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2011 Annual Report From COCM Council Chairman Jesus told his fiends that there is joy in heaven every time someone turns around and trusts him for salvation. Citizens of heaven know there is no greater joy than knowing God as the one who gives us all that Jesus has for us. The well-known Westminster Confession says the chief end of man (or woman) is “to glorify God and enjoy him for ever.” As chairman of the COCM Council, I want you to know that your prayers and support have brought many Chinese in Europe that precious experience of the grace of God, as they have responded to the gospel ministry of the mission. Their joy is clearly evident as you view COCM activity videos on our web site. On many occasions through the past year we have been indebted as a mission to short term mission (STM) teams who have travelled at their own expense to join in the mission’s ministry and I want to thank them for their participation in the gospel.

INSIDE A report from the International Consultation of the COCM Council and Overseas Boards ~David Wells 2011 COCM Ministry Survey ~Rev Henry Lu Sketches from Europe’s mission field ~Rev Henry Lu and COCM staff workers

The biannual COCM Consultation with Overseas Boards marked the past year, with representatives from Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia, Canada and the USA. We were Coming and Going bound together in grieving the sudden and untimely death of our long standing Treasurer, COCM Finance–a partnership Derek Hall, who was killed in a road accident just two days before we met together. ~David Wells Priorities were not in doubt as we gave Fiona, his wife, our heartfelt attention and support, and to one another with the reminder that for those in gospel ministry rewards are given in heaven and our passion is to glorify God with Christ like service and enjoy the blessing of God’s love and comfort at all times in all circumstances. As we look back on the past year, we take comfort to know many more are in God’s hands for blessing and enjoyment as they together with us grow in likeness to Jesus and bring before others the glory of God in a world searching for where satisfaction can be found. Our natural inclination is to find our own satisfaction in achieving personal goals whatever they may be, and it is our privilege to tell the world that God is a God of grace who lovingly calls us to enjoy his purpose in creating us for the plans he has for our future. I thanked Derek Hall more than once recently for his willingness to travel from Canada and spend many hours on the mission’s finances and he always responded by saying that he found serving Jesus was reward enough for any sacrifice there might be. His life focused for us all the business of the mission. Put more eloquently by John Piper, Senior pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, “ the essence of saving and sanctifying faith is our being satisfied with all that God has for us in Jesus.” We have seen that satisfaction in many. If you believe this is what missionary work is all about, come join us, support us and tell others about the mission. For it is a time of harvest among the Chinese in Europe!

John Wallis


神恩澤僑胞 福音遍全歐

Reaching the Chinese to Reach Europe



Annual Report A report from the International Consultation of the COCM Council and Overseas Boards David Wells (COCM Council Secretary)

COCM Centre, Milton Keynes, 25-27 August 2011

We are thankful to God:

We look to the future:

• For bringing together the Overseas Board representatives and Council members • For our fellowship and discussions • For the blessings many of us received previously through the ministry of COCM and for the opportunity to bless others through serving in COCM now • For the vision we share of “Reaching the Chinese to reach Europe” • For his blessing on many of the ministries of a growing COCM team.

• We thank God for over 60 years of missionary work which has been instrumental in the development of many Chinese Churches and Fellowships in the UK and Europe. Facing the new challenges of today we shall seek to develop partnerships with them to carry out the Great Commission with them, complementing each other in this. • A greater effort will be made to sustain our relationship with all who have been associated with COCM such as former staff, Council members, and particularly returnees. We shall develop an alumni scheme to enable us to continue our fellowship. • We continue to pray to our Father God that He may call much-needed staff with a variety of gifts into the Mission. For those yet to be called into service we recognise that more opportunities should be provided to expose people to the ministry needs first hand through activities such as short-term trips. In this way they can consider joining the Mission, bring back reports on the need to their own congregations, and become supporters in their home countries. In the light of all this, we ask for continued prayer, provision and participation support for the work of COCM in the UK and Europe.

