The Coastalaire - March 2023

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California Central Coast Region Porsche Club of America
2023 Issue
The Coastalaire March 2023 2
The Coastalaire March 2023 3 Coastalaire March 2023 Annual Trip to Healdsburg Porsche SLO Grand Opening Club Information 4 Member Services 5 Board of Directors 6 Prez’s Corner 7 Get Out & Drive 35 Anniversaries 38 Advertiser Information Club Events 10 Club Events 14 Autocross 2023 15 Drivers Education 2023 PCA / Zone 8 News / Porsche Items 30 Porsche Tech - Pedro’s 32 Stuttgart Market Letter 34 CCCR Board Minutes 39 Zone 8 Staff - Officers 39 CCCR Clothing Stuttgart Market Letter LA Lit & Toy Store 11 16 20 32 A Porsche Club of America Award Winning Publicationn Drive N’ Dine to SSB&G 30 30 Pedros Garage 24 32 11 16 21 27 24 28

Cover Story


California Central Coast Region

of the Porsche Club of America


Alfred Abken

Bob “Kit” Kitamura

Creative Editing and Layout

Chris Kitamura

The Coastalaire is available on the CCCR website at http//

The Coastalaire is published online every month and printed in January, April, July and October

Member Services

Classified Ads

Classified ads are posted in the CCCR PCA website at Submit your text and photo (if required) by email to: Joe Shubitowski at

The editor reserves the right to edit the ad if it is over 40 words. The ad is Free To Members.

CCCR Name Badge

Pedro P. Bonilla

Scott Burns

Bob Bruington

Bill Chadwick

Ron Green

Gil Igleheart

Chuck Jennings

Joe Shubitowski

Bern Singsen

Carol Walker

David K. Whitlock

Andy Winterbottom


Alfred Abken


Chuck Jennings

Joe Shubitowski

Bob Kitamura

CCCR / PCA Mailing Address: California Central Coast Region of Porsche Club of America (CCCR/PCA) 3030 Johnson Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

California Central Coast Member Name Badges. Cost for your beautiful 5-color CCCR standard badge with pin, swivel clip or magnet closure: $20.00. First Name, Last Name, optional 2nd line, for example, your club office within the club, your Porsche model. To order contact Joe Shubitowski at

Coastalaire is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, California Central Coast Region. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the California Central Coast Region of the Porsche Club of America, its officers or members. Permission is granted to charter regions to reprint if appropriate credit is given to the author and Coastalaire, with the exception of copyrighted material. Any material appearing in the Coastalaire is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the California Central Coast Region, its Board or Appointees, the Coastalaire Editors, or its staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. The deadline for submission of articles is the 5th of the month preceding the month of publication.

The Coastalaire March 2023 4
Photographer Joseph Shubitowski
This month’s cover shows the Porsches parked in the service area of Porsche San Luis Obispo See the story in this issue about the grand opening celebration they had there.



Joseph Shubitowski


Gil Igleheart



Bob Bruington


Bill Chadwick



Chuck Jennings


Scot Burns


Mark Schilling


Jeff Bartel


Bob “Kit” Kitamura


Joe Kuntze


Carol Walker


Sanja Brewer


Andy Winterbottom DIRECTOR AT LARGE

Ron Green

The Coastalaire March 2023 5

The Prez’s Corner .......

March greetings to all!

We seem to be on the way to a precipitation record locally and across the state. It forced us to postpone the Canepa Motorsports Tour, and has closed many of our favorite driving roads from time to time. Still the recent snow in the higher elevations was marvelous to look at and photograph!

I recently participated in the PCA National Board of Directors meeting via telephone. The National President and Treasurer discussed the strengths of PCA financials, along with some of the difficulties faced this past year. Rising insurance rates and printing/mailing costs affected the bottom line, but PCA is very strong with rising revenues and membership numbers.

National President Aaron Ambrosino highlighted the major PCA and Porsche events that will occur in 2023. It is Porsche’s 75th anniversary so they are pulling out the stops for Rennsport Reunion and both east and west coast Werks Reunions this year. He also said that there are almost 950 cars/members registered for the Palm Springs Parade already. If you are considering going to Parade, I encourage you to register as soon as possible. I hear anecdotally that a number of CCCR members have already signed up for Parade. Please drop me an email if you are attending Parade. I am planning on organizing an informal CCCR Parade “party” around one of La Quinta’s swimming pool plazas some evening during Parade.

Our new Porsche San Luis Obispo threw a spectacular grand opening celebration in late February. I was lucky enough to get an invite, so please check out the article and pictures further along in this issue of Coastalaire.

If you have never participated in a CCCR track event, 2023 should be the year when you do!!! Both Autocross (AX) and Drivers Education (DE) schedules are fixed and posted, and upcoming events are already open on MSR for registration. We are having AX School on Saturday April 15th, followed by a full AX on the 16th . I participated in AX School when I first moved into CCCR, and it is a great combination of classroom and hands-on track experience. You come away from the day with a new level of confidence in yourself and your Porsche. There are still a few open slots for AX School, so register soon. DE’s at Buttonwillow and Laguna Seca are both open for registration on MSR. Buttonwillow is a great track to start out on, and you can register for an instructor to work with you all day. Then you can be wowed by Laguna Seca and be ready for the Corkscrew!!

