Staff Prayer Items(July / 2012) Gospel Team Prayer requests 1. COCM Gospel Team will have evangelis6c events (including gospel messages, music, drama, games and meals) in different university campuses during August to November. All the mee6ngs will be in mandarin Chinese. Please pray for the prepara6on of these mee6ngs and the hearts of those students who will be coming. Colchester (3rd August), Norwich (15th August), Northampton (29th August), Dundee (21st September), Glasgow (22nd September), Manchester (28th September), Sunderland (29th September), Swansea (6th October), Exeter (14th October), Lancaster (19th October), York (20th October), Hull (26th October), Bradford (27th October), Leicester (2nd November), Luton (4th November) and Guilford (9th November).
Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Ling is thankful that the Living Water magazine issue 135 was out and will be posted to the readers by mid July. Ling is now star6ng the editorial work of issue 136. 2. Daughter Annabel finished the GCSE exam in June. Thank God that she experienced some ups and downs in her study and came to know herself be\er. she also went for a 48km expedi6on at the end of June. Though they had pouring rain for two days and the road was very slippery, by the strength of God she persevered and was able to reach the des6na6on. Prayer requests 3. Please pray for our applica6on for se\lement; the appointment for our family’s interview is on 6th July, the last day before our visa expires. Please pray that we will have a smooth interview and will receive our passports and residence permits in 6me for all the planned travel in August. 4. Pray for Henry’s preaching schedule and travel safety in July: 1/7 in Bristol Chinese Bap6st Church; 8/7 in Milton Keynes Chinese Chris6an Church; 15/7 in Cambridge Chinese Chris6an Church.
Rebecca Mao (Director of Member Care; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for the good teamwork of staff and volunteers for our staff retreat and Bible Camp. 2. Thank God for my recovery of my hands and feet from itchy and peeling skin caused by the wet weather on the Far East trip. Prayer Request 3. Please pray for the planning of Sep. Bible camp and other BEST trainings courses. 4. Please pray for the trip to Basel from July 13 to 16. 5. Please pray for the training sessions for our volunteers so they will learn in knowledge as well as growing in the Lord.
Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. The bap6sm in Montpellier went well. We had good fellowship with local French church. 2. We have visited many gospel event partnering churches and many families and students in June. Thanks God we had good sharing and fellowship 6me with them and that we now know how to support and help them. Prayer Request 3. 6-‐8/7 Gospel Team Training Camp, please pray that God will prepare all par6cipants’ hearts and that they will be touched by the message in the camp. 4. 12-‐18/7 Gordon serving in Southern France (leading bible studies, visi6ng students and preaching in church) . 5. 22/7 Gordon preaching in Reading Chinese Chris6an Church. 6. 26-‐30/7 Serving in Northern England (leading bible studies, visi6ng students and preaching in church) 7. Gospel Team: Please pray that we have wisdom to allocate all team members to different events and God will bless all coordina6on work. 8. Pray for our physical and spiritual wellbeing so that we can always serve with peace and joy in our heart 9. Pray for our families’ health and that they can come to know Christ.
Dennis Yau and Jessica Guo (Associate; Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Prayer Request 1. Pray that we will soon find a suitable car for our family and for serving a short-‐term mission team during the summer. 2. Jessica is 12-‐week pregnant and everything is well afer first scan. May the Lord con6nue to watch over the whole process and our prepara6on for the next few months. 3. The prepara6on of Luton Chinese Church for a new academic year will start in August. Pray that God will help us to know the new students. 4. Pray that God will con6nue to guide Dennis’ prepara6on of discipleship training in Luton Chinese Church, and also prepare the hearts of those who are a\ending the training. 5. Pray that Dennis will have 6me to visit the bible study group in Cranfield University during the next couple of months. Pray that God will guide him to keep contact with some of the students there.
Staff Prayer Items(July / 2012) Josh Shek (Second GeneraLon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. June was a very busy 6me with several weddings and special youth programmes occurring in Bristol. Thank God that I was able to manage my 6me and energy between all of them and for God's presence through it all. 2. My first sermon in Portsmouth was given to a grand total of 4 people! Despite the small group, I thank God for the experience and hope I'll be able to develop in this area. Prayer request 3. July will be focused on PHAT Camp. We will be preparing for a Leader's Training Camp on 4-‐5th August, held in the Mission Centre, followed immediately by the main PHAT Camp itself from 6-‐10th August in Pioneer Centre. Please pray for the conference and everyone involved in the prepara6on that everything will go smoothly and that the team will serve with love for one another and with joy from God. 4. Please con6nue to pray for the youths who will be coming to PHAT Camp. May God prepare them to be refreshed through his Word. 5. Please pray for Ian Ma our speaker. 6. Please pray for me as I go into a busy month. May I find the strength and focus to serve well, and may I stay close to God and draw from Him throughout this 6me.
