxster. I also told him I that I would go with him at noon, just before they break for lunch.

The Coastalaire April 2023 28

He said that he was really tied up, but thanked me anyway. I tried to insist and he politely declined. But, lo and behold, just before Noon, Aaron was standing behind me, waiting. (I knew a Spec Boxster Racer like him couldn’t pass up the opportunity to race).

So, we got in my car and drove the short distance from the circus tent, over the bridge and onto the Skid Pad.

When we arrived, AX had just shut down since the organizers (Steve and Dottie Kidd) were ready to do the Charity Track Tour with many of the AX participants. I introduced our new President to them and told them how we’d tried to be there earlier but couldn’t make it on time and how we’d love to run the course.

Steve said: “Take a reconnaissance lap together so you understand the layout and we’ll leave the timing clock on so you can do your own (private) runs.” I thanked him and we did our parade lap with me at the wheel. Taking my time, I made the run in 58.9 seconds.When it was done, Aaron got out of the car and I lined up the Boxster at the starting line to do my first run. Steve had created a very nice layout in the limited constraints of the Sebring Skid Pad.

Leaving the start line, I trip the electronic eye that sets the timing clock into motion. Immediately heading to the edge of the tarmac where a hard left followed by a quick slalom and a long and fast sweeping left sets me up for a series of tight slaloms and a Key West Box that dumps me right onto the slippery Skid Pad itself, where I have to negotiate one and one half laps and be prepared to finish with a trio of very hard left-right-left turns and a final short straight to the other electronic eye which stops the clock.

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Presidential Race

All of the above needs to be negotiated without hitting a single cone, since hitting them generates a one second penalty for every cone hit.

Aaron is watching my run with eagle eyes! I’m able to stop the clock at 55.3 seconds. I look at the time and know I can do much better still. I now prepare myself for my second and last run. Now the race is on! It’s against the clock, but it’s against another fierce competitor that I know will do his best. I manage to get another clean run and the finish-line clock shows 53.755 seconds. It’s a good run. I hope it holds up.

I get out of my car, take off my helmet and give them both to Aaron. He sets up the car at the start line and takes off! I’m now the one with the eagle eyes. He does a clean run. It’s in the 56 second range. I can’t see the last digits from the starting line. He comes around for his second and final lap and takes off like he was stealing my car! I run to the finish line while keeping an eye on his run. I’ve got to see the final time. It’s a clean run and it’s going to be tight. I see my beautiful car being accelerated, gyrated and stopped like I would do it and then the clock stops!

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It reads 53.675 seconds!!!

The President beats me, in my own car, by a mere 0.08 seconds. Aaron was ecstatic. He kept showing me his index finger, meaning first!

I accepted my defeat (kind of) but kept thinking how did that happen? Aaron is a good driver, he knows the Boxster, but how did he beat me? And then it dawned on me, and when he showed me that index finger again I told him: “you know you

beat me because I warmed up the tires for you!”

It was a fair race and I lost (by a tiny margin) but it’ll haunt me for the rest of my life ;)

Thank you, Mr. President. I had a great time. Next time, let’s do it in your car!

For more information on Club Racing, AX and more, please visit my website at www

Happy Porsche’ing,

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2023 Technolab /

Stuttgart Market Letter

$559,000, both well above the moving average and in line with recent prices.

Sellers of 1-2-year-old cars appear to have adjusted their expectations (and reserves) as we saw a sell-through rate of 79% compared to last month’s sell-through rate of 54%. Average GT3 pricing was at $260,000 but was propped up by a PTS (Paint To Sample) GT3 Touring 6-Speed which sold for $340,000. Take that outlier out of the picture and GT3 bids averaged $240k, which is a bit down from the previous month. The highlight of the category for me was a 2022 718 Spyder 000 Package car which sold for $181,000. As the 718 phases out I expect these to remain strong, if not gain over the next five years.

The March Porsche market came in like a lion with four auction houses competing for top honors during the 2023 Amelia Island Car Week selling a total of 49 cars for a dollar volume of $14,594,160 (excluding fees) at a strong 83% sell-through rate. Newcomer, Broad Arrow Auctions, locked out the podium producing all three of the top sales over the long weekend (also the top three for the month) with a 1987 959 Komfort standing on the top step at a sales price of $1,550,000 followed by a 2005 Carrera GT at $1,375,000 and a 1994 911 Turbo S Slant Nose X85 at $1,100,000.

The ‘60s 911s had a tough time selling this month with a sellthrough rate of 55%. Leading the sales was a stunning 1969 911 T/R that sold at Gooding & Co. for $420,000. One of three cars built for that year, this example had period Sebring and Daytona history and will be an instant invite to Rennsport Reunion 7 in September. Two notable no sales were an original 1968 911 ‘Sports Purpose’ bid to $320,000 and a 1967 911S Soft-Window Targa bid to $373,000. 912s remained strong with an average price of $52,000 and a top sale of $71,000.