Hope to see you at an event soon!

Let’s Drive!

If you missed it, here is our article in the February Panorama, in the From the Regions section.

The Coastalaire March 2023 6

Get Out & Drive ........

I’m probably thinking the same as all of you, “I know we have needed the rain to replenish all of our depleted aquifers, but I think we have enough now! It’s time to turn the spigot off! It’s time to get out and drive! We now have a backlog of events ready for all of you to enjoy your Porsches, whether it is driving up or down the coast, on the track or just being able to go out to eat with the group. I don’t think I have said this in many years but I think it’s time for a dry Spring. As I have mentioned before, this will be a busy year for regional Porsche events, especially with the national 2023 Porsche Parade down in La Quinta. I am signed up for all of them but will probably not take my “black” Porsche down to Palm Springs in June. The last time I did that in summer was for a friend’s wedding and I had to wear gloves so I wouldn’t burn my hands opening the car doors. So, our “white” Volvo SUV will work just fine. If it will be your first time, it is worth going for all 7 days. There are a number of events worth trying at least once. There are also a number of other things to do in and around the Coachella Valley. Having lived in Indio, next door to La Quinta at one time, I have explored the region many times. Besides playing at some world-class golf courses, going up to Idyllwild on the tram is worth doing at least once if you haven’t done it. You can drive up to Idyllwild, and I am sure there will be a “Porsche trip” up there you can sign up for, but the tram has some spectacular views. I hope to see all of you there. For those of you wine aficionados, the annual “Trip

to Healdsburg” (page 11) is coming up very soon so sign up early and talk to Gil Igleheart if you have any questions.

Starting at noon on May 24th is the sign up for the 2023 9th Annual Werks Reunion Monterey (page 33). For those of you new to Porsche, this one day event is worth attending. It is close to home, so you can easily drive up in the morning and be home by early evening. Some of us stay a few days since it is during Monterey “Car Week”. I will probably be up there judging cars again, maybe yours might be one of them!

One last thing, if you get a chance, please give a word of appreciation to members of our hard working CCCR events team. Gil Igleheart, Chuck Jennings and Bob Bruington spend many hours to make sure we have some great events for all of us. Whether it is one of our regional drives, great meals, or track events (autocrosses and drivers education), they seriously take the time to make sure that everything is ready so we will enjoy ourselves. Many others are involved as well but these are the guys that make it happen!

Everyone, have a great month and stay safe out there …… Get Out and Drive!

The Coastalaire March 2023 7
Bob “Kit”


The CCCR 2023 autocross season is about to begin. And once again, we are offering our easy, fun and informative autocross school for anyone who wants to learn more about this safe and exciting driving experience.

The day starts off with an in-classroom presentation that will get your mind wrapped around the details of what it's all about. And then we go out to the track. An instructor will ride with you in your car through a course that will introduce you to what you and your car are capable of doing. Things that you would not be able to do on a public street, all the while becoming a better, safer driver. We can only admit 30 students, and this event fills up quickly. So, if you are at all interested, visit the motorsportreg website for more information.

Registration opens on on March 1. Here's the link:

Any questions, just call Chuck Jennings at 805-459-7416. If I don't answer, leave a message and I'll call you back as soon as I can.

The Coastalaire March 2023 8
The Coastalaire March 2023 9

CCCR Events Calendar

Gil Igleheart, Activities Director

Chuck Jennings, Autocross Director - Bob Bruington, Driving Events Director

MARCH 11th DRIVE & DINE - Rustic Fire - Paso Robles

MARCH 25th DRIVE & DINE - Buena Tavola - Paso Robles

APRIL 10-14 Spring Drive to Healdsburg - More information on Page 11

APRIL 15th

APRIL 16th

MAY 5th

MAY 13th

JUNE 10th

JULY 15th

JUNE 18-24

JUNE 26th

AUG 11-20


SEPT. 28-OCT. 1

AUTOCROSS SCHOOL @ Santa Maria Airport


TESTSTRECKE 57 (AutoX) @ Santa Maria Airport

DRIVERS EDUCATION @ Buttonwillow Raceway

TESTSTRECKE 58 (AutoX) @ Santa Maria Airport

TESTSTRECKE 59 (AutoX) @ Santa Maria Airport

TESTSTRECKE 60 (AutoX) @ Santa Maria Airport

Zone 8 Event

PORSCHE PARADE 2023 - La Quinta Resort, Palm Springs

DRIVERS EDUCATION @ WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca


TESTSTRECKE 61 (AutoX) @ Santa Maria Airport


Please note, these activities are planned subject to “clearances” from all PCA, Federal, State and local authorities.

