Staff prayer items 2012-11-E

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Staff Prayer Items(November / 2012) Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Prayer requests 1. Thank God for His protec5on over the busy month of October. Pray that Henry can find a few days to rest and renew at the beginning of November. 2. Henry will preach at the Gospel Team event in Guildford on 9/11. He will travel to USA on 21st of November to speak at the special Thanksgiving events from 23-­‐25 November at his home church in Amherst, MassachuseMs. ANerwards he will travel to Aus5n, Texas to visit his parents and brother’s family. Please pray for travel safety, as well as 5me to rest to regain the energy and renew strength. 3. Ling is thankful for good teamwork to complete issue 137 of the Living Water magazine at the end of October. Please con5nue to pray that God will prepare people giNed in literature ministry to join our team. 4. Please pray for our daughter Annabel in finding opportuni5es to have work experience placement in medical field. Also pray that we will be there for her to go through this period of 5me with wisdom, pa5ence, and uncondi5onal support.

Rebecca Mao (Director of Member Care; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for a mission conference held in Geneva at the end of October. I was the keynote speaker and I thank God that he built up his church there. I was also grateful for a safe journey and the fellowship with the brothers and sisters there. 2. Thank God that his grace is sufficient for me when I am weak in body. Prayer Request 3. I will be preaching in Colchester on 11th November. May God help me with the prepara5on and may his word encourage the brothers and sisters. 4. My lymph glands around my jaw have been swollen for a month and the GP was unable to tell what it is. I will go to see the specialist in mid November and may God grant him wisdom to detect the cause of it. Pray that God will lay his healing hands upon me. 5. Pray that God will give me wisdom to deal with the administra5ve work.

Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Eight gospel events in October were completed. Thank God for keeping and protec5ng us. We have good partnership with local brothers and sisters. Prayer Request 2. November gospel events in the UK: 2/11 Leicester; 4/11 Luton; 9/11 Guildford. Pray that God will prepare the team's serving heart and bring more non-­‐believers to these events. May God touch their hearts and bring them to Christ in the event. 3. 1-­‐2/11 Gordon serving in York student fellowships -­‐ follow up those who have accepted Christ in the gospel event and also share message about bap5sm to those who want to get bap5sed. 4. 8-­‐12/11 Gordon serving in Southern France – lead bible study and preach on Sunday service 5. Gospel Team: Please pray for (1) all prepara5on work including worship and drama rehearsal and promo5onal work in different loca5ons; (2) spiritual unity in our team; (3) road safety and members’ health; (4) have good partnership with local churches. 6. We will go to Hong Kong on 19/11, staying for approximately 3 weeks. We will share in the vision-­‐sharing mee5ng organised by COCM HK office on 24/11. Please pray for all the prepara5on work and that those who have burden to share the gospel to Chinese student s in Europe can come to the mee5ng. 7. Pray for our family members’ health and that they can come to know Christ.

Connie Yu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Prayer Request 1. I have been to Leicester, Exeter, Guildford, Hull and Bradford in October. Praise God for sustaining me, helping me to balance work and rest, drawing me close to him. Had challenges in preparing sermons, Bible studies and leading prayer mee5ngs, but at the same 5me learnt a lot from those challenges. Praise God for the opportunity to serve. 2. There are new students coming to Leicester as the new term starts. Please pray for wisdom and love to care for their different needs. 3. Praise God that my parents had started going to church. But now my grandma lives with them and needs to be looked aNer full 5me, so my dad cannot go to church any more. Please pray for them, to have a hunger for God, to read the Bible and understand what it says. Pray that they would come to know Jesus.

Josh Shek (Second GeneraHon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. The networking upgrade in COCM HQ is going well. Thank God for His provision even in the small things. Prayer Request 2. November will bring more technical projects with the remaining IT and Chapel PA systems to be installed. Please pray for my con5nued momentum in gejng these projects finished in 5me for the Year End camps. May this work serve and bless those who use our centre. 3. Please pray for me as I consider going into full 5me theological training next year. May God help me prayerfully seek whether I should commit myself to study and where I should go.

