Staff Prayer Items(June / 2012) Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Henry had a smooth trip to Dublin at the beginning of May. 2. A;er spending days to study the “Life in the UK” materials, Henry and Ling both passed this test which is required for their UK seElement applicaFon. Prayer requests 3. ApplicaFon for seElement has to be submiEed within 28 days before current visa expires, but we were only able to get one online appointment opFon which is on 6th July, the last day before our visa expires. We will try to keep looking should an earlier appointment become available. Please pray that we will trust the Lord for this process and do our part to ensure we have prepared everything for a smooth interview. 4. The next issue of Living Water Magazine has an Olympic theme and is almost ready for prinFng. Pray that copies of magazine will reach readers worldwide before the start of upcoming London Olympic game in July. 5. Annabel has taken half of her GCSE exams in May and will have two more weeks of exams in June. Please conFnue to pray that she will rely on God for strength and moFvaFon to do her best and. Please also remember her 48km expediFon journey at the end of June, may God help her to endure and finish well.
Rebecca Mao (Director of Member Care; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. I had a good trip to China and Taiwan. Thank God for the hospitality and care of family and friends. 2. Praise the Lord. More than 50 people registered for June’s Bible Camp. Prayer Request 3. Pray for the planning of June’s Bible Camp and pray for Pastor Chi and his wife who are coming to teach. 4. Pray for new volunteers who will join our exisFng team from June to September. May the Lord give us wisdom to equip and care for them.
Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. A student who accepted Christ a;er the gospel meeFng in Montpellier, France last year was bapFsed. Another two students have also decided to be bapFsed in mid -‐June. We will do it with the local French church. 2. We have recruited enough people for 2012 gospel events. Prayer Request 3. 3/6 Sharing in CCIL student fellowship (London) 4. 14-‐18/6 Gordon serving in Southern France (leading bible studies, visiFng students and preaching in church) . 5. 21-‐25/6 Serving in Northern England (leading bible studies, visiFng students and preaching in church) . 6. Gospel Team: Please conFnue to pray for the training camp preparaFon and church visit. May God give us wisdom to plan and arrange different things. 7. Pray for our physical and spiritual wellbeing so that we can always serve with peace and joy in our heart. 8. Pray for our families’ health and that they can come to know Christ.
YuEan Li and Ida Liu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that we are well adapted to the life here in Edinburgh and that we get to know a lot of brothers and sisters. 2. Thank God that there are several brothers and sisters gehng bapFzed this month. At the same Fme, we have started the one-‐on-‐one follow up so that they could grow firmly. Prayer request 3. Pray for the safe trip to staff retreat. 4. Pray for the 5 members in every Tuesday's pre-‐bapFsm course that they could know more about God and His will. 5. Recently, every Wednesday noon, we go to campus to send out flyer. Pray that God could use it to bring people to church. 6. Pray for every Thursday's Bible study (mainly for new ChrisFans). Pray that they could remember what they have learned by heart. 7. I will lead Bible study and worship on Friday (3 Fmes in the coming month). Pray that God could give me wisdom. 8. Pray that God could use me to be a channel of His Words through preaching on Sundays. 9. We visited several students and a newlywed couple. Pray that God could help these brothers and sisters to grow spiritually. 10.Pray for our flat-‐mates, a young couple from mainland China. We've shared the gospel with them but they haven't accepted yet. 11.While parFcipaFng in Couples' Fellowship, I realized that a lot of encouragement is needed to strengthen everyone's faith. Pray that God could sFr up the love in everyone's heart. 12.StarFng from May, Ida is babysihng Kereb, 18-‐month-‐old, whose parents are theology students. (The husband is Australian and the wife is from Nanjing). Ida takes care of Kereb every Friday morning from 9:00-‐12:30. Pray that God could give Ida wisdom and pray for Kereb.
Staff Prayer Items(June / 2012) Connie Yu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks that though it was a busy Fme for students, some are sFll willing to come to students fellowship, Sunday service and discipleship group. Please pray for their steady spiritual growth. Prayer request 2. Will preach in Leicester and Reading in June, please pray for safe travelling and allowing God to speak through the sermons. 3. Have started a evangelisFc bible study with some scholars in Leicester, one of them has been studying with Jehovah’s Witness for a year. Please pray that they would come to know the truth and accept Jesus. 4. Most students in Leicester will finish their academic year in early June, please pray for those who are going back to China that they would conFnue to follow Jesus and be able to find a church. 5. There will be a one week bible camp in June, please pray that the remaining students would be willing to come and study the Word of God. 6. Please pray for my parents in China that they would come to know Jesus.
Josh Shek (Second GeneraEon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. RegistraFons for PHAT Camp have begun to arrive and other preparatory work is progressing well. I thank God that so far all the planning is going smoothly. Prayer request 2. Preaching in Portsmouth CCC's English Service on 17th June. This will be the first Fme I preach in a Sunday Service. Please pray that God will speak to me in my preparaFon and be with me as I share. 3. I will be serving in 2 weddings in June (not mine). Please pray that both occasions will be filled with joy and that I will be able to serve well. 4. Please conFnue to pray for PHAT Camp this summer. Please especially pray for our speaker, Pastor Ian Ma, as he prepares his message for the conference.
