February 2012 Dear mission partners, This winter we had uncharacteristically warm days throughout December and most of January, but finally the first snowfall came during the first weekend of February. As I was driving from the COCM centre in Milton Keynes to preach for the Leeds Chinese Christian Church’s Sunday service, I saw children and adults alike play-‐ ing in the snow in early hours, their faces beamed with unspeakable joy brought by the fresh white snow transforming their familiar surroundings into a winter wonderland. The journey of 3 hours drive on this partic-‐ ular day turned out to be quite smooth. When I arrived in the church parking lot, I wasn’t sure how many peo-‐ ple would show up to attend the Sunday service, because it was rare to have snow like this in England and people were not used to such difficult driving condition. But I was pleasantly surprised to meet many brothers and sisters; some came early to shovel the snow in the parking lot. Leeds Chinese Christian Church has a long history of partnership with COCM. In the earlier days, COCM sent workers to Yorkshire to help the local Chinese settling there. Slowly Chinese churches began to form in differ-‐ ent locations. Now Leeds Chinese Christian Church has its own church building with 3 pastors to care for its congregation. It has maintained a close relationship with COCM and has continuously and steadfastly support-‐ ed COCM over the years. Rev Johnny Chan has been our long time council member, and together with his wife Kim they have been helping to support and mentor many of our missionaries. The work of ministering to the local Chinese immigrants many COCM missionaries had helped to begin many years ago is now coming to full circle. What a joy to see that Leeds Chinese Christian Church has become a beacon in North England. Chinese New Year came early this year in January. I had the privilege to visit Scotland and join in the Chinese New Year celebration of Scotland Chinese Restaurant Gospel ministries. There were brothers and sisters from Aberdeen, Dundee, Perth, Fife, Edinburgh, and Glasgow. Chinese Christian churches in these locations have been sharing the gospel among Chinese immigrants new and old, and I was happy to meet many of the church leaders in Scotland area. They have been long time supporters of COCM and we have been actively partnering with one another in the gospel ministries in Scotland. I thank God for their hard work and labor of love. The last Sunday in January I went to celebrate Chinese New Year with brothers and sisters in Bristol Chinese Christian Church. It was a festive occasion to see over 170 people crowding the worship place. In the congre-‐ gation there were many new immigrants whom the Bristol CCC actively reached out. Bristol CCC is another long time mission partner with COCM. Many of our workers had been assigned to Bristol to support the church in the past, and now we are encouraged to see the steady growth of the church. In addition to supporting our workers in student ministries, starting this year Bristol CCC will partner with us to support our new missionary trainee Josh Shek. Josh graduated from Bristol University and has been involved in the youth ministry in Bristol CCC as well as the 2nd generation ministry at COCM. During the summer PHAT camp last year, Josh responded to God’s call to serve full time in COCM’s 2nd generation ministry. I am excited to see Josh rise up to serve his own generation of young people. On February 17-‐18, our 2nd generation ministry team will hold a gathering for youth leaders from different churches in the UK. We hope that this gathering will provide a platform to connect many Chinese church youth leaders so they can offer mutual support to one another, and together they can pray as well as strategize for an expanded and stronger teamwork to carry out the 2nd generation ministry in the UK. Serving together in Christ, Rev. Henry Lu General Director
