Tourist Queensland & Miners Express

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Miners Express Special Edition

The Commonwealth Games in 2018 will be the largest sporting event Australia will see this decade and the biggest sporting spectacular the Gold Coast has ever seen. On 4 April 2018, over 6,600 athletes and team officials from 70 nations and territories will converge on the Gold Coast for an 11 day sporting and cultural event.






Gold Coast gets ready for The Games GC2018 will be the largest sporting event Australia will see this decade and the biggest sporting spectacular the Gold Coast has ever seen. As the first regional Australian city to ever host a Commonwealth Games, the Gold Coast will celebrate a great Games leaving many memories and lots of benefits for all. The city will shine on the world sporting stage and the promotional exposure for business, trade, investment, tourism and events will herald a new era in the region’s growth and maturity. On 4 April 2018, over 6,600 athletes and team officials from 70 nations and territories will converge on the Gold Coast for an 11 day sporting and cultural event. With the proud support of close to 15,000 passionate and friendly

volunteers, a spectacle of 18 sports and 7 para-sports will be contested and broadcast to a cumulative global audience of 1.5 billion. Designer of Mascot Borobi, teacher Merrilyn Krohn was inspired by Matilda the 1982 Games Mascot and chosen from 4,000 entries. “Borobi” is the Indigenous Yugembah word for Borobi. koala. Some of the venues along with the Commonwealth Games Village include: Broadbeach Bowls Club, Coomera Indoor Sports Centre, Gold Coast Aquatic Centre, Gold Coast Sports Precinct, CBus Super Stadium, Broadwater Parklands, Village Roadshow Studios, Currumbin Valley Elanora.

From the Editor


As the end of the year fast approaches we decided to combine two of our popular publications in one – inside this Tourist Queensland you’ll find a Miners Express supplement – this combined magazine is also being delivered into the state’s regional mining towns and communities. Extra visitors from Greater China and Hong Kong are expected to swell our already heavy tourist numbers with Hong Kong Airlines introducing additional flights to the Gold Coast and Cairns in December. (we give them a special welcome on page 4). The Gold Coast of course is gearing up and in full swing with preparations for the 2018 Commonwealth Games. One person who would have been enormously excited about our hosting the Games is my father-in-law the late Sir Peter Heatly, former Vice President of the Commonwealth Games Federation and Olympian Champion diver. At the end of October, Sir Peter was inducted posthumously into the International Hall Of Swimming in St Clare, USA. It’s an encouraging sign for a recovery of our resources industry with Adani’s Carmichael Mine and the Alpha Project in the Galilee Basin getting the go ahead finally, after years of legal wrangles with activists; the re-opening of Isaac Plains near Moranbah, the

new Mt Hillalong near Glenden; and great to see one of the oldest coal mines in Queensland, Glencore’s Collinsville Mine restarting. But holiday time is coming up – so whether you choose to explore our vast Queensland Outback, our Tropical North or perhaps experience all four seasons among the wineries of Southern Queensland Country, luxuriate in the Whitsundays, relax on one of the many beaches along the coast – it all belongs to us, so enjoy!

CONTACT US Coastline Newspaper Group - Ph: 07 4153 1133 email:

Some photos in this edition kindly supplied by Tourism and Events Queensland.

Our publications:

Tourist Queensland: Started in 1988 for Expo in Brisbane with tourist news and happenings. Bundy Local Book: Home delivered in the Bundaberg region. Next one in January. Miners Express: Started as the Coalfields Express newspaper, now a magazine. Bundy Book: Places to see and things to do in the Bundaberg region. There’ll be another in March 2017 Advertising bookings for all editions now open. Tourist QUEENSLAND



Welcome visitors from China

Tourism Australia reveals that we can expect more enthusiastic visitors from China to explore the myriad of holiday destinations we have throughout our vast state of Queensland. Here is our welcome to them in their own language, along with a comprehensive introduction to all the attractions unique to our beautiful state, plus a direction to relevant websites.

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It’s time you discovered Lord Howe Island

This World Heritage-listed paradise located 660km off the north coast of NSW is less than two hours' flight from Brisbane or Sydney. QantasLink departs from Sydney most days and from Brisbane on weekends. A seasonal weekly service from the Island is also available from Port Macquarie from February to June and September to December. At any one time, you'll be one of only 400 visitors on Lord Howe Island, regarded as one of the most beautiful in the Pacific. A holiday here is relaxing and unhurried, where getting around by bike or on foot is the way to go and there are plenty of adventures and activities to choose from. World Heritage-listed for its outstanding natural beauty, remarkable geology and rare collection of birds, plants and marine life, Lord Howe is surrounded by the world's southernmost coral reef. Pristine waters teem with marine life and rare coral form Lord Howe Island Marine Park, one of the largest in NSW. There's a whole host of water-based activities including scuba diving, fishing, snorkelling, surfing and kayaking.

On land, there's no better way to seek out Lord Howe's 64 unique species of flowering plants, the endangered woodhen and seabird colonies than on well marked walking tracks. If you're feeling especially adventurous, join a tour to climb to the summit of Mt Gower, one of the island's towering twin peaks. From the summit, you'll be captivated by the view - Mt Lidgbird in the foreground and The Lagoon below. On the descent, the jagged-spire of Balls Pyramid rises from the sea. The architect-designed Lord Howe Island Museum opened in 2002. The museum has a range of innovative displays on the island’s World Heritage environment, communiry and history going back to 1788. There is also a learning and scientific centre holding valuable archives, photographs and records with a reading/research room with computer facilities, photocopying and internet access. A wide range of accommodation styles, sumptuous spa treatments, beautiful hotels and great restaurants make Lord Howe Island the perfect getaway.

The ideal choice for your Lord Howe Island holiday

If you are in the tourist business

Ebbtide’s sunlit apartments are situated above Ned’s beach where you can hand feed and snorkel with the resident fish, view white terns, shearwaters and sooty terns nesting on the cliffs. We have four self-catering one bedroom apartments and one cottage. Local fish packs and garden produce from our property are available with restaurants and the fresh food store only minutes away.


This publication has latest news and events in our state. Delivered through pick up points around Queeensland and in New Zealand.

We will happily assist you plan your activities for your stay, whether they be fishing, mountain walking, snorkelling, golfing, biking, kayaking or relaxing.

Book your ad now Contact EBBTIDE APARTMENTS Lord Howe Island Qantaslink flies from Brisbane to Lord Howe Island Saturdays and Sundays.

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Gold Coast

Making memories – What’s on the Gold the Gold Coast way Coast next year? When you get home prepare for sentences beginning with ”Remember that time on the Gold Coast when….” The attractions of this endless playground of sunshine brings smiles to all ages. With exhilarating rides at the famous theme parks, exotic animals, and the full spectrum of entertainment – choose from dazzling onstage acts at Jupiters Casino, museums, native animal and bird parks – and of course, the beach, mustn’t forget the gorgeous beaches! It’s life in the fun lane where the sun shines on an unlimited variety of things to see and do all year round. Cuddle a koala, learn to surf, walk a World Heritage Listed rainforest, browse the boutiques or play on a championship golf course. As the sun sets, treat yourself to fine dining in a world-class restaurant with award-winning chef, or take your cocktail beachside as the Goldie glimmers through the night – Welcome!

Amazing Summer Deals for Your Gold Coast Holiday SAVE 50% on a stay of 3 nights 7 NIGHT % Super Saver


Enjoy your beach holiday in Surfers Paradise, in one, two or three bedroom apartments in a great location close to beach, shops and transport.

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21 CYPRESS AVENUE, SURFERS PARADISE Valid: 30 November to 23 December 2016; 22 January 2017 to 30 March 2017; 23 April 2017 to 28 June 2017; 4 July 2017 to 31 August 2017.




Jeep Magic Millions Raceday, January 14 The spectacular history of the Jeep Magic Millions Raceday is well documented. The jewel in the crown of the Gold Coast and indeed Queensland, this is the event which defines all that is great about being Australian. The love of horses, the beach, the sun and the surf is what brings people from all over the globe to the one destination – the beautiful Gold Coast for the Jeep Magic Millions Raceday in January every year. Bowlzilla, Elanora – March 11 It’s the first all-encompassing national finals for Australian bowl skaters across Australia and they are competing in state titles in the ASF King Of Concrete series with the ultimate goal of reaching these finals. It’s a unique skateboard festival to celebrate the end of summer. It’s part of the International Skateboarder’s Union bowl world skating series and the Australian Skateboarding Federation national bowl skating series. A showcase of the most dynamic and fastest growing discipline in skating - bowl. It offers better chances for all by aligning branding, marketing, promotion and opportunity. www. Bleach Festival – March 31 to April 21 It illuminates, reflects, beams, focuses and most importantly connects art with community – go with them and challenge the conventional as they strive to change perceptions. As the signature annual multi-arts festival of the Gold Coast they shine a light on their unique creativity and culture by presenting the city in a new way, to new audiences, both locally and internationally as they build towards the 2018 Commonwealth Games and beyond. Quintessentially Gold Coast, Bleach uses natural landscapes as venues, it’s a platform for expression, curated to encourage community ownership, ultimately playing a role among the world’s leading arts sector festivals. Gold Coast Film Festival, April 20 Walk the red carpet on opening night alongside actors, filmmakers and crew. Learn from Australia’s leading producers, writers and directors in intimate seminars and workshops. You will be captivated by internationally acclaimed dramas, comedies and genre films, locally made indi gems, documentaries, family features and the scariest horror. With over 80 film and related events in eight different locations, special events include Women In Film, the SIPFest, the short film contest transforming Surfers Paradise beach into a vibrant cinema with 10 minutes masterpieces by emerging filmmakers . YScreen is a selection of intelligent films and workshops for kids and teens and open to schools and families. Broadbeach Country Music Festival, June 16 Plenty of Country Music stars are heading this way for the fifth annual Broadbeach Festival over three huge days and nights. Uniquely combining Country with Coast, the beachside event is free, showcasing premier performers on a number of outdoor stages and in venues throughout Broadbeach. The full line-up and program will be announced later this year.

