Staff prayer items 2013-02-E

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Staff Prayer Items(February / 2013) Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Henry had a frui/ul trip to California at the end of January. In addi7on to speaking at Davis Chinese Chris7an Church’s mission conference, he also had opportuni7es to reconnect with our supporters and visit family members in the area. Prayer requests 2. Please pray for Henry’s bus preaching schedule during Chinese New Year this month: 9/2 Oxford CSSCF; 10/2 Milton Keynes CCC; 11-­‐13/2 to Glasgow, Scotland to speak at the evangelis7c event by CCREFS (Chinese Chris7an Restaurant Evangelism Fellowship in Scotland); 17/2 Canterbury CCC. 3. Please pray for the planning of future edi7ons of the Living Water Magazine. May the Lord grant wisdom and a good team of writers to work on each issue together. Pray that we will remember to rely on God’s strength to con7nue the work of our literature ministry. 4. Our son Jonathan needs to choose his GCSE subjects this month. He is quite clear about what he wants to study. Pray that both Annabel and Jonathan will be diligent and mo7vated in their studies.

Rebecca Mao (Director of Member Care; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Three volunteers finished their service at COCM this month. We have enjoyed their fellowship and presence. 2. Praise the Lord that all our new missionary workers have been granted UK working visa. We thank God for his provision. Prayer Request 3. I will be in Helsinki, Finland from Feb. 8-­‐11 and will be speaking for Gospel mee7ng on Friday, lead a fellowship on Saturday and preaching and leading prayer mee7ng on Sunday. Please pray for my prepara7on for different ministries and for good fellowship with brothers and sisters in Finland. 4. We will have a training camp from March 8 to 10. Please pray for all the prepara7on work and for people to come with readiness to be trained. 5. Pray for our volunteers who are seeking the Lord's will for their future career direc7on. 6. A sister from Taiwan will be here this month as a short term missionary and we will have a Bri7sh seminary student doing his internship with us for a month. Please pray for both of them that their 7me with us will be frui/ul.

Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Ajer discussing with our young volunteers and colleague, the theme of 2013 Gospel Team event has been confirmed; evalua7on for 2012 events and improvement plan has been made. 2. Ajer a year of discipleship training, a few brothers and sisters are willing to help leading Bible study during our absence in Montpellier, France. Prayer Request 3. 6-­‐11/2 Gordon serving in Southern France to lead Bible study, visit students and preach on Sunday service. 4. Pray for stability of the Internet when Gordon leads brothers and sisters (in France) for prepara7on of Bible study from the UK and wisdom in knowing how to follow-­‐up with them. 5. 13/2 we will be sharing on Boys-­‐Girls Rela7onship in Guildford student fellowship. 6. 17/2 Gordon preaches in Coventry Chinese Chris7an Church. 7. 21-­‐25/2 Gordon serving in Northern England to lead Bible study and preach on Sunday service. 8. Pray for the sister who will be wri7ng the drama script for our 2013 gospel events. Pray that God will give her wisdom and inspira7on to write the script. 9. Pray for all the coordina7on work with partnering churches for the 2013 student gospel events. 10.Pray for our health and our families’ health, and that they can come to know Christ.

Connie Yu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks for good response from the students – ajer alending the COCM year end camp, there is a change and revival in their rela7onship with God. In January, two girls became Chris7ans, and at least six students have started doing a discipleship course. Praise the Lord! Prayer Request 2. I am going to Leicester three weekends in February. Please pray for good prepara7on and interac7on with the students. 3. Give thanks for good recovery from my teeth extrac7on. Please pray that I will adjust to the new way of eat now that I have my braces on. 4. Please pray for my parents, as they are very 7red looking ajer their two elderly mothers. Please pray that they would find God in their distress.

Staff Prayer Items(February / 2013) Josh Shek (Second GeneraHon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. I thank God that I got to spend some 7me with family in January and for a more res/ul month. 2. The youth group in Bristol con7nues to grow despite changes in leadership. Prayer Request 3. I will be speaking to 2 different youth groups in February. Please pray for guidance on what to prepare and how God wants to speak to the youths. 4. PHAT Camp is hos7ng a Leaders Retreat from 16-­‐17th Feb. Please pray for our programme and for those that alend to experience a weekend of rest, fellowship and encouraging ministry.

