Staff prayer items 2012-08-E

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Staff Prayer Items(August / 2012) COCM Headquarters Prayer requests 1. Our long-­‐,me volunteer worker Sai Wah Ng went to be with the Lord on 24th July 2012 at 5:10 pm in Hong Kong. His wife Edna told us that he leI in peace, surrounded by his immediate family, amongst much prayer and hymn singing. We give thanks to God for Sai Wah, knowing he has reached the end of his earthly journey following Christ and is now in the blessed res,ng place with the Lord. Please pray for his wife Edna and other family members that God's comfort, peace and hope will be with them during this difficult period of ,me. 2. We ask for God's Spirit and power to move freely in the upcoming PHAT camp and touch everyone at the camp. May all those aUend come to know Christ in a more personal way, be refreshed and challenged to live and shine for Christ. May God's name be liIed up and glorified in worship and all the sessions -­‐ talks, games, small groups, workshops and special programme. We specially liI up Ps. Ian Ma from the US who would be our camp speaker. Pray for safe journeys as he travels to the UK and back. May God grant wisdom, strength, and good health to all the leaders (this year we have the biggest group of leaders -­‐ 55 in total). May we be good Chris,an examples and inspira,ons to the youths. Pray for unity and peace among the leadership team. 3. Pray for the leadership retreat at the COCM mission centre before the camp (4-­‐5th August), that all the leaders aUended would be encouraged, refreshed and inspired, and become ready for the big challenge ahead. 4. Please pray for Wesley as he prepares for the leadership retreat and being the camp director again this year, and also pray for the core planning team -­‐ Josh Shek, Dave Ip, Mike Wong, MaU Coulson, Crystal Chan, Eugene Loh, Fenny Kong and Cherry Lau. 5. We also pray for the con,nued progress and development of the COCM second genera,on ministry, that we will con,nue to grow and reach out to more youths in this country.

Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord, we have completed our family’s applica,on for our UK permanent seUlement. There had been a few complica,ons during the process due to system failure and errors at the UKBA office, but we have now received all our passports and residence permits in ,me for our out of the country travel in August. Prayer requests 2. Please pray for our PHAT youth summer camp from 6th to 10th of August. Our two teenage children have signed up to aUend. Please pray they will have a fresh encounter with God during the camp and they will meet good friends there. 3. Henry will be in Dublin, Ireland from 10th to 13th of August to aUend the Chinese Gospel Church of Dublin’s 20th anniversary celebra,on. He will speak at Shenley Chris,an Fellowship’s Sunday worship service on 19th August. He will also be the speaker for the Hull Chinese Chris,an Church’s retreat from 27th to 29th of August. Please pray for his travel safety and good health. 4. Ling and the children will go back to the USA from 14th August to 4th September to visit their home church in Amherst, MassachuseUs and Ling’s parents in California. Ling will be speaking at the English worship service on Sunday, 19th August. Please pray for smooth journey and safe driving on the right side of the road.

Rebecca Mao (Director of Member Care; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that I had more ,me this month to pray and think about my spiritual need. 2. I enjoyed my ministry trip to Basel: good fellowship with some new brothers and sisters; short walk through park with trees and flowers and beau,ful landscape; saw double rainbow in the sky which reminds me of God's unchanging promise. 3. It is a joy to have study groups with the volunteers and to see them growing in the Lord.

Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. The Gospel Training Camp went well; par,cipants were involved and ready to serve in the gospel events. The event schedule and worker alloca,on plan have also been finished. 2. There are some students and families willing to serve in Montpellier and Nice, France. Prayer Request 3. Three Gospel Events in August: 3/8 Colchester; 15/8 Norwich; 29/8 Northampton. Pray that God will prepare the team's serving heart and bring more non-­‐believers to these events. May God touch their hearts and bring them to Christ in the event. 4. 8-­‐13/8 Gordon serving in Southern France, pray that more new students can be reached through the summer events. 5. 22-­‐27/8 Gordon Serving in Northern England (leading bible studies, visi,ng students and preaching in church) 6. Gospel Team: Please pray for (1) all prepara,on work including worship and drama rehearsal and promo,onal work in different loca,ons; (2) spiritual unity in our team; (3) road safety and members’ health; (4) we s,ll lack pianists in a few loca,ons, may God provide for us. 7. Pray for our families’ health and that they can come to know Christ.