We reviewed our ministry priorities: • Among the Chinese students - increasingly working in partnership with other churches and agencies sharing a similar vision. Particular emphasis will be placed on discipleship and preparation to equip returnees before they go home or move on. • There is a variety of new immigrants. Many lack further education and will not be able to integrate easily into local society. The most effective way to reach them will be to provide workers fluent in their own dialects. • We will continue to serve the local born Chinese. Through the PHAT camp and the associated leadership training we can see a new generation of potential leaders. Dedicated staff members are needed to take up this work. The local born Chinese are essential to our vision of reaching the peoples of Europe.

We reflected on our international partnerships: • We value the Overseas Boards and thank God for the many Overseas Board members who have served faithfully for many years. Newer members are joining them and will continue the work. Additionally we shall seek to develop and re-energise our connections in various countries and major regions where there is no current active Overseas Board. • We shall endeavour to continue to deepen and strengthen the partnership between Overseas Boards and the UK Council, and with other missions.

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2011 COCM Ministry Survey Rev Henry Lu

By God’s grace as we enter into a new year, we look back how in 2011, COCM continued to uphold the vision from God, to be His witness here in Europe. In the past year many of the ministries in the Mission have been focused on our 3 priority target groups – students from Mainland China, new Chinese immigrants and the second generation, who speaks the local language. We have also been developing our ministries according to our 3 mission strategies of evangelising, equipping and encouraging. As a result, we have been able to create team ministry opportunities that can integrate these 3 areas, for example, the Gospel Team and various camps in an effort to break the previous model of one-dimensional approach to ministry. We want to pool together our resources, to be more effective in spreading the gospel and nurturing new believers, whilst all the time seeking to have more opportunities to work together with like-minded churches and organizations. Below is a survey of COCM’s ministry highlights in 2011.

COCM Gospel Team

"Our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. " (1 Thessalonians 1:5) The Gospel Team was set up in June 2010. In 2011, the team again set off on its itinerary evangelistic tour of university campuses. From August until mid November, the team went to 18 cities in the UK, France and Spain, held 21 evangelistic meetings and came into contact with more than 1,100 young people. More than 160 students raised their hands to accept Christ whilst others expressed an interest in the Christian faith. Apart from our staff, there were more than 30 young believers enrolled from various local churches and fellowships, who went with us to different universities to share the gospel. The Gospel Team’s vision and objective for 2011 remains much the same as that of the first year (please refer to Issue 5 of Link 2010). Apart from sharing the gospel with students in various universities, we aim to build partnership with local churches and fellowships and in the process to equip the young believers who join our team. Along the way, we encourage those with a passion to share the gospel to prepare for full-time service. Building on the foundation from the first year, there has been a slight difference this year in that we went to a number of new locations and sought out new models

of co-operation. We also concentrated on developing and implementing more effective ways to follow up on students who came to the evangelistic meetings. They were asked to fill in a detailed response form so that the local church could more easily contact them. Also COCM has set up a Facebook page called Chinese Students in Europe to stay in touch with students who are interested. In terms of equipping young believers, there is a greater emphasis on team-building. In July, before the Gospel Team got under way, we held an evangelism training camp for the young students in our mission centre. This was not just to teach them practical ways of evangelism but also to build a closer relationship among members from different places. In the process of sharing the gospel, we experienced what the Bible says, “Our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction.” (1 Thessalonians 1:5) We saw with our own eyes how God Himself worked in people’s hearts and were amazed by His works of wonder. We pray that God will continue to grant us wisdom, strength and adequate manpower to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ on more campuses in the coming year.