Tamborine Mountain – things to do

Rainforest Skywalk This is a one and a half kilometre rainforest walking experience which includes the Skywalk Bridge (steel-structured) the 40 metre Skywalk Cantilever (steel-structured) and the Cedar Creek Viewing Platform, joined by a winding pathway along the canopy floor. Accessible directly from the Eco Centre, the walk showcases the pristine beauty of the lush rainforest in a safe and exciting way. It takes 45 minutes at a leisurely pace, beginning and ending at the Main Centre. This consists of the Eco Centre, bus parking, gift shop, café, toilets – just 45 minutes from Surfers Paradise and 60 minutes from Brisbane Airport.

Tree Top Challenge Enjoy the ultimate adventure as you take the 100 plus Tree Top Challenges spread of six huge courses spanning through 10 acres of natural bushland, combining rope and wire challenges. Hang about in trees, balance on suspended bridges, tackle the massive Tarzan swing, jump of 12 flying foxes with some spanning over 130 metres – great fun, very safe, appealing to the daredevil in everyone. All safety equipment supplied, with qualified supervisors and guides to ensure a fun filled day. Bring closed in shoes and a daredevil attitude!

Absolute beachfront accommodation on the Gold Coast Sandpiper Apartments is a 12 storey resort complex located on the beach. Every apartment faces the ocean and includes a private balcony. There are: • Spectacular ocean views • Heated swimming pool and spa • BBQ area • Close to local restaurants • Short walk to Jupiters Casino • 50 Metres to the famous Broadbeach Oasis Mall


Book for 7 nights in a 1 Bedroom Ocean view apartment - $910 Book for 7 nights in a 2 Bedroom Ocean view apartment - $1120 (Excludes High season, School Holidays and special events)

Call or email us now to make your booking Phone: 07 5592 0144 email: web:

Sandpiper Apartments 155 Old Burleigh Road, Broadbeach Gold Coast




Sunshine Coast

Mooloolaba – with plenty of attractions

Mooloolaba is an ideal destination with easy access to surfing beaches, rippling bays, tranquil rivers and plenty of attractions. From smiling hospitality staff to friendly lifeguards watching over your family at the beach you’ll feel warmly welcomed. Mooloolaba delivers the best in beachfront shopping, dining and partying. Classy fashion boutiques share the esplanade with healthy juice bars, outdoor restaurants, cool cafes and stylish clubs and bars. In the heart of the action, Mooloolaba Surf Club is the place for cocktails at sunset before hitting the dance floor after dark. Take the kids to UnderWater World SEA LIFE for their up close deep-sea experience, take a fishing charter boat tour, or take your fish ‘n’ chips onto the beach at dusk – this is the life! Mooloolaba Spit is where you swim in sheltered waters and watch the fishing trawlers come in with their fresh catch – enjoy some straight away if you like. Head onto Alexandra Headland where kids can enjoy the coolest skatepark on the coast, or have a game of family frisbee on white sands of Maroochydore Beach.

Adrenalin seekers The Sunshine Coast weather lends itself to many fun-filled outdoor pursuits. When it comes to the water – there’s swimming, surfing, paddling boarding, snorkeling, sailing fishing, scuba diving, kayaking canoeing, kite boarding jetskiing and water skiing. On land, there are plenty of cycle paths mountain biking trails, horse-riding trails and excellent coastal and hinterland walking and hiking paths. For adrenalin seekers – abseiling, rock-climbing, paragliding and skydiving are on offer. Under the stars If you are a camper or caravanner be escorted along the aweinspiring coastal route and set up camp at a beachfront site with direct access to sun, sand and surf. Alternatively you can head west up in the clouds of the unspoilt hinterland and relax by a flickering fire or pitch a tent by a lake, or in a magnificent bunya pine forest and watch wildlife go by.

IN THE PERFECT LOCATION Just a few steps to the famous Mooloolaba Beach and Surf Club, Sandcastles specializes in offering individuals or couples a choice of spacious, self contained one bedroom apartments to suit any budget. Boutique shopping, cafes, attractions and world class restaurants at your doorstep.

Apartments on the best beach on the Sunshine Coast. Tell us you saw this ad. for 10% OFF on stays greater than 5 days.


A breakfast for 2 people at Mooloolaba Surf Club for direct bookings 3 nights or longer.

PHONE NOW TO BOOK 1800 801 649 E:

Valid until July 2017 – Exclusion dates apply. Quote TQ MAG when booking.




Sunshine Coast

Noosa – idyllic all year round Noosa Heads is surrounded by the calm waters of Laguna Bay, Noosa National Park and the tranquil Noosa River and long time one of Australia’s most sought after destinations. At Noosa’s heart is Hastings Street, a relaxed, stylish centre for resort accommodation, cosmopolitan cafes, alfresco dining, freshly made ice creams and fashion from high-end designer wear to affordable beach gear. Go for a dip in the safe waters of Main Beach, one of Australia’s few north-facing beaches, or take a sunset stroll along the boardwalk. Nearby is the thriving business centre of Noosa Junction with backpacker hostels, surf shops, boutiques, funky cafes, gift and homeware stores, plus Noosa’s 5 Cinemas. Noosaville A short drive from Main Beach this relaxed spot is great for watersports, family holiday accommodation with the pristine river running through the heart. Safe river swimming, laidback and friendly atmosphere with jet skis, sailing, kayaking, fishing and stand-up paddling. Or board the Noosa Ferry for the best way to see the river.

21st Annual Ginger Flower & Food Festival

Yandina, January 20 And it’s free. Join in for three lovely days of fabulous flowers, delicious food and live entertainment. Discover the delights of Ginger, Flowers and Food in a yummy celebration of our sub-tropical climate enjoyed by all the family. The team is currently working hard on creating the best event yet. See you January 20, 21, 22.

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The Islander Noosa Resort The Islander Noosa Resort

Resort & Self Contained Accommodation

• Fishing and Boating across from the resort on the Noosa River

Self-contained accommodation that won’t break the budget but provide everything you want on a holiday. Best facilities and self contained accommodation on tropical 4 acres hidden in the heart of Noosaville with shops and cafes at your door. Hairdresser, dress and shoe shops, gift shop and 8 restaurants and cafes at the resort including Moondoggy’s Cafe Bar.

• Surfing at local Noosa Beach - 10 minutes drive

SPECIALS: 20% special available for stays from 1 to 30 November 2016 and 1 Feb to 31 March 2017 where a family of 4 stay 7 nights for $924 and a family of 6 pay $1092 with $30 credit at Moondoggy’s Cafe. Long Stays 40% discount for 4 weeks or more $712 a week for 4 guests in period 1 May to 31 August 2017 .

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2 or 3 bedroom villas for families of up to 4 or 6 including children.

3 Pools, solar heated lagoon pool with waterfall and bridge, heated pool to 30 degrees all year, 2 tennis courts, 3 spas, 2 saunas and gym.

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187 Gympie Terrace, Noosaville QLD 4566 1300 656 888 or 07 5440 9200




Sunshine Coast

Ironman partners Australia Zoo Hospital IRONMAN has announced Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors as the official charity for the 70.3 World Championships, held in Australia for the first time. The best of the best will descend on Mooloolaba as more than 3,000 athletes chase their own world championship dream. More than 2,000 will be from overseas and for many, seeing a koala or kangaroo will be well and truly on their bucket list. The Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital is the primary project for Wildlife Warriors inspired by the memory of Steve Irwin’s mother Lyn, opened in 2004 and dedicated to saving native species. “We are honoured to have Wildlife Warriors named as the official charity for IRONMAN,� said Bindi Irwin. “My grandmother Lyn was an amazing carer and we are proud to be continuing her and Dad’s legacy at the Wildlife Hospital. We feel blessed that IRONMAN is supporting this important work.� Minister for Tourism, Kate Jones said Australia Zoo is an iconic Queensland attraction and that IRONMAN is supporting it, is significant for both locals and visitors. IRONMAN and Australia Zoo have a target of over $30,000 towards the Wildlife Warriors Hospital, specifically for Koala care. The key event is the Boardies Beach Run held at sunrise on Mooloolaba Beach on September 2. In the tradition of the Kona Undie Run (where athletes compete in their underwear), the Boardies Beach Run is for the whole community of the Sunshine Coast to come and join the IRONMAN athletes.

