Staff Prayer Items(March / 2012) COCM Headquarters (Milton Keynes, UK) Prayer request 1. From 30/3 – 2/4 we will hold this year’s Easter Mandarin Conference at the COCM Mission Centre. The theme is “Priceless Treasure”. Pray that God may use this conference to change the lives of many and the name of our Lord Jesus Christ will be exalted again. 2. Pray for our staff members who are involved in the preparaNon work for the conference in every area, including program design, accommodaNon, food and all other logisNcs. Pray that we have unity and teamwork, wisdom to plan and make arrangements for every part of the preparaNon to progress smoothly. 3. There will be over 100 young students from all over UK to aSend this conference, and among them, there are about 20 non-‐believers. Please pray for every camper that God Himself may prepare their hearts. For ChrisNans, they will be touched by God more deeply in this conference and they will experience God more and grow spiritually. For the non-‐believers, pray that God soVens their hearts so that they will be willing to open their hearts during the conference to accept this priceless giV. 4. This Nme, we have invited some new brothers and sisters to join in serving as small group leaders. Pray that God may lead them in working with one another, leading small groups and caring every member with the wisdom from above. Also pray that they could experience God’s presence. May God use them to be vessels of Lord Jesus’ love. 5. Pray for the short mission team members from the United States. May God help and give them wisdom to prepare the messages and tesNmonies that will be shared in the conference. Also pray for their hearts to be ready for the mission and adjust quickly to all kinds of serving tasks when they arrive.
Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. We are thankful for the opportunity during the February half term break to take a weekend trip with the whole family to Land’s End in Southwest England. Prayer requests 2. Henry has a very busy preaching schedule in March: 2-‐4/3 at the ‘Not One ForgoSen’ China Conference; 11/3 at LCAC Sunday service; 17-‐18/3 at Birmingham Chinese Evangelical Church’s Mission Conference; 22-‐26/3 at Dundee’s DCEA conference. 3. Please conNnue to pray for Ling to take on the ediNng work of the Living Water Magazine, especially the need of Nme and effort to collect tesNmony arNcles. 4. Daughter Annabel will take part in an expediNon organized by her school in June. There are two training days on 4th and 18th of March. She needs to have strength and endurance to complete this physically challenging program. Pray that God will grant her good health.
Rebecca Mao (Director of Member Care; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord for our first training camp. All staff worked hard and harmoniously. 2. It is a joy to see our volunteers growing in the Lord. Prayer request 3. Ministry in Finland from March 8-‐12. I will be leading three Bible studies/workshops and preach on Sunday. 4. I will be preaching every Sunday for the month of March. 5. I am implemenNng our training program. Pray for wisdom in planning all the programs and pray for right people to come to partner with us.
Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Southern France: Two students accepted Jesus in Montpellier Fellowship. In addiNon to aSending the regularly Thursday meeNng, some new believers are willing to aSend the internet bible study group led by Gordon every Saturday. A new student fellowship will be established in Nice as well. Thank God for preparing a sister who is willing to lead the bible study and serve in the fellowship. Prayer Request 2. Pray for all ministries we are involved in March including leadership training camp, fellowship sharing and preaching in Northern England and Southern France and COCM Easter Camp. 3. Gordon preaching in Bristol Chinese ChrisNan Church on 4 March. 4. Maggie leading a workshop about worship in Luton Chinese ChrisNan Church on 15 March. 5. The leader in Montpellier student fellowship may need to leave, pray that God will guide his way and also prepare someone who can lead the fellowship. 6. Pray for our spiritual and physical well-‐being, the health of our family members and they can come to know Christ.
YuEan Li and Ida Liu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Having more Nme in prayer. Prayer request 2. Pray for 2012 COCM Easter Mandarin Camp that co-‐workers and STMers will prepare ourselves well and this camp and good weather for this camp.
Staff Prayer Items(March / 2012) Connie Yu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God that He is working in the hearts of students in Leicester, and the Mandarin student fellowship has started to grow. Please pray that we would conNnue to be sensiNve to His leading and working among us. And that there would be more students coming to know Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. Prayer request 2. Will preach in Leicester, Luton and London in March, please pray that God would speak to our hearts through His Word and us willing to respond with the help of the Holy Spirit. 3. Give God thanks for safe driving. 4. Please conNnue to pray for my parents in China that they would come to know Jesus.
