Cobham Hall Insight | Autumn 2020
Issue 19 | Published January 2020 1
s t n e t n o C Page 3 - Welcome from the Head Page 4 - School News Page 6 - Adapting to Life Back at School Page 7 - Global Affairs Page 8 - Christmas at Cobham Page 9 - Music, Drama and News Quiz Page 10 - Computing and Science Page 11 - Boarding Page 12 - Wellbeing Page 13 - The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and Sport Page 14 - The Elders and Unicorn Associations Page 15 - Stay in Touch
’s Autumn Term stagram Post Most Liked In cobhamhall
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Welcome from the Headmistress
COVID-19 has been a challenge for us all, but I have been most proud of the way our students and staff have accepted that challenge and made the best of the opportunities available. It was so good to welcome students back to Cobham following the lockdown period in the summer term. They were excited to be back at School with their friends and all set about rekindling those friendships as well as welcoming new students to their ‘bubbles’. It is at times of crisis that we often pull together and the increased solidarity among students and staff
was evident. Our blended learning has gone from strength to strength and significant progress has been made with the digital skills of both students and staff, who have demonstrated their abilities to adapt and learn. We continue to develop the use of those digital tools at our disposal and understand that now more than ever we are living in a digital world. We have the responsibility as educators to ensure we provide our students with the skills they need to make a difference in this ever-changing world. Remote learning has provided parents with an insight into our lessons and it has been most pleasing to receive feedback from parents who have themselves enjoyed a particular lesson that they have watched. Although remote learning has been successful for many, nothing beats the experience of face-to-face teaching and we look forward to welcoming back more of our international students once the pandemic is over. Often young people adapt better to change than adults but they have been very restricted by their ‘bubbles’. I look forward to being able to release them back into the 3
School population so we can once again meet collectively as a whole school, celebrate House competitions and Festivals together and be able use all our facilities as a community. There is plenty to read in this edition of Insight and in spite of the COVID-19 restrictions in place you can see that it has been a busy and action-packed time for us at Cobham Hall. Mrs Wendy Barrett Headmistress
School News Academic Colours
Staff News
Our Student Leadership Team were delighted this term to be able to announce via video to the student body the introduction of Academic Colours, which will be awarded alongside existing Colours for excellence in Sport, Art, Music and Drama.
· Consistently high level of attainment
Academic Colours will be awarded for the following:
· Involvement in Co-Curricular
· Excellent Attitude · Prep consistently handed in on time and of a high standard
· High level of attainment achieved in End of Year examinations · High level of independent learning and initiative outside of set work
Academic Colours can be awarded in all subjects except Art, PE, Drama and Music as they have their own colours, and will be presented at the end of Years 9, 11 and 12.
We said goodbye to Mr Haas, who has returned to America. We also said farewell to Mrs Julia Booth and Mrs Hilary Standen. Mrs Booth had been with the School for 14 years and we wish her and Mrs Standen all the best in their next roles. Mr Eyers, Ms Lockheart and Miss Deacon also moved on to exciting new pastures. We thank them all for their contribution to the School. We welcomed Samantha Shipton as our new Boarding Assistant, Lucie Cauvin and Patricia Ortiz Vincent as Language and Boarding Assistants, and Natascha Küsel and Luka Anna Knierim as GAP students. The Teaching Department welcomed Luke Green as Lead Music Teacher, and Lousie Mayall as Teacher of Photography.
‘Is it Worth It?’ - A Kent Police Workshop We were pleased to be able to host a Kent Police Workshop about E-safety, the dangers of Sexting and the possible consequences. Held in the Activity Centre to enable social distancing, the presentation was made to Years 7, 8 and 9 separately.
Race, privilege and justice: Understanding Concepts to Support Anti-Racism
At the start of the new academic year, staff attended a workshop giving them the chance to engage with issues related to race and racial justice in the UK through interactive workshops. The session, led by ConnectFutures, was well received by staff. 4
Finally, Angela Wood joined our team as School Nurse, Karen Hearn as a Laundry Assistant, and David Balson and Chris Mackey are our new Drivers. We are sure our new members of staff will be welcomed by all and will settle into the Cobham Hall community despite the unusual circumstances.