The Coastalaire March 2023 10

Trip to Healdsburg

The Coastalaire March 2023 11
The Coastalaire March 2023 12
The Coastalaire March 2023 13
The Coastalaire March 2023 14 CCCR-PCApresents Details and Registration at or contact Chuck Jennings, Autocross Director @ (805) 459-7416 UTOCROSS 2023 Porsche Santa Barbara Our major sponsor for our Autocross and Drivers Education Events The 2023 Dates for our Autocrosses are: Autocross School April 15 Sign Ups Open - See Page 8 Teststrecke 57 April 16 Teststrecke 58 May 13 Teststrecke 59 June 10 Teststrecke 60 July 15 Teststrecke 61 August 26 Teststrecke 62 October 21
Example of Track Layout at Santa Maria Airport for AutoX

Drivers Education 2023

California Central Coast Region Drivers Education and Parade Lap, June 26th 2023 At Laguna Seca Raceway is Now Open for Registration!

Registration is now open for our Laguna Seca Drivers Education and the noontime Parade Lap at We will be at the iconic race track on June 26th for a full day of driving on one of the most famous tracks in the world. We will be one of the first to test out the new track surface installed this winter. With all of the other improvements made to the facilities, it should be fantastic day. This is an upgraded 92db day.

PCA encourages the Regions to have more women involved in track events. This year, as we did last year, CCCR will give a $100.00 discount to all women who register for the Drivers Education event. We had a very successful time last year with 15 women registered for the day, many on the track for the first or second time. We hope to see many of these same drivers and hopefully additional drivers register for this year’s event. We will have four run groups, beginner/novice, intermediate, advanced intermediate and expert. We limit the cars to 25 per session to keep the track running smoothly throughout the day with five twenty-minute sessions.

For more detailed information and registration, please go here, https://www.

For those of you who would like to try a high speed track for the first time, PCA Certified Instructors are available on a limited basis. Don’t

wait too long to register, instructors are on a first come first served basis. PCA does require at least four days highspeed track experience or signed off by an instructor. If you only have a few days experience and need an instructor, please register soon.

For drivers who want to experience the track at a slower speed, we will have a Parade Lap at noon time for a thirty minute session. Follow an experienced driver around the track at limited speed. This is fantastic opportunity to drive a race track in an extremely safe way. Helmets are not required for the Parade Lap. Passengers are encouraged to ride along with you. Please register on MSR for the CCCR Laguna Seca Parade Lap Session. This is not a Porsche only event. Most cars are approved for this event. Please contract Bob Bruington with questions you may have.

Don’t forget about our first DE of the year at Buttonwillow Raceway on May 5th, 2023. For registration and more detailed information go to CCCR 2023 Buttonwillow Raceway Parade Lap Session for the parade lap or CCCR DE Buttonwillow May 5th 2023 for the Drivers Education session.

CCCR DE Director

805 431-0919 or

Details and Registration at

For any questions, you can contact Bob Bruington, Drivers Education Events Director at

The Coastalaire March 2023 15

Drive N’ Dine - San Simeon Beach Bar & Grill

Saturday, February 18, was a clear and cold morning, at least in Paso Robles. It was 28 degrees when I left my place to drive down to Porsche San Luis Obispo to meet up with a group of CCCR members and guests to drive some of our more entertaining back roads in SLO County, then end up at the San Simeon Beach Bar & Grill for lunch. It is so nice to have a Porsche dealer in SLO County! But on top of that, they have been gracious enough to allow our club to meet in their parking lot, and provide coffee and donuts before our drives. How can you top that?

Well, for one thing, they had a Carrera GT on display out front! After hanging around for a while, and signing the waiver, and having our safety drivers’ meeting, we were off up Los Osos Valley Rd. to Turri Rd. We eventually got onto Highway 1 north, but only as far as Highway 41, which we took past US 101 to Templeton Rd. This led to Vineyard Dr., and then to Highway 46 which we took to Highway 1 North.

This turned out to be a remarkable drive, as we passed a Corvette club out for a drive heading in the opposite direction, as well as a motorcycle club, also heading in the opposite direction.

In San Simeon, there was almost a clear blue sky, and it was quite comfortable sitting outside to enjoy our lunch.

It was indeed, a wonderful drive and lunch. Many thanks to Gil Igleheart for organizing the event!

The Coastalaire March 2023 16
Photos by TB-1 & Alfred Abken
The Coastalaire March 2023 17 PORSCHE SAN LUIS OBISPO

Drive N’ Dine - San Simeon Beach Bar & Grill

The Coastalaire March 2023 18
The Coastalaire March 2023 19 continued

L.A. Literature, Toy & Memorabilia Show

On Thursday, February 23rd, the 2023 Lit Meet weekend kicked off with Sierra Madre Collection’s Warehouse Open House. If I still lived in southern California, I would have attended this, but alas, I do not. So, early Friday morning, with the snow level forecast to be at 1000’, I was off to head down south for some of the other events. Needless to say, it was a cold and wet morning. I had hopes of being on the road at 8:45 AM that morning, but by 8:50, I had my arms full of what I thought were the last things to load into my car. I got them inside my car, got in, and got underway. Not surprising, I drove in and out of rain all day.