Staff Prayer Items(August / 2012) Connie Yu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks for a good holiday with family and friends. Please con,nue to pray for them to come to know Jesus. Prayer Request 2. 12 August is Evangelis,c Sunday in Leicester Chinese church, and I will preach on 'Where is your home?". Please pray for my prepara,on and pray that people would come and be touched by God. 3. On 10 &17 August, I will con,nue the evangelis,c bible study with the two scholar families, please pray that their eyes, ears and hearts would be open to the gospel and start their personal rela,onships with Jesus. 4. 19 August and onwards, I will preach on a series on 1 Samuel in Leicester Chinese church, please pray for my understanding of the scripture and for the Word to build up the church. 5. Please pray for my visita,ons on Saturdays in Leicester, that I would reach more non-­‐church people and students.

Josh Shek (Second GeneraHon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. I thank God that planning for PHAT Camp is nearly over. God has brought more than 190 people to the event next week. Prayer Request 2. The Leader's Training Camp is from 4-­‐5 Aug, with around 40 volunteers expected to arrive for a weekend of fellowship, ministry and retreat. Please pray that all who aUend will find rest and be nourished over this camp to be ready to serve at PHAT Camp. 3. PHAT Camp is running from 6-­‐10 Aug will see over 130 young people from all over the UK gathered together. Please pray for God's presence and glory to shine on all and through all that are there, and for everyone, delegates and leaders alike, to be touched by God. 4. Please pray for our short term mission team: Ian Ma (camp speaker), Suanne Li and Vivian Mah as they travel from the US and minister to the young people in PHAT Camp. 5. Please pray for all the staff and leaders, that God will guide and use them for his own purpose. 6. I will also be joining Calvary CCC's Church Retreat in Brighton from 26-­‐27th Aug to help with their youth service. Please pray for my rest and that I will be able to serve effec,vely and in response to the Holy Spirit's guidance. Pray that God will fill me with his love, peace and compassion to love those I will be serving in both conferences.

Dennis Yau and Jessica Guo (Associate; Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Cranfield university fellowship has been running every Friday night for the last 3 weeks and we had built up good rela,onships with the students. 2. Thank God that we bought a second hand car in good condi,on and at reasonable price. May God use this car to help us serve Him beUer. Prayer Request 3. Pray that God will con,nue to lead Cranfield fellowship and open the hearts of the students who are going to return to China in next couple of months. 4. Pray for Dennis' service in Luton Chinese church in August, including preaching, leading discipleship-­‐training course and student ministry. 5. Pray for the student work at Luton University in this coming academic year. May God give us more opportuni,es to get to know the new students. 6. Pray for Jessica's body and mind, and baby’s healthy development during her pregnancy.

Min Yin (CommunicaHon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that I finished the wri,ng up of my thesis and now I’m doing the final edi,ng. I’m very grateful that God brought me this far. 2. My parents will come to visit me on 8th August. 3. Thank God for giving me the opportunity to share the gospel with some of my former school friends. Prayer request 4. Pray that I will be able to finish the edi,ng work of my thesis and submit it by August. 5. Pray that my parents will have a good ,me here in the UK and their hearts will be open to the gospel. 6. Pray for a Bible study group at my church for a group of university students. Pray that the Lord will grant us searching hearts to learn God’s Word. 7. Please pray for one of my school friends CA. She emailed to ask me about Chris,an faith. May the Lord open the door for her while she is willing to seek Him.

Staff Prayer Items(August / 2012) Tzyy-­‐Terng Su and Yu-­‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaHon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that the maintenance of COCM centre and the volunteer scheme are running well. Currently, we have 5 volunteers living and working with us. All of them are very commiUed and working well as a team. Thank God that we are always serving together with joy. 2. The caring team of Taiwanese Fellowship in London is gradually genng to work and the brothers and sisters from the fellowship are having beUer bonding. Currently, the number of people coming to the fellowship is increasing. 3. 3 people from the fellowship made commitment this year and one of them are going to be bap,sed in August. We are also going to start seeker’s group and discipleship training group in the next half year. Prayer requests 4. Please pray for TT’s preaching on 11th August and the prepara,on of leading the Bible study group at TFiL. 5. Pray that we will have more administra,ve staff to help with the bookkeeping and office management. 6. Pray that TT will allocate his ,me wisely among various responsibili,es, including Gospel Team and finance. 7. Please pray for good health of TT, especially the healing of his hernia. 8. Pray for the recruitment of volunteers in 2013.