Virtual Open Morning Our Autumn Open Morning was once again an online event and we were delighted to see an increase in engagement from families of potential students. As well as a virtual tour of the School with current Guardian Aoife, viewers were also able to hear from Headmistress Mrs Barrett, Head of Lower School Mrs Wilkinson and Head of Upper School Mrs Thompson. A number of current students also gave their view of the school, from Year 7 through to Sixth Form, and including Boarding. We were thrilled this time to expand our virtual event to include testimonials from both a current Parent and an Elder. Mrs Rice was kind enough to give her view of the School, and Stephanie Allen, Guardian in 2015-16, also voiced her opinion in a well-received video. To date, the videos from the Open Morning have received over 2300 views, with our virtual tour the most popular. The event was hosted with Mrs Barrett and Mrs Carney, Director of Studies, on hand to answer questions, and is now available to view on our website at
Returning to School Post-Lockdown by Alice, Year 11 It was in September, after the sixmonth lockdown period in the UK, that schools began opening again, allowing both boarders and day girls to return to life at Cobham Hall. However, like every school across the country, governments guidelines had been arranged and measures put in place to keep students and teachers safe, such as Year Group Bubbles, staggered lunchtimes, and restricted movement around the school. I spoke to some students who gave their opinions on various elements and their experiences during lockdown and returning to school. One Year 11 said, “I feel like virtual learning is obviously not as good as learning in lessons, but at Cobham the online learning was better than other schools because we had actual lessons online as per our timetable, instead of just setting work.” Comparing it to returning to school, she said, “I think returning to school was very good because we can see our friends and get face to face teaching. But it was really hard 5
because the COVID measures are really strong, and there are a lot of things we can’t do that we would normally, but it is nice to be back.” Loantrang, also Year 11, explained the advantages and disadvantages of the Year group Bubbles: “The pro is that you can genuinely concentrate a lot more on your work, because you’re in your study areas the whole day, meaning you’re in the mindset to work. It improves your study ethic, but it is unfortunate to not be able to communicate with the other year groups, and sometimes it can feel a bit suffocating.” She also talked about her opinion on the new safety measures introduced in school. “I think they are very strict but at the end of the day, they need to be there, and it’s necessary to keep us safe and stop the spread of coronavirus.” Overall, Cobham Hall, like every school, has been experiencing challenges since the lockdown in March, especially regarding returning in September, but as a community, everyone has made an effort to make coming back to school as safe and enjoyable as possible. It’s been an interesting term, despite not being able to enjoy some of the activities we normally experience.
Cobham Hall Adapts to Life Back at School
Students across Year Groups have showed remarkable resilience in adapting to School life with all the Covid-19 restrictions in place since the start of the new academic year: Year Group Bubbles, one-way systems and staggered lunches to name just a few. all far from the usual, cross-Year Group mixing the Cobham Hall family is used to. Due to Year Groups not being able to mix, the Student Leadership Team had to get creative in maintaining School spirit. To their immense credit, the Team rose to the challenge, arranging several end of term Christmas actvities such as the Christmas video, available on YouTube. However, it wasn’t just activities outside the classroom that had to be adapted, as Deputy Guardian Alisha discovered. Alisha had to proceed with her Extended Project Qualification - an Upcycling Fashion Show - as simply cancelling was not an option in order to complete her EPQ and gain the creidt for her work. Originally intending to display her upcycled fashion garments in a fashion show with invited guests from the school community, Alisha had to adapt and create a virtual event instead. Filming the event with her friends and maintaining social-distance during the process, Alisha was able to advertise a premiere of the event on the School’s YouTube channel. Alisha has since had over 580 views on her Fashion Show. School events also adapted, such as the Model United Nations Conference.
MUN Conference Goes Virtual This year Cobham MUN rose to the challenge of the “new normal” and went online. Students remained in their Year Group Bubble areas but joined debates on Climate Change, Coronavirus and the NagornoKarabakh Conflict. After an hour spent researching the various topics and learning about the countries they were representing everyone was well equipped to participate in the debates. Despite some technical teething problems, debate was able to flow pretty well and there was plenty of lively, well informed and passionate discussion. Well done to all who took part and in particular to the following students who received awards for their contribution to debate. Highly Commended Delegates: Anna, Martha, Elizabeth, Kesi, Jena, Rhiannon, Loantrang, Precious, Alisha Best Delegates: Selena, Henrietta, Leena, Zoe, Izzy The debates were chaired by Heather, Maisy, Jess, Hafizah, Jess, Daisy and Amy-Rose. The Chairs worked hard to keep debate flowing and explain procedure all whilst operating remotely and their efforts ensured that everyone was able to participate and enjoy the experience. Thanks also go to the whole staff team who supported the research time and got the online conference calls set up and working.