Paul Du (IT/Maintenance; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. I am thankful for a solid beginning in 2013, as a new driver I experienced God’s protec7on and learned valuable lessons of humility. 2. I am delighted to be given annual leave from 3/2 to 7/3 to celebrate Chinese New Year with my family back in China. May God grant smooth travel. Prayer Request 3. Please pray for a suitable church and spiritual partners near home when I am in China, that I will not drij away from God. Pray that my parents will understand and support me to alend church weekly. 4. Pray that I will be ready to share the gospel with others. May God grant insight, pa7ence and a loving heart to see their needs and bring them to Christ. 5. May God watch over the Cranfield fellowship and may the students get to know Jesus and trust Him.

Dennis Yau and Jessica Guo (Associate; Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Jessica is recovering well from giving birth and baby Shannon is growing at a healthy rate. Prayer request 2. Dennis's family will come to visit and stay in the UK this month. Pray that they will have chance to know about Jesus. 3. Dennis's preaching in Sheffield on 17/02. 4. Pray for Cranfield Fellowship, that more students will be willing to come and open their heart. 5. Pray for Jessica to have wisdom in taking care of the newborn. 6. Jessica’s uncle passed away in Beijing recently. Praise the Lord that he accepted Jesus two weeks before that. May the Lord comfort his family members.

Min Yin (CommunicaHon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks for a period of relaxed 7me with family and friends at home. My parents went to church with me last Sunday and they have kept going to the church since they came back from UK. 2. I met up with brothers and sisters from my previous fellowship in Shanghai. Most of them have gone to different churches/fellowships, but God blessed them with new experience and blessed others through them. Praise the Lord that there is a season for everything and every ac7vity under the heavens. I was also greatly encouraged by their love and care. Prayer request 3. Pray that God will con7nue to work in my parents' hearts through His Word and by reading relevant books. 4. Pray that I will have the opportunity to share the gospel with my family and friends when I see some of them during the holiday. 5. Pray for my journey back to UK on 16 February and I will be ready for the work ahead.

Tzyy-­‐Terng Su and Yu-­‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaHon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. TFiL had a frui/ul annual retreat on 4-­‐5 Jan and newly selected core workers had taken up their roles. This year’s theme is: “Con7nue the Faith, be Light and Salt”. We will focus on equipping poten7al workers. 2. We had a great ou7ng with centre staff and volunteer on 11 of January. Thank God for the wonderful team of volunteers to work and have fun together. 3. God’s grace is sufficient and the arrangement of Joe’s hernia was 7mely. He now has enough days to recover and do other check-­‐ups. May is also geqng treatment for her health concerns. 4. Thank God for this 7me of rest, and opportunity to share with pastors, elders, as well as young people about our ministry in the UK back home. Prayer requests 5. Pray for prepara7on of TFiL ministry this year, including preaching, Bible study with seekers, follow-­‐up visits and discipleship training. 6. Mission centre maintenance and hospitality will be picked up mostly by volunteers in February while staff members are on annual leave. May God grant them wisdom that they can be trained to shoulder different responsibili7es on their own. 7. Pray for new volunteers coming during the second half of the year. 8. Pray for Joe’s post opera7on recovery and May’s treatment of her anemic condi7on. 9. Pray for Joe’s parents, his mother’s blood sugar control and his father’s further check-­‐up on symptoms caused by recent car accident.

Staff Prayer Items(February / 2013) Anthony Lau (AdministraHon; Milton Keynes & Cambridge UK) Thanksgiving 1. The Lord’s grace is sufficient during the (more than normal) busy January. Prayer request 2. S7ll not recovered from my allergy and geqng 7red easily these days. Pray for strength and wisdom to know what the allergy is telling me about my body.

Oiling Lam (Student Ministry; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for His protec7on over the past year. Prayer request 2. Please pray for A and B students who just made their commitments. May God strengthen their faith and help them to grow spiritually. 3. Pray for Chris7an students to have good tes7mony among others and share the gospel with their friends. 4. Pray for my furlough back to Hong Kong and adjustment in my study. May God help me to finish my ministry work there.

Chu-­‐Yin Ho (Student Ministry; Dundee UK) Prayer request 1. The DCCF had a break during the student's Christmas holidays and have restarted mee7ng last Friday. The weather condi7on that day was not great but we were thankful that were 4-­‐5 new exchange students from Hong Kong and 2 new students from China joined us. We had a 7me of good sharing and pray that God will keep them coming. 2. On the 8/2, DCCF will be celebra7ng Chinese New Year and it will be an evangelis7c mee7ng. The theme for the mee7ng will be 'Abundant Life' and we have invited Professor Kung Mouliang from the Overseas Campus ministry to be our speaker. Do pray for safe journey for Professor Kung, and his prepara7on for the message. Pray that there will be many Chinese students or families to come and join us in the mee7ng. Pray for the hearts of those who come and that they will be ready to hear the gospel. 3. Pray for S7rling CCF as they have a long Christmas break. The fellowship will not restart 7ll 13/2. Pray that God will bring new people to come and join the fellowship.

Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Prayer request 1. Praise the Lord for enabling me to complete all the work in January and to spend 28 Jan 7ll 20 Feb in Hong Kong for Chinese New Year. The last 7me I was there for CNY was 2006. Pray for God’s blessing as I spend 7me with family and that I can share with them God’s goodness to me. 2. Thank the Lord that around 10 students have been alending the follow up group. May God move more students to be willing to use their 7me in this way and make the effort to grow. 3. Please pray for our Friday evening fellowship 7me. May God speak to each student and give wisdom and energy to Phil and Ling as they lead the group. 4. I will be leading a workshop “Sharing Christ with Chinese Students” at a Friends Interna7onal North West Training Day on 23 Feb. Please pray for inspira7on as I mull over this in Hong Kong!

Grace Li (Student Ministry; NoUngham UK) Prayer request 1. Pray that I would have a clear and god guided plan for my sabba7cal leave. Thank God for the door he showed me for my study, but I s7ll need to work on my arrangements for visi7ng different people in different places. 2. Pray that my landlord would agree to extend my house ren7ng contract for another year. Since I will have my sabba7cal leave this year, I hope the house issue will be worked out peacefully. 3. Pray for our seeker's Bible study. May the Lord grant me and my coworkers wisdom to communicate with the seekers. Pray that the seekers would come regularly. 4. Pray for my parents' health. 5. Pray for our Chinese New Year celebra7on at Cornerstone church on 10th Feb. May the comers have a blessed 7me.

Mary Ma (Student Ministry; Brighton UK) Prayer request 1. Pray for the Friday night university campus gospel mee7ng. 2. Pray for Chris7an students who feel the academic pressure. Pray that they will balance their 7me spent in study and ministry. 3. A few believers are in bondage for various reasons. 4. Pray that students will take 7me from study to hear the gospel. 5. Pray for Mary to have needed strength physically and spiritually in her ministry.

Staff Prayer Items(February / 2013) Yuen Yee Ting (Church PlanHng; Perth UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that one lady accepted Christ recently. Praise the Lord. 2. Thank God that a mum and a son went to the Chinese Church because they saw the good example of a Chris7an. Prayer request 3. Restaurant Fellowship is going to have a mee7ng to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Please pray for good weather and that people have a safe journey to Glasgow. Pray for the preacher and also and believers to serve in different program. 4. Pray for those believers who have sickness and difficul7es. May God strengthen them and have mercy on them.

Simon and Lydia Tam (Church PlanHng; Colchester UK) Prayer request 1. Simon will be in Romania on 8-­‐18 February. May God use him to serve the church there. 2. Pray for the need of a long term pastor at the Romania Chinese church. May God provide for them. 3. Colchester Chinese church has found a new loca7on for Sunday worship service (the current loca7on is no longer available). May God grant wisdom to Simon and Lydia to talk to the Bri7sh church leadership, so we can start mee7ng at the new loca7on in March. 4. Please pray that God will protect believers in Colchester UK, Romania, and Basel Chinese churches, that they will con7nue to grow spiritually with a heart to fellowship and serve. Pray that God will remove all obstacles and hindrance set by Satan.

Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Interim Dirctor of Admin, Church PlanHng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. It was a snowy January, with temperature lowered than normal. A lot of mee7ngs were cancelled. The hea7ng system at our church broke down for a month. It was a 7me to rest at home. Thank God that the snow has now melted, the hea7ng is restored and the weather is much warmer. Spring finally arrives. Prayer request 2. Pray that God would use the mee7ngs for Chinese New Year to alract new friends. 3. Pray for student work as the new term of the university starts now. 4. Pray that we could have good health and spiritual strength to serve God, to discern His will.

Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanHng; Exeter UK) Thanksgiving 1. People in the Cantonese Bible Study discipleship group love studying God’s Word. 2. Thank God for good health and strength to serve him in various difficult situa7ons. 3. Mandarin Bible study group learn to recognize different emo7ons and how to deal with them posi7vely through God’s Word. There were good discussions, sharing and applica7on; even non believing friends are enjoying Bible reading because of the study sessions. 4. Various church mee7ngs took place as usual despite the unpredictable rain and snow. 5. Brother from our home church sent us 7mely Chinese New Year gijs of red envelops with Bible verses. Prayer request 6. Believers will love God’s Word and apply the truth in their lives so they can be light and salt. 7. Non believing friends will come to know God. 8. Chris7an students can rely on God’s strength to face different challenges; non believing students will find the Truth. 9. During the Chinese New Year holiday, we will contact different friends and bless them. 10.Carol will be in Basel from 15-­‐17/2 to lead Bible study and preach a gospel message on Sunday. 11.P family is facing pressure and marriage is in crisis; the wife is willing to pray and study the Bible. Please pray for them. 12.Pray for God’s protec7on of our health and safe driving on the road in the rain and snow.

Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanHng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. For Joy’s smooth delivery & recovery: smooth rides to hospital three 7mes during the cold snowy weather; street parking which normally would be extremely difficult to find near hospital in Zone 1 was available due to the snow; Joy was able to take care of baby & discharging while Tiger lej for worship the whole day and both Joy & baby were home the same day at the evening. Prayer requests 2. Pray for us to have strength to take care of baby and Winston’s adjustment to having the new baby in the family. 3. Pray for bap7sm class to start in Feb and those candidates; and a place for bap7sm in April. 4. Pray for God’s wisdom as Tiger needs to preach every Sunday and lead the fellowship every week.

Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Clara recovered very well ajer the surgery for her re7na alachment. Prayer requests 2. Midlands Easter Conference 2013 is open for applica7on now. Pray that God will give wisdom to the commilee to promote the conference and prepare the details for the whole program on 29/3-­‐1/4. 3. Pray that God will give wisdom and abili7es for Lawrence to teach TEE and cope with the related administra7on work. Leicester and Manchester will have TEE classes in January and February respec7vely.

Staff Prayer Items(February / 2013) Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuHve Director -­‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. Pastor Wong from the UK will serve at the Den Bosch church from 9-­‐12/2. 2. Ying Wai (son) likes his new job and has a very good supervisor. 3. Chee Yan (daughter) and two other young people are planning a camp in May. Prayer requests 4. Chi Ming and Wing Chun will go back to Holland together on 15/2. Chi Ming will then be back to Hong Kong on 17/3 to resume the work there. 5. Chi Ming will preach at the Den Bosch church on 17/2, and teach the spiritual growth course for believers on 18/2; he will also drive from Holland to UK from 22-­‐26/2 with 7 others to con7nue the course along the journey. May God grant travel safety and strength for Chi Ming as the sole driver. 6. Please pray for the 12 believers taking a discipleship training course.

Faye Lee (Missionary Partner; Milton Keynes and Manchester, UK) Prayer requests 1. Keep on praying for the e-­‐commerce project, especially brother Jianfeng who only works for this project ajer his busy day schedule. 2. Praying for my prepara7on for adult Sunday school programme and preaching.

Tim Li (Volunteer Ministry worker; Glasgow, UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that our Tuesday open house for seekers ac7vity has taken place for two consecu7ve weeks, each 7me we had 10 people. They used to alend Bible study but had stopped coming. Through this ac7vity some have been coming to Bible study again and we con7nue to be in touch. 2. I have been doing one-­‐on-­‐one discipleship with another brother for two weeks. We have regular Bible study and prayer 7me, as well as personal sharing, so I am able to get to know him beler and know how to pray for him. Prayer requests 3. There will be a special mee7ng on 9/2 at church to celebrate Chinese New Year. We are going to make dumplings. Please pray that God will watch over the whole event, and bring more seekers to come to know Jesus. Pray that God will help me to handle the coordina7on work. 4. I will take a seminary course at ICC and have class on every Thursday star7ng at the end of January. Pray that God will help me to adjust to the biblical study in an English environment. 5. Pray that God will watch over our Tuesday open house and my one-­‐on-­‐one discipleship ministry so I will experience more of God’s guidance and provision.

Shaohua Wang (Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. I have the opportunity to serve at COCM with brothers and sisters. 2. With help from Jessica, I was able to take over the Bookroom rou7ne work. 3. Working with volunteers we were able to finish the Bookroom annual inventory and stock check. The new system is also in opera7on. Prayer requests 4. Please pray for good team work with other staff, and I will learn the process of book ordering quickly. 5. May God lead my involvement in the Milton Keynes Chinese church’s ministry.

May Tsang (Hong Kong Office; Hong Kong) Thanksgiving 1. My father’s health is improving but is s7ll in the hospital. Prayer requests 2. Pray for my mother’s health as she has to use a lot of energy and strength to take care of her husband and grand children. 3. Pray that my husband will be strong physically as he is working 15 hours a day. 4. Pray that God will heal us as the whole family is sick.

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