PARK STAY PLAY in the heart of Rainbow

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We welcome: • Proposals • Elopements • Weddings • Honeymoons • Anniversaries Book on line or phone 07 5478 5888

Plantation Resort, located in the heart of Rainbow Beach has luxury 1, 2 & 3 bedroom open plan apartments, all self-contained with private spa and BBQ. A perfect place to relax, with beautiful beachfront location and outdoor heated pool & spa.


Relax in your own treehouse in the rainforest with top views.


1800 556 423 E:





 �� � �

Sunshine Coast

Coffee Rocks at Rainbow Beach

Just across the road from popular Plantation Resort is Michael Read’s exciting new venture which has transformed an old arcade into a contemporary, funky-type beer garden and a lot more besides. The venue is also available for weddings, other social functions and corporate events for up to 100. Michael said he wants to keep an emphasis on local products including Ten Toes and Kai Coffee from Maroochydore, who also sponsor children from South America where the coffee is grown. You’ll see examples of innovative recycling at Coffee Rocks, including weatherboard from an old Brisbane house, and the

Tropulele – Ukulele Festival, Kenilworth


Plan your Noosa holiday here . . At Ivory Palms you have over 130 rooms with choices from selfcontained one bedroom apartments, two bedroom villas, and two and three bedroom townhouses. Relax by one of the three pools or get active on the tennis court or jumping pillow. There are multiple barbeque areas, a games room, two spas and a sauna. Take a short stroll to the many cafes and restaurants located on Gympie Terrace. Hop onto the Noosa Ferry for a scenic cruise down the Noosa River to Noosa Heads, famed for its dining, shopping and beach.

Phone today to make your booking

07 5473 1700

timber bar is from one bluegum tree in Gin Gin. Coffee Rocks will appeal to an eclectic mix, backpackers, tourists and locals; there’s acoustic roofing, air-conditioning and sound system and function rooms that double as a kids’ entertainment area. Why not try your hand at Jenga while enjoying your tapas and beer? It’s open seven days. April 20, 21, 22, 23 At Kenilworth Hall & Showgrounds, this is a vibrant and colourful ukelele festival bringing the best of Hawaii, Sunshine Coast and from all around Australia together to celebrate all things tropical, ukulele style. Fantastic concerts, hands-on workshops on ukelele, drumming, singing, hula dancing will be spread out over 4 days including walkups and busking for those who want to perform. Camping, caravanning, good amenities, walking distance to town with food and drink available onsite also.

Spring Is Here In Mooloolaba

Located in the heart of Mooloolaba’s shopping & eating precinct. Large 1, 2 & 3 bedroom FSC units all with fantastic ocean views. “Bring Your Golf Clubs”


Ph: 07 5444 4733

E-mail: Tourist QUEENSLAND



Live Onstage at QPAC The Queensland Performing Arts Complex at South Bank has been delivering another dazzling program for 2016 – here are some of the superb performances – bookings at 136 246 or find full information on Fawlty Towers Live World Premiere Tour- from December 28. Fawlty Towers, the BBC TV series, began in 1975 and is based on a real-life hotel owner. John Cleese had the idea for Basil Fawlty when the Monty Python team stayed at the Gleneagles Hotel in Torquay. Fawlty Towers Live is adapted for the stage by John Cleese himself Manic, snobbish, condescending, sycophantic and rude, Basil Fawlty is without doubt one of the funniest, most iconic and most memorable British comedy characters ever create. With nagging wife Sybil Together they run their hotel with

Polly and Manuel the Spanish waiter. An umissable evening of hilarity – tickets onsale now. Matilda The Musical – from November 25 Long awaited favourite based on Roald Dahl’s book, with music and lyrics by Aussie Tim Minchin, tickets are on sale now. Extraordinary tale of a girl with a vivid imagination and sharp mind, daring to take a stand and change her own destiny. An enormous success internationally, it opened to rave reviews in Sydney last year – now it’s Brisbane’s turn at last! Very Hungry Caterpillar, November 29 to December 18 One of the most famous and well read children’s books emerges off page onto the stage for those aged 2 years plus. Along with Hungry Caterpillar, meet the other delightful characters.

Australia’s most cultured app Exploring Brisbane’s cultural precinct has never been easier thanks to smart phone technology. From a simple flick, swipe or tap, visitors will be guided by the Culturalist app to some of the River City’s coolest collections. The Culturalist app is more than just a list of events. Culturalist enables visitors to plan their trip by searching playlists of activities based on the themes, genres, locations or times they have available. For visitors who don’t know their north from south, the Culturalist app also uses geographic location beacons to guide visitors with interactive maps to help navigate between and within venues.

FROM Subject to availability




- per room - per night - Room only

• Roma Street Transit Centre - 200m • Queen Street Mall - 100m • Stroll to Southbank via the Kurilpa Bridge - 100m Mention this MAGAZINE when booking to take advantage of this offer.




Don’t miss Matilda. Photo: James Morgan.

What’s On in 2017? World Science Festival – March 22 to 26 Queensland becomes the world stage through conversation and performance from around Asia Pacific, hosting the brightest and best from previous events in New York. Astronauts share tips on going to the bathroom in space, kids play with computer microscopes and food trucks compete for space with robots. CMC Rocks & CMC Music Awards, March 24 to 26 Australia’s biggest international country and roots music festival, CMC Rocks Qld is coming back to its Willowbank home. Expect a superstar line-up to celebrate the 10 year anniversary. Abbey Medieval Festival – July 8,9 It doesn’t cost a King’s ransom to step back in time; enjoy historical re-enactments, cheer jousting and falconry, gorge on sizzling meats and fine mead and leave with a taste of history on your lips. A combination of Lord Of The Rings and Game Of Thrones with Medieval Banquet, puppet shows, Turkish oilwrestling, and heaps more intriguing happenings.

When you visit Bundaberg to see the turtles ... MAKE SURE YOU PICK UP YOUR FREE COPY OF The

Bundy Book • TOURIST GUIDE •

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Giggle and Hoot’s Magical Christmas for one day only December 10. Starring Jimmy Giggle, Hoot, Hootabelle, Gigglefangs, Pirate Hootbeard, Hootoclaws and the Dancing Elves.

Available at local tourist attractions and leading motels, cafes and coffee shops.


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Miners Express

Mount Hillalong Glencore Collinsville Mine to boost jobs mine restarts - by Sherry Barnes Pending approvals, the open cut coal mine will deliver significant economic stimulus in the region with a potential 400 new jobs to local workers. Mayor of Queensland’s largest mining region, Isaac Regional Council’s Anne Baker said with recent job cuts everyone is aware of the need for genuine employment opportunities. “The mine is located at Glenden and is 60km north-west of Nebo and about 75% of the workforce is expected to come from the Isaac, Whitsunday and Mackay region,”she said. “We will monitor the progress of the Mount Hillalong Coal Project and look forward to the potential benefits it will deliver to our people.” Subject to approvals, the environmental impact statement states construction will begin in the second quarter of 2017 with Isaac Regional Council’s the first coal exports scheduled for the first quarter of 2018. Anne Baker

Glencore’s restarting production at Collinsville Mine is expected to result in the recruitment of 200 workers. In operation for almost 100 years, Collinsville is one of the state’s oldest coal mines. In December 2015 Glencore cut production due to low thermal coal prices, with the 230-strong workforce reduced by 180, and 140 redeployed to other Glencore sites. It reduced production at the site by two million tonnes. Glencore are seeing increased demand from South-East Asia for the specific type of coal produced at Collinsville. Tony Galvin, head of Glencore’s open cut coal business in Queensland, acknowledged the difficulties the company faced in order to maintain the mine’s long term viability. “Our Collinsville mine has made material progress in increasing operational efficiencies and reducing costs in the current market and the decision to return to production is positive news for the local community and the wider region,” he said. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said it is another piece of positive news for the north and ongoing evidence of green shoots appearing in the resources sector. Natural resources and mines minister Anthony Lynham added that resource communities have been doing it tough and positive developments like this reverberate through the whole community and local businesses. The restart of operations at the site however is not expected to increase Glencore’s overall coal export tonnes from Australia due to the recent closures of their Newlands and West Wallsend mines.