Life Empowered –Easter Mandarin Camp

"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." (Romans 10:17) The Easter Mandarin camp in 2011 was the first time for the camp to be relocated to the COCM centre. The model of the camp was based on the Year End camps except that its objective and target group were slightly different. This camp was aimed at helping new believers to be rooted in the faith. The theme was “Life Empowered” with the message content based on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Like the Year End camps, we were intentional in making a connection with the young people by drawing from the most up-to-date phrases and popular culture in Mainland China. In the run up to the camp, many Christians applied for their non believer friends. In the end 105 people came, 20 of them were non believers whilst the rest had come to Christ within the past 1 to 3 years. The 15 short-term mission

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Annual Report team members who assisted in the camp all came from the USA. Although most of them were very accomplished in their careers yet they served these young students in humility. Seeing the campers receiving God’s Word with simple faith and open mind brought great delight and encouragement to our co-workers. The short-term mission team members were immensely encouraged by the change in these young students with their willingness to commit their lives to the Lord. They have shared the needs of Europe after going back to their home churches in North America. We need to pray for more wisdom in the use of our resources so that through our training ministry, we can follow-up on and further equip these young believers. (To find out more about Mainland Chinese students, please refer to Issue 1 of Link 2011.)

Bible Camps

"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." (Habakkuk 2:14) I n 2 0 11 , t w o intensive weeklong Bible camps w e re h e l d a t o u r mission centre at the end of June and the beginning of September straddling the beginning and the end of the summer holidays. More than 40 students came from all over the UK. The main content of the first camp was a survey of the Bible. From the Pentateuch, the Prophets, Wisdom Literature, the Gospels and New Testament Epistles, students learned to grasp the principles of studying the different literary genres of the Bible, so that they could interpret the text correctly and apply to their lives. In the second Bible camp students studied a book in the Bible using the inductive method. Along the way they also learned how to read the Bible for themselves and how to lead a Bible study. At the end of the camp there was sharing about the development of the work of various campus ministries among university students in the UK. Our main speakers in the first camp were Zhang Jing and his wife Lu Xia from America as well as our COCM Training Ministry team. For our second camp we had Rev Allen Chi and Pastor Gabby Zhong from America as our keynote speakers. The Bible camps were the building blocks of our training programme in 2011. It is our hope that through studying God’s Word, young believers can be rooted in the Bible and stand firm in the truth. Apart from similar intensive training programmes like the Bible camp, we also follow up on believers through training weeks and training weekends. (For more information on our training programmes, please refer to Issue 4 of Link 2011.) Please

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pray for the members of our newly established training ministry team. May God give us wisdom to know how to better handle His Word for the benefit of more young believers.

Mainland Chinese Student Ministry Consultation

"Because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. "(Philippians 1:5) On 14 May 2011, we held a one day consultation on Mainland Chinese student ministry at our COCM centre. The aim of the consultation was to provide a platform for those already involved in or are interested to start this ministry to share their experiences and resources. I was delighted to see over 60 brothers and sisters from both local English and Chinese churches. They all had the same desire to share God’s love with Mainland Chinese students. COCM also utilized the opportunity to introduce to them our present resources and how we could assist them to develop this ministry together. We hope to have more opportunities in the future to develop partnerships with local English churches. I thank God that He has called many local believers throughout Europe to serve and to care for the students from Mainland China. (For more information on partnership models and opportunities for co-operation, please refer to Issue 5 of Link 2011.)

The Most Important Decision - Year-End Mandarin camps

"With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God. "(Mark 10:27) We held our two annual back-to-back gospel camps at the COCM Mission Centre during the last two weeks of December. The theme for this year’s camps was “The Most Important Decision” and we had about 50 short-term mission team members from 10 churches in the USA and Canada coming to support us. The Christmas Mandarin Camp was organized for families with a separate children’s program. This year’s short-term mission team included a group of experienced children’s workers so that for the first time, we were able to provide age appropriate activities to the preschoolers, the primary school age children, as well as the youths. There were quite a number of university students attending the Christmas camp with their parents who came to the UK to visit them during the Christmas holiday. Nothing could compare to the joy of the mother coming to Christ at the same camp where her daughter came to Christ a few years ago. We rejoiced with the campers as we experienced God’s life changing power together. The Year End Mandarin camp’s program was tailor-