Anthony Lau (AdministraHon; Milton Keynes & Cambridge UK) Thanksgiving 1. SEEC has confirmed both English and Cantonese main speakers. Prayer request 2. August will be very busy with various tasks. Pray for wisdom to handle different tasks properly, especially in ,me of hay fever. 3. SEEC reunion in HK this November. 4. My dad's problem with his respiratory system. Earlier this month he could not breathe during the night and had to rush to hospital.

Oiling Lam (Student Ministry; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that I experience His grace and love every day. Prayer request 2. Please pray for our outreach in August. May the powerful Lord lead more people to come to know Him. 3. Please pray for our follow-­‐up work so that we may help the new believers to grow in Christ. 4. May Lord raise up more believers to join the service of reaping the harvest.

Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God that the care and love from suppor,ng churches are a great source of encouragement to me. Prayer request 2. Will be visi,ng a seminary classmate in Malaysia from 31 July ,ll 8 August with fellow classmates. Feel very excited about the trip. Please pray for God’s blessings upon us. 3. Please pray for my returning to the UK on 21 August. Will need special strength to part from my grandmother. 4. Please pray for God’s provision of a house for me when I return to Lancaster.

Chu-­‐Yin Ho (Student Ministry; Dundee UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for a wonderful furlough and ,me with family in Singapore. I have the opportunity to be involved in Grace SCCC Church, my home Church's annual mission conven,on. I shared with them about my ministry here in Scotland, my personal journey of how God led me to serve Him full ,me and my experience in the mission field. 2. I am also thankful that I met some returnees in Singapore and also had the chance to visit some returnees during my trip to Chengdu and Shanghai. It was good to see that many of them are doing well and are s,ll walking with the Lord. 3. I aUended a COCM Singapore monthly prayer mee,ng. I also visited COCM Hong Kong office and had lunch with Rev. Tang and May. It was nice mee,ng up with ex-­‐COCM colleagues, returnees and of course seeing my brother. 4. Physically I was not 100% fit, but God's grace has been sufficient. For this I am thankful to all brothers and sisters who have been faithfully praying for me. Prayer request 5. In August, DCCF will resume our fellowship mee,ngs and pray that aIer a 2-­‐month summer break, we are refreshed and ready to come back and con,nue the work God has entrusted to us. May we gather to share God's wonderful work in our lives during the past 2 months and looking forward to receive and welcome new students in our midst. Pray for a fruipul and blessed ministry in the coming academic year star,ng in September.

Staff Prayer Items(August / 2012) Mary Ma (Student Ministry; Brighton UK) Prayer request 1. Thank God that my Mum and other family members are all doing well when I went back to visit them in July. Thank God for healing me as well. Please con,nue to pray for my non-­‐Chris,an family members. 2. I met some of the brothers and sisters who are growing in the Lord in China and their parents also started to know the Lord beUer. Please pray for these returnees’ con,nuous growth and the salva,on of their families. 3. Thank God that He healed a student’s father, who had gone through brain opera,on for 8 ,mes. This ,me, when he faced another relapse, the Lord showed His healing power to him and his wife. Through prayers, he commiUed himself to the Lord and to serve Him in the rest of his life. 4. Please pray for the evangelis,c events on the university campus in Brighton during the summer break. 5. Please pray for the salva,on of those Chinese living in Brighton

Yuen Yee Ting (Church PlanHng; Perth UK) Thanksgiving 1. Although it rained on the date of Chan fook's ou,ng, God provided the safe place for us to stay. We enjoyed the fellowship, worship and the fun ,me. Praise the Lord. Prayer request 2. On 13rd August, Chan Fook is going to have the short term mission in Edinburgh. a. Please pray that people are respond to the love of God. b. Pray for Pastor Ian Ching who is the speaker of the evangelis,c mee,ng. c. Pray for the team members to have the boldness to witness for God. 3. Pray for the believers who have serious illnesses. Pray that they have faith and strength in God and have appropriate treatments. 4. Some believers face different difficul,es. Pray God accompanies them to go through and strengthens their faith.

Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Interim Dirctor of Admin, Church PlanHng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. The miserable weather con,nued in July ,ll around 20th when the sun came out for the glorious Olympic Games. London is full of people. Gloria and Jonathan ventured down there to feel the Olympic spirit. We two took a break to the Netherlands to visit the floriade (flower show). Thank God for His beau,ful crea,on. 2. Thank God for leading the visita,on in July. 2 people accepted Christ. May God help them con,nue to grow spiritually. Some new people came to Sunday service. Pray that they would con,nue to aUend. Prayer request 3. There are new students coming to the university to study English in the summer. Pray for outreach work. 4. A sister will be bap,sed in Hull. Pray for her growth in Christ. 5. Hull Chinese Chris,an Church will hold the annual retreat on 27 to 29 August. Pray that God will speak to us. 6. Please con,nue to pray for Gloria and Jonathan as they con,nue to seek jobs.