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Miners Express

Adani’s Carmichael Mine set to steam ahead Queensland Mines Minister, Dr Anthony Lynham has said “it’s time to move on” in regard to environmental criticism of his decision to expedite the $21.7 billion Carmichael coal and rail project in the Galilee Basin. Greens Senator Larissa Waters said Adani’s megamine and dredging at Abbot Point near Bowen would be a climate disaster and reef destroyer. Speaking with the ABC, Dr Lynham said there are strict conditions on the mine. “We’re protecting the Reef and having jobs for central and north Queensland – its time to move on. The green groups have had their say over and over again with Adani – we are now seeing light at the end of the tunnel,” he said. “We want to bust red tape, we want to get this project moving; we can see Adani starting contruction mid to late 2017”. Dr Lynham told the ABC’s Chris O’Brien that the coordinator

general would take an active role in his Department of Natural Resources considering a water licence for Adani, the last major requirement following the granting of mining leases and primary approvals for the mine, rail and port. An agreement for Adani to buy the subsidiary of Glencore, which runs Abbot Point’s operations has been finalised which gives Adani full control of the facility with minimal changes expected. “This is a positive step for employees, families, Bowen and surrounding communities,” said Adani CEO, Jeyakumar Janakaraj.

Good news story for Australia

“We ‘re seeing a lot of the multi-nationals divesting and we’re seeing a lot of little Aussie companies, a lot of green shoots appearing,” said Dr Lynham. “So it’s all good news in the resources sector in mining, especially metallurgical coal where we’re seeing a rebound in prices.”

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Miners Express

Tom’s Backyard with Tom Wyatt Tom Wyatt is a household name around much of Queensland. He has been giving practical advice on gardening to thousands of Queenslanders on ABC Radio for 35 years and he has been instrumental in creating the Botanical Gardens in Rockhampton. Tom Wyatt can help you with all your gardening needs.

Aussie Mangoes Mean Summer The Mango is rapidly becoming one of the most extensively grown fruit in the suburban development. The Mango has its origins from the Indian subcontinent where it has been growing for 600 years. The biggest commercial producer is India with some 8.4 million tonnes produced yearly. Home gardeners are now planting a Mango tree in the backyard so that this delicious fruit is part of the Christmas feast.

Next morning stand the pot or bag so that the potting mix can drain away excessive water. The reason for doing this is to ensure the potting mix is thoroughly wet. Today modern potting mixes are made of pine bark and once they dry they are difficult to rewet. Many gardeners have been frustrated as they plant a tree without soaking the pots and hence the tree dies. It is most difficult to rewet the root ball in the soil. Do not place any fertiliser or compost in the bottom of the hole as this generates methane gas and will kill the tree. Once planted, thoroughly saturate the site with water to ensure the whole planting site of one square metre is thoroughly wet. Apply water in winter once every month thoroughly wetting the area. In summer thoroughly wet the planting site every 10 days.

Fruiting Above: Bowen’s famous Big Mango the biggest mango in the world. The 10 metre high sculpture is located adjacent to the Bowen Visitor information Centre.

Well drained soil 1. Mangoes will grow in most soils but for better fruit production a well-drained soil rich in decomposing organic matter will give you the best result. When preparing the site cover the site up to 1 metre square with decomposed organic matter to a depth of 200mm. Apply Gypsum four clenched handfuls per square metre. This will improve soil texture and provide calcium over a regular period. 2. Mix two parts of Blood and Bone, one part Sulphate of Potash, one part of Super Phosphate and one part Magnesium Sulphate. Apply to the site at the rate of one clenched handful per square metre. 3. Using a garden fork thoroughly turnover the planting site two or three times to the depth of the garden fork. Do not bring foreign soil or potting mix to the site. Keep adding decomposed organic material and apply Gypsum when adding more compost.

Seedling Mango trees once they have reached maturity in 5 – 6 years will flower June, July and August. Grafted varieties of Kensington mangoes will flower in 2 – 3 years and flower June, July and August. Flowers are very susceptible to the fungus ANTHRACNOSE, should it rain or heavy dews form will spread the fungus and destroy the flowers and no fruit will set. Before flowers appear in May, spray your tree with the following fungicide: • Copper Oxychloride – 30 grams • Mancozeb Plus – 30 grams • Agricultural Wetting Agent (Chemspred) – 30 mls Mix in 5 litres of water and spray the tree three (3) times seven days apart. Apply also under the canopy spread of the tree. When flowers appear do not spray with a copper based fungicide as this will destroy the flowers. Only use a Sulphur based spray like Mancozeb. When flowers set the fruit (pea sized) start a spraying programme until fruit are half grown. The spraying programme recommended is: • Copper Oxychloride – 30 grams • Mancozeb Plus – 30 grams • Agricultural Wetting Agent (Chemspred) – 30 mls Mix in 5 litres of water and spray every month until fruit are half grown. The fruit will mature late November to December.


A tray of Kensington Pride Mangoes, grown in the Northern Territory

Before planting Before planting the Mango tree or taking the plant out of the planter bag or pot, soak the plant totally, immersing the pot in water and leave overnight. 16



Remove dead wood and any growth growing inwards in the canopy. To maintain to a suitable height prune the crown back by one third (1/3rd) in February as the weather cools. Mangoes are best eaten fresh, maybe messy but the only way to enjoy the flavours of the fruit. Other means is to preserve by freezing the slices or by boiling and freezing. No doubt many of us will have a favourite recipe. I hope this article will improve your crops in the future. Tom Wyatt For all your gardening questions tune into ABC Local Radio every Friday at 10am and call Tom on 1300 837 222.


Miners Express

Helping women succeed in resource sector - by Sherry Barnes The Women in Resources Mentoring Program was launched by BHP Billiton Asset President Rag Udd, and Leanne Enoch MP representing the Premier. Most of the 40 participants met their mentors at the event, from Central Queensland coal fields as well as Mount Isa. BHPB as well as the Queensland Government provide scholarships for women in rural remote areas, indigenous women and new graduates. The program is an initiative of Queensland Resources Council and voluntary group Women In Mining. QRC’s Michael Roche said mentoring is a key strategy to helping women progress their careers.

“Since 2006, QRC have aimed to even up the gender balance through Women In Resources Action Plan which has seen the proportion of women in non-traditional roles like engineering trades, geology and senior management increase from 6% in 2006 to 13% in 2014/15.” BHPB’s Rag Udd said he has no doubt the mentoring program will help more of our women into the executive suite based on the high calibre male and female mentors who have volunteered. “A workforce with people from diverse backgrounds and better gender balance is critical to supplying the workforce of the future,” he said.

Middlemount goes Multicultural More than 600 people were treated to a cultural extravaganza at the first ever Middlemount Multicultural Festival, celebrating the best of vibrant ethnicities through food stalls, cultural performances and more. Nancy Liciapag and Nerisa Burton serve delicacies at the Multicultural Festival

Cr Jane Pickels said the excellent line up of entertainment included traditional dances to henna art and origami workshops. “The highlight was the Wulgurukaba Walkabout Dance Group who dazzled

the crowd with their dancing while also sharing their dreamtime stories,” she said. “Food was outstanding from Asian and Indian to a traditional Maori Hangi which sold out of food it was so popular.” Dean and Jamie Sullivan’s Hangi also raised funds for Middlemount Junior Golf. Cr Pickels said the fabric of any community is built on shared knowledge, understanding and experiences, which is exactly what the festival offered.

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Miners Express

Grant not delivering where it’s needed The Queensland Government’s First Home Owner grant, which was boosted from $15,000 to $20,000, has provided limited support where it is needed most – regional Queensland’s established housing market. REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella said while the grant was welcome as a tool to help first-home buyers get into the market, it did not deliver help where it was needed most. “Areas in regional Queensland, such as South Mackay and Blacks Beach have lost 30 per cent off the value of property over five years, according to the REIQ Queensland Market Monitor June report. “These markets have a surplus of housing, established homes, and there is no need to build more housing – but to qualify for the Government’s grant home owners are forced to build. “This is grossly inefficient and is damaging to our regional markets,” Ms Mercorella said. “In regional Queensland, it’s like handing a drowning man a glass of water,” she said. The solution to the problem is simple, Ms Mercorella said. “Let’s simply broaden the grant to include established homes.

Historic Bundaberg Home for Sale

First-home buyers in regional Queensland face the same pressures of saving up for a deposit that purchasers in the southeast corner face, so let’s help them get into the market with a $20,000 grant and help the residential property market at the same time,” she said. “This is governing for the whole state, and not just for the construction industry,” she said. From its introduction in 2012 until June 30, 2016, only 4,284 grants were accessed in regional Queensland – just 1071 grants a year. “This is not a scheme that is working for regional Queensland, and it’s so frustrating because the fix is so simple,” Ms Mercorella said.

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Miners Express Affordable housing in Moranbah Low and middle income earners are encouraged to apply for affordable housing at Isaac Views in Moranbah. Mayor Anne Baker said there are a number of vacancies at the award winning estate. “There are 20 town houses available, including one, two and three bedroom units, built to accommodate families, sole parents, young couples and single adults.” Isaac Views won the 2011 Queensland Local Government Management Australia Excellence in Sustainability Award, recognizing the innovative approach to the community’s need for affordable housing. Applicants must meet the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) eligibility criteria. Find out if you are eligible and download application forms at Left: Isaac Council’s property officer, Gillian Hodda can help you apply for an affordable home at Isaac Views.

