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Robots Suck at Sales

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The Main Poke

The Main Poke

When I first learned about autoresponders, I was like…

“Yes! I am going to get some traffic, load up 10 emails into my autoresponder, and go to the beach for the rest of my life... ‘cause I’m about to be rich!”


And so that’s literally what I did.

A few thousand dollars later in ad spends and basically $0 in return… and I was like…

“This traffic sucks! I am going to find a new traffic source… and then I’m really going to the beach this time, because this money train is about to pull out of the station!”

Only the train whistle never sounded.

No “Choo! Choo!”

Just a lot of boo hoo.

I was starting to go broke.

Remember that $30k to $50k in debt I talked about earlier? This was a big contributor to that.

But, I was a little bit dumb and misinformed back then, so without much real direction, I did what a lot of good people do (you may have even done this already)

I decided it wasn’t the traffic… it must be the product!

And as you may have guessed, it wasn’t.

What kept me moving forward in those early days though was simple… a dream to be free.

From the earliest time I can remember, I have thought that the “Job life” was the equivalent of a living hell.

I’ve always had this God given desire in my heart… even before I was old enough to know it…

To spend my life doing something that I love… serving and being with the people that I love.

I’ve never been able to rationalize, even to this day… spending so much time away from the things and the people that I love.

It’s funny, because I can remember being really young and riding in the car with my parents, and noticing how unhappy all the people in the other cars seemed.

It didn’t make sense to me why they were so unhappy back then, but as I got older and was driving myself to work… I got it.

I noticed the same unhappy, zombie stares on the way to and from work…

Only this time... I understood it, because I was experiencing the same thing!

The unhappy faces of strangers, and my own misery from this wake, work, eat, sleep routine was always a major driving force for me to create my own freedom.

First to save myself.

And then to help save those unhappy strangers that I knew felt that same misery every morning that I did.

And now with this book, and The 30 Minute Workday™ Membership Site, to help save you!

So, even when it sucked…

Even when money was flying out of my bank and nothing was coming in…

Even when my wife, who has always been my biggest supporter, was starting to crack and doubt…

I kept on believing.

I kept on trying to learn as much as I could.

And I got better at a simple skill that nobody was really talking to me about at the time… Paying attention.

I used to read every email that came into my inbox from all of the people in my industry.

Both the highly successful, and the one’s like me who were still struggling along.

I started keeping folders for each of these different Affiliate Marketers, to study their emails and their success.

It didn’t take long to see what was separating those who were having massive success from those who weren’t.

The emails from the super elite, those that were winning contests and becoming more and more well known… the ones that actually had me salivating to open their emails, did two things differently.

1. They weren’t all salesy and full of hype.

Instead , they seemed to speak directly to me, and what I was feeling. The person writing them seemed to know me personally.

Basically, they were “Poking my pain, and Painting my Dreams!”

2. Their emails clearly weren’t cookie cutter emails that any robot could have written 10 years before.

They were relevant, current, and spoke of what was happening in their lives now. They were clearly writing their emails the day they sent them!

As time went on, those that were sending me daily, relevant, personally written emails were continuing to have massive success that kept on growing and growing.

They were building fortunes for their families, and changing people’s lives around the world.

I kept wanting to open and read their emails… and even though I was reading them for research… I wanted to buy whatever they were offering!

But those who sent the spammy, salesy, pitch-fest emails...

You could see their businesses slowly dying.

They never seemed to be focused on any one product or thing very long.

And each time they sent me an email about their new “greatest” thing… which was every other day…

The email was almost exactly the same as the last, except the name of the product or business had changed.

The worst part about all of it, is that those emails that were all pitch and hype, and salesy…

The ones that I didn’t respect, didn’t enjoy, and actually found pretty annoying…

The ones that I would have just deleted without reading if I wasn’t trying to study the emails to learn how to grow my business…

Were the same as mine!

Every email I had loaded into my autoresponder was salesy and spammy.

And other than those 10 crappy emails I had loaded into my autoresponder, my emails were non existent.

No daily emails.

Nothing relevant.

Nothing really unique to me, or written in my own voice.

It was a pretty awakening moment in my online career.

Either I needed to change, or my business would die.

And the change I needed to make was based on the realization that although the tools I was using (my little money making robots) allowed me to automate a lot of my business…

Those robots sucked at making sales!

I didn’t know it yet, but the day I made that decision to change was the first day of my first $100,000 online… and in a lot of ways, the birthplace of The 30 Minute Workday.™

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