Black History Month
In October, Cobham Hall marked Black History Month with Head of Humanities Miss Williams sharing details of famous Black Britons who changed history, some of whom are pictured below. Media Team member Tunmise, Year 10, shares her thoughts on marking Black History Month. Although the month is now over, I wanted to share my views on Black History Month and the history behind it; many people today still wonder when this campaign originated and who thought of the idea.
Harvard University, in 1926 Woodson sent out a press release to mark the first ever black history week in the United States, throughout his life Woodson worked very hard to promote the teaching of black history in schools.
When did Black History Month originate?
In 1970 the event was expanded and since 1976 every US president has designated February as Black History Month, February was chosen because of a man called Fredrick Douglass, he escaped slavery and became famous for his antislavery writings.
In 1875 Carter G Woodson also known as “Father of Black History” was born in Virginia, United States and he was the son of former slaves. Growing up he had a very limited access to good education and good jobs, despite the limitations he ended up studying at one of the only high schools for black students after saving money from working as a coal miner.
The Importance of Black History Month Black History Month is very important because it is a way of remembering the events and history of people with an African background, Black History month is a time of celebration it isn’t just about all the bad times we have been through, it is about leadership and determination. Every year Black History month has a different theme, this year the theme was about African Americans and the vote.
Over the years Carter G Woodson gained an impressive number of qualifications, including a PhD in History from
Demonstrations in Democracy at Cobham Hall To mark UK Parliament Week in November, Politics students Hafizah and Izzy hosted a cross-Year Group debate via Microsoft Teams. The topic selected was ‘Has the UK Government made a mistake by not closing schools during lockdown?’ They held a referendum the following day on whether schools should close or not. The result of the referendum was very close at 51.4% for schools to remain open. The pair also developed a Parliament Week quiz, which was won by Upper School Tutor Group UAW. Well done, everyone! In addition to Izzy and Hafizah’s hardwork, Upper School Tutor and Latin Teacher Dr Marin was also keen to encourage student interest in the United States Presidential Election. Providing access to candidate campaign information, Dr Marin also held a lunchtime ballot. The results were counted carefully, and resulted in a resounding win for Democratic nominee, and now President-Elect Joe Biden. 7
Christmas at Cobham It was Christmas, but not as we know it at Cobham Hall this year. We certainly missed inviting Parents, Guardians and friends of the School in to share the festivities, with the Round Square Christmas Fair, Carols by Candlelight and our Carol Service all cancelled.
Yet we still managed to maintain the festive spirit. From Mrs Bonner organising a Christmas food drive for One Big Family Medway, to Christmas Jumper Day, our community yet again adapted to the circumstances in which we found ourselves. Florence, Year 9, designed a wonderful Gingerbread Cobham Hall for this year’s Christmas Card, which was voted as the entry for Tutor Group LKW and went on to win the competition. Christmas Dinner become a lunch time affair, with the Catering Team still providing an excellent feast for each Year Group, and with decorations and Christmas music. Laboratory Technician Mrs Howard encouraged students to create a new Chemical Element - won by Liz (Year 8) with Ho-Ho-Holium - as well as showing Years 7 and 9 how to create Crystal Tree Decorations for her Chemistree! Mrs Howard also encouraged staff to band together with Colour Week, all wearing the same chosen colour each day. The Student Leadership Team wanted to ensure the last day of term was festive despite the lack of a Carol Service and so organised festive activities and compiled a very merry video, with each Year Group taking part. The video can be seen on our YouTube Channel. We hope we can enjoy our usual events again in 2021!
Cobham Hall Delivers Five Star Performance
Head of Drama, Ms Gorman, was determined that despite Covid-19 restrictions, Year 9 were still going to get the chance to take part in The Shakespeare Schools’ Festival.
