Staff prayer items 2012-12-E

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Staff Prayer Items(December / 2012) Heaquarters (Milton Keynes, UK) Prayer requests 1. Please pray for the logis2cs of two camps at the end of this year, which include the design of the main hall, the produc2on of opening video, the design and produc2on of camp booklets and name badges. Please also pray for the prepara2on of the rooms in the centre. 2. Please pray for the short-­‐term mission team members who will be coming to serve at the camps. Pray that God will prepare their hearts to serve and bring all of them safely to this country. 3. Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the seekers and may they have a willing heart to seek the truth. 4. Pray that God will also prepare those who are going to be small group leaders during the camp. On 7-­‐9 December, a training weekend for these group leaders will be held at COCM mission centre. Pray that they will not only bless the others through serving but also grow spiritually themselves.

Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord that Henry had a smooth trip back to USA to speak at the special Thanksgiving events from 23-­‐25 November at his home church in Amherst, MassachusePs. He also had a few days of rest while visi2ng his parents and his brother’s family in Aus2n, Texas. Prayer requests 2. Ling hopes to complete the proof reading work for Living Water issue 138 by early December. Pray that there will be good communica2on and efficient work to finish prin2ng issue 138 and collec2ng ar2cles for issue 139 in December. 3. Our daughter Annabel has signed up for a residen2al conference in mid-­‐December to hear the inside story of working in the medical field. Please pray that she will gain understanding of the work as well as convic2on about her own future direc2on. Pray that God will show her the way to go and we will know how to encourage and support her. 4. Our son Jonathan will take exam for one GCSE subject in Year 9. He feels uneasy about wri2ng assignments in general. Please pray that he will learn some study techniques to help and become more comfortable about wri2ng.

Rebecca Mao (Director of Member Care; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that a\er two months, the swelling of my glands and eyelids had been subsided. Some tests are s2ll being done to find the root cause of this condi2on. 2. Thank God for His presence and for the nourishing of my soul through His words. 3. It is a great encouragement to see our young workers growing in their faith and commi^ng themselves in serving the Lord. They have received good feedback and words of encouragement and apprecia2on from their perspec2ve churches/fellowships. Thank God for each one of them. Prayer Request 4. I will be preaching three 2mes this month: Canterbury, Bristol and MKCCC. May the Lord give a love for his words and strong convic2on of His power through His words. 5. There will be a training session for year-­‐end group leaders on 7-­‐9 December. Please pray for the planning and prepara2on.

Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. 2012 COCM Gospel Team events have completed and blessed with God's grace and guidance. 2. Vision sharing on 24/11 in Hong Kong went well. Some brothers and sisters were touched and willing to serve with the gospel team. Prayer Request 3. Gordon will be serving in southern France in December. He will be involved in the Christmas ac2vi2es and follow up with students who have accepted Jesus in the gospel events. 4. Maggie & Gordon serving in COCM's family and student camp from 24/12/2012 -­‐ 2/1/2013. 5. We can share our faith with non-­‐believing friends and family members during our stay in Hong Kong.

Connie Yu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks for a good 2me in Leicester church, in our gospel mee2ng. Many of them accepted Jesus to be their Saviour. Please pray for the following up work, as they are busy preparing for their exams and assignments, it's hard for them to spare 2me to come to church or read the Bible in their homes. Please pray for a desire in their hearts to know God, and wisdom for me to know how to help them. 2. Give thanks for nice fellowship with friends at my sending church and 2me to be reconnected. Prayer Request 3. Please con2nue to pray for my parents in China for them to have a desire for God and strength to face each day as they look a\er their elderly mothers.

Staff Prayer Items(December / 2012) Josh Shek (Second GeneraHon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. The networking upgrade in HQ has now finished successfully. Facili2es for staff and guests have been improved. 2. I thank God that I was able to spend some quality 2me with family in the last week of November. Prayer Request 3. I will be speaking to the Bristol youth group on the 2nd and 9th December, with a series on "Christmas". Please pray for my prepara2on and for the message to give the youths a fresh perspec2ve on the meaning of the occasion. 4. During the Christmas Family Camp I'll be taking care of some of the older teenagers. Please pray that God will use me to bring an encouraging message to the teens and for a good 2me of fellowship during the camp.

Dennis Yau and Jessica Guo (Associate; Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Prayer Request 1. Dennis will be preaching in Sheffield, Guildford and MKCCC in December. His has soar throat these days and pray that God will strengthen his health during this busy season of working and serving. 2. The student from Cranfield University is now very busy with their exams. Please pray for their exams. May God con2nue to grant them a seeking heart to come to the fellowship. 3. Jessica’s Mum will arrive in the UK on 8th December. This is her first 2me visi2ng this country. Pray that she will have a safe journey and will also get used to the weather here soon. She will aPend the Family Camp and please pray that she will come to know the Lord through the camp. 4. May God grant us peace to welcome the baby as Jessica’s due date is approaching.

