Coastalaire - November 2022 Issue

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California Central Coast Region Porsche Club of America

November 2022 Issue
The Coastalaire November 2022 2
The Coastalaire November 2022 3 Coastalaire November 2022 D&D - Cuyama Buckhorn Porsche Experience Center LA Club Information 4 Member Services 5 Board of Directors 6 Prez’s Corner 7 Get Out & Drive 33 Anniversaries 34 Advertiser Information Club Events 10 Club Events 12-13 Club / PCA Events 14 Autocross 2022 15 Drivers Education 2022 PCA / Zone 8 News / Porsche Items 30 Porsche Tech 32 CCCR Board Minutes 35 Zone 8 Staff - Officers 35 CCCR Clothing Pedros Garage Teststrecke 56 16 18 20 30 A Porsche Club of America Award Winning Publicationn D&D - Harbor Hut 30 28 Santa Barbara Region Concours 23 16 18 28 23 28 30

California Central Coast Region Cover Story

of the Porsche Club of America



Bob “Kit” Kitamura

Creative Editing and Layout

Chris Kitamura

The Coastalaire is available on the CCCR website at http//

The Coastalaire is published online every month and printed in January, April, July and October

Member Services

Classified Ads

Classified ads are posted in the CCCR PCA website at Submit your text and photo (if required) by email to: Joe Shubitowski at

The editor reserves the right to edit the ad if it is over 40 words. The ad is Free To Members.

CCCR Name Badge

Alfred Abken

Pedro P. Bonilla

Bob Bruington

Bill Chadwick

Ron Green

Fred Herr

Gil Igleheart

Chuck Jennings

Joseph Kuntze

Joe Shubitowski

Bern Singsen

Carol Walker

Andy Winterbottom


Alfred Abken

TB1 Chuck Jennings

Jeff Koskie

Bob Kitamura

Amy Smith

CCCR / PCA Mailing Address: California Central Coast Region of Porsche Club of America (CCCR/PCA) 3030 Johnson Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

California Central Coast Member Name Badges. Cost for your beautiful 5-color CCCR standard badge with pin, swivel clip or magnet closure: $20.00. First Name, Last Name, optional 2nd line, for example, your club office within the club, your Porsche model. To order contact Joe Shubitowski at

Coastalaire is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, California Central Coast Region. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the of ficial position of the California Central Coast Region of the Porsche Club of America, its officers or members. Permission is granted to charter regions to reprint if appropriate credit is given to the author and Coastalaire, with the exception of copyrighted material. Any material appearing in the Coastalaire is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the California Central Coast Region, its Board or Appointees, the Coastalaire Editors, or its staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication.

The deadline for submission of articles is the 5th of the month preceding the month of publication.

The Coastalaire November 2022 4
month’s cover shows Johnson Zhou’s GTS on the
Photographer Amy Smith
course at Teststrecke 55, our au tocross event at Santa Maria Airport

The Prez’s Corner

This is being written November 12th. after hav ing enjoyed a very successful New Members (any and all members for that matter) Bar-B-Q. We had approximately 140 guest members at the estate of Jason and Bonnie Len. Parking was free also. The food and drinks were seriously good and everybody seemed to be having a fun time. Gil Igleheart and Carol Walker were responsible for the success of this event. We had the General Manager and the Sales Manager from the new Porsche-San Luis Obispo join the party; they plan a "soft" opening this coming week of November 14th and a Grand Opening early next year. I men tioned to them that they were in a target-rich area.

At the suggestion of Guy Ober (The Stable, formerly SGS), we had checks ready for donations to the National Muscular Dystrophy Association. We presented a generous check from Guy Ober/ The Stable and from our California Central Coast Region on behalf of Jason and Bonnie for the Na tional MS Association, a favored charity of Jason and Bonnie.

The planned November 19th event: Drive and Dine to Rustic Fire in Paso Robles has been rescheduled due to possible conflict with another Paso Robles event. Next, we have the annual CCCR Christmas/Holiday Party December 3rd at the San Luis Obispo Country Club. Sanja Brewer has planned another fantastic event with live music and dancing along with your choice of Prime Rib, Salmon or Polenta. We will run a raffle for prizes and there will be many winners. Our guests will include representatives from Porsche of Santa Barbara and Porsche of San Luis Obispo and Lori DeCristo, our Porsche Club of America Zone 8 Representative will attend as well. The newly elected CCCR Board of Directors for 2023 will be announced at this party.