News Quiz Victors Year 11 Tutor Group, UJM, wins the Upper School weekly News Quiz, beating their nearest rivals, Year 13 ULM, by half a point. They win the much coveted News Quiz Trophy and a box of chocolates. Mr Malcolmson was delighted and said that their success was due to great team work from his tutees; those in school and the remote learners, and he looks forward to retaining the trophy at Easter!
Dr Marin, Year 12 tutor, demanded a recount and a stewards enquiry on behalf of UPM. The score was independently verified, a legal challenge was denied and Mrs Thompson’s decision was upheld! Mrs Thompson would like to thank all the Upper School Pastoral Team who have contributed to the quiz and the girls for taking part.
As Year 9 were a Year Group bubble, this meant that the performance and the required rehearsals were able to continue. The performance was subsequently live-streamed as part of a national night of Shakespeare. Our live stream link was sent to all parents and guardians and the girls were thrilled that on the night, around 150 viewers tuned in, and views have since reached over 400. The Year 9 ensemble production of The Tempest was appraised by Bethany Appleton of Shakespeare Schools Festival and she deemed it an exceptional ‘five star performance’: “Against all odds you have shown the world that theatre can be created in the darkest of times. It was a wonderful performance.
Developing Technique in the Music Department
As part of the Music Department’s ongoing commitment to the strengthening of technique and experience of playing together with the Ensemble Programme, we are happy to introduce the Cobham Quartet: Emilia and Martha (violins), Ayo (violin and viola), and Henrietta (cello).
We hope they have an excellent career together as they develop their ensemble skills to explore music from the Quartet repertoire-from Haydn and other early Viennese composers, Mozart, Beethoven.
We look forward to a time when we can hear - and see - them perform in the beauty of the Gilt Hall. In addition, early in the term Head of Music Mr Green introduced ‘Technique Week’ which saw Maddie (Flute), Emilia (Piano), Martha (Violin), Clara (Cello), Rhiannon (Voice), Selena (Guitar) and Jena (Composition) all compete for a prize of book tokens, presented by Marshall’s Audi in Bexley; as part of a shared “Vorsprung Durch Technik” (Advancement through Technique/Engineering) goal. 9
“It was clear right from the start that your ensemble work was a huge strength of this company. It takes a cast completely in sync with one another to pull off big movement pieces like the shipwreck or the spirits working together, and you did it beautifully – these were both lovely pieces of physical theatre. I loved how you kept the whole cast on stage throughout the production – it was great to see every actor involved with every moment of the story. This was a cast totally at home with Shakespeare’s language, who could land their lines with both clarity and with emotional impact. I am in awe of your boundless creativity, talent and determination. This was the year for experimentation and you rose to the challenge of performing Shakespeare for the camera with bravery, resilience and ingenuity.”
Science in COVID Times Our Science Department has been determined to ensure that despite the restrictions brought achieve the Bronze Award, learners about by Covid guidelines, need to have a minimum of 250 Cobham Hall students should still points and these points must be have the opportunity to made up of at least 50 from each experiment in Science. Despite core category (Citizen, Worker, difficult circumstances, practical Maker, Entrepreneur). Topics work has still been undertaken. covered include as cybersecurity, Laboratory Technician Mrs cloud computing, e-safety, animation, growth hacking, customer Howard explains.
Awards in Computing Our Computing Department celebrated this term with awards being given to four students in national activities. The Department once again entered the Bebras Computing Competition in association with Oxford University. Fantastically, two girls – Martha and Alana - were awarded Gold, placing them in the top 10% of the country in their age group. Additionally, we were delighted to hear that Elizabeth and Emilia were the deserving recipients of the School’s first iDEA Bronze Awards. iDEA, the Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, is an international programme that helps develop digital, enterprise and employability skills and is the digital and enterprise equivalent of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. To
relationship management and web development.
Elizabeth said of the Awards, “I enjoyed learning more about the digital world. It was fun, yet very educational and full of teamwork. I learnt more words and their meanings, which I used in other subjects. iDEA was very challenging but my amazing teacher, Mr Eyers, helped me through the difficult questions. I like the idea of iDEA and definitely recommend it for everyone.”