Min Yin (CommunicaLon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. I had a wonderful 6me at All Na6ons and I am encouraged. 2. I'm now doing the correc6on for my first draf PhD thesis and thank God for bringing me this far. 3. My parents submi\ed their visa applica6ons and plan to visit me in August. Prayer request 4. Please pray that I will con6nue to dig deep what I have learnt during the last 10 weeks and to be open for God's challenge. 5. Please pray that my thesis will be ready for submission before mid August. 6. My parents can get their visas and find cheap flight 6ckets to come here. 7. Please pray for our Bible study group as currently I'm doing Book of John with some young believers at church. May God give them hunger for his words and help me to handle God's word faithfully and clearly.
Tzyy-‐Terng Su and Yu-‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaLon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. There are three new young volunteers (Dorothy, Zhenyi and He Chong) joining us at the end of June. Altogether, we have 5 volunteers now helping with the maintenance work. They also brought us energy and liveliness into our lives. 2. Tzyy-‐Terng finished colonoscopy and blood test. Everything is well. Prayer requests 3. Please pray for Tzyy-‐Terng’s prepara6on of Bible study at Light and Salt Fellowship. 4. Please pray that the volunteers at the centre will serve and grow in their faith. 5. Yu-‐Mei is working on the design of Link issue 3. Pray that Link will bridge COCM with churches as well as individuals.
Paul Du (Centre Maintenance & IT; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. I’m thankful for the Bible Camp in June. Though I’m very 6red afer that, I learned a lot from it. 2. Thank God for driving lessons and for the encouragement and prayer from the co-‐workers. Prayer request 3. Pray that God will give me wisdom to prepare the theory test. 4. Pray that God’s grace be upon my parents, rela6ves and friends, who are not yet Chris6ans.
Anthony Lau (AdministraLon; Milton Keynes & Cambridge UK) Thanksgiving 1. Staff retreat was concluded with thanks. Prayer request 2. Main Cantonese speaker for SEEC is s6ll outstanding. 3. SEEC mee6ng on Sat 7 June in London. 4. Wisdom to use my 6me wisely.
Staff Prayer Items(July / 2012) Oiling Lam (Student Ministry; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that my Dad went to a Sunday service for parents and may the Lord con6nue to work in his heart. Prayer request 2. A student M made commitment and she plan to go back home at the end of August. May the Lord strengthen her faith and give her desire to know more of Him. 3. Pray that God will guide the path of those who just graduated this summer and also grant wisdom to those master students who are busy wri6ng their disserta6ons. 4. Please pray for the prepara6on for this upcoming new academic year, especially the evangelis6c ministry in July and August. May God give us wisdom and strength.
Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord for the mee6ngs in June when I was able to share about my work in Lancaster with brothers and sisters from my suppor6ng churches. May the Lord con6nue to guide the mee6ngs this month. 2. Praise the Lord that my grandma has adjusted very well to life in the old folk’s home. I was able to bring her home for 1 day last week. God was so gracious and in His perfect 6ming we got to see all the neighbours. Really felt His care and love. Prayer request 3. To keep in touch with the students during the furlough period. Hope to meet with the students who have come back to Hong Kong for the summer and to care for the students who have stayed behind through e-‐mail. 4. Please pray that I will be sensi6ve to the Spirit’s leading and to seize opportuni6es to share the gospel with my neighbours.
Chu-‐Yin Ho (Student Ministry; Dundee UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for His grace so far and I am surviving the hot weather though it is indeed hot. My cough is improving though I was given stronger an6bio6cs and some other medica6on for the phlegm. 2. Thank God for a blessed 6me during the mission conven6on. I have been encouraged by the simple, straighmorward but yet powerful message by the speaker and have also been encouraged by the sharing from the repor6ng missionaries. Some have challenging ministries in difficult mission field and yet their perseverance and faith was a tremendous uplifing and example for me. It was great to share at the youth workshop and also 2 sessions with the younger children, it is really exci6ng to see how responsive they are. Prayer request 3. Please pray for my upcoming trip to China/HK and for a blessed 6me of catching up with the returnees I know in Chengdu and Shanghai. I will also be in Wuhan but the students I know are s6ll not back and so will spend 6me with my rela6ves who are not yet believers. Pray that if God willing, able to share something with them. My mum will be travelling with me and she actually has met some of the returnees when she visited me in Scotland. Pray for stamina and strength. 4. During the youth workshop in Singapore, I met a girl who will be coming to study in Durham and was able to give some encouragement. I ask her to get in touch with me when she is there and hope to give her some support or link her up with some Chinese Chris6ans there.
Yuen Yee Ting (Church PlanLng; Perth UK) Prayer request 1. 15 people came to a\end the mee6ng organized by an outreach team of FCCF in June. Praise the Lord. Please pray for the leaders of the group and the people a\ending the group will believe in Jesus 2. Chan Fook (Restaurant) Fellowship will have a picnic on 23 July. Pray for the good weather and the non-‐believers we invited. Hope that they will taste the love of God.
Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Interim Dirctor of Admin, Church PlanLng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. In June, people in England celebrate the Queen's diamond jubilee. We have a joint service with the local Bap6st Church. This was a very happy occasion and helps us to appreciate more of the Bri6sh culture. We pray that God will con6nue to bless this country and people in this country will con6nue to follow His ways. Prayer request 2. There will be visita6on in July 2 and 3 in Hull. Few brothers and sisters from Leeds will join our visita6on. This will be an extensive visita6on. Pray that we can outreach to new friends. 3. There are new students coming to the university to study English in the summer. Pray for outreach work. 4. A brother will be bap6sed in Lincoln. Pray for his growth in Christ. 5. Please con6nue to pray for Gloria and Jonathan as they are seeking jobs.
Staff Prayer Items(July / 2012) Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanLng; Exeter UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God for the fellowship at the COCM annual staff retreat. Prayer request 2. Please remember the students who return to their home countries that they may se\le in a church and con6nue to grow spiritually. 3. Please remember the students who stay to finish their disserta6on, may God provide them wisdom and strength. 4. Please pray for our bap6sm service on 22 July, especially for the parents who come to a\end the service. 5. Please pray for the children ministry in September and student gospel work in October. 6. Please remember our two boys and pray for their school work, health and spiritual growth.
Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Noah has finished his first year study in university with good result. He is going to study in the US in August for his second year as exchange student; thank God that the tui6on fee will be half of what he is paying in the UK. Pray that he will be able to se\le down there and find a good fellowship or church there. Prayer requests 2. Health of Lawrence’s Dad is deteriora6ng. He was admi\ed to hospital in early June for a couple of days due to con6nuous dizziness and disability to walk. Afer discharging from hospital, family takes turn to help him at home. Pray that he can regain strength to walk as he is going to physiotherapy for treatment now. 3. Lawrence will preach in Swindon Chinese Chris6an Church summer retreat which is held on 1-‐3 Aug. Pray for good prepara6on of sermons which will benefit the church. 4. Pray for the Midlands Easter Conference 2013 commi\ee (Warwick University Chinese Chris6an Fellowship) to have wisdom to find the right venue, the English and Cantonese speakers for the conference and arrange all the logis6cs. 5. Pray for wisdom and strength for Lawrence to teach and promote the Theological Educa6on by extension in different parts of the UK and Europe.
Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanLng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. For the good fellowship with brothers & sisters in Bulgaria. The church is lack of resources in many ways. May God to provide & bless the church. Prayer requests 2. Friday fellowship at Middlesex University -‐ we will have new arrangement for new & old students. May God grant us wisdom in leading the programs. 3. For the new family bible study group on Sat night -‐ Pray that God will strengthen their faith and may they be the channels to bring more families to church. 4. We will explore other areas with large Chinese popula6on. May God guide us in every step.
Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuLve Director -‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. Mr X, who was diagnosed terminal cancer during his holiday in HK, came to Christ with the help of a pastor. He experienced the life changing power from Christ and Wing Chun will do the follow-‐up. He also wants to be bap6zed. Pray that the Lord will heal him and help him to face the chemotherapy. Prayer request 2. Please pray for Wing Chun’s service at Den Bosch Church, especially the discipleship with the new believers. A bap6sm class is star6ng now (due to language difference, the class has to be divided into different groups) and may the new believers come to know the Word of God. 3. It was the gospel Sunday on 1st July. Dr Su preached and Wing Chun was the interpreter. May the Lord use her message. 4. A joint summer camp will be held from 2nd to 6th July. Dr Ho and Dr Su will be the keynote speakers. May the Lord greatly use them. 5. Wing Chun will preach on a Sunday celebra6ng the 12th Anniversary of Den Bosch Church. May the Lord use her message to bless many more. 6. Chi Ming will preach in different churches in Hong Kong in July. 7. Chi Ming will come back to Holland on 29th July, immediately afer he finished his three sessions of preaching. He will start to teach discipleship course on 31st July and con6nue the teaching into August.
Sai-‐Wah and Edna Ng (Volunteer, HK) Thanksgiving Prayer requests 1. The cancer cells have spread to Sai Wah’s bones so the bone marrow cannot make enough blood on its own. As a result Sai Wah is anaemic and needs to go to the hospital for blood transfusion. The radiotherapy that he has been receiving has reduced the pain in his bones but has other side effects. Previously he could not keep down what he ate and had li\le appe6te but a die6cian friend has been giving them some recommenda6on and sugges6on, which has been of help. He is very thin, weighing only 90 lbs. 2. Edna’s hip hurts a bit as she has to help Sai Wah with many things. Pray that the Filipino maid can come soon to help. There has been a lot of support from both sides of the family and even Edna’s students from years ago have been visi6ng and giving them support.