Min Yin (CommunicaEon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for bringing me to All NaFons and challenged me through that. 2. Got to know many new friends here and be encouraged by their tesFmonies and dedicaFons. 3. Finished my first dra; and now waiFng for my supervisor's comments. 4. My car's doing well in spite of some minor problems. Prayer request 5. Pray that God will conFnue to guide me through for the next 5 weeks and get to know more about Him. Learn to be waiFng upon the Lord with quietness and paFence. 6. Pray for my car and road safety. 7. Pray for my parents' salvaFon and their visas to UK in this summer.
Tzyy-‐Terng Su and Yu-‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaEon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Tzyy-‐Terng’s ankle is recovering well and he is pracFcing walking without crutches. He could also take train to serve at Taiwanese Fellowship in London. Prayer requests 2. Cen Zhang will finish her volunteer work in mid-‐June and she will go back to the United States to finish her studies. 3. Please pray for three new volunteers. 4. Pray for the transiFon of leadership commiEee members for Taiwanese Fellowship in London as well as the preparaFon of new student welcome event for this coming new academic year.
Paul Du (Centre Maintenance & IT; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for smooth process and the joy of learning how to drive since May. I am grateful for the prayers and encouragement of my fellow workers. Prayer request 2. May God guide and watch over my upcoming driving lessons. I hope to pass the theory test this month. 3. May God have mercy on my parents, family members and friends who have not believed in Christ. Pray that they will experience God’s grace. 4. May God conFnue to transform me and grant me wisdom. Pray that I will long for His Word more and treasure the Fme of prayer.
Staff Prayer Items(June / 2012) Dennis Yau and Jessica Guo (Associate; Bookroom; Luton UK) Thanksgiving 1. We have seEled in our new home in Milton Keynes. Prayer request 2. Student ministry planning in Luton for next term, not many students leader le; in Luton for next term. 3. Dennis's serving direcFon for next half year. 4. We are looking for buying another car. Pray God prepare a suitable one for us.
Oiling Lam (Student Ministry; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for giving me a good Fme going back to Hong Kong to visit my family and church siblings. 2. Thank God that I was able to adapt to the weather in Hong Kong. Prayer request 3. Pray that students will conFnue to aEend church and grow a;er they go back home. 4. Pray for graduates to find jobs and adapt to take on new challenges in their lives. 5. Pray for good fellowship and sharing and I won’t have jetlag when I go straight from Hong Kong to the annual staff retreat. 6. Pray for my parents to have good health. May God watch over them.
Grace Li (Student Ministry; NoTngham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for 5 students’ bapFsm in May, pray they would grow deeply and steadily. 2. Give thanks to God for our seeker's group, even in exam Fmes, we sFll have around 20 aEendees, most of them will be back to China in 2 weeks Fme, pray that the seeds in their hearts would be grow by God's grace wherever they go. Prayer request 3. Students are taking exams, pray for them to have good preparaFon and have balance on spiritual life too. 4. We'll have fellowship retreat from 8th-‐11th June, pray for it , may we have good sharing, deepened conversaFon with each others, the non ChrisFans could open to God.
Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord that the students are growing and are commiEed to coming to meeFngs during this Fme of exams. The Tuesday morning devoFons are going well and each one who leads does good preparaFon. Prayer request 2. I will be using the fellowship Fme on Friday 1 June to teach and encourage the students to share the gospel. This is in preparaFon for the evangelisFc meeFng on 19 Oct. 3. Had a couple of days visiFng my younger brother and my parents last week and know more about what they are facing. Please pray for their coming to know the Lord. 4. Please pray for my furlough from 9 June to 20 August that I will have an encouraging Fme with my supporFng churches. Pray too for adjusFng to the heat in Hong Kong. I have not spent summer there since joining COCM in 1996. 5. Praise God that my furlough coincides with my grandmother going into an old people’s home so that I can see how she is gehng on. Please pray for her adjustments.
Chu-‐Yin Ho (Student Ministry; Dundee UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thanking God that I arrived back Singapore safely. It was nice to see my 2 mission pastors at the airport. ConFnue to pray for my recovery from cold and cough, I am sure that I am on the way to recovery. 2. I am thankful that I was able to aEend the wedding of 2 ex-‐Dundee students. It was nice to be involved in Scripture reading during the Church Wedding and also to pray during the wedding dinner. Praying that God conFnues to bless their lives together and be a blessing to those around as a couple. Prayer request 3. Pray for a safe journey and a blessed Fme in Singapore renewing Fes with home Church, the mission convenFon that I will be involved in, meeFng many returnees and also to spend Fme with family. I will be taking 4 sessions in the convenFon, 2 with the children,1 with the pre-‐university/university students and the final one with people exploring 1-‐2 year mission. 4. I will also be sharing at a terFary fellowship with the Mandarin CongregaFon of my home Church, who have been praying for me. 5. During my furlough, I will also be visiFng China (Chengdu, Wuhan and Shanghai) and Hong Kong, visiFng returnees and relaFves. 6. Pray for my preparaFon for the mission convenFon, good adjustment to the hot weather and also stamina for a Fght schedule.