Despite some bubbles not having access to the laboratories, we adapted practicals to enable them to be carried out whenever possible. For example, in Lower School Year 7 learned how to use a microscope and used it to look at a slide of an onion cell, and tested a range of household substances. Year 8 had the opportunity to try eating some freeze-dried insects, while Year 9 tested a range of foods for the presence of starch using Iodine; and investigated the reaction of hydrochloric acid on different metals in Chemistry, testing the gas given off, leading to some interesting photos of their surprised faces! Upper School students have been enjoying practical work. Year 10 investigated how colour affects heat loss, made circuits and learned about resistance. Year 11 and Sixth Form had mornings of practical work to develop their knowledge and refresh their practical skills within the laboratory environment, whilst including students who were still remote learning.
With COVID-19 restrictions in place throughout the term, outings for Boarders were off the menu and our Housemistresses worked tirelessly to ensure that in-House and on-site activities kept the girls entertained.
From celebrating National occasions such as German Unity Day, Nigerian Independence, the National Day of China, and Thanksgiving through to creating Escape Rooms and hosting Cobham Festival, the Housemistresses kept our Boarders’ spirits up.
Keep up-to-date with all the adventures on Twitter:
Wellbeing at Cobham Hall A round-up of wellbeing initiatives from across the School this term
We were thrilled this term to discover that we have been awarded Silver Status for Boarding School Mental Health Award in The Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools Award. This award was established in 2017 by the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools – part of Leeds Beckett University – and social enterprise Minds Ahead. The Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools aims to strengthen pupils’ mental health by supporting schools to make a positive change at all levels of the UK's education system, improving students’ outcomes and life chances.
Cobham Hall School has achieved
Silver Status in the
Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools Boarding School Mental Health Award Date: November 2020
Professor Damien Page, Dean of Leeds Beckett’s Carnegie School of Education, said: “Achieving this award is not just recognition of a whole-school approach to mental health, it’s a recognition of the school’s commitment to improving the life chances of children.” Cobham Hall’s Head Teacher, Mrs Wendy Barrett said: “I am extremely proud of the students and staff. This award re-establishes Cobham Hall as a leader in mental health and wellbeing. The process of obtaining this award has provided the platform for further discussion and debate whilst promoting the creation of effective policies and procedures that improve provision for all.” A focal point of the school’s mental health and wellbeing provision is to give our students strength by teaching them the skills they need to live positive and fulfilled lives. We value their mental health as equally important as their physical health and our curriculum reflects that philosophy.
“Covid-19 has had a very negative effect on mental health, because it has left people feeling lonely and isolated,” said a Wellbeing Ambassador in Year 11. “Hello Yellow helps to support young people in education and provide information about mental health, which is especially important in these challenging times.”
Hello, Yellow!
Many of the students and teachers participated by bringing £1 to school and wearing yellow clothing instead of school uniform. The day included a photo competition with photo booth props, special focus on mental health in Wellbeing lessons from Years 7-11 and a mental health challenge sheet. Year 7s claimed the day because of their participation in all aspects of the day, winning a tin of sweets as a prize. Thank you to Ms Fenice for organising the School’s invovlement and the competition.
by Alice, Year 11
In early October, Cobham Hall celebrated #HelloYellow Day to support the Young Minds Charity. Young Minds is a mental health charity supporting young people, parents, carers and staff who work with children in school. This year, Cobham Hall took part for the third year in the Young Minds event, this year the #HelloYellow campaign, which encouraged people all over the country to wear an item of yellow clothing and bring in £1 to raise money and awareness for the charity.
Overall, #HelloYellow at Cobham was a huge success, and we look forward to celebrating it again next year!
Getting Started with The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award We were thrilled to receive our Social Value Certificate from The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award over the summer, to see that between April 2019 and March 2020 our DofE participants completed 910 hours of voluntary service to the community. Well done, everyone! Of course, the Autumn Term sees a new cohort of Year 9 students introduced to the Award programme, and we’re pleased to say they were successful in setting up their tents, despite a murky, windy day!
Sports Round-Up: Autumn Term Super Term for Sporty Lenox!
Our PE Department were keen this term to still hold Inter-House Sport Competitions but Hockey and Cross Country were out due to being unable to mix Year Group Bubbles.