Another "Drive and Dine" event is scheduled for December 10th leaving from the new Porsche San Luis Obispo (on Los Osos Valley Road) ending up at the “newish” Brook's Burgers near Tank Farm

and Higuera. Our Chuck Jennings knows the proprietors and recommends them.

I just received my latest Coastalaire Print Version in the mail today; thank you, Bob Kitamura. Our region is among the fewer remaining PCA regions who still publish a print version of their monthly magazine. I believe this is a significant advantage to our members and our advertisers. More kudos to "Kit".

Sincerely, Andrew W.

If you missed it, here is our article in the October Panorama, From the Regions section. Another one of our great events!

The Coastalaire November 2022 6

Here we are headed into the end of the year. After a very busy and successful year of Porsche related events, I am ready for some rest and relaxation during the holidays. The reason why this issue is later than usual is because I caught a bad cold for about a week which put me flat on my back! So I will hold back on cartoons for a couple of months and just focus on what we have going on and family. Next year will be another very busy Porsche year with the Porsche Parade in Palm Springs in June and the Porsche Rennsport Reunion VII happening at the end of September. In addition there is the PCA Werks Reunion will happen the end of of Car Week in Monterey on August 18th. Whew!!! That’s going to be a very busy Porsche year for some of us!

We had another extremely successful year with our Autocross and Drivers Education programs under the masterful leadership of Chuck Jennings and Bob Bruington. We are so very lucky to have these two very capable and very nice guys to head up these two programs. Their leadership has made it into one of the best in the PCA nation. As they get ready for next season they will need volunteers to help during the season and more of you to participate. Especially those who have not had the opportunity to take your Porsche onto the track. It will not only be fun but it will help you to be a better driver on the streets and freeways …….. which is getting harder all the time.

I will probably do this again next month but a big thanks to Jason and Bonnie Len for the use of their home for the New Members BBQ. Having it there makes it such a great event for our club and a gathering where members can easily get to know other members.

I hope all of you have signed up for our Holiday Party at the San Luis Obispo Country Club that is coming up right after “Turkey Day.”

I wanted to share with all of you that the most important reason for our monthly publication is to provide information of upcoming club events as well as to show all of you enjoying our club events. We also

have articles from time to time of other things that our members are doing related to Porsches and car events both outside of our club and in other groups.

I want to thank all of the people that it takes to get this publication done. If you go back to page 2 and look for the contributors list you will be amazed at the amount of people it takes to get this out the door monthly. None of us get compensated for what we do, we do it because we enjoy doing it. But more than that we love our club and all that we are doing for you and our Porsche-community.

Thanks for all of your support over the years, those of us on the board appreciate all of you!

Now……Get Out and Drive!,

If you haven’t driven by The Stable lately the new look is almost done. Drop by and say hello to Guy Ober and the guys!

The Coastalaire November 2022 7
Get Out & Drive ........
The Coastalaire November 2022 8
The Coastalaire November 2022 9
The Coastalaire November 2022 10 Zone 8 Event NOVEMBER 5th DRIVE & DINE - Cypress Ridge Golf Course (Hardie Park @ 8:00 am or earlier NOVEMBER 12th NEW MEMBER BBQ at the Len Edna Valley Ranch NOVEMBER MID-MONTH PORSCHE SLO GRAND OPENING DECEMBER 3rd CCCR HOLIDAY PARTY - San Luis Obispo Country Club DECEMBER 10th DRIVE & DINE - Brooks Burgers (meet at Porsche of San Luis Obispo @ 8:30 am JANUARY 14th DRIVE & DINE - Rustic Fire - Paso Robles FEBRUARY 11th VALENTINE’S DAY - TBD FEBRUARY 28th CANEPA MOTORSPORTS - More information to follow MARCH 25th DRIVE & DINE - Rustic Fire - Paso Robles APRIL 10-14 HOBO’S to Healdsburg - More information to follow APRIL 15th TESTSTRECKE (AutoX) @ Santa Maria Airport JUNE 18-24 2023 PORSCHE PARADE 2023 - La Quinta Resort, Palm Springs SEPT. 28-OCT. 1 PORSCHE RENNSPORT REUNION VII - LAGUNA SECA 2023 Gil Igleheart, Activities Director Chuck Jennings, Autocross Director - Bob Bruington, Driving Events Director Please note, these activities are planned subject to “clearances” from all PCA, Federal, State and local authorities. CCCR Events Calendar
The Coastalaire November 2022 11
The Coastalaire November 2022 12
The Coastalaire November 2022 13
The Coastalaire November 2022 14 CCCR-PCApresents Details and Registration at or contact Chuck Jennings, Autocross Director @ (805) 459-7416 UTOCROSS 2022 2023 Dates Coming Soon ! Teststrecke 51 complete Autocross Academy complete Teststrecke 52 complete Teststrecke 53 complete Teststrecke 54 complete Teststrecke 55 complete Teststrecke 56 complete
The Coastalaire November 2022 15
2023 Dates Soon
For any questions, you can contact Bob Bruington, Drivers Education Events Director at Willow Springs Raceway complete Buttonwillow Raceway complete WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca complete Go to to sign up
The mission and purpose of the Porsche Club of America's Drivers Education Program is to provide a safe, structured and controlled teaching and learning environment. The PCA DE Program is designed so that participants can improve their driving abilities and acquire a better understanding of vehicle dynamics and driving safety. Participants will experience first-hand the capabilities of high performance automobiles in a controlled, closed-course environment and acquire skills that will enhance safer vehicle operation in all
Drivers Education