Housing blocks for Burketown Now you can express interest in housing blocks that will become available in Burketown at the Crimson Edge development on Marshall Street. The first sod was turned by Queensland's Assistant Minister for Local Government Jennifer Howard in September. Accompanying Ms Howard on her trip to Burketown were Director General of the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP) Jim Reeves, Acting Regional Director of the

Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Partnerships Peter Buckland and Steve Armstrong (DEHP). The Burke Shire Council is now calling for Expressions of Interest in housing lots at Crimson Edge. Information will be posted on the Council’s Facebook page and through Public Notices or see the advertisement in this Hot Property section. For more information


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Miners Express

What’s happening in Longreach in 2017

Longreach Show – 20 May Isisford Sheep & Wool Show – 27 May Picnic Races – Longreach: 11 March, 8 April, 6 & 20 May, 17 June Ilfracombe: 8 July Isisford: 21 October Southern Cross Television & Isisford Fishing Competition – 28-30 July

What’s on in South West Queensland in 2017 E&E Waste Hell of the West Triathlon Goondiwindi, February 5

This is a long course triathlon consisting of a 2km swim in the Macintyre River, 80km dead flat cycle along the Barwon Highway heading west towards St George, and a 20km “hot as hell” run along the Macintyre River (which consists of three loops). It’s regarded as the toughest triathlon in Queensland and possibly Australia, recently celebrating its 25th year. It can get up to 38 degrees and many of the athletes use this triathlon as part of their ironman training sessions, some as their first long course, some as part of a team just to add to the spirit of sportsmanship. It’s a must do on any triathletes bucket list. Weetwood Handicap, Toowoomba, April 8 For more than 100 years this race has attracted fans to Clifford Park for the greatest raceday.

Yellowbelly Fishing Classic - Longreach: 25-27 August Longreach Triathlon & Colour Dash - 7-8 October Starlight’s Stampede Parade - Longreach: October

Newspaper Sales Representative The Coastline Newspaper Group established in 1986, publishes The Bundy Book, Bundy Local Book, Miners Express and Tourist Queensland magazines. We are seeking an advertising sales representative with media experience to service existing clients and build new business around the state on phone and face to face. The company is offering a salary and bonus system. Great working hours from home and training to ensure your success.

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Over $600,000 in prize money, four black-type races and the stars of the Queensland racing industry will deliver the largest race meeting on record. An expected 5,000 spectators from Toowoomba, south-east Queensland and interstate will line the straight to participate in the race day. Jumpers and Jazz in July, Warwick, July 21 It’s a celebration of yarn bombing and tree jumpers, live jazz, tastes of country cuisine and a program of over 100 events spanning 10 days. Known as Queensland’s quirkiest festival, the event has been staged annually since 2004. The program incorporates 120 “jumpered” trees, jazz performances in more than 30 venues, exhibitions, hands on workshops, wining and dining. One of the few places in Queensland to experience a cold winter. Warwick is located on the Southern Downs of Southern Queensland Country.

REACH SERIOUS REAL ESTATE INVESTORS Have you got a home or land to sell? Our miners enjoy the highest incomes in Queensland. The Miners Express reaches this prime market. For advertising details phone 07 4153 1133 or email

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Miners Express

Christmas Party Murder Mystery In Warwick on November 26 here’s something different to do for your work Christmas Party this year. Try a Christmas Murder Mystery. The interactive hosted dinner for 14 to 50 includes accommodation, characters being emailed out to the organisers, fully hosted, clues handed out during the evening, canapés on arrival, alternate serve mains, alternate serve dessert, three beverages per person from your choice of beer, wine, sparkling, spirits and soft drinks is included. More beverages are available for purchase – sorry no BYO. The Abbey Christmas Work Party invites its team members, volunteers and suppliers for a “thank you” Christmas Party. Santa and a few of his helpers are also expected to make an appearance along with media and photographers. www.



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Miners Express

Education Choices

Writing Matters

At Rockhampton Girls Grammar School, writing is the core to their business. It is taught explicitly. Once a week, all girls in Years 5-12 produce a piece of writing to a common theme. These explore the girls’ thoughts and imaginations while honing their skills in expressing themselves with effect. They want their girls to be able to express their opinions confidently because these girls are the future leaders of the communities they come from, just like the Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry – a RGGS ‘Old Girl’. Girls Grammar has sourced the Collins Writing Program with the assistance of the Harvard Club of Australia and this year their students achieved some of the best ever NAPLAN results in writing and bucked the national trend of decline. Every Girls Grammar girl achieved the national benchmark in Year 3, 5 and 7 NAPLAN, and Year 5 writing was in the top 1% of the state. The future looks bright for writing at Girls Grammar. They produce women who can write, a skill that will benefit them for a lifetime. As their school song says, “Non scholae, sed vitae: Not only for school but for life we are learning”.

High quality training from CHARLTON BROWN ®

Since its establishment, CHARLTON BROWN® has trained and placed into employment more than 15,000 students worldwide. CHARLTON BROWN® has also paved the way for students from regional Queensland to relocate to Brisbane for their studies in care or has helped them undertake their studies externally. CHARLTON BROWN® successfully delivers high-quality training in the community services industries including: Early Childhood Education and Care, Aged Care, Home and Community Care, Youth Work, Youth Justice, Disability Care, School Aged Education and Care, Community Services Work (Welfare), English, Business, Leadership and Management. Students at CHARLTON BROWN® are provided with access to government funding through Year 12 Fee Free and the Certificate 3 Guarantee Program – making the college the perfect vocational training partner for people living in rural, remote and regional locations. The CHARLTON BROWN® Nanny Agency provides all students with part time and casual industry employment and permanent opportunities upon graduation.

Jeff Merrett is enrolled in a CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support. 22




Miners Express

Education Choices New asthma school guidelines In Queensland, one in 10 school age children live with asthma. Poorly controlled asthma can have a significant impact on a student’s ability to learn, participate and concentrate at school. Asthma is also a leading cause of school student absenteeism. To help address these problems a Steering Committee was established in 2015 to develop the Asthma Guidelines for Queensland Schools. The guidelines were developed to support schools in the management of students with asthma by providing practical and evidence based strategies to use at school. Guidelines are available at QLDSchools The development was a joint effort between Asthma Foundation of Queensland and New South Wales, Department of Education, Independent Schools Queensland, Catholic Education Commission and Queensland Health. The Asthma Guidelines complement existing guidelines for students with anaphylaxis and diabetes.

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Kids Helpline @ School The number of students participating in class link-ups with counsellors has jumped by nearly a third. With funding support from Optus, the free KAS video sessions are available nationally and focused on keeping kids safe and enhancing the wellbeing of the next generation. Counsellors talk with classes aligned to the General Capabilities of the Australian Curriculum. YourTown CEO,Tracy Adams said KAS is an important part of Kids Helpline commitment to protect children and young people by providing intervention and education about key issues that affect them. KAS sessions include cyberbullying, staying safe online, coping with change at school, friendship, developing resilience and introduction to Kids Helpline. Any primary school can book a session via or phone 07 3867 1284. Kids Helpline is Australia’s only national 24/7 counselling service specifically for children and young people from 5 to 25 years – free call 1800 55 1800. School Term Dates 2017 Term 1 – Monday January 23 to Friday March 31 Term 2 – Tuesday April 18 – Friday June 23 Term 3 – Monday July 10 – Friday September 15 Term 4 – Tuesday October 3 – Friday December 8 Staff Professional Development Days – January 19, 20; April 3, 4, 5; October 16 Year 12 finishes November 17 Years 10, 11 finish November 24

Grace College

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with Foxie

BY JOHN FOX the mouth of a small creek or gutter running out of the mangroves is the best spot. Along the sand bars on incoming tide try for a few whiting. Live yabbies, small fresh peeled prawns are great baits for these or try flicking small surface lures across the shallows for the bigger whiting. The East Coast Barramundi Closure came into force as at midday the 1st of November and barra anglers attention is turning to the inland stocked lakes at which you can still fish for barra. Barra in these lakes have grown well over the metre mark and are strong powerful fish. These iconic fish are stocked in many of our inland freshwater lakes including, Monduran, Callide, Awoonga, Faust, Eugella, Teemburra and Kinchant. Jason Ehrlich with a great Peter Faust Barra caught on a RMG Crazy Deep Scorpion 125 trolling the old river bed drop off

We are spoilt for fishing What a great time of year to wet a line and with so many fishing options available to us we are truly spoilt. Offshore the pelagic species like Spanish, Spottie and Schoolie mackerel will be cruising our coastline as well as tuna, marlin and sail fish. You don’t need a huge game boat to catch small marlin and sailfish as they enter the sheltered waters of Hervey Bay on the inside of Fraser Island at this time of the year which makes them accessible to smaller boats. Trolling “pusher style” lures close to the back of the boat works well but a method called “switch baiting” is one of the preferred methods. This is done by trolling teasers behind the boat to attract the fish’s attention and when the fish rises to the teaser the teasers are then pulled into the boat and a pre - rigged live bait is cast to the fish. A quality spin outfit is needed for this style of fishing and both small marlin and sailfish will certainly test the ability of any tackle used.

