2 minute read

Paint The Dream

The reason it’s called “Paint the Dream” is that you’re speaking to the dream scenario that the person on your list has already imagined.

Every person on your list has a dream.


Behind every want, need, desire is a very vivid and visceral dream that the person on your list has.

The person on your list has already seen in their imagination the result they desire, and even felt a certain way physically what it feels like to have it.

Let’s say you’re emailing a list of dog owners about a product that you’re recommending that will help their dog stop barking at everything it sees.

For example, a video training product you found titled…

“5 Fail-Proof Ways to Get Your Dog to Stop Barking This Week… Without Harmful Electric Zappers, or Medieval Choke collars!”

If they’ve been having problems with their dog barking, and are looking for solutions... they have already envisioned having a dog that doesn’t bark so much.

And they have already closed their eyes and felt the relief of being able to be outside enjoying their pet, without being embarrassed by it’s non stop barking at the neighbors.

They’ve already felt the joy of being able to go to the dog park, allowing their dog to finally play with the other dogs.

It doesn’t matter how big or small what you’re offering is… if the person on your list is seeking it, they have already seen it in their mind and physically felt what it’s like to have it.

When I say, “Speak to the dream,” that’s what I mean.

I mean… “paint the vision of the future pleasure” that they’re seeking.

A huge mistake that most beginning Affiliate Marketers make, is to focus on their products, instead of the emotions behind WHY the people on their list want the products.

As amazing as your products are… if you become focused on the products instead of the dream, nobody will listen to you.

A list of features doesn’t make the person on your list close their eyes again and imagine having it.

It doesn’t make them feel the pleasure that they’re seeking… or cringe at the pain they might keep experiencing if they don’t get it.

It just bores them.

Instead… “Paint the Dream” by stirring up their pleasure emotions.

Talk about their deepest desires.

Highlight their dream outcome.

Focus on what this new outcome means for their life. Like having a happier, more enjoyable dog!

That happier dog means something emotionally to the person on your list.

It could be anything emotionally…

From them not being embarrassed to take the dog to the park anymore…

To their comfort at not having to use a bark collar and hurt their pet…

To them just feeling less stressed and more rested, because the dog is no longer barking all night long!

Point is… what you’re doing is creating an emotional effect.

The Right Emotions + The Right Product = Sales!

And a sale made is a win-win scenario.

You’re living your dreams by helping other people get the things that they’re already dreaming about!

It’s a super fun lifestyle, and I love it!

Now that I’ve talked about how to “Paint The Dream” by tapping into the imagined result that the people on your list have already dreamed of...

Let’s look at some ways to tap into and locate the specific pain points the people on your list are experiencing, so you can give them a little “poke.”

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