made for the university students. Once again, we had the opportunity to co-work with many local fellowship leaders. We marvelled at God’s work as we watched the young people who were seekers at previous Year End camps becoming our fellow workers and small group leaders in this year’s camp. On the last day of the Year End camp, we sensed a strong presence of the Lord during the closing session. Some students went up to the front to accept Christ and some Christians openly confessed their sins and struggles. Many of them shed tears of new found peace, hope and joy. We indeed serve an amazing God. With Him all things are possible. (To find out more about COCM camp models, please refer to Issue 6 of Link 2011.)

PHAT camps and Leadership training

"Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. "(2 Timothy 4:12) In February 2011, COCM made use of the school holidays to hold a PHAT leadership training camp. We started off intending to hold only a small camp to encourage more fellowship among the older teens. But the response from the youths all over the UK exceeded all our original expectation that in the end more than 70 young leaders came to spend an intensive weekend at our mission centre to be ministers to one another. This was also the first time for COCM to invite our local second generation ministry leader Dr Wesley Lai to co-ordinate such a camp. Rev Bert Han of Birmingham Chinese Evangelical Church and Rev Tim Liu of First Chinese Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, USA were the main speakers. During the camp, the leaders led by examples

in their deep personal sharing. They inspired the campers to be real with God, to invite Him into their inner life and to remove any obstacle that prevented them from having an intimate relationship with Him. As with previous years, we held the annual PHAT summer camp in August with the theme being “Taking Ground”. Around 200 young people attended, which was also the highest number we have had so far. This year we invited Rev Philip Gee from California and Pastor Howard Ngan from Toronto to be our keynote speakers. Praise the Lord that through camps like these the young people could build up their personal relationship with God and get to know Him in a deeper way. Because of God’s love and grace their lives were changed and turned around. These young people were sincere and full of courage in confronting sin. They had a genuine desire to seek God’s face and each one was so precious in the eyes of God. PHAT camp is the key building block for our second generation ministry. As from 2009, under the leadership of the local young people, we have successfully held 3 summer PHAT camps and 2 leadership training camps. Although we do not have any full-time staff in this area, yet under the leadership of Dr Wesley Lai, all the volunteers displayed their great potential. At the same time the pastoral teams from North America offered us their experience and sent people to help us. In the process we have come to realize that in order to reach more young people for Christ, more local leaders need to be equipped for leadership. It is my prayer that among these young leaders, there will indeed be those who will be raised up to lead the second generation. May God enable them to be examples to the young believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. (For more information on ministry to the second generation, please refer to Issue 3 of Link 2011.)

Sketches from Europe’s Rev Henry Lu and COCM staff workers mission field In 2011 COCM’s missionaries continued to holding onto the calling that God first gave to them, to be His witnesses across the length and breadth of Europe. These missionaries serving in the frontline have to respond to changes in the mission field and make appropriate adjustments at the drop of a hat. I give thanks to God for our faithful staff team. Below are sketches from the frontline brought to you from staff in our various fields in Europe. As you understand more about the development and breakthrough in our ministry, please remember to pray for us. May God Himself go before us and send forth more workers so that together we can lift up the name of Jesus here in Europe!

Sketch 1: Young shoots in the low-lying country Place: Den Bosch, Holland Missionaries: Rev Chi Ming Tang, Mrs Wing Chun Tang Contributor: Mrs Wing Chun Tang The Den Bosch Christian Church is a small church in the south of Holland. In 2009 when the church’s missionaries finished their term and returned to Hong Kong, Chi Ming and I prayed about it and then took on the pastoral role of the church on a voluntary basis until now. Along the way we really experienced God’s abundant grace.

