Getting Started with The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award We were thrilled to receive our Social Value Certificate from The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award over the summer, to see that between April 2019 and March 2020 our DofE participants completed 910 hours of voluntary service to the community. Well done, everyone! Of course, the Autumn Term sees a new cohort of Year 9 students introduced to the Award programme, and we’re pleased to say they were successful in setting up their tents, despite a murky, windy day!
Sports Round-Up: Autumn Term Super Term for Sporty Lenox!
Our PE Department were keen this term to still hold Inter-House Sport Competitions but Hockey and Cross Country were out due to being unable to mix Year Group Bubbles.
Instead, Head of PE Mrs Hooper and PE Teacher Miss Fautley came up with ideas that could be done during lessons and within Bubbles: Netball Shooting and The Hooper Run. The Hooper Run sees the girls run 2km from the Activity Centre to the top of the School Drive and back. The results of the Netball Shooting are as follows: 1st - Lenox (573 goals); 2nd - Richmond (565 goals); 3rd - Darnley (439 goals) and 4th - Clifton (391 goals).
The Hooper Run saw all girls from Years 7 to 13 take part. Results are as follows: 1st - Lenox (11 points) 2nd - Darnley (18 points) 3rd - Richmond (19 points) 4th - Clifton (22 points) In a show of dominance in the Hooper Run, Lenox came either first or second in each Year Group! Individual Results are: 1st Maisy 7:23 (Year 13) 2nd Amber 7:30 (Year 8) 3rd Florence 8:09 (Year 10) 4th Natasha 8:10 (Year 10) 5th Poppy 8:19 (Year 9) 6th Jess 8:22 (Year 13) 7th Eliza 8:30 (Year 8) 8th Olivia 8:36 (Year 8) 9th Elena 8:53 (Year 10) 10th Olivia 8:57 (Year 8) 13
Congratulations, Florence Well done to Florence, Year 10, who in September joined her football team Maidstone United U15s to play in the Kent Cup Final. Fantastically, not only did the team win the finals, but Florence was awarded ‘Most Improved Player’. Congratulations!