2 minute read

The Money is in The EMAIL!

Pay very close attention to what’s in this chapter, because this is the step where you will create a massive income, or the step that you will use to waste all of your traffic and kill your business.

It’s that important.


In fact, most people mistakenly say that… “The money is in the list!”

Then they focus all of their energy on getting more and more traffic, in order to grow a bigger and bigger list... thinking it’s the #1 key to success.

Yes, you obviously need traffic, and as I already mentioned... you want to keep growing your list until the end of time.

But, your bigger list only gives you the POTENTIAL to make money.

In fact, you can build a list of 10,000 people this month and be making no sales because…

What you email to your list DAILY is the most important part.

It’s what actually MAKES you money!

CRITICAL FACT: People only open your emails for one of 3 different reasons, and two of them don’t matter without the first.

1. They think you can help them

2. You have a compelling vision

3. They relate to your personality

The main thing you need to understand when determining what to write daily is that people’s #1 concern is…

“What’s in this email for ME that solves my wants, needs, and/or emotional desires?”

Nearly everything your list is going through revolves around only 2 things…

1. The avoidance of, relief from, or complete escape from pain.

2. The seeking of pleasure.

Your solutions must address their pains and move them closer to the pleasure.

If you want to create a highly responsive list (a list that buys), write emails that focus on showing people how to get to the pleasure they’re seeking, without going through extra pain.

This is SUPER powerful!

In fact, I use that principle to write all my emails, AND to write almost all of my capture page headlines too! I cover that in the “7 Steps to Profiting From Unlimited Income Streams” section.

For example… if my area of interest was weight loss, and I found a great weight loss shake to recommend, the email might read something like…

Email Subject:

Whoa! 15 pounds down without breaking a sweat???

Email Body:

It didn’t matter how much I struggled with my weight…

I hated the gym.

Still do.

But even without stepping foot inside a gym ever, I was able to lose all the weight I wanted, and keep it off!

It’s why I’m so passionate about helping you achieve weight loss without the gym.

I know you hate the gym.

It’s stinky.

It’s sweaty.

The equipment is confusing.

It feels like everybody is gawking at you the entire time.

And, with your busy schedule, how do you even fit an extra hour in?

Plus… and I won’t tell anybody, but secretly I know you hate to sweat!

I do too.

I promise it can be our little secret. :)

Anyway… I just discovered this shake that I know you’ll love.

It tastes great…

It’s super easy to grab and have on the go...

And it can melt away 15 pounds in the next 30 days by drinking just one per day

The best part…

No sweating!

Go here today and you can get a free sample.

[LINK to Affiliate product you earn commissions on]



P.S. Check out the testimonials when you get there. Some of the weight loss results are amazing!

Now, at first glance, you might be looking at that email and thinking… “That looks pretty promotional… where’s the value?”

And you’re right, I would classify that as a mostly “promotional email.”

I’ll talk about email types later in this chapter, but promotional emails can be valuable, and there’s a very specific reason I started with this one...

To reveal to you my #1 formula for writing emails that not only get opened and read… but that produce massive sales by tapping right into the mind of your readers!

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