May 2011 Dear mission partners, A young student, from Mainland China, came to study in England after he finished his first degree in Singapore. Be-‐ fore he came to the UK, he labeled himself as a free thinker and knew nothing about Christianity. Through a Chris-‐ tian friend on his course, he signed up for COCM Mandarin Easter Conference this year – Life Empowered, expect-‐ ing nothing but making some Chinese friends in this foreign land. As soon as he arrived at the conference, he was assigned to a small group. He did not know anyone in the group initially and was overwhelmed by some group members’ and STM members’ impressive achievements. But as time went on, he began to notice though these Christians have impressive worldly qualifications, they seemed to be very different and did not boast about it. Sur-‐ prisingly, when he started to share his past experience with the others in the group, he felt that he was warmly ac-‐ cepted by all in his group. It was such a relief so that he started to enjoy the teachings, the music and the outdoor activities with the others in the following days. It was through a long chat with a STM team member from the USA that he began to understand Christianity. On the last day, he decided to receive Christ as his God and Saviour. Later in his testimony on the last night, he shared with us that it was the sincere love and care from the other Christians that made him feel the love of God. His friend, who brought him to this conference, went up to the front and the two boys hugged in tears! This is only one of the life-‐changing stories among many others. Although this Easter conference was mainly for strengthening the faith of the young Christians, yet still many brothers and sisters were eager to bring their non-‐ Christian friends. I was impressed to see that most of these young people openly discussed their pains and struggles with their group mates, and the Holy Spirit was freely working among them to touch, to heal, and to transform their young lives. Please join me to pray for these young people, who will continue to open themselves to God and allow Him to build up their lives! I am also grateful to God for sending a STM team comprising of 15 people from the USA to work with us in this con-‐ ference. Although many of them have impressive qualifications, they came here with a servant attitude. Because of this, they went back home encouraged by God’s amazing work among these young students and blessed through the lives of those they served. Meanwhile, we should not forget that many of our staff workers had been silently labouring at the backstage throughout the years in different places. Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy (Psalm 126:5). I believe that whatever we do for the sake of Jesus will be remembered in His kingdom and I pray that the Lord of the harvest will send out more workers to His harvest field. On 14th May, COCM will organize a Mainland Chinese Student Ministry Consultation at the mission centre. We invit-‐ ed those who are involved in this ministry from the English-‐speaking churches along with the Chinese churches. We pray that this consultation will be a fruitful one, through which we will partner with the like-‐minded churches and organizations to reach out to one of our priority target groups – Mainland Chinese students, and to advance His kingdom together! In this Easter season, our missionary Mary Ma who is based in Brighton helped to organize the play The Passion of Christ depicting Jesus’ ministry on earth, and his crucifixion and resurrection. It is particularly meaningful that it was the first time that the play was shown on the Brighton beach where Hudson Taylor received his vision from God to start China Inland Mission in 1865. During the show, hundreds of thousands of people were passing by and staying around the beach. Like many other European cities, the Christian messages are also very much needed in Brighton. By organizing this show, we saw a wonderful way for our Chinese people to return the spiritual debt to the early missionaries who sacrificed their lives for our ancestors. We pray that COCM, as a Chinese Christian mission based in Europe, will not only witness to the Chinese diaspora living here but also share God’s love with the local people. We pray that the scene of Jesus being crucified on the cross for our sins will have a lasting impact on people’s lives in Brighton and beyond! Serving together in Christ, Rev. Henry Lu General Director
二零一一年五月 親愛的宣教夥伴們, 有這樣一位年輕的學生,他來自中國大陸,曾在新加坡求學,之後來到英國。在來英國之前,他信 奉宗教信仰自由,對基督教沒有任何了解。來到英國之後,通過一個基督徒的朋友,他報名參加了 COCM 復活節國語營會——“給力青春”,他來參加這個營會的唯一目的就是想要在異國他鄉結識一些中 國朋友。他剛來營會,一下見到那麽多陌生的面孔,有些拘謹;當他聽到這些同齡人的學歷成就之後, 更讓他產生了強烈的自卑感。可是出乎意料的是,當他開始與人分享他的經歷時,非但沒有被人看低, 反而得到大家友善的接納。這樣的接納讓他在之後的幾天時間中自在地參與營會的各種講座,跟大家一 起唱贊美詩歌,並且一起參加戶外活動。在跟一位美國短宣隊員長談後,他對基督教有了更深的瞭解, 並在營會的最後一天接受了耶穌基督作為他個人的救主。在最後一個晚上的見證分享會上,他說正是因 為弟兄姊妹們真誠的關懷和愛心讓他看到神的愛。最後,那個帶他來營會的弟兄跑到臺前,兩個大男孩 緊緊擁抱在一起,淚流滿面,臺下一片掌聲! 這只是眾多改變生命見證中的一個片斷。雖然這次復活節的營會主要是為了幫助那些初信的基督徒 在靈命上成長,但是一些熱心的弟兄姊妹們還是帶來很多他們未信主的朋友。我看到在營會中,很多年 輕人都在小組中分享他們過去生命中的創傷和掙紮,如此敞開的分享令我印象深刻。我也看到聖靈自由 運行在這些年輕人的生命中,做醫治和改變的工作,請跟我一起為這些年輕人禱告,當他們離開營會之 後,仍能繼續向神敞開他們的生命,並讓神在他們的生命中成就奇妙的工作。 我要特別感謝神差派了 15 位弟兄姊妹,組成短宣隊從美國遠道而來。他們每個人都帶著一顆仆人 的心來到營會中謙卑地服事年輕的弟兄姊妹。因此,看到神在營會中的工作,他們自己也受到鼓舞,並 借著他們所服事的弟兄姊妹從而祝福他們自己的生命。我禱告求神讓更多在歐洲以外的弟兄姊妹看到歐 洲宣教工場的需要,並願意加入到歐洲宣教的行列中。