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Annual Report In 2009 God first led Pastor Wan Kong Chu to spend 9 months using the “40 Days of Purpose” Campaign to build up the church. Everyone in the whole church was united in learning to recognize their own gifts and to receive training. Then at the end of June 2011 God led Rev Bau Guan Chang, whom we have not seen in 15 years to conduct a month of intensive training. She taught us that the focus of our ministry was in the Lord and not to do the work He has entrusted to us as just a matter of duty. There was also breakthrough in the area of prayer. Praying was not to hand God a shopping list but to come to Him in the inner room and learn to hear His voice. In September we moved our meeting place from the smaller classroom to a slightly larger one. As for me the most profound experience was that working with God was such an immense blessing! For over 20 years I have been serving in the role of a pastor’s wife but this year God called me 3 times to lead the church as a pastor. So starting in November 2011 I officially accepted the challenge of this new role and the responsibilities that came with it. Please pray for our small church that God will add to the number daily those who are saved and that He will raise up more brothers and sisters to serve Him. Please pray also for my monthly ministry from the pulpit that I will be a good shepherd after God’s own heart. The future plan for our church is to share the gospel with both the Chinese and the Dutch.

Sketch 2: Pastoring a “3 in 1” church Place: Colchester, England Missionaries: Simon Tam, Lydia Tam, Oi Ling Lam Contributor: Simon Tam The Essex Chinese Christian Church in Colchester is a typical church made up of the 3 groups of new immigrants, students from Mainland China and second generation who speak the local language. In 2007 COCM staff officially started the church planting ministry in Colchester. We use different ways to reach the different groups and seek to share the gospel with them. We get to know new immigrants by visiting them and put on special events at Chinese New Year and Christmas to attract them to come to our meetings. Outreach events like Tai Chi classes are good ways to make contact with the local Chinese. In terms of student work, we set up the Chinese student fellowship at the University of Essex, using Mandarin as the main language. Every year we befriend students through special events like welcome parties and evangelistic meetings. In the weekly fellowship meeting we help them to understand the truth in the Bible and teach them about accepting Jesus as their personal saviour. Over the past years students have come to know the Lord

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and have been baptized in the church. As for the work with the second generation children and youth, we are still at the initial stage. There are about 10 children attending the Sunday school, which is usually taught in English. Looking back over the past year, the number of adults attending the Sunday worship had increased from around 30 people at the beginning to around 40 at the end of the year. We thank God for working in people’s hearts and helping the church to grow. In order to make our church more accessible to people, at the beginning of October we moved our place of worship from a seminar room in the university to a small English church in the town centre. Please remember us in your prayers. May God use our church to attract more people to come to know Him. As the ministry of the church needs to cater for the needs of the 3 different groups, please pray that God will bring more people willing to serve into our midst so that together we can build up the church.

Sketch 3: Hull as the centre of gospel outreach Place: Hull, England Missionaries: Rev Kam Hung Ho, Mrs Mi Ting Ho Contributor: Mrs Mi Ting Ho We live in the city of Hull with the objective to develop the outreach to the Chinese there and at the same time to also care for the surrounding small towns, like Scunthorpe and Grimsby as well as preaching once or twice in the Lincoln church. In November 2011, the Hull Chinese Christian Church held her third thanksgiving anniversary. Praise God indeed for His keeping that even as people come and go there is still some growth in the church. The children’s Sunday school is now taught in Mandarin and some children as young as 3 are coming too! On top of the Mandarin Bible study there is an additional English class so that mums busy with young children can also learn English! Compared with last year the numbers have gone down in the student fellowship but special events still attract many new faces. We indeed need to share the gospel more! The small group in Scunthorpe is still meeting 3 times a month, with a worship service on Saturday, a Bible study on Monday and a fellowship meeting on Tuesday. They come for the retreat and on special occasions also join the worship at Hull. Recently the fellowship meeting has

