Porsche VIN The Vehicle Identification Number is a unique digital identification for motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles, scooters and mopeds. As we know it today, the VIN is a 17- character identifier which does not include the letters O (o), I (i) or Q (q) to avoid confusion with the numerals 0, 1 and 9. It is generally printed or embossed on a small metal plate on the driver’s side of the dashboard, visible when looking through the windshield from the outside.
by Pedro P. Bonilla (GCR PCA) these ISO Standards have been adopted by the United States and the European Union. The VIN is not just a random string of alphanumeric characters. Each digit or group of digits refers to something specific about the vehicle’s manufacturing or design. Starting from the left: Character 1: Country of manufacture Characters 2 and 3: Manufacturing company Characters 4 -8: Type and size of engine Character 9: Manufacturer’s security code Character 10: Model year Character 11: Manufacturing plant Characters 12 – 17: Vehicle’s serial number Following you can see the two standards (EU and USA) for comparison:
This is my car’s VIN behind the very pitted 300,000 mile OEM windshield. The first official VIN appeared in 1954. At that time, the US government requested that automobile manufacturers and the Automobile Manufacturer’s Association develop a new standardized identifying numbering system, which was called the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Up to that time vehicles had been registered according to their engine’s number, but it quickly became apparent that a new system was required because of the common practice of engine replacement. The standardization of the modern VIN started in 1981 by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The standard was changed several times since then and now, modern VINs are based on two related standards, originally issued by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) in 1979 (ISO 3779) in 1980 (ISO 3780). Compatible but different implementation of
The CoastalBreeze June 2021