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From the General Director Reading through the stories in the Gospels, we can see an ever-increasing contrast between Jesus and His disciples. The disciples wanted Jesus to be the great power that would overthrow the rulers and establish a mighty earthly kingdom. They often urged Jesus to forget about the Samaritans, to not waste time on the woman suffering from bleeding, and to send away the little children; they felt that Jesus had more important places to go, more important people to meet, and more important things to do. But the earthly life our Lord lived was a life of incarnation, coming into our world and dwelling with us. His earthly ministry was a ministry of incarnation. Over and over again Jesus patiently revealed his incarnate ministry to his disciples, gently reminded them that "this is my journey, my ministry, my incarnation", and lovingly invited them to "come follow me, travel with me on my journey, and join me in my incarnate ministry." To do the work the Lord calls us to do in the mission field, we need to become like Him. As followers of Jesus, we travel the path He travels; we seek the lost He seeks; we go to love the outcasts he loves. To imitate Him in our interaction with people means to be willing to live among and rub shoulders with those who need us to lead them to Christ. Effective mission work requires us to draw near to the people in the mission field and get involved with them directly. Only by dwelling among them do we come to truly understand the people to whom we are called to minister. Only incarnate ministry develo ps the right opportunities that have power to make a lasting impact.

INSIDE Canterbury ~Editorial Committee From Ashes to Beauty ~Min Yin Bristol ~Editorial Committee The Sovereign God Changed My Heart ~Patrice Li COCM Finance ~James Lo

Incarnate ministry is costly. We tend to acknowledge the model of incarnate ministry as ideal but dare not to embrace it as a real life style. Today’s “me-first” culture tells people to focus on their own happiness and personal enrichment. Even Christians are influenced by this culture to look for a life with God’s blessings and self enjoyment instead of an adventure to fulfill God’s purpose and plan. As a result, not many are willing to give up the comfort and security of this world to follow Jesus further on His journey. How great is our God! He alone can motivate those of His choosing to carry out His purpose according to His plan. For several years I have been praying that the next generation of Chinese Christians will take courage to respond to God’s calling and offer their lives to serve the Lord in the mission field. Two of our new missionary workers are among the brave ones who have willingly given up their dreams of success in this world to take a leap of faith in joining our mission. Min Yin came to know Christ through COCM’s student ministry while she was a student at Nottingham University. Since then, God has been steering her into long term mission work. Min finished her PhD study at UCL at the end of 2012 and joined COCM as a full time missionary. Patrice Li is originally from Taiwan. She studied at All Nations Christian College where she was awarded a BA in Biblical and Intercultural Studies in 2012. Patrice joined COCM in February, 2013. I am excited to see young missionaries like Min and Patrice coming to serve with us. I pray that many more in their generation will respond to the invitation of Jesus. Together let us travel with Him on His adventurous journey, and join Him in His incarnate ministry.

Rev. Henry Lu

神恩澤僑胞 福音遍全歐

Reaching the Chinese to Reach Europe


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