Drive ‘n Dine to Cuyama Buckhorn

Before the October 8, Drive & Dine to Cuyama, Gil Igleheart had asked me if I would meet a group of North County residents at Ancient Peaks Winery in Santa Margarita to get signatures for the PCA waivers.

As I had been preparing my Porsche for the Santa Barbara Region Concours, I was not planning on driving my Porsche to the D & D, so going only south to Santa Margarita sounded good to me. More about the SBR Concours later…

There was a pretty fair sized turn out of folks in Santa Margarita. After the folks that began their drive at the Chevrolet dealership in San Luis Obispo showed up, we headed up El Camino Real and took Highway 58 all the way east to Highway 33 south. Traffic was light, and it was a gorgeous fall day for a drive. I had never been on this part of Highway 33 before. Derby Acres really caught my imagination. What fun it must be to tell people you are from Derby Acres.

We continued on to Maricopa where we continued onto Highway 166 west. This eventually got us back to Cuyama, then New Cuyama, and the Cuyama Buckhorn. We had pre-ordered lunch, so lunch had been prepared in advance.

Many thanks to Gil for organizing this drive. As much as I enjoy the drives we take that get near the coast, this was fun staying inland.

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Story by Alfred Abken Photos by TB-1& Alfred Abken
The Coastalaire November 2022 17

Drive ‘n Dine to Harbor Hut Restaurant

at the Harbor Hut and eventually took over the daily operations and began managing the restaurant. In 1978 George bought the restaurant from his wife’s father keeping the establishment in the family. Subsequently, George’s son Troy began working at the Harbor Hut in 1980. It wasn’t long before Troy began to manage the daily operations at the Harbor Hut. In 2009 Troy Leage and his wife Heather bought the restaurant from George solidifying the long family tradition

The Harbor Hut restaurant, located on the waterfront in Morro Bay, is known for having one of the best views of the bay and Morro Rock. A favorite among visitors and locals alike, the Harbor Hut has been a Morro Bay icon and has been family owned and operated since 1951. Established as a humble little spot dedicated to cooking up the freshest seafood possible, the Harbor Hut soon became well known as one of the best restaurants on the Central Coast for their mesquite broiling and their insatiable quest for the finest ingredients.

Founded by Ralph “Tiger” Ruse the Harbor Hut was established in order to cater to the increasing number of travelers coming from the Central Valley, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and from around the world who looked to explore the amazing stretch of coastline to the north and south of Morro Bay.

Around 1964 Tiger’s son in law George Leage began working

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Story by Gil Igleheart Photos by Jeff Koskie
The Coastalaire November 2022 19

AutoX - Teststrecke 56

Teststrecke 56 at Santa Maria airport was a great ending to a great season for our 2022 autocross program. Thanks to Chuck Jennings and his great team of timers and track workers. If you have yet to take your Porsche out on the track this is a safe way to start and find out just how good your car is.