Passing through Pismo Beach, the ocean was covered in white caps. It was a very angry looking sea. Angrier still, between Rincon Point and Mussel Shoals, where US 101 is relatively close to the shore, the water near the shore was very brown.

When I was a little south of Santa Barbara, I realized my backpack was not on the front passenger seat of my car. Duh! No cameras, no cell phone, and several other items that were in my backpack did not make the trip with me. Double Duh!! Oh well. I was way too far south to turn around and get it. Especially since there had been a tornado watch posted for the Santa Barbara area (really!). Consequently, I have no personal photos to accompany this article.

Considering the weather conditions, I got down to Porsche South Bay in Hawthorne in fairly decent time. It took less than an hour longer than the GPS in my car had predict-

The Coastalaire March 2023 20
by Photos from LA Lit Website

ed. I bought some touchup paint for my car, the bottle I got after my car was repainted in 2014 is getting unusable. I also picked up a copy of Porsche Classics’ Originale, Volume 08.

My next stop was in nearby Harbor City for Pelican Parts Open House. It was nice to see their warehouse open again. They have a remarkable collection of 962’s, a 959 and other significant Porsches. I ran into a couple people I know, and it was fun reminiscing with them. I also ordered a new oil filter for my car while there.

There are so many shops that hold open houses on Friday, even with good weather, it is highly unlikely to visit all of them.

My next stop was in Long Beach at John Wilhoit’s. Getting there was easy, it was only about 10 miles from Pelican Parts. I was surprised how close I was able to park to their shop. I got there after 3 in the afternoon, and there were only about half a dozen people milling around. Usually for an event like this one, this place is very crowded with people. If you are unfamiliar with Wilhoit’s shop, they do restoration and modifications to air-cooled Porsches. Their work is first rate, and they also make twin plug 356 engines, which are always fun to see.

As it was after 3:30 PM when I left Wilhoit’s, my plan was to drive up PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) to my hotel in Hermosa Beach. However, the local constables had other ideas. As I approached the Los Angeles River, and I-710, the local police had PCH blocked. So, I turned

The Coastalaire March 2023 21 Continued

L.A. Literature, Toy & Memorabilia Show

north onto Golden Ave. This was a residential street, with lots of speed bumps on it. I could see from my GPS (I was driving my E350) in my car there was a bridge that crossed the L A River at Willow St.

When I got up to Willow St., I encountered the same situation, more local police blocking the westbound traffic on Willow St. Therefore, I continued north on Golden Ave. The next bridge over the L A River was at Wardlow Rd., but Golden Ave did not have direct access to it, so I ended up going east on Wardlow, which allowed me to get onto the 405 Freeway going north. I had hopes of avoiding the freeways, but I was pleasantly surprised to see I got right up to the speed limit on the 405. Unsurprisingly, the slowest I got on the 405 was 50 M.P.H. I stayed on the 405 until Artesia Blvd. where I went west and then on to my hotel where I spent the night.

I never heard any explanation, either on the radio or TV, about the reason for PCH being closed. Saturday morning dawned wet and cold.

I was off early to the L A Airport Hilton for Stoddard’s Literature, Toy, and Memorabilia Show for Porsches and Vintage VW’s. Kind of a mouthful, colloquially referred to as the Lit Meet. I will not bore you with the embarrassing details, but since a lot of the vendors did not show up, I got placed in the main ballroom this year! I am pleased to say it was a good show for me. It was fun seeing quite a few people I know in Southern California. Since I have returned home, I have seen photos from several people that attended the inaugural event at Hagerty Garage in Van Nuys. This was

The Coastalaire March 2023 22

referred to as “Die Bäckerei”. From photos I have seen, it looks like this was well attended, and quite the scene. This was in Van Nuys, and was scheduled from 2-7 PM. This event required you to RSVP prior to the event, which I had not done. I have found in previous years going to Rod Emory’s shop in North Hollywood, then trying to get to Orange County later in the afternoon, the traffic is really ugly.

So, following the Lit Meet, I went directly to Orange County. Considering the weather, which got quite wet several times going down the 405 to OC, I got to Costa Mesa in decent time. There is a Vons grocery store below Adams on Harbor that I have stopped at for years to get Girl Scout Cookies on my way to Costa Mesa. There were no Girl Scouts selling cookies on this day.

My first stop was at a shop I had never been to before. Performance Vintage International, at 187 E. 16th St. This is a small shop, but it appears they do exemplary work. They farm out paint work, but do assembly there. There were small patches of blue in the eastern sky while I was hanging out there, then it began to hail. The hail started and stopped several times. By the time it stopped hailing, there were big patches of blue sky, and magnificent clouds of 49 different shades of gray.