On the water-cooled front, 996 pricing continues to be impressive as they come into their own and buyers begin to look past the “runny-egg” headlights. Leading the charge was a 2004 996 GT3 RS that sold for a record $330,000 (excluding fees). Not originally sold in the US, a handful of GT3 RS’ have found their way to our shores via Show and Display laws with this example fully upgraded to drive legally on our soil. 996 Turbos also remain strong with two ultra-low mileage cars selling for $131,000 and $155,000.

Other notable Porsches offered this month were a 1987 Kremer-Porsche 962 C which was an absolute steal at $820,000 and a 1968 907 K that continued the trend of classic Porsche race cars failing to sell this year with a high bid of $4,000,000. We also saw new five-year auction records for a 914-6 at $148,400, a 981 Boxster Spyder at $120,000, a 911SC at $105,000, and a Cayenne Transsyberia at $70,500.

While February was the month of the 964 Turbo, March was back to the ‘80s with an influx of 3.3-liter Turbos. Of the 13 cars on offer, 10 found new homes with an average sales price of $185,853. Factory M505 Slant Nose examples brought strong dollar figures with a 1988 Coupe selling for $260,000. 993 Turbos looked strong as well with all cars selling above $200,000 and a 71% sell-through rate. If it didn’t cross $200k, it didn’t sell. Of note was a rare 1996 993 Turbo X50 car which sold for $238,000. A pair of 993 Turbo S’ on the other hand went 0 for 2 with both ‘97 examples failing to sell at $652,993 and

There were no signs of lambs as March remained lion-like throughout the month with a 76% sell-through rate and total sales of $43,102,480. Up from 73% and $33,527,283 the previous month, Amelia Island definitely helped the cause. We’ll see if April brings showers to the market next month but if I had to guess, spring will keep on going up and up.

The Coastalaire April 2023 32
David K. Whitlock is a writer for The Stuttgart Market Letter, a daily market update for Porschephiles, by Porschefiles, delivered to your inbox.
1987 Porsche 959 Komfort

Werks Reunion


7:00 AM Event Check-in Opens

7:00 - 9:00 AM Registered Judged Cars placed on judging field

All Day Porsche Corral open to registered cars Spectator Parking Lot open ($40 cash)

7:00 - 10:00 AM Coffee and breakfast items available for purchase*

9:30 - 12:00 PM Judging

10:00 - 4:00 PM Bars open with beer & wine for purchase*

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Youth Judging sponsored by Hagerty

11:30 - 1:00 PM Lunch available for purchase from onsite Food Trucks*

Monterey Pines Golf Course

1250 Garden Road

Monterey, CA 93940

August 18, 2023

2:00 - 3:00 PM Awards Ceremony

Werks Monterey registration will open Wednesday May 24, 2023 at 3:00 PM (ET).

The link for registration will be available on

Coastalaire April 2023 33

CCCRPCA Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 5:01 at Porsche SLO.

Our Board:

Attending were Andy Winterbottom, Ron Green, Chuck Jennings, Bob Kitamura, Bob Bruington, Joe Shubitowski, Carol Walker, Bill Chadwick, Gil Igleheart, Joe Kuntze, Jeff Bartel, Scott Burns and Mark Schilling. Absent was Sanja Brewer.

President: Joe welcomed everyone and said that the last event at Longbranch was a big success and the dealership was happy with the turnout. He attended the President’s meeting, where they announced they need a Zone 8 Treasurer. Also, he wants to think of events to invite Lori De Cristo to attend. There was a discussion about dealers and dealers relations. We decided to have a dealer liaison, which Gil volunteered for. There will be no Zone 8 autocross or concours events. Subsidies were discussed and each region was encouraged to hold two events with other regions annually. Non-driving events are automatically covered by insurance. There was some discussion about drones. And, it was announced that Alfred Abken was awarded enthusiast of the year for Zone 8. Congratulations, Alfred!!!

Vice President: Bob Bruington said the committee met to review the bylaws and the changes should be complete by the next board meeting. Then, they get published in the Coastalaire and on to the membership. The description of each board member has been changed.

Secretary: Carol sent the minutes by email. Joe Kuntze moved to accept the minutes. Bill Chadwick seconded and all approved.

Treasurer: Bill Chadwick confirmed we have a tax preparer now. Our bank balance was $37,597 as of January 1 and today it is $33,607. Buttonwillow deposit has been paid for. There were some lunches at Longbranch not accounted for. Bill and Joe went to the bank to transfer the signatures on the minutes for them. Bill sent a spreadsheet for advertising and sponsorship to board members to show who is advertising in our Coastalaire. Joe Kuntze moved to approve the report, Gil seconded, and all approved.

Membership: Joe Shubitowski reported for Sanja there are five new members, 1 transfer in, zero transfers out, 4 non-renewals, for a total of 427 primary members, 284 affiliates, to total 711 members. Nationally, for 2022, there are over 150,000 members which represents a 6% growth last year.