Staff Prayer Items(November / 2012) Dennis Yau and Jessica Guo (Associate; Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Jessica’s Mum got her UK visa successfully. 2. God keeps looking aNer us though we had a very busy month in October. Dennis was back from HK safely and joined gospel team to Lancaster and York. We had a nice 5me with brothers and sisters. 3. Dennis has improved the current sale system for bookroom, which will be put to use in October. It helped a lot on stock tracking. The new bookroom volunteer Shaohua has also quickly taken up some of the workload so that Jessica has more 5me to work on the E-­‐ commerce system. 4. ANer the welcoming event in Crainfield, we have had bible study and the Alpha Course, some new students come regularly now and willing to know more about God's Word. Prayer Request 5. Dennis will be very busy during November on bothhis work and church serving, including preaching, leading worship and student discipleship class in Luton CCC, serving in Crainfield and Guildford fellowships and joining the gospel team. May God give him the strength. 6. The gospel event in Luton on 04/11 and Guildford on 09/11, may God bring more students to aMend. 7. Dr Su's talk on 30/11 in Crainfield fellowship. Pray that God will bring more students with open hearts to join us. 8. We have wisdom and 5me to do all the prepara5on for the arrival of our baby during the busy season.

Min Yin (CommunicaHon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that I got my working visa in mid October and became a full-­‐5me worker with COCM. Thank God for his faithfulness throughout the process. 2. I went to different places with the Gospel Team and met many students. Thank God for revealing his greatness through these events and He is truly the God who changed people’s hearts. 3. Although we entered the Bri5sh winter 5me, thank God that I s5ll have a warm room and happy 5me at HQ. Prayer request 4. My Mum will go back home on 17th November and may God show more of himself to her during the last two weeks. 5. I will have my PhD viva on 5th December and pray that God will give me wisdom to prepare for it so that I can finish well. 6. Pray that God will help me to study more of His Word and prepare me for future service.

Tzyy-­‐Terng Su and Yu-­‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaHon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. The GP will refer Tzyy-­‐Terng to specialist for his hernia and he’s now wai5ng for further no5ce of treatment. 2. Thank God for bringing Xu Jing and Shaohua to join our volunteer team. 3. Light and Salt Fellowship had a welcoming event for the new students and more than 30 new friends have been assigned to different cell groups for follow-­‐up. 4. Thank God that the sale system of COCM Bookroom has been completed and Dennis had been a great help. 5. The hea5ng system of the COCM centre is working properly now. Prayer requests 6. Please pray for Tzyy-­‐Terng’s prepara5on for Bible study with seekers and preaching on 24th November. 7. Pray for the new leadership team of the Light and Salt Fellowship next year. 8. Two of our volunteers Melody and Mimi are currently in Singapore for a special business training course. May God give them wisdom to learn. 9. Pray for the implementa5on of E-­‐commerce system for the Bookroom.

Paul Du (IT/Maintenance; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God that the seekers at Cranfield Fellowship started to share openly and have desire to know more about God. 2. Although I failed my driving test, thank God that I was greatly encouraged by others and I also get to know some of my weak points in my driving. 3. Praise the Lord for good communica5on with my parents. Prayer request 4. I will join the Gospel Team to Leicester and Luton on 2nd and 4th November. Pray for God’s protec5on. May He use us as the vessels to win more souls back to Him. 5. I have booked another driving test on 15th November. Pray that God will give me the humble ajtude to improve my driving skills and protect me during my driving prac5ce. Not lean on my own wisdom but learn to trust in him in all circumstances. 6. Please pray for my family and may God have mercy on them. 7. Pray that God will grant me wisdom to wait pa5ently for His guidance. May he con5nue to change me and work in and throughout me so that I may follow His way.

Staff Prayer Items(November / 2012) Anthony Lau (AdministraHon; Milton Keynes & Cambridge UK) Thanksgiving 1. CRB checks for staff are going smoothly. 2. Internet is now very stable. Prayer request 3. Please remember SEEC ac5vi5es that will take place in HK. 4. Wisdom to manage 5me in the busy months leading to end of year. 5. SEEC 2013 promo5on and pray for good response.

Oiling Lam (Student Ministry; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that I had a great 5me with my family in HK and I enjoyed their support and love. 2. Thank God that I didn’t suffer much of jet lag and I got used to short days and cold weather in the UK very soon. Prayer request 3. Pray for student K’s follow up and discipleship. 4. Pray for the gospel ministry among the new students in this coming academic year. May we see Paul and Timothy rise among the believers. 5. Pray that the student believers in the fellowship will have the wisdom to balance their study and service. 6. Pray for our ou5ng on 10th November and may God help both the old and new students to get to know each other.