Staff Prayer Items(June / 2012) Simon and Lydia Tam (Church PlanEng; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for two students in Colchester who recently became ChrisFans. Pray they will conFnue to grow and a willing heart to receive discipleship training. Prayer request 2. Our church in Colchester has a new commiEee to serve this year, a new member has joined. Pray for their service in the upcoming year. 3. Simon will go to Romania from 22 June to 9 July. Pray for the needs of the church in Romania.
Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Interim Dirctor of Admin, Church PlanEng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. We went to Iona Island in Scotland at the beginning of May. Thank God for 2 days of good weather in the midst of showery days. We were able to have leisurely stroll on the Island, relaxing and plenty of Fme for reflecFon. We were blessed with 10 days of summer like weather a;erwards. Now it's back to miserable days. We really have to grasp the opportunity to work for God. Prayer request 2. There will be AGM for Hull Chinese ChrisFan Church. 1 sister will join the exisFng commiEee of 5 people. Pray for unity in serving. 3. Students from the University have completed their exams. Many have gone home while some have gone on travelling. Pray that they will conFnue to seek God. 4. Pray for wisdom so that we could know how to use our Fme wisely. 5. Please conFnue to pray for Gloria and Jonathan as they are seeking for jobs.
Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanEng; Exeter UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God for all the supports from brothers and sisters as well as the local BriFsh pastors during our sabbaFcal leave. Prayer request 2. BapFsmal service on 22 July 2012. 3. Most students had returned to their home countries, pray that they may seEle in the church at their home countries and conFnue to grow spiritually. 4. Pray for students during the summer, especially for those who stay to finish their final thesis and those new students coming to prepare for the coming academic year. 5. Student ministry and Sunday school in September. 6. Enoch got another relapse of his kidney problem in April, pray for God's healing.
Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God that the new commiEees of Loughborough, Warwick and Bath are serving diligently for the fellowship. Pray that they can have a balance of ministry and study in their university lives. Prayer requests 2. Warwick University Chinese ChrisFan Fellowship is going to host Midlands Easter Conference 2013. Pray that they will have the wisdom and strength to serve. 3. Pray for Evangelism explosion III (EEIII) training at Bristol. Pray that we can organise more visitaFons to preach the gospel to the non-‐ believers in Bristol. We thanked God that there were 3 elderly couples and a young lady who professed faith in Christ in the past 4 visitaFons. Also pray for the EEIII students that they have the passion and strength to preach the gospel. 4. Noah has finalised the applicaFon procedures to study in the US for his second year exchange program. If God permits, he will leave for US in mid-‐August. Pray that he has good preparaFon and he will walk closely with God every day. 5. Lawrence has been suffering from flu for the past few weeks and feeling weak someFmes. Pray that he can recover and has good rest in the forthcoming COCM retreat.
Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanEng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. For the wonderful Fme with brothers, sisters & family in NY. Joy got treatments in NY for the lower back pain and now it’s almost healed. Prayer requests 2. Most students have le; for summer; two students will stay for work and please pray for their PSW visa to be processed quickly. 3. For our family’s mission trip in Sofia, Bulgaria in mid-‐June; for our travel mercy; may God use us to comfort and encourage b/s over there, and they will conFnue trust in God in the midst of difficulFes. 4. For our worship arrangement during our absence. 5. We have met some new students at the campus; more students will be coming in June and the following 3 months. Please pray for the student ministry in the new school year at both Middlesex & Herrordshire universiFes.
Staff Prayer Items(June / 2012) Daniel and Jean Tsoi (Associate members; Manchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. We moved to a bigger house last week. Praise the Lord the moving was going smoothly. Prayer requests 2. We pray that our house would be used by God.
Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuEve Director -‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. Chi-‐Ming and Wing-‐Chun will aEend the staff retreat from 5-‐8 June. 2. Daughter Chi-‐Yan finished her family doctor study, graduaFon commencement will be on 12 June in Maastricht; a;erwards she will be a licensed family doctor. Prayer request 3. Our in-‐law Tony went to be with the Lord on 8 May, pray that God will comfort his family members to come out of their grief soon. 4. Chi-‐Ming will preach in Alliance church in Amsterdam on 3 June, in Den Bosch church on 10 June; back to Hong Kong on 13 June. 5. Wing-‐chun will be translaFng from Dutch for Sunday service on 3 June, and preach on 17 June, pray that God will use her. She will teach a bapFsm class at end of June. 6. Please pray for the follow up work of the Mandarin and Dutch speaking new believers. 7. Many church members are in poor health, please pray for them.