been moved to a brother’s restaurant, and as a result his workers can also attend. Please pray that this place can become a base for the gospel. The Lincoln Chinese Christian Church was founded 16 years ago. A few brothers and sisters are still faithfully meeting together every week. In recent years there are more students from Mainland China. There is now a Bible study for students on Wednesday. In August 2011, five brothers and sisters from the Lincoln church attended the retreat hosted by the Hull church with the theme “Take my life”. Through his humorous and lively preaching, the speaker Rev Frank Cheung stirred up our hearts to learn to serve together. Please remember us in prayer that the brothers and sisters in the 3 places can come together to plan for next year’s retreat and to encourage one another to grow. Please also pray for our pastoral ministry in the different places and that God will send more workers to respond to the needs of the gospel.

Sketch 4: “Student Home” in my home Place: Dundee, Scotland Missionary: Chu Yin Ho Contributor: Chu Yin Ho At the end of September 2011, we started a Student Home ministry using my home. Every Tuesday from 11am – 3pm, I open my home to students to drop by and chat, play games and sometimes watch Christian DVD together. Simple lunch is provided and students can come and go as they please. In the first week we started with 12 people, then subsequently every week we have been getting new people. So far, we have had about 20 - 25 people coming to my home. This is a place where we really want to build good relationship with the students. It is not meant for doing direct evangelism, but those who are interested in knowing about the faith will be invited to the fellowship meetings or to church. We feel this is a good ministry and our prayer is that God will help our brothers and sisters to have wisdom to find ways of sharing their faith. Pray that the Student Home will be a wonderful place for building genuine relationships with the students. May the Lord draw the students to Himself through this ministry and that He will grant them a seeking heart – the vital key.

Sketch 5: Equipping believers to share the gospel Place: Perth, Scotland Missionary: Yuen Yee Ting Contributor: Yuen Yee Ting

This year Fife Chinese Christian Fellowship (FCCF) has been trying to equip some potential believers to serve in the fellowship. A few were selected to serve as chairperson or song leader in the meeting. One believer was invited to be the committee member of the fellowship. I found that they were willing to serve. They depended on God to help them with their preparation. I found they were responsible and their skill had been improving. In August, FCCF held a Bible Study Camp for which God provided. We had 60 believers from different parts of Scotland and also Birmingham coming to the camp. We worked well together as a team. Those who helped were faithful and responsible in their posts. We had good teaching, sharing and fellowship. We also discovered that reading the Bible was not boring. All the participants enjoyed themselves and gave us good feedback. Praise the Lord! In the coming year FCCF will emphasize on training believers to be people of prayer. The other plan is that we want believers to be excited in sharing the gospel with their family members.

Sketch 6: Evangelism and equipping side by side Place: Nottingham, England Missionary: Grace Li Contributor: Grace Li The beginning of the academic year in September 2011 brought an increasing number of non-believers into our fellowship, coupled with the lack of space in our meeting room, our fellowship therefore began to adopt a new model. We now have separate meetings for the believers and for the seekers. By doing this we can go deeper in nurturing the spiritual life of the believers and at the same time keeping the focus of the meeting for the seekers on the content of the gospel. For me I went through something of a pastoral c h a l l e n g e l a s t y e a r, especially in arranging the content of the meetings for the seekers. F i r s t l y, t h e c o n t e n t of the weekly Bible study was evangelistic in nature so that the students attending the meeting could learn more about the faith and at the same time not to feel they have missed something if they didn’t attend for a couple of times. Secondly, I have tried to use the language common to the students, tried to make more use of the media and interactive ways to lead the Bible study. Please pray for me that God will grant me wisdom to select the appropriate content and at the same time to clearly explain the gospel.