My next stop was a return to European Collectibles, which was a short drive on the other side of Newport Blvd. Once again, E.C. offered free tacos. Last year they did not do this. This always seems to draw a crowd, and there was a good turnout there, even though they had quite a few more empty parking spaces for cars to

display. This year they had a gorgeous AC Cobra, a Jaguar, and more desirable Porsches than you can imagine in one place. For me, this is usually the highpoint of the trip.

In one of their service bays, they had what appeared to be a Singer Porsche that was in for body work. The engine cover was off, and the body piece across the rear, that is usually straight, had a very distinct “V” shape to it. The right rear corner was also concave, instead of convex.

After this, it was time to head up to Fullerton where I was spending the night. Traffic was moving well on the 55 Freeway, but I-5 was under water near 17th Street in Santa Ana. As I was planning on going this way to get to the 57 Freeway, I ended up getting off of the I-5 at 4 th St. and getting back on the 55 north.

This brings us to Sunday morning. The 356 Club once again held their All-Porsche Swap and Car Display at Boys Republic in Chino Hills. With I-5 being closed, I did not want to have to deal with the potential of additional traffic on US 101, so I got up early Sunday morning, and headed home.

The Coastalaire March 2023 23 continued

Porsche San Luis Obispo

Porsche San Luis Obispo held its grand opening on Thursday evening February 16, 2023.

After leaving one’s car with the valet, you were greeted by a Taycan Sport Turismo with a roof rack camping setup and all the outdoor lifestyle amenities, before walking on the red carpet into the dealership. Lots of Porsche and CCCR friends and acquaintances attended and were treated to a great buffet of meats, cheeses, fruits and vegetables and wonderful hot hors d’oeuvres. The bar was spectacular pouring great local wines and mixing specialty drinks created just for this occasion.

The Porsches on display were amazing, representing a mix of new vehicles and collector vehicles from California Central Coast Region member Brian Pritt. I doubt many of us have ever seen a GT2 RS, GT3 RS and a Carrera GT in the same room at the same time!! A Bahama Yellow paint-to-sample 992 Turbo S Cabriolet and a Racing Yellow 992 Speedster, along with a 1954 Pre-A 356 were all drool-worthy as well!

Sam Harraz, GM of Porsche San Luis Obispo welcomed everyone to the event, and he

The Coastalaire March 2023 24

Grand Opening Celebration

was followed by Chris Pullara and owner Joe Cardinale of the Cardinale Automotive Group. Joe Lawrence, COO of Porsche Cars North America gave a great talk about why our area deserved its own Porsche dealer, and then presented a special trophy to the dealership which was a scale model of the “Inspiration 911” sculpture on the Porscheplatz at the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart.

The grand opening was a fantastic evening filled with Porsche cars, friends, great food and drink, music, and ambience. We returned home in the same SUV we arrived in rather than the Turbo S Cabriolet!

The Coastalaire March 2023 25
Photos by Chuck Jennings & Joseph Shubitowski

Porsche San Luis Obispo


The Coastalaire March 2023 26

Grand Opening Celebration

The Coastalaire March 2023 27 continued

Porsche San Luis Obispo


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Grand Opening Celebration

The Coastalaire March 2023 29
continued san luis obispo

80% by 2030

That’s Porsche’s goal for electrification of it’s fleet: 80% full electric by the year 2030. That is a fully committed company!

A few short years ago, in 2019, we witnessed the introduction of the

(internal combustion engine), at least not for it’s flagship 911, considered by many as one of the best driver’s cars in the world.

But Porsche has committed to reaching carbon-neutrality by 2030

Taycan, Porsche’s all electric sedan. For the year 2021, Taycans represented 14% of Porsche’s vehicle production, even outselling the iconic 911.

The next two platforms to be offered as EVs from Porsche will be the Macan (2023) and the 718 Boxster / Cayman (2025). The fate of the 911 is still up in the air, although a hybrid version has been talked about without a specific timeframe.

The previous paragraph plus the title of this article seem to cryptically announce that Porsche isn’t planning to completely give up on their ICE

as well! Thinking about that, how can Porsche then justify maintaining the production of an ICE platform?

That question may have been answered this past week when two Porsche Executives filled up a 911 from the first batch of E-fuel ever produced. The symbolic act took place in Punta Arenas, Chile, site of the pilot plant that has been in the works for the past several years, and is now producing (albeit in reduced volume) the new, clean alternative to gasoline, a synthetic methanol produced by a very complex process that uses water, hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

This wonder-fuel enables a nearly

CO 2 neutral operation of internal combustion engines which use gasoline, when switched to e-Fuel. In the initial (pilot) phase the plant will produce 130,000 liters (34,342 gallons) per year and this fuel will mainly be used for Porsche Motorsports, including the Porsche Mobil1 Supercup and the Porsche

The Coastalaire March 2023 30

Experience Centers’ vehicles. By 2025 it is expected that production will ramp up to 550 million liters (145 million gallons) and by 2027 the facility should be supplying 550 million liters (145 million gallons) per year.