The Coastalaire November 2022 20
Story by Alfred Abken Photos by Alfred Abken Bruce Morgenthaler Michael La Puma Larry Beck Chuck at the Drivers Meeting thanking everyone who helped during this season Nancy Bodily Scot Burns Jon Milledge Chuck Jennings Bruce Morgenthaler Jon Milledge
The Coastalaire November 2022 21
Michael Krebsbach Guy Ober Kathy Thorpe Antonio Varia David Eskinazi Ron Palladino Pat Kelley Emile Waked Gary Cutshall Johnson Zhou Bill Thorpe

AutoX - Teststrecke 56

Here is a story from one of our members Fred Herr, He recently participated in our day at PECLA and has been a part of our track programs both as a driver and track worker.

Fred Herr in his new Porsche GT4 -

Took the new car out for her first competition yesterday. What a beast. Took 5th overall. Have to recalibrate my brain for what this car is capable of vs. the old Boxster. I kept braking too soon and not taking turns as fast as this car can take them. I was obviously a bit rusty since I haven’t driven in months. On the last lap I tried turning off all the stability and traction control and quickly found out I can't give it full throttle out of turns as it quickly lights up the rear tires unlike the Boxster.

This was my fastest lap. 39.994s. I took 5th overall. 2nd through 5th place were separated by just 0.7s! Great competition. https://youtu. be/7Hw9yHL1IvY.

This is all my laps. 7 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon. Lap #6 is the fastest. The final lap is without stability and traction control. gd7RwuTdvrA.

Man. I dreamt all night last night of driving the car and thinking oh how I now need to improve and raise up my skills to what this car is capable of. Can’t wait for next year!

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Fred Herr in charge of timing Story by Fred Herr Photos by Alfred Abken

Porsche Experience Center Los Angeles

I think it was in September, I was sitting at home one day, minding my own business, and I got a phone call from Andy Winterbottom. Andy asked me what I was doing October 14. I said I would need to check my calendar, then I replied that was a Friday. Andy then asked me if I wanted to drive at the Porsche Experience Center in Los Angeles. I could not think of any good reason not to go. Several years ago, Porsche Santa Barbara had arranged for members of our Region to drive at the PECLA, but I had a conflict with the date, and did not go. It seems Porsche Santa Barbara had made arrangements to do it again, and I was not going to miss this opportunity.

So, Friday I got up in the middle of the night, and was on the road again to L A, long before the sun came up. After getting past Gorman, and heading down the hill into the L A Basin, I started listening to the traffic reports on the radio. It seems there had been an accident on the 405 near Carson.

After about half an hour, that was cleared away, but there was another reported accident along the 405 in the Carson area. I did not recognize the street mentioned, so when I got past L A X, I took the 105 east to the 110 south. Considering it was around 8 AM at this time, they were both moving along at a pretty fair pace. I arrived at the PEC before 8:30.

I had my breakfast in my car, then saw Bob Kitamura. As he has had the good fortune to drive the tracks at the PEC previously, he was down there to photograph the event.

Upon entering the lobby, I was

The Coastalaire November 2022 23
Story by Alfred Abken Photos by Bob Kitamura & Alfred Abken Classroom Lobby Viewing platform Overview

Porsche Experience Center Los Angeles

immediately taken by the 924 Carrera GT from the 1980 Le Mans race that was campaigned by Peter Gregg and Al Holbert. Behind it was a 1981 924 Carrera GTS. Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing these two cars together.

In the event you have not been to PECLA, they offer 8 different experiences. An Acceleration Straight; a Handling Circuit; the Ice Hill; a Low-Friction Handling Course; the Kick Plate; a LowFriction Circle; a Dynamic Area; and last, but not least, an Off-Road area. I don’t know if it is possible to do all of them in a single day, but perhaps this is just good marketing so you have a good reason to return for a second, or third session.

Before I proceed any further with this narrative, I need to extend a hearty THANK YOU to Rene Verbrugge, the Sales Manager at Porsche of Santa Barbara, who organized this event. Also, to Andy Winterbottom for thinking of me to attend.

We were signed up for a 90-minute experience driving a 911, a Taycan, and Off Road. Following the driver’s briefing, I found myself behind the wheel of a new 992. I was following our instructor who was in a Carrera S, and Gil Igleheart was following me. There is absolutely no comparison between how the 992 handles and my modified 931. The PDK transmission is very entertaining in its operation. If you own one, you know. I can’t recall ever driving a car before with an automatic transmission that would give the impression of a throttle blip

The Coastalaire November 2022 24
On the Handling Circuit at about 120 mph Carol on the Kick Plate

in a down shift. Very entertaining, indeed.