Simon and Lydia Tam (Church PlanHng; Colchester UK) Prayer request 1. We will go to serve at Stockholm in Sweden and Helsinki in Finland from 3rd to 12th August. May the Lord use our ,me there. 2. We started a summer gospel class on 26th July in Colchester and we plan to meet every Thursday morning. Praise the Lord that there were 8 people coming for the first mee,ng. May the Lord con,nue to use this mee,ng to make the gospel known to many more.

Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanHng; Exeter UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God for the returnees who are boldly witnessing among their friends and family aIer they returned to their home country. May God sustain them and send them as ambassadors to spread the Gospel in different parts of China. 2. Praise God that brothers and sisters learned and asked many wonderful ques,ons in the two Bible study classes (Mandarin and Cantonese). Prayer request 3. We are going to organize an outdoor Sunday worship followed by BBQ on 26 August. Families with non-­‐believers will be invited. May His name made known and please also remember the weather. 4. COCM PHAT youth camp 6-­‐10 Aug. remember all the prepara,on, especially the speaker, the group leaders and the young people who. May God touch their lives and speak to them personally. 5. Wing-­‐ping will join the PHAT camp, please remember his health, he got another relapse of his kidney problem (this is the 3rd relapse ) since mid July, his health was knocked down a bit, we thank God that WP is very posi,ve towards the illness and the discouragement by the repeated relapse did not last long.

Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanHng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. For those students who graduated in July, may God lead them and guide them in their new journey. One student went back to China and is serving at his home church. 2. Five new students came to the Olympics opening ceremony gathering at our home. Prayer requests 3. Outreach to new students in both Universi,es, May God to touch their hearts. 4. We’re planning some summer ac,vi,es to reach out the local Chinese families, May God grant us wisdom in organizing.

Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Abraham has finished year 9 with 2 academic awards and 1 music award. Pray that his spiritual life will grow exceedingly too. He will join PHAT camp on 6-­‐10 August and pray that he will be renewed spiritually. 2. Give thanks to God for the students who graduated in July. Their hard work is rewarded and they have also made an impact on the fellowships. Pray that God will direct their footsteps in their future endeavor. Prayer requests 3. Clara’s mum is admiUed to hospital on 25July due to dizziness and the doctor is diagnosing the problem. Pray that God will take care of her and she can regain strength. Pray also she will accept Christ in her elderly life as the most precious giI. 4. Lawrence will preach in Swindon Chinese Chris,an Church summer retreat, which is held on 1-­‐3Aug. Pray for good prepara,on of sermons which will benefit the church. 5. Pray for the Midlands Easter Conference 2013 commiUee (Warwick University Chinese Chris,an Fellowship) to have wisdom to find the right venue, the English and Cantonese speakers for the conference and arrange all the logis,cs. 6. Pray for wisdom and strength for Lawrence to teach and promote the Theological Educa,on by extension in different parts of the UK and Europe.

Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuHve Director -­‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that Wing Chun’s bap,sm class is approaching the end (she had to lead the class in different languages at different ,mes). 5 of them are going to be bap,sed on 8th September. 2. A lady made her commitment to follow Jesus on an Evangelis,c Sunday (1st July) and Wing Chun is now doing the follow-­‐up. Prayer requests 3. Pray for Chi Ming’s teaching on the second session (How to Study the Bible) of a discipleship-­‐training course. He started it on 31st July and will teach the other 4 classes on 4th, 21st, 25th, and 28th August. 4. Chi Ming leI Hong Kong on 29th July and will come back to serve at Den Bosch Church in August. May God use his service back in Holland. He will go back to Hong Kong on 9th September. 5. Den Bosch church organised a one-­‐day event of visi,ng the flower exhibi,on followed by a dinner party on 7th August. Some non-­‐ Chris,ans will come to join us. Pray that the Lord will grant us good weather and bless this pre-­‐evangelis,c event. 6. Wing Chun will do the Dutch interpreta,on at Sunday service on 12th August. 7. Pastor Mui (梅仁新) from Sha Tin Assembly of God Church (Hong Kong) will come to serve among us on 10-­‐14 August. He will do the workshops and preach at Sunday services.

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