Initially it won’t be cheap. The

first batch destined for Porsche Motorsports has a cost of 10€ per liter or $45 per gallon. But, by 2026 Porsche expects the price to drop to around $7.50 per gallon due to efficiencies of scale and further technological developments.

The project is a joint effort between Porsche, Highly Innovative Fuels, Siemens Energy, ExxonMobil and the Chilean oil and gas companies ENAP and Empresas Gasco.

The process sounds way simpler than the execution: A Siemens wind turbine (3.4 megawatt) powers a Siemens proton exchange membrane which produces green hydrogen from water by electrolysis at 65% efficiency. As the production needs grow, the wind-generated power will ramp up to 2.5 gigawatts and further improve efficiency.

At the same time, a Global Thermostat system scrubs CO2 from the air using a special ceramic honeycomb matrix which yields 98% pure CO2.

When the hydrogen and CO2 are run through a copper-zinc catalyst, green methanol is produced. Finally, the methanol is vaporized, superheated and passed through a fluidbed reactor where a special ExxonMobil catalyst helps convert it to gasoline, with water as a by-product.

Because of the additives and blending requirements to ensure that eFuel can serve as a drop-in replacement for crude-based gasoline, the

carbon intensity figure is 10, not zero. That still means that burning it results in 90% less net carbon than standard gasoline with identical performance properties.

Porsche’s end game is to ensure there’s a carbon-neutral fuel that can power the 70% of all Porsches ever built that will still be on the road long after the new car fleet is fully electrified.

For more information on EVs, ICE and more, please visit my website:

Happy Porsche’ing,

The Coastalaire March 2023 31
2023 Technolab /

Stuttgart Market Letter

sold for $188,572.

Early 911s have remained steady as well over the last few months with the top sale this month belonging to a 1967 911S Coupe at $205,000. The Sand Beige example was restored within the last decade and still looked fresh making this one well-bought. The real surprise of the lot was a 1973 2.7 RS Touring sold by RM Sotheby’s for only $524,390. Remember what I said about the European market being softer? Another clear example of deals to be had overseas.

February kicked off the European auction calendar with sales from Bonhams and RM Sotheby’s at Paris’ Retromobile. The multi-day festival of all things classic cars saw a sell-through rate just shy of our overall rate at 70%. Pound for pound, or should I say dollar for dollar, European prices appear to be much softer than here in the US. For example, a 1992 964 Carrera RS N/GT sold at Bonhams for $257,715 whereas a similar example sold on Bring a Trailer a month earlier for $401,000, and a 1996 993 Turbo sold for $138,286, well below the $195,000 moving average we’ve seen as of late.

Paris also had the opportunity to take this month’s top sale honors with a 1964 904 GTS at RM Sotheby’s and a 1993 911 Turbo S “Leichbau” at Bonhams. In that fight, the Turbo S took the top spot at a sales price of $1,131,531 while the 904 failed to reach the reserve. The 904 continued the trend we saw from January with yet another classic Porsche race car failing to sell. The only other car to fetch over $1m last month was a 1990 Reimagined by Singer that hammered down for $1,075,000, a far cry from the $1.25m plus we’ve seen for these resto-mods over the past year.

The 1-2-year-old car market has continued to cool with a sellthrough rate of 54%. It seems that some sellers are still holding on to their lofty reserve prices as the market continues to head below MSRP for standard sports cars and GT cars inch closer and closer to MSRP. Case in point, average bids on GT3s were down about $10k to $250,000 and not a single example managed to sell above $300,000. Not even the 576-mile PTS Superior Red Metallic car that closed on Valentine’s Day for $292,000.

The strength of the 356 markets continued to hold with similar results to last month: only 3 out of the 15 cars on offer failed to sell. At $238,544, a project 1953 356 Pre-A Coupe took top sale honors and was very well-sold considering its abandoned restoration and non-matching number engine. The other notable sale was a 1964 356C Mirror 356 Art Car by Gustav Troger that featured numerous mirrors festooned to the car inside and out

‘90s Turbos continue to be the pick in the modern classic market as prices keep heading upward. 964s continued to gain momentum with two sales around the $200k mark for 3.3-liter cars and two 3.6-liter cars hovering around $300k. The big money, however, was reserved for two very special 964s, the first our overall top sale for February, the 1993 911 Turbo S “Leichbau” mentioned above and a rare 1994 911 Turbo S 3.6 X83 Flachbau that sold for $505,000. Not to be outdone, 993 Turbos hovered around the $200k mark with a 24,000-mile 1998 Turbo S hitting $502,858 in Paris. Had this car sold in the US market it certainly had the potential for another $100k.