After several laps getting acquainted with the car, we took to the Acceleration Straight. I am not sure of the length of the straight, but it is long enough to get into triple digit speed. I actually eased off the throttle quite a bit before the shutdown area because I was catching our instructor, and I am used to the brakes in my car. They are an upgrade from what the car left the factory with, but they are nothing compared to what the 992 has. At the end of the straight, there is a righthand banked curve that was designed as a replica of the “Carousel” at the Nürburgring Nordschleife, although here it is a right-hand turn, instead of a left, as the original.

Following this, our next experience was driving the new Taycan. As I had led Gil in the 992s, I asked him if he wanted to go ahead of me. Unbeknownst to me, I ended up in a Taycan Turbo S. What an unbelievable car! It is remarkable how Porsche was able to mask the mass of this car.

After a couple laps of the Handling Circuit, we took to the Kick Plate. This is a low friction surface with a hydraulically activated plate that moves to kick the rear of the car into a skid. The first and third time I did fairly well, but my second attempt, I had a moment of panic as I counter steered a bit too late and I had visions of me sliding this car into the K-rails lining the course. I managed to get the car to a stop, but what an adrenaline rush.

I opted out of the Off-Road

The Coastalaire November 2022 25
Low Friction Circle

Porsche Experience Center Los Angeles

drive. Folks tried to assure me it was all at low speed. I did not want to aggravate my back.

Following the Off-Road experience, we had the opportunity to ride along in a Demo Lap. This was done in a 992 Turbo S. This was far more exciting than any rollercoaster, or any ride at any of the Disney parks. Riding in this car was an incredible experience!

On the Handling Circuit, at the end of the first straight, there is a leftright chicane before a short straight that leads to another right turn. In the Turbo S, we were through the chicane and getting into the right turn before my brain could process getting set up to get into the chicane. What a ride! My brain needed a whole lot more time to try to process what was happening.

Following the drive, we had a fabulous lunch at the 917 restaurant. I have been to PECLA two times previously, but never had the opportunity to eat upstairs. First course was a market green salad. For an entrée, you had a choice of braised beef short rib, or spiced chicken breast. As I had the chicken, I cannot speak about the beef. The chicken breast was the juiciest, most tender chicken breast I have ever had. Finally, for dessert, we were served chocolate cremeux. This was described as a flourless chocolate cake, espresso anglaise, with a passion fruit sauce. I was curious how a cake could be made without flour. Hint, it tasted like pudding. What a fabulous meal to top off an exciting morning. Again, I have to say “THANK YOU” to Rene Verbrugge,

Andy Winterbottom, and all the folks at PECLA. If you have never been there, it is well worth going. If you can arrange to drive, it will plaster a huge grin on your face!

A Note From Bob Kitamura, PECLA Event Photographer -

Since I have been on the PECLA track a few times, I was able to do the real-time photography following our members with an escort in a Macan .... sometimes at high speed! I did have a chance to ride along in the speed demonstration run in their 992 Turbo S with their professional race car driver. My Carrera S is fast on a track but these are much faster cars with professionals driving at top speeds ........ yes definitely a white knuckle ride! A very enjoyable day for all of us.

The Coastalaire November 2022 26
Off Road Circuit
The Coastalaire November 2022 27
PECLA 53 Acre Sports Car Playground Fred Herr 992 Turbo S Alfred Abken Carol Walker Gil Igleheart George Garcia left to right - April Garcia, George Garcia, Gil Igleheart, Carol Walker, Kevin Sullivan, Alfred Abken, Fred Herr and Bob Kitamura

Santa Barbara Concours d’ Elegance

Sunday, October 9, Santa Barbara Region PCA held there 44th Concours d’Elegance. This year, it was held at Santa Barbara City College. I had decided early this year to show my car at this event. Not counting the 2 Covid years, I have been show ing my car at San Gabriel Valley’s Concours. However, this year SGVR had their event on a Sunday. Not my favorite day to be out on the road. Anyway, I got over that and signed up for SBR’s Concours.

Then, months go by, and the Luftgekuhlt folks announce their event was being held in Los Angeles, also on October 9. What a quandary! Although I do not own an air-cooled Porsche, I certainly enjoy looking at them. Hmmmm, Santa Barbara, or Los Angeles? After taking a couple weeks to ponder that, I decided to honor my commitment to SBR.