Activities: Gil Igleheart wants to acknowledge our past relationship with Alfano Motors with a plaque and/or article in the Coastalaire, as well as give a dinner certificate to Jonathan. Everyone agreed. Healdsburg is all set up for April 10-14, with a rate of $185/night at the hotel, which has waived the parking fee and destination fee. He will look into places to host Cars & Coffee during the midweek. Bob Bruington brought up La Pa-

lapa in Baywood. Joe Kuntze suggested Cass Winery for pizza and wine when it gets warmer or a catered event at Sculpterra. Gil would like to figure out how to have waivers signed online when registering for events. The Porsche dealership want to do an event there, possibly begin and end there. February 25 is the drive and lunch to San Simeon Beach Bar & Grill. There is no venue for a Valentine’s event and February 28 we are scheduled to drive to the Canepa showroom.

Safety: Jeff Bartel reports he is up to speed on the safety job thanks to several other members who have helped him.


Autocross: Chuck Jennings thanked Bob Bruington for getting information on resurfacing the autocross track. The next step is to present the bid to the airport. He will call the manager of the airport and explain the process to him. The canopy on the pop-up will be replaced to reflect the new sponsors. Registration for the autocross school will be open in March on MSR. It will be the same format as last year. We need 12-15 instructors and $3850 needs to be sent to the airport for 7 days of rental for the autocross track.

Driver's Education: Bob Bruington says the registration for Buttonwillow is open. Laguna Seca registration opens March 1. Santa Barbara Porsche is still one of the sponsors. Bob has measured the autocross track and given those figures to three companies for bids. He is waiting for new prices as the sealant cost has gone down, but it will still be in the range of $15,000.

Newsletter: Bob Kitamura reported that the newsletter contest is coming up.

Website: Scott Burns had a meeting with Joe Shubitowski to put together the scope of information on the web page. He feels that what you input and how/where it appears is important.

Director at Large: Ron Green was assigned to review the RPM (Regional Procedures Manual) and it is in the system now by the date PCA wanted. Late March, it will be back to Ron and he will present it to the board.

Old Business: Joe Kuntze talked about the 356 Registry and profits from their Holiday event. The profit is their tax liability and any money to us will come after they settle their taxes.

New Business: None

The next meeting will be March 1 at Porsche SLO. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

The Coastalaire April 2023 34 February 1, 2023 Board

1 Year

Ryan Edwards

Scott German

Pat Kelley

Patrick Loftis

Frank Messina

2 Years

Edward Haight

Emile Naccasha

Matt Pearce

3 Years

Fred Buenrostro

Piet-Hein Eldering

Carlos Herrera

Robert Maisto

4 Years

Owen Kalland

Thomas Steffora

5 Years

Gary Blaisdell

Bill Deviny

Iantha Miner

Carol Walker

Tim Ziegler

6 Years

Mark Schilling

26 Years

27 Years

29 Years

39 Years John

44 Years

46 Years Doug

59 Years John

Total CCCR Membership

717 Members

The Coastalaire April 2023 35
PCA-CCCR Anniversaries
Felix Hernandez Jr. David Jansen
Kelly Sanders Art Trinidade
Robert Wong
Doug Oneal
Robert Bollinger
James Yocum
Charles Amian Rick Mareina 24
Scott Mularoni
8 Years
9 Years
10 Years
12 Years
14 Years
17 Years
18 Years
David Betts
Milt Worthy
Gary Swauger
The Coastalaire April 2023 36
The Coastalaire April 2023 37 Thursday Sept, 28, 2023 to Sunday, October 1, 2023 7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Advertiser Index and Rates

Ad Page Location

2........ Porsche San Luis Obispo

8.........Pedro’s Garage

9 ........Baywood Inn

9.........Vintage Autobody

11........Porsche Santa Barbara

12........The Stable (formerly SGS)

12........Rock Chip Armor

13........Butler Hotel

38........German Auto

38........The Tire Store

Advertising Rates

All rates are for 12 monthly issues from the date started.

Full Page.....$ 950 / year

1/2 page.......$ 600 / year

1/4 page......$ 400 / year

1/8 page or Business Card $ 300 /year


Their support of our club is greatly appreciated, so you are encouraged to make your first call to those advertising in the Coastalaire. Let them know that you saw their ad in our newsletter. We also encourage you to advertise your business in our newsletter.

If you are interested please contact Bob Kitamura at

The Coastalaire April 2023 38

Zone 8 Officers

The Coastalaire April 2023 39 Embroidered Porsche and CCCR Logos available at Poor Richard’s Press in San Luis Obispo.
For more details call Ken Finney at (805) 542-9671
Zone 8 Contacts CCCR Logo Store
CCCR Coastalaire 3030 Johnson Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 First Class Mail U.S. Postage Paid New Brunswick, N.J. Permit No. 1 2022 LA AUTO SHOW PORSCHE PARADE 2023 La Quinta Resort & Club Palm Springs, CA June 18 - 24

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