Other notable modern classic sales (and no sales) from the past month, include a rare 2010 911 Sport Classic which sold for $611,250, a salvage title Carrera GT that failed to sell with a final bid of $600,000, and a 2011 GT3 RS 4.0 that failed to sell at $785,250. The Sport Classic is a rare bird as they were never offered for sale here in the US and any cars that end up here are brought in under Show & Display laws. Being that this car was already imported into the US, had gone through EPA updates, and had only 386 miles, the car was well deserving of its selling price. The Carrera GT failing to sell was not a surprise as a salvage title car is one thing, but a salvage titled carbon-tubbed supercar is probably asking for trouble. The RS 4.0 though was bid to a market correct price for a delivery mileage example. More money is reserved for much rarer Black and PTS cars. This one should have sold.

All in another solid month of results for Porsches, again outperforming the overall market sell-through rate with a strong 73% and a total dollar volume of $33,527,283. Looking ahead to March, it comes in like a lion with the Amelia Island auctions kicking off the first of the month offering lots from four different auction houses for the first time. I’ll be there in all of the action and will report back next month. Until then.

The Coastalaire March 2023 32
David K. Whitlock is a writer for The Stuttgart Market Letter, a daily market update for Porschephiles, by Porschefiles, delivered to your inbox.

Werks Reunion


7:00 AM Event Check-in Opens

7:00 - 9:00 AM Registered Judged Cars placed on judging field

All Day Porsche Corral open to registered cars Spectator Parking Lot open ($40 cash)

7:00 - 10:00 AM Coffee and breakfast items available for purchase*

9:30 - 12:00 PM Judging

10:00 - 4:00 PM Bars open with beer & wine for purchase*

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Youth Judging sponsored by Hagerty


Pines Golf Course

1250 Garden Road

Monterey, CA 93940

August 18, 2023

11:30 - 1:00 PM Lunch available for purchase from onsite Food Trucks*

2:00 - 3:00 PM Awards Ceremony

Werks Monterey registration will open Wednesday May 24, 2023 at 3:00 PM (ET).

The link for registration will be available on

The Coastalaire March 2023 33

CCCRPCA Board Meeting Minutes

CCCR/PCA Meeting Minutes

January 4, 2023

The meeting was held on Zoom at 5:00pm because of inclement weather.

Our Board:

Attending the meeting: Joe Shubitowski, Chuck Jennings, Andrew Winterbottom, Bill Chadwick, Jeff Bartel, Mark Schilling, Bob Bruington, Bob Kitamura, Sanja Brewer, Scot Burns and Ron Green. Absent: Gil Igleheart, Carol Walker, Joe Kuntze

President: Joe Shubitowski discussed the proposed meeting venue going forward. Suggested is to meet at Porsche-San Luis Obispo starting at either 4 or 5PM which allows us to complete the meeting before the dealership closes at 7PM. Also discussed the 356 Registry/West Coast Holiday and how to or whether to divide the proceeds. As this has not been resolved, a meeting between and among the CCCR representatives and 356 Registry representatives will be conducted January 11th. Joe will attend the Zone 8 President's Meeting at Riverside the 21st. of January and will promote our candidate for Enthusiast of the Year for Zone 8 and also possibly to the PCA-National level. Joe also discussed a new addition to activities (in lieu of the absent Gil I.); that is, conduct a Cars & Coffee event at a logical parking lot venue; Coffee in take-out container(s) could be purchased and brought to the event for attendees. Andy is to go to online to update CCCR executive position details.

Vice President: Bob Bruington discussed the advantages of reviewing and improving our Region's Bylaws and noted that we do not seem to be in strict adherence to the existing bylaws. A subcommittee of Bob, Gil, Ron Green, and Joe S. and/or Joe K. will update the bylaws to include a description of each board members "job" description.

Secretary: The minutes prepared and updated by Carol Walker were accepted: Bill Chadwick moved and Sanja Brewer seconded to motion to accept.

Treasurer: Bill Chadwick reported that the CCCR starting bank balance stands at $37,597 which is approximately $10,000 more than we started with in 2022. A $3,900 deposit has been made to secure the Laguna Seca Drivers Education event scheduled in June. Invoices will be sent to our Coastalaire advertisers in February for 2023. Joe S. will have a meeting with the Porsche San Luis Obispo General Manager to set and agree expectations for their involvement with Region with regard to activities and financials. There was discussion about increasing our advertising rates that have been in place for approximately ten years. (A post-meeting evaluation of ad rates by other Regions in our Zone showed that our existing ad rates should not change.) Bill Chadwick made a motion that he meet with Joe Shubitowski (California Central Coast Region of the Porsche Club of America new President effective January 1, 2023) at the Bank of America in San Luis Obispo to add Joe Shubitowski's signature authority to the checking account and to obtain a debit card for Joe Shubitowski. Chuck Jennings seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. Bill Chadwick also noted that he has identified an accountant to certify the Region's financials. Andy moved and Chuck seconded to approve the

Treasurer's Report; it was unanimously approved.

Membership: Sanja Brewer reported that we have 404 primary members plus 284 affiliate members for a total of 708. Further discussion ensued as how to increase membership and membership participation in Region activities. Ideas included providing a CCCR "flyer" to Porsche-San Luis Obispo, paying for new Porsche purchasers first year PCA membership, Porsche San Luis paying for new Porsche purchasers first year PCA membership, et cetera. No resolve was taken.