Min Yin (CommunicaHon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that my Mum had a safe journey back home on 17th November. 2. Thank God that I have more 2me to read Bible and to pray. 3. Though my car experienced some mechanical problems recently, the colleagues at centre were helping me to solve the problems. Thank God for his provision. 4. I sent out my first newslePer to my poten2al supporters and mission partners and got some encouraging replies. My home church is also willing to stand behind me. I thank God that he brought me to step on this path of faith. Prayer request 5. Pray that God will con2nue to bless my parents in China and he will open up their hearts to come to know Jesus. 6. I will have my PhD oral presenta2on on 5th December and pray that God will give me wisdom to prepare for it so that I can finish well. 7. Pray that God will give me wisdom and strength to serve at two camps at the end of this year.

Tzyy-­‐Terng Su and Yu-­‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaHon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that we finished our serving with the Gospel Team and we also witnessed His protec2on and the marvelous deeds among those who came to Christ. 2. Thank God that core leadership team has been appointed for the Light and Salt Fellowship in London. All of them are willing to be used by God. Prayer requests 3. Please pray for Joe’s prepara2on for Bible study with seekers and his caring ministry. 4. Pray for the prepara2on of catering and centre facili2es of two camps at the end of 2012. 5. Please pray for the health of our volunteers at the centre. Pray that they will rejoice in their service and this opportunity of learning.

Paul Du (IT/Maintenance; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God that I passed my driving test. It was like a gi\ from my heavenly Father. 2. Praise the Lord for good communica2on with my parents and I started to understand their difficult situa2on. Prayer request 3. Please pray for two camps to be held at the end of this year. May every one who is coming experience God’s salva2on and those who will be serving experience God’s blessing.

Oiling Lam (Student Ministry; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for his countless blessings and for experiencing his power and love. Thank God for being able to serve him. Prayer request 2. Pray for Christmas Family Camp and Year-­‐End Student Camp held at the COCM mission centre at the end of this year. May God watch over us and bless us. 3. Please pray for physical and spiritual health of the students. Pray that they will have the wisdom to study. 4. Please pray for my preaching at Portsmouth CCC on 9th December. Please pray for the road safety.

Staff Prayer Items(December / 2012) Chu-­‐Yin Ho (Student Ministry; Dundee UK) Prayer request 1. DCCF will be having 2 caroling nights on 14th and 21st December (Fridays). This year, instead of organizing big celebra2on event, we are celebra2ng Christmas by visi2ng various homes to sing carols. The programme will include carol singing, Scripture reading, short tes2mony and prayer for the host. The purpose is to bring blessings and to remind us of the true meaning of Christmas. The target is to visit those who are not regulars at our mee2ngs or non-­‐believers. We will spend about 1 hour 15 mins at each home. Please pray for prepara2on, for those who are sharing tes2mony and for our road safety. 2. Con2nue to pray for S2rling CCF. We just had a special event with the help of some DCCF members. Though only one student came who is not a believer, we have much food le\ so we decided to bless the students who come to the chaplaincy to eat their dinner. Many of them are busy preparing their exams next week. Some are shy to take the offer, but a number of them are very grateful. May the Lord bless them and that they would see God's love demonstrated through this simply act of kindness. 3. Through a Chris2an student from Fujian studying in St. Andrews, who comes to DCCF for fellowship, I got to know that there are a few students in St. Andrews are interested to know more about Chris2an faith. The Christmas holiday is coming soon and they are all busy with exams at the moment, I am hoping to meet up with these students a\er the Christmas holidays so that I can understand their needs bePer and to see what can be done for them.

Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for Brother Ray Han from America who completed his 2-­‐month short-­‐term mission with us. Good rela2onship was built up and He was a great help to us. Prayer request 2. Please pray for the mee2ng on 7th December that I am responsible for. May God grant crea2vity to lead the students to share about their experiences over this term and to thank Him for all that He has done in our midst. 3. 6 students will be going to the COCM Year-­‐End Student Camp. Please pray that they will grow in their experience and understanding of God. 4. Please pray that I use my 2me well to prepare for different mee2ngs.

Grace Li (Student Ministry; NoUngham UK) Prayer request 1. It is the 2me that students are busy with their coursework. Some of them are really struggling with study. Pray that the Lord will give them wisdom with their studies and help them to have good 2me management. 2. Pray for our seeker's Bible study on each Friday night. May the Lord give me the wisdom to prepare for it and the seekers are longing to know God. 3. Pray for the Year-­‐End Student Camp that all the non-­‐believers would have a sincere heart and the Holy Spirit would do powerful work among those who will be coming. 4. Pray for the prepara2on of our Christmas party. May the Lord speak to those who will come for it . 5. Pray for the bap2sm service on 2nd December. Two students would get bap2zed and please pray for the seekers we invited will be challenged to think about the faith 6. Pray for my fund raising and the plan for my sabba2cal leave next year.