To get to Santa Barbara, I left my place about 6 AM that morning. Get ting south on 101, around Atascadero, it was fairly clear. That did not last long. Going up the Cuesta Grade, I started getting into the low-level clouds. That continued until I got near the summit of Highway 154. I was able to get above the clouds, and it was another gorgeous morning. Descending into Santa Barbara, I once again got under the cloud cover.

This was my first time on the grounds of Santa Barbara City Col lege. The event was held on a large grass field, that had a spectacular view of the ocean, once the clouds finally burned off.

It was fun seeing a lot of folks I no longer see as often as I used to. Former PCA National President

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I was judging in the (full) Con cours Vintage class. There were 4; 356 models, a ’72 911 T Coupe, a ’96 Carrera, and a 2002 996 Turbo. All the cars were well prepared, and it was quite the experience seeing them in that setting.

One of the requirements of being a judge, is you have to show your car occasionally, so my car was also being judged in the Detail and Shine 6 class for transaxle cars. As it turns out, there were no other cars in the class, so I ended up with the firstplace plaque!

SBR had the event catered by Taco Man Express, so I had a fabulous shrimp and chicken taco lunch. It turned out to be a spectacular day. I did not miss not driving down to Los Angeles.

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Burt Misevic was even there. He is a long-time member of SBR.


If you read one of my recent articles, I questioned whether fullelectric vehicles (EV)s were really better than internal combustion engine’d (ICE) cars, looking at the PROs and CONs of each one.

My conclusion was that they were not really better (yet) but I really didn’t delve into whether there are other alternatives. I think there are … and I’m convinced and have been convinced for many years that it will involve Hydrogen.

The whole world is being rushed into battery-powered cars and conventional wisdom believes that they are a perfect for our future.

Some large auto-makers such as Hyundai, Honda and others, including me, don’t buy it.

During the past months Hyundai has been running a world-wide public relations campaign citing the advantages of an alternative source of electrical power – fuel cells. Even though fuel cell technology has been around for decades it has never fully caught on.

A fuel cell generates current from a chemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen, from the air, reacts with (compressed) hydrogen from a storage tank aboard the vehicle that can be replenished at a filling station, like gasoline. The beauty of the fuel cell is that, even though it creates an exhaust, since it’s a chemical reaction between oxygen

and hydrogen, that exhaust is just (pure) water.

(warehouses) to the latter.

A convoy of electric military vehicles barely makes a sound when compared with their gaspowered counterparts, but they won’t be finding many charging stations in battle zones.

And, just like EVs, there are reasons not to embrace hydrogen. Up to now, hydrogen has been extracted from natural gas in a process that emits greenhouse gasses, as Elon Musk strenuously argues. Attempts to produce “clean” hydrogen are under way from quite a few enterprises that feel very confident that they will succeed.

Another drawback at this time for consumers is the overwhelming lack of refueling infrastructure.

And yet the fuel cell does have one incredibly appealing feature: unlike charging the battery in an EV, a fuel cell vehicle can be refueled and moving again in minutes. That’s of particular interest in industrial and defense applications.

Electric vehicles are appealing for military and industrial applications because of their stealth capabilities to the former and because of zero-emissions in enclosed environments

GM’s Chevrolet Colorado ZH2 offers a potential solution, because it can run 400 miles on a tankful of hydrogen that can be quickly replenished at the base, using a refueling tanker truck, or by using hardware that can produce it’s own hydrogen in the field.

Similar logic is also at play at large warehouse-dependent companies such as Amazon which just announced a deal with an important hydrogen fuel-cell company (PlugPower). Amazon will purchase 23% of the company and start using its hardware to power some of its forklift trucks.

The fuel cells will be swapped into battery-powered forklifts that now must sit idle many hours a day while being recharged. By using hydrogen, Amazon will be able to continue using low-noise vehicles that don’t emit toxic exhaust fumes indoors, yet only need a few minutes to replenish

The Coastalaire November 2022 30

fuel and continue work practically uninterrupted.

These two examples are niche use cases, but they do serve to demonstrate that there is still room for the hydrogen cell.

Porsche is hedging its bets, though. On one hand it has fully embraced EVs. It has been producing the Taycan for a couple of years, the all-electric Macan is on its way next and there are multiple electrified prototypes of Porsche’s different models being tested; but the 911 will not go full EV any time soon, it will become a hybrid inspired by the 919 platform, although it expects that a whopping 80% of its lineup will be electrified by the end of this decade.