Activities: No report

Safety: Jeff Bartel will meet with Gil to gain knowledge of requirements for "wheels-moving" activities. Also, Jeff will coordinate with Bob Bruington and Chuck Jennings to cover the track and autocross events.


Autocross: Chuck Chuck Jennings reported that the Autocross Academy is scheduled for April 15th and the Autocross event will be April 16th. The remainder of the Autocross Events schedule is being set in to fit in with other CCCR motorsports and activities.

Drivers Education: Bob Bruington reported that dates have been set for Buttonwillow (May 5) and Laguna Seca (June 26). A second date for Buttonwillow will be set when and if Buttonwillow track expansion completes. Bob is also soliciting and investigating bids from contractors for pavement improvements to the Autocross track at the Santa Maria Jet Center. Bids range from $14,000 to $30,000 which means that the bids are not likely based on consistent parameters. More analysis to follow. Also, the Corvette Club is expected to contribute a modest amount of financial support to this project.

Newsletter: Bob Kitamura reported that the January issue of the Coastalaire will be print in addition to on-line. The print edition mailing will be somewhat delayed as Bob works out quality issues with FedEx and explores another potential provider for publishing the magazine. The Butler Hotel is a new addition to the Coastalaire advertisers. Bob noted that it would be a good idea to send the online version of the Coastalaire to the "Print" advertisers.

Website and Database Admin: Scot and Joe S. will carve up the duties to maintain and upgrade our digital media. Scot is looking into templates, coding and developer tools/upgrades.

Director at Large: Ron Green is ready to update the 2023 Regional Procedures Manual (RPM) as soon as the Zone 8 advocate is known.

Old Business: None

New Business: None

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

The Coastalaire March 2023 34 January 4, 2023
Board Meeting

PCA-CCCR Anniversaries

25 Years

1 Year

John Borroel

Travis Ellis

Chris Gann

Timothy Glennon

Richard Rivoir

2 Years

Brian Donnelly

Thomas Evans

Cole Gibson

John Henderson

3 Years

Sondra Amendola

Brian Granger

Alain Neel

Stanley Schulte

4 Years

Brandi Colombo

Gil Igleheart

5 Years

Claudio Baserga

6 Years

Tim Calabretta

Mike Dirkes

Geoff Straw

7 Years

Rick Albrow

Claude Corvino

Steve DuBow

Urs Gretener

Jack Moyer

8 Years

Nicholas Taylor

9 Years

Joe Dervin

Harry Murphy

Steve Potratz

10 Years

John Larson

11 Years

Dennis Robinson

12 Years

Quint Stevens

Richard Wolfe

15 Years

Cliff John

17 Years

Sanja Brewer

18 Years

Roy Coffman

21 Years

Sean Connolly

Maurice Heagren

23 Years

Martin Howell

24 Years

Brian Louw

Terrance De groot

26 Years

Ken Cooper

27 Years

Jim Collins

28 Years

Sandy Keefer

Bob Kitamura

Chuck Stevenson

30 Years

Robert Clucas

33 Years

Doug Hendry

42 Years

Hamp & Sue Miller

43 Years

Richard Berg

Total CCCR


717 Members

The Coastalaire March 2023 35
PCA 2020 Family of the Year
The Coastalaire March 2023 36 Don’t Just Attend Porsche Parade... June 18-24, 2023 The LaQuinta Resort and Club ...Be a Part of It! An autocross is a closed-course driving event, and they are held in a large open area - such as a parking lot - where the objective is to safely complete the course in the shortest amount of time. New to Autocrossing? Parade is a great time to give it a try!
The Coastalaire March 2023 37 Thursday Sept, 28, 2023 to Sunday, October 1, 2023 7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Advertiser Index and Rates

Ad Page Location

2........ Porsche Santa Barbara

8.........Pedro’s Garage

9 ........Baywood Inn

9.........Vintage Autobody

12........The Stable (formerly SGS)

12........Rock Chip Armor

13........Butler Hotel

38........German Auto

38........The Tire Store

Advertising Rates

All rates are for 12 monthly issues from the date started.

Full Page.....$ 950 / year

1/2 page.......$ 600 / year

1/4 page......$ 400 / year

1/8 page or Business Card $ 300 /year


Their support of our club is greatly appreciated, so you are encouraged to make your first call to those advertising in the Coastalaire. Let them know that you saw their ad in our newsletter. We also encourage you to advertise your business in our newsletter.

If you are interested please contact Bob Kitamura at

The Coastalaire March 2023 38

Zone 8 Officers

The Coastalaire March 2023 39 Embroidered Porsche and CCCR Logos available at Poor Richard’s Press in San Luis Obispo.
For more details call Ken Finney at (805) 542-9671
Zone 8 Contacts CCCR Logo Store

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