同時,我們也不應該忘記那些常年在歐洲各地默 默耕耘的宣教同工們,那流淚撒種的必要歡呼收割(詩篇 126:5)。我堅信,今天我們為主所擺上的 一切都將在神國被紀念,同時我也禱告,那莊稼的主必會打發工人去收他自己的莊稼。 5 月 14 日,COCM 在宣教中心還將舉行中國大陸留學生事工研討會,我們邀請了很多正在從事此 項事工的弟兄姊妹參與其中,他們中不但有來自英文教會的,也有一些從華人教會來。我禱告此次的研 討會能大有果效,求神能借著這個機會讓我們與志同道合的教會和宣教機構攜手合作,將福音帶給我們 的優先布道群體之一——中國大陸留學生,讓我們在主裏一同拓展神的國度! 此次復活節期間,COCM 在布萊頓的同工馬艷華宣教士與當地的教會一起合作,將描寫耶穌受難復 活的露天話劇 The Passion of Christ 搬上舞台,這部前後長達三小時的話劇於復活節主日,在布萊頓的海 邊上演。1865 年,戴德生正是在布萊頓的海邊得到了從神而來的異象,從而創建了中國內地會。在話 劇表演的過程中,我們看到成千上百的人從旁經過,並在海邊嬉戲。跟很多其他歐洲的城市一樣,布萊 頓也十分需要福音,通過這個話劇的籌備和演出,我們看到,華人如今也可以在歐洲這片土地上來償還 福音的債,來償還那些早期去到中國的宣教士為著福音的緣故為我們的同胞所擺上的一切。COCM 作為 一個由中國人在歐洲創建的宣教機構,不僅僅要向散居在此的華人傳福音,同時也要將神的愛帶給居住 在這裡的歐洲人。我們禱告,願耶穌的十字架和赦罪的恩典能長久地烙印在人們的心中,不僅僅影響布 萊頓這個地方,更要影響和改變整個歐洲的面貌! 在主裡與你們同工的, 呂子峰牧師 總幹事
二零一一年五月 亲爱的宣教伙伴们, 有这样一位年轻的学生,他来自中国大陆,曾在新加坡求学,之后来到英国。在来英国之前,他信 奉宗教信仰自由,对基督教没有任何了解。来到英国之后,通过一个基督徒的朋友,他报名参加了 COCM复活节国语营会——“给力青春”,他来参加这个营会的唯一目的就是想要在异国他乡结识一些中 国朋友。他刚来营会,一下见到那么多陌生的面孔,有些拘谨;当他听到这些同龄人的学历成就之后, 更让他产生了强烈的自卑感。可是出乎意料的是,当他开始与人分享他的经历时,非但没有被人看低, 反而得到大家友善的接纳。这样的接纳让他在之后的几天时间中自在地参与营会的各种讲座,跟大家一 起唱赞美诗歌,并且一起参加户外活动。在跟一位美国短宣队员长谈之后,他对基督教有了更深的了解, 并在营会的最后一天接受了耶稣基督作为他个人的救主。在最后一个晚上的见证分享会上,他说正是因 为弟兄姊妹们真诚的关怀和爱心让他看到神的爱。最后,那个带他来营会的弟兄跑到台前,两个大男孩 紧紧拥抱在一起,泪流满面,台下一片掌声! 这只是众多改变生命见证中的一个片断。虽然这次复活节的营会主要是为了帮助那些初信的基督徒 在灵命上成长,但是一些热心的弟兄姊妹们还是带来很多他们未信主的朋友。我看到在营会中,很多年 轻人都在小组中分享他们过去生命中的创伤和挣扎,如此敞开的分享令我印象深刻。我也看到圣灵自由 运行在这些年轻人的生命中,做医治和改变的工作,请跟我一起为这些年轻人祷告,当他们离开营会之 后,仍能继续向神敞开他们的生命,并让神在他们的生命中成就奇妙的工作。 我要特别感谢神差派了15位弟兄姊妹,组成短宣队从美国远道而来。他们每个人都带着一颗仆人的 心来到营会中谦卑地服事年轻的弟兄姊妹。因此,看到神在营会中的工作,他们自己也受到鼓舞,并借 着他们所服事的弟兄姊妹从而祝福他们自己的生命。我祷告求神让更多在欧洲以外的弟兄姊妹看到欧洲 宣教工场的需要,并愿意加入到欧洲宣教的行列中。同时,我们也不应该忘记那些常年在欧洲各地默默 耕耘的宣教同工们,那流泪撒种的必要欢呼收割(诗篇126:5)。我坚信,今天我们为主所摆上的一切 都将在神国被纪念,同时我也祷告,那庄稼的主必会打发工人去收他自己的庄稼。 5月14日,COCM在宣教中心还将举行中国大陆留学生事工研讨会,我们邀请了很多正在从事此项 事工的弟兄姊妹参与其中,他们中不但有来自英文教会的,也有一些从华人教会来。我祷告此次的研讨 会能大有果效,求神能借着这个机会让我们与志同道合的教会和宣教机构携手合作,将福音带给我们的 优先布道群体之一——中国大陆留学生,让我们在主里一同拓展神的国度! 此次复活节期间,COCM在布莱顿的同工马艳华宣教士与当地的教会一起合作,将描写耶稣受难复 活的露天话剧The Passion of Christ搬上舞台,这部前后长达三小时的话剧于复活节主日,在布莱顿的海 边上演。1865年,戴德生正是在布莱顿的海边得到了从神而来的异象,从而创建了中国内地会。在话剧 表演的过程中,我们看到成千上百的人从旁经过,并在海边嬉戏。跟很多其他欧洲的城市一样,布莱顿 也十分需要福音,通过这个话剧的筹备和演出,我们看到,华人如今也可以在欧洲这片土地上来偿还福 音的债,来偿还那些早期去到中国的宣教士为着福音的缘故为我们的同胞所摆上的一切。COCM作为一 个由中国人在欧洲创建的宣教机构,不仅仅要向散居在此的华人传福音,同时也要将神的爱带给居住在 这里的欧洲人。我们祷告,愿耶稣的十字架和赦罪的恩典能长久地烙印在人们的心中,不仅仅影响布莱 顿这个地方,更要影响和改变整个欧洲的面貌! 在主里与你们同工的, 吕子峰牧师 总干事
We lifted up our hands to praise our God. 我們高舉雙手來敬拜我們的主!
Commit ourselves to bear the cross 獻上我們年輕的生命來背起耶穌的十字架
Good weather and good mood 好天氣,好心情
Practicing our servant attitude 操練我們僕人的品格
STM team members from the USA and COCM staff workers 美國短宣隊成員及COCM同工
Many people standing and watching the Passion play on Brighton beach May the power of the cross have the lasting impact on people’s lives 很多人在布萊頓的海邊觀看了這部描寫耶穌受難復活的露天話劇 願耶穌的十字架在人們心中留下長久的烙印