On the other hand, as I explained in another of my recent articles, Porsche has committed many of its resources in the development of eFuel. Porsche also considers another important percentage: 70% of all Porsches ever produced are still on the road.

They acknowledge that many of today’s cars still run on gasoline and simply removing them from the global fleet isn’t a tenable option for a variety of reasons.

Porsche is very clear that eFuel is not hydrogen. Porsche is not looking at fuel cell vehicles. They state that the main reason is weight.

eFuel is instead a derivative from hydrogen. The process begins with electrolysis, which

splits water intro hydrogen and other gases. From there Porsche captures carbon dioxide from the air and combines it with hydrogen, to produce synthetized methanol.

Porsche tacks the “e” on the front of eFuel because it foresees using renewable electricity resources to handle the electrolysis process.

That’s why Chile was selected for the pilot program: wind turbines in South America can produce up to four times the energy of similar setups in Germany.

The big advantage of eFuel is utilizing existing CO2 in production. It “closes the loop” using a byproduct of internal combustion engines to then fuel them in the future. Porsche predicts a “wheel-to-wheel” CO2 reduction of 85%.

A cleaner-burning fuel is an important improvement on its own, but there are other advantages to eFuel. For starters, since it would be refined in the same way as existing fuel, it could be used in ICE with no adjustments. No retrofitting necessary.

Porsche says that the current pilot plan costs hover around $10 per liter of eFuel. Within the next 4-5 years they expect that the costs could come down to $2 per liter ($7.50 per gallon) which is comparable to the cost of gasoline in many European countries today.

Either way, the element of

the future is sure to be the first element in the Periodic Table of Elements, and the most abundant resource in the Universe: Hydrogen.

For more information on Hydrogen Cells, EVs, ICE and more, please visit my website: www

Happy Porsche’ing, Pedro

2022 Technolab /

The Coastalaire November 2022 31

CCCRPCA Board Meeting Minutes

September 7, 2022 Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 pm at Piadina’s, San Luis Obispo, California

Our Board Attending: All board members were in attendance, except for Bob Bruington.

President: Andy asked Sanja to talk about the nominating committee. She, Gil, Bob Bruington and Andy will comprise the committee. Jon Milledge will help Chuck Jennings with the autocross. We need new people on the board and we are looking for volunteers to run for the board. Chuck will head the autocross for another year, so he is looking for someone to eventually take his position. Sanja mentioned the Holiday Party menu needs to be in the Coastalaire next month. It is Dec.3 at 6 pm at the SLO Country Club, with more information to follow.

Vice President: Ron Green said he will be traveling next month so will miss the October board meeting. He had no other report.

Secretary: Carol sent the minutes by email. Joe Kuntze moved to accept the report, Sanja seconded. All approved.

Treasurer: Bill Chadwick has had the security on our account increased after our donation to NOOR. Rock Chip Armor is an advertiser again in the Coastalaire. The check for Laguna Seca has cleared and we have received $3,000 for Laguna Seca. We have received a $1,488 quarterly refund from National. The bank balance is $33,797.72. Sanja moved to accept the report, Joe Kuntze seconded, and all approved.

Membership: Sanja reported there are two new members, seven lapsed, no transfers in or out, for a total of 421 primary members, 284 affiliates, to total 705 members.

Activities: Gil Igleheart handed out a calendar of events. September 14-18 is the 356 West Coast Holiday in Paso Robles and Joe is asking for volunteers to help with that event. September 24 is the Oktoberfest hosted by Santa Barbara Porsche. The New Member Barbecue will be held at Jason Len’s again this year on November 12, catered by the Sea Shanty. We will have two port-a-potties for the ladies and one for men with wash stations. December 3 is the Holiday Party at the SLO Country Club. Gil thanked Joe Kuntze and Joe Shubitowski for an excellent job on organizing the West Coast Holiday.

Safety: Bill Gibson has all the insurance for the drive to San Simeon and for the Laguna Seca DE event. We don’t need insurance for the New Member BBQ.

Autocross: Chuck Jennings reported that the Autocross went well and even though there were several no shows, the event was maxed out. October 22 is the next one. He has proposed resurfacing the track, but the biggest issue is that it is not our facility. He will propose to the airport that we lease it for five years and he will approach the Corvette club to contribute one third of the cost since they use it as well. By accomplishing these hurdles, we should be able to have it resurfaced.