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Coming and Going .Missionary couple Joe Su and May Wu joined COCM in January 2011. Joe is responsible for coordinating ministries at the mission centre and May is our volunteer graphic designer. .Elder Anthony Lau joined the COCM administration team in December 2011. .Brother Paul Du joined COCM in December 2011 to be responsible for the maintenance of the mission centre and IT. .Sister Jessica Guo joined COCM in January 2012 to be our full-time Bookroom staff. .Sister Kitty Kwan left COCM in June 2011 to work in retailing. .Missionary couple Siu Wah and Nancy Ng retired in August 2011. .Rev Kai Fong Chan left COCM in September 2011 to pastor a church in Hong Kong. .Missionary couple Cho Wing and Yin Ling Leung left COCM in September 2011 to return to Hong Kong, where they are preparing to go into their new field of ministry. .Rev Edward and Mrs Meggy Wei retired from COCM in December 2011.

COCM Finance–a partnership David Wells (Legal adviser and acting Treasurer)

Like the Apostle Paul who wrote to his friends at Philippi saying that he was able to “pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel”, we in COCM are able to do the same. All that we are able to do as a Mission is the expression of partnership of all kinds “in the gospel.” As we receive your gifts for our General Fund or for missionaries serving in the Mission, we receive tangible and essential elements of your partnership with us. Our long serving treasurer Derek Hall died suddenly in August 2011. Derek gave his professional skills and copious amounts of time over many years to our financial affairs. A new treasurer will be appointed, we hope shortly, and we value your prayers that he will be able to quickly understand and direct our financial operation. Due to Derek Hall’s death I had to complete the statutory filing obligations for our reports and accounts. As I did so I became very conscious that it is no small thing for COCM to have an annual operating budget of over £1 million, both in its size and in its complexity. Meeting that budget represents many instances of partnership in the gospel in the gifts and prayers of our friends around the world. As we move into 2012, we in COCM pray with joy over these expressions of your partnership and are confident that they are a sign of God at work in your lives and ours. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel. (year ended 31 December)

Currency: GBP

Percentage of revenue in each region


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HONG KONG OFFICE Rev Tang Chi-Ming Room 522, Metro Centre II, 21 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel:+852-2549-5288 Fax:+852-2549-5155 Web Chairman: Rev Cham Nai-Bun

MALAYSIA OFFICE Mr David Liew Unit 697-2-2, Desa Kiara, Jalan Damansara, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel:+60-(0)3-7722-3670 Web Chairman:Mr Bryan Lee

SINGAPORE OFFICE Chairman:Professor Hanry Yu 420 North Bridge Road #05-07 North Bridge Centre Singapore 188727 Tel:+65-6338-6283 Web

USA BOARD Chairman:Rev Daniel Chan 1960 Silas Deane Hwy, 2nd Floor, Rocky Hill, CT 06067, USA Tel:+1-860-257-3896 Web


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COCM Link is a quarterly publication reporting on the work among Chinese in the UK and Continental Europe. It is free upon request.

General Director: Rev Henry Lu 2 Padstow Avenue, Fishermead, Milton Keynes MK6 2ES England UK Tel:+44-(0)1908-234-100 Fax:+44-(0)1908-234-200 Web

Chairman: Mr Lawrence Chen P.O. Box 32528, Richmond, B.C. V6X 3S1 CANADA Tel:+1-778-591-0109 Web




Published by the: Chinese Overseas Christian Mission. Registered Charity No.232651 No.1135892 Company No.7106567

Editorial Committee:

Rev. Henry Lu.Ling Lu.Min Yin. Yu-Mei Wu

Translator:Monica Li


God called us to serve in Europe, and we are thankful for the financial support from individuals and churches around the world over the years. The vast majority of people living in Europe have yet to accept the Gospel, hence we ask humbly for you to work with us. If you are moved to support us financially, please get in touch. Donations from UK By Cheque Cheques made payable to “COCM” may be sent to: COCM, 2 Padstow Avenue, Fishermead, Milton Keynes MK6 2ES By Bank Transfer or Standing Order Please contact COCM Headquarters for detailed information. Donations from overseas Please contact Your local COCM offices / boards or COCM Headquarters (Please see the contact information at the right-hand column on the back page.)

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