Chu-­‐Yin Ho (Student Ministry; Dundee UK) Prayer request 1. Please pray for our special gospel mee5ng on 28th November, reaching out to the Chinese students in S5rling University. It is pre-­‐ evangelis5c in nature and there will be no preaching. We are hoping to share about God's love and tes5fy about His goodness through songs and personal tes5mony. We are not sure how many will come but we hope we can have about 20-­‐25 students. 2. There is only one HK student who will be ac5vely involved in the organising and prepara5on. So we are limited in manpower but we are thankful that a few brother and sisters from Dundee CCF who have shown concern for the group are willing to come and help. 3. I will be leading the songs and Peng Lu will be sharing her tes5mony, so please pray for our prepara5on. May God use her tes5mony to encourage the Chinese students in S5rling.

Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord indeed for His wonderful work in our midst. Around 100 new students aMended the evangelis5c mee5ng on 19 October. They were very aMen5ve and enjoyed the mee5ng. 14 students that night filled in forms to say that they would like to accept Christ. In the follow-­‐up the following week 5 prayed to accept Christ. 45 students came to the next Fellowship mee5ng on 26 October and half of them were new people. Please pray that God would con5nue to lead these students to Himself and give me and my fellow workers love and wisdom to nurture them. Prayer request 2. 4 Master students have completed their courses and will return to China at the end of the year. Please pray that God would guide them in their remaining 5me in the UK and strengthen them in their trust and commitment to Him.

Grace Li (Student Ministry; NoUngham UK) Prayer request 1. Please pray for our seeker's Bible study on Friday. May the Lord open the seeker's eyes to see the power of the Bible. 2. Students are entering the busy 5me for their study, so the heavy study may stop the seekers to come along. Please pray for God's work among them so that they will s5ll have a desire to come for the Bible study. 3. Please pray for my mum's health. 4. A few students have been growing in their faith. Please pray that they could carry on the good effort in faith.

Mary Ma (Student Ministry; Brighton UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord that we contacted 495 Chinese students in October and the number of students coming to our Friday gospel mee5ngs added up to 102. 2. ANer sharing the needs of reaching out to these Chinese students among the local pastors in Brighton, there will be 5 of them coming to help with our gospel mee5ngs in November. Rev. Julian Rebera is even willing to just be the driver for us on every Friday night. Prayer request 3. Please pray for the salva5on of 3,000 Chinese students in Brighton and the local Chinese immigrants. 4. Please pray for our weekly gospel mee5ngs on Friday night, Sunday services and the Bible study aNerwards. 5. Please pray for the prayer mee5ngs at University Chapel on every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. 6. Please pray for 3 brothers who are going to be bap5zed and 6 nominal Chris5ans to understand the true meaning of salva5on. Please also pray for other brothers and sisters to be deeply rooted in God’s Word. 7. Please con5nue to pray for my physical and spiritual strength.

Staff Prayer Items(November / 2012) Yuen Yee Ting (Church PlanHng; Perth UK) Prayer request 1. Pray for a believer who underwent an opera5on on 1st November. She had two opera5ons on the same day. Pray for God's grace and mercy upon her and pray that her family members will experience that our God is a faithful God. 2. In FCCF we are going to learn how to pray. May God help everyone to enjoy praying. 3. Pray for those who are s5ll in difficul5es. May God's Word encourage them. Pray that they would have faith in God.

Simon and Lydia Tam (Church PlanHng; Colchester UK) Prayer request 1. Simon and Lydia will go to Hong Kong for furlough from 6th November to 4th December. Please pray for the prepara5on before going back and pray for the physical and spiritual health during their stay in Hong Kong. Please also pray for a good fellowship with brothers and sisters from the suppor5ng churches.

Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Interim Dirctor of Admin, Church PlanHng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. The COCM gospel team came to organise a gospel mee5ng on 26th October. More than 40 students aMended and a few students accepted Christ as their saviour. Praise the Lord. Prayer request 2. Pray for those who recently accepted Christ and for their growth in Christ. 3. Hull Chinese Chris5an Church will celebrate 4th anniversary on 4th November. Pray for the growth of the church. 4. Pray that we could have good health and spiritual strength to serve God. 5. Pray for Gloria as she con5nues to look for a job and to seek for future direc5on. Pray for faith and pa5ence.

Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanHng; Exeter UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that Carol aMended Europe Pastors Consulta5on in October and she gained a lot from the conference. 2. Thank God that all the new students have seMled well so that they can focus on their studies. Prayer request 3. The Student Fellowship started to meet and pray that the young people will get to know one another. The topic of the fellowship is “Knowing Jesus” and we will do Bible Study together. Pray that the seekers will get to know Jesus and the believers will know Him, love Him and follow Him. 4. Tin went to speak at a prayer mee5ng for the pastors in South West England on 1st November. May God use his message. 5. Please pray for our Bible Study groups in Mandarin and Cantonese. Both groups will start in mid November. The topic for Mandarin group is “The way of Paren5ng”. 6. Tin went to speak at a Sunday service in Plymouth. May God use his message and please pray for Plymouth Chinese Chris5an Fellowship. 7. Pray for the health of our family as we enter the Bri5sh winter 5me.

Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanHng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. For new students who have come to the fellowships at both universi5es & worship. Please pray that we can reach out to more students through them. 2. Joy’s lower back pain is gejng beMer. Please pray for a complete recovery and may God protect her in the last trimester. Prayer requests 3. For people including our friends & family who are affected by the Super storm Sandy on the US east coast. 4. For US presiden5al elec5on – for new leadership who can follow & obey God to lead US.

Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Prayer requests 1. The memorial and funeral services for Clara's mum will be held on 15th November (Thurs) and 16th November (Fri) respec5vely. Clara will aMend the services in Hong Kong. 2. Pray for God's help so that the memorial service and funeral will honor His name and the non-­‐Chris5an rela5ves and friends can find comfort in Christ too. 3. Praise God that we have confirmed the Chinese and English speakers for Midlands Easter Conference 2013. Pray for the commiMee that they can work out the logis5cs of the whole program of the conference.

Staff Prayer Items(November / 2012) Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuHve Director -­‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. The Musical Gospel Event organized by Den Bosch Church, Mary Cheung together with a short-­‐term mission team from Far East Broadcas5ng Associates of Canada (FEBC) went well on 13th October and 4 people commiMed their lives to Jesus Christ and 2 others re-­‐ commiMed their lives. Please remember these new believers and the follow-­‐up. 2. Wing Chun’s Mum fully recovered from pneumonia and thank God for His healing power. 3. Ying Wai (son) got a job and we thank God for preparing it for him. Prayer requests 4. Wing Chun will preach on 4th November and serve as Dutch interpreter at Sunday service on 4th and 18th November. May God anoint her and give her strength. 5. Wan Lung (Wing Chun’s brother) had an infec5on aNer his opera5on of kidney stone removal. He was admiMed into hospital on 23rd October for the second 5me. May God heal him. 6. Wing Chun will test the blood pressure for the elderly people in Eindhoven on 13th November. 7. Wing Chun will lead the regular mee5ng of pastoral team from the church on 24th November. 8. Chi Ming will prepare the vision-­‐sharing mee5ng in Hong Kong on 24th November. May God guide the mee5ng.

Eugene Chan (Finance; Newcastle UK) Thanksgiving 1. Fang's mom con5nued to read the Bible aNer returning home; Fang's dad kept on trus5ng God in daily life. 2. Some Malaysian students in Sunderland become more serious about their faith in Christ. 3. Gospel event has brought Fang and Eugene in touch with 10-­‐15 new students from mainland China. Prayer requests 4. Fang’s parents will have on-­‐going awareness of God. 5. We will have desire to grow deeper in our faith in God and our commitment to reach out to the Malaysian students. 6. More mainland Chinese students will hear the gospel, and be touched by the Holy Spirit.

Irene Chan (Church planHng; Bradford UK) Prayer requests 1. My mother went to be with the Lord on 4th November at the age of 91. She passed away peacefully and my eldest sisters were by her side when she breathed her last. I was planning to go home on 7th November (Wednesday) for her funeral. We are comforted by the thought that she is with the Lord. The Lord has given both of my parents long lives and we are grateful to have had very loving parents.

Faye Lee (Missionary Partner; Milton Keynes/Manchester UK) Prayer requests 1. Thanks to the Lord that the bookroom e-­‐commence project is progressing according to the schedule. We have already done the "Bible" sec5on, and hopefully we can complete the "book" sec5on (the largest part) and part of the 'media' sec5on at the end of November.

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