Mangrove Jack are active

In the estuaries mangrove jack are more active with the warmer weather and can be caught on bait or lures. The best areas to target are around fallen snags, rock bars and over hanging mangroves. If you are using lures accurate casting is a must, as lures not landing close enough to the snag will be ignored. Jack will also hit live and dead baits that are being floated back into their territory and live mullet, prawns and fresh fish flesh are all great baits.

Catch a “muddie”

If you are heading down the creeks or rivers don’t forget to take a few crab pots as mud crabs are also on the move during this time of the year. Fresh fish frames are one of the best baits and setting your pots at 24



Trolling the deep water with deep running lures early morning and late afternoon is a good way to chase these beasts. If you prefer casting try for some surface action amongst the lily pads and weed beds early in the morning with some plastic frog lures or prop baits. Shallow running hard body lures also work well using a slow rolling retrieve. Deep diving, suspending or slow rising lures also work very well. Cast them out, retrieve with a couple of quick twitches to get them down than pause and let them sit, then repeat the twitch action. Be aware that you may need a Stocked Impoundment Permit to fish in most of the lakes in Queensland and during the closure there are also bag limit changes to the amount of barra you can keep. For more information on permits, these regulations and other fishing regulations for Queensland visit the Fisheries website www. This is one of the nicest times to be on the water in this part of Australia and the fishing should be great over the next month, so get out there, relax, explore and enjoy the great fishing that Queensland has to offer.

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Let’s take a walk – Book Giveaway! We have copies of Melanie Ball’s terrific new book, Top Walks In Australia to give away. We have some great walks and treks right here in Queensland, but if you want to walk further afield (and Australia is mecca for bushwalkers) here is where you’ll find a walk for every weekend. Melanie, an experienced travel writer has hiked every track in this book for walkers of all experience. Included are some of Australia’s most famous, including the Larapinta Trail, OverlandTrack plus

some undiscovered gems. She’s walked widely through Australia and in overseas regions from Argentina’s Tierra del Fuego to Ethiopia’s Simien Mountains. The book features 52 walks which have been divided state by state for all different levels of experience. How to enter: via our website www. and entries close Friday 3rd February. Entry is free.

Yeppoon’s waterways on TV in France

Yeppoon’s stunning waterways, creek systems and iconic bat population are set to be seen by millions of people across Europe, with a French TV crew visiting Yeppoon recently to film a special of the show ‘The Extraordinary Powers of the Human Body’. Presented by French surgeon Michel Cymes and supermodel Adriana Karembeu, the show reaches an audience of between of 5 to 10 million viewers in France and focuses on the extraordinary powers of the human body by testing their endurance in extreme situations. The show has been in Australia filming a special on how humans compare to animals and Livingstone Council’s Acting Mayor Nigel Hutton said it was an incredible opportunity which would have wide ranging benefits for the region. “This show has a potential reach of millions of people who are going to be sitting down and seeing not only the iconic bat population in Yeppoon but Yeppoon itself, with its beautiful waterways, creek systems and mangroves. “This show will shine a spotlight on our beautiful Capricorn Coast and aside from telling a whole new audience about our flying foxes it will also showcase our region to potential tourists,” This is Bundaberg’s Chern’ee Sutton, indigenous artist who was featured on the front of the latest Bundy Local Book, home delivered in the Bundaberg Region.





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Cr Hutton said. Local Wildlife carer Michelle Kraatz facilitated the visit and said it was indicative of the global interest in our bat population. “The TV show has been filming Australian wildlife and wanted to do a segment on flying foxes so they’ve come to Ross Creek to film the animals in their natural habitat. “This will be really great for the bat population and for Yeppoon as a whole because the show is a ratings hit in France and will promote tourism opportunities on the Capricorn Coast,” Ms Kraatz said. Show producer Peggy Olmi said Australia was the best place to film a special about wildlife.” Because wildlife and life in cities is mixed together everywhere in Australia it really is the best place.” “We’ve come to Yeppoon because we’re fascinated, us French we’re fascinated by flying bats, flying foxes and we’re going to look at the spectacle when they fly away at sunset. “The advice was to come to Yeppoon because they put on a spectacular show and we really wanted to capture it because we’re very curious,” Ms Olmi said. Go to page 30 for more on the popular Capricorn Coast.



These lucky readers have visited Brisbane to see Singin in the Rain. They are the winners of our competition and have received a double pass each to see the show at QPAC and accommodation at Mantra South Bank. The two winners are: Regina Dover of Emerald and Kelly Taylor of Bundaberg Thanks to all who entered and congratulations to our winners.




Western Queensland

Make your own Outback Story Forget everything you think you know about Outback Queensland. There are many more ways to write your own outback story than you can imagine. Will your story be a road trip, cruising the highways between popular tourist towns and hidden gems? Of an epic romance, reclining in a comfortable rail cabin with front row seats to a million stars? Choose your own adventure, then let the spectacular scenery, incredible history and friendly locals fill your story with memories. Your adventure can start with a short flight and comfortable hotel. Or it could be about sleeping out under a clear night sky. It can be the thrill of sitting ringside at a rodeo or a sunset kiss on the edge of a desert. It can be walking with wide-eyed children where dinosaurs once walked, or simply seeing Queensland through the eyes of an “outback mate� over a cold beer. With flights, coaches, group tours and rail holidays to choose from, there are many ways to enjoy an outback adventure your way. Go on, get out there!

Visiting the West? Make sure you visit the Observatory at Charleville's Cosmos Centre, when on a clear night you can enjoy sky viewing of the incredible beauty of the Milky Way Galaxy, through the powerful Meade telescopes and unaffected by the lights and pollution which cover the stars in city areas. Charleville's Cosmos Centre and Observatory is dedicated to ensuring visitors enjoy the wonder of the outback night sky. The guides at the Cosmos Centre share their knowledge and you will observe binary stars, star clusters, planets and the Moon. The Cosmos Centre operates day and night experiences; both activities will build on your knowledge of astronomy and bring you up to date with discoveries.




Hervey Bay- Fraser Island

Whale Encounters – best in the world

Whale season at Hervey Bay is from July through to November. Always set your course for Hervey Bay to experience the BEST up close and personal whale encounters in the world. What makes Hervey Bay the best? • experienced, dedicated, passionate whale watching operators • whales stay and play – they aren’t just passing through • calm bay conditions and protected, sheltered waters offers a more enjoyable experience. • seeing a mother bring her curious baby whale up to your boat to meet you. • being amazed by the sheer size and power of these beautiful mammals as they breach and play • plenty of other attractions are here at Hervey Bay with Fraser Island and Lady Elliot close by. Whales give a special welcome The humpback’s size is challenged only by its intense curiosity. While the boats stop at a safe distance, it’s their curiosity that brings you face to fin with up to 40 tonnes of aquatic mammal. They swim alongside vessels to get a better look at visitors and their drum roll of fin and tail slapping precedes the incredible power of the breach, delivering a truly grand finale. The friendly performers even respond to your applause.

Luxury accommodation We have one, two and three bedroom modern spacious townhouses. Selected villas are pet friendly. A short walk to restaurants, the marina, gift and speciality shops and the Hervey Bay foreshore.

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Discover the home of Bundy Rum The Bundaberg Distilling Company (BDC), Australia’s most awarded rum distillery and the home of Bundaberg Rum, has opened the doors to its new Visitor Experience following an $8.5m upgrade. Marking one of the most significant investments in the distillery’s 127-year history, the new Visitor Experience is a testament to the ongoing popularity of Bundaberg Rum and the brands’ commitment to the Bundaberg region. The Visitor Experience now offers two new tour experiences in addition to the famous Distillery tour – The Bundaberg Rum Museum Experience and a Blend Your Own Rum Experience. There is also an expanded retail experience and bar area where visitors can purchase exclusive and limited edition products only available from the distillery. Bundaberg Rum Museum Experience Inside the Museum’s self-guided tour, six 75,000 litre oak vats, that have previously matured thousands of litres of Bundaberg’s

finest rums, have been emptied and rebuilt, allowing visitors to walk through them in a unique sensory experience showcasing the rich history behind Australia’s favourite rum. Blend Your Own Rum Experience In an Australian first for a rum distillery, visitors now have the opportunity to craft their own personalised Bundaberg Rum blend from a selection of premium rums never before been released to the public. Two expert rum blending guides teach the group the art of tasting rum straight from the barrel. These premium rums are aged in small oak barrels that have previously matured Port, Sherry, Bourbon, Scotch and aged Bundaberg Rum to give each blend a unique flavour. The new Visitors Centre is also the new home to the annual Spirit of Bundaberg Festival. More information www.bundabergrum. or phone 4131 2999.

Lady Musgrave's wonderland 
“The best way to observe a fish, is to become a fish.” So said the father of scuba diving, Jacques Cousteau. With the addition of a new dive boat, Seacat, operated by Bundaberg's Lady Musgrave Experience, diving the best of the Southern Great Barrier Reef is now possible on a day-trip to the stunning Lady Musgrave Island,

one of three coral cays just four and a half hour's drive from Brisbane. All in time for turtle nesting and hatchling season from November to March.