Instead, Head of PE Mrs Hooper and PE Teacher Miss Fautley came up with ideas that could be done during lessons and within Bubbles: Netball Shooting and The Hooper Run. The Hooper Run sees the girls run 2km from the Activity Centre to the top of the School Drive and back. The results of the Netball Shooting are as follows: 1st - Lenox (573 goals); 2nd - Richmond (565 goals); 3rd - Darnley (439 goals) and 4th - Clifton (391 goals).
The Hooper Run saw all girls from Years 7 to 13 take part. Results are as follows: 1st - Lenox (11 points) 2nd - Darnley (18 points) 3rd - Richmond (19 points) 4th - Clifton (22 points) In a show of dominance in the Hooper Run, Lenox came either first or second in each Year Group! Individual Results are: 1st Maisy 7:23 (Year 13) 2nd Amber 7:30 (Year 8) 3rd Florence 8:09 (Year 10) 4th Natasha 8:10 (Year 10) 5th Poppy 8:19 (Year 9) 6th Jess 8:22 (Year 13) 7th Eliza 8:30 (Year 8) 8th Olivia 8:36 (Year 8) 9th Elena 8:53 (Year 10) 10th Olivia 8:57 (Year 8) 13
Congratulations, Florence Well done to Florence, Year 10, who in September joined her football team Maidstone United U15s to play in the Kent Cup Final. Fantastically, not only did the team win the finals, but Florence was awarded ‘Most Improved Player’. Congratulations!
Elders’ News We’ve had some great news about Cobham Hall Elders reach us during the Autumn Term, and we are delight as always to hear from them. Former Guardian Stephanie Allen passed her Masters Degree in Special Educational Needs and Additional Learning Needs, and we were grateful to her for providing a video for our Virtual Open Morning in October talking about what Cobham Hall has given her. Hannah Mayatt, Guardian in 2019, was offered a degree apprenticeship to do Quantity Surveying with Balfour Beatty. The Ebbsfleet Development Corporation has written a blog about her and the journey to get this position. You can read this at: uk/work-experience-in-ebbsfleet-
Unicorn News and Events
Cobham Hall’s Elders follow a variety of paths after school, and we always enjoy hearing of their successes. Here are some recent good news stories. If you are an Elder and have news you’d like to share, please submit via our website: garden-city-leads-to-apprenticeshipfor-teenager/. In addition, former Guardian and our 2020 Festival Day speaker, Alex Crawford was part of the Sky News Team who won this year’s BAFTA TV award for news coverage for their reporting of last year's violent protests in Hong Kong. Finally, congratulations to Amanda Larkman on the publication of her first novel, The Woman and the Witch. As with many Elders’ books, a copy will be making its way to the Head’s Study to inspire the next generation. Thank you to all Elders who keep in touch. It truly is astonishing to see the variety of paths Cobham Hall students follow.
In Memoriam
We were saddened to learn of the passing of Emma Crawley, Graeme Preedy and Fernanda Leaney. Emma was a student at Cobham Hall between 1973-1978. Graeme Preedy was an Art Teacher, and passed following a short illness in September. He is survived by his wife, Jade, to whom we send our condolences. Madame Fernanda Leaney taught Italian, Toy Making and Classical Civilisation from the 1970s. She died aged 98, a few short months after losing her husband after more than 75 years of marriage.
Cobham Hall’s Parent-Teacher Association, Unicorn, is dedicated to raising funds and running events for the benefit of all at Cobham Hall. To find out more, you can email the Committee: or visit A big thank you goes out from the School to our PTA, The Unicorn Association, and to everyone who supports their fundraising events. This term, the Association purchased a bucket swing for the girls to enjoy at break and lunchtimes, and this has been installed outside Brooke House. The Unicorn Association were also determined to continue their fundraising during the Autumn Term even though they had to cancel the popular Quiz and Bonfire Nights. The hosted a Halloween Bake Sale, which delicious items being sold in each Year Group Bubble, and a Christmas Bake Sale and Raffle held in the Turning Circle.
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To keep in touch and up-to-date with Elders’ news and events, visit: Cobham Hall’s Parent-Teacher Association. To find out about upcoming Unicorn events, visit:
Visit our Virtual Open Morning
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Cobham, Kent, DA12 3BL, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1474 823371