Josh Shek (Second GeneraEon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. The PHAT Leaders conference held in February went very smoothly. We enjoyed a day full of good fellowship and ministry, and many who aSended said they were blessed by the conference. 2. New volunteers are beginning to step up to serve in the PHAT Planning teams. We thank God that He is raising up new people Himself to have a burden for and serve this generaNon. 3. I thank God that my first month in COCM has gone smoothly. I am beginning to seSle into the rouNne of moving between Bristol and MK, and life in HQ. Prayer request 4. PHAT Summer 2012 will be the next big challenge for myself and the planning team. Please pray for us to have the wisdom and energy to prepare the conference well. We are expecNng nearly 200 teenagers to aSend this year. 5. Since January this year I have been helping out with the Youth Group in Bristol and they are beginning to accept me. Please pray that I will be able to start building strong relaNonships with the youths there and for the Spirit's guidance to learn how to serve them.
Min Yin (CommunicaEon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for bringing me back safely and adjusNng to a beSer daily rouNne. 2. The thesis is sNll progressing. 3. Thank God for good Nme spending with those working and living in the mission centre. Prayer request 4. Pray that I will finish my first draV of thesis by April. Pray for wisdom and good Nme management. 5. I will aSend ‘Not One ForgoSen’ China Conference in early March. Pray that I will be refreshed in the conference and the Lord will conNnue to make COCM’s ministry known to the others. 6. Pray for the preparaNon of Link 2012 issue 2. May God give us the right arNcles to convey our vision. 7. Pray for my parents’ salvaNon. They plan to visit me in July and pray for their visa applicaNon.
Tzyy-‐Terng Su and Yu-‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaEon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. We had opportunity to share our ministry in the UK during our visit back to Taiwan and thank God that we received a lot of care and prayers from brothers and sisters. 2. A friend of us received Christ with her Mum when her Mum was in the hospital. Her Mum passed away in January. Pray that this friend of us will conNnue to be a good witness among other family members. Prayer requests 3. Pray for Joe’s message sharing in Salt and Light Fellowship on 10th March. 4. Pray for the volunteers working and living with us in the center (Melody, Candy and Hong). May God grant them health and heart for His service. Pray that God will conNnue to guide their future path. 5. Pray that God will bring more volunteers to join our team. 6. The number of people is increasing in our fellowship and we sNll need to strengthen our caring ministry. May the Lord prepare the man power to serve while the fellowship has a quick turn over.
Paul Du (Centre Maintenance & IT; Milton Keynes UK) Prayer request 1. Please pray that God help me to manage my Nme wisely and move away my laziness so that I can spend my Nme in praying. 2. Pray to build up a more inNmate relaNonship with God and to seek His guidance in my work and life. Allow Him to change my life to be more like Him. 3. Pray that God will grant me strength to read more English books and arNcles so that my English will be improved and ready for His service. 4. Pray that God will give me peace to start learning driving. Pray that God will put aside the fear and prepare a suitable instructor for me.
Staff Prayer Items(March / 2012) Anthony Lau (AdministraEon; Milton Keynes & Cambridge UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thanks for a safe and producNve trip to Brighton for SEEC. Prayer requests 2. SEEC organizaNons, a bit slow and SEEC is short of workshop leaders.
Dennis Yau and Jessica Guo (Associate; Bookroom; Luton UK) Thanksgiving 1. Dennis passed his driving test Prayer requests 2. Hope everything goes well with our moving to MK. 3. Dennis going back to HK for a week for his grandfather's funeral, may God comfort his family, especially his mum. 4. The disciple training course in Luton church, the first week was very good, brothers and sisters had quite good sharing Nme together, may God conNnue to use this course to help brothers and sisters to grow together.
Oiling Lam (Student Ministry; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for watching over our ministry and life, which is full of his grace. 2. Thank God for the unity of our brothers and sisters so that the gospel event went very well. Prayer request 3. Please pray for the new commiSee members of the fellowship that God will grant them unity and wisdom to serve Him. 4. Pray that the students would sNll worship God and draw close to Him while they are busy with studies. 5. Pray for my Dad as he had the stroke for second Nme. Pray for God’s healing and may he know God’s salvaNon soon.