二零一二年二月 親愛的宣教夥伴們, 剛剛過去的十二月和一月,在英國的我們渡過了一個異乎尋常溫暖的冬天,但是二月的第一個 週末,我們還是迎來了今年的第一場雪。那個主日,當我從 COCM 開車前往利茲華人教會(Leeds Chinese Christian Church)講道的途中,看到沿街的大人小孩們在清晨的冬雪中玩耍,圍繞在他們 身邊的這些熟悉的街景成了白雪皚皚的樂園,他們因此臉上都洋溢著難以言喻的喜樂。當天,三個 小時的車程極其順利,可當我來到教會停車場的時候,我卻不太確定今天能見到多少弟兄姊妹來聚 會。在英國,我們很少遇上這樣的大雪天氣,因此大家也不太習慣在這樣的天氣情況下開車。 令 我驚喜和意外的是,我遇到了許多弟兄姊妹,其中的一些人甚至還提早來到教會,在停車場鏟雪! 利茲華人教會跟 COCM 的合作關系源遠流長。早年,COCM 就曾派同工駐紮約克郡幫助那裡的 華人定居當地;慢慢的,華人教會也在各地建立起來。現在,利茲華人教會已經擁有了自己的堂址, 並有三位傳道人共同牧養教會。他們仍然跟 COCM 保持著密切的聯繫,並忠心地在過去的許多年中 支持 COCM 的各項事工。陳邦揚牧師長期擔任 COCM 的董事會成員,他和師母一起支持和牧養我 們當中的一些宣教士。那些由 COCM 的宣教士在許多年前開始並建立的面向華人移民的事工,如今 都已開花結果。看到利茲華人教會成為北英格蘭地區的一座燈台,著實令人歡欣鼓舞! 今年的中國農曆新年來的比往年要早,在一月的新年期間,我很榮幸北上探訪了蘇格蘭的餐福 事工,並參加了他們的中國農曆新年慶祝活動。參加這次活動的弟兄姊妹來自蘇格蘭各地,包括阿 伯丁(Aberdeen),鄧迪(Dundee),柏斯(Perth),快富(Fife),愛丁堡(Edinburgh)和格拉 斯哥(Glasgow)。在這些地區的華人教會成為向當地新老移民傳福音的管道,我也很高興能跟其 中一些教會的領袖們會面。他們都是 COCM 長期的支持者,並一直在蘇格蘭地區積極地在福音事工 上一起同工。我為他們因著福音所擺上的辛勞和所付出的愛心感謝神! 一月的最後一個主日,我去到布里斯托華人教會(Bristol Chinese Christian Church),跟那裡的 弟兄姊妹共度農曆新年。在這個中國人的傳統佳節裡,有超過 170 人在主日聚集一堂,其中有很多 新移民,他們也是布里斯托華人教會傳福音的主要對象。布里斯托華人教會是 COCM 另外一個長期 合作夥伴,COCM 在過去曾差派不同的宣教士駐紮當地,幫助教會的成長。除了支持我們的學生事 工外,從今年開始,他們也通過支持我們新的宣教士石建基(Josh Shek)弟兄來與我們同工。Josh 從布里斯托大學畢業,在當地的華人教會服事第二代華裔青年人,同時也幫助 COCM 開展第二代華 裔青年事工。在去年的“齊來頌讚祂”(PHAT)營會中,Josh 回應神的呼召,正式加入 COCM 成為 我們第二代青年人事工的全職同工。我實在很高興看到 Josh 願意起來服事像他這樣的一代年輕人。 2 月 17 日至 18 日,我們第二代事工的團隊將專為英國各地教會的青年人領袖舉辦一次訓練營。 我盼望這次聚會能成為連結這些青年人領袖的一個平台,使他們能夠更好地彼此建立,一同禱告, 從而建立一隻強大的隊伍,共同來推進第二代華裔青年人事工在英國各地的發展。
呂子峰牧師 總幹事
亲爱的宣教伙伴们, 刚刚过去的十二月和一月,在英国的我们渡过了一个异乎寻常温暖的冬天,但是二月的第一个 周末,我们还是迎来了今年的第一场雪。那个主日,当我从COCM开车前往利兹华人教会(Leeds Chinese Christian Church)讲道的途中,看到沿街的大人小孩们在清晨的冬雪中玩耍,围绕在他们 身边的这些熟悉的街景成了白雪皑皑的乐园,他们因此脸上都洋溢着难以言喻的喜乐。当天,三个 小时的车程极其顺利,可当我来到教会停车场的时候,我却不太确定今天能见到多少弟兄姊妹来聚 会。在英国,我们很少遇上这样的大雪天气,因此大家也不太习惯在这样的天气情况下开车。 令 我惊喜和意外的是,我遇到了许多弟兄姊妹,其中的一些人甚至还提早来到教会,在停车场铲雪! 利兹华人教会跟COCM的合作关系源远流长。早年,COCM就曾派同工驻扎约克郡帮助那里的 华人定居当地;慢慢的,华人教会也在各地建立起来。现在,利兹华人教会已经拥有了自己的堂址, 并有三位传道人共同牧养教会。他们仍然跟COCM保持着密切的联系,并忠心地在过去的许多年中 支持COCM的各项事工。陈邦扬牧师长期担任COCM的董事会成员,他和师母一起支持和牧养我们 当中的一些宣教士。那些由COCM的宣教士在许多年前开始并建立的面向华人移民的事工,如今都 已开花结果。看到利兹华人教会成为北英格兰地区的一座灯台,着实令人欢欣鼓舞! 今年的中国农历新年来的比往年要早,在一月的新年期间,我很荣幸北上探访了苏格兰的餐福 事工,并参加了他们的中国农历新年庆祝活动。参加这次活动的弟兄姊妹来自苏格兰各地,包括阿 伯丁(Aberdeen),邓迪(Dundee),柏斯(Perth),快富(Fife),爱丁堡(Edinburgh)和格拉 斯哥(Glasgow)。在这些地区的华人教会成为向当地新老移民传福音的管道,我也很高兴能跟其 中一些教会的领袖们会面。他们都是COCM长期的支持者,并一直在苏格兰地区积极地在福音事工 上一起同工。我为他们因着福音所摆上的辛劳和所付出的爱心感谢神! 一月的最后一个主日,我去到布里斯托华人教会(Bristol Chinese Christian Church),跟那里的 弟兄姊妹共度农历新年。在这个中国人的传统佳节里,有超过170人在主日聚集一堂,其中有很多 新移民,他们也是布里斯托华人教会传福音的主要对象。布里斯托华人教会是COCM另外一个长期 合作伙伴,COCM在过去曾差派不同的宣教士驻扎当地,帮助教会的成长。除了支持我们的学生事 工外,从今年开始,他们也通过支持我们新的宣教士石建基(Josh Shek)弟兄来与我们同工。Josh 从布里斯托大学毕业,在当地的华人教会服事第二代华裔青年人,同时也帮助COCM开展第二代华 裔青年事工。在去年的“齐来颂赞祂”(PHAT)营会中,Josh回应神的呼召,正式加入COCM成为 我们第二代青年人事工的全职同工。我实在很高兴看到Josh愿意起来服事像他这样的一代年轻人。 2月17日至18日,我们第二代事工的团队将专为英国各地教会的青年人领袖举办一次训练营。 我盼望这次聚会能成为连结这些青年人领袖的一个平台,使他们能够更好地彼此建立,一同祷告, 从而建立一支强大的队伍,共同来推进第二代华裔青年人事工在英国各地的发展。
在主里与你们同工的, 吕子峰牧师 总干事
Leeds Chinese Christian Church Brothers and Sisters cleaning the parking lot after the snow storm 利茲華人教會的弟兄姊妹在暴風雪後在停車場鏟雪
Leeds Chinese Christian Church Worship team prac-‐ ticing prior to Sunday service 利茲華人教會的敬拜團隊在主日崇拜前排練
Scotland Restaurant Gospel Ministry Chinese New Year celebration performance 蘇格蘭餐福事工正在進行的中國農曆新年表演
Bristol Chinese Christian Church Chinese New Year Celebration 布里斯托華人教會的中國農曆新年慶祝活動