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Available at local tourist attractions and leading motels, cafes and coffee shops.

It’s Turtle Time

Turtles return to Mon Repos The 2015/16 season saw a 13% increase in visitor numbers to a record 30,227. Turtle numbers were 387 loggerheads, 7 flatbacks, and one green. Here’s their own calendar of events as they plan their annual return visit to Mon Repos Beach this year. November – nesting season starts with the first Saturday when nightly Turtle Tours begin. Bookings are essential by contacting the Information Centre 41 53 8888, destinations/natural-encounters/turtles December – nesting season reaches its peak with tours running except for December 24, 25, 31. January – Hatching Season starts as the little guys begin to appear and scurry to the ocean with only one in 1000 surviving to come back to Mon Repos to breed. Even though the first babies are hatching, other mums are still laying their eggs in January. February – Hatching is in full swing. The tiny guys can be disoriented by bright lights with Bundy running the “Cut the Glow to Help Turtles Go” campaign so they head in the right direction, towards the sea. Late March – Turtle Time comes to a close.

Turtle Encounters – the real meaning of “awesome” Mon Repos Beach 15 minutes from Bundaberg’s city centre has the largest concentration of nesting marine turtles on Australia’s eastern mainland and most significant loggerhead population in the South Pacific. Turtle Watching Time begins in early November through to March when the hatchlings scurry out of the nest down to the ocean. These “grand old ladies of the deep” can travel up to 3000 kms to their traditional nesting beach every few years. “Researchers now also have an idea where they go in between visits,” said one of the rangers. “A satellite tracking device placed on the turtle’s carapace sends signals showing how long they take to travel from feeding grounds to nesting areas.” Loggerheads begin breeding around age 30 with one of the oldest tagged at Mon Repos 60 years old. It is believed they live to about 100. Rangers and volunteers do their utmost to ensure maximum comfort and minimum stress to the magnificent creatures, while allowing tourists to get up close and personal, to witness nature unfolding. To begin your Mon Repos Turtle Experience you are required to book and pre-purchase tickets. Turtle Express – if you don’t have transport book a ride to and from your accommodation –, phone 0741 53 1037. Tickets can only be booked through Bundaberg Region Visitor Services by phoning 0741 53 8888 or destinations/natural-encounters/turtles




A walk in the park

Capricorn Coast – a beautiful blend Townships in this diverse region are surrounded by beautiful stretches of coastline where warm waters lap the sands of secluded beaches, fantastic fishing, with Keppel Bay Islands 30 minutes from Yeppoon. Situated on the mighty Fitzroy River, Rockhampton is the business hub with life-sized bull statues showing its status as Beef Capital of Australia. Yeppoon by the sea 38km to the north offers a variety of accommodation options with nearby Byfield National Park and State Forest forming one of the largest unspoiled eco-systems on the east coast. Rosslyn Bay Harbour is 7km south of Yeppoon and departure point for transfers to Great Keppel Island and boat charters. Capricorn Caves with the amazing Cathedral Cave Tour and insectivorous bats, are located north of Rockhampton, with the Summer Solstice Lights in December and for the adventurous, cave exploring or abseiling. After your tour, relax at the Caves Kiosk or Bat Bar.

Tondoon Botanic Gardens are home to more than 1,500 species of plants from the Port Curtis Region and Tropical North Queensland. They are set on 83 hectares with a wide variety of fauna and flora. Lake Tondoon situated in the centre of the gardens once provided the source of Gladstone’s water supply until 1945. Today the lake provides a habitat for a variety of freshwater birds. If you need to host a birthday party, wedding, garden tea, family day or other event this is the ideal place to choose. Try a snack at the Gardens Café and the kids will love the playground and there are picnic tables, plenty of seating and barbecues. Next to the lake you’ll find the Visitor Centre with gift shop and art gallery. Make sure you include Tondoon Botanic Gardens on your list next time you spend time in Gladstone.

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Tropical North

The Whitsundays 2017 Events

Hamilton Island Endurance Series It spans four endurance events from May through to November each year. Events include the Great Whitehaven Beach Run, Whitehaven Beach Ocean Swim, Triathlon, Junior Triathlon, Splash n Dash – do them all, or just one race. Race Hard. Recover Harder. They will continue the Stamford Hilly Full Marathon next year with the 42 km route taking you along roads, fire trails walking tracks through Hamilton Island’s undulating interior. Check out events for all the family endurance-series/hilly-marathon Whitsunday SUP Challenge – May 7 - 13 Take on the ultimate Stand Up Paddle board challenge. Compete for the title with a week of challenging events over both short and long courses supported by Naish Australia. The week-long event sees professional and amateur paddlers from around the world paddle through the stunning backdrops of the Whitsunday Islands National Park. The adventure factor is high

– have friends and family cheer you on following the fleet of paddlers on your own sailing or motor yacht. Then spend unforgettable nights under the stars as you anchor in secluded bays at unspoilt beaches. Whitsunday Latin Festival, May 19 Join some of Australia’s friendliest Latin Dancers at the Cape Gloucester Beach Resort for the annual Latin Festival. With workshops over three days, great performances from professional champion dangers plus local performers and two night time parties, this is a weekend to remember! A full festival pass includes two nights accommodation and a group two-course dinner plus all the parties and workshops. Whitsunday Reef Festival, July 29 This celebrates the Reef and what it means to live in the Whitsundays. It’s a delicious combination of family fun, all-night celebrations, local food and fashion, and some of the biggest street parties in the north. The nine day festival has Fireworks on the Foreshore, food stalls, night markets lining Airlie Beach foreshore. The Main Street is closed to traffic, there’s Revvin’ the Reef Vintage Car show and reef themed parade. Other events include Comedy Gala, Frocktails fashion show, helicopter joyrides, Pop-Up Beach Bar – this is the perfect time to enjoy the gorgeous Whitsunday winter. www.whitsundayreeffestival.

The Bowen Bucketlist Bowen locals and visitors have the opportunity to create the world’s most comprehensive bucket list with the launch of Bowen Tourism & Business’s Bowen Bucketlist - a list of bucket worthy things to do in and around Bowen. The list has been developed in conjunction with Out Of the Blue Marketing and Tourism Whitsunday, and allows users to add to the list by using the #bowenbucketlist. This give you the chance to brag about unique Bowen experiences, bringing all the images together on the Bowen Tourism website The campaign kicks off with posts and images scheduled over 8 weeks across Facebook and Instagram. Everyone is encouraged to share page posts, repost to Instagram and interact directly with the page by posting their own bucket list worthy activities. Tourism Manager, Carolyn Moriarty said, ‘We want tourists and locals sharing their experiences via photos and comments on social media and we want them to use the hashtag bowenbucketlist to

promote the Bowen brand.” The campaign was launched at Sails on Main, Bowen’s newest dining experience with the bucketlist available for download on or from bowentourismandbusiness

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Mission Beach –

A beautiful beachside town The natural mid-way point between Cairns and Townsville, Mission Beach is all secluded beaches, soft adventure and juicy, juicy mangoes. • Dive the Beaver Cay Marine Sanctuary, kayak to nearby Dunk Island and set up camp overnight or fly along the wet sand of Mission Beach in a blo-kart. • Do barefoot luxury right in one of seven exclusive villas on Bedarra Island or at a beachfront resort or holiday house. On air, land and sea • If you’re up for the challenge of big game fishing for marlin, tuna and barracuda, head to Clump Point jetty and board a fishing charter. • Throw yourself from a plane skydiving or down white-water rapids on the Tully River. Hike or mountain bike the Misty Mountains trails once used by the Jirrbal and Mamu people. Keep watch for the elusive southern cassowary.

Mission Beach Holiday Letting Mission Beach is in Tropical North Queensland on the Great Barrier Reef and 1.5 hours south of Cairns. There is a 12km long beach with twelve lush tropical islands just off shore in Marine Park waters, including Dunk & Bedarra Islands.

