2012 Annual Report INSIDE
From COCM Council Chairman
Next year Facing a Task Unfinished will mark a ~Rev. Henry Lu decade of serving the Chinese throughout Europe and in the UK since the dedication of the COCM Centre Sketches from Europe’s by the late Revd Dr John Stott. The focus then was the Bible College and today we can look mission field around Europe and see some of the alumni leading Chinese Churches as pastors, a vision ~The path of grace / Monica Li fulfilled. ~Teaching without boundaries / Lawrence Sin When it proved impossible to register the Bible School with the government, the ~A Chinese church in Eastern focus changed to opening the doors for conferences and discipleship training. Those who Europe / Simon Tam planned the facilities of the COCM Centre would be so encouraged to drop in during one ~The start of a long journey / of these gatherings of Chinese from Europe and the UK and encounter dedicated Short Josh Shek Term Mission teams from our Overseas Boards. The inevitable joy of meeting but also the in the gospel / Connie Yu ~Partner deeper dimension of family and brothers and sisters together tasting the presence of the Lord Jesus as the Holy Spirit energises the teaching of the Word of God, and the testimony 2012 COCM Ministry Overview of new Christians is palpable. God has done much more, as he always does, through the building at the COCM Centre than could have been anticipated at the memorable Coming and Going dedication service in 2003. COCM Finance–a partnership As this year of the dragon draws towards ~James Lo its close, we thank God that the essential team to lead forward our mission to evangelise, equip and encourage the Chinese in Europe is for the most part in place. We still have some gaps in the back-up support team, but there too we have seen God clearly call some to offer sacrificial service. You will have read the testimonies of some those God has called to serve with COCM to head up the ministry to students, notably from PR China, and to second generation young people. You cannot have failed to perceive the maturity and experience of those who have joined the mission in recent months. We have high hopes for the growth of the Chinese Churches in Europe, the dark continent of the 21st Century facing its deepest crisis since the 1939-45 World War. Seeing that God is calling many to join the mission, we have unashamedly increased the budget for 2013. You might question this having looked at the financial report for 2012. But the council is persuaded that the essential support team at the COCM Centre needs to be in place, and that God will supply what is needed to pay adequately a growing staff of gifted and dedicated servants. All who join the mission serve sacrificially given their previous situation, although they would not say so. The coming year of the snake may prove to be one that stretches our faith and keeps us on our knees. We will all I hope be those who watch and pray and not allow our Enemy, who came into garden as a snake at the beginning of the world’s tribulations, to undermine our ministry by sowing seeds of doubt over the faithfulness of God to those who trust and obey his call to follow the Lord Jesus where he may lead them. Please join us in prayer for God’s provision of every kind that as a mission we may be available to him to continue his marvellous work of salvation among the Chinese in Europe.
神恩澤僑胞 福音遍全歐
John Wallis
Reaching the Chinese to Reach Europe