Mary Ma (Student Ministry; Brighton UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord that 8 brothers and sisters aPended the discipleship training course and they are willing to commit themselves to serve the Lord. Prayer request 2. Please pray for the bap2sm class of three brothers and one sister who are going to be bap2zed. 3. Please pray for the students who are going to take exams and prepare essays. 4. Please pray for the prayer mee2ngs at University Chapel on every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. 5. Thank God for the sacrificial service of those coming from the English church. Mary started to aPend the pastors’ prayer mee2ng every Wednesday. The pastors in Brighton are praying for the student ministry and some of them are wiling to come and help. Pray that more pastors and leaders are willing to join us next year and more overseas students will hear the gospel. 6. My elder sister is recovering from cancer. 7. Please con2nue to pray for my family who are not Chris2ans.

Yuen Yee Ting (Church PlanHng; Perth UK) Prayer request 1. Thanks for Mrs Tze who had the successful opera2on and pray for her recupera2on. 2. Please pray for my sermon on 23rd December in Edinburgh for the united service of two Chinese Churches. 3. Pray for the new small group in Perth.

Staff Prayer Items(December / 2012) Simon and Lydia Tam (Church PlanHng; Colchester UK) Prayer request 1. Essex CCC is looking for a new venue for Sunday service. Thank God that an English church is willing to have further conversa2on with us and please con2nue to pray for us. 2. Simon will be serving in Romania on 13-­‐24 December. May God use his service.

Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Interim Dirctor of Admin, Church PlanHng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. Hull Chinese Chris2an Church celebrated 4th anniversary in the beginning of November. We counted God's blessing and saw clearly His hand is at work in our small church. There were a few conversions since September. Prayer request 2. Pray for those who recently accepted Christ. For their growth in Christ. 3. Christmas is coming soon. There will be a lot of celebra2ons in Church. Pray specially for the Christmas party for the students on 14th December and the worship on Christmas day. Pray that the good news of Christmas will be preached. 4. Thank God that He guides Gloria to have a job in London. She will start her new job in January. Pray that she would be able to find suitable accommoda2on and have faith to adapt to the new job.

Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanHng; Exeter UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that he knows our situa2on and grant us wisdom to deal with it. 2. Tin is grateful for his 2me in Hong Kong with his family, especially his Mum. He also aPended the 59th Anniversary of Ling Chuen Church and had a great 2me with brothers and sisters. 3. Thank God that a student just came to Christ and another one is having a seeking heart. Prayer request 4. There are new friends joining our Mandarin Bible study group. May the Lord open her heart to receive Christ. 5. Please pray for new Chris2ans and those who are willing to seek the truth. May the Lord help them to grow in the Lord. 6. Please pray for our Youth Fellowship, who is going to discuss the plan for next year. 7. Please pray for our visita2on during the Christmas and we may meet up with some new friends so that we can share the gospel with them. 8. Please pray for the Christmas service on 25th December. May God use our service to bless those who are coming to church once a year. 9. Please pray for road safety and our health.

Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanHng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. Tiger’s mom is here for 4 months to help out, we feel so relieved and grateful. 2. We’re thankful for love & support from brothers & sisters in New York. Prayer requests 3. Tiger will be preaching at CCIL this Sunday morning then our church, 3 services in a day. Pray for wisdom & strength. 4. For prepara2ons of Christmas carols & service, for students to understand the true meaning of Christmas. 5. For God’s wisdom to help out some families to go thru difficult 2mes.

Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Thanksgiving 1. There is a good response from Ireland for TEE on 27th November. There are 20 students from the Mandarin group and the Cantonese speaking group is considering to enroll. Prayer requests 2. Pray for the development of TEE in the UK and Europe next year so that more brothers and sisters will be equipped to serve the Lord in Europe. 3. Pray for recovery of Clara’s eyesight (right eye). 4. Pray for Noah’s ability to cope with the demand of the courses in the US and he is searching for internship in summer next year. 5. Pray for a good renewal of Lawrence as he will take leave by the end of the year and prepared for the challenges in 2013.

Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuHve Director -­‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. Ying Wai (son) found a job in The Hague and he will start working on 2nd January 2013. Prayer requests 2. Wing Chun’s Mum will have her regular check-­‐up for her pace maker on 17th December. 3. Wing Chun will join the Christmas celebra2on with elderly people at Eindhoven Church on 11th December. 4. Please pray for the welcome party organized by Dutch-­‐speaking group at church. They will invite some non-­‐believing young people and a Dutch brother will share the message. May God use his message to touch people’s hearts. 5. The Christmas party of the church will be held on 21st December and Chi Ming will share the message. May God use his message and please pray for the seekers. Chi Ming will also preach at Christmas service on 23rd December. 6. Please pray for the discipleship training and follow-­‐up work at the church. 7. Please pray that Ying Wai will find a suitable accommoda2on in The Hague.

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