Driver's Education: Bob Bruington was absent but sent his report via email as follows: “Laguna Seca is making some progress, we have

56 entries for the DE and 10 for the Parade Lap as of 8/27. The total income is $20,749.00 so far. We need another $6,000.00 to break even. It will be close, but I think we should make the break even point by the time we are on the track. Of the 56 entries, we have 18 students. The shortage is the instructors for the students. Unfortunately, GGR is holding a DE at Thunderhill the weekend before our Monday events and will not be available. We usually have 5-10 instructors sign up from GGR. I have enough instructors for 12 students as of today. I’m beating the bushes to recruit more instructors. I contacted Buttonwillow for next year’s track days. They are not taking reservations for next year yet, but they should in the next month or so. There is not a completion date on the new track yet, hopefully it will be ready in the fall or 2023. I will keep checking. Next year, Laguna Seca will have a shortened calendar due to the upgrade to the track starting in November. I am not sure we can reserve a date. I am planning two days at Buttonwillow next year and may need to use Willow Springs again for the third. If we do use Willow Springs, I will rent the smaller track, Streets. I think we will have more interest in the smaller track than the intimidating Big Willow, plus Big Willow is way too rough for most of us. I had the bid to seal the Autocross track at the Santa Maria Airport updated. Chuck will expand.”

Newsletter: Bob Kitamura asked Gil to talk to Jason Len about next year’s barbecue. He will feature new members in the Coastalaire, making a story as to why they joined PCA. We will try to include this in the printed issue. Bob is looking for another company to print our newsletters.

Website: Joe Shubitowski said the web page is up to date. He needs the Buckhorn drive/dine details from Gil. Thirty people have signed up for theSan Simeon drive/dine on Saturday. And, he’s very excited the 356 WestCoast Holiday is in the home stretch.

Director at Large: Joe Kuntze has 146 cars signed up so far for the 356 West Coast Holiday. He needs a photographer. Wednesday is the wine/cheese reception, Thursday is the drive to Parkfield, Friday is dinner at Cass and the long drive to Carmel, and Saturday is wine tasting, car show, and the awards dinner.

Old Business: None

New Business: Sanja needs raffle prizes in November for the Holiday Party.

The next meeting will be October 5 at Piadina’s, Hotel SLO.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Walker Secretary, CCCR-PCA

The Coastalaire November 2022 32
The Coastalaire November 2022 33 PCA-CCCR Anniversaries 5 Years Scott Wilson 7 Years David Eskinazi Imanuel Schramm 8 Years Ken Centofante Charles Hoops David Schwartzbart 9 Years Jeff Emrick Dennis Lyons 12 Years Eric Chandor David Harvey 13 Years George Shepard 15 Years William Collins 18 Years John Hoskins 19 Years Ian Murton 25 Years Jack Keely 28 Years Gary Thies 47 Years Gill Paszek Total CCCR Membership 700 1 Year Leonard Allen Michael Graham Audrey Hurdle Mike Lady 2 Years Mark Bogiatzis Tony Brizzolara 3 Years Gary Andreini William Luper Rick Phillips Mike Stiles 4 Years Joe Caradonna Richard Finnegan Michael Krebsbach
The Coastalaire November 2022 34 All rates are for 12 monthly issues from the date started. Full Page.....$ 950 / year 1/2 page.......$ 600 / year 1/4 page......$ 400 / year 1/8 page or Business Card $ 300 /year PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS and SPONSORS Their support of our club is greatly appreciated, so you are encouraged to make your first call to those advertising in the Coastalaire. Let them know that you saw their ad in our newsletter. We also encourage you to advertise your busi ness in our newsletter. If you are interested please contact Bob Kitamura at Advertising Rates Advertiser Index and Rates 2........ Porsche Santa Barbara 8.........Pedro’s Garage 8 ....... ADARA Med Spa 9 ........Baywood Inn 9.........Vintage Autobody 11........The Stable (formerly SGS) 12........Rock Chip Armor 34........German Auto 34........The Tire Store Ad Page Location
The Coastalaire November 2022 35 Embroidered Porsche and CCCR Logos available at Poor Richard’s Press in San Luis Obispo. Zone 8 Contacts CCCR Logo Store For more details call Ken Finney at (805) 542-9671 Zone 8 Officers

West Coast Holiday 2022

Photo - Jeff Koskie Artwork - Kitamura

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