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Tropical North Events 2017 Feast Of The Senses, Innisfail, March 23 This is North Queensland’s premier tropical food event. Showcasing their amazing variety of exotic tropical fruits, produce, seafood and meat, it’s like no other festival in Australia and truly a feast for all of your senses. Tropical produce is the hero of the festival and over the 10 day program visitors will be able to see, touch, taste and smell the amazing fruit and all the food that comes from this vibrant region. Held in March each year, the program incorporates food events, farm trails, art, photography, cooking contests, culminating in a huge market day extravaganza displaying all the local produce. Market Day is held in the centre of Innisfail’s CBD, one of the best collections of art deco architecture in Australia. www. Dynamic In A Dress Running Festival, April 1 This is a female focused event that celebrates female runners, their strength and their ability to use running as a means to connect with one another. The festival hosts a half marathon and 10km race on the Sunday and a 5km and Family Fun Run on the Saturday afternoon. A mockails/pamper session is planned for the Friday night and a pasta party for the Saturday night. The entry fee includes a12 week training program and group training sessions from 13 January. Age restrictions apply to the races. The event supports a charity. Early Bird entries close on January 3 with late fees from March 23. Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, July 14 From wherever you are, come and join Cairns Indigenous Art Fair in 2017 and immerse yourself in a CIAF experience of your own. 2016 welcomed more visitors than ever before with 50,000 people attending across all venues, enjoying the diversity of Far North Queensland Indigenous culture and taking the chance to attend and buy the latest in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island art at the first CIAF Art Market. The now famous CIAF daily program offers dance and music performances, artist and industry talks, art workshops, film screenings, gallery exhibitions, creating a celebratory feeling citywide. Palm Cove Reef Feast – November One of the region’s premier food events with local cuisine, produce, music and of course the Great Barrier Reef. Dine under the stars or enjoy prawns and jazz at the jetty in this charming seaside village. Enjoy coconuts and cocktails, a market day and for admirers of the amber brew, there’s the TNQ Beer Awards. www.

Tropical North

Port Douglas & Daintree

Discover paradise – Port Douglas and Daintree is a tropical destination so perfectly designed, chance had no hand in it. Framed between the rugged mountains of the Daintree Rainforest and the underwater playground of the Great Barrier Reef, here is a region of rare beauty. Tropical days blend into balmy nights, where time is measured by the shadow of a coconut palm. A must for all who enjoy the real pleasures of life. This is where two World Heritage areas meet – the Great Barrier

Reef Goddess by Name and Nature

Say goodbye to day-long cruises to the reef, crowded boats and floating pontoons. Mission Beach Dive now operates day trips, dive charters, snorkel safaris and learn-to-dive classes from their Mission Beach base, the closest patch of dry-land to the outer Great Barrier Reef in Queensland. At just one hour out and one hour back, marine lovers will spend more time on the reef than they do getting there, leaving plenty of time to suit and fin up at two dive locations on the all-day tours. It's not all swimming; between the dives, enjoy a Captain's BBQ lunch with fresh prawns and bar service from the deck of the 65 foot MV Goddess Westcoaster.

Reef and the Daintree Rainforest. It’s the place where celebrities come to escape, where families come to play, couples come to relax and travellers come to explore. Discover the warmth of tropical villages and friendly people who love nothing more than sharing the paradise they live in. Unwind with a peaceful escape, engage in memorable experiences or discover pure exhilaration in a destination that is adventurous by nature.

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What’s on in 2017 in Queensland BRISBANE World Science Festival – March 22 to 26

Gympie Music Muster, August 24

Queensland becomes the world stage through conversation and performance from around Asia Pacific, hosting the brightest and best from previous events in New York. Astronauts share tips on going to the bathroom in space, kids play with computer microscopes and food trucks compete for space with robots. www.

Amamoor Creek State Forest in the scene for celebrating its 36th anniversary, one of Australia’s largest outdoor music festivals with 8 venues performing folk, bluegrass, balladeers, gospel, blues, bush poety and a line-up of legendary country music stars. More than 50 community groups and 2000 volunteers raise funds for Australia-wide charities – that’s something to sing about. www.

The Ekka – August 11 to 20


Or The Royal Queensland Show to be precise with Peoples Day August 16. This is its 140th anniversary and the bush comes to Brisbane with everything from agriculture to education, fine arts, fashion and fleece and everything in between. www.

Brisbane Festival – September World-class arts and entertainment festival and the city’s biggest cultural event. Around a million people each year flock here for the explosion of music, theatre, dance, opera, circus and major public events such as Sunsuper Riverfire.

GOLD COAST Jeep Magic Millions Raceday, January 14 The spectacular history of the Jeep Magic Millions Raceday is well documented. The jewel in the crown of the Gold Coast and indeed Queensland, this is the event which defines all that is great about being Australian.

SUNSHINE COAST Mooloolaba Triathlon Festival, March 10, 11, 12 Experience Mooloolaba Tri and Swim, Bike,Run, Party! This remains a standout event on the Triathlon calendar. 2017 will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the iconic event. Something for all the family including the ASICS Twilight 5 km run, 1km Ocean Swim, Superkidz Triathlon and Special Tri. The event also features the Mooloolaba ITU Triathlon World Cup where participants will seethe world’s best ITU triathletes in action.

Capture the market in Queensland’s richest mining towns. Advertise in the Miners Express The Miners Express is available at most of the state’s mining towns and FIFO camps. Call or email today for more information or to book your ad.

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The Miners Express 34



Julia Creek Dirt n Dust, April 7 From modest beginnings, today’s event brings together people from all walks of life, from Queensland, Australia and overseas. This Festival now offers three days of real outback hospitality when the tiny town swells from 400 to 3,000 in one weekend! See the gutsy triathlon teams, Artesian Express Horse Races, nightly concerts, and spectacular Dirt n Dust Bullride, sanctioned by PBR.

Alpha Races, June 24 Alpha JockeyClub presents the six day program with fashions on the field, full catering, onsite bookies, live entertainment (plus fun for the kids) overnight camping, Sunday morning recovery breakfast. Bedourie Camel and Pig Races and Camp Oven Cook Off, July 8 Forget horses, it’s the camels that reign supreme in Bedourie. Be among the hundreds of race goers who converge on the town to watch dozens of camels race in six events with more than $11,000 prize money.

Mount Isa Mines Rotary Rodeo, August 11 The romance of the Outback meets the grit of a mining town, east meets west and man meets beast. Three days of non stop rodeo action, bull riding, saddle bronc, bareback, rope and tie, steer wrestling, team roping, barrel racing, breakaway roping. Immerse yourself with unearthed and behind the scenes tours. Throw in Rodeo Rock Concerts, Mardi Gras Parade, Isa Street Party, Queen Quest, Mailman Express Horse Race, Bush Poets, Fred Brophy Boxing and you’ve got one big party! www.isarodeo.

Birdsville Races, September 1, 2 The Melbourne Cup of the Outback attracting crowds of 10,000 for two days of racing and entertainment to raise funds for RFDS. Fly or drive to Birdsville for this legendary Australian racing tradition.

Queensland Must Visit Websites

Coastline Newspaper Group, our history, all our publications: Tourist Queensland, Miners Express, The Bundy Book – this is us! Comprehensive guide to events, festivals, entertainment and visitor information on all the state’s tourism regions. Tips and advice on where to stay, climate, museums, and who to contact. They know Queensland! It’s big, it’s diverse, our great Outback and its authentically country style towns are all covered here – Charleville, Birdsville, Longreach, Cunnamulla – dinosaurs, camel races, tours, accommodation and jobs. A multi-purpose website full of corporate news, career opportunities in the tourism industry, promotions, research, statistics, major event support, and e-newsletters. The Southern Downs region is where you experience all four seasons in such a delightful way – a wine, food, cultural and farming experience taking you through the Granite Belt and South Burnett– Stanthorpe, Toowoomba, Warwick, Kingaroy and all fascinating towns in between. 74 islands in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef plus the mainland centres, accommodation, how to get there, all the different islands, resorts, attractions, sailing and glorious food. Combining intensive information and advice about our National Parks, Recreation, Sport & Racing, Parks & Wildlife offices, Camping permits and more about our great outdoors and how to keep it, and yourself safe as you explore.

Going north? This site covers everywhere from Kuranda, Atherton, Mareeba plus Cairns, Daintree, Port Douglas, Palm Cove, Trinity Beach. Tour details – rainforest, 4WD, visitor info centres, adrenalin activities, food & wines.

Port Douglas is an hour’s drive from Cairns and along with the Daintree region has an ideal climate all year round – getting around is easy, choose from shuttle bus, walking, bicycle hire, guided tours, boat cruises, helicopters for charter. Port Douglas has long been favoured as a getaway for A-list celebrities but rest assured while luxury is a highlight – backpackers and families are equally catered for. See why this is our favourite playground, which beach suits you, night-life, incredible theme-parks, hinterland, tours and where to stay once you arrive – all you need to know.

Covering Hervey Bay, the famous Whale-Watch Season tours, historic Maryborough and World Heritage Listed Fraser Island – tours, fishing, adventure activities. Feel like some spectacular live theatre experiences? Queensland Performing Arts Complex at South Brisbane just keep the world-class live performances coming one after another – for adults and young children too. Their holiday programs are great for kids. Famous visitors have included Julie Andrews, Angela Lansbury, John Cleese, Bolshoi Ballet and many many more.

Get active or laze in the sun on beaches from Caloundra to Noosa, events, markets, accommodation, where to eat, kids’ activity parks, plus the lush hinterland. All about our capital, the river, shopping, museums, how to get around, art galleries, five-star hotels, award winning restaurants, visitor guides, things to do. Visit the distillery, sample the famous drop, take home a unique souvenir from the Bondstore - each year more than 100,000 visitors explore the rummaking process first hand, starting with molasses kept in the world’s largest storage wells. Relax in the Bundy Tasting Bar, take the Distillery Tour or self guided interactive experience. Tourist QUEENSLAND



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