Grace Li (Student Ministry; NoTngham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thanks God for bringing quite a few seekers at Cornerstone church's ChrisNanity explore course, pray that they can have seeking heart to come for the rest of the course. 2. Thank God for the regular aSendants on our Friday’s gospel meeNng, every week we have around 20'sh students, most of them are seekers, please pray that God would open the seeker's eyes every Nme when we meet, pray for our brothers and sisters who are involved in the gospel meeNng that we all have wisdom from God to answer their quesNons. Prayer request 3. Pray for Easter camp, may the campers would be liVed up by the messages and workshops.
Mary Ma (Student Ministry; Brighton UK) Prayer request 1. Please pray for the gospel meeNng at university every Friday night. May God use the message to reach out to the students. 2. Pray for the Bible study and discipleship training every Sunday. May God help the believers to deep rooted in God’s word and grow in it. 3. Pray that God will prepare a suitable co-‐worker to work with Mary. Pray for more opportunity to share the vision of mandarin ministry with English churches. 4. Please pray for the Chinese here in Brighton who go to the gatherings of Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon to come back to the truth. 5. Pray for the preparaNon work of Easter celebraNon in Brighton.
Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God that my house in Milton Keynes has been rented out. House hunNng in Lancaster has been put on hold as I will be going back to Hong Kong for furlough for 2 months in June. Please pray that the manse of the church I am aSending will become available in the summer. Prayer request 2. A male foundaNon student from Hong Kong became a ChrisNan recently, so am following up on him and the 3 female master students from China. Please pray that the sessions can give them a good foundaNon of the ChrisNan faith and their relaNonship with God.
Chu-‐Yin Ho (Student Ministry; Dundee UK) Prayer request 1. There seems to be a seasonal bugs that are going around which a few of us at fellowship and students, including myself had caught and fallen ill. The symptoms are stomachache and vomiNng. Some of us are already on the way to recovery, pray for God's conNnuous healing. I am much beSer today myself. Pray for God's protecNon for those who are healthy. 2. Pray for the seekers in our midst, 4 of them in total. 3 are from China and 1 from Hong Kong. We have been working through a series of evangelisNc Bible Studies but so far, 2 of them is consistent in coming. The other 2 though demonstrate openness but yet for one reason or another, somehow they have not been consistent in coming to the studies. Pray that God will protect these seeking hearts and I would pray that those who have been consistent in coming, they would come to the readiness in receiving Jesus at the end of the studies.
Staff Prayer Items(March / 2012) Yuen Yee Ting (Church PlanEng; Perth UK) Prayer request 1. Pray for the retreat of Restaurant Ministry in April. 2. Pray for the faith of those who are sick. 3. Pray for the strength to serve.
Simon and Lydia Tam (Church PlanEng; Colchester UK) Prayer request 1. Colchester Church will start to promote the Bible-‐reading ministry and we are going to read the Five Books of Moses. May the Lord help the brothers and sisters to grow in His word. 2. Pray that God will give us wisdom to disciple the brothers and sisters to join in the service team at church. 3. Simon will go to minister to the Romanian Church on 2-‐12 March. May the Lord grant his grace.
Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Interim Dirctor of Admin, Church PlanEng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. We have a special ValenNne dinner with 4 other couples from the church in February. February 14 is usually a busy day for the catering ministry so we have the celebraNon on February 13. This dinner was planned, cooked and served by our children. This group of youths decorated the restaurant, planned the menu, bought the food, cooked and served the 4-‐course dinner. They did the washing up aVerwards too. The parents were moved by their effort and thank God that they really grow in Christ. Prayer request 2. The goal of the Hull Chinese ChrisNan Church is "growth'. The first 4 months would concentrate on personal growth. Pray that God would lead brothers/sisters to set suitable targets on spiritual growth, on bible reading and prayers. 3. Thank God for a lot new comers to the student fellowship at a special hotpot dinner in February. Pray that they would conNnue to come and seek God. Pray also for the outreach to the students from China. 4. Please conNnue to pray for Gloria to finish her dissertaNon before April.
Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanEng; Exeter UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that He raised different people to join the service at church. Prayer request 2. Pray for church commiSee meeNng on 13th March. 3. Pray for the 4 bible study groups in the church. 4. Pray for the health of our family and the study of Adam and Enoch.
Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God that Clara has been able to help her mum to seSle in an elderly home in Hong Kong. 2. Joint gospel outreach of CCiL (Soho 3G Fellowship) and Bath CCF on 10-‐11 Feb was very fruiqul. There were various gospel acNviNes including an open-‐air evangelism at the city of Bath, a gospel meeNng in the University of Bath and a career consultancy service at the local Church of England. All these acNviNes aSracted Chinese students to listen to the tesNmonies of the ChrisNans and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Two students professed faith in the gospel meeNng. Praise God for the unity, passion and commitment for the gospel for both fellowships. Prayer requests 3. Lawrence’s eldest brother is suffering from abdomen infecNon and was admiSed to hospital on Monday. He has been suffering from kidney deterioraNon in the past few years and the body is very weak to fight against the bacteria. Pray that God will keep him safe during this Nme of suffering and also he can receive the salvaNon of Jesus Christ to be his greatest comfort and peace. 4. Pray for the upcoming CCiL (Hammersmith) and Loughborough CCF joint gospel outreach on 9-‐11March. There will be 25 people coming from CCiL and Loughborough CCF is busy promoNng the gospel event, arranging accommodaNon and preparing for every part of the gospel event. Pray for the wisdom and strength of Loughborough CCF and also a very fruiqul gospel outreach. 5. Midlands Easter Conference 2012 commiSee is coordinaNng with different fellowships in the Midlands for the whole conference program. Pray for the wisdom and the strength of the commiSee. 6. Currently there are 90 people aSending the conference and the venue can accommodate up to 130 people. Pray that each aSendee of the conference will be challenged by God’s Word and experience the renewal of the Holy Spirit to serve God.
Staff Prayer Items(March / 2012) Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanEng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. For more than 10 students whom we met during the socieNes fair, pray for their open hearts to join our fellowship 2. For the cooperaNon to outreach Chinese students with brothers & sisters from Hope Church in Herqordshire 3. For the Chinese families who aSended children program, pray for their conNnual aSendance. Prayer requests 4. For the first fellowship at university of Herqordshire on March 7, pray for the aSendees and program 5. For a day trip with 20 students on March 17, pray for the good weather, safety and fellowship 6. For our family’s mission trip in Bulgaria at the end of March: a. For good & warm weather and our travel safety b. May God use us to comfort and encourage b/s over there, and they will conNnue trust in God in the midst of difficulNes. c. For our fellowship & worship arrangement during our absence. 7. For STM team from NY in April: a. Children program, to reach out to more Chinese families b. Two evangelisNc meeNngs and evangelisNc worship, for aSendees and their salvaNon c. STM members – their hearts & preparaNons, two members are new to STM
Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuEve Director -‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. Chi Ming had a busy preaching schedule in Hong Kong in February. Thank God that He uses Chi Ming’s message to be the blessings of others. 2. There were two in Den Bosch Church accepNng Christ in the last two Sundays. May the Lord remember them and help us to follow up on them. Prayer request 3. Please pray for Tony (our daughter’s father-‐in-‐law) as he suffers from liver cancer. May the Lord have mercy on him. Pray for his wife Stella and their son and daughter-‐in-‐law. 4. Wing Chun’s elder brother, who is living with their mum, will go back to Hong Kong for a month in March. Wing Chun needs to take care of their mum during his absence. Pray for Wing Chun’s Mum will have good health. 5. Wing Chun will be interpreNng Mandarin from Dutch at Sunday service on 4th March and she also will preach on 11th March. May the Lord use her service. Wing Chun started to mentor and minister to the mandarin-‐speaking cell group. Please pray for the gatherings on 4th and 18th March. The Cantonese-‐speaking cell group had been taken over by others. 6. Chi Ming ministers to those young people in the Dutch-‐speaking group and answered their quesNons via emails. 7. Chi Ming will lead the prayer meeNng in Hong Kong on 5th March. He will also aSend the Hong Kong Board MeeNng on 12th March. On 15-‐29 March, he will be back to Holland and preach on 18th March. May the Lord grant him strength to do the ministry.
May Tseng (Hong Kong Office, HK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that May is 9-‐month pregnant and her blood pressure is at normal level. Prayer request 2. Pray for the preparaNon before giving birth a. The re-‐allocaNon of work load b. Hiring child minder c. Pray that all the family members will be well prepared to welcome the new members of our family. 3. May is sNll having rash and pray for God’s healing. Pray that the rashes will not pass on to the baby. 4. Pray for the check up on 14th March.